Concentration Sentence Examples
Jackson lost concentration in remembering her.
Her father's voice broke her concentration.
Her concentration was on the clothes, and he tried not to smile as she spent a minute petting a sweater.
Tim's voice interrupted his concentration.
Thus silver, at one end of the cell in contact with many silver ions of the silver nitrate solution, at the other end is in contact with a liquid in which the concentration of those ions is very small indeed.
When the dissolved molecules are uniformly distributed, the osmotic pressure will be the same everywhere throughout the solution, but, if the concentration vary from point to point, the pressure will vary also.
On these lines the equations of concentration cells, deduced above on less hypothetical grounds, may be regained.
The concentration of the simple copper ions is then so much diminished that the copper plate becomes an anode with regard to zinc. Thus the cell - copper I potassium cyanide solution I potassium sulphate solution - zinc sulphate solution I zinc - gives a current which carries copper into solution and deposits zinc. In a similar way silver could be made to act as anode with respect to cadmium.
It is now evident that the electromotive force of an ordinary chemical cell such as that of Daniell depends on the concentration of the solutions as well as on the nature of the metals.
Dolezalek, however, has attributed the difference to mechanical hindrances, which prevent the equalization of acid concentration in the neighbourhood of the electrodes, rather than to any essentially irreversible chemical action.
AdvertisementThere must, then, be a relation between the rate of change of the concentration and the osmotic pressure gradient, and thus we may consider the osmotic pressure gradient as a force driving the solute through a viscous medium.
The results give equations of the same logarithmic form as those obtained in a somewhat different manner in the theory of concentration cells described above, and have been verified by experiment.
The specific rotation also varies with the concentration; this is due to the dissociation of complex molecules into simpler ones, a view confirmed by cryoscopic measurements.
There is a special marginal nerve running round the edge of the mantle, but the connexion of this with the rest of the nervous system is not clear; probably it is merely another concentration of the diffused sub-ectodermal nervous fibrils.
Thus, while cupellation still furnishes the only means for the final separation of lead and silver, it has become an auxiliary process to the two methods of concentration given.
AdvertisementAs Cicero tones down his oratory in his moral treatises, so Horace tones down the fervour of his lyrical utterances in his Epistles, and thus produces a style combining the ease of the best epistolary style with the grace and concentration of poetry - the style, as it has been called, of "idealized common sense," that of the urbanus and cultivated man of the world who is also in his hours of inspiration a genuine poet.
The processes of evaporation and concentration are carried on as they are in a cane sugar factory, but with this advantage, that the beet solutions are freer from gum and glucose than those obtained from sugar-canes, and are therefore easier to cook.
The ambitions of Mehemet Ali of Egypt were not yet fully revealed; but Ali of Jannina, who had marched to the aid of the sultan against the rebellious pasha Pasvan Oglu of Widdin, soon began to show his hand, and it needed the concentration of all the forces of the Turkish empire to effect his overthrow and death (1822).
The concentration of nervous matter and ganglionic substance at the oral end of Trematodes is equivalent to the " brain " of the Planarians, but the similar thickening in the scolex of Cestodes is by no means so certainly to be called by that name.
The Wetherill system of magnetic concentration has been remarkably successful in separating the minerals contained in the well-known deposit in Sussex (disambiguation)|Sussex county, N.J.
AdvertisementNeither mechanical nor magnetic concentration can effect much in the way of separation when, as in many complex ores, carbonates of iron, calcium and magnesium replace the isomorphous zinc carbonate, when some iron sulphide containing less sulphur than pyrites replaces zinc sulphide, and when gold and silver are contained in the zinc ore itself.
Even more important than the assistance which the concentration of the German trade at Bruges gave to that leading mart of European commerce was the service rendered by the German counter of Bruges to the cause of Hanseatic unity.
Great as were his eloquence, his knowledge and his financial skill, Gladstone was accustomed to say of himself that the only quality in which, so far as he knew, he was distinguished from his fellow-men was his faculty of concentration.
The poison is a clear, pale-yellow fluid which reacts acid, and contains about 30% of solids, but this varies according to the state of concentration.
The Confederates concentrated above 40,000 men at Corinth and advanced on Pittsburg Landing with a view to beating Grant before Buell's arrival, but their concentration had left them only a narrow margin of time, and the advance was further delayed by the wretched condition of the roads.
AdvertisementThe process is rarely applied to ores direct; free-milling ores are generally amalgamated, and the tailings and slimes, after concentration, operated upon.
Tegea was one of the most ancient cities of Peloponnesus; tradition ascribed its concentration (synoecism) out of eight or nine primitive cantons to a mythical king Aleus.
There must be considerable dissociation of molecules, and as a first approximation it may be taken that of io molecules of most of the components about 9 (or in the case of magnesium sulphate 5) have been separated into their ions, and that it is only during slow concentration as in a natural saline that the ions combine to produce the various salts in the proportions set out in the above table.
Fox, of the Central Laboratory of the International Council at Christiania, has investigated the relation of the atmospheric gases to sea-water by very exact experimental methods and arrived at the following expressions for the absorption of oxygen and nitrogen by sea-water of different degrees of concentration.
Differences of density between the waters of enclosed seas and of the ocean are brought about in some instances by concentration of the water of the sea on account of active evaporation, and in other instances by dilution on account of the great influx of land water.
Modern research has proved that such reactions are not occasioned by water acting as H 2 0, but really by its ions (hydrions and hydroxidions), for the velocity is proportional (in accordance with the law of chemical mass action) to the concentration of these ions.
The necessary three days' warning of the French concentration they felt certain they would obtain, for Napoleon's troops were at this juncture distributed over an area (Lille-Metz-Paris) of 175 m.
He had to delay the French advance for 24 hours and give time for Blucher's concentration, at the same time retaining his own freedom of manoeuvre, and this in spite of the great length of the summer day, the short distance that he lay 'in front of Fleurus, the tremendous numerical superiority of the French and Napoleon's personal presence at their head.
The exposure time required to cause miosis depends on agent concentration.
It will be seen that Blucher covered Fleurus, his concentration point, by Zieten's corps, in the hope of being able to collect his army round Fleurus in the time that Zieten would secure for him by a yielding fight.
