Concert Sentence Examples
There's a concert at the arts center.
Someday, when there is a concert, I would love to take you to Tanglewood.
That work was carried out by Benjamin Constant in concert with the emperor.
Close to the latter stand the new supreme court, the old age and accident state insurance offices, the chief custom house, and the concert hall, founded by Karl Laeisz, a former Hamburg wharfinger.
More than just a succession of songs, this specially devised concert takes the form of a journey through time.
By the law of the 20th of February 1906 the Council of the Empire was associated with the Duma as a legislative Upper House; and from this time the legislative power has been exercised normally by the emperor only in concert with the two chambers.
The Ottoman Empire thus remained outside the European concert; Russia maintained her claim to a special right of isolated intervention in its affairs; and the renewal of war between Russia and Turkey was only postponed by the preoccupation of Alexander with his dream of the " Confederation of Europe."
He realized that the dominance of France could only be broken by the union of Austria and Prussia, acting in concert with Great Britain.
She now assumed the regency, in concert with Bishop Willigis and a council of princes of the Empire, and held it until in 995 Otto was declared of age.
This concert of the great powers, as its name implies, in contradistinction to the " balance of power," was essentially a factor for the preservation of peace.
AdvertisementMeanwhile the concert has admitted among its members first in 1856 Turkey, later in 1878 at the Congress of Berlin the United States, and now undoubtedly Japan will expect to be included as a great power in this controlling body.
The essential feature of the concert has been recognition of the advantage to all the great powers of common action in reference to territorial changes in the Near East, of meeting together as a council, in preference to unconcerted negotiation by the powers acting severally.
These conferences of all the powers serve in practice as a sort of common council in the community of states, just as the concert of the great powers acts as a kind of senate.
Not only was its very existence an obstacle to .the T he Parcy a n d the spread of their temporal power in the peninsula, Norman but it frequently acted in concert with the pope 's Kingdom enemies and thwarted the papal policy.
The compromise with the surviving rebels was arranged by his son in concert with Richard of Cornwall and the legate Ottobuono; the statute of Marlborough (1267), which purchased a lasting peace by judicious concessions, was similarly arranged between Edward and the earl of Gloucester.
AdvertisementOn the 24th of October of that year he concluded a preliminary convention by which an Ottoman and a British high commissioner, acting in concert with the khedive, should reorganize the Egyptian army, tranquillize the Sudan by pacific means, and consider what changes might be necessary in the civil administration.
The duc de Choiseul, who refused to acknowledge her, was disgraced in 1771; and the duc d'Aiguillon, who had the reputation of being her lover, took his place, and in concert with her governed the monarch.
Immersing yourself in Christmas music at a special concert is a wonderful way to enjoy these seasonal tunes.
For example, you could try bowling, golf, going to a concert, a sports game or tour.
If there is a concert, musical, theater production, or sporting event planned around your child's birthday, you can make that the birthday theme.
AdvertisementCastlereagh, whose single-minded aim was the restoration of "a just equilibrium" in Europe, reproached the tsar to his face for a " conscience " which suffered him to imperil the concert of the powers by keeping his hold on Poland in violation of his treaty obligation.'
On the 19th of November he signed the Troppau Protocol, which consecrated the principle of intervention and wrecked the harmony of the concert.
Lord Maxwell, earl of Morton, as a Roman Catholic, mustered his tenants here to act in concert with the Armada; but on the approach of King James VI.
Accord ' This " manifesto," which was bitterly attacked in the North, was agreed upon (October 18, 1854) by the three ministers after several meetings at Ostend and at Aix-la-Chapelle, arranged in pursuance of instructions to them from President Pierce to " corn-, pare opinions, and to adopt measures for perfect concert of action in aid of the negotiations at Madrid " on the subject of reparations demanded from Spain by the United States for alleged injuries to American commerce with Cuba.
He took the lead in establishing the European concert during the Armenian troubles of 1896, and again resisted isolated action on the part of any of the great powers during the Cretan troubles and the GrecoTurkish War.
AdvertisementA few years later he attempted, in concert with others, to fasten a charge of heresy upon Archbishop Cranmer in connexion with the Act of the Six Articles; and but for the personal intervention of the king he would probably have succeeded.
The following year the Venetian brothers Bandiera, acting in concert with Mazzini, landed in Calabria, believing the whole country to be in a state of revolt; they met with little local support and were quickly captured and shot, but their death aroused much sympathy, and the whole episode was highly significant as being the first attempt made by north Italians to promote revolution in the south.
He ordered his nephew Filippino, who was then blockading Naples in concert with a French army, to withdraw, and sailed for Genoa, where, with the help of some leading citizens, he expelled the French once more and re-established the republic under imperial protection.
Turkey was now for the first time solemnly admitted to the European concert.
The international concert defined in the treaty of Berlin had been rudely shaken, if not destroyed; the denunciation by Austria, without consulting her co-signatories, of the clauses of the treaty affecting herself seemed to invalidate all the rest; and in the absence of the restraining force of a united concert of the great powers, free play seemed likely once more to be given to the rival ambitions of the Balkan nationalities, the situation being complicated by the necessity for the dominant party in the renovated Turkish state to maintain its prestige.
In November 1805 he was raised to the rank of admiral; and in the summer of 1807, whilst still a lord of the admiralty, he was appointed to the command of the fleet ordered to the Baltic, which, in concert with the army under Lord Cathcart, reduced Copenhagen, and enforced the surrender of the Danish navy, consisting of nineteen ships of the line, besides frigates, sloops, gunboats, and naval stores.
Yet it was a task all but impossible to preserve this appearance of unanimity in view of the divergent views within the concert.
The emperor Nicholas was prepared to accept the views of Great Britain on the Turco-Egyptian question; to allow the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi to lapse; to act henceforth in the Ottoman Empire only in concert with the other powers, in return for an agreement closing the Dardanelles to the war-ships of all nations and to extend the same principle to the Bosporus.
In the circumstances France should either have loyally accepted the decision of the majority of the concert, to which she had committed herself by signing the joint note of the 27th of July, or should have frankly stated her intention of taking up a position outside.
Thiers, however, refused to listen to any suggestion for depriving him of any part of Syria; but, instead of breaking off the correspondence and leaving the concert, he continued the negotiations, and before long circumstances came to the knowledge of the British government which seemed to prove that he was only doing so with a view to gaining time in order to secure a separate settlement in accordance with French views.
They regarded it as an attempt to ruin the work of the concert and to secure for France a "complete individual triumph" at Alexandria and Constantinople; and their countermove was to sign at London on the 15th of July, without the concurrence of France, a convention with the Porte for the settlement of the affairs of the Levant.
In his eleventh year he began to play in public there, and Beethoven came to his second concert in April 1823.
In concert with the American generals, he planned an attack on Newport, preparatory to which he compelled the British to destroy some war vessels that were in the harbour; but before the concerted attack could take place, he put to sea against the English fleet, under Lord Howe, when owing to a violent storm, which arose suddenly and compelled the two fleets to separate before engaging in battle, many of his vessels were so shattered that he found it necessary to put into Boston for repairs.
The Buxton Gardens are beautifully laid out, with ornamental waters, a fine opera-house, pavilion and concert hall, theatre and reading rooms. Electric lighting has been introduced, and there is an excellent golf course.
Sweden was not then as now quite outside the European Concert.
These he composed for a time, but in 1862 a Persian army, acting in concert with Ahmad Khan, advanced against Kandahar.
