Conceptualism Sentence Examples
It may be held that they exist merely as conceptions in our minds; this is Nominalism or Conceptualism.
While it asserted a realism of individuals, it admitted a conceptualism of universals.
Often, it seems like he has managed to merge high-end conceptualism with the kind of low-end practical photography undertaken by surveyors or architects.
Even Abelard's mediating doctrine of conceptualism was sufficiently near to obnoxious ideas to involve him in lifelong persecution.
His position is ordinarily designated by the name Conceptualism (q.v.), though there is very little talk of concepts in Abelard's own writings.
By these distinctions Abelard hoped to escape the consequences of extreme Nominalism, from which, as a matter of history, his doctrine has been distinguished under the name of Conceptualism, seeing that it lays stress not on the word as such but on the thought which the word is intended to convey.
As regards his so-called Conceptualism and his attitude to the question of Universals, see Scholasticism.