Concentrate Sentence Examples
It takes work to concentrate and remember.
We need to concentrate on reality, not what could have been.
I can't concentrate on my little darlings.
Tammy was watching a children's show on television and Lisa was on the couch, trying to concentrate on her writing.
I need you to concentrate hard.
Wired, emotional energy made it hard to concentrate as she listened.
I think we should concentrate on this Elisabeth.
Here very clean non-magnetic concentrate of willemite, which is an anhydrous zinc silicate and a very highgrade zinc ore, is separated from an intimate mixture of willemite, zincite and franklinites, with calcite and some manganese silicates.
After a week of knowing him, she already had to concentrate hard to resist leaning into him whenever he was around.
He could pretend to concentrate on the board while his mind clearly drifted somewhere else.
AdvertisementYou've got an election to concentrate on.
Issuing orders to Davout, Oudinot and his cavalry to concentrate with all speed towards Eckmuhl, he himself rode back along the Regensburg road and reached the battle-field just as the engagement between the advance troops had commenced.
He was perfectly still, and she tried to concentrate on her tea.
But Dean's first priority was his wife Cynthia and he continued to jog, forced to concentrate on his footing if he were to remain upright in the gathering snow.
I suggest we concentrate on you feeling better before trying to figure this out.
AdvertisementShe shook her head and turned her back to concentrate on listening to Ashley.
Dean, unable to concentrate further on his files, pushed closed his desk drawer, packed a tape recorder in his briefcase, and left the office.
She closed her eyes to concentrate hard on summoning the portal to the shadow place.
At this moment the Prussians were actually on parade and ready to move off to attack, but just then the " evil genius " of the Prussian army, von Massenbach, an officer of the Headquarter Staff, rode up and claiming to speak with the authority of the king and commander-in-chief, induced Hohenlohe to order his troops back to camp. Of all this Napoleon saw nothing, but from all reports he came to the conclusion that the whole Prussian army was actually in front of him, and at once issued orders for his whole army to concentrate towards Jena, marching all night if need be.
Dean was content to let them chat and concentrate on his driving.
AdvertisementFor a long moment, she thought their simple plan worked, and she closed her eyes to concentrate on the portal.
Dean felt the beginnings of a headache creep along the base of his neck as he tried to concentrate on who, among the cast of characters cloistered snugly in Bird Song, might have been responsible for Jerome Shipton's fall.
Katie tried to concentrate on the words, wanting to help Rhyn before it was too late.
According to this, the Austrian troops already in Bohemia, 1st corps, Count Clam-Gallas, 30,000 strong, were to receive the Saxons if the latter were forced to evacuate their own country, and to act as an advanced guard or containing wing to the main body under Feldzeugmeister von Benedek (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th corps) which was to concentrate at Olmiitz, whence the Prussian staff on insufficient evidence concluded the Austrians intended to attack Silesia, with Breslau as their objective.
She decides to get her own apartment and concentrate on her professional career.
AdvertisementBrady hesitated to respond, feeling as though he should concentrate on supporting her, per Tim's directions, rather than reach out to her when he needed her.
French concurrence was obtained, French support was promised, and measures were at once set on foot to concentrate such naval forces in the Aegean as appeared to be required for the execution of the plan.
Mesmerized by the sensations, her confusion and his direct gaze, she had to concentrate hard to register what he said.
Lord Roberts's plan was first to concentrate to his left, taking every measure to induce the Boers to believe that the original scheme of invasion by the centre would now be resumed, and in this purpose he succeeded so well that his field army with the necessary transport for a cross-country march was assembled between the Orange and the Modder without serious mishap. Cronje at the new centre of gravity was not reinforced, all available Boers drawing down towards Colesberg.
As a preliminary to his undertaking a serious land campaign on the shores of the Aegean, the general felt himself obliged to concentrate his forces in Egypt, and to prepare them there for the hazardous undertaking to which they were to be committed.
The best way to choose the right look is to concentrate on your own personal style.
Concentrate your efforts on the shows where you're most likely to be chosen.
Perhaps he's so upset over Martha's leaving that he can't concentrate on anything else.
Napoleon now modified the simple plan prepared for Latouche Treville, and began laying elaborate plans by which French vessels were to slip out and sail for distant seas, to draw the British fleet after them, and then return to concentrate in the Channel.
If Zumalacarregui had been allowed to follow his own plans, which were to concentrate his forces and march on Madrid, he might well have put Don Carlos in possession of the capital.
She closed her eyes, in too much pain to concentrate.
While Dean remained distressed over the accident, he knew he must concentrate on the Women's Club debate just hours away.
Here he was overtaken by Murat and Ney, but the French columns had straggled so badly that four whole days elapsed before the emperor was able to concentrate his army for battle and then could only oppose 128,000 men to the Russians' 110,000.
