Concerned Sentence Examples
I was especially concerned that Howie have outside interests.
Was he also concerned about the Indians?
But aren't you a little concerned about what people will say?
He nodded, concerned gaze on her face.
She opened her eyes to find his concerned face over her.
If he was concerned about the police, he gave no indication.
Was Sarah concerned about the money?
Where Princess was concerned, it was a normal uneventful birth.
But no friendly Indian concerned himself about me; nor needed he, for the master of the house was at home.
The mayor was concerned about the lack of support for light rail schemes.
AdvertisementHe started to move away, but I stopped him, concerned what was bothering him.
Sofi would chew him out if he gave Bianca to her like she was, and he himself couldn't help but feel somewhat concerned that she'd gone unresponsive.
Neither of the children seemed concerned about the flight, though.
I remained seriously concerned about the toll the sessions were exerting on him.
If you're concerned my little project might impact your security, don't be alarmed.
AdvertisementMy wife looked concerned as she dished out homemade chili and corn bread.
She sneaked a peek at her phone, agitated that Darian hadn't been at all concerned with the situation he left her in.
I am only one of a number of concerned citizen contributors.
Don't be concerned about Ronnie; he's history in your life now.
Maybe that was why Mary seemed so concerned that she would become romantically involved with Cade.
AdvertisementWe'd built up a library of recorded sessions but became concerned about properly securing them.
There was no way he was concerned about money.
And no one is concerned or even notices much, because your association with that data is so removed from you.
She glanced up to find his concerned gaze on her.
As far as she was concerned, he had relinquished his right to the ranch.
AdvertisementWhere Russell Cade was concerned, the only thing they seemed to have against him was the fact that he provided them no new topics.
If you're concerned about a messed up head, either shave it all off or comb over the scars.
I wasn't as fearful I couldn't come back but I'm still concerned that it will happen every time I try to sleep.
I cautioned everyone not to be concerned with what occurred after we conveyed a tip.
Her expression immediately became concerned.
He didn't act concerned when she told him she had looked at them - not until she questioned the source.
Deidre bolted, neither aware nor concerned where she went or where she ended up.
Rhyn watched him, concerned at finding his sole friend so affected by the recent change in his life.
He need not have been concerned.
If you're late enough to be concerned about pregnancy, you need to see the doctor.
Where Carmen was concerned, Josh was unpredictable.
He didn't want her to go because he would be concerned about her safety in South America.
The area where the goats had been provided good grazing, but he was concerned about the wild dog problem she had experienced in the past.
As far as he was concerned, he'd do nothing else, even if he learned how to counter it.
He looked concerned and stood again, retrieving something else from his bed.
He shrugged, not nearly as concerned with her life or death as she was.
Kiera frowned, concerned by his silence.
That's all we have to be concerned about.
As far as I'm concerned you can take your filthy minded accusations and get out of here.
He gripped her upper arms, his concerned gaze taking in her face.
Gerald's voice was concerned.
Instantly he looked concerned.
It was nice to have someone concerned about her without taking over.
So far as the organization of the Anglican Church is concerned, the most important outcome of the conference was the reconstruction of the Central Consultative Body on representative lines (54-56); this body to consist of the archbishop of Canterbury and seventeen bishops appointed by the various Churches of the Anglican Communion throughout the world.
The first reforms he wished to see introduced concerned the Lord's Supper, church praise, religious instruction of youth and the regulation of marriage.
In his philosophy he was mainly concerned to defend Christianity against modern Positivism.
The chords necessary in this part, which with its supporting bass is called the continuo, were indicated by figures; and the evanescent and delicate tones of the harpsichord; lent themselves admirably to this purpose where solo voices and instruments were concerned.
The system of local self-government is continued, so far as the 34 governments of old Russia are concerned, 6 in the elective district and provincial assemblies (zemstvos).
Moreover, a democratic element was introduced by the adoption of the jury system and - so far as one order of tribunal was concerned - the election of judges.
The usual mode of publishing such reports is to forward them to railway companies concerned, as well as to the press, and on application to any one else who is interested.
Such crude attempts as were made to prevent rates from being excessive concerned themselves with profits, and were designed to confiscate for the state treasury any earnings beyond a certain prescribed dividend.
Elizabeth was less concerned with the respective claims of Brian and Shane, the one resting on an English patent and the other on the Celtic custom, than with the question of policy involved in supporting or rejecting the demands of her proud suppliant.
Davy, Count Rumford, all concerned themselves with thermochemical investigations of such processes.
Meanwhile the Israelite army was again besieging the Philistines at Gibbethon, and the recurrence of these conflicts points to a critical situation in a Danite locality in which Judah itself (although ignored by the writers), must have been vitally concerned.
A defensive coalition was formed in which the kings of Cilicia, Hamath, the Phoenician coast, Damascus and Ammon, the Arabs of the Syrian desert, and " Ahabbu Sinai " were concerned.
The alliances, counter-alliances and far-reaching political combinations which spring up at every advance of the greater powers are often perplexing in the absence of records of the states concerned.
