Conference Sentence Examples
The conference room was silent, the air purified, the lighting perfect.
Betsy looked about to say something, but turned and led the others to the conference room.
Voices came from the conference room, whose door was open.
He left at last, and she waited for him to disappear from sight before jogging to the conference room.
He went next door to the conference room and opened it.
As the others remained behind the closed door of the conference room, I went out to lunch on my own.
The conference hall was dimly lit, and he immediately smelled the blood of a recent kill.
They entered Kris.s conference room, where Jade paced on the far side.
She heard footsteps from the direction of the conference room and offered a smile as Ne'Rin rounded the corner.
I gathered them in the conference room and filled them in on what Merrill Cooms had told me.
AdvertisementThey emerged in a small conference room with one wall made of windows.
She'd learned how to lock and unlock the doors and entered the conference room, locking it.
She'd gotten to the conference room when she heard soft footfalls behind her.
His jealousy for the political autonomy of Canada was noticeable in his attitude at the Colonial conference held at the time of King Edward's coronation, and marked all his diplomatic dealings with the mother country.
Some changes were made in the "York Rules"; and so altered, the body of rules was adopted at the last-named conference, and was styled the "York and Antwerp (or York-Antwerp) Rules."
AdvertisementIn practice they quickly displaced those of 1877; and in 1892, at a conference of the same Association held at Genoa, it was formally declared that the onlyinternational rules of general average having the sanction and authority of the association were the York-Antwerp Rules as revised in 1890, and that the original rules were rescinded.
At the international conference, which met at Paris in 1896 for the purpose of elaborating a common system of constants and fundamental stars to be employed in the various national ephemerides, Newcomb took a leading part, and at its suggestion undertook the task of determining a definite value of the constant of precession, and of 1 Lionville, t.
On the conclusion of peace he entered the Piedmontese foreign office; he accompanied Victor Emmanuel and Cavour to Paris and London in 1855, and in the following year he took part in the conference of Paris by which the Crimean War was brought to an end.
In 1899 he represented Italy at the first Hague Peace Conference.
This general classification, which was made by a conference of brokers in 1855 as a result of many years of observation dating back to the 18th century, is still very fairly descriptive of the average merit of the wines classified.
AdvertisementThe Commons, however, passed a bill annulling the sentence; and a conference was held in which the Lords, while again acknowledging that legally they were wrong, adhered to their former determination.
In 1893 he presided over the first conference of the Independent Labour party and the following year was elected chairman of the party, an office to which he was reelected annually until 1899.
Before this was completed, a message arrived from the House of Lords requesting a conference, which was granted.
Prerogative and privilege came more than once into collision, the abuses of purveyance and wardship were made matters of conference, though the thorough discussion of them was deferred to a succeeding session; while James's temper was irritated by the objections brought against his favourite scheme of the Union, and by the attitude taken up by the House with regard to religious affairs.
A second accusation (Edward Egerton's case) followed immediately after, and was investigated by the House, who, satisfied that they had just matter for reprehension, appointed the r9th for a conference with the Lords.
AdvertisementIn 1238 Llewelyn, growing aged and infirm, summoned all his vassals to a conference at the famous Cistercian abbey of Strata Florida, whereat David, his son by the Princess Joan of England, was acknowledged his heir by all present.
He was one of those who supported a vote of want of confidence in Schweitzer at the Eisenach conference in 1867, from which his party was generally known as "the Eisenacher."
Like Sir Thomas More he held that it was entirely within the competence of the national state, represented by parliament, to determine questions of the succession to the throne; and although Elizabeth did not renew his commission as lord chancellor, he continued to sit in the privy council for two months until the government had determined to complete the breach with the Roman Catholic Church; and as late as April 1559 he assisted the government by helping to arrange the Westminster Conference, and reproving his more truculent co-religionists.
Scarcely had he refused the accusation of Buscher, when, on account of his intimacy with the Reformed divines at the conference of Thorn (1645), and his desire to effect a reconciliation between them and the Lutherans, a new charge was preferred against him, principally at the instance of Abraham Calovius (1612-1686), of a secret attachment to Calvinism.
The proposed conference never took place, and in August 1537 the cardinal returned to Rome.
He wrote several times to England to prepare a conference, but only received a rude reply from Somerset, who sent him a copy of the Book of Common Prayer.
In 1659 he lured Afzul Khan, the Bijapur general, into a personal conference, and killed him with his own hand, while his men attacked and routed the Bijapur army.
The conference was opened on the 9th of September in the refectory of the convent of Poissy, the king himself being present.
Their difficult labours even seemed on the point of success when the assemblage of prelates refused assent, and the conference broke up on the 9th of October - a result which barred the way to a pacific understanding with the Huguenots.
In 1832 the "FourLakes" country was in the theatre of hostilities during the Black Hawk War; Colonel Henry Dodge held a conference with Winnebago chiefs on Lake Mendota, and there were several skirmishes in the neighbourhood between his troops and the followers of Black Hawk, one of which took place on the site of Madison.
In 1526 he had aided John the Constant, elector of Saxony, to form an alliance of reforming princes; and in 152c he called together the abortive conference at Marburg, hoping thus to close the breach between Lutherans and Zwinglians.
He was long regarded with some distrust by the more conservative section of his own church, but in 1898 he was made president of the Wesleyan Conference.
