Confidential Sentence Examples
It keeps a register of British firms who may desire to receive confidential information relative to their respective trades and supplies that information free of charge.
This tool is free to use and completely confidential.
A good deal of special investigation relating to naval and especially submarine warfare was carried on during 1914-8, but the results of this confidential work were not published.
As a result of the hostility between Kutuzov and Bennigsen, his Chief of Staff, the presence of confidential representatives of the Emperor, and these transfers, a more than usually complicated play of parties was going on among the staff of the army.
Being sworn, he detailed a confidential conversation he had had with the prisoner in the Tower.
He was occupied in trying to unite firmly together the whole evangelical movement; he laboured to give his countrymen a good system of schools; he was on the watch to defeat any attempt of the Roman Curia to regain its hold over Germany; and he was the confidential adviser of a large number of the evangelical princes.
He preached at the coronation of Queen Anne and became her almoner and confidential adviser in matters of church and state.
Tiberius was hastily recalled and had a last confidential talk on affairs of state.
Locke resumed his old confidential relations, now at Thanet House in Aldersgate.
During the autumn of 1877 he went to London, Paris and Berlin on a confidential mission, establishing cordial personal relationships with Gladstone, Granville and other English statesmen, and with Bismarck.
AdvertisementThe best-known of these ("Bagoses" in Josephus) became the confidential minister of Artaxerxes III.
Though he considered such precipitation impolitic, Robilant, finding that confidential information of Italian intentions had already been conveyed to the Austrian government, sought an interview with King Humbert, and on the 17th of October started for Vienna to settle the conditions of the visit.
In this, his work was the summarizing and inditing of the official letters and dispatches of the Holy See, combined with the functions of confidential secretary.
He soon gained his commander's confidence, which he reciprocated with the most devoted attachment, and was entrusted with the delicate duties of a confidential secretary, which he performed with much tact and skill.
The Government is refusing to make the document available because it is " commercially confidential " .
AdvertisementPhishing is when someone contacts you through a pop-up message or email message requesting that you provide confidential information to update your account.
Mums would understand, and Mums would keep it confidential.
On the eve of the crucial election of 1800, [Hamilton]wrote a bitter personal attack on the president (containing much confidential cabinet information), which was intended for private circulation, but which was secured and published by Aaron Burr, his legal and political rival.
Their lawyers can give you free confidential advice about serious malpractice at work.
He said he has no intention of revealing the names of his confidential sources, citing journalistic precedent.
AdvertisementThe series didn't appear in every issue of Confidential, but was fairly regular nonetheless.
We will treat all complaints seriously, and all information given to us will be treated as confidential.
A member of the old cavalier party, a confidential friend and correspondent of the despotic Lauderdale, he desired to strengthen the executive and the royal authority.
Be sure banking sites remain confidential.
Make sure that it is confidential and keep it to yourself.
AdvertisementFeatured sites include, Lingerie Confidential, Uplifted Lingerie, Lair of Sin, and more.
The national assembly (Orszaggyiiles) was still summoned occasionally, but at very irregular intervals, the real business of the state being transacted in the royal council, where able men of the middle class, principally Italians, held confidential positions.
Sarat Chandra Das's reports of his two journeys were published by the Indian government, but for political reasons were until 1890 kept strictly confidential.
After the repudiation of the British protectorate of the Ionian Islands, the order was placed on a new basis, and by letters patent of 1868 and 1877 it was extended and provided for such of " the natural born subjects of the Crown of the United Kingdom as may have held or shall hold high and confidential offices within her majesty's colonial possessions, and in reward for services rendered to the crown in relation to the foreign affairs of the Empire."
In 1667 Locke moved from Christ Church to Exeter House, Lord Ashley's London residence, to become his confidential secretary.
She had never accustomed herself to be very abject before him, and they had never been confidential allies.
The process that was implemented is sensitive to children, confidential, accessible and easy for children to use.
Otherwise, the bulk of the report was to be made public with the exempt information set out in a confidential annex.
Kitchen Confidential is a sitcom set in a classy New York restaurant and it's rag-tag bunch of chefs and waiters.
It can keep vandals from altering your Web page and prevent industrial competitors from reading your confidential documents.
Anything you tell your District Nurse will remain strictly confidential within your health care team.
Individual figures are kept completely confidential not even the BRC sees them.
You can contact us on a totally confidential, no obligation, no fee basis to discuss how we can best support you.
Counselors take careful notes of their meetings with young people and these are rightly kept entirely confidential.
