Confirm Sentence Examples
Betsy was hopeful she might be able to confirm where the people had lived.
A bunch of people confirm it.
Ethel Rosewater called to confirm Thursday night.
She turned slowly and craned her head to confirm the design covered every inch of her exposed neck.
I'm waiting for Jenn to confirm, and we'll schedule to take it out tomorrow morning, Toni said.
We were going to confirm, but he freaked out.
I'm uploading information to confirm the order for assistance.
She pulled up her shirt to confirm the bruises were gone.
Denying it seemed fruitless yet I couldn't bring myself to confirm what she was saying.
If the maid gave her the airline info, she could call to confirm her sister was on board.
AdvertisementA fisherman had thought he'd sighted a body in the bay, but it was too far away to confirm and, with night approaching, the shape was lost in the darkening swells.
He called in to confirm but then lost the vehicle in traffic.
It took the group only moments to confirm the year—1961.
No serious observer, acquainted with modern microscopic technical methods, has been able to confirm the explanation of their observations.
She wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep, but she need to confirm what her instincts told her before she acted.
AdvertisementThe court contemplated by the convention was a court of appeal for reviewing prize decisions of national courts both as to facts and as to the law applied, and, in the exercise of its judicial discretion, not only to confirm in whole or in part the national decision or the contrary, but also to certify its judgment to the national court for enforcement thereof.
He'd be able to read her mind and confirm she was indeed intent on destroying the gateway between the realms.
He rejected with indignation the miraculous stories told to confirm the doctrine of transubstantiation.
He finds a remarkable agreement between the theoretical and experimental values, which it would be important to confirm with the more suitable instruments which are now at our disposal, as we might in this way get an estimate of the energy of translatory motion of the luminous molecules.
He opened it to confirm his presumption regarding Sarah's hair.
AdvertisementTests of blood, urine, and tissue can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
He checked her thoughts to confirm she changed her ticket then rose.
But they were unable to confirm or deny.
Nominated chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1795, he presided during the August term, but the Senate refused to confirm the nomination, apparently because of his opposition to the Jay Treaty.
Norfolk called to confirm Dean's flight, adding there was nothing much new on the case from their end.
AdvertisementAlso, be sure to confirm the shipping cost as some eBay users charge inordinate amounts for shipping.
This procedure, also called the glucose loading test, is performed to evaluate excessive baseline levels of hGH and to confirm diagnosis of gigantism in children (and acromegaly in adults).
Although laboratory studies are seldom performed, the physician may order further blood tests or cultures of the lesions in order to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other causes.
The test helps diagnose or confirm certain febrile diseases that are known to be associated with febrile agglutinins.
In order to confirm a diagnosis of enterobacterial infection, physicians usually rely on patient history, physical examination, and laboratory tests.
He identified several major flaws in her defense, struck them multiple times to confirm, and caught her wrist to stop her.
Imaging studies are used to confirm diagnosis.
Other tests are likely be done to confirm a diagnosis.
Diagnosis of a pervasive developmental disorder is difficult because there is no specific medical test, like a blood test or imaging test that can confirm the diagnosis.
The name "mountain house" suggests a lofty structure and was perhaps the designation originally of the staged tower at Nippur, built in imitation of a mountain, with the sacred shrine of the god on the top. The tower, however, also had its special designation of "Im-Khar-sag," the elements of which, signifying "storm" and "mountain," confirm the conclusion drawn from other evidence that En-lil was originally a storm-god having his seat on the top of a mountain.
The committee's opinion on these two points (among others) was endorsed by the House and on the 16th of March it ordered a Bill to be brought in to restore all corporations to the state and condition they were in on the 29th of May 1660, and to confirm the liberties and franchises which at that time they respectively held and enjoyed.'
While the information obtained by surface explorations is always valuable, and sometimes conclusive, as to the value of the deposit, it is usually necessary to supplement Under- Ex- and confirm it by underground work.
At the height of his country's disasters he sought to confirm his own power by making terms with the Florentines, by yielding certain castles to Lucca, and by neglecting to conclude negotiations with the Genoese for the release of the prisoners, lest these should all prove more or less hostile to himself.
In 1315 the Scottish parliament met in the church of St John to confirm the succession of Edward Bruce to the throne.
The words "confirm" and "confirmation" are not used in the Bible in this technical sense, which has only grown up since the 5th century, and only in the Western churches of Christendom and in their offshoots, but the rite itself has been practised in the Church from the beginning.
But this list of forty names, corresponding to the years of wandering, is from a post-exilic source, and may be based merely upon a knowledge of caravan-routes; even if it be of older origin, it is of secondary value since it represents a tradition differing notably from that in the earlier narratives themselves, and these on inspection confirm Judg.
The two opposite processes confirm the inference that both are due to some change of race, not merely to a change of custom in the same population in a later age; for in that case the change would have been in one direction only.
Having thus begun by touch and tactile inference, we confirm and extend our inferences of bodies in Nature by using the rest of the senses.
Open all year, daily from 10 am, seasonal variations in closing times please call to confirm.
All Napoleon's wars serve to confirm this rule.
The hGH stimulation test, also called hGH provocation test, insulin tolerance, or arginine test, is performed to test the body's ability to produce human growth hormone and to confirm suspected hGH deficiency.
Samples of tissue from an affected area may also confirm a diagnosis.
Laboratory blood test looks for the virus or to confirm the presence of antibodies that fight the virus.
In some cases, these tests are not conclusive enough to confirm the diagnosis of congenital cardiovascular defects.
Concentrations that are above the normal range can confirm the initial suspected diagnosis.
The only sure way to confirm a case of rubella is by isolating the virus with a blood test or in a laboratory culture.
A blood test can be used either to confirm a recent infection (IgG and IgM) or determine whether a person has immunity to rubella (IgG only).
Any x-ray series performed involves at least two views of the area to confirm the presence of the fracture because not all fractures are apparent on a single x ray.
A blood test for Bartonella henselae may be ordered to confirm the doctor's diagnosis.
Another approach that can be used to confirm the diagnosis is to audiotape or videotape the child at home or in another less stressful setting.
The pediatrician will often perform a red reflex test to diagnose or confirm leukocoria.
An ultrasound evaluation is used to confirm the presence of the tumor and to evaluate its size.
In some anemias, a bone marrow sample will be removed (bone marrow biopsy) for microscopic examination, especially to confirm iron deficiency anemia or the megaloblastic anemias.
In all cases, however, laboratory tests are essential to confirm the exact diagnosis and to allow for the provision of accurate genetic counseling about recurrence risks and testing options for parents and affected individuals.
This test can be performed to help confirm the diagnosis and establish the exact genetic type of thalassemia.
Collagen or DNA tests may help confirm a diagnosis of OI; test results may take several weeks to confirm.
When OI occurs as a new dominant mutation and is found inadvertently on ultrasound, it may be difficult to confirm the diagnosis until after delivery since other genetic conditions can cause bowing and/or fractures prenatally.
An abnormal result points toward celiac disease, but further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Another reason for the procedure is to confirm indications of Down syndrome and certain other defects which may have shown up previously during routine maternal blood screening.
The best idea is for a parent to consult a doctor or pharmacist to confirm which medications are safe.