Sixtus soon abandoned his universal policy in order to concentrate attention on Italian politics, and the admirable energy which he had shown at first was clouded by the favours which he now heaped upon unworthy relations.
She would have to concentrate on being more intimate with him - more open.
Tall aggressive, abrasive all-rounder who could be a top bagger were he to avoid distractions and concentrate on Munros.
That rule says that an attacker should concentrate his forces in order to be stronger than his opponent at the moment of conflict.
Do you have memory loss or the inability to concentrate?
Meditate or concentrate on moving the bar either to the right or left.
People who have been meditating for years are able to concentrate almost effortlessly.
As the automobile replaced the horse as the preferred mode of transport, Guccio started to concentrate his efforts on the luxury luggage market.
Beginners should start out with lighter weight and concentrate on perfecting form.
By 1972, the company sold the nursing homes to concentrate on hospitals.
These bras aren't designed to be sexy or pretty, so forget about how it looks and concentrate on how it feels!
I tried to remember names on buildings but just being there was so awesome it was difficult to concentrate.
He closed his personal net, needing to concentrate.
Immediate orders were despatched to summon every available body of troops to concentrate for the decisive stroke.
Numerically, the contending armies would at this very critical juncture of the campaign be almost equal, the invaders rather the stronger; but the Turks were much dispersed, so that the result almost hinged upon the speed with which the attacking side should gain ground before the defenders had time to concentrate.
He had to face the dominant fact of the situation - the aggressive pressure of Germany at a time when Russia was drifting into an internal crisis of the first magnitude and was unable to concentrate the material and moral forces required in the coming conflict.
Thus the allies were at once divided into two widely separated bodies, and the Dutch admiral was able to concentrate nearly his whole force on the centre division, which suffered severely.
This result at once disposes of the possibility of all the systems acquiring any common characteristic in the course of their motion through a tendency for their co-ordinates or momenta to concentrate about any particular set, or series of sets, of values.
Then the influence of the school was extended over the whole known world, but men of letters began to concentrate at Rome rather than at Alexandria.
To gain the best chance of success he would have to concentrate his whole army almost within gunshot of the centre of the enemies' outposts without attracting their attention; otherwise he would find the allies concentrated and waiting for him.
The allies had foreseen the very manoeuvre that Napoleon designed to put into execution, and had decided that if an attempt were made to break their centre they would concentrate forwards and on their inner flanks, the Anglo-Dutch army forming up at Gosselies and the Prussians at Fleurus.
Hence his ability to concentrate hung on the mere good luck of obtaining timely information of Napoleon's plans, which in fact he failed to obtain.
The Army of the North was to concentrate in three fractions - around Solre, Beaumont and Philippeville - as close to Charleroi as was practicable; and he arranged to screen the initial movements of the troops as much as possible, so as to prevent the allies from discovering in time that their centre was aimed at.
Hence the first orders he issued were for his divisions to concentrate at their respective alarm-posts, intending later to send them further orders when the situation had somewhat cleared up. For whatever reasons, Wellington thought Napoleon would attempt to turn his right and cut his line of communications.
He at once wrote to Ney saying that these could only be some of Wellington's troops, and that Ney was to concentrate his force and crush what was in front of him, adding that he was to send all reports to Fleurus.
Lastly, on June 7th, while Stakelberg was proceeding southward on his ill-defined errand, Kuropatkin, imposed upon by the advance of the Takushan column to Siu-yen, forbade him to concentrate to the front, only removing the veto when he learned that the 4th Army had halted and entrenched at Siu-yen.
The preponderating industrial activity of the kingdom fosters the tendency of the population to concentrate in towns, and no German state, with the exception of the Hanseatic towns, has so large a proportion of urban population, this forming 52.97% of the whole.
In the years of conflict that followed Gregory looked far beyond this point; he set his aim ever higher; until, in the end, his idea was to concentrate all ecclesiastical power in the hands of the pope, and to raise the papacy to the dominion of the world.
When, in the course of centuries, the exhaustion of richer ores shall have forced us to mine, crush and concentrate mechanically or by magnetism the ores which contain only 2 or 3% of iron, then the cost of iron in the ore, measured in terms of the energy needed to mine and concentrate it, will be comparable with the actual cost of the copper in the ore of the copper-mines of to-day.
The vaccine concentrate will drain into the diluent vial.
Comfort is far more important than style, so concentrate your efforts on finding the most comfortable pair of shoes you can.
The only way of saving the Republic from disintegration was to concentrate all its political factors into a sejm-walny or general diet.
Kosciuszko himself condemned their hastiness; but, when the Russian troops began to concentrate, his feelings grew too strong for him, and early in April he himself appeared at Cracow.
That officer desired to concentrate his command on Gordonsville, but Jackson was before him at that place, and he fell back on Culpeper.
Vercingetorix saw that Caesar could not be met in open battle, and determined to concentrate his forces in a few strong positions.