He directed that the movements of the troops when they drew near the allied outposts should be covered as far as possible by accidents of ground, for there was no great natural screen to cover his strategical concentration.
Corps from Metz, having the longest distance to go, started first (on June 6), and soon the whole army was The in motion for the selected points of concentration, French every effort being made to hide the movements of the concen.
As soon as the Prussian marshal got the first real warning of imminent danger, he ordered (in accordance with the prearranged plan) an immediate concentration of his army on his inner flank at Sombreffe.
Failing to appreciate this fully, Wellington omitted to order an immediate concentration on his inner (left) flank as Blucher had done, and the danger of Blucher's position was thus enormously increased.
Thus, thanks to Zieten's fine delaying action, Blucher by nightfall on June 15 had secured most of the ground requisite for his pre-arranged concentration; for one corps was in position, and two others were at hand.
Wellington, owing to his original dispositions and the slowness of his concentration, had only retained a grip on Quatre Bras thanks to the boldness of his subordinates on the spot.
But if the intelligence which the duke rightly relied on had come to hand on the r 5th, it cannot be doubted that he would have effected a more expeditious concentration on his inner flank.
The allies were thus afforded an opportunity of committing the very blunder which Napoleon longed for, namely to attempt a risky forward concentration.
Napoleon's original plan for the 16th was based on the assumption that the allies, who had been caught napping, would not attempt a risky forward concentration; and he intended therefore to push an advanced guard as far as Gembloux, for the purpose of feeling for and warding off Blucher.
As he surveyed the field from the windmill north of Fleurus it struck him as significant that Blucher's troops were disposed parallel to the Namur road, as if to cover a forward concentration, and not at right angles to it, as they would be had they been covering a retreat.
The railways and constabulary of the two colonies were (1903) placed under an inter-colonial council; active measures were taken for the repatriation of the prisoners of war and the residents in the concentration camps, and in every direction vigorous and successful efforts were made to repair the ravages of the war.
He therefore chose Liao-Yang as the point of concentration, and having thus to gain time by force instead of by distance, he pushed out a strong covering detachment towards the Yalu.
A few days later, Zasulich's persistent requests to be allowed to retreat and the still uncertain movements of the 2nd Army induced him once more to prepare a concentration on Mukden.
The concentration of the various Japanese armies on one battlefield was to be made, not along the circumference of the long arc they occupied, but towards the centre.
The Motienling pass, however, had been seized without difficulty, and Keller's power of counterattack had been reduced to nothing by the despatch of most of his forces to the concentration at Tashichiao.
After the battle of Liao-Yang Kuropatkin reverted for a moment to the plan of a concentration to the rear at Tieling.
Nor was the concentration of wealth the only danger of this policy; it led to the destruction of forests, the exhaustion of farming soils and the wasteful mining of coal and minerals, since the desire for quick profits, even when they entail risk to permanency of capital, is always a powerful human motive.
The weights of engines and wagons are now greater, and in addition it is recognized that the concentration of the loading at the axles gives rise to greater straining action, especially in short bridges, than the same load uniformly distributed along the span.
Since there was no longer a Parliament, or any personal immunity, the military authorities established unlimited police rule, which seemed to be obsessed with terror of its own citizens; anyone who seemed to them suspect was subjected to internment in concentration camps.
The first and fundamental characteristic of Ultramontanism is its championship of a logical carrying out of the so-called " papalistic system," the concentration, that is, of all ecclesiastical power in the person of the Roman bishop. This.
In 1894 they inaugurated the so-called " concentration movement," and began to conduct annual excursions into North Dakota, thus bringing into the state thousands of immigrants.
Nevertheless, the concentration of all ritual at a single point, and the practical exclusion of laymen from active participation in it - for the old sacrificial feast had now shrunk into entire insignificance in comparison with the stated priestly holocausts and atoning rites2 - lent powerful assistance to the growth of a new and higher type of personal religion, the religion which found its social expression not in material acts of oblation, but in the language of the Psalms. In the best times of the old kingdom the priests had shared the place of the prophets as the religious leaders of the nation; under the second Temple they represented the unprogressive traditional side of religion, and the leaders of thought were the psalmists and the scribes, who spoke much more directly to the piety of the nation.
Brisson had at last remitted the case to the judgment of the court of cassation, he formed a cabinet of Republican concentration.
The liquors after a concentration in iron vessels are now evaporated in a silver dish, until the heavy vapour of the hydrate is seen to go off.
During the first half of the 19th century the industry became of considerable local importance in all parts of the state, but since the Civil War the heavy tax imposed has caused its concentration in large establishments.
The last stage is reached when, in the highest tension and concentration, beholding in silence and utter forgetfulness of all things, it is able as it were to lose itself.
On both sides in Mexico there was an element consisting of honest doctrinaires; but rival military leaders exploited the struggles in their own interest, sometimes taking each side successively; and the instability was intensified by the extreme poverty of the peasantry, which made the soldiery reluctant to return to civil life, by the absence of a regular middle class, and by the concentration of wealth in a few hands, so that a revolutionary chief was generally sure both of money and of men.
The ore is chiefly haematite, and has been developeci from antecedent ferruginous sedimentary deposits, through concentration and purification by ground water.
The advantage of the last as compared with native whites of native parentage is apparently owing to the lesser concentration of these in cities.
With the reservations that only in the case of certain red haematite bedded deposits can any estimate be made of relative accuracy, say within 10%; that the concentration deposits of brown ore can be estimated only with an accuracy represented by a factor varying between 0.7 and 3; and that the great Lake Superior and the less known Adirondack deposits can be estimated within 15 to 20%, the total supply of the country was estimated at 79,594,220,000 long tons73,21o,415,000 of which were credited to haematite ores and 5,054,675,000 to magnetite.
The line on the scale marked "concentration" indicates the diminution in volume consequent upon reducing the sample to proof strength (if it is over proof, O.P.) or upon reducing proof spirit to the strength of the sample (if it is under proof, U.P.).
But such a concentration would in itself be attended with great risk, as the detachments might be destroyed piecemeal before they could combine.
Reinders (Ber., 1896, 29, p. 1369), who found that the reaction is monomolecular, and that the velocity constant of the reaction is proportional to the amount of the hydrochloride of the base present and also to the temperature, but is independent of the concentration of the diazoamine.