In large towns these were to be also on other days, with a weekly meeting for conference or "prophesying."
These two treaties were, in effect, the corner-stones of a fresh coalition against Napoleon, and were confirmed on the outbreak of the FrancoRussian War by a conference between Alexander and Charles John at Abo on the 30th of August 1812, when the tsar undertook to place an army corps of 35,000 men at the disposal of the Swedish crown prince for the conquest of Norway.
After the plebiscite in Norway on the 13th of August had decided in favour of the dissolution of the union and after the Storthing had requested the Swedish government to The co-operate with it for the repeal of the Act of Union, Karlstad a conference of delegates from both countries was Convention.
Complications ther ensued by the determined refusal of the two native officials to meet in conference; and the arbitrator had no course available but to take advantage of the notes already obtained on the spot, and return with them to Teheran, there to deliver his decision.
These views coincided with those of Lord Carnarvon, who looked to federation as a means of relieving the Imperial government of some of the heavy responsibilities pressing upon it in South Africa, and he asked Froude to return to the Cape to take part in a conference in South Africa on the federation scheme.
His speeches were lacking in judgment and tact, and created an unfavourable impression, The conference was not held, and Froude returned to England in the autumn.2 Lord Carnarvon was far from abandoning his plan.
In August 1876 the colonial secretary assembled a conference on South African affairs in London, nominating Froude as representative of Griqualand West.
Another member of the conference was Sir Theophilus Shepstone, (q.v.) Neither Cape Colony nor the Transvaal was represented, 1 At Sir Henry Barkly's request Lord Carnarvon's predecessor, Lord Kimberley, had in November 1871 given him (Sir Henry) authority to summon a meeting of representatives of the states and colonies to consider the " conditions of union," but the annexation of the diamond fields had occurred meantime and Sir Henry thought the occasion inopportune for such a conference.
In July of that year proposals for a confederation conference were submitted to the Cape parliament.
In view of the critical situation Milner and Kruger met in conference at Bloemfontein on the 31st of May.
He sanctioned the calling of an inter-colonial conference, which led to a customs convention including all the British possessions in South Africa, and to united action regarding railway rates and native questions.'
The delegates at the conference were all representative of the parties in power; that is, with the exception of the Natal delegates, they all represented Dutch ideals in politics.
No appeal was made to the electorate, but the colonial parliaments rightly interpreted public opinion in endorsing the recommendations of the conference.
Charles was in favour of religious toleration, and a declaration issued by him in October 1660 aroused great hopes; but he made little effort to conciliate the Presbyterians or to effect a settlement through the Savoy conference, and his real object was to gain power over all the factions and to free his co-religionists, the Roman Catholics, in favour of whom he issued his first declaration of indulgence (26th of December 1662), the bill to give effect to it being opposed by Clarendon and defeated in the Lords, and being replied to by the passing of further acts against religious liberty.
He was a member of the conference committee on the bill for the admission of Maine and Missouri, which in its final form embodied what is known as the Missouri Compromise.
The king, in a letter to Queen Victoria, declined for the time being to receive the Order of the Garter, which had just been offered him, and on the 6th of February the government addressed a circular letter to the powers, proposing to submit the issues in dispute to a European conference.
In the interior, however, where the Peruvian admiral l'Iontero had formed a provisional government, the war still lingered, and in September 1882 a conference took place between the latter and President Campero, at which it was decided that they should hold out for better terms. But the Peruvians Recent was himself murdered in November 1872 and was history.
There were "pillars," like Peter and John (and his brother James until his death), who really determined matters of grave moment, as in the conference with Paul in Gal.
Even the "resolutions" (56y Tara) of the Jerusalem conference were not set forth by the apostles present simply in their own name, nor as ipso facto binding on the conscience of the Antiochene Church.
In the following year Harrison held another conference at Detroit with these tribes in order to settle their future territorial relations with the United States.
In October of the same year the American government in the Philippines, having to deal with the opium trade, raised the question of the taking of joint measures for its suppression by the powers interested, and as a result a conference met at Shanghai on the 1st of February 1909 to which China, the United States of America, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Persia, Portugal and Russia sent delegates.
It must have become a municipium by the lex Julia of 90 B.e., and it was here that Julius Caesar in 56 B.C. held his famous conference with Pompey and Crassus, Luca then being still in Liguria, not in Etruria.
After his death a volume of Conference Papers (1879) was published.
This merely federal plan, reported from a Conference attended by the delegates from Connecticut, New York and Delaware, as well as those from New Jersey (and by Luther Martin of Maryland), consisted of nine resolutions; the first was that " the Articles of Confederation ought to be so revised, corrected and enlarged as to render the federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of government and the preservation of the Union "; and the actual " plan " was for a single legislative body, in which each state should be represented by one member, and which should elect the supreme court and have power to remove the executive (a Council), to lay taxes and import duties, to control commerce, and even, if necessary, to make requisitions for funds from the states.
In April 1789 a General Conference of British Swedenborgians was held in Great Eastcheap Church, followed by another and by the publication of a journal, the New Jerusalem Magazine, in 1790.
In 1815 the conference took up the question of home missionary work, and its agents were able to found many branches of the church.