If you really want to check out a link sent to you by a friend, confirm with her first that the link actually goes where the message says it does.
I listed three facts conveyed to three different police agencies that she could call and confirm.
He will confirm for Sirian, Hilden said in his gruff voice.
For according to the Pontifical, the episcopate is the " summum sacerdotium "; the bishop in consecration receives " the sacerdotal grace "; it is " his office to consecrate, ordain, offer, baptize, confirm."
Verdet's own observations, conducted with great care, fully confirm this view, and exhibit a complete agreement with theory.
Jerablus was confidently identified with Carchemish (but without positive proof to this day), and the occurrence of Hamathite monuments there was held to confirm the Hittite theory.
Nevertheless his opposition to the government became more and more pronounced, till in 1827 Lord Dalhousie refused to confirm his appointment to the speakership, and resigned his governorship when the house persisted in its choice.
Grant accepted the appointment under protest, and held it until the following January, when the Senate refused to confirm the president's action, and Secretary Stanton resumed his office.
Coming from such an authority the certificate may be held to confirm the substantial accuracy of Walpole.
Besides the era of Actium, there was also an Augustan era, which began four years later, or 27 B.C., the year in which Augustus prevailed on the senate and people of Rome to decree him the title of Augustus, and to confirm him in the supreme power of the empire.
Trajan came back to Italy with Dacian envoys, who in ancient style begged the senate to confirm the conditions granted by the commander in the field.
The culture-myth on which the account of Berossus rests has not yet been found in Babylonian literature, but there are numerous indications in hymns and incantations that confirm the indentification with Ea, and also prove the substantial correctness of the conceptions regarding Oannes-Ea as given by Berossus.
Her marriage with the dauphin, which took place at Versailles on the 16th of May 1770, was intended to crown the policy of Choiseul and confirm the alliance between Austria and France.
In 1843 President Tyler nominated him for secretary of the treasury, but the senate refused to confirm him for this office.
The French foreign minister, Delessart, believed that he would checkmate all the efforts of the emigres at the continental courts provided that he could confirm Pitt in his intention of keeping England neutral.
It also accorded him the right to confirm all newly elected prelates and to receive the annates.
They turned out to be stragglers; but their capture for a time helped to confirm the idea, prevalent in the French army, that Blucher was drawing off towards his base.
Lothair, however, came to Rome in person, and took advantage of this opportunity to redress many abuses in the papal administration, to vest the election of the pope in the nobles, and to confirm the statute that no pope should be consecrated until his election had the approval of the emperor.
If these suppositions have a basis of reality, the proper motion of Algol should be disturbed by a small, but measurable undulation, corresponding to the projection of its orbit upon the sky; and although certainty on the point cannot be attained for some years to come, Lewis Boss regarded the evidence available in 1895 as tending to confirm Dr Chandler's theory.6 Proceedings Amer.
The results obtained fully confirm the general law that " pitch," or the position of the note in the musical scale, depends solely on its frequency.
The prince of Wales's voyage to India in the winter of 1875-76 had brought the heir to the throne into personal relationship with the great Indian vassals of the British crown, and it was felt that a further demonstration of the queen's interest in her magnificent dependency would confirm their loyalty.
In the end Theodosius decided to confirm the depositions which had been pronounced on both sides, and Cyril and Memnon as well as Nestorius were by his orders laid under arrest.
Thus at the election of the infant Wladislaus III., his guardians promised in his name to confirm all the privileges granted by his father.
In 1613 Champlain again crossed the Atlantic and endeavoured to confirm Nicolas de Vignau's alleged discovery of a short route to the ocean by the Ottawa river, a great lake at its source, and another river flowing north therefrom.
The see of York being vacant, the pope conferred it on Fleming; but the king (Henry V.) refused to confirm the appointment.
The literary differences are, moreover, often accompanied by differences of treatment, or representation of the history, which, where they exist, confirm independently the conclusions of the literary analysis.
These he cannot remove nor select; and he is bound, in certain circumstances, to listen to their advice, although he is It is said that the general of the Jesuits is independent of the pope; and his popular name, "the black pope," has gone to confirm this idea.
Two ordinary congressional sessions are held each year - April 1 to May 31 and September 16 to December 15 - and a permanent committee of 29 members (14 senators and 15 deputies) sits during recess, with the power to confirm executive appointments, to give assent to a mobilization of the national guard, fo convene extra legislative sessions, to administer oaths, and to report at the next session on matters requiring congressional action.
It seems probable that Forrett acted without authority, and his successor, Forrester, was arrested by the Dutch in New Amsterdam and sent to Holland before he could confirm the transfer.
Funeral Customs. - Icelandic writers of the 12th and 13th centuries distinguished between an earlier " age of burning " and a later " age of barrows," and the investigations of modern archaeologists have tended in general to confirm the distinction, though they have revealed also the burial-places of times antecedent to the age of burning.
In the concordat of 1801 the papacy recognized the validity of the sales of Church of 180E g Y property, and still further reduced the number of dioceses; it provided that the government should appoint and support the archbishops and bishops, but that the pope should confirm them; and France recognized the temporal power, though shorn of Ferrara, Bologna and the Romagna.
We have, however, good reasons for regarding it as not absolutely perfect, and there are some astronomical data the tendency of which is to confirm this view.
It insists on the erection of fonts; on distinction of grades among the ordained clergy; on not postponing baptism too long; on bishops and priests alone, and not deacons, being allowed to baptize and lay hands on or confirm the baptized; on avoiding communion with Arians; on the use of unleavened bread in the Sacrament, &c. We learn from it that the bishop of Basen and Bagrevand was an Arian at that time.
As an adherent of the emperor he suffered in consequence of imperial reverses, and was forced to confirm Parma to Ottavio Farnese, the ally of France (1552).
Though in all probability a Tamil by birth, he declares, in the opening lines of those of his works that have been edited, that he followed the tradition of the Great Minster at Anuradhapura in Ceylon, and the works themselves confirm this in every respect.
After the peace of Westphalia, which with regard to Saxony did little more than confirm the treaty of Prague, John George died on the 8th of October 1656.
It was therefore for every reason desirable to remedy a state of things by which so many parishes were left without incumbents, a condition the result of which must be either to diminish the hold of Christianity over the people, or to confirm in them the belief that the government was the real enemy.
A fragment of a Welsh poem seems to confirm this tradition, which certainly lies at the root of her later abduction by Meleagaunt.
The Senate refused to confirm the appointment until his record as alien property custodian had been investigated, on the ground that he had made his office a " political machine."
The emperor had refused to confirm the election; he had been re-elected, and then the emperor, in a personal interview, appealed to him to withdraw.
The delegates were then invited to return and to confirm that decision.
Ultimately, however, he was induced to assent to and confirm the decrees of the council, and was allowed after an enforced absence of seven years to set out for Rome.
The wild and foolish agitation on this question only served to confirm the impression that the Egyptians were not yet fit to govern themselves.
That night the king died, and the greater part of the army having gone ahead with the prisoners, a party of Arabs pursued the rearguard, which consisted of the kings bodyguard, routed them, and captured the kings body, which was sent to Omdurman to confirm the report of a brilliant victory sent by Zeki Tumal to the khalifa.
In many cases the authorities refused permission to reproduce matter which had already appeared in American and other publications, whether true or not, the contention being that publication in England would tend to confirm and increase belief in the statements made.