On this extreme concentration of the Christian power was employed throughout Europe an army of official agents or officious adherents of the Holy See, who were animated by an irrepressible zeal for the aggrandizement of the papacy.
We have given a few examples of the concentration of his efforts in seeking to identify the apparently different forces of nature, of his far-sightedness in selecting subjects for investigation, of his persistence in the pursuit of what he set before him, of his energy in working out the results of his discoveries, and of the accuracy and completeness with which he made his final statement of the laws of the phenomenon.
Experiments on the relation between temperature and concentration are illustrated by projecting the curve OA of fig.
With the most likely forms for the energy curves we get the accompanying diagrams for the relation between freezing point and concentration.
The temperature may then rise and the concentration of B increase in the liquid in a manner represented by some such line as b f.
One way in which this has been secured is by obtaining the under cooling by temporary cooling of the air space by a spiral tube in which ether may be evaporated, the outer vessel being filled with ice in contact with a solution of equivalent concentration to that within.
In the limit then, when the concentration of the solution becomes vanishingly small, theory shows that the osmotic pressure is equal to the pressure of a gas filling the same space.
A quantity of gas measured by its molecular weight in grammes when confined in a volume of one litre exerts a pressure of 22.2 atmospheres, and thus the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution divided by its concentration in gramme-molecules per litre has a corresponding value.
Hence we must not assume that the density of the vapour in the surrounding atmosphere is constant, or that the solution, when equilibrium is reached, is of uniform concentration throughout.
In considering the corresponding relation for a solution instead of a pure liquid, possible differences in concentration make the column method difficult of application, and it is better to attach the problem by means of an imaginary cycle of isothermal operation.
If V =V' there is no change in osmotic pressure with hydrostatic pressure, and osmotic pressure depends on concentration and temperature only.
At the limit of dilution, when the concentration of a solution approaches zero, we have seen that thermodynamical theory, verified by experiment, shows that the osmotic pressure has the same value as the gas pressure of the same number of molecules in the same space.
This result must hold good for any solution, but if the solution be dilute when saturated, that is, if the solubility be small, the equation shows that if there be no heat effect when solid dissolves to form a saturated solution, the solubility is independent of temperature, for, in accordance with the gas laws, the osmotic pressure of a dilute solution of constant concentration is proportional to the absolute temperature.
Graham showed that the diffusion was approximately proportional to the difference in concentration, and on these lines a theory of diffusion was founded on the lines of Fourier's treatment of the conduction of heat.
The quantity of substance which diffuses through unit area in one second may be taken as proportional to the difference in concentration between the fluids at that area and at another parallel area indefinitely near it.
This difference in concentration is.
The osmotic pressure of a solution depends on the concentration, and, if we regard the difference in that pressure as the effective force driving the dissolved substance through the solution, we are able to obtain the equation of diffusion in another form.
Klebs has shown that the development of zoosporangia or of oogonia and pollinodia respectively in Saprolegnia is dependent on the external conditions; so long as a continued stream of suitable food-material is ensured the mycelium grows on without forming reproductive organs, but directly the supplies of nitrogenous and carbonaceous food fall below a certain degree of concentration sporangia are developed.
But, intermediate in richness between these two extremes, the iron ores mined to-day and these 2 and 3% ores, there is an incalculably great quantity of ore capable of mechanical concentration, and another perhaps vaster store of ore which we do not yet know how to concentrate mechanically, so that the day when a pound of iron in the ore will cost as much as a pound of copper in the ore costs to-day is immeasurably distant.
A rapid British attack would in any case forestall the concentration of these heterogeneous squadrons.
The alcohol is removed by distillation in vacuo, and by further concentration in vacuo a solution may be obtained which evolves 580 volumes of oxygen.
In the latter, especially at Sao Joao da Chapada, the minerals accompanying the diamond are scarcely worn at all; in the terraces and the river beds they are more worn and more abundant; the terraces, therefore, are to be regarded as a first concentration of the plateau material by the old rivers; and the cascalho as a second concentration by the modern rivers.
The concentrates are then passed over sloping tables (pulsator) and shaken to and fro under a stream of water which effects a second concentration of the heaviest material.
The concentration of the saline ingredients proceeds with the greatest degree of intensity in the large bays on the east side of the sea, and more especially in that of Kara-boghaz, where it reaches 16.3% (Spindler expedition).
Farms adjacent to the rivers were for a time increased in richness by the alkaline salts, which in diffuse form might be valuable plant foods, and then suddenly become valueless when the concentration of alkali had reached a degree beyond that which the ordinary plants would endure.
On concentration of the solution, the major portion of the aluminium present separates as alum, and the mother liquor remaining contains beryllium and iron sulphates together with a little alum.
It is deliquescent, and readily soluble in water, from which it separates on concentration in crystals of composition BeC1 2.4H 2 0.
The result has been that there is in Germany no such concentration of the institutions for the encouragement and study of the fine arts as there is in France or England.
There was a tendency towards concentration in large cities of the new type, which caused many of the lesser towns, like Lebedus, Myus or Colophon, to sink to insignificance, while Ephesus grew in greatness and wealth, and Smyrna rose again after an extinction of four centuries.
By the end of January the concentration was complete, and the British brigade, under MajorGeneral Gatacre, was at Dakhesh, south of Abu Hamed.
Primarily but a slight deposit is formed (none until the concentration arrives at specific gravity 1.0509), this deposit consisting for the most part of calcium carbonate and ferric oxide.
In Britain the brine is so pure that, keeping a small stream of it running into the pan to replace the losses by evaporation and the removal of the salt, it is only necessary occasionally (not often) to reject the mother-liquor when at last it becomes too impure with magnesium chloride; but in some works the mother-liquor not only contains more of this impurity but becomes quite brown from organic matter on concentration, and totally unfit for further service after yielding but two or three crops of salt crystals.
Lack of the power of brain concentration and severe inability to undergo the mental strain of arduous work are often the penalty which white races pay.
This action must be promoted by heating the mixture, but even then nothing like all of the hydrochloric acid employed is made to act as above, because the attack on the manganese ore requires a certain minimum concentration of the acid.