In the south of the Sinaitic peninsula, remains have been found of an elaborate half-Egyptian, half-Semitic cultus (Petrie, Researches in Sinai, xiii.), and not only does Edom possess some reputation for " wisdom," but, where this district is concerned, the old Arabian religion (whose historical connexion with Palestine is still imperfectly known) claims some attention.
In England emancipation was of democratic origin and concerned itself with practical questions.
These need not detain us for long, since, however well some of them may have been executed, regard being had to their epoch, and whatever repute some of them may have achieved, they are, so far as general information and especially classification is concerned, wholly obsolete, and most of them almost useless except as matters of antiquarian interest.
His earlier work was mainly concerned with organic chemistry, and he published researches on picoline and its derivatives in 1876-78 and on quinine and its decomposition products in 1878-79.
Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic chemistry is concerned with the descriptive study o f the elements and their compounds, except those of carbon.
Considering derivatives primarily concerned with transformations of the hydroxyl group, we may regard our typical acid as a fusion of a radical R CO - (named acetyl, propionyl, butyl, &c., generally according to the name of the hydrocarbon containing the same number of carbon atoms) and a hydroxyl group. By replacing the hydroxyl group by a halogen, acid-haloids result; by the elimination of the elements of water between two molecules, acid-anhydrides, which may be oxidized to acid-peroxides; by replacing the hydroxyl group by the group. SH, thio-acids; by replacing it by the amino group, acid-amides (q.v.); by replacing it by the group - NH NH2, acid-hydrazides.
Physical Chemistry We have seen how chemistry may be regarded as having for its province the investigation of the composition of matter, and the changes in composition which matter or energy may effect on matter, while physics is concerned with the general properties of matter.
Another branch, related to energetics, is concerned with the transformation of chemical energy into other forms of energy - heat, light, electricity.
Bernard Shaw, though concerned mainly with the social philosophy of the Ring, gives a luminous account of Wagner's mastery of musical movement.
Although this measure was bound to set senators and equites at variance, it in no way improved the lot of those chiefly concerned.
After the completion 'of their preliminary military service, the equites were eligible for a number of civil posts, chiefly those with which the emperor himself was closely concerned.
Whether the pericardium and the ventral sinus are made to expand simultaneously or all the movement is made by one only of the surfaces concerned, must depend on conditions of tension.
In regard to the important structures concerned with the fertilization of the egg, Limulus and Scorpio differ entirely from one another.
Between the two and at the highest point of the arc, so far as morphological differentiation is concerned, stands the scorpion; near to it in the trilobite's direction (that is, on the ascending side) are Limulus and the Eurypterines - with a long gap, due to obliteration of the record, separating them from the trilobite.
The main work of Descartes, so far as algebra was concerned, was the establishment of a relation between arithmetical and geometrical measurement.
While, therefore, the logical development of algebraic reasoning must depend on certain fundamental relations, it is important that in the early study of the subject these relations should be introduced gradually, and not until there is some empirical acquaintance with the phenomena with which they are concerned.
While mensuration is concerned with the representation of geometrical magnitudes by numbers, graphics is concerned with the representation of numerical quantities by geometrical figures, and particularly by lengths.
His principal discovery is concerned with equations, which he showed to be derived from the continued multiplication of as many simple factors as the highest power of the unknown, and he was thus enabled to deduce relations between the coefficients and various functions of the roots.
Thus comparative anatomy came into existence as a branch of inquiry apart from zoology, and it was only in the latter part of the 19th century that the limitation of the word " zoology " to a knowledge of animals which expressly excludes the consideration of their internal structure was rejected by the general consent of those concerned in the progress of science.
In the branch of bionomics, however, concerned with the laws of variation and heredity (thremmatology), there has been considerable progress.
So far as the application to gratings is concerned, the same conclusion may be derived from (2).
His pupil Richer has left us a detailed account of his system of teaching at Reims. So far as the trivium is concerned, his text-books were Victorinus's translation of Porphyry's Isagoge, Aristotle's Categories, and Cicero's Topics with Manlius's Commentaries.
The only bright spot, as far as the British were concerned, was to be found in northern Cape Colony, where General French, with two cavalry brigades and details, by his skilful tactics and wonderful activity kept at arm's length a superior force of the enemy in the vicinity of Colesberg, an achievement the more noteworthy since he had pitted against him both De la Rey and De Wet, two of the three men of military genius produced by the war on the Boer side.
The drop will consequently be more intensely illuminated when viewed along these directions of minimum deviation, and since it is these rays with which we are primarily concerned, we shall proceed to the determination of these directions.
So Gregory the language is concerned, may belong to the remote age which alone suits the adoptionist Christology of the prayers.
But the deities were not originally anthropomorphic, and it is with the earlier stages in their development that some of the more remarkable costumes are apparently concerned.
In the province of Tourane, a French tribunal alone exercises jurisdiction, but it administers native law where natives are concerned.
The localization of function in the cerebral and in the cerebellar cortex has doubtless been the main cause of this progress, and has proceeded poi passu with an extended insight into the structure and connexions of the parts concerned.
The effect of overwork upon an organ or tissue varies in accordance with (a) the particular organ or tissue concerned, (b) the amount of nourishment conveyed to it, and (c) the power of assimilation possessed by its cells.