If the above-mentioned condition be not satisfied, the triangle is imaginary, and the three fluids cannot rest in contact, the two weaker tensions, even if acting in full concert, being incapable of balancing the strongest.
Not only was the Balkan league on the point of internal explosion, but the Concert of Europe was trying to create the new state of Albania in the midst of a three-cornered diplomatic contest between Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia.
Besides the ruins of a Cistercian abbey founded by Pribislaus, prince of Mecklenburg, in 1173, and secularized in 1552, it possesses an Evangelical Gothic church of the 14th century, one of the finest in north Germany, a grand-ducal palace, a theatre, an exchange and a concert hall.
The new officials appear to have supported the more advanced Hussite party, while Rozmital and the members of the town council of Prague who had acted in concert with him had been the allies of the Romanists and those Utraquists who were nearest to the Church of Rome.
The murder of John the Fearless in 1419 under the eyes of the dauphin Charles threw the Burgundians definitely into the arms of the English, and his successor Philip the Good, in concert with Queen Isabeau, concluded (1420) the treaty of Troyes with Henry V., who became master of France.
Should, however, the status quo be disturbed, the powers were to concert to safeguard their special interests.
In 1747 he joined the movement started in Scotland called the " concert in prayer," and in the same year published An Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God's People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom on Earth.
Of modern erections, the concert hall, the law courts and a memorial fountain to the cartographer Gerhard Kremer (Mercator) are worthy of mention.
The rising in this quarter received little attention until January 1858, when Sir Hugh Rose was given the command of two brigades, to act in concert with Sir Colin Campbell, and he immediately began a campaign which for celerity and effectiveness has rarely been equalled in India.
In science he was the first among modern men to set himself most of those problems which unnumbered searchers of later generations have laboured severally or in concert to solve.
By previous concert with the Moldavian voivode Aaron, on the 13th of November 1594, the Turkish guards and settlers in the two principalities were massacred at a given signal.
Albert's large and liberal ideas, his friendship with Ulrich von Hutten, and his political ambitions, appear to have raised hopes that he would be won over to the reformed faith; but after the Peasants' War of 1525 he ranged himself definitely among the supporters of Catholicism, and was among the princes who met to concert measures for its defence at Dessau in July 1525.
Among the many treaties and conventions signed here may be mentioned the treaty of the Triple Alliance (January 23, 1688)1688) between England, Sweden and the Netherlands; the concert of the Hague (March 31, 1710) between the Emperor, England and Holland, for the maintenance of the neutrality of the Swedish provinces in Germany during the war of the northern powers against Sweden; the Triple Alliance (January 4, 1717) between France, England and Holland for the guarantee of the treaty of Utrecht; the treaty of peace (Feb.
On,the 1st of December 1792 a proclamation was issued calling out the militia on the ground that a dangerous spirit of tumult and disorder had been excited by evil-disposed persons, acting in concert with persons in foreign parts, and this statement was repeated in the kings speech at the opening of parliament on the I3th.
In the following year \% ellingtons victory at Vitoria signalled the ruin of the French cause in Spain; while Prussia threw off the yoke of France, and Austria, realizing after cautious delay her chance of retrieving the humiliations of 1809, joined the alliance, and in concert with Russia and the other German powers overthrew Napoleon at Leipzig.
The succeeding period, after so much storm and stress, might seem dull and unprofitable; but it witnessed the instructive experiment of the government of Europe by a concert of the great powers, and the first victory of the new principle of nationality in the insurrection of the Greeks.
The rigid conservatism that resulted from this attitude served, indeed, a useful purpose in giving weight to Castlereaghs counsels in the European concert; for Metternich at least, wholly occupied with propping up mouldering institutions, could not have worked harmoniously with a minister suspected of an itch for reform.
They further declared that they would be ready to act for this purposein concert with the other powers.
The invasion of Switzerland was baffled by want of concert between Austrians and Russians and by Massena's victory at Zurich on the 25th and 26th of September.
In 1808 he formed one of a deputation who went to Vienna, at the invitation of the archduke John, to concert a rising; and when in April 1809 the Tirolese rose in arms, Hofer was chosen commander of the contingent from his native valley, and inflicted an overwhelming defeat on the Bavarians at Sterzing (April 11).
He had numerous interviews with Francis I., and in 1523 he was permitted, in concert with John Stewart, duke of Albany, the Scottish regent, to arrange an invasion of England, which was never carried out.
In concert with her he arranged the king's marriage with Elizabeth Farnese of Parma.
In September, however, in concert with Gustav von Struve, he crossed the Rhine from Switzerland at the head of a band of volunteers, and proclaimed a republic in Baden.
It was this article of the treaty of the 10th of November 1815, rather than the "Holy Alliance," that formed the basis of the serious effort made by the great powers, between 1815 and 1822, to govern Europe in concert, which will be found outlined in the article on the history of Europe.
However, the invaders do not appear to have acted in concert until 830.
An invasion of England was planned in 1483 in concert with the duke of Buckingham's rising; but stormy weather at sea and an inundation in the Severn defeated the two movements.
The principal buildings of entertainment are the aquarium (also used as a concert hall); the museum, a rotunda in Doric style, containing excellent antiquarian and natural history collections; two theatres, and the assembly rooms attaching to the Spa House.
Under the prince of Cond they had ollected a little army round Trier; and in concert with the Austrian Committee of Paris they solicited the armed intervention of monarchical Europe.
At Basel (April July 1795) republican France, having rejoined the of concert of Europe, signed the long-awaited peace with Prussia, Spain, Holland and the grand-duke of Tuscany.
The 24th then had been a day of success for the Federals, and the decisive attack of the three armies in concert was to take place on the 2 5th.
Cicadas are chiefly remarkable for the shrill song of the males, which in some cases may be heard in concert at a distance of a quarter of a mile or more.
It seems to be certain that Julian, the imperial count or governor of Ceuta, acting in concert with the family and faction of Witiza, who sought his help against Roderic, provided vessels to transport the Berber Tank (Tariq) across the straits.
In the early years of the Restoration the king and Canovas acted in concert in two most delicate matters.
Spanish diplomacy endeavoured to obtain the patronage of Italy and Germany with a view to secure the admission of Spain into the European concert, and into international conferences whenever Mediterranean and North African questions should be mooted.
These two moderate Liberals acted in concert to grapple with colonial questions, which in 1894 had assumed a very serious aspect.
The so-called " Concert of Europe " was at an end, but British ministries continued to call the attention of the sultan to his obligations under the treaty of Berlin.
He came into notice first as an opponent of Pericles, to whom his advanced ideas were naturally unacceptable, and in his opposition somewhat curiously found himself acting in concert with the aristocrats, who equally hated and feared Pericles.
Slightly off center in the room stood a breathtaking, nine-foot, ebony Steinway concert grand piano.
Vagaries of the english weather have never prevented a concert from going ahead!
Has concert hall acoustics affected the music people have composed?
Then comes the official tenth anniversary concert at the Usher Hall on 17 September.
The vocal works (opera, concert arias, masses) are in a separate volume with the green cover.
Leslie worked for a Concert Promotion Company that brought famous American artistes to tour the UK.
Sir Peter Blake is also creating a new artwork to celebrate the return Live At Leeds concert by The Who.
King of Herts logo Anyone who attended this concert will tell you what a fantastic evening of music we all enjoyed.