He wished to concentrate on the rear of the enemy's line, but his captains scattered themselves along the French formation.
Washington, who was wisely anxious to concentrate attack on one or other of the centres of British power in Virginia or New York, had to wait till the arrival of Grasse before he could see his ideas applied.
Wellington now pressed for the total evacuation of France, pointing out that popular irritation had grown to such a pitch that, if the occupation were to be prolonged, he must concentrate the army between the Scheldt and the Meuse, as the forces, stretched in a thin line across France, were no longer safe in the event of a popular rising.
Still, the left attack may have had a purely tactical object, for in that quarter was the main body of the Prussians and Russians, and Napoleon's method was always to concentrate the fury of the attack on the heaviest masses of the enemy, i.e.
At present we have still to content ourselves with a much diminished intensity of light when working with gratings, but there is some hope that the efforts to concentrate the light into one spectrum will soon be successful.
There was no lack of o p ppor the Roman Church possessed property in all parts of the empire; but gradually, whether because the confiscations of the barbarian emperors had curtailed its extent, or because the popes had made efforts to concentrate it nearer to themselves, the property of the Holy See came to be confined almost entirely to Italy.
Armed by the reformation with a moral authority which made it possible to concentrate the forces of the West under the supreme direction of the Church and its leaders, Urban II.
The character and work of Christ were, he held, the ultimate proof and the best defence of Christianity; and his tendency was to concentrate attention somewhat narrowly on the historic Jesus.
But, intermediate in richness between these two extremes, the iron ores mined to-day and these 2 and 3% ores, there is an incalculably great quantity of ore capable of mechanical concentration, and another perhaps vaster store of ore which we do not yet know how to concentrate mechanically, so that the day when a pound of iron in the ore will cost as much as a pound of copper in the ore costs to-day is immeasurably distant.
In January 1903 he addressed a Liberal meeting at Plymouth, and appeared to be attempting to concentrate Opposition criticism upon the points in the government policy which did not involve the Imperialist difference; and in discussing War Office reform he advocated the appointment of Lord Kitchener as secretary of state for war.
The existence of this route, which traverses the Darwaz mountains from east to west, cutting off the northern bend of the Oxus, and connecting those easterly routes which intersect the Pamirs by means of the Ghund and Shakhdara (and which concentrate about Lake Shiwa) with Kolab in eastern Bokhara, is important.
His policy was anti-feudal and tended to concentrate power into his own hands; hence the frequent risings of the barons.
The Seljuk princes were too much absorbed by internal strife to concentrate against the new assailants.
Although the wings were holding, the situation in the centre was very grave, and Cadorna considered that if the Austrians were able to concentrate on the weak spot and keep up the impetus of their attack they might succeed in breaking through to the plain.
Corps to concentrate north of the Val Frenzela and prepare to attack the Austrian left.
Orders were at once issued to concentrate all available forces on the Cappadocian frontier under Corbulo, the first soldier of his day.
Yet, when we concentrate attention on the recovery of antique culture, we become aware that this was only one phenomenon or symptom of a far wider and more comprehensive alteration in the conditions of the European races.
To concentrate, induce and renovate are, however, but aspects of one process of acquisition by the transfusion of a transmissible energy.
After the ore has been partially calcined, it is smelted to extract its earthy matter and to concentrate the copper with part of its iron and sulphur into a matte.
The difficulty of effecting this double object in one operation was so great that in subsequent experiments the aim was merely to concentrate the matte to metallic copper in converters of the Bessemer type.
Almeida sought to subordinate all else to sea power and commerce, to concentrate the whole naval and military force of the kingdom on the maintenance of maritime ascendancy; to annex no territory, to avoid risking troops ashore, and to leave the defence of such factories as might be necessary to friendly native powers, which would receive in return the support of the Portuguese fleet.
These provinces would infallibly revolt against the Turkish authority as soon as the Turkish forces withdrew to concentrate for battle in the S., and unless bona fide troops of the Serbian Government came to occupy the countr y, a state of disorder would arise that would equally certainly invite Austrian intervention.'
The old college attained to great celebrity as an educational institution, and produced many excellent scholars, but it was abolished in 1877, in order to concentrate the grant available for higher-class education upon the Punjab University at Lahore.
The character and amount of the flux necessarily depend upon the character of the ore, the object being to concentrate in the lead button all the gold and silver while dissolving and carrying off in the slag the other constituents of the ore.
A masterly combined movement by land and water enabled Germanicus to concentrate his forces against the main body of the Germans encamped on the Weser, and to crush them in two obstinately contested battles.
However, it shows a certain recognition of England's need to concentrate her energies on her own development.
But the closing years of his reign were marked by an attempt to concentrate all power in his own hands.
The province is well supplied with railways, all of which, with one exception, concentrate at Bombay City.
His method was to sift out the long dark waves which are associated with the short visible waves constituting the light of the sun or of the electric arc and to concentrate the former to a focus.