But their disintegration is more commonly brought about by " phagocytosis " on the part of the phagocytic cells in the different organs concerned with the function of haemolysis, i.e.
His mathematical researches were also concerned with the theory of equations, but the question as to his priority on several points has been keenly discussed.
Haller occupied in the new university of Gottingen (founded 1737) a position corresponding to that of Boerhaave at Leiden, and in like manner influenced a very large circle of pupils, The appreciation of his work in physiology belongs to the history of that science; we are only concerned here with its influence on medicine.
The same academical influences as surrounded the Dutch and German founders of systems were doubtless partly concerned in leading him to form the plan of a comprehensive system of medicine.
The English school of medicine was also profoundly stirred by the teachings of the two brothers William and John Hunter, especially the latter - who must therefore be briefly mentioned, though their own researches were chiefly concerned with subjects lying a little outside the limits of this sketch.
Now as our own bodies thus manipulate substances poisonous and antidotal, if in every hour of health we are averting selfintoxication, so likewise are we concerned with the various intruding organisms, whose processes of digestion are as dangerous as our own; if these destructive agents, which no doubt are incessantly gaining admission to our bodies, do not meet within us each its appropriate compensatory defensive agent, dissolution will begin.
Allowed to return, he again fell under suspicion of having been concerned in the composition of two violent libels - one in Latin and one in French - called from their first words the Puero Regnante and the J'ai vu, was inveigled by a spy named Beauregard into a real or burlesque confession, and on the 16th of May 1717 was sent to the Bastille.
Voltaire obeyed this hint as far as Les Delices was concerned, and consoled himself by having the performances in his Lausanne house.
So far, however, as the real foundation ceremonies of Craft Masonry are concerned, whether before or after the premier Grand Lodge was formed, it is most unlikely that such a society as the Freemasons would adopt anything of a really distinctive character from any other organization.
He could defend many institutions better than any philosopher, because, in describing them as they concerned him, he gave the true reason for their prevalence, and speculation had not suggested to him any other.
They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined.
I cast my vote, perchance, as I think right; but I am not vitally concerned that that right should prevail.
He was now concerned only with the nearest practical matters unrelated to his past interests, and he seized on these the more eagerly the more those past interests were closed to him.
That sincerity which often comes with waking showed her clearly what chiefly concerned her about her father's illness.
She was continually tormented by jealousy of her daughter, and now that jealousy concerned a subject near to her own heart, she could not reconcile herself to the idea.
They couldn't leave here soon enough as far as she was concerned.
Are you okay? she asked, surprised and concerned.
Deidre sat frozen, aware of their concerned gazes.
We learned that those outside of this circle are less likely to be concerned about the appearance of the child.
Edith Shipton looked concerned.
He was sweet as sugar—just a concerned husband looking out for his wife's welfare.
We have enough to be concerned with today's problems without having to clutter my mind about the happenings of a century ago.
Effie looked up, concerned.
But when she returned and he saw her concerned look, his mind went to real-time matters.
She responded to Dean's hug, saying she felt better, but was still concerned about her mother.
She offered her sympathies but seemed more concerned with finding sister Claire and hurried outside to see if any of the other now returning guests had seen her.
Cynthia's voice was steady, but concerned.
As far as I'm concerned, that wraps it up.
As far as we're concerned.
Mrs. Dean saw him up there when Mr. Shipton fell and she's concerned...about Donnie.
It must make you concerned.
It's just that I'm concerned about your wellbeing.
He was really more concerned about explaining things to Elisabeth than anything else.
She seemed concerned, yet said, "I think that's a great idea."
That is nothing you need to be concerned about.
It was one thing to covertly admire Alex, but quite another to stand here discussing him as though he were high dollar merchandise at a low bid auction... and why was Katie so concerned?
No wonder Josh was so concerned.
She heaved a warm bucket of water from the sink and suppressed a smile as she met his concerned gaze.
I was concerned that you would insist on checking out too early, so I stopped by the office to see what arrangements could be made for paying your bill.
If you're so concerned about Lori, I'd suggest you put a brand on her.
Was that why she seemed so concerned that they might be having an affair?
No wonder Katie had been so concerned.
Josh wasn't concerned about Alex making a pass at Carmen.
I was concerned about marrying a woman who was obviously still interested in another man.
His accent appeared when he was too stressed to be concerned about emulating the flat, cultured accent of the political elite.
But I am concerned about any other systems he decided to disable.
Beyond concerned, Brady crossed to the trembling woman and squatted.
She couldn't reconcile the cold-blooded killer who executed a man in front of her with the man concerned over her wrist.
It was scrambling her logic and had completely decimated her self-control where he was concerned.
Of all the things Death had told Kris, she hadn't seemed in the least concerned about trespassers in her domain.
He hefted Kiki once again. Hannah sniffled and crawled to her feet. Rhyn hurried towards the Sanctuary, concerned for Kiki but even more anxious about making sure Katie was alive and well.
Burgess turned his full attention to Fred, a concerned look on his face.
Dean became concerned when 20 minutes passed.
Cynthia Byrne called saying he needn't be concerned about the burglary as nothing had been stolen and it was probably just kids.
