Confessions Sentence Examples
He deprecated general confessions and demanded that the individual must lay bare the recesses of his heart.
The others were all said to have "confessed in a manner" on the scaffold, but much weight cannot be placed on these general confessions, which were, according to the custom of the time, a declaration of submission to the king's will and of general repentance rather than acknowledgment of the special crime.
But the materials for his biography are so controversial and so personal - his own Confessions and the memoirs of associates whose accuracy and honesty are disputed - that the correct historical view can hardly be said yet to be standardized.
Churches which are organized on Presbyterian principles and hold doctrines in harmony with the reformed confessions are eligible for admission to the alliance.
The confessions of sin which he introduced descend to minute ritual details and rise to the most exalted aspects of social and spiritual life.
The local institutions were assimilated to those of the purely Russian provinces; the use of the Russian language was made obligatory in the administration, in the tribunals and to some extent in the schools; the spread of Eastern Orthodoxy was encouraged by the authorities, whilst the other confessions were placed under severe restrictions; foreigners were prohibited from possessing landed property; and in some provinces administrative measures were taken for making the land pass into the hands of Orthodox Russians.
Protestants of the Augsburg and Helvetic Confessions numbered 54,364; members of the Church of England, 49 o; Old Catholics, 975; members of the Greek Orthodox Church, 3674; Greek Catholics, 2521; and Mahommedans, 889.
In her self-revelations she followed Rousseau, her first master in style, but while Rousseau in his Confessions darkened all the shadows, George Sand is the heroine of her story, often frail and faulty, but always a woman more sinned against than sinning.
In April 1718 fresh confessions were extorted from Alexius, now utterly broken and half idiotic with fright.
But directly he was released from the rack he always withdrew the confessions uttered in the delirium of pain.
AdvertisementThe creeds and confessions do not formulate any authoritative doctrine of angels; and modern rationalism has tended to deny the existence of such beings, or to regard the subject as one on which we can have no certain knowledge.
And in such passages as the famous "Voila de la pervenche" of the Confessions, as the description of the isle of St Pierre in the Reveries, as some of the letters in the Nouvelle Helotise and others, he had achieved absolute perfection in doing what he intended to do.
All religious confessions are equal before the law.
According to his own account, the expostulations as to her past conduct which preceded his admonitions for the future were received with tears, confessions and attempts at extenuation or excuse; but when they parted next day on good terms she had regained her usual spirits.
Half-witted men from the almshouse and elsewhere came to see me; but I endeavored to make them exercise all the wit they had, and make their confessions to me; in such cases making wit the theme of our conversation; and so was compensated.
AdvertisementThey therefore elect elders, who expound the Scriptures, baptize and hear confessions.
As all the preparatory schools founded by the state were for Mussulman children only (the various Christian communities maintaining their own schools), idadi or secondary schools were established in 1884 for the instruction of children of all confessions.
In Coburg the people belong to the Franconian and in Gotha to the Thuringian branch of the Teutonic family, and, according to religious confessions, almost the entire population is Lutheran, Roman Catholics only numbering some 3000 and Jews about 700.
In his latest works - the Tristia and Ex Ponto - he imparts the interest of personal confessions to the record of a unique experience.
It was put out in 1534 and must be distinguished from the First and Second Helvetic Confessions, its author being Oswald Myconius, who based it on a shorter confession promulgated by Oecolampadius, his predecessor in the church at Basel.
AdvertisementDuring the eight years of his life at Bayswater he was most active in all the duties of the priesthood, preaching, hearing confessions, and receiving converts; and he was notably zealous to promote in England all that was specially Roman and papal, thus giving offence to old-fashioned Catholics, both clerical and lay, many of whom were largely influenced by Gallican ideas, and had with difficulty accepted the restoration of the hierarchy in 1850.
These confessions teach the root idea of Calvin's theology, the immeasurable awfulness of God, His eternity, and the immutability of His decrees.