The constitution of the New Church is of the Independent Congregational type; the conference may advise and counsel, but cannot compel the obedience of the societies.
There are also five or six small societies not connected with the conference.
An Australasian conference met at Melbourne in 1881 and has continued to meet in alternate years.
In 1889 the premier, Sir Henry Parkes, gave in his adhesion to the movement for Australasian federation, and New South Wales was represented at the first conference held at Melbourne in the beginning of 1890.
Lord Jersey assumed office on the 15th of January 1891, and a few weeks afterwards the conference to consider the question of federating the Australian colonies was held at Sydney, and the great strike, which at one time had threatened to paralyse the trade of the colony, came to an end.
In 1896 a conference of Australian premiers was held at Sydney to consider the question of federation.
On the evening of that day Christian summoned his captains to a private conference at the palace, the result of which was quickly apparent, for at dusk a band of Danish soldiers, with lanterns and torches, broke into the great hall and carried off several carefully selected persons.
Colenso's Commentary on the Romans in 1861, Wilberforce endeavoured to induce the author to hold a private conference with him; but after the publication of the first two parts of the Pentateuch Critically Examined he drew up the address of the bishops which called on Colenso to resign his bishopric. In 1867 he framed the first Report of the Ritualistic Commission, in which coercive measures against ritualism were discountenanced by the use of the word "restrain" instead of "abolish" or "prohibit."
The Wiirzburg Conference is the name given to the meeting of representatives of the smaller German states in 1859 to devise some means of mutual support.
The conference, however, had no result.
The king of the Netherlands had appealed to the powers who had placed him on the throne to maintain his rights; and a conference assembled accordingly in London to settle the question, which involved the independence of Belgium and the security of England.
In the end the policy of England prevailed; numerous difficulties, both great and small, were overcome by the conference; although on the verge of war, peace was maintained; and Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was placed upon the throne of Belgium.
But those powers, for reasons of their own, stood aloof, and the conference held in London in 1864 was without effect.
Mr Hall remarks (International Law, 6th ed., p. 126 n.) that " all the states represented at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, with the exception of Great Britain, maintained that the normal jurisdiction of a protectorate includes the right of administering justice over the subjects of other civilized states."
In 1876 King Leopold summoned a conference at Brussels of the leading geographical experts in Europe, which resulted in the creation of "The International Association for the Exploration and Civilization of Africa."
While negotiations with Germany for the recognition of the status of the Congo Free State were in progress, Prince Bismarck issued invitations to the powers to an international conference at Berlin.
The conference assembled on the 15th of November 1884, and its deliberations ended on the 26th of February of the following year by the signature of a General Act, which dealt with the relations of the European powers to other regions of Africa as well as the Congo basin.
The International Association not having possessed, at the date of the assembling of the Conference, any recognized status, was not formally represented at Berlin, but the flag of the Association having, before the close of the conference, been recognized as that of a sovereign state by all the powers, with the exception of Turkey, the Association formally adhered to the General Act.
The first five years of the existence of the state were greatly hampered by the provision of the Berlin Act prohibiting the imposition of any duties on goods imported into the Congo region, but at the Brussels conference, 1890, a declaration was signed by the powers signatory to the Berlin Act, authorizing the imposition of import duties not exceeding to ad valorem, except in the case of spirits, which were to be subject to a higher duty.
In Pittsburg is the publishing house of the United Presbyterian Church, and The Christian Advocate (weekly, Methodist Episcopal, 1834) is published here under the auspices of the general conference.
He was technical delegate at several international conferences, including the fur-seal conference (1911) at Washington between the United States, Great Britain, Russia and Japan.
In the same year there were 8356 Roman Catholics, 1 9 02 members of the Northern Presbyterian Church, 1537 members of the Northern Methodist Episcopal Church, 1174 Congregationalists, and 987 Baptists (of the Northern Conference).
Indeed this policy was dictated by the character and position of the British government, and had been followed in the main since the conference of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818.
He took part in the conference on the claims of the three orders, drew up the first address to the king, and supported the proposal of Sieyes that the Assembly should declare itself National.
He recovered his position at the Restoration, was moderator at the Savoy Conference, 1661, and was promoted to the bishopric of Lincoln.
Meanwhile a conference of the Powers assembled at Paris and decided by a majority of four to three that the new hospodar should be a native of the country.
Negotiations with Russia were continued, and Bratianu was sent to Constantinople to put pressure upon Turkey to secure certain rights and privileges which would practically have made Rumania independent, except that it would still have paid a fixed tribute; but the conference of the powers assembled at that capital came to a definite end on the i 9th of January 1877, when the Turkish government declined every proposal of the conference.
He was one of the commissioners at the conference at York in 1568.
In 1887 a conference was held in London for " promoting a closer union between the various parts of the British empire by means of an imperial tariff of customs."
At this conference it is worthy of note that Mr Hofmeyr propounded a sort of " Zollverein " scheme, in which imperial customs were to be levied independently of the duties payable on all goods entering the empire from abroad.
On the 11th of June 1899, shortly after the Bloemfontein conference, from which Sir Alfred Milner had just returned, Mr Schreiner asked the high commissioner to inform Mr Chamberlain that he and his colleagues agreed in regarding President Kruger's Bloemfontein proposals as " practical, reasonable and a considerable step in the right direction."