The concerned look on Randy Byrne's face told Dean that Cynthia's action, while not of itself so unusual, was totally out of character for the boy's mother.
It's not Alex that I'm concerned about.
I was concerned when you didn't answer your phone.
You're concerned about it too?
She stopped suddenly, her expression osculating from concerned to humor and then back again.
What are you so concerned about?
He was as concerned with her wants and needs as he was with his own.
His concerned gaze searched her face.
There is so little bad, and it is usually only a small part mixed with the good - where you're concerned.
When you didn't call, I was concerned something had happened to you.
Why was he suddenly so concerned about her spare time – or lack thereof?
His gaze remained on her face and when she didn't respond – slowly became concerned.
Yet, if his interest in her was fading, surely he wouldn't be so concerned about Josh.
Now do you see why I was so concerned about you being up there alone?
As reluctant as she was to bring Katie into it, she was even more concerned about letting Alex think Bill had repeated information Alex confided in him.
But as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter how much or how little money you have.
You're the only one who seems to be concerned about that.
If you're wondering if I'm concerned about being up here alone with three strange men, the answer is no.
It was true that she was more concerned about the safety of others than her own, but wasn't everyone?
Carmen glanced at Alex, who was watching Rob with a concerned expression.
Alex would be doubly concerned if two women were out here alone.
I don't know why he'd be less concerned if you were out here with three men.
He had no reason to be concerned about Gerald.
He didn't look particularly concerned.
As the stretcher was lifted over the edge, Gerald leaned over her, his expression concerned.
In fact, it lay somewhere between concerned and annoyed.
If you're so concerned about losing money, why don't you just give it up?
Was that why Alex was so concerned about her safety lately?
Carmen was instantly relieved and then equally concerned.
She had no intention of wearing sundresses when she was with the guests – and it had nothing to do with being concerned about how she appeared to them.
She glanced at Gerald, who was looking uncomfortable, and then Sam, who appeared more amused than concerned.
It was understandable on Morino's part, but it must have been miserable for everyone else concerned.
As far as he was concerned, the matter was settled.
Why was he so concerned about losing her?
And yet … She lifted her face to find him standing over her, watching her with a concerned look on his face.
She doesn't seem to be as concerned about the idea as you are.
I know I'm lucky to have someone so concerned about me, but I guess I don't act very grateful sometimes.
It was obvious he was concerned she would be lost in the wilderness.
Where his career was concerned, recently he had been his own worst enemy.
It was failing in her eyes that concerned him.
If not for the attachment she let grow to Xander, she wouldn't be concerned about tomorrow at all.
He shouldn't be concerned, but he also knew better than to assume any good was going to come of whatever Jonny was doing.
Toni appeared pissed while Gerry was a cross between amused and concerned.
His gaze was concerned.
Disappointed he wasn't concerned, Jessi left the bookstore.
They were early for an after party, but he wasn't concerned.
He wasn't going back to it, where she was concerned.
Furious at Jessi, he was nonetheless concerned.
The reproductive individuals have undergone an extraordinary simplification of the organs concerned with the collection and digestion of food.
She is a thorough woman, but with none of the pettinesses, subterfuges, and mental reservations of her sex; she loves wide vistas and boundless horizons and instinctively seeks them out; she is concerned for universal happiness and takes thought for the improvement of mankind - thelastinfirmity and most innocent mania of generous souls.
His work was mainly concerned with electricity and magnetism, though he also made some contributions to optics and physiology.
This latter sense has been adapted and extended by modern historians concerned with the frontiers of the Roman Empire.
At the present time, so far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned, apparelled albs are only in regular use at Milan (Ambrosian Rite), and, partially, in certain churches in Spain.
His work as a barrister was chiefly concerned with pedigree cases before the House of Lords.
For the Rhine provinces not incorporated in Prussia, with the special object of regulating episcopal elections; concerned Wurttemberg, Baden, Hesse, Saxony, Nassau, Frankfort, the Hanseatic towns, Oldenburg and Waldeck.
The death without direct heirs of Duke John William in 1609 led to serious complications in which almost all the states of Europe were concerned; however, by the treaty of Xanten in 1614, Cleves passed to the elector of Brandenburg, being afterwards incorporated with the electorate by the great elector, Frederick William.
His earlier papers were mostly concerned with crystallography, and the reputation they gained him led to his appointment as Privatdozent at Konigsberg, where in 1828 he became extraordinary, and in 1829 ordinary, professor of mineralogy and physics.
On the 13th of February 1880, the minister of war, Dr Carlos Pellegrini, summoned the principal officers connected with the Tiro Nacional, General Bartolome Mitre, his brother Emilio, Colonel Julio Campos, Colonel Hilario Lagos and others, and warned them that as officers of the national army they owed obedience to the national government, and would be severely punished if concerned in any revolutionary outbreak against the constituted authorities.
The typically industrial region of France is the department of Nord, the seat of the woollen industry, but also prominently concerned in other textile industries, in metal working, and in a variety of other manufactures, fuel for which is supplied by its coal-fields.
The chief local bodies concerned with commerce and industry are the chambres de commerce and the chambres consultatives darts et manufactures, the members of which are elected from their own number by the traders and industrialists of a certain standing.
