Conceiving Sentence Examples
Let us spend our lives in conceiving then.
The expressions "4" and "8/2" have the same denotation; but, they express different senses and different ways of conceiving the same number.
Q. What are the chances of conceiving twins more than once?
By parity of reasoning a blood ritual may have been adopted by peoples who practise the expulsion of evils, conceiving them either animistically or as powers; catharsis, in the sense of removal of uncleanness, is not necessarily primitive.
The doctrine of Evolution, instead of increasing the difficulty of conceiving the possibility of miracle, decreases it; for it presents to us the universe as an uncompleted process, and one in which there is no absolute continuity on the phenomenal side; for life and mind are inexplicable by their physical antecedents, and there is not only room for, but need of, the divine initiative, a creative as well as conservative co-operation of God with nature.
It was about this time that some of the leading theologians of the Roman Catholic Church, conceiving that the best way of meeting present perils was to emphasize, as well as to define more clearly, the authority of the pope, advised him to make his personal infallibility a dogma of the Church, and urged strenuously on him the necessity of calling a council for that purpose.
He did this by conceiving a transcendent realm of Forms which were the true reality.
Location-Where you live may have a direct bearing on the chances of conceiving twins.
The chance of conceiving identical twins is approximately one in 285, while the chance of conceiving fraternal twins is around one in 80.
There are plenty of predispositions for a woman conceiving twins, including family history and method of conception.
AdvertisementCouples with one child affected by FA have a 25 percent chance in each pregnancy of conceiving another affected child.
Pregnant women should not be vaccinated, and women who are not pregnant should avoid conceiving for at least three months following vaccination.
Women older than their early thirties have a greater risk of conceiving a child with Edwards' syndrome, but it can also occur with younger mothers.
Your chances of conceiving again is largely dependent on the extent of the damage and anytype of surgery required to repair or remove the organs damaged by the ectopic pregnancy.
Part of the chart's use includes converting your age and the month in which you are conceiving from solar months to lunar.
AdvertisementIn addition to the possibility of using a Chinese lunar calendar to predict the sex of a baby once a woman becomes pregnant, some women use the calendar or Chinese birth chart to possibly increase their odds of conceiving a boy or a girl.
Women who are underweight often have trouble conceiving.
Moderation is the key word here; being at a healthy weight will help raise the odds of conceiving and carrying a baby to term.
According to the Mayo Clinic, you can increase your chances of conceiving by having sex once each day during your fertile window.
If you are having trouble conceiving, check with a doctor.
AdvertisementAlso, women who are having trouble conceiving often want as much help and support as they can get.
Secondary infertility occurs when a pregnancy has previously been achieved by the couple, but the couple is having trouble conceiving a second child.
He or she can advise you on the proper supplements, exercise program, and nutrition you need as you work on conceiving.
Many of the earliest signs occur in the weeks after conceiving and may offer a few clues that you are expecting.
The Mayo Clinic details that the earliest symptoms of pregnancy can appear in the first few weeks after conceiving.
AdvertisementSome women have trouble conceiving after taking hormonal birth control.
Fortuntely, there is no medical evidence to suggest a strong link between having a yeast infection and reducing the chances of conceiving.
With greater access to assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination, cancer patients who are infertile have a greater chance of conceiving a child.
Couples who already have a son or who are simply hoping for a daughter may be interested in techniques for conceiving baby girls.
There are some popular legends and scientific-based techniques for conceiving baby girls, but they will only increase your chances.
At best, most women have a 50 percent chance of conceiving the gender that they want.
Although some women swear by the techniques for conceiving baby girls listed here, women need to decide if it's more important to have a baby of either gender rather than planning on just a girl.
If a woman has an irregular cycle or any difficulty conceiving, she could potentially miss her own fertile times by trying to schedule intercourse specifically for a girl.
Many couples who are trying to conceive may wonder about techniques for conceiving baby boys.
There are many techniques for conceiving baby boys, but none of them can guarantee that you'll have a son.
Just remember that you really only have a 50/50 chance of conceiving the gender that you hope for.
This makes chances of conceiving a baby more likely once they do decide to start a family.
Timing intercourse for the around that time greatly increases your chances of conceiving since there is only a small window of time when fertilization can occur.
After that, the doctor will work with you to develop a plan that will increase your chances of conceiving.
Timing is everything when it comes to conceiving.