The cause of the slaying of Comyn is unknown; the two men had long been at odds, but the evidence does not confirm the story that Comyn had betrayed Bruce to Edward.
Moreover, the calcined matter resembling white sand which covers its sides below the snow-line, extensive beds of lava, and the issue of streams of hot water from its northern side, seem to confirm the deduction that Chimborazo is an extinct volcano.
This conduct brought him into conflict with the Senate, which passed a vote of censure, and (in June 1834) refused to confirm his appointment as secretary of the treasury.
He brought a vast amount of information from the most varied and distant sources to confirm his opinions, and the abundance of his materials never perplexed or burdened him in his argumentation, but examples of well-conducted historical argument are rare in his pages.
The characteristics of his work confirm the early belief that St Mark wrote this Gospel for the Christians of Rome under the guidance of St Peter.
The Madrid government refused to confirm the terms of peace, and the peace rejoicings in Manila were followed by the persecution of all those who were known to have sympathized with the movement.
They are a priori because no experience is sufficient to reveal or confirm them in unconditional universality; but they are a priori.
The traditions of the Malays and Dyaks seem to confirm the statements, and many of the leading families of Brunei in north-west Borneo claim to have Chinese blood in their veins, while the annals of Sulu record an extensive Chinese immigration about 1575.
Experiments undertaken in India by two independent inquiries appeared to confirm the view, and their conclusions, together with the data on which they were based, were submitted with the report of the commission for examination and further experiment to the Lister Institute in London.
One of Alexander III.'s first acts was to confirm " the constitution which was granted to the grand-duchy of Finland by His Majesty the emperor Alexander Pavlovich of most glorious memory, and developed with the consent of the estates of Finland by our dearly beloved father of blessed memory the emperor Alexander Nicolaievich."
He had not seen the cities himself, nor had he, as is frequently asserted, gone as far north as the present New Mexico, but his reports tended to confirm previous rumours and led the viceroy, Don Antonio de Mendoza, to send Fray Marcos de Niza, a Franciscan friar, on a small and inexpensive expedition of discovery.
Varley had advanced tentatively the hypothesis that it consisted in an actual projection of electrified matter from the cathode, and Crookes was led by his researches in 1870, 1871 and 1872 to embrace and confirm this hypothesis in a modified form and announce the existence of a fourth state of matter, which he called radiant matter, demonstrating by many beautiful and convincing experiments that there was an actual projection of material substance of some kind possessing inertia from the surface of the cathode.
And if it be larger and wider, we must observe whether, by indicating to us new particulars, it confirm that wideness and largeness as by a collateral security, that we may not either stick fast in things already known, or loosely grasp at shadows and abstract forms, not at things solid and realized in matter."
His selection for this duty implies a readiness on Heath's part to proceed some distance along the path of reform; but his dealings with the Lutherans did not confirm this tendency, and Heath's subsequent career was closely associated with the cause of reaction.
It has been asserted that " the writings of recent Jewish critics have tended on the whole to confirm the Gospel picture of external Jewish life, and where there is discrepancy these critics tend to prove that the blame lies not with the New Testament originals, but with their interpreters."
After hearing the case Innocent 1 Pope Innocent, however, would not confirm this election, and the disappointed candidate threw himself into the contest between the English barons on the one side and King John and the pope on the other.
At that time Tours belonged to Austrasia, and King Sigebert hastened to confirm Gregory's election.
His protest against Louis XIV.'s extended claim to regalian rights called forth the famous Declaration of Gallican Liberties by a subservient French synod under the lead of Bossuet (1682), which the pope met by refusing to confirm Louis's clerical appointments.
When the Navy Department recommended that Sampson be promoted eight numbers and over the head of Schley, who had ranked him for forty-two years, there was a bitter controversy, and the Senate did not confirm the promotion.
The emperor Theodosius II., hearing what had happened, hastened to the spot in time to hear from their lips that God had wrought this wonder to confirm his faith in the resurrection of the dead.
If the pope would confirm the elections of his bishops, Gustavus promised to be an obedient son of the Church.
The home government (the first Russell administration), which had reluctantly consented to confirm Sir Harry Smith's annexation of the Orange River territory., on learning of these difficulties, and also that many of the burghers remained dissatisfied, changed their policy, and in 1851 the governor was informed that the ultimate abandonment of the Sovereignty was a settled point.2 In fulfilment of their settled policy to keep the British South African dominions within the smallest possible limits, the cabinet decided to recognize the independence of the Boers living beyond the Vaal.
The Lombard cities had regained their independence; and at the peace of Constance (1183) Frederick found himself compelled to confirm it.
His chief merit was to confirm Mustafa Kuprili as grand vizier.
It is one of the undesigned coincidences which confirm the credibility of Confucius's history, that his favourite disciple was a scion of the Yen clan.
The measures were made with the Cape heliometer and have never been superseded, for the latest results with the minor planet Eros exactly confirm Gill's result-8.80" - while they decidedly diminish the associated probable error.
In the earlier days of the agitation, he challenged the hostility which often mobbed the anti-slavery gatherings; in the later days he consulted with the political leaders, inspiring the patriotism of the North, and sedulously setting himself to create a public opinion which should confirm and ratify the emancipation proclamation whenever the president should issue it.
These confirm the older records in many details, and show that the Jains, in the centuries before the Christian era, were a wealthy and important body in widely separated parts of India.
Long (1819) tended to confirm old ideas of sandy wastes west of the Mississippi.
Charles, who was acting as regent, and the French states-general refused to confirm them.
To confirm the peace, he married Isabella, the young daughter of Charles VI.
La Condamine, seven months later, was able to give to the French Academy an account of Father Roman's extraordinary voyage, and thus confirm the existence of this wonderful waterway first reported by Father Acura in 1639.
Events, however, were doing more than words could do, to confirm the public opinion of Burke's sagacity and foresight.
The formulation of this objection by the synod of Pistoia,' in 1786, however, only provoked a clearer explanation of the doctrine, which contributed to confirm the cult.
This seems to confirm the view here mentioned.
But " even for those books which have the attestation of miracles to confirm their being from God, the miracles," he says, " are to be judged by the doctrine, and not the doctrine by the miracles."
When a student passes from Plato to Aristotle, he is so forcibly impressed by the contrast between the habits of mind of the two authors, and the literary manners of the two philosophers, that it is easy to under stand how their systems have come to be popularly conceived as diametrically opposed to each other; and the uncompromising polemic which Aristotle, both in his ethical and in his metaphysical treatises, directs against Plato and the platonists, has tended strongly to confirm this view.
The lowest members of these rest directly upon the central mass of crystalline rocks, and consist of sandstones, conglomerates and shales, which have been supposed by some to belong to the Trias, without, however, the discovery of any fossil necessary to confirm this supposition, except some silicified trunks of trees.
The peculiar circumstances in which she was built, the great importance of the battle, and the decisive nature of the result gave the "Monitor" an exaggerated reputation, which further experience did not confirm.
The prizemoney earned by the capture of the galleon had made him a rich man for life, and under the influence of irritation caused by the refusal of the admiralty to confirm a captain's commission he had given to one of his officers, Anson refused the rank of rearadmiral, and was prepared to leave the service.