A simpler arrangement, also employed by Tyndall, is to cause the rays to be reflected outwards parallel to one another, and to concentrate them by means of a small flask, containing the iodine solution and used as a lens, placed some distance from the camera.
He hoped to concentrate power in his own hands,to bridle the Jacobins,and to remodel the constitution.
Patriotism, again, and the sense of civic duty, the most elevated of all social sentiments in the Graeco-Roman civilization, tended, under the influence of Christianity, either to expand itself into universal philanthropy, or to concentrate 1 E.g.
This may be done because, since the elements and co-ordinates completely determine each other, we may concentrate our attention on either, ignoring the other.
The prospect of an alliance between France and America in 1778 induced the British to concentrate their forces.
By his means the Church was able to concentrate in the palatine academy all the intellectual culture of the middle ages, having preserved some of the ancient traditions of organization and administration and guarded the imperial ideal.
These two valleys seem to concentrate the whole agricultural wealth of the country.
Better to have him concentrate on Fitzgerald, who was beginning to look more and more like a candidate, not only for sheriff, but for some nefarious activities.
He knew with the Dawkinses about to leave and with the Lucky Pup Mine controversy settled, he'd better concentrate on finding an answer to the body Martha discovered before any chance to do so was gone for good.
She shook her head to clear her anger and sat with her back to the counter, forcing herself to concentrate on the shadow world and tapping into Rhyn.s power despite the sounds of demons fighting so near the kitchen.
Concentrate on remembering the ephemeral moments which will be the most precious 20 years from now.
The concentrated balancers are generally pellet rations that can be fed on their own or as a " top-up " to the concentrate ration.
Then in February '71 the lads were joined by bassist John Allen, allowing Brian to concentrate on lead guitar.
The setback of 7th June encouraged the Irish to concentrate on making a decisive breakthrough along the southern side of the castle.
The production of edible caterpillars, on which my talk will concentrate, forms part of this project.
No, I intend to concentrate on Iceland, home of elfin chanteuse Bjork.
The results concentrate on the application area of computational chemistry.
So the first Hothouse in October will concentrate solely on rom com scripts.
To speed up fermentation diluted whey concentrate or yogurt ferment can be added to the cabbage.
Ordinary industrial containers are used for low-activity material such as uranium ore concentrate.
The retained business will concentrate on the manufacture of dairy desserts under retailer labels and the Mars brand.
Most discussions and evaluative reviews of VLEs to date have tended to concentrate on the features, technical details and pricing of different systems.
Even smoking dope has less effect on your ability to concentrate on the task in hand.
This paper will concentrate on basic physiology of the principle endocrine glands, the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.
You might prefer to concentrate on your areas of particular expertise.
In this speech I want to concentrate upon some of the more neglected aspects of these changes, primarily fiscal policy.
It is not necessary to tell you how to concentrate more on the ball, or tune out the noisy foursome behind you.
Now by gently freeze-drying fresh garlic it is possible to present a high potency garlic concentrate intact with its active components.
All received intravenous immunoglobulin, and four received platelet concentrate.
The research will concentrate on electricity supply including both the purchase of green electricity and the on-site installation of CHP and renewable energy facilities.
As we evaluated the ministry we saw the danger of becoming too insular and the need to concentrate more on outreach.
The sleep disturbance and loss of ability to concentrate, as well as the irritability felt during that time is called jet lag.
Mason Brooks, lettings manager at Hurford Salvi Carr in Limehouse Basin, advises landlords to concentrate on blank spaces.
It is a factor that makes people lethargic and mentally confused, with an inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss.
We shall concentrate on a particularly nice class of codes called linear codes, a beautiful application of elementary linear algebra.
Ike only entered the long jump as a second event intending to concentrate on the triple jump.
A flash smelter operating continuously produces a matte containing 65 wt% Cu and 36 wt% Fe from a pure CuFeS 2 concentrate.
I think they try to concentrate on the gold medalist (regardless of country) to get their reaction.
Concentrate on doing we desire our wowed the motel the moral dilemma.
The social approach is likely to identify future needs whereas other approaches concentrate on improvement in current products.
I will concentrate on an area that has been sorely neglected over the years.
The accompanying note to the Queen's Speech referred to these officers freed " to concentrate on crime in England and Wales " .
During this testing, the concentrate was inoculated with 30 known spoilage organisms and bacteria.
It is the sort of climb that you just settle into, get a rhythm, concentrate and keep peddling.
We concentrate on human and mammalian physiology, tho we draw on examples from other animals to illustrate physiological principles.
Reduce the use of potassium chloride concentrate in general ward areas and critical care areas further by purchasing ready to use potassium chloride infusions.
Staff were also advised to use ready to use infusion of potassium chloride where ever possible rather than using potassium chloride concentrate ampoules.