The Westminster Confession (1648), with its two catechisms, is perhaps the ablest of the reformed confessions from the stand point of Calvinism.
Two other declarations may be quoted to show how necessary such confessions are even to religious societies which refuse to be bound by them.
Both of these confessions were drawn up to confute the teaching of a remarkable man who had been patriarch of Constantinople, Cyril Lucar.
AdvertisementIn this survey of Christian confessions it has been impossible to do more than barely name many which deserve discussion.
This justification of the ancient creeds carries with it the justification of later confessions so far as they answered questions which would be fatal to religion if they were not answered.
No such arrangement had been made, as the confessions of the murderers, at which Moray was present, clearly prove.
In Basel, again, he studied theology under Simon Sulzer (1508-1585), a broadminded divine of Lutheran sympathies, whose aim was to reconcile the churches of the Helvetic and Wittenberg confessions.
It need hardly be said that the exact accuracy of such narratives is not an essential part of the Christian faith; no such doctrine is laid down by the creeds and confessions.
He places himself in a sense within the dogmatic circle by his declaration that guidance is to be expected from developments - in a " free Protestant evangelical spirit " - out of the old confessions of the Protestant churches.
Then began an extraordinary series of wanderings and adventures, for much of which there is no authority but his own Confessions.
Here, though the place was bleak and lonely, he might have been happy enough, and he actually employed himself in writing the greater part of his Confessions.
From this place he again fled and wandered about for some time in a wretched fashion, still writing the Confessions, constantly receiving generous help, and always quarrelling with, or at least suspecting, the helpers.
He is not a dramatist - his work as such is insignificant - nor a novelist, for, though his two chief works except the Confessions are called novels, Emile is one only in name, and La Nouvelle Helotise is as a story diffuse, prosy and awkward to a degree.
The Confessions and Reveries, which, read in private, had given much umbrage to persons concerned, and which the author did not intend to be published until the end of the century, appeared in Geneva in 1782.
The creeds and confessions are usually vague.
Entire liberty is granted to the members of all religious confessions.
It may be noted that in all the ceremonies in the religion of the Avesta, incantations, prayers and confessions play a very large part.
The divided state of German Protestantism, resulting from these theological differences, contributed in no small degree to the disasters of the Thirty Years' War, and various attempts were made to unite the two confessions.
These unions for the most part aimed, not at incorporating the two churches in doctrine and in worship, but at bringing churches or congregations professing different confessions under one government and discipline.
For further particulars as to his life and doctrines see Grimm's Correspondance litteraire, &c. (1813); Rousseau's Confessions; Morellet's Memoires (1, 821); Madame de Geniis, Les Diners du Baron Holbach; Madame d'Epinay's Memoires; Avezac-Lavigne, Diderot et la societe du Baron d'Holbach (1875), and Morley's Diderot (1878).
In the seventh book of his Confessions he has recorded how much he owed to the perusal of Neoplatonic works.
This Society, instituted to this special end, namely, to offer spiritual consolation for the advancement of souls in life and Christian doctrine, for the propagation of the faith by public preaching and the ministry of the word of God, spiritual exercises and works of charity and, especially, by the instruction .of children and ignorant people in Christianity, and by the spiritual, consolation of the faithful in Christ in hearing confessions...."
Priests of the Society are given the option of either joining other orders or remaining as secular clergy, under obedience to the ordinaries, who are empowered to grant or withhold from them licences to hear confessions.
But he has left nothing more graceful, naïve and pathetic than his early memories in Praeterita - a book which must rank with the most famous "Confessions" in any literature.
According to the religious census of 1900 there were in the German empire- 35,231,104 Evangelical Protestants, 20,327,913 Roman Catholics, 6472 Greek Orthodox, 203,678 Christians belonging to other confessions, 586,948 Jews, f 1,597 members of other sects and 5938 unclassified, The Christians belonging to other confessions include Moravian Brethren, Mennonites, Baptists, Methodists and Quakers, German Catholics, Old Catholics, &c. The table on following page shows the distribution of the population according to religious beliefs as furnished by the census of 1900.