The filtered caustic liquor passes to the concentration plants; the washings are employed for diluting fresh vat-liquor for the next operation, or for dissolving solid soda-ash for the same purpose.
There the reaction mentioned above takes place, and Owing to the concentration of the liquid the sodium bicarbonate formed is to a great extent precipitated in the shape of small crystals, forming with the mother-liquor a thin magma.
The state of the prison, the desperation of the prisoners, broadly hinted in their conversation and plainly expressed in their conduct, the uproar of oaths, complaints and obscenity, the indescribable stench, presented together a concentration of the utmost misery and the utmost guilt."
On April 2 Brusati sent a further report upon the concentration of enemy troops in the Trentino, and stated that he had taken the steps which he considered to be most opportune in relation to the means at his disposal.
He urged that the front of attack should from the outset be divided between Dankl and von .Koevess, and pressed for the adoption of his plan for the concentration of attacking masses in the valleys, especially in the Val Sugana.
The offensive opened on May 14 with a very heavy bombardment along the whole line from the Val Lagarina to the Val Sugana; but the concentration of fire was most intense between the Vallarsa and the Upper Astico, and against this sector, the following day, the main infantry attack was launched.
On May 20 he went to Udine, and after consultation with the Duke of Aosta and Frugoni gave orders for the concentration of a reserve army in the Venetian plain.
It is assumed that each molecule of solute combines with a molecules of solvent according to the ordinary law of chemical combination, and that the number a, representing the degree of hydration, remains constant within wide limits of temperature and concentration.
His observations showed that the osmotic pressure was nearly proportional to the concentration and to the absolute temperature over a limited range.
Besides, the less favourably situated towns suffered through the concentration of trade in the hands of their more fortunate sisters.
The tendency towards the concentration of capital in great industrial corporations had been active to an extent previously undreamt of, with incidental consequences that had aroused much apprehension; and the Democrats accused President McKinley and the Republican party of having fostered the "trusts."
In Sambas, Montrado and some parts of Pontianak, the greater density of the population is due to the greater fertility of the soil, the opening of mines, the navigation and trade plied on the larger rivers, and the concentration of the population at the junctions of rivers, the mouths of rivers and the seats of government.
In fact dissemination seems to have taken place, as usual, by the conversion of one house after another into a focus of disease, a process favoured by the fatal custom of shutting up infected houses with all their inmates, which was not only almost equivalent to a sentence of death on all therein, but caused a dangerous concentration of the poison.
Further concentration leads to decomposition, with evolution of oxygen and formation of perchloric acid.
Definite orders had been given both by Cadorna and by Capello that immediately upon the opening of the enemy's bombardment the Italian artillery should reply with a fire of " counter-preparation " upon the enemy's trenches and zones of concentration, and that they should lay down a violent barrage as soon as there were signs of movement.
The attacking troops, both gunners and infantry, found their task unexpectedly lightened by the absence of a heavy return fire upon their batteries, trenches, and zones of concentration.
In the one class the density is mainly rural, in the other it is chiefly due to the concentration of the population into large urban aggregates.
Plastering appears to have been known at an early date, and when the juice of the grapes was too thin for the production of a good wine, it was occasionally boiled down with a view to concentration.
This involved almost a revolution in the nature of the tools used, and in the methods of working, and may ultimately even greatly affect the factory system and the concentration of population in large towns which was brought about in the early part of the 19th century by the invention of the steam engine.
With the evolution of rank, however, and the concentration of magico-religious power in the hands of certain orders, there is less solidarity and more individualism, or at all events more opportunity for sectional interests to be pursued at other than critical times; whereupon fraud and violence are apt to infect religion.
The first products of this reaction are copper nitrate and nitric oxide, but, as the concentration of the copper nitrate increases, nitrous oxide and, eventually, free nitrogen are liberated.
A combined brickand water-cooled furnace has been adopted by the Iron Mountain Company at Keswick, Cal., for matte concentration.
The concentration was effected without any embarrassment till metallic copper commenced to separate and chill in the bottom tuyeres.
Lump ore alone was fed, and the resulting matte showed a concentration of only 3 into i.
When, however, a hot blast is used on highly sulphuretted copper ores, a concentration of 8 of ore into i of matte is obtained, with a consumption of less than one-third the fuel which would be consumed in smelting the charge had the ore been previously calcined.
But now, when everything depended on a concentration of forces, Charles's imprudent assumption of the title of " King of the Lapps of Nordland," which people properly belonged to the Danish Crown, involved him in another war with Denmark, a war known in Scandinavian history as the war of Kalmar because the Swedish fortress of Kalmar was the chief theatre of hostilities.
Nitric acid oxidizes antimony either to the trioxide Sb 4 0 6 or the pentoxide Sb 2 0 5, the product obtained depending on the temperature and concentration of the acid.
Excess of stain is afterwards removed from the tissues by the use of decolorizing agents, such as acids of varying strength and concentration, alcohol, &c. Different bacteria behave very differently to stains; some take them up rapidly, others slowly, some resist decolorization, others are easily decolorized.
When the cell moves from a less to a greater degree of concentration, i.e.
Turkey's opponents, on the contrary, had in recent years not only rearmed themselves and secured their financial and political position, but also made those minute and careful preparations of detail which when the time comes translate themselves into smooth concentration, and regular, consistent operations.
After a new survey of the situation in 1909-10 by Marshal von der Goltz it was decided to treat Macedonia as a self-contained theatre of war garrisoned at all times by a large army with Shtip (tip) as its area of war concentration, and to constitute in Thrace a covering army which would be reinforced by the troops from Asia as they successively arrived, up to the strength adequate for offensive operations against Bulgaria.
By that date the movements of strategic concentration were nearly complete, and several frontier skirmishes had already taken place.
At first, it seems, the Goltz plan of a defensive concentration there, to be followed by radial attacks on divided enemies, was adhered to by the Turks.
On the Turkish side, equally little is known with certainty as to the original project, though it is probably safe to say that this consisted in a defensive concentration of the I., II.
The original concentration points were for the I.
The concentration upon the city of a large garrison flushed with victory, and eager to emulate the vanquished foe in works of peace, and vie with them in luxury, was an incentive to Berliners to put forth all their energy.