At noon, the big open-air rock concert against the bombing begins in the heart of the city.
The musicians had given a concert and were performing a choral concert on 2nd May in Charlton Church.
After this inaugural concert we walked back along the outside of the city walls.
I remember playing at an outdoor concert once where the band that was to follow mine was warming up right behind us!
Concert promoters can post concert promoters can post concerts free of charge on the site.
Aylesbury Festival Choir, Buckinghamshire A long-established choir of around 100 members performing two major concerts each year plus a carol concert.
They perform around the world, with regular sell-out concerts at London's main concert halls.
Straightened and rotated symphony concert at from the bike.
A Japanese interpreter attended a concert and later 'he came personally to thank me... and was a most charming conversationalist ' .
I was having no luck finding a sheep/lamb costume for my daughters Christmas Carol concert.
Faith Hill found time to headline huge concert tours including a VH1 divas special.
For someone like myself who is completely enamored of British church music, the concert went from high point to high point.
The concert ended with an encore of " An Irish Blessing " a beautifully evocative air.
Joe Strummer, the punk singer last night played a concert for the striking firefighters.
I went to see their " hell freezes Over " concert at Murrayfield Stadium almost 10 years ago.
Hammersmith Odeon, London '75 is the only full-length concert film ever released of Bruce and the E Street Band's first 25 years.
It gets well funky by the end of the concert!
The games, created in traditional carnival style with a new futuristic twist, will engage and entertain concert goers before the shows.
Space on the campsites is for concert goers only.
In 1931 the school had its first gramophone bought by the proceeds of a concert.
Also, I don't like sitting in a concert hall or theater with a full tummy.
Salzedo was a celebrated concert harpist, and he designed the Chanson to show off a portfolio of harpist's techniques.
Concert Notes - The single-manual anonymous Italian harpsichord The single-manual harpsichord being used in tonight's concert is unfortunately neither signed nor dated.
If the thought behind The Concert Of The Present is not always so high-minded, it most certainly should be.
These dates include the band's first hometown show this year, plus a concert with the magnificent Interpol in London town.
But when Laurie Anderson composed a drive-in concert of motorists beeping car horns, she was being creative.
Mendelssohn wrote two concert pieces for clarinet, basset horn and pianoforte dedicated to father and son Baermann.
Dan is not a particularly brilliant singer and a whole evening of guitar instrumentals is not my ideal concert.
Also, I do n't like sitting in a concert hall or theater with a full tummy.
Despite the inherent limitations of concert films, Sign o ' the Times is conceptually strong and visually riveting.
Yorvox gave a concert of English and Italian madrigals at the Cambridge Early Music Summer School on July 19th, 2002.
In 1970 he established his own workshop and his instruments have been played by many concert artists including the Spanish maestro, Narciso Yepes.
The opening concert of the Series is a program built around the extraordinary talents of the Hungarian mezzo-soprano Katalin Károlyi.
Shortly before the concert he decides to skip his guitar for the evening and perform the entire set with hand held mike and harmonica.
In November 2002, we gave a concert of music by Thomas Tallis, including Spem in Alium, his famous 40 part motet.
Cliff Richard stared at the assembled multitude gathered for his forty-eighth Christmas concert.
The concert and demonstration was given to Years 7, 8 and 9 accompanied by musicians from all other parts of the school.
Other projects have included numerous opera galas as well as concert performances of opera galas as well as concert performances of operas by Britten, Rossini, Verdi and Puccini.
One of today's celebrated concert organists also holds this view 13.
Jennifer Bate is a concert organist who is known for her use of great ' color ' on the organ.
By the time of the above memories, the BH Concert Hall was the regular venue, suitably decorated with potted palms!
The Orchestra rehearses weekly, leading to a concert performance at the end of each semester.
The concert will be conducted by Mark Elder and performed by pianist Stephen Hough.
He conducts a concert of music by Danish composer Poul Ruders, featuring pianist Rolf Hind.
Ryder, a renowned pianist, arrives in a Central European city he cannot identify for a concert he cannot remember agreeing to give.
He is living in London at the home of the acclaimed concert pianist, Leslie Howard, an old family friend.
Could she be our concert pianist, we wondered?
They will then head straight to Birmingham for final preparations for the concert at Symphony Hall next Thursday.
Beginning around midday, the afternoon session will include a singaround, an audio-visual presentation about Bob, and a concert.
His concert work is equally prestigious, and he has featured in recordings of Haydn, Schumann, Brahms and Mozart.
Just the fact that Alice had never done a full fledged concert with just one guitar got me pretty psyched up to do it.
Dilys Laye had previously appeared in a concert staging of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, starring redheaded puppeteer Louise Gold.
The band then rearranged into big band formation to finish off the concert with some more lively music.
The band played a " Last Night of the Proms " style concert to an extremely receptive audience.
Over 8000 people gathered in the heart of Amsterdam to take part a Tibetan freedom concert condemning repression in Tibet and the death penalty.
December saw a sleepover for Philip's birthday, Val to stay, Phil Buckley to stay, and Ian's violin concert.
The concert starts at 7.30pm and features the soloist Alan Morrison.
From 1997 to 2002 she was leader of The English Concert with whom she toured throughout the world, often as concerto soloist.
They are certainly hugely responsible for the way concert productions have grown more sophisticated over the years.
The soloists for this concert will include Australian soprano Rebecca Nash.
Hitherto The Lost Musicals shows have always been concert stagings of Lost Musicals.
T rod Stewart concert ticket nfl football ticket auction nfl ticket with one.
The variety concert will also feature Claire Sweeney, dubbed the forces ' sweetheart, and actors Tom Conti and Joely Richardson.
He then takes the bass solos in Beethoven's ninth symphony for the inaugural performance of the Opera North 05/06 concert season in Huddersfield.
For this tour they play each in one half of the concert as soloists accompanied by tabla.
This funding, together with average box-office takings, usually covers the concert fee.
To me it looks like ' Glorie ' Hunting not so teeny boppers outside the stage door after an Ishmael concert.
We had all enjoyed a truly terrific concert, and wanted to thank the performers with our generous applause.
How can I buy concert tickets for major events in Leicestershire?
Dennis has to cancel the concert, causing an uproar.
The busiest concert venue on the planet with 823,000 paying guests in 2003.
Among these are the new palace, an imposing structure of the 18th century, finished in 1807; the old palace, a 16th-century building, with a picturesque arcaded court; the KOnigsbau, a huge modern building with a fine colonnade, containing ball and concert rooms; the so-called Akademie, formerly the seat of the Karlschule, where Schiller received part of his education, and now containing the royal library; and the court theatre, destroyed by fire in 1902, and subsequently rebuilt.
The governor and his subordinate plundered in concert, till in 78 Dolabella had to stand his trial at Rome, and was convicted, mainly on the evidence of Verres, who thus secured a pardon for himself.
In 1534 Duke Ulrich called him to Wurttemberg in aid of the reformation there, as well as for the reconstitution of the university of Tubingen, which he carried out in concert with Ambrosius Blarer of Constanz.
The detached building, formerly the stables, is converted into a fine concert hall; it is lighted by a vast glazed dome approaching that of St Paul's cathedral, London, in dimensions.
In concert with Jeanne Francoise Fremyot (1572-1641), widow of the baron de Chantal, whose acquaintance he made while preaching through Lent at Dijon in 1604, he founded the order of the Visitation, in favour of "strong souls with weak bodies," as he said, deterred from entering the orders already existing, by their inability to undertake severe corporal austerities.