You can decrease stress and financial uncertainty by considering the costs involved before conceiving.
After a woman reaches the age of 35, her chances of conceiving decline at a faster rate.
For example, some doctors and clinics specialize in seeing more patients who are having trouble conceiving or have extenuating circumstances.
If a few months go by without a positive result on a pregnancy test, they may become frustrated and start to worry that there is a medical cause for their lack of conceiving.
Since the likelihood of conceiving increases overtime, many women think that a late period may be a sign of approaching menopause and may not realize right away that they are indeed pregnant.
Although there are a few instances where a woman may still have a pregnancy after tubal ligation, the chances of conceiving are still very slim.
In addition, to increase your chances of conceiving you should have sex several times around ovulation time.
If you're having trouble conceiving, you may find yourself looking for statistics regarding the percentage of miscarriages in first trimester.
For example, a woman with endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome can have considerable trouble conceiving.
Hormonal imbalances can also cause difficulty conceiving.
An ovulation predictor kit is the most technical of the strategies and it can improve your chances of conceiving.
Women have more options than ever before when determining the best time for conceiving.
In addition to knowing the right days of the month on which to try to conceive, understanding fertility factors can help you make changes to your lifestyle that can increase your chances of conceiving a baby naturally.
Diets high in salt and saturated fat can limit your chances of conceiving.
Using an online fertility calculator can increase your chances of conceiving a child.
With multiple births getting more media attention each day, many women find themselves in search of tips for conceiving twins.
However, even when accounting for these factors, women over the age of 35 have natural differences in ovulation-stimulating hormones that increase their chances for conceiving twins.
The chances of naturally conceiving twins appear to be highest for women who have been pregnant four or more times.
If one of these pregnancies was a twin pregnancy, the chances of conceiving twins again rises significantly.
Studies have suggested that a woman's chances of conceiving twins increase if she has a BMI of 30 or higher.
Consuming a diet that is high in dairy products may also increase a woman's chances of conceiving twins.
There are also many theories and methods of calendaring ovulation that may increase your odds of conceiving a boy or a girl.
If you are serious about conceiving this year, consider using a pregnancy and ovulation calendar to help determine the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle.
Engaging in more sexual activity increases the risk of conceiving a child.
Many types of childhood experiences influence a girl's chances of conceiving a child at an early age.
In addition, an early sign of conceiving a baby is that the hormones increase the frequency of urination.
Rather than leave fate up to itself, couples began using the chart to choose the best possible dates for conceiving a child of the desired sex.
Inverted postures play an important role in the quest to get pregnant; the reason for this is that these poses boost your hormone levels, which in turn can aid the chances of conceiving.
Remember, a relaxed and unstressed woman has less difficulty conceiving, so make time for yoga, relaxation, meditation, and reading a good book.
However, women who were already practicing yoga in highly heated conditions before conceiving can check with their caregiver about continuing their yoga practice during the first and second trimesters of a healthy pregnancy.
Atkins created the diet in the 1960's, conceiving it from an article he read in the "Journal of the American Medical Association".
The two attempted a few bouts of in-vitro fertilization before conceiving child Rene-Charles Angelil in 2001.
They planned on having children, but ran into difficulties conceiving and eventually Kate was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, which can cause infertility.
After having trouble conceiving, Kate went on fertility drugs.
He sees insoluble contradictions in every mode of conceiving God as real, yet he advocates religious belief, though the object of that belief have but an abstract or imaginary existence.
In conclusion, it is noteworthy that though resorting to utterly fanciful hypotheses respecting the order of the development of the world, Anaximander agrees with modern evolutionists in conceiving the heavenly bodies as arising out of an aggregation of diffused matter, and in assigning to organic life an origin in the inorganic materials of the primitive earth (pristine mud).
Aristotle's distinction of form and matter, and his conception of becoming as a transition from actuality to potentiality, provides a new ontological way of conceiving the process of material and organic evolution.'
He is indeed careful to keep right with the orthodox doctrine of creation by saying that he does not believe the world actually arose in this mechanical way out of the three kinds of elements which he here supposes, but that he simply puts out his hypothesis as a mode of conceiving how it might have arisen.
In his Ideen zur Philosophic der Geschichte, Herder adopts Leibnitz's idea of a graduated scale of beings, at the same time conceiving of the lower stages as the conditions, of the higher.
His ascription to man of a unique faculty, free-will, forbade his conceiving our species as a link in a graduated series of organic developments.