Launch latest issue Privacy Your email address will be kept confidential.
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All employees have access to some information which employers would consider confidential.
All of the responses, other than those that were marked confidential, are listed here.
We provide confidential, customized advice to meet your specific needs.
Luckily, she had had nothing derogatory or confidential to say!
Details of individual census records, which contain similar sensitive information, have been kept totally confidential for the 100 years originally enacted.
There must be clear and agreed guidelines about the confidential nature of all records.
Comodo Personal Firewall renders malware impotent by preventing malware from making outgoing connections needed to harvest confidential consumer information.
In January 1994 Haase and Bennett were registered as confidential informants by Customs and Excise.
Peter Ricketts, Straw's policy director, offered the Foreign Secretary some advice in a confidential memo dated Friday, March 22.
His dark, bestselling memoir Kitchen Confidential is being made into a film starring Brad Pitt.
It was not properly acknowledged as a problem until 1956, " she wrote in a confidential memorandum in October 1971.
Andrew Stone (1703-1773), who was five years older than George, became private secretary to the duke of Newcastle about 1729, and was for many years on the most intimate and confidential terms both with the duke and with his brother Henry Pelham.
He concluded peace with Abyssinia, but endangered relations with Great Britain by the unauthorized publication of confidential diplomatic correspondence in a Green-book on Abyssinian affairs.
This review is confidential and will self-destruct in five seconds.
That being said, when a monogamous relationship develops, the expectation is that trust develops over time and two people feel safe in sharing confidential and personal information with their partner.
As a result you run the risk of this woman inappropriately sharing your confidential information where others may overhear.
For anyone who has dealt with infidelity in their marriage, joining in the conversation at one of the many surviving infidelity forums is a confidential way to get support and advice online.
Confidential commercial and financial information is also exempt from FOIA disclosure provisions, as well as any such data that are considered to represent privileged information.
This organization's confidential services can help you complete a personal financial assessment based on your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
Daytime Confidential - With a frequently-updated blog and regular podcasts, this site keeps fans up to date on all things All My Children, as well as other soaps.
Since actual contract information is confidential and extremely hard to come by, the majority of the statements disseminated on soap opera websites come from individuals who have no way to check their facts.
Most importantly, the information is kept confidential.
Retired executives volunteer their time to provide free and confidential business advice to business owners and those who are thinking about starting businesses.
This is a distinct advantage when dealing with sensitive or confidential correspondence and documents.
Will the material I plan to record contain confidential or sensitive information?
Trusted by senior executives to handle sensitive and confidential sales and employment data.
Depending on the purpose of the release form, you may have to provide even more confidential information such as your social security number.
In other, more extreme situations, you can get a post office box or other confidential shipping method for purchases.
Eventually, interviews with producers enter the picture, and as the group narrows, the process itself becomes more confidential.
He was created a baron of the empire in 1809, and, on the fall of Napoleon, was first secretary of the cabinet and confidential secretary.
The visit to Vienna took place on the 17th to the 22nd of September, and that to Berlin on the 22nd to the 26th of September 1873, the Italian monarch being accorded in both capitals a most cordial reception, although the contemporaneous publication of La Marmoras famous pamphlet, More Light on 1/fe Events of i866, prevented intercourse between the Italian ministers and Bismarck from being entirely confidential.
Actuated by rancour against Crispi, he, on the 29th of April 1896, authorized I the publication of a Green Book on Abyssinian affairs, in which, without the consent of Great Britain, the confidential AngloItalian negotiations in regard to the Abyssinian war were disclosed.
Confidential notes are directed to inspiring confidence by giving an explicit account of the views and intentions of the plenipotentiaries and their governments.
In 1865, when Morton had a paralytic stroke and went to Europe for treatment, the president entrusted him with a confidential mission to Napoleon III.
The casualty lists were rigidly and, no doubt, properly suppressed, but owing to the representations of the Newspaper Proprietors' Association they were supplied periodically for the confidential information of editors.
Confidential agents from the Swedish court had already prepared the way for him, and the duc de Choiseul, weary of Swedish anarchy, had resolved to discuss with him the best method of bringing about a revolution in Sweden.
Luiza and her confidential adviser, Joao Pinto Ribeiro, recruited a powerful band of conspirators among the disaffected nobles.
On his recovery he found his private affairs in some confusion, and he was at the same time deeply indebted to the government for public funds which had been lost through the mismanagement or dishonesty of a confidential clerk, and for which he was responsible as district-attorney.