The pope, unable to resist the popular demand for war, allowed his army to depart (March 23) under the command of General Durando, with instructions to act in concert with Charles Albert, and he corresponded with the grand-duke of Tuscany and the king of Naples with a view to a military alliance.
During the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 Visconti Venosta labored to maintain the Europe-an concert, joined Great Britain in preserving Greece from the worst consequences of her folly, and lent moral and material aid in establishing an autonomous government in Crete.
In both cases, as it seems, an attempt was made by the bishop of Rome to depose the erring patriarch by his authority as primate of Christendom, acting in concert with a Western synod.
In this period of destitution the cotton-growing resources of every part of the globe were tested to the utmost; and in the exhibition of 1862 the representatives of every country from which supplies might be expected met to concert measures for obtaining all that was wanted without the aid of America.
These chieftains acted in concert with the British representative in the country, to whom was given the title of resident commissioner.
Here it may suffice to say that the desire of the emperor Nicholas to break the entente between Great Britain and France led him to waive his special claims under the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi, and that in the ultimate concert by which the question was settled France, which throughout supported Mehemet Ali, had no part.
The bill vetoed by Monroe would in effect have given to the Federal government jurisdiction over the road; and in his elaborate memorandum (May 4, 1822) accompanying his veto message, Monroe discussed at length the constitutional questions involved, argued that the Federal government was empowered by the Constitution to appropriate money for " internal improvements," and in concert with the states through which a road was to pass might supervise the construction of such a road, but might not exercise jurisdiction over it, and advocated the adoption of an amendment to the constitution giving larger power to the Federal government " confined to great national works only, since, if it were unlimited it would be liable to abuse, and might be productive of evil."
The seizure by Russia of the Chinese fortress of Port Arthur, which she had a few years previously, in concert with other powers, compelled Japan to relinquish, was from the Russian point of view the logical outcome of her eastward expansion and her need for an ice-free harbour on the Pacific. The extension of the Trans-Siberian railway through Manchuria to Port Arthur and a large measure of influence in Manchuria followed equally naturally.
The leading nations assumed the hegemony of the west, and in more recent times this combination has become known as the " concert of Europe."
Their intervention was prompt; and the dubious attitude of France, which led to her exclusion from the concert and encouraged Mehemet Ali to resist, only led to his obtaining less favorable terms. (See MEHEMET Au.)
At the pianoforte his achievements culminate in the two books of studies, twice rewritten, and finally published in 1852 as Etudes d'execution transcendante, the Etudes de concert and the Paganini Studies; the two concertos and the Todtentanz, the Sonata the Hungarian Rhapsodies and the fine transcriptions of Beethoven's symphonies (the 9th for two pianofortes as well as solo), and of Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique, and the symphony, Harold en Italie.
Frederick bluntly informed his nephew that, in concert with Russia and Denmark, he had guaranteed the integrity of the existing Swedish constitution, and significantly advised the young monarch to play the part of mediator and abstain from violence.
Just a quickie blog tonight to chuck a couple of piccys on of the concert....
Upon arrival at the concert hall the band immediately rehearse the song again, by the way of a sound check.
Meanwhile in the hall, the bairns were rehearsing for the concert on Friday.
Burns reminisces fondly of a show in Barcelona last December, where his fourteen piece band turned a concert performance into a party.
We split up in mid 1981, then reformed briefly in 1985 for a reunion concert.
London 's most famous cornett and sackbut ensemble will be performing in a free concert with the BBC Singers this April.
In addition to an evening concert, three participatory workshops cover folk guitar playing, samba drumming and folk tunes.
Ceramic tiles designed by the calculations of scattering coefficients have been installed for the sidewalls of a 400-seat concert hall.
Now it is a 400 seat concert auditorium which has played host to a variety of performances, including choirs and orchestras.
The touring continued and at a sellout concert in New York City, The Alarm were joined on stage by Neil Young.
Joji 's concert programs also include Joji 's performances of shakuhachi flute and vocals of Japanese folk songs arranged by him.
December saw a sleepover for Philip 's birthday, Val to stay, Phil Buckley to stay, and Ian 's violin concert.
Taner is a regular concert soloist with the leading orchestras around the world.
The musical standards achieved in this concert were extremely high.
Exposure and in stockholders employees as concert hall and auditorium he 's no longer.
North Cheshire Concert Band The North Cheshire Concert Band is a symphonic wind ensemble based in Warrington.
He has written concert works for a variety of orchestral forces from solo instruments up to orchestral symphonies.
A fish to symphony concert at food fun holiday time to.
Complete Beethoven and Brahms symphony cycles with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Kurt Masur at the Megaron Concert Hall in Athens.
About the Choir Worrall Male Voice Choir celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in grand style by making its first foreign concert tour in May 2000.
Russell Crowe is organizing a tribute concert to the late ' Crocodile Hunter ' Steve Irwin.
The vagaries of the English weather have never prevented a Bowl concert from going ahead !
The following day 's concert wrought the miracle which was trailered in the opening paragraph of this account.
I’d love to come to the concert, but I already have plans that night.
I really enjoyed the concert despite the loud and annoying people sitting behind me.
The crowd desperately wanted an encore from the new band at their first concert.
To put on the concert,synergy between the organizers and the sponsors was required.
The crowddesperatelywanted an encore from the new band at their first concert.
The iconic popstar's concert tickets sold out within minutes of going on sale.
I was accosted multiple times by people pleading for concert tickets within a few blocks of the venue.
I was accosted multiple times by peoplepleadingfor concert tickets within a few blocks of the venue.
I was accosted multiple times by people pleading for concert tickets within a few blocks of thevenue.
Many websites now offer cheaper concert tickets or discount event tickets compared to the door price.
Premium Concert Tickets is a reputable ticket broker where you can purchase event, concert and sporting tickets online.
This can make for a far better concert experience by removing one of the most unpleasant parts of going to live events from the equation.
Price ranges vary widely from as low as $100 or less for an electronic keyboard to potentially more than $100,000 for a Concert Grand.
The Sonic Bomb alarm from Sonic Alert has an incredibly loud 113dB alarm, which is the approximately the same decibel level as a live rock concert or car horn at a distance of one meter.
Consider using eye shadows in concert with your eyeliner.
Miley/Hannah concert tickets are the hottest gig going right now, and they sell out almost immediately, much to the disappointment of a legion of fans.
She's all the rage, with concert tickets in high demand, and songs in the Top 10, so it's little wonder that every little girl wants Hannah Montana clothes.
Check out the new museum downtown, visit an art gallery, or go to a free concert in the park.
Most internships don't pay money but may offer other incentives (such as free tickets to a concert or lunch).
You might consider giving tickets to a sports event or concert.
Is there a concert, sporting event, or theater production coming to town?
Offering the couple a date night with movie or concert tickets is a great way to remind them that the fun continues even after they're married!
A pair of first men blow the horns in concert as the new couple is pronounced man and wife.
It could be a song from the first concert you attended together, or maybe even a song from a movie that both of you love.
You could also purchase concert tickets for events in their area.
Additionally he is interested in helping the environment, and in 2007 he planted a tree for every advance concert ticket purchased for his tour.
Early in his life, 50 Cent did time in prison for several different offenses, and was sentenced to probation after jumping into the audience at a concert, irked with being hit by a water bottle.
