Concordance Sentence Examples
Such concordance gives strong support to the theory of diffusion outlined above.
I use this concordance with a variety of other bible study tools.
His Greek concordance is one of the best of its kind ever produced.
This is dependent on the reason for input, the complexity of the care required, any complicating factors and patient concordance.
Dates and Dating Issues The English Calendar - an online concordance of dates developed by Ian McInnes.
The fact that zwischen also collocates with Vergleich is not covered in the Stilwörterbuch but is captured in the concordance.
In which case, how can we empower different individuals to achieve concordance through partnership?
One way of finding out is to produce a concordance for don't.
With the exhaustive concordance you can find any word you need.
Here is the most complete concordance showing the relationships of Hebrew words to the NIV.
AdvertisementThis is a comprehensive character-by-character translation which includes a concordance that will let you explore the I Ching in new ways.
Those patients who do not wish to can still be helped by improving concordance.
His knowledge of the Bible was such that he might have been called a living concordance; and on the margin of his copy of the Book of Martyrs are still legible the ill-spelt lines of doggerel in which he expressed his reverence for the brave sufferers, and his implacable enmity to the mystical Babylon.
Among other aids should be mentioned the Index Homericus of Seber (Oxford, 1780); Prendergast's Concordance to the Iliad (London, 1875); Dunbar's id.
The comparison of independent results shows in many cases a remarkable concordance, and the data are becoming of great value for the testing of various theories of the relations between heat and electricity.
AdvertisementAllowing for incomplete ionization the general concordance of these numbers with the theoretical ones is very striking.
His publications were connected with biblical criticism and interpretation, some of them being for popular use and others more strictly scientific. To the former class belong the Biblical Cyclopaedia, his edition of Cruden's Concordance, his Early Oriental History, and his discourses on the Divine Love and on Paul the Preacher; to the latter his commentaries on the Greek text of St Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Galatians, published at intervals in four volumes.
The " Tableau methodique " offers a convenient concordance of the old Planches enluminees and its successor, and is arranged after the system set forth by Temminck in the first volume of the second edition of his Manuel d'ornithologie, of which something must presently be said.
For a complete concordance of the Gregorian and the republican calendars see Stokvis, Manuel d'histoire, tome iii.
Such, a concordance between theory and experiment not only verifies the accuracy of thermodynamic reasoning as applied to dilute solutions, but gives perhaps one of the most convincing experimental verifications of the general validity of thermodynamic theory which we possess.