Indolent in his temper, James had been in the habit of leaving his patronage in the hands of a confidential favorite, and that position was now filled by George Villiers, marquess and afterwards duke of Buckingham.
He was the syncellus (cell-mate, the confidential campanion assigned to the patriarchs, sometimes little more than a spy; see Syncellus) or private secretary of Tara(u)sius, patriarch of Constantinople (784-806), after whose death he retired to a convent, and wrote his Chronicle of events from Adam to Diocletian (285).
They are required by law to keep all case details confidential.
Hence, when opportunity offered firmly to establish Italian predominance in the central Mediterranean by an occupation of Tunisia, they found themselves deprived of those confidential relations with the central powers, and even with Great Britain, which might have enabled them to use the opportunity to full advantage.
Both the British manager and the American manager, however, are supplied with a considerable number of daily, weekly and monthly reports, varying on different railways, which are not made public. The daily sheets usually include a summarized statement of the performance of every train on the line, covering the amount of business done, the destination of the loads, &c. For a number of years there has been a movement in Great Britain to require the inclusion of ton-mile statistics in the stated returns to the Board of Trade, but most railway managers have objected to the change on the ground that their own confidential information was already adequate for purposes of control, and that ton-mile statistics would require additional clerical force to a costly extent.
Turgot, on hearing of this, wrote an indignant letter to the king, in which he reproached him for refusing to see him, pointed out in strong terms the dangers of a weak ministry and a weak king, and complained bitterly of Ailaurepas's irresolution and subjection to court intrigues; this letter the king, though asked to treat it as confidential, is said to have shown to Maurepas, whose dislike for Turgot it still further embittered.
He soon became known to the German king, Arnulf, who appointed him archbishop of Mainz in 891; and he became such a trustworthy and confidential counsellor that he was popularly called "the heart of the king."
He threw himself into the party which looked to Monmouth as the representative of Protestant interests, a grave political blunder, though he afterwards was in confidential communication with Orange.
Paulmier now invited Servetus to Vienne as his confidential physician.
When the formal negotiations began Franklin held closely to the instructions of Congress to its commissioners, that they should maintain confidential relations with the French ministers and that they were " to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge and concurrence," and were ultimately to be governed by " their advice and opinion."
Soon after the close of the Civil War he was sent on a confidential mission to Colombia to secure its compliance with a treaty agreement (of 1846) permitting the United States to convey troops across the Isthmus of Panama.
The queen was affected Sir Robert to tears at parting with him; but the crisis had been peel's fully expected and prepared for by confidential corn- ministry.
It is significant that both these confidential agents were plebeians.
It would not be difficult to ask candidates to make a confidential declaration on this subject on entrance and to establish in Great Britain a tradition similar to that of the United States, and steps in this direction have been taken both at Oxford and Cambridge (Lord Curzon of Kedleston, University Reform, p. 86).
The intendant became the kings factotum, not purchasing his office but liable to dismissal, the governments confidential agent and the real repository of royal authority, the governor being only for show (see INTENDANT).
His faults are nowhere better shown than in his quarrel with John Adams. Three times, in order to accomplish ends deemed by him, personally, to be desirable, Hamilton used the political fortunes of John Adams, in presidential elections, as a mere hazard in his manoeuvres; moreover, after Adams became president, and so the official head of the party, Hamilton constantly advised the members of the president's cabinet, and through them endeavoured to control Adams's policy; and finally, on the eve of the crucial election of 1800, he wrote a bitter personal attack on the president (containing much confidential cabinet information), which was intended for private circulation, but which was secured and published by Aaron Burr, his legal and political rival.
Why are we not together as we were last summer, in your big study, on the blue sofa, the confidential sofa?
The series did n't appear in every issue of Confidential, but was fairly regular nonetheless.
These discussions are of course confidential and we simply cannot report on the progress of these until each negotiation has been completed.
All patients who may have been at risk of infection should receive letters today, asking them to call a special confidential helpline.
Confidential documents have been leaked which spell out Labor 's sell-off plans.
Increasingly stringent regulations govern the disposal of confidential patient files.
Substance use Details of where to obtain free and confidential advice about drug and substance abuse related problems.
As a result of the publicity the council has received an increased number of confidential tip-offs from the public.
In a confidential report to Kennedy, Mansfield said he saw little point in America continuing to support President Diem 's tottering regime.
The charity Public Concern at Work provides free confidential advice to workers who have concerns about wrongdoing in the workplace.