However, the producers decided to drop the character in order to concentrate the action on Erskine's dogged pursuit of justice.
Quickly the crew furl the damaged sail and concentrate on getting us into the dinghy to start the Mull run.
Concentrate on swinging all the way to your opposite shoulder blade.
Add the 15 ml concentrate for solution for infusion to 100 ml sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9 %) solution for injection.
So it's more important to concentrate on such things as key placement - the bell key spatulas being a good example.
If you are a little spooked by the exposure, dont rush this, but concentrate on the rock.
At last, there's a digital synth that lets you concentrate on and control the expressive nuances of your music in real time.
We concentrate on ballroom and latin american dance styles, but also do some salsa, argentine tango, modern jive and much more!
Burch replaces Simon Duffy, who moves to executive vice-chairman, and will concentrate on external issues, including business development.
Images concentrate on the bony landmarks and the major thoracic and abdominal viscera, the musculature and peripheral vasculature.
Carole used a systemic weedkiller, containing glyphosate which you can get in gel form or make up from concentrate.
When at last they were driven to the Strait they would drift over on rafts or in clumsy shallops; being thereafter left in peace to concentrate their race, then possibly only in an approximately pure state, in the island to which the Dravidians would not take the trouble to follow them, and where they would have centuries in which once more to fix their racial type and emphasize over again those differences, perhaps temporarily marred by crossing, which were found to exist on the arrival of the Whites.
The idea had been to induce the Russians to concentrate about Pultusk and, turning their position from its left, ultimately to cut them off from Russia, and if possible to surround them.
Orders were therefore issued during the 18th for the whole army to concentrate during the following days in the position held by the Austrians around Wagram in 1809, and these orders were in process of execution when on the 21st an armistice was agreed upon to commence at noon on the 22nd.
The 13th Division, with some other detachments from Helles and with one brigade of the 10th Division, were the troops chosen to augment Birdwood's force already at Anzac. The new venture further north was entrusted to the i r th Division, which was to assemble in the island of Imbros supported by the rest of the 10th Division; the portions of this latter division not detailed for Anzac were to concentrate partly at Mudros, and partly in a port of Mitylene more than ioo m.
It has, however, been interwoven with an account of the Garden of Eden from some other source (see Eden; Paradise), and perhaps in order to concentrate the attention of the reader, the description of the origin of " earth and heaven " as well as of the plants and of the rain, appears to have been omitted.
It was there Prince Andrew thought the fight would concentrate.
Dissolve 3 pounds sugar in 1/2 quart water and boil for 5 minutes; add coffee concentrate and cool.
For now I 'm going to concentrate on a tour that is being rehearsed for a tour of Spain at the moment.
In this summary I want to concentrate mainly on the excavations in the roundhouse interior.
After an introduction to sawdust smoke firing she decided this was the process she wished to concentrate on.
As self-sealing fuel tanks and armor became much more common during 1940, it proved necessary to concentrate fire at much closer ranges.
Lets concentrate on important matters and not get sidetracked into these sterile arguments about homosexuality.
By skipping over the center of debate we can concentrate on our original intent of shifting perspectives.
So it 's more important to concentrate on such things as key placement - the bell key spatulas being a good example.
High calorie, high energy Vitamin concentrate, Palatable dietary supplement helps stimulate appetite, increases weight gain.
Three hundred and nine stream sediment and 347 panned concentrate samples were collected and analyzed for a variety of major and trace elements.
However, it has tended to concentrate on lower risk asset classes.
When watching the video, concentrate in the torso area, where the quick change release tabs are placed.
Both companies have withdrawn busses from unprofitable routes to concentrate on more frequent services on main roads.
The vibration of the washing machine made a terrible noise, making it difficult to concentrate.
You can concentrate on a handful of key assignments rather than scores of them, giving yourself the opportunity to devote your full attention and creativity to them.
Instead, they concentrate their services for toddlers up to kindergarteners.
Many of these parents are perfectly satisfied with their single status, choosing to concentrate fully on parenting and to forget about searching for a mate.
Adoption agency - Most adoption agencies concentrate on handling the adoptions of newborns, but you may be able to locate some agencies that deal in toddler adoptions as well.
Don't worry, no matter what major auction site you frequent, they typically are pretty intuitive and easy to navigate so you can concentrate on bidding.
Unfortunately, many Daiquiri recipes require three teaspoons of sugar, strawberry syru, and high amounts of frozen concentrate that can be high in calories.
In fact, most strawberry Daiquiri recipes you'll find online call for a healthy dose of lemonade or limeade concentrate.
Many Daiquiri recipes call for limeade concentrate which is high in sugar and calories.
You may vary this recipe by adding one cup of strawberries, one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of frozen concentrate orange juice and blending until smooth.
This can lower your interest rates and allow you to concentrate on paying off the debt quicker than you would if you were paying on several accounts during the course of the month.