These words must reflect the thought of the men who use them before they react upon that thought and confirm it in its misconceptions.
He was already the grand distributor of ecclesiastical benefices, pending the time when his successors were to confirm the episcopal elections, and his power began to take on a more and more absolute character.
In the 16th the coiiec= century the Protestants, who wished to represent the forgeries in the light of an attempt in favour of the papacy, ascribed the origin of the False Decretals to Rome, but neither the manuscript tradition nor the facts confirm this view, which is nowadays entirely abandoned.
This body had been summoned at the beginning of reigns to swear homage to the new king and his heir, or to confirm regulations made as to the succession.
By his advice, at the beginning of January 1576 a diet was summoned to Jedrzejow to confirm the election of Bathory, and from the time of that monarch's arrival in Poland till his death ten years later Zamoyski was his foremost counsellor.
The Semitic cult of sacred standing stones is thus proved to be of great antiquity; Sellin's discoveries at Taannek and those of Bliss at Tell-es-Safy fully confirm this.
The teaching of Jesus even in this matter may be accounted for as either an accommodation to the views of those with whom he was dealing, or more probably as a proof of the limitation of knowledge which was a necessary condition of the Incarnation, for it cannot be contended that as revealer of God and redeemer of men it was imperative that he should either correct or confirm men's beliefs in this respect.
Penhallow maintains that these smaller tubes arise as branches from the larger, but other observers have failed to confirm this.
The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia.
A quickening pulse was enough to confirm his statement.
He was constantly urging her to go up to the Marsh ranch, insisting that his father was anxious to have them confirm the news in person.
Betsy was hopeful she might confirm the people lived in the area at time of the dream.
It took the group only moments to confirm the year—1961.
In fact, she felt angry, and she wanted to see the galley to confirm this all wasn't an elaborate hallucination.
Although Dean was anxious to locate "P. Corbin," he was cautious enough to wait for Fred to confirm the named party had actually joined the tour.
Xander didn't confirm the words, leery of anyone who understood the power of the gem at his neck.
We will confirm the acceptance in writing in due course.
We confirm the importance of combatting destabilizing accumulations and uncontrolled spread of small arms and light weapons.
A viral culture swab from the vesicles will confirm the infection and then either topical or systemic acyclovir will be used as treatment.
This incident was considered by some British observers to have been brought about by Russian intrigue, and the fact that Ala ad-daula was dismissed in 1904, after the Japanese had achieved several initial successes in the Russo-Japanese war, was held to confirm this opinion.
An imperial message addressed to the diet of Prague (September 14, 1871) stated that the sovereign " in consideration of the former constitutional position of Bohemia and remembering the power and glory which its crown had given to his ancestors, and the constant fidelity of its population, gladly recognized the rights of the kingdom of Bohemia, and was willing to confirm this assurance by taking the coronation oath."
The dean and chapter are thereupon bound to elect the person so named by the crown within twelve days, in default of which the crown is empowered by the statute to nominate by letters patent such person as it may think fit, to the vacant bishopric. Upon the return of the election of the new bishop, the metropolitan is required by the crown to examine and to confirm the election, and the metropolitan's confirmation gives to the election its canonical completeness.
In case of a vacancy in a metropolitical see, an episcopal commission is appointed by the guardians of the spiritualities of the vacant see to confirm the election of the new metropolitan.
Please also confirm to them that you were wrong ever to have made such baseless allegations.
You may go on to have a further angiogram, or MRI Scan, in order to confirm the absence of any cause.
New diagnostic morphological criteria have been found, and these are used routinely to rapidly confirm the identify the bean anthracnose isolates.
We try very hard not to make our posters too arty, which would only confirm the belief that theater is elitist.
I'll leave you and your local team to confirm or reject that assertion.
You may be asked to contact the owner to confirm availability.
Two respondents stated the actual strain of beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagle used, four omitted to confirm that the dogs used were in fact beagles.
Their professed bewilderment, following 1916, seemed to confirm that they were totally indifferent to Ireland's struggle for national and social independence.
Confirm you want to delete the biller from your list.
The aim of this study was to confirm the presence of these enzymes and localize them precisely in the rat brain.
The successful tests confirm the commercial viability of EV-DO Revision A for powering next-generation broadband wireless services.
Medical investigations The best way to confirm the diagnosis is to inject the bursa with a contrast medium and x-ray it.
The results of correspondence analysis confirm the association with cereal chaff.
Other BS members have seen real clearwings in Australia and can confirm that what I write is correct.
In all other respects, I confirm my said will and other codicils thereto.
The unions in response confirm how they will seek to exercise the newly restored right of free collective bargaining.
Only a written confirmation from AK Vintage Vehicles will confirm tariffs.
Fast visible image of an ELM in MAST Measurements of neoclassical island evolution appearing to confirm the strong stabilizing role of field curvature effects.
You will be asked to confirm deletion - be brave - select the YES button!
The script should perform a check using diff to confirm that the copy has been successful.
Although these do not diffract, initial results confirm that they are solid and derived from protein rather than salt.
Dispatch We will confirm the dispatch We will confirm the dispatch of your order by email.
Doris to confirm availability.
I believe, and the news report would certainly confirm, that he still runs a secondhand record emporium in Belfast.
The only way to confirm endometriosis is to carry out a laparoscopy.
A short distance ahead, Edgar took the checkered flag to confirm his second victory of the season.
These are all pretty good although they confirm what I pretty much expected - they're all pretty formulaic.
In the majority of cases the respondent will be able to confirm that he/she agrees with the arrangements proposed.
Iceni identity used to confirm the user has access to this resource.
They were also able to confirm the identity of this deep water northern species that is a rare discovery in the English Channel.
It is truly extraordinary how facts can be ignored in the need to confirm and strengthen cherished illusions.
Archeological finds confirm that these nations were grossly immoral and wicked.
Before acting on any information provided, the ' reader ' should confirm the details provided with the accrediting engineering institution.
The goal of the program was to determine a history of drug use rather than to confirm drug intoxication.
Only last week I was able to confirm £ 2m of support for Peugeot to create almost 900 jobs at its plant at Ryton.
These only become legible in time to confirm your route in heavy traffic.
The creditors may either confirm the appointment of the members ' nominee or nominate a liquidator of their choice.
During a brief two minute hearing before resident magistrate Ken Nixon Mr Rush spoke only once to confirm he understood the charge.
Click ' Yes ' to confirm the warning message that appears.
The results confirm earlier, basic observations on deep ice cores and have led to new insights.
You are advised to contact event organizers to confirm details.
Raleigh takes care to explain and confirm both his loyalty to the Crown and his Protestant orthodoxy.
These results confirm the benefit of long-term pharmacotherapy for treating depressive illness "
The target computer will send a ping back to confirm.
The findings confirm predictions of the Big Bang theory.
Unfortunately, the patent filing does not prioritize or conclusively confirm any specific method one way or the other.
If the tenant requires to cancel a reservation for any reason he must notify the proprietors by telephone and confirm it in writing.
Dates and times are therefore provisional - please contact the NRM to confirm services.
These tests will qualify the design and confirm readiness for a full duration, stacked, firing.
You will always be emailed to confirm receipt of your order once it has been received.