As the result of an inter-colonial conference held in Pietermaritzburg in the early months of 1906, a new customs convention of a strongly protective character came into force on the 1st of June of that year.
In 1907, the year of the Imperial Conference, he pleaded strongly for Colonial Preference, a policy against which, in spite of the support which it obtained from Dominion Ministers, Sir Henry Campbell * Bannerman's Government set its face.
What they would do would be to call a colonial conference; and they wished to be authorized to meet colonial views if in the conference the colonies considered a duty on wheat to be necessary.
The offer was not accepted, and Mr. Law, though he joined the Buckingham Palace Conference in a last hope of aiming at a reasonable settlement, was anticipating the immediate outbreak of civil war in Ireland when the World War supervened.
He promoted the Economic Conference in Paris in June 1916, and represented his country on the occasion, with Mr. Hughes, the Australian Premier, and Lord Crewe as his colleagues.
He was constituted one of the British plenipotentiaries at the Conference; but his duties at Westminster seldom allowed him to go to Paris, though he ultimately affixed his signature to the Treaty of Versailles.
He was one of the four U.S. delegates to the Conference on Limitation of Armament, held in Washington, D.C., Nov.
He introduced many improvements into the Canadian postal service, and in 1898 in face of much opposition induced the Inter-Imperial Postal Conference to adopt the principle of penny postage within the British Empire.
On the advice of Germany he proposed the assembly of an international conference at Algeciras in 1906 to consult upon methods of reform, the sultan's desire being to ensure a condition of affairs which would leave foreigners with no excuse for interference in the control of the country, and would promote its welfare, which Abd-el-Aziz had earnestly desired from his accession to power.
The sultan gave his adherence to the Act of the Algeciras Conference, but the state of anarchy into which Morocco fell during the latter half of 5906 and the beginning of 1907 showed that the young ruler lacked strength sufficient to make his will respected by his turbulent subjects.
The Florida Winter Bible Conference and Chautauqua is held here.
In 1893 a further conference on the Swazi question took place between Sir Henry Loch, high commissioner for South Africa, and President Kruger, the result of which was that the administration of Swaziland, with certain reservations as to the rights of the natives, was made over to the South African Republic. In the following year six Swazi envoys visited England for the purpose of asking Queen Victoria to take Swaziland under her protection.
A special Hague convention adopted at the Conference of 1907 now provides that hostilities "must not commence without previous and explicit warning in the form of a reasoned declaration of war or of an ultimatum with conditional declaration of war."
In 1906 it was estimated that there were 938,405 members of different religious denominations; of this total 2 33,443 were Methodists (210,593 of the Northern Church), 1 74,849 were Roman Catholics, 108,188 were Disciples of Christ (and 10,259 members of the Churches of Christ), 92,705 were Baptists (60,203 of the Northern Convention, 13,526 of the National (Colored) Convention, 8132 Primitive Baptists, and 6671 General Baptists), 58,633 were Presbyterians (49,041 of the Northern Church, and 6376 of the Cumberland Church - since united with the Northern), 55,768 were Lutherans (34,028 of the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference, 8310 of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and other states), 52,700 were United Brethren (48,059 of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ; the others of the " Old Constitution ") and 21,624 of the German Evangelical Synod.
In this room the International Peace Conference had its sittings in the summer of 1899.
Lambert was also one of the divines who took part in the great conference of Marburg in 1529; he had long wavered between the Lutheran and the Zwinglian view of the Lord's Supper, but at this conference he definitely adopted the Zwinglian view.
In 1906 the total number of Mennonites was 7445, of whom 3581 were members of the General Conference of Mennonites of North America, 1825 belonged to the Schellenberger Briider-gemeinde, and the others were distributed among seven other sects.
Next day the rebel leaders again invited the king to a conference, in the open space of Smithfield, and laid before him a programme very different from that propounded at Mile End.
The conference was continued, but, while it was in progress, the mayor brought up the whole civic militia of London, who had taken arms when they saw that the triumph of the rebels meant anarchy, and rescued the king out of the hands of the mob.
It might have proved even more dangerous than the rebellion of 1403, if Henrys unscrupulous general Ralph, earl of Westmorland, had not lured Scrope and Mowbray to a conference, and then arrested them under circumstances of the vilest treachery.
He broke off the conference of Meulan, Burgundy.
The Puritans were invited to a conference with the king at Hampton Court (1604).
Before the change of administration a conference had been decided on, and Lord Palmerston entrusted its management to Lord John Russell.
Unfortunately the conference failed, and the war went on for another year.
As a result of a conference held in London, the duke of Augustenburg was induced to renounce his claim on the receipt of a large sum of money.
The labors of the conference proved, abortive.
But it was everywhere felt that his mere protest was not likely to affect the result; and the government at last consented to accept a suggestion made by Count Bismarck, and to take part in a conference to discuss the Russian proposal.
Though this device enabled them to say that they had not yielded to the Russian demand, it was obvious that they entered the conference with the foregone conclusion of conceding the Russian claim.
Through the insistence of Russia an armistice was agreed upon; and Lord Beaconsfieldfor Disraeli had now been raised to the peerageendeavoured to utilize the breathing space by organizing a conference of the great powers at Constantinople, which was attended on behalf of Great Britain by Lord Salisbury.