The naval prefect is assisted by a rearadmiral as chief of the staff (except at Lorient and Rochefort, where the office is filled by a captain), and a certain number of other officers, the special functions of the chief of the staff having relation principally to the and personnel of the fleet, while the major-general, who is usually a rear-admiral, is concerned chiefly with the materiel.
In regard to the constitution and maintenance of the naval forces, the administration of the arsenals is divided into three principal departments, the first concerned with naval construction, the second with ordnance, including gun-mountings and small-arms, and the third with the so-called submarine defences, dealing with all torpedo materiel.
The Chinese difficulty, so far as the mining population was concerned, was solved by the exhaustion of the extensive alluvial deposits; the miners' prejudice against the race, however, still exists, though they are no longer serious competitors, and the laws of some of the states forbid any Chinese to engage in mining without the express authority in writing of the minister of mines.
As far as the other colonies were concerned, it was evident that the bill was safe, and public attention throughout Australia was fixed on New South Wales, where a fierce political contest was raging, which it was recognized would decide the fate of the measure for the time being.
Towards the en._ cf October 20,000 shearers were called out, and many other trades, principally concerned with the handling or shipping of wool, joined the ranks of the strikers, with the result that the maritime and pastoral industries throughout the whole of Australia were most injuriously disturbed.
Peacock's original contributions to mathematical science were concerned chiefly with the philosophy of its first principles.
Here we are concerned only with their earlier history, which is put for convenience under this heading in order to separate the account of the period when they formed practically a single area for historical purposes from that of the time when Holland and Belgium became distinct administrative units.
So far as the physical universe is concerned, we are merely spectators; the only action that remains for us is contemplation.
Every operation in which mind and matter are both concerned is an effect of neither, but the direct act of God.
Already in the Code, when status is not concerned, it is used to denote " any one."
Thus on the 31st of March 1889 the undertaking of the Submarine Telegraph Company was purchased by the governments concerned.
One specially difficult point concerned the effectives of the peacestrength army.
The following account is therefore mainly concerned with the periods succeeding AD.
Their annals are filled with records of dynastic changes and redistributions of territory, consequent upon treaties signed by foreign powers, in the settlement of quarrels which no wise concerned the people.
A British alliance would have been preferable, but the British government was too much concerned with the preservation of European peace.
At last, on the 24th of March, the treaty was signed whereby the cession was agreed upon, but subject to the vote of the populations concerned and ratification by the Italian parliament.
In June and July 1907 there were again disturbances among the agricultural laborers of Ferrala and Rovigo, and a widespread strike organized by the leg/fe throughout those provinces caused very serious losses to all concerned.
The Triple Alliance was maintained and renewed as far as paper documents were concerned (in June 1902 it was reconfirmed for 12 years), but public opinion was no longer so favorably disposed towards it.
The course of human history is regarded by those writers who are most concerned to refute Judaism as a progressive divine education.
So far as the evolution of the solar system is concerned, Kant held these mechanical causes as adequate.
The term Anatomy, originally employed in biological science to denote a description of the facts of structure revealed on cutting up an organism, whether with or without the aid of lenses for the purposes of magnification, is restricted in the present article, in accordance with a common modern use, to those facts of internal structure not concerned with the constitution of the individual cell, the structural unit of which the plant is composed.
The cells concerned, like all secreting organs, have abundant protoplasm with large nuclei, and sometimes, in addition, part of the cell-wall is modified as a filter.
Thus the structure of an old thickened root approximates to that of an old thickened stem, and so far as the vascular tissue is concerned can often only be distinguished from the latter by the position and orientation of the primary xylems. The cambium of the primary root, together with the tissues which it forms, is always directly continuous with that of the primary stem, just in the same way as the tissues of the primary stele.
It is not certain either whether the action of the chlorophyll apparatus is confined to the manufacture of carbohydrates or whether it is concerned, and if so how far, with the construction of proteids also.
Proteid Formation.We have seen that it has been suggested that the chlorophyll apparatus may perhaps be concerned in the manufacture of proteids as well as of carbohydrates.
If not, there must exist in the green plant, side by side with it, another mechanism which is concerned with the manufacture of the complex compounds in which nitrogen is present.
There is a certain amount of evidence that at any rate in some cases light is necessary, and that the violet rays of the spectrum are chiefly concerned.
Whichever opinion is held on this point, there seems no room for doubt that the fixation of the nitrogen is concerned only with the root, and that the green leavec take no part in it.
The sap in these active tissues is alkaline, which has been interpreted as being in accordance with not appear to be concerned with digestion so directly as the others is pectase, which forms vegetable jelly from pectic substances occurring in the cell-wall.
The supply of oxygen to a plant is thus seen to be as directly connected with the utilization of the energy of a cell as is that of food concerned in its nutrition.
We find on further investigation that these two conditions are traceable to different parts of the organs concerned.
All those properties of soil known as texture, porosity, depth, inclination to the horizon, &c., are concerned here.
The cut cells die, and oxidized products are concerned in the change of color, the brown juices exuding and soaking into the cell-walls.
They are concerned in the orrliision of broken twies and of falline leaves.