The Hydromedusae are distinguished from the Scyphozoa chiefly by negative characters; they have no stomodaeum, that is, no ingrowth of ectoderm at the mouth to form an oesophagus; they have no mesenteries (radiating partitions) which incompletely subdivide the coelenteron; and they have no concentration of digestive cells into special organs.
Under modern conditions there is little danger from such a dissemination of the forces, as each fraction of each army corps is within less than two hours' march of its concentration post.
In the higher groups the two halves of the chain are more or less closely approximated and coalesced, and, in addition, a concentration of the ganglia in a longitudinal direction takes place, leading ultimately, in many cases, to the formation of an unsegmented ganglionic mass representing the whole of the ventral chain.
The present distribution of population over England and Wales shows a dense concentration at all large seaports, in the neighbourhood of London, and on the coal-fields where manufactures are carried on.
The establishment of their engineering and other workshops at certain centres by the great railway companies has important bearing on the concentration of urban population.
As a writer, his chief fault is want of concentration;.
The colonization of the eastern provinces and the struggle against the Sla y s necessitated a stronger concentration of aristocratic power, and the reception of Roman law during the 5th and 16th centuries hardened the forms of subjection originated by customary conditions.
The immediate result of this concentration of people in a spot so unwholesome was the prevalence of disease, produced by the appalling sanitary conditions.
In the case of solutions, if the absorption of the solvent is negligible, the effect of increasing the concentration of the absorbing solute is the same as that of increasing the thickness in the same ratio.
The aqueous solution may be boiled without decomposition, but on concentration it yields phosphorous and phosphoric acids.
He believed, he subsequently told a Unionist audience, that the Opposition could have turned out the Government at this time owing to the indignation about the shortage of munitions; but that would have meant an election and renewal of party feeling, and so have prevented the concentration of effort on the war.
It follows from this that the acid collecting at the bottom of the chambers must never exceed a certain concentration, say 70%, H2S04 having a specific gravity of 1.615, but it is preferable to make it only 66 to 67%, having a specific gravity of 1.57 to 1.58.
A third consideration is the condensation of the vapours formed in the concentrating process; the further the concentration proceeds the more sulphuric acid they contain.
In this respect the Kessler furnace has also proved to be very efficacious, so that it is at the present time considered the best apparatus for the concentration of sulphuric acid found in the trade.
These lay abbacies were not merely a question of overlordship, but implied the concentration in lay hands of all the rights, immunities and jurisdiction of the foundations, i.e.
Chirocrinus-alter, one of of the nervous, waterthe Rhomb i fera, showing the reduced vascular and blood-vas number and regular arrangement of the cular systems, testified thecal plates, and the concentration of to their Pelmatozoan ancestry.
Edwards grip on the land was strong, and it had need to be so, for in 1287 and 1294 1295 there were desperate and widespread revolts, which were only checked by the existence of the new castles, and subdued by the concentration of large royal armies.
The minor accuracies, the limitation of range, the treading and re-treading of the same small patch of ground, the concentration of interest in success before a board of examiners, were all uncongenial to a nature of exuberant intellectual curiosity and of strenuous and self-reliant originality.
George III., or those about him, insisted on substituting for the aristocratic division of political power a substantial concentration of it in the hands of the sovereign.
For it is easy to see that if, by means of lenses of rock-salt or mirrors, we focused all or nearly all the rays from a small surface on to another surface of equal area, this would not raise the temperature of the second surface above that of the first; and we could not obtain a greater concentration of rays from a large heated surface, since we could not have all parts of the surface simultaneously in focus.
It forms red crystalline double salts with the chlorides of the metals of the alkalis and of the 1 By solution in concentrated hydrochloric acid, a yellow liquid is obtained, which on concentration over sulphuric acid gives yellow deliquescent crusts of ferroso-ferric chloride, Fe3C118H20.
The coloration is due to the production of unstable compounds of the ferrous salt and nitric oxide, and it seems that in neutral solutions the compound is made up of one molecule of salt to one of gas; the reaction, however, is reversible, the composition varying with temperature, concentration and nature of the salt.
Probably the chaetae preceded the development of parapodia, and by their concentration and that of the muscular bundles connected with them at the sides of each segment, led directly to the evolution of the parapodia.
For this purpose was needed the concentration of a philosophic intellect of the first order on the problems of practice.
His fear of the Boulangist movement converted him to the policy of "Republican Concentration," and he entered office in 1890 as foreign minister in the Freycinet cabinet.
In practice individualism is chiefly concerned to oppose the concentration of commercial and industrial enterprise in the hands of the state and the municipality.
It was during this period that Dublin was chosen as the point of concentration for their forces.
The aim which the emperor had in view was, by a concentration of power which should make him "the beneficent motive force of the whole social order" (constitution of the 14th of January 1852; administrative centralization; subordination of the elected assemblies; control of the machinery of universal suffrage) to unite all classes in "one great national party" attached to the dynasty.
Arsenic pentoxide, As2O5, is most easily obtained by oxidation of a solution of arsenious acid with nitric acid; the solution on concentration deposits the compound 2H3AsO4.
This quantity is not absolutely constant, and in many cases varies with the concentration of the solution and with the nature of the solvent.
But further advance was prevented by the concentration of the French forces in the east, and Wellington found it advisable to retire for the third time to winter quarters on.
This concentration is most easily produced by sliding or revolving diaphragms. A series of holes of different sizes perforate a revolving disk below the stage plate at an equal radial distance from the axis of the disk, so that the holes can be brought under the preparation in turn, the centre of the diaphragms always being a continuation of the optical axis of the microscope.
The victory defeated the proposed concentration of the French fleet in Brest to cover an invasion of England.
Concentration of the aqueous solution in a desiccator gives a deposit of crystals of a very deliquescent salt, H21n2(S04)4.8H20.
A fourth, the Constantinople junction railway to Constantinople, is of great strategic importance; during the war with Greece in 1897 it facilitated the rapid concentration of Ottoman troops on the borders of Thessaly, and in 1908 it helped to secure the triumph of the Young Turks by bringing the regiments favourable to their propaganda within striking distance of Constantinople.
The former have a very extended application in many branches of industry, being used by both founders and smelters in the fusion of metals; in the concentration of poor metallic compounds by fusion into regulus; in the reduction of lead and tin ores; for refining copper and silver; and for making malleable iron by the puddling processes and welding.