From the above table little can be inferred as to the geographical distribution of the two chief confessions.
The number of localities where the two confessions exist side by side is small.
The adhei-ents of Protestantism are divided by their confessions into Reformed and Lutheran.
But, since 1871, the Jewish population of Germany shows a far smaller increase than that of the Christian confessions, and even in the parts of the country where the Jewish population is densest it has shown a tendency to diminish.
On the other hand, the Odense Recess of the 10th of August 1527, which put both confessions on a footing of equality, remained unrepealed; and so long as it remained in force, the spiritual jurisdiction of the bishops, and, consequently, their authority over the " free preachers " (whose ambition convulsed all the important towns of Denmark and aimed at forcibly expelling the Catholic priests from their churches) remained valid, to the great vexation of the reformers.
The other Christian confessions are numerically inconsiderable.
Of the total population, civil and military, 578,458 were Magyars, 104,520 were Germans, 25,168 were Slovaks, and the remainder was composed of Croatians, Servians, Rumanians, Russians, Greeks, Armenians, Gypsies, &c. According to religion, there were 445,023 Roman Catholics, 5806 Greek Catholics, 4422 Greek Orthodox; 67,319 were Protestants of the Helvetic, and 38,811 were Protestants of the Augsburg Confessions; 168,985 were Jews, and the remainder belonged to various other creeds.
Three separate confessions were presented to the emperor - one from Zwingli, one by the theologians of the four cities of Strassbourg, Constance, Lindau and Memmingen (Confessio Tetrapolitana), and the Augsburg Confession, the future symbol of the Lutheran church.
The trials were conducted with the most scandalous contempt of justice, and moral and physical torture was applied to extort confessions.
In the letters to Atticus, on the other hand, we have Cicero's private journal, his confessions to the director of his conscience, the record of his moods from day to day, without alterations of any kind.
At an annual spiritual examination of the members, there are mutual criticisms and public confessions of sin.
The population in 1905 was 388,095 (189,422 males and 198,673 females), on an average 271 to the square mile, of whom the greatest bulk are Lutherans, the Roman Catholics only numbering about 18,000, and Jews and those of other confessions about 1 500 in all.
The main duties of the parish priest are to offer the sacrifice of the mass (q.v.), to hear confessions, to preach, to baptize and to administer extreme unction to the dying.
It was not till 1840 that his Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, by far his most seminal work, was posthumously published.
The Roman Catholics are mainly confined to the district of Ermeland, in which the ordinary proportions of the confessions are completely reversed.
Perkin was compelled to make two ignominious public confessions at Westminster, and in Cheapside on the 15th and 19th of June 1498.
Still the doctrines of the church can be gathered from these confessions of faith.
The steps taken by Salisbury after the discovery of the gunpowder do not show the possession of any information of the plot or of the persons who were its chief agents outside Fawkes's first statement, and his knowledge is seen to develop according to the successive disclosures and confessions of the latter.
A Herredag, or Assembly of Nobles, was held at Copenhagen on the 2nd of July 1530, ostensibly to mediate between the two conflicting confessions, but the king, from policy, and the nobility, from covetousness of the estates of the prelates, made no attempt to prevent the excesses of the Protestant rabble, openly encouraged by Tausen.
It might be called "English Traits and American Confessions," for nowhere does Emerson's Americanism come out more strongly.
In 1749 he published a memoir of David Brainerd; the latter had lived in his family for several months, had been constantly attended by Edwards's daughter Jerusha, to whom he had been engaged to be married, and had died at Northampton on the 7th of October 1747; and he had been a case in point for the theories of conversion held by Edwards, who had made elaborate notes of Brainerd's conversations and confessions.
It does not appear from his own confessions, or from the railings of his enemies, that he ever was drunk in his life.
No priest may hear confessions without licence from the bishop. Certain special sins are "reserved," that is, the ordinary priest cannot give absolution for them; the matter must be referred to the bishop, or even the pope.