Insects, indeed, are largely concerned in disseminating Fungi, either on their bodies or via the alimentary canal.
Moreover, we have good reasons for inferring that different constellations of external causes may determine whether the internal physiological disturbances induced by a given agent shall lead to pathological and dangerous variations, or to changes which may be harmless or even advantageous to the plant concerned.
The former is concerned with the division of the earths surface into major districts characterized by particular plants or taxonomic groups of plants, with the subdivision of these floristic districts, and with the geographical distribution (both past and present) of the various taxonomic units, such as species, genera, and families.
In a general way, floristic plant geography is concerned with species, ecological plant geography with vegetation.
It is concerned with the land-surface, and this is more symmetrically disposed than would at first sight appear from a glance at a map of the world.
The physical and natural sciences are concerned in geography only so far as they deal with the forms of the earth's surface, or as regards the distribution of phenomena.
The first book, of fourteen short chapters, is concerned with the general properties of the globe; the remaining six books treat in considerable detail of the countries of Europe and of the other continents.
Both branches, although enriched by new facts, remained stationary so far as method is concerned until nearly the end of the 18th century.
The conception of the north-western route to Cathay now leads the story of exploration, for the first time as far as important and sustained efforts are concerned, towards the Arctic seas.
It thus draws upon physics for the explanation of the phenomena with the space-relations of which it is specially concerned.
Geomorphology is concerned, however, in the suggestions which have been made as to the cause of the distribution of heap and hollow in the larger features of the crust.
At every stage of the geographical cycle the land forms, as they exist at that stage, are concerned in guiding the condensation and flow of water in certain definite ways.
Fossil Birds Much had naturally been expected from the study of fossil birds, but, so far as the making of classifications is concerned, they have proved rather a source of perplexities.
The Indian or Cisgangetic province is the least rich of the three so far as peculiar genera are concerned.
Delbriick's writings are chiefly concerned with the history of the art of war, his most ambitious work being his Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte (first section, Das Altertum, 1900; second, Reiner and Germanen, 1902; third, Das Mittelalter, 1907).
When the rustic talks in the vernacular to his horse he is not much concerned to know whether he is heard and understood; still less when he mutters threats against an absent rival, or kicks the stool that has tripped him up with a vicious "Take that!"
A small point in tie history of prayer, but one that has an interesting bearing on the subject of its relation to magic, is concerned with the custom of praying silently.
We are not concerned here with indica tions of the ritual used in the Temple.
Their literature, with which alone we are here concerned, is largely polemical and to a great extent deals with grammar and exegesis.
With the acquisition of the Suez Canal, moreover, the value of this route from the British standpoint was so greatly diminished that the scheme, so far as England was concerned, was quite abandoned.
The former are for the most part concerned with questions relating to the theory of light, arising out of his professorial lectures, among which may be specially mentioned his paper "On the Diffraction of an Object-Glass with Circular Aperture."
But, as far as outward circumstances are concerned, we may say that the same effect has been brought about by different and almost opposite causes.
As far then as concerned the lands in which the settlements were made, the difference lay in this, that, as has been already said, while there was an English nation, there was no Sicilian nation.
Documents were drawn up in such and so many of these tongues as was convenient for the parties concerned; not a few private documents add a fourth tongue, and are drawn up in Greek, Arabic, Latin and Hebrew.
So far as political principles are concerned, there is small difference between them.
The Great Council of Venice, the curiae of Rome, were each of them the assembly of a privileged class, an assembly in which every member of that class had a right to a place, an assembly which might be called popular as far as the privileged class was concerned, though rigidly oligarchic as regarded the excluded classes.
But we are concerned with them now only as instances of one form of nobility.
We are here concerned only to examine the general principles of the school in its internal and external relations as forming a definite philosophic unit.
Buchner was much less concerned to establish a scientific metaphysic than to protest against the romantic idealism of his predecessors and the theological interpretations of the universe.
But, so far as the parliament is concerned, this power is subject to numerous and important exceptions.
Any member may bring in a " project of law," but it has to be submitted to the minister of the department concerned, who is allowed a month to consider it, and himself prepares the final draft laid on the table of the House.
But the general tendency to regulate rates by authority of the state has apparently rendered unnecessary the old plan of rate regulation through competition, even if it had not been demonstrated often and again that this form of regulation is costly for all concerned and is effective only during rare periods of direct conflict between companies.
The superiority, so far as the convenience of passengers is concerned, of an elevated over an underground railway, when both are worked by steam locomotives, and the great economy and rapidity of construction, led to the quick development and extension of this general design.
An investigation into the matter was thought to show that none of the Fox family was concerned in producing the rappings; but the evidence that they were not concerned is insufficient, although similar noises had been noticed occasionally in the house before they lived there.
Ceremonies of initiation are the means by which the alliance is established between the deity and the young man, when the latter enters upon the rights of manhood; and the supposed bond of kinship is thus regarded as an artificial union from the outset, so far as the individual is concerned, although Robertson Smith still maintains the theory of the fatherhood of the god, where it is a question of the origin of the totem-kin.
But this did not conclude the ceremony, even as far as the victim was concerned; it remained to dispose of the corpse.