The Constantinople conference proved abortive, and in the beginning of 1877 Russia declared war.
He was British delegate to the International Prime Meridian Conference at Washington in 1884, when he also attended the meetings of the British Association at Montreal and of the American Association at Philadelphia.
The town of Eisenach, by reason of its associations, has been a favourite centre for the religious propaganda of Evangelical Germany, and since 1852 it has been the scene of the annual conference of the German Evangelical Church, known as the Eisenach conference.
The effect of the Salters' Hall conference (1719), called for by the alleged heresy of James.
The general activities of the body are conducted partly by its association (Essex Street, Strand), partly by its (triennial) National Conference, established 1882.
In 1865 the National Unitarian Conference was organized, and adopted a distinctly Christian platform„ affirming that its members were "disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ."
The conference recognizes the fact that its constituency is Congregational in tradition and polity.
The nondescript course of action which began at the Constantinople conference and ended at Berlin was not of his direction until its few last days.
At the Berlin conference he had established a formidable reputation; the popularity he enjoyed at home was affectionately enthusiastic; no minister had ever stood in more cordial relations with his sovereign; and his honours in every kind were his own achievement against unending disadvantage.
In 1871 Fish presided at the Peace Conference at Washington between Spain and the allied republics of Peru, Chile, Ecuador and Bolivia, which resulted in the formulation (April 12) of a general truce between those countries, to last indefinitely and not to be broken by any one of them without three years' notice given through the United States; and it was chiefly due to his restraint and moderation that a satisfactory settlement of the "Virginius Affair" was reached by the United States and Spain (1873).
In 1902 he represented Canada at the Colonial Conference in London.
Huguenots, justifying himself on the ground that their nonepiscopal ordination had not been of their own seeking, and at the Savoy conference in 1661 he tried hard to effect a reconciliation with the Presbyterians.
He was secretary of the conference of advocates and one of the founders of the Societe de legislation comparee.
In 1539 he attended Charles V.'s conference on Christian reunion at Frankfort as the companion of Bucer, and in the following year he appeared at Hagenau and Worms, as the delegate from the city of Strassburg.
In 1660 he became bishop of London and master of the Savoy, and the Savoy Conference was held at his lodgings.
There were, nevertheless, numerous acts of petty tyranny and injustice, that could be laid at the door of the Venizelist administration, during Venizelos' prolonged absence at the Peace Conference.
This resulted in the futile "Hampton Roads Conference" of the 3rd of February 1865 (see Lincoln, Abraham).
He was likewise a member of the American mission to the Inter-Allied Conference at Paris in 1917.
But on his next visit to England in 1619 he brought with him an attestation to his orthodoxy and high professional standing, signed by the lord deputy and the members of the privy council, which, together with his own demeanour in a private conference with the king, so influenced the latter that he nominated Usher to the vacant see of Meath, of which he was consecrated bishop in 1621.
In 1648 he had a conference with Charles I.
In 1669 he resigned his parish to become professor of divinity in the university of Glasgow, and in the same year he published an exposition of his ecclesiastical views in his Modest and Free Conference between a Conformist and a Nonconformist (by "a lover of peace").
Muirchertach opposed him with a large force, and a conference was arranged at which a son of Magnus was betrothed to Biadmuin, daughter of the Irish prince.
At a conference held at Dalaborg Castle, in March 1388, the Swedes were compelled to accept all Margaret's conditions, elected her "Sovereign Lady and Ruler," and engaged to accept from her any king she chose to appoint.
Philip's successor, Charles the Bold, summoned an assembly of notables at Enkhuizen in 1469, in order to secure their homage; but the conference was without result, and the duke's attention was soon absorbed by other and more important affairs.
On the other hand, Augustine, bishop of Hippo, after several years' negotiation, arranged a great conference between the Donatists and the orthodox, which was held under the authority of the emperor at Carthage in 411.
Galileo received, as the result of a conference between Cardinals Bellarmin and Del Monte, a semi-official warning to avoid theology, and limit himself to physical reasoning.
This desire to exercise a preponderant influence in the affairs of Morocco culminated in the Madrid conference of 1880.
Preponderant influence was not attained, but the conference led to a treaty which regulated the consular protection extended to the subjects of Morocco.
In 1561 he revisited France as a member of the cardinal's suite at the conference between Roman Catholics and Protestants held at Poissy.
Mr Balfour's introduction of his promise (at Edinburgh on October 3) to convene an imperial conference after the general election if the Unionists came back to power, in order to discuss a scheme for fiscal union, represented an academic rather than a practical advance, since the by-elections showed that the Unionists were certain to be defeated.
He was an ardent bi-metallist, and in 1892 was a member of the International Monetary Conference at Brussels.
From 1867 onwards his influence continued to increase, despite the rupture of his party, which he reconstructed at the conference of Nagyvarad (March 17, 1868), when the famous Bihari pontok, or articles of Bihar, were subscribed.
She was associated with Louisa Twining and Florence Nightingale; and in 1877-1878 raised the Turkish compassionate fund for the starving peasantry and fugitives in the Russo-Turkish War (for which she obtained the order of the Medjidieh, a solitary case of its conference on a woman).
In its conferences ministers and laymen were of equal number, the laymen being chosen by the circuits and in some cases by "guardian representatives" elected for life by conference.