As he said, it took a strong concentration on his part to do so.
Third concentration is stopping serial abductors or serial killers.
It took concentration to maneuver the ever more rugged roads as they climbed skyward, waving away the dust from the other vehicles.
He had wanted to convey to Cynthia his concerns over Billy Langstrom's death, but he felt he owed his election bid at least a modicum of concentration if he didn't want to make a fool of himself.
The chore of driving the sleigh took little concentration, as Daisy was far more adept at her assignment than the driver.
The concentration on bebop did seem disproportionately prevalent in all forms of education, however.
Isolated high altitude airbursts of the chemical containers will cause the material to disperse as it descends, this lessening concentration and reducing effectiveness.
The observable effects of drinking alcohol are directly related to the blood alcohol concentration.
Nitrogen accumulation methods include measurement of plant tissue N concentration, amino acids, substrate N and foliar ammonium.
Retention of organic anions causes a progressive increase in the anion gap and a further fall in plasma bicarbonate concentration.
As the silicon crystal grows oxygen is incorporated as an interstitial atom in the silicon matrix at a concentration of typically 10-40 ppm.
Engines fuelled by methane biogas or gases from old coal mines normally cease to function if the methane concentration drops below 40 per cent.
Discipline, precision and concentration are key elements; sheer brio isn't enough on its own.
Therefore the true concentration of the colloidal calcium carbonate is likely to have been 89 or 101 ppm as CaCO3.
We were told of the way corpses in concentration camps were layered up with logs, then the whole lot set alight.
The mean concentration of tin in canned spaghetti from a previous JFSSG survey of canned spaghetti from a previous JFSSG survey of canned products was 66 mg/kg.
Too high a concentration of calcium can kill brain cells, so these pumps in the cell membrane push the calcium out quickly.
The phosphorus in solution reacts with the molybdate ion to produce a blue coloration whose intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of phosphorus.
The current increase in atmospheric concentration of CO 2 is considered to be one of the most important long-term changes occurring on this planet.
Thus, one of the noticeable changes from six years ago is the more intense concentration on youth work.
The rate of formation of HbA 1c is proportional to the blood glucose concentration.
In the survey, 3% of men and 8% of women had a hemoglobin concentration below these limits indicating anemia.
I know it's a shame most of your family couldn't make it as they didn't survive the concentration camps.
Europe - you stifled the voice of God, and so you invented the concentration camp and the Atom Bomb.
Back to top concentration camps I never saw a concentration camp.
Approximately 50,000 civilians will end up in the german concentration camps, and an additional 150,000 are transported into forced labor camps in Germany.
The penalty for distributing such contraband may be the concentration camp; it may be death.
With their high chromium concentration, they have excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance, and to chloride stress corrosion.
This concentration would damage clothing, shoes, and rubber goods, and is mildly corrosive to steel surfaces.
You could tolerate the dreaded sodium cyanide at many millions of times the concentration.
No significant correlations were observed between changes of lung function tests and serum cytokine concentration.
This graph could be used to estimate the concentration of onion cell cytoplasm.
In between research papers we visited the site of the nearby concentration camp, Majdanek, and the former death camp at Belzac.
Two class 100 clean rooms are currently being installed dedicated to sample preparation for isotope analysis and low concentration elemental analysis.
Studying smart requires concentration so encourage your student to eliminate distractions such as telephones, television and loud music.
A lapse of concentration on the problem at hand ended with an awkward backward fall that dislocated an elbow.
The volume of the samples was measured, they were analyzed for fluoride concentration and the 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion was calculated.
The concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaled air is then measured.
Indian Head Massage relaxes the scalp and tones up the subcutaneous muscles relieving eyestrain, headaches and improving concentration.
Severe and debilitating fatigue, painful muscles and joints, disordered sleep, gastric disturbances, poor memory and concentration are commonplace.
Minerals such as potassium feldspar can often be included in this group since the high concentration of potassium is diagnostic.
This method is independent of the fibrinogen concentration of the sample at the usual fibrinogen concentration of the sample at the usual fibrinogen levels.
The ore was so fine-grained that the mechanical methods of concentration then in use could not trap it.
One concentration of fire-cracked flint suggests the possible location of a flint cairn.
The machines produced dialysis fluid at a physiological concentration.
The total is 402 umol glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen per gram of muscle, which is nearly four times the normal concentration of glycogen stored in muscle.
These minerals are absorbed against the concentration gradient, from a dilute solution in the soil water into the concentration solution in the cells.
This concentration of retail power is far greater than in the rest of the EU or in the US markets.
What Hitler did in his concentration camps was equaled if not exceeded in foulness by the soviet gulags, forced starvation and pogroms.
These may include poor memory and concentration, irritability and overactivity in children, swollen gums, acne and weight gain.
The time taken to reduce the concentration of a substance in the body to 50% is known as its biological half-life.
They also have moderate effects on increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration and reducing serum triglycerides.
As can be seen from the distribution of animals on organic farms, a concentration process has taken place in pig and poultry husbandry.
For example, the maximum volume concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons is set at 20 parts per billion.
This increase in CSF acidity causes hyperventilation which lowers the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood.
She stated that tobacco smoke inhaled by non-smokers contained higher concentration substances than smoke inhaled directly by smokers.
Preparatory concentration, parikamma samaadhi, is only initial concentration.
The use of concentration camp inmates was not of economic significance to the war effort in the first years of the war.
The remaining inoculum was diluted and plated; inoculum concentration was determined to be 1 x 10 5 colony forming units per ml.
Our fear is that the impacts of any further concentration of research funds may prove irreversible.
Beneficial smells to driving include peppermint and cinnamon, which improve concentration levels as well as making drivers less irritable.
Synthesis of the two specific homoserine lactone (HSL) AI compounds creates a spatial concentration pattern across the swarming plate.
Consumption of raw and processed tomatoes in British people aged 65 years and over was significantly related to plasma lycopene concentration.
The process is almost meditative, requiring great concentration.
This minimizes the loss of urea from the renal medulla, and allows the concentration of urea in urine.
The area has a concentration of Neolithic megaliths, standing stones, passageways and court tombs.