The service offers free confidential counseling and therapeutic support to children and young adults aged 5-18 years of age and their parents and carers.
It would be unethical to reveal any of my patient's confidential information.
If you have a password manager program, it will help to protect your confidential information.
A password manager can help you protect confidential information stored on your computers.
All counseling services begin with a detailed, confidential budget review to determine where each client can save money and better their financial health.
American Express has built online privacy safeguards to protect your confidential information.
Regardless of whether the court orders you to attend mediation or you and your spouse decide privately to speak with a mediator, the mediation session is confidential.
Unlike divorce court, mediation is confidential, which means avoiding public disposure of personal issues.
The information revealed at these sessions remains completely confidential.
Universal Psychic Guild offers confidential, one-on-one chats with its team of professional psychics.
Start applying for other jobs on a confidential basis while ensuring you continue receiving a payment.
In the meantime, you can always talk with your school counselor (it's confidential) or a trusted adult friend.
You can ask your school counselor for referrals (it's all confidential).
If you need help or have a meth-related question, you can make a confidential and anonymous call to Michigan Meth Watch at 1-866-638-4847.
Aftercare was so important to me, because it was a safe and confidential environment where I could express my feelings.
Hilton is quoted on the blog Betty Confidential as saying that the Hilton girls grew up with the Kardashians.
All colleges and universities have counseling services and many times, college lesbians choose this form of help over others because it's completely confidential.
Because all of the information you share with the counselor is confidential, you won't have to worry about your friends or family members finding out until you are ready.
Office buildings can make use of their sound proofing, separating offices and confidential conversations from one another while ensuring that the tiles' fire resistant qualities will help contain a potential fire and potentially save lives.
The information gathered during a visit from an OSHA consultant is kept confidential and will not lead to any citations being issued or penalties being imposed.
The nature of the offense leading to the suspension should be shared with the teacher, with the caveat that it be kept confidential.
MacLean - This book has been described as "A Year in Provence meets Kitchen Confidential and then goes Sideways."
Tracer Services, it has been "illegal to sell, transfer, or possess confidential phone records" since President Bush signed off on the H.R. 4709 The Telephone Records and Privacy Protection Act of 2006 on January 12, 2007.
Health care professionals should provide factual, current, nonjudgmental information in a confidential manner."
Counseling strategies to prevent and reduce the risk of STDs should be conducted in a confidential and nonjudgmental manner that is both developmental and culturally appropriate for the adolescent.
You may think your conversation is confidential, but children are curious and may be listening in when you are not aware of the fact.
It's important to know that the United States Census Bureau keeps census information confidential for 72 years.
Certain records are considered confidential, such as adoptions, juvenile proceedings, civil commitments, guardianship and child protection.
Although public California marriage records may be obtained from a county recorder, confidential records can only be issued through the clerk in the county in which the original license was issued.
A death certificate that lists the cause of death is considered to be confidential, except in certain cases.
The following confidential information should not be divulged to others within your organization who are not part of the hiring decision.
In some cases, the information is very sensitive in nature, and the legal assistant is required to keep this information confidential, just as the attorney working on the file must.
Finally, the confidential tally sheets save both men and women the embarrassment of asking for a date from someone who isn't interested.
He remained at Stuttgart for some years as Russian minister and confidential adviser of the crown princess.
Edward Purcell was an obscure Catholic journalist, to whom Manning, late in life, had entrusted, rather by way of charitable bequest, his private diaries and other confidential papers.
Their duties were by no means confined to those of a mere translator, and they became the confidential and indispensable go-betweens of the foreign missions and the Porte.
In 1820 he was appointed by Sir Peregrine Maitland a member of the legislative council in order that the governor might have a confidential medium through whom to make communication to the council.
She is understood to have drawn up a confidential report for the government on the working of the Army Medical Corps in the Crimea, and to have been officially consulted during the American Civil War and the Franco-German War.
On the 30th of January he caused the official French paper, the Moniteur, to publish in extenso a confidential report sent by Colonel Sebastiani describing his so-called commercial mission to the Levant.
The whole story was written by Oates in Greek characters, copied into English by Tonge, and finally told to one of Charles II.'s confidential servants named Kirkby.
At the close of 1591 he was acting as the earl's confidential adviser, and exerted himself, together with his brother Anthony, diligently in the earl's service.
Another of the king's secretaries at this time, though in a less confidential relation, was a friend and contemporary of Perez, named Juan de Escovedo, who, however, after the fall of Tunis in 1574, was sent off to supersede Juan de Soto as secretary and adviser of Don John of Austria, thus leaving Perez without a rival.