Algiers renewed its piracies and slave-taking, though on a smaller scale, and the measures to be taken with it were discussed at the conference or congress of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818.
In 1892 at his instigation the first English Conference of Jewish Preachers was held, and some reforms were then and at other times introduced, such as the introduction of Bible Readings in English, the admission of women as choristers and the inclusion of the express consent of the bride as well as the bridegroom at the marriage ceremony.
Cromwell summoned the Whitehall Conference in December of the same year.
To this conference were summoned some of the most notable statesmen, lawyers and theologians of the day.
This led to an international conference at Brussels in 1853, which produced the greatest benefit to navigation as well as indirectly to meteorology.
Metternich was anxious to summon a European conference to Vienna, with a view to placing Turkey under a collective guarantee.
In December, at the conference of Vienna, Austria had already passed over to the enemy.
They appeared in the conference hall, whose seats were filling with vamps eager to see Talon's show.
If it weren't for the joy of hearing the usual glowing report, the conference would almost be a waste of time – almost.
The conference room was plain, the white walls bare, the harsh lighting and round conference table centered.
She liked him even less after that occurrence and chose to hide in the conference room every day after that, unwilling to deal with him again.
After a brief closed-door session with a distraught Leland Anderson, a press conference was called and held at headquarters.
Gerry alone spoke to him, while two others hung back as the Guardian led him into the hidden room at the back of the house, filled with a small conference table and humming computers.
The conference attendees discussed alternatives to conventional agriculture for meeting world food needs in the next century.
Concerns over student voter apathy in the general election will be debated on the conference floor in a debate on citizenship.
The conference speaker list was augmented by a series of guest speakers from the commercial world.
Ideally, this will eventually culminate in the running of a conference and/or thematic workshops.
The conference focused on the dichotomy of public and private education.
The views of the scholars at the Leipzig conference simply do not conform to the dominant paradigm.
The potential solutions were reiterated in the final document of the Review Conference.
Those attending a conference abroad tend to be the envy of their colleagues so complaints about such trials and tribulations elicit little sympathy.
The Conference will bring top academics, business entrepreneurs and policy makers from around the world to Southampton.
The communist and workers' parties approved by acclamation the Declaration of Brussels and the Resolution of the Conference.
That is the nature of the argument adduced in the Lambeth Conference in 1998.
In this spirit, we invited the Iranian ambassador to be one of a number of guest speakers at our 2005 conference.
See attached appendix Our thoughts are that the conference was very successful.
Crystal Palace have arranged a press conference to announce their new manager tomorrow, with Peter Taylor the expected appointee.
There is also a widespread apprehension that anything missing from the conference agenda will be at a disadvantage in the years to come.
However, unable to persuade representatives from the warring nations to take part, the conference was unable to negotiate an armistice.
The interior had a conference table, 7 upholstered chairs and large ashtrays which were capable of accepting cigar ash.
We look forward to welcoming all attendees of the Conference to Cambridge (which can be reached in several ways) in July.
There was not a single ICANN conference attendee in sight.
And the convention's outcome still has to be unanimously passed by the next government conference beginning this autumn.
At the last SA conference, the SWP tried to exclude the awl from the executive.
Next day and still slightly bleary eyed it was time to start the conference proper.
Conference Room 2 is suitable for meetings consisting of 20 delegates boardroom style or 40 theater style.
We also have access to a smaller conference hall for exhibitor presentations, which is an unexpected bonus.
There are six conference rooms, three dining rooms, a games room and a well-stocked bookshop.
Luckily for him the gang bosses send aides into another conference room to work out the banking details.
Offering flexibility and choice, we cater for all business and meetings and gatherings, from a creative brainstorm to a major sales conference.
She said the idea was first broached at a partners ' conference over the summer.
The prize of £ 500 takes the form of a travel bursary for travel to a conference of the winner's choice.
To view the transcript of the conference call, go to on 23 June 2006.
In addition up to four headsets can be united via one base unit for conference calling.
The Advisory Committee agreed by acclamation to present the candidacy of Korea for the 2004 General Conference.
She herself is a member of the SVP Conference, which runs a canteen for 200 children every day.
This conference looks at the different approaches to becoming network centric, and provides a forum for discussing funding, rationalization and convergence.
At no stage during the conference did CG put up ant sort of fight for its once cherished aim of an independent socialist republic.
You're a respected HIV physician and researcher but becoming co-chair of the World Aids Conference must be a new challenge?
She was program co-chair for ACM Multimedia '96 and '98 and conference co-chair of ACM Hypertext '97 which was held in Southampton.
The 17th British colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science was held in early April 2001 in the Kelvin Conference Center in Glasgow.
Thursday I attended an external conference about meeting the needs of Mature Students in HE.
We will be organizing a conference on risk perception to address this matter in detail.
In June Britain hosted a high-level conference on children affected by armed conflict.
The theory created considerable debate, and in 1977 the Lausanne Movement convened a special conference to consider it.
Plans are well advanced for the annual conference, which is to be held in 2001 in Durham.
National network - one-day conference in June, but again it's a voluntary thing and not nearly enough.
A major international conference to launch the final report will take place in 2006.
Tim Brighouse, Chief Adviser for London Schools will chair this two-day conference.