Some consumers don't care if an interest rate is slightly higher as long as all the debt can be lumped into one easy payment they can concentrate on instead of scattering money among several payments a month.
Once you have learned how to pay down debt, you should concentrate on how to stay out of debt.
However, the French phone system had somewhat spotty coverage; so, the designers decided to concentrate their development on using stand-alone computer chips embedded right into the card's plastic.
When you are trying to get out of debt, you usually want to either leave the debt where it is and concentrate on paying it off with your income, or you want to transfer or consolidate the debt to a lower interest rate.
If you concentrate on ways to reduce the amount of waste your family produces, you also help decrease the amount of waste that goes to the landfill.
Your home can be a lot more energy efficient if you concentrate on replacing energy hogs with more efficient equipment.
Tincture-a herbal concentrate that usually has an alcohol base and works very quickly.
It can help you concentrate or make you sleep.
Stevia may help to heal certain skin rashes when the concentrate is applied to the rash.
Freezing herbs locks in the best summer garden flavor but does not concentrate it.
This designer might concentrate on historic design or work with new construction.
Do you find yourself frazzled and unable to concentrate?
Concentrate on a single room or carry the theme throughout your entire home.
Concentrate the darkest color at the lashes, then apply a medium shade to the lid, extending slightly above the crease.
You can lightly spray over your eyelid for a soft wash of color, or concentrate more color in the crease for a defined, smoky look.
Concentrate on the core aspects of yourself as well as the key areas of culture that you enjoy the most.
You can concentrate as much as you like on the game without any distractions.
The environment has a lot to do with your ability to concentrate, focus, and call the spirits to you.
Kasebier is known for stripping her subjects down to the bare minimum to better concentrate on their face or stature.
One way to snap a frame worthy glamour figure shot is to concentrate on certain body parts.
You are able to let go of anxiety, stretch tense muscles and concentrate on something other than your busy life.
The easiest form for many people to learn is a simple focused meditation where you concentrate on something internal or external.
Sit back, close your eyes, and concentrate on taking long deep breaths.
You will become aware of your breaths as you concentrate on the rise and fall of your abdomen.
From there, concentrate on your breath and begin to take deep breaths.
Multitasking is not very good when you need to concentrate on something, but it's a great tool when it comes to chores.
Anxiety disorder may make it difficult to concentrate on tasks and get the job done.
The main goal here is to concentrate on one thought or word.
When performing deep breathing exercises, you need to concentrate on your breath.
Don't overdo it because you may tire yourself out too much and not be able to concentrate.
You can't concentrate, and your heart is pounding.
Test anxiety actually interferes with a test taker's performance or ability to concentrate on a task.
People without this problem also sometimes fail to do well on a test because they have other issues on their mind and they simply can't concentrate on the task in front of them.
Test anxiety, however, isn't so much about an inability to concentrate as it is about reacting in a negative manner to a stressful situation.
This can make it difficult to concentrate, which then results in a poor test score.
Then in after school tutoring, when he was making up a quiz, he said he couldn't concentrate because I was distracting him.
I'd move on to someone who is more appreciative and will concentrate on you, and not the girlfriend!
For now, why not concentrate on friends whom you like and are fun to be around, or even better, try volunteering in your local community?
Chant a mantra in your head if you need to, like "Concentrate" or "Focus."
However, exercise can actually help you concentrate in your school studies too.
The amount of protein in whey concentrate can vary tremendously, from around 29% to as high as 89%, depending on how it was processed.
Concentrate has a mild flavor that can be enhanced with other flavoring agents, such as vanilla and chocolate.
You'll mostly find either whey concentrate or isolate.
Sharing this information means that the guests are fully aware of the plans for the day and that the bride and groom can concentrate on enjoying their special day without having to worry if people know what the plans are.
Do you find it difficult to concentrate without a cup of coffee or your favorite soft drink?
Is it difficult for you to concentrate at work?
This drug can also make users feel sleepy or make them feel as though they cannot concentrate.
When taken as prescribed by a physician, it can help a person concentrate and feel more energetic.
He always chewed gum during basketball games because he once read a report that said it would help him concentrate.
After Surviror, Destiny's Child took three years off to concentrate on their solo careers.
Jessica's family relocated to Los Angeles so the budding actress could concentrate on her acting career…after her schoolwork, of course.
It also means less expensive clothing and less attention to clothes, thus allowing a girl time to concentrate on more important things.
Prospective students are encouraged to concentrate their studies before law school on courses that develop analytical skills and effective written and oral expression.
Students pursuing a Master of Fine Arts at Savannah College, on the other hand, will concentrate on graphic design courses and programs to hone their technical skills and broaden their artistic scope.
Personal issues, roommate situations, organizational or learning disorders, or family problems may make it difficult to concentrate on schoolwork.
Some find a niche like medical, family, or civil law and concentrate their careers in those specialties.