The most widely used is the concentration of the nicotine metabolite, cotinine, in saliva.
In the past two centuries the concentration of atmospheric methane has more than doubled.
The SI base unit for concentration is the mol, from which atom fraction and mol fraction are derived.
The concentration of the important sites means that you can do most of your rubber necking on foot.
Also important for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is a specialized set of cytochromes required for respiration in the low oxygen concentration found in legume nodules.
The young, developing ovary and immature fruit often have the highest concentration of all!
Your whole concentration centers on a piece of white parchment that comes to life in front of your eyes.
Pupils develop very good concentration and show very admirable perseverance in learning.
Due to the high concentration of late night public houses, there is an ongoing problem with unlicensed taxi touts in the Escheat area.
The chloride ion concentration was determined by potentiometric titration with a silver nitrate solution.
Pipes and cigar tobacco contain a higher concentration of sulfur that produces stronger bad breath.
Aspartate, also an excitatory transmitter, is present at a concentration of 1 - 3 mmol/L.
The process may be accelerated by exhausting the desiccator; this so-called vacuum desiccation is especially suitable for the concentration of aqueous solutions of readily decomposable substances.
In the new art the concentration of attention upon form, as a more important source of dramatic interest and climax than texture, resulted in a neglect of polyphony which seriously damaged even Gluck's work, and which always had the grave inconvenience that while the new methods of blending and contrasting instruments stimulated an increase in the variety, if not in the size of orchestras, there was at the same time extreme difficulty in finding occupation for the members of the lower middle class of the orchestra in ordinary passages.
As a second step in concentration, attention is almost confined to the question " Does God exist?"
In these we have (1) the evaporation from the damp delicate cell-walls into the intercellular spaces; (2) the imbibition by the cell-wall of water from the vacuole; (3) osmotic action, consequent upon the subsequent increased concentration of the cell sap, drawing water from the wood cells or vessels which abut upon the leaf parenchyma.
In the Feast of Firstfruits we have another example of the same sort; comparable with this concentration of holiness is the respect or veneration shown to a single animal as representative of its species (see Animal Worship).
The concentration of civil and ecclesiastical power by Wolsey in the hands of a churchman provided a precedent for its concentration by Henry VIII.
But there is no doubt that Bonaparte brought to bear on the execution of this as yet vague and general proposal powers of concentration and organization which ensured its success.
Soon after the concentration at Rialto (see History below), a small wooden church was erected about the year 828 for the reception of the relics of St Mark, which had been brought from Alexandria when the Moslems pulled down the church where he was buried.
Silica (which is required for the skeletons of diatoms, radiolaria, peridinians, etc.) is present in about the same concentration, but it is now suspected that a source of this substance may be clay washed down from the land and present in the sea in the colloidal form.
Pure water, then, has a hydrogen-ion concentration of io 7 but sea-water gives (because of the mixture of the salts in solution) the concentration 108 ' 2 and when photosynthesis by the larger alga, or diatoms, is very active this figure falls to about 109 ' 1.
Denitrifying bacteria will raise the alkalinity (or reduce the H-ion concentration) by forming ammonia, which will combine with the carbonic acid in solution and so throw down normal carbonate of lime.
Again, with the solution of a salt such as sodium chloride, the sodium, which is primarily liberated at the cathode, decomposes the water and evolves hydrogen, while the chlorine may be evolved as such, may dissolve the anode, or may liberate oxygen from the water, according to the nature of the plate and the concentration of the solution.
When the solution is weak, hydrogen and oxygen are evolved; but, as the concentration is increased, and the current raised, more and more chlorine is liberated.
The spiders are specialized and reduced in apparent complexity, as compared with the scorpions, but they cannot be regarded as degenerate since the concentration of structure which occurs in them results in greater efficiency and power than are exhibited by the scorpion.
Of the lines of concentration open to the Austrians, the direction of the roads and railways favoured that of Olmiitz so markedly that Moltke felt reasonably certain that it would be chosen, and the receipt of the complete ordre de bataille of the Austrian army of the north secured by the Prussian secret service on the 11th of June set all doubts at rest.
The Hessians retired upon Hanau to join the 8th Federal corps; only the Hanoverians remained in the north, and they too, threatened by Beyer's advance, marched from their point of concentration at Göttingen southward for the Main.
By it is meant the property an organism endowed with the power of movement has to move towards or away from a chemical stimulus applied unilaterally, or, at any rate, where it is applied in a more concentrated state on the one side than on the others, and more particularly where the concentration increases gradually in one direction away from the living organism acted upon.
Since on an average 70% by measurement of the normal defecated cane juice has to be evaporated in order to reduce it to syrup ready for final concentration and crystallization in the vacuum pan, and since to attain the same end as much as 90 to 95% of the volume of mixed juices has to be evaporated when maceration or imbibition is employed, it is clear that some more economical mode of evaporation is necessary in large estates than the open-fire batteries still common in Barbados and some of the West Indian islands, and in small haciendas in Central America and Brazil, but seldom seen elsewhere.
This promise, of course, was never fulfilled, for Ney employed the duke all day at Quatre Bras; and, furthermore, the duke's tardy concentration made it quite impossible for him to help Blucher directly ontheLignybattlefield.
On the news of the battle (coupled with that of a fresh army appearing on the Korean coast),' Kuropatkin instantly sent off part of his embryo central mass to bar the mountain passes of Fenshuiling and Motienling against the imagined relentless pursuit of the victors, and prepared to shift his centre of concentration back to Mukden.
It is more particularly in the part of this programme that relates to the internal policy of the papacy, to the subjection of the Church to the Curia, and to the intensive concentration of the ecclesiastical forces in the hands of the leader of Christendom, that Gregory went farthest in the execution of his plan and approached nearest the goal.
Experimental measurements of freezing points of various non-electrolytic solutions have been made by Raoult, Loomis, Griffiths, Bedford and others and numbers ranging round 1.85 found for this concentration.
Gases at high pressures fail to conform to Boyle's law, and solu tions at moderate concentrations give osmotic pressures which increase faster than the concentration.
Reinders (Ber., 1896, 29, p. 1369, 1899) have shown that the transformation is a monomolecular reaction, the velocity of transformation in moderately dilute solution being independent of the concentration, but proportional to the amount of the catalyst present (amine hydrochloride) and to the temperature.