In the great majority of cases the chronology of their composition, as far as the year is concerned, presents no difficulties; more precise assignments are mainly conjectural.
They met with a quick and easy sale, were very extensively read, and very liberally and deservedly praised for the unflagging industry and vigour they displayed, though just exception, if only on the score of good taste, was taken to the scoffing tone he continued to maintain in all passages where the Christian religion was specially concerned, and much fault was found with the indecency of some of his notes.'
His most ardent admirers, however, are constrained to admit that he was deficient in large-hearted benevolence; that he was destitute of any " enthusiasm of humanity "; and that so far as every sort of religious yearning or aspiration is concerned, his poverty was almost unique.
It was always patent that what he was chiefly concerned with was the substance and the life of Christian truth, and that his whole energies were employed in this inquiry because his whole heart was engaged in the truths and facts which were at stake.
Thus, when Cambyses, the son of Cyrus, made his great expedition against Egypt, with the fleets of Phoenicia and Cyprus and with the camels of the Arabians, it is highly probable that Palestine itself was concerned.
The great saying of each of these rabbis is concerned with the duties of a judge; the selection does justice to the importance of the Sanhedrin, which was filled with Pharisees.
But it is quite clear that Vitellius was concerned to reconcile the Jews to the authority of Rome.
They are concerned mainly with the education of Jews in the Orient, and the establishment of colonies and technical institutions.
The De prelates of Valerian is concerned with secular princes, and even as late as the 14th century the title was occasionally applied to secular magistrates.
Their government, effective enough when dealing with natives, breaks down in all departments concerned with Europeans, and becomes the prey of designing traders.
This diversity of usage was ended, so far as the kingdom of Northumbria was concerned, by the council of Streaneshalch, or Whitby, in 654.
So far as Western Christendom is concerned the corrected calendar is now universally accepted, and Easter is kept on the same day, but it was not until 1752 that the Gregorian reformation of the calendar was adopted in Great Britain and Ireland.
He was never concerned with civil jurisdiction, and was dependent on the senate for supplies of money.
The close of the 19th century witnessed the forging of the final links in the great geodetic triangulation of India, so far as the peninsula is concerned.
We are not here concerned with understandings as to " spheres of influence," or with arrangements such as the AngloRussian Convention of 1907 concerning Persia.
Here we must distinguish between the Lancelot proper and the LancelotGuenevere versions; so far as the latter are concerned, we cannot get behind the version of Chretien, - nowhere, prior to the composition of the Chevalier de la Charrette is there any evidence of the existence of such a story.
A reprint of 1670 is only valuable because it contains P. de Fermat's notes; as far as the Greek text is concerned it is much inferior to the other.
The clergy having thus another authority, and one moreover more canonical, to appeal to, the power of the archdeacons gradually declined; and, so far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned, it received its death-blow from the council of Trent (1564), which withdrew all matrimonial and criminal causes from the competence of the archdeacons, forbade them to pronounce excommunications, and allowed them only to hold visitations in connexion with those of the bishop and with his consent.
The field experiments on leguminous plants at Rothamsted have shown that land which is, so to speak, exhausted so far as the growth of one leguminous crop is concerned, may still grow very luxuriant crops of another plant of the same natural order, but of different habits of growth, and especially of different character and range of roots.
In 1885, at Preston, the competitions were concerned with two-horse, three-horse and four-horse whipple-trees, and packages for conveying fresh butter by rail.
In 1900, at York, the competitions were concerned with horse-power cultivators, self-moving steam diggers, milking machines and sheep-shearing machines (power and hand).
The significance of the amount of money involved varies greatly for different trades, and can only be understood by reference to the character and habits of the people concerned.
It is easy to understand, therefore, why we trace the beginnings of economics, so far as England is concerned, in the 16th century, and why the application of strict scientific tests in this subject of human study has become possible only in comparatively recent times.
No one is concerned to prove that the Ricardian economics applies to the manorial system, and it is generally supposed at any rate that the world has been approximating more and more nearly during the last century to the conditions assumed in most of the reasoning of that school.
Defects in their arguments have been exposed to view by those who are most concerned to defend their reputation.
The alimentary canal of the Pectinibranchia presents little diversity of character, except in so far as the buccal region is concerned.
The Bonapartes, on the other hand, had long concerned themselves with legal affairs at Ajaccio or in the coast towns of the island.
Ministers were also deeply concerned at the continued occupation of Holland by French troops, which made that country and, therefore, the Cape of Good Hope, absolutely dependent on France.
She was equally concerned by Napoleon's behaviour in the Dutch Netherlands, where her influence used to be supreme.
Canning assented, provided that envoys of all the states and peoples concerned took part in the negotiations.
Clearly, then, Napoleon's desire for peace was conditional on his being allowed to dictate terms to the rulers and peoples concerned.
His anxiety was increased by news of sinister import respecting frequent interviews between those former rivals, Talleyrand and Fouche, in which Murat was said to be concerned.
Throughout the war, too, he was so intensely concerned about states' rights and civil liberty that he opposed the exercise of extra-constitutional war powers by President Jefferson Davis lest the freedom for which the South was fighting should be destroyed.