Again research is beginning to confirm the rightness of what I did.
Next, a policeman manning an isolated roadblock tries to confirm rumors of an impending atom bomb attack from increasingly panicked motorists.
In the early summer, we invited a representative sample of firms to confirm whether their preparations were on track.
Therefore, in spite of the variable proportions of each component, our results confirm that the synovial sarcoma is of monoclonal origin.
External examiners ' reports and the reviewers ' scrutiny of a range of students ' work confirm that assessment processes are rigorous and fair.
Your house sitter will then give you a courtesy call two or three days prior to departure to confirm arrival times.
Is anybody able to confirm this is a jellyfish sting from their own experience?
He instantly summoned his chemical assistant to confirm that the star really was there.
We use a reference book just to look up the odd fact or confirm a supposition.
At 32 weeks, I tried to confirm this suspicion with my midwife.
I'm told every room is different but only a dedicated swinger could confirm it.
This bizarre spectacle seems to confirm that America is becoming a military theocracy - again, a truly Medieval concept.
Drug levels should be measured to confirm reasonable adherence to treatment and give some idea of the leeway for further dosage titration.
Click on the image to confirm the certificate validity.
The geology of the earth actually is a beautiful mosaic of rock formations that confirm the historical veracity of Noah's Flood.
We cannot confirm whether Iraq succeeded in acquiring uranium ore and/or yellowcake from these sources.
His analyses of another compound, silver iodate, confirm the law to one part in 78,000.
The remarkable discoveries of Fischer and Buchner to a great extent confirm Traube's views, and reconcile Liebig's and Pasteur's theories.
The refusal of the Pennsylvania government to confirm the private land titles of the settlers, and the arbitrary conduct of a certain Alexander Patterson whom they sent up to take charge of affairs, resulted in 1784 in the outbreak of the second Pennamite-Yankee War.
The virtual outcome of the contest carried on by Rome since the year 726 with Byzantium and Pavia was to place the popes in the position held by the Greek exarch, and to confirm the limitation of the Lombard kingdom.
After the commencement of the 14th century, the civil wars decreased in fury, and at the same time it was perceived that their effect had been to confirm tyrants in their grasp upon free cities.
The first act of the new cabinet was to confirm instructions given by its predecessor to General Baldissera (who had succeeded General Baratieri on the 2nd of March) to treat for peace with Menelek if he thought desirable.
Shortly afterwards, perceiving that the Turkish cause was now lost, he sought the mediation of Sobieski to reconcile him with the emperor, offering to lay down his arms if Leopold would confirm the religious rights of the Magyar Protestants and grant him, ThOkiily, the thirteen north-eastern counties of Hungary with the title of prince.
However, this did not prevent the prelates from continuing to act to some extent with the barons, and early in January 1215 the malcontents asked the king to confirm the laws of Edward the Confessor and the other liberties of the kingdom.
Bishops were often deposed by administrative order of the emperor; synods being expected afterwards to confirm, or rather accept, such order.
In 1403 he ventured at last to confirm the deposition of the emperor Wenceslaus and the election of Rupert.
All Eastern liturgies, in their present form, are of later date than the surviving fragments of the earlier Western liturgies, and cannot form the basis of so sure an induction; but they entirely confirm the conclusions to which the Western liturgies lead.
The last discovery had tended to confirm the views of Fried.
An inscription on a contemporary portrait of Wolsey at Arras calls him the author of the divorce, and Roman Catholic historians from Sanders downwards have generally adopted the view that Wolsey advocated this measure merely as a means to break England's alliance with Spain and confirm its alliance with France.
Gallatin had always been a consistent opponent of slavery; he felt keenly, therefore, the attempts of the South to extend the slave power and confirm its existence, and the remnant of his strength was devoted in his last days to writing and distributing two able pamphlets against the war with Mexico.
The third and fourth weeks are intended to confirm the soul in the new way chosen, to teach how difficulties can be overcome, to inflame it with the love of God and to help it to persevere.
The precipitate is shaken with ammonium carbonate, which dissolves the arsenic. Filter and confirm arsenic in the solution by its particular tests.
On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes he was sent to Languedoc to confirm the new converts in the Catholic faith, and he had extraordinary success in this delicate mission.
This peace did not last long, and in 1355 John was compelled to confirm the treaty of Mantes.
He therefore, moving by the south bank himself with Hill, to confirm Joseph in this expectation, crossed the Tormes near and above Salamanca, having previously - which was to be the decisive movement - detached Graham, with 40,000 men, to make his way, through the difficult district above mentioned, towards Braganza, and then, joining with the Spaniards, to turn Joseph's right.
We have not only the observations of Semper and Morse, but the anatomical investigations of King, to confirm the sliding action or lateral divarication of the valves of Lingula.
This famous charter, which was amplified, under the influence of the clergy, in 1231, when its articles were placed under the guardianship of the archbishop of Esztergom (who was authorized to punish their violation by the king with excommunication), is generally regarded as the foundation of Hungarian constitutional liberty, though like Magna Carta it purported only to confirm immemorial rights; and as such it was expressly ratified as a whole in the coronation oaths of all the Habsburg kings from Ferdinand to Leopold I.
According to the medieval canon law, based on the decretals, and codified in the 13th century in the Corpus juris canonici, by which the earlier powers of metropolitans had been greatly curtailed, the powers of the archbishop consisted in the right (i) to confirm and consecrate suffragan bishops; (2) to summon and preside over provincial synods; (3) to superintend the suffragans and visit their dioceses, as well as to censure and punish bishops in the interests of discipline, the right of deprivation, however, being reserved to the pope; (4) to act as a court of appeal from the diocesan courts; (5) to exercise the jus devolutionis, i.e.
To guarantee still further the integrity of Poland, Casimir, who had no male issue, concluded a compact with Charles Robert whereby he recognized Louis, Charles Robert's son, as the successor to the Polish crown; Louis on his part contracting to confirm the privileges of the Polish gentry and clergy, and to rule Poland through natives only.
The annates were thereafter to accrue to the king; and bishops and archbishops were thenceforth, in case the pope refused to confirm them,' to be consecrated and invested within the realm, " in like manner as divers other archbishops and bishops have been heretofore in ancient times by sundry the king's most noble progenitors."
So far this later research appears to confirm the opinion of Böckh (2) that fundamental units of measure were at one time derived from weights and capacities.
To compensate for this crime, and to confirm his position as emperor, he had to scatter money I.
Upon the election being reported to the crown, a mandate issues from the crown to the archbishop and metropolitan, requesting him and commanding him to confirm the election, and to invest and consecrate the bishop-elect.
I can confirm that the Chief Executive of the MHS has been asked to give his staff a rap over the knuckles.
No absolute evidence to confirm or refute this suggestion has ever been found.
If so, make sure that they confirm it in writing do not rely upon a simple verbal statement over the telephone.
It was agreed to confirm with them that the quote included removing all debris from the site.
Nestle would not confirm rumors that its Israel branch held the contract in the past.
It is not necessary to confirm that all fire alarm sounder circuits operate correctly at the time of this test.
The orientation of these features can be used to confirm the southeastwards flow of this ice.
In some cases it may be necessary to collect specimens of feces for analysis to confirm the presence of a pathogenic organism.