Its ninth biennial conference (PPSN IX) will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland on 9-13 September 2006.
Mohammed Ali was of course the master of the press conference.
Speaking through an interpreter, Mr Yu Jianwei told a London news conference that the company wanted Government aid to help with the project.
Conference - This feature allows the connection of up to six internal telephone users to communicate with each other.
The Manchester Conference Center, with its wonderful theaters and meeting rooms and highly corporate ambiance is every inch a conference center of today.
It is an initiative to challenge the oil industry throughout the 100 day countdown to Kyoto climate conference in december 1997.
The conference dinner will be held on board the historic WWII battle cruiser HMS Belfast.
This should provide an excellent curtain raiser for the Conference League match which follows.
During the Opening Ceremony of the 27th European cystic fibrosis Conference 2004, in Birmingham, Dr. Littlewood was awarded both the above honors.
Deanery Reviews After the Conference, each deanery Reviews After the Conference, each Deanery will be asked to draw up a deanery mission plan for the future.
Beckham revealed his decision at England's final news conference in Germany in the wake of their World Cup quarter-final defeat by Portugal.
The conference showed defiance by voting in favor of linking the basic pensions with average earnings.
The audience The conference attracted 153 delegates, the largest number to date.
Phil Hope's address was followed by questions from conference delegates.
I am, however, my constituency delegate to the Labor conference this year so may get a chance to speak.
For years union delegations at the conference have ignored their mandates.
In that event, history would record that the Conference on Disarmament was ultimately destined to succeed, not to wither and fade away.
Those who heard him lead morning devotions at the Methodist Conference never forgot him.
That is one reason I give no apology for introducing a spiritual dimension to a conference dedicated to the Practical Pilgrim.
The Conference on disarmament was created in 1961 as a centerpiece in the nuclear disarmament machinery.
But I can assure you itâs going to be about leadership, about equality and yes Conference, itâs going to be about ference, itâs going to be about FE.
It will be a condition of entry that the three short listed finalists give a presentation at conference.
A conference flier can be found here, and a registration form can be downloaded here.
The report will be presented to the City's key opinion formers at next Tuesday's APCIMS annual conference in London.
The results will be revealed at a pension fund trustee conference at the London Stock Exchange in June.
The conference organizers are keen to encourage geographers from around the world to attend this meeting.
The National Health Services ' Principal Medical Officer, the person overseeing clinical governance, Dr. Philip Leech, will open this conference.
I have been extremely heartened by the conversations I have had with many of you during this Annual Conference.
The Conference will bring together high-level speakers and thinkers to address the relationship between CSR and sectoral and national competitiveness.
The conference brought together high-level London Boro councilors and officers, as well as other interested stakeholders.
Scheduling a second conference would set a new deadline and provide further pressure on the remaining holdouts.
The conference focussed on the new ' Revolving Door ' system between prison, homelessness hostels and hospitals.
While they can lack the immediacy of conference and journal papers, they are essential for providing in-depth coverage of research.
This year's Regional Assembly conference explored the implications of climate change for the West Midlands.
Once participants are contributing to the conference, a problem of mutual incomprehension arises.
International contacts are also institutionalized in the International Patristics Conference, regularly hosted by Oxford.
At the recent Likud conference, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was greeted by jeers and shouts from hundreds of his former ideological fellow-travelers.
The Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University, Professor Peter Scott, will deliver the final keynote of the conference.
The conference keynote will be given by Professor Phil Candy of the NHS University.
Entertaining at ExCel London's state-of-the-art conference and exhibition center in Docklands naturally lends itself to entertaining on the water.
In recent years, the ASEASUK conference has not included linguistics.
None of the items displayed at a news conference were priceless antiquities looted from Iraqi museums.
An NIH Consensus Conference concluded that routine mammography was not indicated universally for women in their forties [1] .
The conference will bring together mathematicians, physicists, and engineers of varying backgrounds and occupations.
Conference presentations include pieces on Jack Kerouac and blackface minstrelsy, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Theodor Adorno.
A truly multipurpose seating design that will be equally at home in executive meeting rooms, conference facilities or cafes.
The park also has a state of the art conference center, restaurants, a fitness center, and an on-site nursery.
Whenever anything of local significance was happening, Lakka called a conference of the senior orcs in the village.
Proceedings of a Conference organized by the British Council in Cairo, Cairo, The British Council, pp.
The conference organizers will book taxis on request, given flight details.
They have also welcomed the positive outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference.
John Wesley, under the pastoral oversight of itinerant ministers who met at an annual conference.
The most basic feature of a web conference is screen sharing, whereby conference participants see whatever is on the presenter's screen.
American President Woodrow Wilson, who was influential at the post-war peace conference, supported the plan with enthusiasm.
Michael was inspired to write private peaceful after visiting Ypres to speak at a conference on writing.
A pioneering conference introducing peacemakers from around the world will soon be held at the University of Bradford.
Having to provide mhpa see eg cost health insurance low student however the parity pediatrics national conference.
Skype 2.0 allows users to conference call up to ten people simultaneously without affecting the performance of other applications.
Then in 1994 Sally's aunt somehow persuaded the girls of the family that they should accompany her to the New Dawn conference.
At the first conference of the NAACP she successfully persuaded the organization to resolve to make lynching a federal crime.