Hence his efforts, praiseworthy as they were from several points of view, and particularly so in regard to some details, failed to satisfy the philosophic taxonomer when generalizations and deeper principles were concerned, and in his practice in respect of certain technicalities of classification he was, in the eyes of the orthodox, a transgressor.
The early history of the republic is chiefly concerned with the solution of these two problems.
These events are chiefly concerned with the long struggle with Genoa over the possession of the Levant and Black Sea trade.
She ceased to be a great power, and was henceforth entirely concerned in the effort to preserve her remaining possessions and her very independence.
Theological systems were largely concerned.
Along one line there was a gradual elaboration of the tube until it culminated, so far as structural complexity is concerned, in the so-called trapdoor nests or burrows of various families; along the other line the tubular retreat either retains its primitive simplicity in association with a new structure, the snare or net, or is entirely superseded by the latter.
These assizes do not, of course, appear in Ibelin, who was only concerned with the feudal law of the high court.
The church courts could not indeed decide cases of perjury; but, on the other hand, they tried all matters in which clerical property was concerned, and all cases of dispute between husband and wife.
There is some evidence that in this group the ectoderm of the oesophagus is chiefly concerned with digestion, whereas the endoderm of the intestine is limited to the absorption of the soluble products.
Four citizens of consular rank were accused of being concerned in it, and were put to death by order of the senate before he could interfere.
They have no idea of the value of money, and little notion of honesty where money is concerned.
Of the natural fats or glycerides contained in oils the most important in addition to palmitin are stearin and olein, and these it may be sufficient to regard as the principal fatty bodies concerned in soapmaking.
We are principally concerned, however, with the results which add to our knowledge of the topography and architecture of the Acropolis.
Chemistry and physics, however, meet on common ground in a well-defined branch of science, named physical chemistry, which is primarily concerned with the correlation of physical properties and chemical composition, and, more generally, with the elucidation of natural phenomena on the molecular theory.
Vauquelin in 1797, and Klaproth's investigation of tellurium in 1798, the next important series of observations was concerned with platinum and the allied metals.
In 1727 they declared it to be " not a commendable or allowed " practice; in 1761 they excluded from their society all who should be found concerned in it, and issued appeals to their members and the public against the system.
The Pennsylvanian Quakers advised their members against the trade in 1696; in 1754 they issued to their brethren a strong dissuasive against encouraging it in any manner; in 1774 all persons concerned in the traffic, and in 1776 all slave holders who would not emancipate their slaves, were excluded from membership. The Quakers in the other American provinces followed the lead of their brethren in Pennsylvania.
The law of 1811 proved effectual and brought the slave trade to an end so far as the British dominions were concerned.
The popular accounts of the persecution for which he was responsible are no doubt exaggerated, and it sometimes ceased for considerable periods so far as capital punishments were concerned.
Except so far as the excavation of the pillar is concerned the site has not been explored, and four small stupas there (already noticed by Hsuan Tsang) have not been opened.
The instincts of nest-building, incubation and the rearing of young, though they occur later in life than those concerned in locomotion and the obtaining of food, are none the less founded on a hereditary basis, and in some respects are less rather than more liable to modification by the experience gained by the carrying out of hereditarily definite modes of procedure.
Speaking at Johannesburg on the eve of his departure, he recommended to all concerned the promotion of the material prosperity of the country and the treatment of Dutch and British on an absolute equality.
The latter were concerned only with the maintenance of the sole worship of Yahweh and of social morality.
But on the assumption that "mathematics" is to denote a science well marked out by its subject matter and its methods from other topics of thought, and that at least it is to include all topics habitually assigned to it, there is now no option but to employ "mathematics" in the general sense' of the "science concerned with the logical deduction of consequences from the general premisses of all reasoning."
So far as geographical description is concerned, the separate articles on Asia Minor, Albania, Armenia, and other areas mentioned below - constituting the Turkish Empire - may be consulted.
Proposals made by the council for the modification and improvement of the existing laws and regulations which concerned it were to receive an answer from the government within six months; this provision has remained a dead letter.
So far as the extreme claims of the tsar were concerned, neither Austria nor Prussia was willing to concede them, and both had joined with France and Great Britain in presenting, on the 12th of December 1853, an identical note at St Petersburg, drawn up at the Conference of Vienna, reaffirming the principles of the treaty of 1841.
This affair however was of little more than local importance, and the Young Turks were not directly concerned in it.
Interpreted in the most general sense, these decrees, which enacted that the council of Constance derived its power immediately from Jesus Christ, and that every one, even the pope, was bound to obey it and every legitimately assembled general council in all that concerned faith, reform, union, &c., were tantamount to the overturning of the constitution of the church by establishing the superiority of the council over the pope.
The remainder of the day, so far as family life is concerned, is spent in the serdab, a cellar sunk somewhat below the level of the courtyard, damp from frequent wettings, with its half windows covered with hurdles thatched with camel thorn and kept dripping with water.
It seems easiest to assume that the festival, so far as the Passover itself is concerned, was actually connected historically with the Exodus.
They are amongst the earliest examples of the "catenic" (catena, chain) form of commentary, consisting of a series of extracts from the fathers, arranged, with independent additions, to elucidate the portions of Scripture concerned.