The Dixie Chicks had to re-evaluate their tour stops before the tour barely got started, and now 14 U.S. cities have been cut from the tour and replaced with Canada concert stops.
During the weeks leading to the Iraq invasion, band member Natalie Maines announced during a London concert that the Dixie Chicks were "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas," Maines' home state.
The nine-year old has comment that Madonna's gyrating dance in a leotard was "disgusting", and she has also voiced concerns that her mother may be gay after seeing the diva kiss Britney Spears during her concert.
As if including a crucifixion dance routine in her Rome concert performance was not enough to cause an uproar, Madonna invited the Pope to attend, thinking he would find her act beautiful and elegant.
He reunited with DJ Jazzy Jeff to perform at the Philadelphia Live 8 concert in 2005.
Navi even impressed the man himself enough to be personally invited by Jackson to perform at his 43rd birthday concert.
In September 2006, Hilton was pulled over while driving in her Mercedes-Benz after a Hollywood charity concert.
Then, I'm off to Orlando to emcee a Hootie and the Blowfish concert.
After a concert tour for Autobiography, Ashlee Simpson's second album, I Am Me, was released in 2005.
Her father owns a sand and gravel business in California and her mother is a former concert pianist.
Promotions for this album included her first headlining concert, "Mandy Moore Live@ShoutBack."
Singer Beyoncé Knowles took a fall during her concert on July 24, 2007, but like a true performer, she dusted herself off and continued with the show.
During her Orlando, Florida, concert, Beyoncé fell during a performance of "Ring the Alarm," amid a dizzying dancestep that involved whipping her head around.
Of course, any celebrity oops, if caught on video, is going to land on the Internet, so it came as no surprise when the clip was available on YouTube the day after the concert.
Nothing like a celebrity oops to get some concert video footage onto YouTube!
On July 24, 2007, during a concert in Orlando, Florida, the singer took a tumble down a flight of stairs.
They met years ago at a concert, and have been pals for a while.
A Concert for Hurricane Relief - Possibly the most infamous Kanye moment, in a speech given along with comedian Mike Myers, he uttered the phrase "George Bush doesn't care about black people."
The suit alleges that fans were promised "access" concert tickets to Hannah's next show as a benefit of paying the $29.95 membership fee for joining the club.
Representatives for the disappointed Miley fans whom did not get their hands on Hannah concert tickets claim that both Media Marketing and Smiley Miley Inc. knew that there were not going to be enough tickets to go around.
Representatives for Cyrus also commented that the website "…does not guarantee every member a concert ticket."
Finally, while performing during her and Marc Anthony's concert tour, they announced that the rumors were true and the couple was expecting.
High School Musical spun off a variety of other media, including a concert tour in late 2006, in which Hudgens performed her songs from the movies as well as some of her solo material.
Here are some websites where you can see photos, search for concert tour dates, and keep up to date with Beyonce Knowles.
He has played at local pubs with friends, but never with an organized band or in a formal concert setting.
You see, Sting decided to give a concert at the request of Gulnara Karimov.
This is the same woman who requested Sting perform at a small concert in which tickets ranged from $1,000 to $2,000 each.
In response to the criticism, Sting says that the concert was for charity and backed by UNICEF.
Unfortunately for Sting, he should have done a little fact checking, because UNICEF said that they did not back such a concert.
One such attempt was a massive live televised concert on pay-per-view in 1993.
Unfortunately, the famous O.J. Simpson car chase was underway while the concert was on, and viewers turned away in droves to watch the chase.
During a concert in 1997, she surprised her fans by announcing that this would be her last tour, as she planned to retire and focus on other things.
Considering the demands made on celebrities, who make appearances all over the world for promotions, charity events, and acting roles or concert tours, owning a private jet seems to be a necessity for many.
Michelle Obama turned to JCrew again for the Kids' Inaugural concert.
Play it up with a white blouse and dressy jewelry for that special occasion, or wear it with a concert T-shirt or casual sweater for a day at school.
You don't have to attend a Miley Cyrus concert to snag cool Hannah Montana gear.
As with adult tees, the shirts can either be specific to a band and a concert, or they can be an alt shirt in either a long or short-sleeved version.
They are even dated - the Cream shirt is an exact replica of the concert shirt sold with the Fillmore Auditorium booking from March 7, 1968-March 10, 1968.
Not only is this a cruise sure to have plenty of Bud Light on board, but there is also a scheduled VIP music concert with a popular artist (yet to be announced as of this writing).
Each year several major cruise lines, including Carnival and Royal Caribbean, host concert party voyages.
The concert sailings also feature fun games, such as Elvis look-alike contests, dance competitions, trivia games and karaoke challenges.
Plus, enjoy a special bluegrass concert.
In addition, cruisers gain admission to a special private concert.
The album fared well on the charts, and an Anaheim, California concert promoting the album led to a live DVD in The Show Must Go Off! series.
You'll be surprised how often you grab one for an evening concert in the park, a firework show or movie night.
If your set is made of a fabric like silk, you can wear it to a summer concert and be comfortable as well as elegant.
You may have never had time to go to a matinee or afternoon concert before, but now you can relax and enjoy it without feeling guilty that you should be doing something else.
Going to a movie or a concert can be fun for a senior couple as well.
The area also boasts Senior Action, a nonprofit organization that includes the Orchard Park Senior Center, which offers many activities and social outings, and even a concert band for active seniors.
Another good option is to attend a concert or exposition together.
King's Island also offers more general entertainment through a variety of games and concert presentations.
There's no need to look elsewhere for Disney memorabilia, concert tickets, theme park reservations or DVDs.
You start in your own bathroom with yourself in the mirror as the audience and move on up to street corners to a stage at a local club, and eventually to a major concert.
What did Neversoft, Vicarious Visions, Budcat Creations, Activision, and RedOctane bring to the stage for this latest home-based concert?
It has been remixed by countless fans and has even been played by full orchestras in concert halls.
These bonuses make the game even more fun and timeless.Just like in Animal Crossing, you can get a free concert from K.K.
A new musical tour has taken the music from the virtual worlds of video games and turned it into a live concert experience called Video Games Live.
Add the specially designed laser light show, live theatrical performances and a little interactive video gameplay and you have an event that is more spectacle than concert and is selling out venues.
In fact, Video Game Live is not the only place to hear great video game music in a concert setting this year.
In addition to the delicious wines, members will receive a ten percent discount in the gift shop as well as other perks, such as discounted rooms, VIP seating during the summer concert series and advance email alerts on new wine offerings.
These delays, in concert with their parents' higher-than-normal expectations for their children's self-care and self-control abilities, may provoke additional abuse.
However, while the number does resemble a rock and roll concert in its use of lighting and loud music, Flatley retains a healthy respect for the art it is based on.
The movie, based upon footage for his upcoming London concert set that was cut short by his untimely death, shows a man in his 50s dancing as if he were still in his 20s.
In the aftermath of Michael Jackson's sudden death in June of 2009, all things MJ were once again brought into the spotlight, from collectors' item tickets to his now defunct London concert tour to vintage t-shirts and LPs.
Be sure to compare them to your face shape and hair color as well, since eyebrows are part of the entire face and need to work in concert with other features, including the nose, lips, cheekbones, and hairline.
Teenagers may want to wear a punk style to a party or concert, or even everyday as a form of personal expression.
Try out your new style on a weekend or during a vacation, or wear it to the next casual party or emo concert to see what your friends think about the look.
You can also take kids to a children's theater production, an art museum or a concert appropriate for the age range.