This provides a calmer atmosphere, and allows both the owner and a trained hydrotherapist to concentrate on the dog achieving optimal movement.
This is ideal place to concentrate growth in new plantings.
The bassist should concentrate on keeping the song in the groove rather than on playing a lot of fancy notes.
Zap is a cleaning concentrate that works well and is easy to use.
If you're searching for a Madonna and child cameo encased in gold, you should concentrate your shopping efforts in the Torre del Greco region.
With that out of the way, you can concentrate on the fun part - finding those snazzy shirts.
You can also enhance your figure with diagonal patterns and paneled tops that concentrate darker colors on the sides, with lighter colors in the center.
It can be hoped that progress continues to be made so that women can stop obsessing about body issues and concentrate on enjoying magazines and their lives.
Still others concentrate on spending more time doing what they love best, be it spending more time on a hobby or visiting friends and family.
If your illness affects your ability to concentrate or make decisions, making a will may become impossible.
Many women commonly find themselves tearful, upset at the slightest trigger, with a distinct inability to concentrate.
Nasal pillow masks concentrate the air pressure right under the nose, using small pliable cones in the nose to deliver the prescribed air pressure.
The forums set up by individuals with sleep apnea often concentrate on usage issues.
Stop thinking about putting a piece of plastic in your eye and concentrate more on how this little piece of plastic will help you see.
The most common position when people will see floaters is when they're lying on their back and the floaters concentrate near the fovea of the eyeball.
While you're reading, you want to be able to concentrate on what you're reading, not how much your reading glasses are pinching or falling off of your nose.
Guests who are already familiar with the park, on the other hand, may not mind shorter hours because they can concentrate on their favorite attractions and not worry about seeing everything.
These skill trees give the player another special skill to concentrate on.
The noise-canceling microphone drowns out the loudest of settings so that you can concentrate only on winning.
And In the Groove gets to the fundamentals so you can concentrate on dancing.
DirectX consolidated a thousand different video standards, giving programmers more time to concentrate on the game instead of worrying about how to blit pixels on different kinds of videocards.
At this point, just concentrate on one line, maybe two lines, at a time.
Controlling yourself and your squad may seem daunting if you've never played a game of this sort, but Socom 3 makes it easy for you to give commands if you're a novice or if you just want to concentrate on the action.
Should Microsoft concentrate on gaming or continue with the multimedia experience it is gathering with the Xbox 360?
They have a longer, narrower bowl and smaller mouth than the chardonnay glass and allow the aroma of fruity white wines to fully develop and concentrate at the top of the glass.
Many home winemakers enjoy making the more traditional grape-based wine either from fresh grapes or from grape concentrate bases designed to make wine.
The Dugats, Claude and his wife Jocelyne Py, tend to their vines with great care, cutting them in order to lower the yield and concentrate the terroir from the soil.
This increases the amount of alcohol in port from the average table wine concentrate, which has between 8% and 14%, to 19.5% or 20%.
Many baseball card collectors concentrate their efforts on cards that feature MLB stars.
In addition, until about age two, children's kidneys are not able to concentrate urine and preserve body fluids as efficiently as adult kidneys.
Patients with PTSD are unnecessarily vigilant; they may experience survivor guilt, and they sometimes cannot concentrate or experience joy.
This is a condition marked by general restlessness, excessive activity, and inability to concentrate on a topic.
Children who have this problem are unable to concentrate on schoolwork and fall behind their classmates.
However, large doses may cause nausea, decreased appetite, bloating, gas, decreased ability to concentrate, and insomnia.
Lack of sleep reduces the ability to concentrate and decreases mental functioning, so children who are not getting enough good sleep at night may have poor concentration skills and poor academic performance.
Although school-readiness tests may concentrate on academic skills, most of them also evaluate other aspects of development.
Cryoprecipitate, for example, is a single- or multiple-donor human plasma preparation rich in coagulation factors; it is made available as a frozen concentrate.
Anxiety, restlessness, inability to concentrate, and intrusive thoughts about the abandonment take a toll and can lead to a drop in school performance and difficulties with classmates.
One child may concentrate on soccer while another concentrates on music and a third on schoolwork.
This should only be done for patients who are not of reproductive age or are not planning to have children, since a large amount can concentrate in the reproductive organs (gonads).
The variation in water volume ingested is dependent on the ability of kidneys to dilute and concentrate the urine as needed.
The concentrate is treated to kill most viruses, although caution should be used since not all types of viruses are destroyed.
Methylphenidate contributes to the treatment of ADHD by increasing attention and decreasing restlessness in children and adults who are overactive, cannot concentrate for very long, or are easily distracted, and are impulsive.
If your venue is large, concentrate your theming efforts into the programs, awards, etc., while sticking to a simple set on the stage.
There are even some plugins for web browsers that will let you play the videos in slow motion so that you can really concentrate on what's happening.