Will he confirm that both those Acts are still on the statute book and have not been superseded by other legislation?
I 'm told every room is different but only a dedicated swinger could confirm it.
This one, for example, is guaranteed to maximize shallow laughter and to confirm unthinking stereotypes.
I would merely confirm that in my view a suspended floor over a ventilated void is more likely to succeed.
The geology of the earth actually is a beautiful mosaic of rock formations that confirm the historical veracity of Noah 's Flood.
After trimming the wing panels they are then checked with a vertical vernier gage to confirm accuracy before shipping to you the customer.
We're going to need an attestation from another witness to confirm if the events happened as you claim.
The ambiguously written ending of the novel had fans clamoring for a sequel so they could confirm what happened to the main character.
For providers and parents, review your own standards and confirm with your state's to see how they correspond.
It does not investigate adoption situations or confirm the authenticity of the information.
They ship a trial shirt made to your measurements and only then confirm the rest of the order.
Most tennis shoe soles are non-marking, but confirm with the sales associate before making your purchase.
Calling a few days before pickup to confirm your reservation is never a bad idea.
If you are buying a used travel trailer, you might want to confirm that each light is working.
Open and close all doors to confirm that latches and locks work properly, check the window closures, and then move on to faucet handles and other appliances.
You will need to confirm that the tabletop on your table saw is perfectly level.
Decide whether or not you require a light on your fan, depending on the area in which it will be used, and check the box to confirm whether or not it comes with bulbs.
To book a group tour you simply fill out an online form and a representative will get in touch via email to confirm your reservation and address any questions you may have about the tour.
All you have to do is a complete an electronic form located on the mall's website and a representative will contact you to confirm your reservation and address any questions you may have.
Under the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” (or “SCSI and RAID Controllers” depending on the computer) just confirm that one of the listings says “SATA.” If it does, then the computer supports SSDs.
This is the very best way to confirm the presence of Feline Infectious Anemia.
Unfortunately, few studies have been executed to determine whether the theoretical concerns have any tangible results to confirm the idea that clay litters are toxic.
The company will transmit your data to the selected company, which will confirm it against its database.
Contact all your service providers to confirm they accept online bill payment and the requirements by which they do so.
Press Enter to confirm your information is correct.
A popup window will appear so you can confirm your payment before it is processed.
Continue to make all required payments until you confirm that the balance transfers were made.
A preliminary search is conducted at no charge to confirm that you will be able to find the information you need.
Both the bride and groom (if each one is a U.S. citizen) will need to have a search conducted through state records to confirm that neither one is currently married before they can enter into a marriage elsewhere.
Just be sure to confirm the shipping price before placing a bid.
Additionally, there have been hundreds of studies that confirm the general healing and beneficial properties of antioxidants for overall good health.
However, more trials are needed to confirm these effects.
More research is needed to confirm these findings scientifically.
If you suspect your child suffers from an allergy, the smartest course of action is to have a physician confirm the allergies and identify potential allergens.
Whether you choose an imported or domestic antique harvest table, look for key construction elements and any documentation that can confirm the piece's authenticity.
Make sure you click the final submit or confirm button after viewing this screen.
At the very least, you will be asked to confirm private information about your account, so you may need to dig up information on previous addresses and account numbers.
You may do a quick scan to confirm that you have all of the ingredients only to find out later that you needed to make one part of the recipe 24 hours ahead of time.
When you enter the code on the checkout page, the savings will be reflected in the total order amount before you confirm your payment.
People have claimed positive effects of meditation on the mind since the dawn of time, and for those who doubt its effect, recent scientific studies confirm that meditation can bring about emotional stability and a sense of peace.
Recent findings confirm the onset of menstruation is now taking place as early as the age of nine, and in some cases even earlier.
However, check with your teen's school as well as the wilderness camp you choose to confirm.
One week before the wedding, call to confirm your reservation.
Remember to always confirm final quantities, as these may change as the wedding day approaches.
Remember to read over contracts carefully and confirm all the details.
As the wedding draws closer, it is important to confirm details with vendors and your location.
Online pharmacies, some of which don't bother to confirm prescriptions, are frequent stops for abusers.
Interested persons should also contact the centers directly to confirm location and service information.
This photo from Perez Hilton seems to confirm that Ashlee went out and invested a great deal of money to look just like her sister, Jessica.
Police would still not confirm that it was Naomi Campbell but did say the woman was released on bail until sometime in December.
There have been no reports yet that confirm the existence of a sex tape.
They confirm what is rumored by pointing out unnatural enhancements or breasts that sit too high, are too round and hard, or have rippling.
When rumors starting swirling about Jennifer Lopez's pregnancy, the couple would neither confirm nor deny the rumors.
In the beginning of their relationship, neither Jay-Z nor Beyonce would confirm or deny that they were a couple.
When contacted by Us Weekly to confirm the rumors, Jessica's brother Josh, replied "My sister!?
Though the names of the drugs have not been revealed, the district attorney's office did confirm that they were prescription drugs for which Locklear had a valid prescription.
Mass media struggled to confirm that Jackson had indeed died, and the investigation unraveled quite slowly.
She began dating rapper and R&B singer Jay-Z in 2002, though neither of them would confirm or deny the status of their relationship.
Reps for TLC confirm that Kate and the kids are returning to television on a new prime time show.
The only thing sources can confirm is that they are all "definitely" talking to her.
You might have had a discussion with a friend about how old a celeb actually is, and finding an alphabetical list is an easy way to confirm this information.
Little girls have adored bright rain clothes for decades - you only need to read the classic Ramona the Pest to confirm it.
Several will offer a special phone number that is answered by a person who will confirm the degree to potential and current employers.
Students can check residency requirements online to confirm that they meet the criteria.
Cruise lines typically plan voyages up to three years or more in advance, however, so travel agents can frequently confirm the availability of any embarkation port and can let you know if new ports are being considered.
You can also call Disney Cruise Lines directly at (877) 566-0967 to confirm information about your trip.
Then to confirm what the judge has felt with his/her hands, the exhibitor will be asked to move their dog again.
Unless you are able to contact your friends and confirm their pup received the vaccination for kennel cough, the safest thing is to keep the pups in two different areas of the house.
First, if I were in your shoes, I would want to know whether a second test was run to confirm the results of the first test.
If she delivers a litter you should have the pups DNA tested to confirm which dog is the father.
At 33 days gestation, the opportunity to have your vet confirm a pregnancy through palpation has passed.
The vet will also check to confirm whether or not your dog could be pregnant.
Other than the fact that she may become a little tired out, or experience other personality changes in the early stages, you won't really be able to confirm the pregnancy until about 28 days gestation.
This should confirm the pregnancy, as well as tell you approximately how many pups to expect.
Your vet is able to confirm or rule out that your pet has a viral respiratory infection, and he can test for the presence of other respiratory bugs.
Even people with purebred canines sometimes wish they could confirm if their pet is really 100% purebred, and if the canine parents identified are the correct pair.
If your dog's nails tend to break or flake easily and are discolored, a visit to your veterinarian can confirm whether this is due to the presence of a canine nail fungus.
If you got your puppy from a shelter or an individual, you may want to confirm whether she has received her necessary shots.
Blood tests can confirm the presence of heartworms and once the blood tests come back negative, the dog is allowed to return home.