It was her final U.S. tour stop, and she appeared to be very emotional throughout the concert.
Gwyneth first met Chris backstage at a 2002 Coldplay concert.
She canceled her first concert tour with no explanation.
The publication's latest story about the singer, Jennifer Hudson Makes Homecoming Concert a Family Affair, describes her shining performance, mentioning her engagement ring.
Enjoy a relaxing, entertaining afternoon with a free concert in Golden Gate Park.
Additionally, some labeled musicians have offered their own free concert at the historic venue, so be on the lookout for those as well.
Either before or after your free concert in Golden Gate Park, take some time to enjoy the scenery.
A stroll through the Conservatory of Flowers, along with a picnic lunch at the concert, could make a wonderful first date or a twenty year anniversary.
If culture is your scene, take advantage of the concert's location next to the classic art displays within the de Young Museum of Art.
The cables, towers, anchorages, deck and deck truss all work in concert on a suspension bridge.
They're made from concert T-shirts, embellished with Swarovski crystals, and they have a style all their own.
I began cutting concert T-shirts into bikinis and eventually starting adding Swarovski crystals.
Vitamin D, along with vitamin A, phosphorous and calcium, work in concert to build strong bones and teeth and prevent tooth decay and osteoporosis.
Many holistic health practitioners also recommend watching the balance of other minerals too, especially calcium and magnesium, since vitamins and minerals work in concert for optimal health.
The two nutrients work in concert to help strengthen bones and prevent disease.
Calcium and vitamin D work in concert to protect you from disease and optimize bodily functions; however, new research suggests that previous recommendations for these two nutrients may be too high.
In 2007, the princes hosted a concert at Wembley Stadium to celebrate her life.
The proceeds of the concert were divided amongst her favorite charities.
It is good to make sure the message and the mission of the campaign are always in concert with what the organization stands for.
Any type of event, from a bake sale to a large-scale concert, will benefit from a raffle.
Sell the albums to your congregation after hosting a live concert.
However, not everyone wants to go to a large arena concert.
Country songs often have a slight twang to them, so finding lyrics that also shows the melody and harmony will help people who need to perform the country version of a traditional holiday song in a live Christmas music concert.
To incorporate this tradition, you might surprise your neighbors with an impromptu concert.
If you're doing a concert version of the ballet, or are interested in performing in a less classical venue, you might consider using ballet lyrical costuming.
Twenty years ago if someone told you that a film about two gay cowboys on the range would be generating the most Oscar buzz a film has generated since Forrest Gump you'd have thought they'd been to one Village People concert too many.
While they were voted as the worst, their film is regarded as the number three concert film of all time.
She had just checked in two hours ago, bleary eyed from the four hour drive en route to her next concert in Seattle.
Summer concert series featuring local bands are often held at parks in cities of all sizes.
When you don't have the extra cash to go to the mall, attend a concert, or take a fancy vacation, focus on finding low-cost ways to enjoy spending time with your friends and family.
Special events, such as the ZooLights winter festival and the summer concert series, make this zoo a great travel destination.
You can also show them off at the latest party or concert.
Too sick to perform in a concert scheduled to benefit the hospital, Love refuses treatment until Dr. Drake agreed to pretend to be him and perform in the concert.
The city was also quick to recognize new rock and roll talent, as it did by sponsoring Chuck Berry's first performance, Elvis' first northern concert, and David Bowie's first U.S. appearance.
The old Legends in Concert production show has been replaced by Divas Starring Frank Marino.
And the present record for the most bottles of beer consumed here in one night is 16,000 (during a Hank Williams Jr. concert).
The sloping floor that is now so convenient for concert seating was originally constructed to allow easy run-off from the cattle pens!
Today, the complex includes an open-air concert stage, a zoo, and 60 rides including 10 roller coasters, 10 water rides, and 20 kiddie rides.
The Seiko Sportura line is crafted in concert with the Honda racing team and has recieved excellent reviews.
Famed for postmodernist buildings like the Walt Disney Concert Hall and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, Gehry designed a line of watches characterized by clean lines and a stylish look.
The loudest alarm clocks can make a noise of 110 decibels - this equates to the noise heard at the front row of a rock concert.
Her first concert was to see the Backstreet Boys.
All of your muscle groups work in concert to bend, lift and move through the action of walking, jogging and jumping.
This lead to other hosting gigs on MTV as well as the Oasis Live at Wembley concert.
ReRock 4ever has an enormous collection of modern and punk clothing, including concert t-shirts from the 1960s through to the 1980s.
In Las Vegas, they introduced the Black Eyed Peas at a concert.
It has an enormous selection of popular music songs and music videos as well as concert tickets and links to buying music online.
On December 2 the Smashing Pumpkins performed their final concert at The Metro, the same club in Chicago that started their careers over a decade earlier.
In the early 90's, it wasn't uncommon to find the most mainstream of consumers at a Cure concert.
However, the band's two Knebworth concerts broke records for being the biggest outdoor concert in England ever.
Was the Live8 concert the final flicker of a once raging fire that was Pink Floyd?
Live8 concert saw the original Pink Floyd line-up together again.
The Eagles reunited in '94 with an MTV concert recording and subsequent album release in November, 'Hell Freezes Over', entitled so because of a comment made when the band initially broke up!
Good if you're in the mood for a concert this weekend.
The top 10 finalists from season 4 took to the road shortly after the show finished for a 40 city concert tour.
Various concert series are also being hosted by the site, such as Myfestival, a UK tour featuring many popular bands from the site.
The concert was packed with old favorites like Yellowbrick Road, Tiny Dancer and Saturday Night's Alright for Fightin.
The concert included new songs from his upcoming album "The Captain and the Kid" that is to be released on Tuesday.
In short this concert is HIGHLY recommended.
The film chronicles the Came So Far For Beauty Leonard Cohen tribute concert that happened earlier this year in Sydney, which also featured performances by Rufus Wainwright, Jarvis Cocker, and the McGarrigles, to name but a few.
You might have heard these Brooklyn based emo/indie kids on an episode of One Tree Hill last season or seen them in concert with Taking Back Sunday.
The Official Weird Al Yankovic website provides the latest Weird Al news, including album releases, television appearances, and concert information.
In 1971, he planned The Concert for Bangladesh, a large-scale benefit effort featuring performers as diverse as Ravi Shankar and Eric Clapton.
Bootleg recordings of the radio program were passed around among fans until an official acoustic version was finally released as part of the 2006 live concert CD Skin and Bones.
However, the word grunge also represented the overall aesthetic of the bands, from their appearance to concert venues.
With Keith Urban selling millions of albums and selling out stadium concert tours, demand for Keith Urban MP3 downloads is at an all time high.
The band isn't content to just sing about their faith; however, they reach out in numerous ways to help others in need, such as holding a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina victims and visiting fans that are facing terminal illnesses.
Thanks to the mega popularity of Hannah Montana, MP3s of her music are easier to find than ever, so even if you aren't one of the lucky ones who scored tickets to her concert, you can still sing along any time you want.
The song was on mothballs from summer 1998 until 2001, when the band launched into it at a concert in Oxford, UK - apparently to cover up some equipment failure problems.
Tyson Ritter was born at a Van Halen concert.
Their Popmart tour and Zoo TV tour are some of the most expensive concert productions ever staged, although the fans greeted them with mixed results.