They are looked on as confidential servants, are entrusted with large sums of money, and the conduct of the most important affairs; and seldom abuse their trust.
That the emperor sincerely sympathized with Alexius, and suspected Peter of harbouring murderous designs against his son, is plain from his confidential letter to George I.
Outvoting Franklin, they decided to break their instructions, which required them to ` make the, most candid confidential communications on all subjects to the ministers of our generous ally, the king of France; to undertake nothing in the negotiations for peace or truce without their knowledge or concurrence; and ultimately to govern yourself by their advice and opinion "; and, instead,.
The " most distinguished " Order of St Michael and St George was founded by the prince regent, afterwards George IV., in 1818, in commemoration of the British protectorate of the Ionian Islands, " for natives of the Ionian Islands and of the island of Malta and its dependencies, and for such other subjects of his majesty as may hold high and confidential situations in the Mediterranean."
On the following day he was admitted to the royal presence, and presenting his letters he told the king that he had an important and confidential message to deliver.
At this juncture the emperor of Austria invited Victor Emmanuel to visit the Vienna Exhibition, and the Italian government received a confidential intimation that acceptance of the invitation to Vienna would be followed by a further invitation from Berlin.
On his return to Constantinople Midhat was appointed chief director of confidential reports, and after a new financial mission in Syria was made second secretary of the grand council.
But an artistic temperament was hardly that required of a king of Prussia on the eve of the Revolution; and Frederick the Great, who had employed him in various services - notably in an abortive confidential mission to the court of Russia in 1 780 - openly expressed his misgivings as to the character of the prince and his surroundings.
Moreover, the dragoman is frequently enabled, through the close relations which he necessarily maintains with different classes of Turkish officials, to furnish valuable and confidential information not otherwise obtainable.
In the course of this struggle (and especially after the last episcopal vidomne had left the town in 1526) the municipal authorities of the city greatly developed, a grand conseil of 200 members being set up in imitation of those at Bern and at Fribourg, while within the larger assembly there was a petit conseil of 60 members for more confidential business.
On the death, in October 1852, of his friend Daniel Webster, to whom he had always been closely attached, and of whom he was always a confidential adviser, he succeeded him as secretary of state, which post he held for the remaining months of Fillmore's administration, leaving it to go into the Senate in 1853, as one of the representatives of Massachusetts.
At a very critical moment, when the Kaiser had actually mesmerized Nicholas II into the conclusion of a secret and personal convention at Bjdrko, which purported to aim at a defensive agreement, but would have led by necessity to the disruption of the FrancoRussian Alliance and to the vassalage of Russia in a continental league against England, Count Benckendorff was invited to Copenhagen and had an opportunity of serving as a confidential intermediary between Russia and Great Britain.
The fact of this advice being offered and followed in all essentials, illustrates very clearly the close relations between the king and Bacon, who had become a confidential adviser on most occasions of difficulty.
He afterwards became the confidential counsellor of Maurice, prince of Orange, and afterwards of Frederick Henry, prince of Orange, in their conduct of the foreign affairs of the republic. He was sent on special embassies to Venice, Germany and England, and displayed so much diplomatic skill and finesse that Richelieu ranked him among the three greatest politicians of his time.
At Washington he was the confidential advisor of statesmen to the end of his life and the unofficial dean of the best society.
In consequence probably of the good offices of Bubb Dodington, who was then the confidential adviser of Prince Frederick, two of his royal highness's gentlemen carried a gracious message to the printing office, and ordered seven copies for Leicester House.
Of still greater importance for the history of Napoleon are Fain's Memoires, which were published posthumously in 1908; they relate more particularly to the last five years of the empire, and give a detailed picture of the emperor at work on his correspondence among his confidential secretaries.
As the result of research in the diplomatic correspondence at the Record Office in London 4 Mr Lang finds a clue in the affairs of the French Huguenot, Roux de Marsilly, the secret agent for a Protestant league against France between Sweden, Holland, England and the Protestant cantons of Switzerland, who in February 1669 left London, where he had been negotiating with Arlington (apparently with Charles II.'s knowledge), for Switzerland, his confidential valet Martin remaining behind.
The Greater Council was to elect another council of 80 citizens over forty years old, also to be changed every six months; this body, which the signory must consult once a week, together with the colleges and the signory itself, was to appoint ambassadors and commissaries of war, and deal with other confidential matters.