Measure the outside of the window sash to confirm how big to construct the frame.
Once you place an order for Thomasville cabinets through your Home Depot store, you'll work with the store to track your order's status and to confirm delivery times.
Next to making sure that you've evaluated your project well and know what you're getting into, the most important thing you can do to avoid problems is confirm that your opening is spot-on before you install the door frames.
When selecting laminate flooring for wet areas, such as kitchens and baths, confirm that the product is adequately sealed for this application.
It is a good idea to confirm the delivery cost up front as this can vastly inflate what might otherwise appear to be a very good deal.
Check a birthstone chart before shopping to confirm what the birthstone is for a given month.
Confirm what the return policy is of a shop.
Once you place your order for a customized tuxedo, someone from the site will call you to confirm the details before they get started.
Just be aware that you may not be supporting local companies and be sure to do your homework on the brand name to confirm that it is indeed organic.
It's a good idea to phone local stores before visiting to confirm that they carry plus size selections in your size.
Based on what they say, you can either confirm that they are on the right track or offer some alternate suggestions.
Ask your optician or optometrist to confirm that the lenses have been tested for impact resistance.
If you believe you have RLS, you should contact your physician to confirm and explore possible treatment options.
Before surgery is considered, each patient should be evaluated to confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea and to measure the severity of the case.
You'll also need to confirm whether airtime is billed by the second or rounded up to the next minute.
Echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to confirm congenital cardiovascular defects when suggested by the child's symptoms and physical exam results.
X rays may be taken to confirm the presence and extent of the decay.
For some disorders, like Tay-Sachs, the simple presence of a telltale chemical compound in the amniotic fluid is enough to confirm a diagnosis.
A series of x rays of the bowel often reveals the progressive condition, and blood tests confirm infection.
This information helps to confirm a diagnosis of hemophilia and identifies the type and severity of hemophilia present.
The SECC study appears to confirm earlier findings that the children of working mothers often benefit from her involvement in the outside world in terms of cultivating their own interests.
Making eye contact helps confirm attention and interest between the individuals communicating.
If the levels are low, the physician will likely repeat the blood test to confirm the diagnosis.
Halo effect-An observer bias in which the observer interprets a child's actions in a way that confirm the observer's preconceived ideas about the child.
Radioimmunoassay (a test to show concentrations of thyroid hormones with the use of a radioisotope mixed with fluid samples) helps confirm the diagnosis.
The sore can be cultured and tested to confirm that HSV-2 is present.
Blood tests can be used to confirm GBS infection in infants who exhibit symptoms.
Protoporphyrin IX, a component of hemoglobin, may be measured to help confirm a diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.
Laboratory tests can be used to confirm the diagnosis of hemophilus infections.
Since each mineral performs strikingly different functions, tests to confirm deficiency are markedly different from each other.
The detection of gene alteration(s) can confirm a diagnosis and can determine the type and subtype of VWD.
A two-test approach is common to confirm the results.
However, as of 2004, there was not enough data to confirm these findings.
Air in the stomach may confirm the presence of fistula; gas in the large intestine rules out intestinal (duodenal) atresia.
Biopsies or specialized x rays or scans of the abnormal vessels and their surrounding areas may confirm the diagnosis.
Differences in growth patterns even among siblings confirm this genetic component.
When a person develops skin infections during an outbreak of diphtheria, the doctor will consider the possibility of cutaneous diphtheria and take a smear to confirm the diagnosis.
Loeffler's medium-A special substance used to grow diphtheria bacilli to confirm the diagnosis.
An abdominal x ray may be needed to confirm the size and position of the impaction.
To confirm the presence and extent of malocclusion, the dentist makes plaster or plastic models of the patient's teeth from impressions.
Routine screening of blood glucose levels and glucose tolerance tests is not recommended in children; symptoms are believed to help confirm hyperglycemia more readily.
Visual conceptualization and motor coordination should be evaluated separately to confirm the results.
Dye injected into the blood vessels can be tracked by x ray to confirm the presence of a fistula.
Special blood tests can then be ordered to confirm WAS.
It is also possible to confirm the diagnosis by obtaining a small sample of the patient's blood and analyzing the DNA for a mutation in the WAS gene.
If the specific WAS gene mutation is identified in an affected child, that child's mother can then be tested to confirm that she carries the gene.
The CSF tests do not confirm diagnosis but are useful in ruling out other potential causes for the patient's altered mental state.
There are no laboratory tests that can confirm the diagnosis of AD; in some cases, the doctor may need to examine the child more than once in order to distinguish between atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
You will also need to locate the deceased soldier's discharge documents to confirm they were honorably discharged.
Cemetery records can confirm factual dates and may sometimes include additional information such as other relatives or biographical information on family members.
Interested individuals should contact local beauty salons to inquire about the availability of the different lines as well as to confirm any special deals or promotions.
Diagnosis for this usually type of hair loss is usually by the taking of a blood sample, to confirm the presence of testosterone.
While most receptionists are hesitant to confirm pricing without an individual consultation, you can get a ballpark figure of cost by being straightforward about your plans and expectations.
Prior to your trip departure, confirm your appointment with your London stylist to ensure you're set for service.
Instead, use a resource like HSLDA to confirm that what the board of education tells you and the information you're looking up is consistent.
When choosing an online program, check with your state board of education to confirm that the program meets or exceeds all state requirements and is accredited by a state-recognized entity.
There will also be a section on the form asking you to confirm that you are legally eligible to work in the country.
Confirm that you're over 18 years of age, that you're legal to work in the United States, and whether you've been convicted of a crime.
It's better to confirm any statements in the job description rather than guess what something means, especially if it's a job at stake.
In looking at the applicant's current income, they will need to confirm that it is a reliable and steady source of cash flow into the future.
However, some historians dispute this, noting that no real evidence exists to confirm the theory.
Consider this when you want to know whether you have a future with your partner even before you confirm if he/she is cheating.
To keep out spammers and fake accounts, the website requires that all members confirm their email address before they are allowed to interact with the community.
Confirm whether a quotation includes consultation time and the creation of mock-ups.
The best way to validate that a Tiffany ring is real is to have it evaluated by an expert appraiser who can confirm its authenticity and let you know how much the item is worth.
Confirm that you will be able to return the ring if it doesn't meet your expectations.
Before you buy, confirm that the ring can be sized to fit.
Most engagement announcements run in black and white, but be sure to confirm with the newspaper.
Before purchasing a tungsten wedding band, confirm that it is a tungsten carbide ring and try to find out what other metals are mixed with it.
Have the ring appraised to confirm its quality.
Have any Asscher ring appraised, especially any antique rings that predate World War II which do not have logo inscriptions, to confirm the ring's authenticity and price value.
Experts confirm there is no difference between man-made and earth-mined diamonds, both of which are certified by using the same standards as set forth by the Gemological Institute of America.
If the test is positive, your doctor may elect to do a biopsy of the small intestine to confirm the diagnosis.
One investigator who interviewed the family of one of the girls who lived in Maidstone learned that the family could confirm that drivers would sometimes arrive at their home and ask about a female hitchhiker they just picked up.
Oprah interviewed Edward as well as scientist and author Dean Radin who reported that "thousands of studies" confirm the reality of such psychic abilities.