The show's success has lead to a plethora of spin off merchandise and creative endeavors, from Hannah Montana bed linens, tooth brushes and furniture lines to CDs and concert tours.
During that tour, it also emerged that a Texas mother helped her daughter write a letter containing the false information that the girl's father had died in Iraq in order to win concert tickets.
At the Austin, Texas music convention, Mayer performed a showcase concert and attracted the attention of Aware Records.
He also released a DVD of a California concert in November 2005.
While the girls went on to lose on Star Search, the group continued on past the loss and opened for other more popular R&B groups of the time in concert.
To learn more about Ashley Tisdale, keep up with her concert appearances, view photos, and hear sound clips of her recordings, visit her official website at
Monster Mash was inspired by an ad lib Pickett performed on stage at a concert with his band The Diamonds.
Although more of a pop track than Clapton's usual blues preference, Badge has become a standard in Eric's concert repertoire, perhaps as a fond tribute to his old friend George.
Shortly afterwards, at a concert in 1971, Sinatra announced that he was retiring from music.
Concert goers have the choice of buying a three day ticket that gives them access to the entire event or of buying a single day admission ticket.
In addition to purchasing a three day BamaJam pass, concert goers must also invest in a separate camping pass if they want to stay on site.
Concert goers are invited to compete for the title and the winner is chosen based on crowd response.
Concert goers can find local companies selling food as well as local artists selling everything from paintings to t-shirts and jewelry.
The band has nine studio albums, along with two live albums recorded in concert, so the options when buying a Metallica CD are varied.
Elvis began to play shows in the regional concert circuit and developed a reputation for his leg shaking dance, which outraged some parents while earning him legions of adoring female fans.
In 1968, Elvis staged a comeback concert in an attempt to reposition himself as a musician rather than a movie/musical star.
The same held true for concert promotion.
The most famous of these events was when composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein made his final live concert appearance there in August 1990.
For example, in 2010, James Taylor and Carole King reunited for a concert tour that included three performances at Tanglewood.
For more information on buying tickets, concert schedules at Tanglewood and directions, visit the official Boston Symphony Orchestra website.
Ultimately, concert goer Meredith Hunter was bludgeoned to death in what may have been a racially motivated attack by the Hell's Angels hired as security for the event.
Hendrix performed at the famed Woodstock concert under the band name Gypsy Sun and Rainbows, but this arrangement didn't last long.
The movie has been wildly successful and has generated a wide range of associated merchandise and events, including television movie sequels, a feature film, concert tours, stage productions, novels, and more.
The glimmering balls rose to popularity in the 70s but carried into the 80s as well, with Pink Floyd using a large one at a 1987 concert.
They range from a concert party to a party where participants play "Deal or No Deal," and many indicate an appropriate age for the party.
Treating the bride to a great concert is fantastic way to help her celebrate the upcoming event.
In the season opener, Gene is stressed out over a number of things; including that fellow KISS member Paul Stanley has fallen ill right before an important concert.
Above all, the mansion staff ensures that the girlfriends get what they want, as was evident during one episode when the girlfriends decided they wanted the balls being tossed around by the crowd at a jazz concert.
In many segments, you will see him playing the guitar at different venues including a children's benefit concert or even in his own home.
Her immediate family was musical as well, and she spent a great deal of her childhood on the southern concert circuit performing with her family members.
When impressive events occur on this show, such as a trip to a concert in Las Vegas via private jet for the entire cast, it is Adrienne who is usually behind making the event happen.
Sometime in the early 1990's, a few women made the claim that they got turned on by listening to the Blaster Beam that was part of a concert they attended at Central Park in New York.
Whether it's decorating their MySpace page, live-tweeting a concert, or planning a party with friends using Facebook, their connections and friendships span both the virtual and the real world.
And God kept multiplying and multiplying 'em and feeding this whole field of people, like at a rock concert.
Let's have a concert!
He then entered into fresh intrigues with the court of Spain, acting in concert with the marchioness of Verneuil and her father d'Entragues.
In 1859 he began, in concert with Sir William Thomson (afterwards Lord Kelvin), to work on problems respecting the making and use of cables, and the importance of his researches on the resistance of gutta-percha was at once recognized.
The proprietors of Queen's Hall, London, did much for it when they undertook the alteration, at great expense, of their large concert organ, which had only just been erected.
The high pitch remains only where there are large concert organs not yet lowered, and with the military and brass bands.
The aquarium, the property of the corporation, contains an excellent marine collection, but is also used as a concert hall and winter garden, and a garden is laid out on its roof.
The thirteen districts in their council nominated four caporioni, who acted in concert with a senator, appointed, like the podest of other cities, for supreme judicial functions.
In 1032 be was obliged to act in concert with a senate, called pregadi; and in 1172 the grand council, which became the real sovereign of the state, was formed.
He immediately went over to the opposition, and in concert with Louis XIV.
They continued in Paris for two years longer; but on November 15th, 1536, they started for Italy, to concert with Ignatius plans for converting the Moslems of Palestine.
Tyrone continued to concert measures with the Irish leaders in Munster, and issued a manifesto to the Catholics of Ireland summoning them to join his standard; protesting that the interests of religion were his first care.
Having failed in an attempt to invade Bavaria in concert with Torstensson he seized Rottweil, but was mortally wounded there on the 17th of November 1643.
The prospect of a final settlement was improved by the withdrawal of Germany and Austria, which had favoured Turkish pretensions, from the European concert (April 1898); the remaining powers divided the island into four departments, which they severally undertook to administer.
The question of the suppression of the African slave trade, with which was connected the right of search, was settled by an agreement that each nation should keep in service off the coast of Africa a squadron carrying not fewer than eighty guns, and that the two squadrons should act in concert when necessary.
He might, in the first place, have frankly admitted that the crusaders were independent allies, and treating them as equals, he might have waged war in concert with them, and divided the conquests achieved in the war.
His tractate, written in concert with Myconius, controverting Der Wiedertaufer Lehre and Geheimniss (1530) was also prefaced by Luther.
If Russia was to be prevented from using the Treaty of Unkiar Skelessi for her own purposes, it was essential that the powers should concert measures to deal with the situation.
By his concert with the other powers in the affair of Mehemet Ali, the tsar had abdicated his claim to a unique influence at Constantinople, and he began to revive the idea of ending the Ottoman rule in Europe, an idea which he had only unwillingly abandoned in 1829 in response to the unanimous opinion of his advisers.
Collective notes are those signed by the representatives of several powers acting in concert.
The British government notified to Sir John Moore that some io,000 men were to be sent to Corunna under Sir David Baird; that he, with 20,000, was to join him, and then both act in concert with the Spanish armies.
Writers, savants, poets, artists, noble and plebeian, layman and cleric, without any previous concert, or obvious connexion, were working towards that ideal of political liberty which was to unite all the Magyars.
For a long time St James's Hall (demolished in 1905) between Regent Street and Piccadilly was the chief concert hall.
For twelve years he successfully resisted the Assyrians; but the failure of his allies in the west to act in concert with him, and the overthrow of the Elamites, eventually compelled him to fly to his ancestral domains in the marshes of southern Babylonia.
Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals.
There are also a theatre (Schauspielhaus) in modern Renaissance style (1899-1902), devoted especially to drama, a splendid concert hall (Saalbau), opened in 1861, and numerous minor places of theatrical entertainment.