He opened the final plenary of the NPT Conference at 10.30 pm.
This year Leeds hosted the annual BDSA conference at the rather plush Hilton hotel.
The conference presents new ideas and research to help in the development of teaching practices.
The conference will review the evidence, past and present, for round houses in Scotland during later prehistory.
To quench any rumors, Brittas holds a press conference.
It began rather bizarrely with what I'm calling the press conference.
Production themes for the treatment of the vision chapters included a rugby press conference and a courtroom.
It's a dramatic press conference, isn't it?
An in-depth preview of this weekend's Conference action - sponsored by official betting partner totalbet.
Anne Hunter Small, the first principal, was one of the few women who gave a paper at the Edinburgh Conference on 1910.
So perhaps Mr Blair would like to reconsider his recent protestations of ignorance, made at a press conference last December.
In October of this last year, the British Province hosted the annual conference of the European Jesuit provincials.
De Vere Hotels is an upmarket, primarily provincial hotel chain targeted at the conference, corporate and leisure markets.
The conference will consider ICT practice which supports EAL and bilingual pupils in their distinctive learning situation.
Six conference suites overlooking the racecourse can seat from 10 to 450.
In this context, we seek concrete realization of our commitments at the fifth Review Conference of the BWC.
The EC must urgently reconsider the whole structure of the conference.
We will also redouble our efforts at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament to get the main export countries to stop selling landmines.
A conference will take place in the spring in which we, the soviet republic, will participate.
The preliminary results of this work have been presented at the European Geophysical Union Conference in May 2002.
If you support this idea, sign up for the Voices for the Future conference on April 12 and start this process rolling.
Thousands of demonstrators will use sandbags to build a dike around the conference, to be held in the Hague.
The Berlin conference alone - disregarding all the rest - did not pass scot free for us.
The Conference succeeded in placing the issue - which the Secretary-General has called a " global scourge " - on the international agenda.
Roy Heiner We hope this press conference will promote seamanship and safety on the ocean.
Andre brought up the idea of a satellite conference for social secs.
Contact the conference secretariat in case of any doubt.
For another, the conference was supposed to be about the carbonate sedimentology of reefs.
Hmm, that's the graveyard shift of conference week isn't it?
He is a regular speaker on the conference circuit, and lead the BQF workshops six sigma and business excellence.
The conference will focus on the relationship between history, cultural memory and transatlantic slavery.
We also solicit posters describing late-breaking results related to the theme of the conference.
In additon to a LCD screen with Caller ID, it also features a speakerphone, ideal for handsfree use and conference calls!
Gary is available for live presenting and awards hosting, as well as conference and after-dinner speaking engagements.
During the two days of this conference, expert speakers from all quarters will span the spectrum of system criticality.
Thales, along with EDS, were the principal sponsors of the " Digital Identity " conference held in November 2004.
Trees for Cities R&SA was a proud sponsor of the Trees for Cities Urban Trees conference, held on 22 March 2006.
Why they have suddenly become sticklers for paperwork, we don't know, " he told a news conference.
Jean went strait from Istanbul to Weston super Mare for the Green Party Conference.
Occasionally an issue of such major national importance may arise subsequent to the closing date for receipt of Conference Motions.
These different positions on mitigation were largely subsumed for the remainder of the conference.
Conference Venue Our conference options range from an auditorium to more intimate conference rooms and banqueting suites in London.
The last PrepCom could be assigned the additional tasks of procedural preparations for the next Review Conference, of course.
Biofuels technology platform launched The European Technology Platform for Biofuels was officially launched at a conference on 8 June 2006 in Brussels.
What had this got to do with our conference theme of promoting the school library.
In June 1918, the Labor Party Conference terminated the war-time political truce.
The first absolutely unequivocal case of HIV ' superinfection ' was reported at the Retrovirus Conference.
The resolution draws on the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, welcoming the efforts undertaken to achieve the treaty's universality.
However, Kroes, attending a competition conference in Italy, sounded upbeat.
The main upshot of the conference contributions was the seminal and pervasive role of Platonism in early modern philosophy.
The conference venue is the Science Building at the University of Warwick.
Last month the Kennel Club hosted the Canine Events Conference, chaired by the vice-chairman.
Prof Alison Richard, university vice-chancellor, outlined details of the anniversary campaign at a press conference at the British Library in London.
Debra Dunn, HP senior Vice President of corporate affairs and global citizenship, spoke at the conference.
Many more had been refused visas to travel to the conference.
Shastri reported the conference in an article, " Convert imperialist war into civil war.
BirdWatch Ireland - all Ireland Conference, Mike Toms will be speaking at this conference on wintering warblers.
Also, an archived replay of the conference Webcast will be available on the Company's website.
The conference will also discuss how to improve patient safety and learn from mistakes to ensure a safer workplace for all.
I think I'm going to sort through my photos next, then I'll upload them and do a little conference write-up.
The incident nearly give rise to war between England and Russia; but the amir Abdur-Rahman, who was present at the Rawalpindi conference with Lord Dufferin at the time, affected to regard the matter as a mere frontier scuffle.
The chief event of his primacy was the meeting at Lambeth, in 1867, of the first Pan-Anglican conference of British, colonial and foreign bishops (see Lambeth Conferences).