LoveToKnow Death and Dying can help make those choices seems a little less stressful and help you concentrate on the grieving process.
This will let you concentrate fully on the conversation, since you won't have to be taking detailed notes.
In addition, you'll find that having primary sources from public records will help you if you choose to concentrate on another family line for a while.
All of their products include a fruit concentrate mixed with vitamins B3 and B6.
Wavy hair will dehydrate and frizz more easily than other styles, so you must concentrate on finding a hydrating product that works well for you.
You may choose to concentrate on art appreciation, honing your child's drawing skills, or other interesting topics.
Students perform better when they can concentrate on the work at hand and don't have repeated disruptions, which is often the case in a traditional classroom.
Children do not need to copy problems onto their own paper, thus saving them time and allowing them to concentrate on the math they are learning rather than the neatness of their papers.
If your job is going to require physical labor, like a mechanic or caretaker, you should concentrate on wearing clean, spotless work clothes.
You want the interviewer to concentrate on how you answer the questions, not on your red shirt.
However, there are no specific fields I can suggest you concentrate on.
You can specialize in large animal veterinary medicine, which will concentrate on horses, cows, and other larger animals.
Also, you can close your eyes and concentrate on relaxing each muscle in your body.
Concentrate on paying off the debt that is delinquent, and then as money is freed up by paying those debts you can start paying down your active debt.
A newly-constructed home requires an inspector who will concentrate on both the cosmetic and functional aspects of the home.
As you grow more relaxed physically, you relax mentally and can concentrate your efforts on the birthing process.
I was able to relax, concentrate on having the baby, and enjoy (yes, enjoy!) the process of labour.
For those with the 'perfect' 28 day cycle, the advice is to concentrate on having sexual intercourse between days 12 and 16 to make absolutely sure that the 'peak' day when ovulation occurs is pinpointed.
If you are all ready living paycheck to paycheck or have excessive debt, you may want to concentrate on your financial situation before revisiting the discussion about another child.
The Lamaze method teaches you to focus on a spot on the wall or have a special picture hanging on the wall on which you can concentrate.
Just concentrate on the basic items at first, and then fill in with other supplies as required by each project.
This way, your entire beach ensemble will work seamlessly, and you can concentrate on more important things, like making lasting memories with your friends and family.
Early in her teens, she decided to concentrate on a career in ballet.
If neither of these things bother you, just concentrate on finding the most awesome towel you can!
Instead, just be in the moment, concentrate on having fun with those around you and enjoy the natural surroundings.
Instead of worrying about your appearance in your bathing suit, now you can concentrate on having fun in the sun and sand.
They concentrate on maintaining variety in her workouts and doing a lot of lengthening work such as spinning and Pilates.
The ball stays in the air thanks to a fan, but the more intensely you concentrate on the game, the higher the ball will rise in the air.
The more you concentrate on the fan, the harder it blows.
The game is believed to be able to focus the user's ability to concentrate on a task, as constant concentration is needed to keep the ball afloat.
For instance, if you concentrate on vitamin C, you may be deficient in vitamin E or beta-carotene.
While tryptophan can help you to sleep and concentrate, only some of the effects are noticeable soon after taking it.
Instead, concentrate on timeless styles like the little black dress in varying lengths or an elegant cocktail dress.
Rather than having to heat your entire home to a constant temperature, a space heater provides a way to concentrate your heating efforts on parts of the house that are occupied while allowing the temperature to stay lower in other areas.
Are fun to play - The game needs to be engaging so that the student continues to concentrate on the information being presented.
Sudoku is a great educational game for kids and adults alike because it boosts brain power and forces you to concentrate to solve the puzzle.
You want the tree to remain dormant and concentrate its energy on establishing roots.
Don't consider how hard something might be to make visual, just concentrate on what you'd like to do.
Don't just concentrate on your appearance, talk about what you're interested in, what you are looking for in a mate, anything that you are seriously passionate about.
Concentrate specifically on the relationship and the activities you do together.
How do I get her to let him go and let herself concentrate on us?
You may decide that you need to begin working on these things - making a conscious attempt to open up to your partner, to re-establish real communication and concentrate on all the things that are good about the relationship.
To concentrate the total carat weight in the center of the ring, the bands are usually plain, though some designer rings will incorporate additional diamond accents such as pave settings or filigree designs.
The alignment of the cosmos might have revealed that the day would be a difficult one for your dog to concentrate on, hence the difficulties.
Concentrate on the question you are addressing.
According to recent research, preschoolers who engage in pretend play are able to concentrate for longer periods of time and are advanced in intellectual development.
Although people with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate on mundane tasks, they are exceptionally driven when working on a project of personal interest.
By choosing a television with minimal features, consumers can concentrate their dollar value in the size and basic picture quality instead of unnecessary options.
Today, we'll concentrate on just two online sites because the sheer selection of bridal flip flop looks available at these sites is overwhelming.