Mr Asquith was in a difficult position, but the ministry remained in office; and he had developed a concentration of forces with a view to attacking the veto of the House of Lords (see Parliament), when the death of the king in May caused a suspension of hostilities.
All these things were, in their varying degrees, elements of policy upon which the Allied strategy must base itself if its war aims were to be obtained, and accordingly the military treaty between Bulgaria and Serbia provided for a Serbo-Bulgarian army of 7 Serbian and 3 Bulgarian divisions to invade Macedonia, moving concentrically against the front Uskub - Kumanovo - Kratovo - Kochana, forming the outer contour of the plain known as Ovche Polye which was assumed on both sides to be the natural concentration area of the Turks.
At some works treating ores containing sulphides which do not yield their silver to quicksilver, concentration apparatus (see ORE-Dressing) is inserted between the stamps and the settling tanks to remove the sulphides, which are worked by themselves; at other works they are recovered from the sands after these have left the settlers.
Rural working men, cigarette in mouth, are shown in rapt concentration.
Consequently there will be a lower reactant concentration at the electrode than in bulk solution.
This is the time taken for the concentration of the reactant species to fall to half its initial value.
In this excellent Concentration Camp we are fast recovering from the shock of coming to England.
The concentration in the body does not float down but reduces more rapidly according to the intake.
Repeated or prolonged inhalation of excessive concentration of respirable fibers may cause permanent lung injury [4 ].
The amount of ADH secreted by the posterior pituitary is determined by sensors in the brain which monitor the concentration of the blood.
Recommendation 7 Surveys should be carried out on the concentration of oocysts in sewage effluents.
The ' siesta syndrome ' and a drop in concentration seem the most likely reason why accidents soar in the afternoon.
We will use generalized born for the implicit solvent with a sodium chloride salt concentration of 0.2M (igb=1, saltcon=0.2).
Domestic water softeners regenerated with brine produce water containing an increased concentration of sodium.
Ocean carbon sequestration is still one of important future options to stabilize the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.
The steady-state concentration depends upon the enzyme reaction kinetics, which must be rapid.
Salifert 's Natural Strontium supplement is an easy to use formulation designed to avoid a too low or too high strontium concentration.
Hydrogen ions, Potassium ions and Chloride ions are important, but sucrose concentration in the guard cells affects the osmotic concentration too.
Do n't get involved in " trash talking ", this will only take away from your concentration.
Lovely concentration on the palate, lots of fruit to balance the big, tannic structure.
When severe poisoning is suspected, the plasma theophylline concentration should be measured regularly, until concentrations are falling.
Thrombin activation of the platelets was successful only when the concentration of the platelets was high enough.
Plasma adrenaline concentration at the end of the treadmill walking was higher than that at the end of each of the three swimming trials.
In vitro, the tendency to grow or shrink may be a function of tubulin concentration.
While freezing and refrigeration would not substantially reduce the concentration or virulence of viruses on contaminated meat, proper cooking kills such viruses.
The inlet concentration is compared with the total allowable contamination for volatile hydrocarbons (excluding methane) set by ISBT at 20 ppmV.
When a warlike prince attacks a powerful state, his general ship shows itself in preventing the concentration of the enemy 's forces.
This is turn sets up a concentration gradient across which water moves by osmosis out of the xylem cells and across the leaf.
To lower the concentration of the chemical solution, adulterate it with distilled water.
The abasement of people in concentration camps is great and overly cruel.
Studies show that infants consuming breast milk with an alcohol concentration at 0.03% or higher will eat and sleep less.
If you've ever watched your cat stalking a creature in the back yard, you'll recognize that look of complete concentration.
While kids are normally able to follow along with a visual aid when watching TV or a movie, listening to an audio book isolates the sense of hearing and encourages kids to focus concentration and really listen to what's being read.
Some mixes offer a greater concentration of "real fruit flavor" while others promise to be low in sugar or provide extra berry taste.
Breathing in a steady stream of polluted air can cause a multitude of health problems, especially for those living in urban areas where the concentration of pollution is much higher.
Using a paper bag is one alternative, since paper is biodegradable but unless the bags are made of a high concentration of recycled content they are using up more resources than they give back to.
This fruit has a large concentration of compounds called anthocyanins.
Liquid formats are also available, but have a much lower concentration of oxygenated compounds.
Tinctures are dried herbs which are mixed with an alcohol extract and left to steep until the solution has a high concentration of the herb absorbed.
Generally, these courses are offered as a sideline to other areas of concentration such as fine art and typically are less strenuous than a full, dedicated interior design program.
Graduate programs generally take between two and four years, depending on the area of concentration.
This area needs to be a quiet space to allow for concentration without distractions.
This zone needs to be a quiet space to allow for concentration without distractions.
An example is the product Spray Tan in a Can which advertises the same 8% DHA concentration found at the sunless tanning booths.
In the laser tooth whitening process, the highest concentration of hydrogen peroxide is used.
The more complicated the technique and the higher the concentration of the chemicals, the more likely the tooth whitening product will be applied in a dentist office verses at home.
Prices range from $30 to $50 depending on the concentration of chemical you need.
Specialized blue-light system allows them to use a concentration of only 15% hydrogen peroxide.
I suggest more concentration on a good skincare regime emphasizing good shaving habits, moisturizing with an SPF, and eye treatments for lines and circles.
Conversely, since MAC eyeshadow is made with a high concentration of pigments, it blends well and its color lasts longer than its competitors.
This could indicate a comfortable hand that they don't think requires too much concentration.
Your concentration should be on getting the best players for your team first, and filling out your lineup second.
Practice this breathing meditation for 10 to 15 minutes each day until the restive state of breathing can be achieved without concentration.
It improves focus and mental concentration.
The result of stress can be lack of concentration or motivation, over tiredness due to sleeping problems, health issues through poor diet, eating disorders and many more.
Focus all your attention and concentration on the one thing you have chosen.
In addition to helping you look physically better, physical activity also improves your mental concentration and floods your body with "feel-good" chemicals like serotonin.
Chronic stress may cause weight gain or loss, sleeping difficulties, problems with concentration and memory, and may increase sensitivity to pain.