Since there is no example of the archbishop of York exercising or being reputed to have such disciplinary jurisdiction over his suffragans,' and this right could, according to the canon law cited above, in the middle ages only be exercised normally in concert with the provincial synod, it would seem to be a survival of the special jurisdiction enjoyed by the pre-Reformation archbishop as legatus natus of the pope.
Lambert, a former count of Nantes, after devastating Anjou in concert with Nominoe, duke of Brittany, had by the end of the year 851 succeeded in occupying all the western part as far as the Mayenne.
He deliberately chose the difficult route over the French Alps because he recognized that his opponents would neither expect him by this route nor be able to concert combined operations in time to thwart him.
Meanwhile, Wellington, having reached Quatre Bras in the morning, wrote to him to concert the day's operations; then, as all was quiet in his front, he rode over to meet Blucher at Brye.
Without doubt, the personal risk to which Blucher exposed himself at this crisis was far too great; for it was essential that the command of the Prussian army should remain vested in a chief who would loyally keep in touch and act entirely in concert with his colleague.
He received commissions from the cathedral of Cadiz, from the grand duke Paul, from the king of Prussia, from the directors of the Concert Spirituel at Paris; beside his transactions with Breitkopf and Hertel, and with La Chevardiere, he sold to one English firm the copyright of no less than 129 compositions.
Hardly knowing anything of music, he attempted to give lessons and a concert at Lausanne; and he actually taught at Neuchatel.
In 1550 he had been entrusted with the execution of the imperial ban against the city of Magdeburg, and under cover of these operations he was able to collect troops and to concert measures with his allies.
Of the German parties the strongest was again the Social Democratic party, originally numbering 31 deputies and 16 senators, but having subsequently lost three deputies who formed a German Communist party acting more or less in concert with the Czechoslovak Communists.
In 1815 at the congress of Vienna, and in 1818 at the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, the powers endeavoured to concert measures to put an end to the Barbary piracy.
But the result which the European powers in concert had been unable to achieve, was brought about by the accidental circumstances which led France to undertake alone an expedition against Algiers.
During the rest of his rule, which lasted till his death in April 1865, he continued to act in concert with the Clerical party, and endeavoured to maintain friendly relations with the European governments.
In 1889 concert performances of grand opera were started, and in 1896 a chorus was formed, thus making it possible adequately to present the operas.
Among other buildings and institutions are a novitiate of Marist Fathers, a science and art school, a pier with pavilion and concert rooms, and a yacht club.
Wellington's intimate association for several years with the sovereigns and statesmen of the Grand Alliance, and his experience of the evils which the Alliance existed to hold in check, naturally led him to dislike Canning's aggressive attitude towards the autocratic powers, and to view with some apprehension his determination to break with the European concert.
In 983, shortly before his death, she was appointed his viceroy in Italy; and was successful, in concert with the empress Theophano, widow of Otto II., and Archbishop Willigis of Mainz, in defending the right of her infant grandson, Otto III., to the German crown against the pretensions of Henry the Quarrelsome, duke of Bavaria.
In 1796 and 1797 respectively the New York and the Northern societies were formed for work among Indians by Presbyterians, Baptists and Reformed Dutch, acting in concert.
Meetings of the league were held in 1172 and 1173 to strengthen the bond, and to concert measures against the emperor, the penalties of the church being invoked to prevent defection.
The government was at first carried on by Schrenk and Pfordten in concert.
Other noteworthy buildings are the provincial museum of antiquities, containing interesting Germanic antiquities, as well as medieval and modern collections of porcelain, pictures, &c.; the courts of justice (transformed in the middle of the 18th century); the old Ommelanderhuis, formerly devoted to the administration of the surrounding district, built in 1509 and restored in 1899; the weigh-house (1874); the civil and military prison; the arsenal; the military hospital; and the concert hall.
In concert with the Giunta, he now edited an extensive collection of Italian letters, and in 1576 he published his commentary upon the Ars poetica of Horace.
Cuthred, who succeeded in 740, at first acted in concert with "Ethelbald, but revolted in 752.
At times, and not unfrequently, a troop may be heard, roaring in concert, one assuming the lead, and two, three or four more regularly taking up their parts, like persons singing a catch.
His visit to the Holy Land and the solemn pilgrimage to Jerusalem were, in the same way, a striking coup de thiltre designed to strengthen the influence won by Germany in the councils of the Ottoman empire, an influence which she had been careful not to weaken by taking too active a part in the concert of the powers engaged in pressing on the question of Macedonian reform.
The circular letter of Count Kaunitz, dated the 6th of July 1791, calling on the sovereigns to unite against the Revolution, was at once the beginning of the Concert of Europe, and in a sense the last manifesto of the Holy Roman Empire as " the centre of political unity."
On the 22nd of November the sultan died of disease at Manpira, but his death was carefully concealed by the amirs Ljin and Aktai, acting in concert with the Queen Shajar al-durr, till the arrival from Syria of the heir to the throne, Transhk, who was proclaimed some four months later.
These disposed of, he amused himself for a couple of hours with literary work; between six and seven he would converse with his friends or listen to his reader (a post held for some time by La Mettrie); at seven there was a concert; and at half-past eight he sat down to supper, which might go on till midnight.
In March 1460 the earl of Warwick came from Calais to concert plans with his leader.
When a concert auditorium is filled to capacity, no guarantee of a seat is given.
Two non-structural proteins, L and NS, are associated with the nucleocapsid and act in concert as the viral polymerase.
T rod stewart concert ticket nfl football ticket auction nfl ticket with one.
As mentioned previously, fan club members receive advance notice of concert dates and the opportunity to purchase tickets.
Watch for a reading by his favorite author, a lecture about a topic that intrigues him, or a concert by a band he's wondered about.
Whether you're both Notre Dame fans or you attend every rock concert in a four-state radius together, you know you have something in common with this potential boyfriend.
If you are looking for vintage such as an old concert poster or old-fashioned toy, eBay is a great place to look.
You might also consider playing an adult board game, getting a hotel room, or attending an outdoor concert or theatre.
For example, let's say one of your first real dates was to a concert.
For example, say you are at a very poor concert, you might make a light jest about the quality of the speakers.
If you have mutual friends, suggest meeting up at a concert or party.
Or you could get tickets to a concert or a class your Valentine may enjoy.
During her short and relatively unproductive three-year stint as a café and concert singer (1905-1908), Gabrielle took on the name "Coco".
She's perfectly comfortable at a heads-of-state, black-tie dinner or a rock concert.
Millennium Park is a 24.5-acre park that has one of America's most sophisticated outdoor concert venues, a contemporary garden, the famous Cloud Gate sculpture and the Crown Fountain.
According to a tradition, possibly more authentic, they were re-established by Iphitus, king of Elis, in concert with the Spartan Lycurgus and Cleosthenes of Pisa.
Two of the Horatii were soon slain; the third brother feigned flight, and when the Curiatii, who were all wounded, pursued him without concert he slew them one by one.
Theatres, music halls, concert halls and other places of entertainment are licensed by the County Council, except that the licence for stage-plays is granted by the lord chamberlain under the Theatres Act 1843.
The corporation owns the Stray, and also the Spa concert rooms and grounds, Harlow Moor, Crescent Gardens, Royal Bath gardens and other large open spaces, as well as Royal Baths, Victoria Baths and Starbeck Baths.
Thus in 1822, at the congress of Verona, in order to overcome the objection of Great Britain to any interference of the European concert in Spain, identical notes were presented to the Spanish government instead of a collective note.