There are many people in the world who believe that they have unique abilities, and so they seek out psychic power tests in order to confirm whether those abilities are real or imagined.
According to Tibetan tradition, reincarnated Lamas must undergo a series of tests to confirm that the reincarnation is legitimate.
Walking into an antique shop and buying an old doorknob from a box won't help you develop your abilities unless the antique shop owner can confirm a lot of details about the object.
Similarly, if your friend finds a penny on the sidewalk and hands it to you, you may get impressions from the object, but it's doubtful you can find the penny's past owners to confirm your impressions.
The best approach is to assume that the story is either fabricated or exaggerated until you can locate actual news reports that confirm the event took place.
You will also want to confirm what basic services are covered under the plan and which ones aren't.
Confirm the program is compliant with Yoga Alliance.
In these two incidents the tsar perceived a diminution of Russian prestige and influence in Turkey, and Prince Menshikov was sent on a special mission to Constantinople to obtain reparation in the form of a treaty which should guarantee the rights of the Orthodox Church with regard to the Holy Places and confirm the protectorate of Russia over the Orthodox rayahs, established by the treaties of Kainarji, Bucharest and Adrianople.
Given the unknown cause of this syndrome, there are no laboratory tests that can confirm the diagnosis.
It is not uncommon for physicians to run another pregnancy test during your first visit to confirm you are truly pregnant.
Your OB provider will examine you with a pelvic exam, further hCG level tests, and an ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.
A pregnancy blood test is the best test to truly confirm that you are pregnant.
It can confirm pregnancy as much as two weeks before a urine test.
Results appear in two windows--one to confirm that you did the test right and a second to show whether or not you're pregnant.
As to whether or not Pamela Anderson pregnant rumors are true, only she can confirm them when she feels the time is right.
Two pink lines, even if one is a faint line, indicate that the pregnancy hormone hCG was detected and that you are pregnant (see a doctor to confirm).
She reportedly took a home pregnancy test and then went to a doctor to confirm the positive status, then waited several weeks before sharing the news.
Once the cat was out of the bag, Christina decided it was best to confirm, rather than deny, the pregnancy.
Whether or not Furtado is waiting to confirm is yet to be seen.
If you think you're experiencing one or more signs of conception, you'll want to follow up with a pregnancy test to confirm whether or not you truly are pregnant.
Some pictures are circulating of Ms. Hudson that may appear to confirm the rumor.
The article states that Hudson herself told the magazine staff member that she was expecting, though the magazine's site does not confirm this.
Men who wish to prevent pregnancy during this time must use an alternative form of birth control until test results confirm sterility.
Using the predictor tests will confirm when and if you are ovulating.
A doctor can confirm your pregnancy with a blood test, then make arrangements for the necessary prenatal care.
Confirm the hospital policies regarding photos, cameras, and guests.
For many expectant women, an amnio will confirm that there are no obvious health issues to worry about.
If the test is positive, she may have subsequent blood tests to confirm the pregnancy.
Because of the chance of getting no result or wanting to confirm the result a few days or weeks later, it often makes sense to purchase a double or triple pack of pregnancy tests at a reduced per-test price.
If you get the result you've been hoping for, your doctor will confirm the pregnancy with a blood test and get you started with your prenatal care.
After the procedure, it's necessary to confirm that the inserts are in place and that no fluids can pass through them.
After you've narrowed down your possible ovulation time period, you can confirm it with an at-home ovulation test.
One look at a pair of Billabong board shorts is enough to confirm that these aren't just ordinary beach shorts.
In order to make a positive diagnosis of VDDS a number of tests are required in order to confirm symptoms of a low vitamin D deficiency.
In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a doctor to confirm the hair loss is not an underlying cause of a medical illness.
Also, confirm that the child lock has not been set, since this can make it impossible to use the touchpad.
Confirm that the turntable tray is seated properly.
Before choosing one of the 100 best charities to donate to or volunteer with, confirm its legal status to ensure it is a charitable organization according to IRS rules.
Reading testimonials from married couples on Catholic dating sites confirm their strong faith, and their gratefulness to God for placing them in each others' paths.
Instead of accepting him at his word, you contacted the other woman expecting her to either confirm your boyfriend's story or reveal information that could prove he lied to you.
You can also keep these signs in mind the next time you suspect he or she is lying, so you can keep a better eye out for them and confirm your suspicions.
Before exploring this issue, you can help confirm or deny your suspicions using some typical signs of infidelity.
For example, if he does legitimately have a lot of business trips, he may be more than a little peeved if he learns you called all of his friends to confirm.
If you're pretty sure your partner is cheating, you can hire a private investigator to confirm it.
Check with your partner about why he/she didn't answer the phone before you immediately confirm that it's because of an affair.
If the store is part of a national chain, you may want to call ahead to confirm that the location you wish to visit is participating in the double coupon event.
Cardholders must present a valid photo ID, either a Texas Drivers License or Texas Department of Public Safety photo ID card, at the admissions booth to confirm card holder status.
If you plan to use Sears online coupon codes from any of the aforementioned websites, make sure to confirm the savings has been deducted from your order.
There have also been no scientific or medical tests to confirm whether those who do report results are toning up because of the Fit Flops or because they are doing a lot of walking.
Ask any athlete and they will always confirm that function trumps fashion at the end of the day.
She thinks she had sex with Ricky when she was at band camp, but "it was over in two seconds," so she isn't sure until four different home pregnancy tests confirm her worst fears.
One of the best parts of is the fact they have an interactive message board set up where you can confirm or dispute a rumor you may have heard about in regards to the show.
Once you confirm your flights and pay for them, you are sent an e-ticket (paper) confirmation which you show at the airport ticket counter to receive your boarding passes.
You can confirm seat assignments in most cases, request special meals, and request special assistance for disabled passengers.
For example, if your tour includes museums, confirm whether the museum admission is included.
If the watch is to be engraved, then it is also important to confirm that a local engraver will engrave watches that they have not sold.
Also confirm the price of shipping as this can sometimes turn a 'bargain' into a costly purchase.
It is also good to confirm with the store what the procedure is for returning a watch should the gift of a watch be duplicated.
However, it's good to confirm exactly what equipment is available.
You may want to get a second opinion on principle to confirm an Aspergers diagnosis.
To confirm if yours can, check your owner's manual.
Small business owners have to confirm that it all starts or ends at their desks.
As per our conversation yesterday, I wish to confirm my departure from ABC Widgets on Friday, November 20.
The memo may be asking the reader to confirm some information.
The letter of recommendation should confirm the competence of the applicant in some way, either professionally or personally.
If possible, read professional write-ups on the vehicle, take a look at consumer reviews, and confirm that any recall concerns have been fully addressed.
However, you could save a lot of money by having a professional confirm that there aren't any major mechanical issues with the vehicle.
You can also confirm whether your vehicle is affected by entering your vehicle identification number (VIN) at the Toyota Recall Information website.
Use the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) to confirm whether the required repairs have been made.
Think about what you'd like to learn and confirm these subjects will be covered.
In medical situations, it's best to take concerns or questions to your doctor, nutritionist, or other similar medical professional who can clarify and confirm information for you.
However, many of these studies also confirm that fast food is truly dangerous as it places people at risk for a host of life threatening illnesses.