The other chief difficulty arose from the absence of any authoritative restraint on the hearing of confessions by young and unqualified priests, the Church of England merely directing the penitent who wishes for special help to resort to any "discreet and learned minister."
He was also the author of a translation of The Confessions of the Incomparable Doctor St Augustine, which led him into controversy.
It was put into practice to a certain extent in Prussia in the 18th century; but it was not till the political changes of the 19th century led to a great mixture of confessions under the various state governments that it found universal acceptance in Germany.
Again, the Reformation had drawn a line round the canon - sharply in Calvinism, less sharply in Lutheranism (which also gave a quasi normative position to its Confessions of Faith).
Marheineke is named as the first writer (1810) on Symbolics, the comparative study of creeds and confessions of faith.
The City of God and the Confessions are of unmatched importance in their several ways; and nothing of Augustine's was without influence.
The royal family itself was not free from his attacks; after the Day of Dupes (1630) he allowed the queen-mother to die in exile, and publicly dishonoured the kings brother Gaston of Orleans by the publication of his confessions; Marshal de Marillac was put to the torture for his ingratitude, and the constable de Montmorency for rebellion (1632).
Nominoe hastened to depose the four Frankish bishops, after wringing from them by force confessions of simony; he then established a metropolitan see at Dol.
The contrast with the teaching of Scripture and the reformed confessions could not be more apparent.
I have done 8 cases in the last 12 months involving disputed confessions.
The confessions they offered add to the torrent of them from those who planned the Iraq war and then grossly mismanaged its searing aftermath.
C onclusion That Trisha employs interrogatory rhetoric in order to push her guests into personal confessions is not a surprising discovery.
Among the mass of romans a clef and pamphlets which the adventure produced, two only have any literary importance, Musset's Confessions d'un enfant du siecle and George Sand's Elle et lui.
Rousseau's Confessions was the favourite book of both (as it was of Emerson), but George Eliot was never converted by the high priest of sentimentalism into a belief in human perfectibility and a return to nature.
His refusal to countenance torture as an instrument of judicial investigation, on the ground that "confessions so extorted give no sure criteria for forming a judgment," showed him to be more humane as well as more enlightened than the majority of his council, which had defended the contrary opinion.
The right claimed by the less, as a statute of 1379 complains, benefices continued to be given " to divers people of another language and of strange lands and nations, and sometimes to actual enemies of the king and of his realm, which never made residence in this same, nor cannot, may not, nor will not in any wise bear and perform the charges of the same benefice in hearing confessions, preaching or teaching the people."
The duties of the barbas were to visit all within their district once a year, hear their confessions, advise and admonish them; in all services the two ministers sat side by side, and one spoke after the other.
These are disallowed as a bond of union or test of communion, much as in the Savoy Declaration of 1658 it is said that constraint " causeth them to degenerate from the name and nature of Confessions," " into Exactions and Impositions of Faith."
He finished his Confessions, wrote his Dialogues (the interest of which is not quite equal to the promise of their curious sub-title, Rousseau juge de Jean Jacques), and began his Reveries du promeneur solitaire, intended as a sequel and complement to the Confessions, and one of the best of all his books.
Passing from this particular vein of sceptical or semi-sceptical thought, we find, as we should expect, that the downfall of Scholasticism, and the conflict of philosophical theories and religious confessions which ensued, gave a decided impetus in 16th to sceptical reflection.
But he has left nothing more graceful, naïve and pathetic than his early memories in Praeterita - a book which must rank with the most famous "Confessions" in any literature.
Court intrigue favouring him, he succeeded, by the betrayal of his comrades and by two submissive letters, in reconciling himself with the help of Halifax both to the king and to James, though he had the humiliation of seeing his confessions and declarations of penitence published at length in the Gazette.
It is my intention, moreover, to recount the misfortunes which immediately came on the whole Jewish nation in consequence of their plots against our Saviour, and to record the ways and times in which the divine word has been attacked by the Gentiles, and to describe the character of those who at various periods have contended for it in the face of blood and tortures, as well as the confessions which have been made in our own day, and the gracious and kindly succour which our Saviour has accorded them all."
Further research in this field could explore what effect such personal confessions have upon the guests themselves.
The following year, Lindsay was the lead in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.
He told MTV News that it may happen later this year, however, he also plans to release a follow-up album to 2004's Confessions by November 2007.
He began to gain more attention through his movie roles in Tru Confessions in 2002 and Holes in 2003.
Fisher began work on Confessions of a Shopaholic, the film adaptation of Sophie Kinsella's hit novel about a shopping-obsessed young woman who can't seem to stop spending.
In 2004, Fox played Carla in the movie Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, which starred Lindsay Lohan.
Aside from the personals, Grrl2Grrl includes chat rooms, "confessions", and specialized activities for members such as the "Appetite for Seduction" or "Dare 2 Share" which lets lesbians share their coming out stories with each other.
Infidelity message boards are the other side of the stories told on the cheating confessions websites, and the Internet is littered with both.
Rachelle Marie Lefevre has been apart of Confessions of a Dangerous Mind and Head in the Clouds.
Viewers tuned in to listen to Karen Wolek's confessions on the stand, to watch Viki and Niki reunite and to see Dorian and David plot, fall in love and much more.
Confessions of a Teen Idol is a reality TV show on VH1, created by Scott Baio and Jason Hervey.
Continuing to play on the affections of viewers, the network introduced Confessions of a Teen Idol, which is based on a similar premise.
You can find out more about Confessions of a Teen Idol and its stars at the official VH1 website.
Steffans wrote a famous book called Confessions of a Video Vixen, which portrayed her life as a video girl as little more than that of a paid groupie.
Danielle seemed to have the game locked, but she hadn't counted on the fact that her private diary room confessions would be shown to the jury before the vote.
Obviously many submissions are sexual or criminal in nature, but other secrets include secret confessions of love or hate, as well as other deeply meaningful comments about life, and lessons that we learn as we travel through it.
I flirted like a hooker and goaded him into discussing all those sordid confessions he'd be hearing.
He'd not had to work too hard for confessions in the past thousand years, not after word of his cold, methodological skills leaked to the Guardians.
Orthodox theology has never, in any of the confessions, ventured beyond the circle which the mind of Origen first measured out.
Impressed by the formalism and deadness of contemporary Christianity (of which there is much evidence in the confessions of the Puritan writers themselves) he emphasized the importance of repentance and personal striving after the truth.
Considerable bitterness prevails between the rival confessions, each aiming at political ascendancy, but the government favours none.
And law in plenty was forthcoming, so soon as the Church developed the discipline of public confessions followed by appropriate penances for each fault.
Both in the German and English translations (Luther's, 1537; Coverdale's, 1535, &c.) these books are separated from the others and set by themselves; but while in some confessions, e.g.
Before 1867 public instruction was entirely in the hands of the clergy of the various confessions, as is still the case with the majority of the 1 i.e.
In Turkish Hungary all the confessions enjoyed liberty of worship, though the Catholics, as possible partisans of the " king of Vienna," were liked the least.
But Auxentius died soon afterwards, and his successor, Ambrose, undertook to bring these hitherto abortive efforts to a successful conclusion, and to complete the return of Illyria to the confessions of Nicaea.
Hutter was a stern champion of Lutheran orthodoxy, as set down in the confessions and embodied in his own Compendium locorum theologicorum (1610; reprinted 1863), being so faithful to his master as to win the title of "Luther redonatus."
His moral character was undoubtedly weak in other ways than this, but it is fair to remember that but for his astounding Confessions the more disgusting parts of it would not have been known, and that these Confessions were written, if not under hallucination, at any rate in circumstances entitling the self-condemned criminal to the benefit of considerable doubt.
If this be true of the Roman Catholic Church, it is still more so of the other great communities and confessions which emerged from the controversies of the Reformation.