It can only be understood by subordinating the mechanical conception to the vital, by conceiving the world as one organism animated by a spiritual principle or intelligence (Weltseele).
There is no difficulty in conceiving how a nebula, quite independently of any internal motion of its parts, shall also have had as a whole a movement of rotation.
Even apart from the impossibility of conceiving a whole of relations which are relations and nothing else (this objection is perhaps largely verbal), no explanation is given of the fact (obvious in experience) that the spiritual entities of which the Universe is composed appear material.
These theories endeavour to discover the means by which the exceptional occurrence is brought about; but the explanation is merely hypothetical, and we are not helped in conceiving the mode of the divine activity in the working of miracles.
Even Leibnitz,' who initiated a more modern point of view, follows the tradition in thus confining the scope of mathematics properly so called, while apparently conceiving it as a department of a yet wider science of reasoning.
The third and fourth books give evidence of acuteness in psychological analysis; the fourth and sixth of the most active and varied observation of natural phenomena; the fifth of original insight and strong common sense in conceiving the origin of society and the progressive advance of man to civilization.
It is important to note that in conceiving philosophic studies to be all one with historical studies and attaining to this unity in himself, he cultivated historical studies to an equal extent with purely theoretical and speculative studies, concentrating especially upon the history of thought and poetry.
In the last resort, therefore, Spencer fails to deduce philosophically not only the necessity of progress, but also its compatibility with the evolution-dissolution oscillation, and even the general possibility of conceiving the world as a process.
In his Fasti he treats a subject of national interest; it is not, however, through the strength of Roman sentiment but through the power of vividly conceiving and narrating stories of strong human interest that the poem lives.
From this point of view the atomic doctrine might be regarded as a relic of the old numerical way of conceiving magnitude, and the opposite doctrine of the infinite divisibility of matter might appear for a time the most scientific. The atomists, on the other hand, asserted very strongly the distinction between matter and space.
Nor does he see that a man is conscious not of idea, feeling, will, experience, but of something conceiving, feeling, willing and experiencing, which he gradually learns to call himself, and that he is never conscious of doing all this " minding " without his body.
Though again in the Transcendental Dialect he spoke of pure reason conceiving " ideals " of noumena, he did not mean that a noumenon is nothing but a thought arising only through thinking, or projected by reason, but meant that pure reason can only conceive the " ideal " while, over and above the " ideal " of pure reason, a noumenon is a real thing, a thing in itself, which is not indeed known, but whose existence is postulated by practical reason in the three instances of God, freedom, and immortality.
Whenever Hume finds it impossible to recognize in an idea the mere copy of a particular impression, he introduces the phrase " manner of conceiving."
This manner of conceiving is absolutely general and distinct, and accordingly affords the possibility of an all-comprehensive and perfect science, the science of discrete quantity.
Hume sees distinctly that if conscious experience be taken as containing only isolated states, no progress in explanation of cognition is possible, and that the only hope of further development is to be looked for in a radical change in our mode of conceiving experience.
Nor could a combination of conceptions make a difference so fundamental as that between conceiving and believing.
They overlooked the fact that man thinks long before he speaks, makes judgments which he does not express at all, or expresses them by interjections, names and phrases, before he uses regular propositions, and that he does not begin by conceiving and naming, and then proceed to believing and proposing.
Kant's mode of conceiving the activity of thought in the constitution of objects and of their connexion in experience 4 Loc. cit., p.
Early in the 17th century under the twofold influence of the Dutch Church, with which the Scottish clergy were in close connexion, and of James I.'s endeavours to "justle out" a liturgy which gave the liberty of "conceiving" prayers, ministers began in prayer to read less and extemporize more.
Conceiving that the motions of the universe and its parts are due to the desire which it and they feel towards the supreme external mind and its several thoughts, so that the cosmical order planned by the divine mind is realized in the phenomenal universe, Aristotle thus secures the requisite unification, not indeed of mind and matter, for mind and matter are distinct, but of the governing mind, the prime unmoved movent, since it and its thoughts are one.
George Grenville, whom the Rockinghams had displaced, and who was bitterly incensed at their formal reversal of his policy, printed a pamphlet to demonstrate his own wisdom and statesmanship. Burke replied in his Observations on a late Publication on the Present State of the Nation (1769), in which he showed for the first time that he had not only as much knowledge of commerce and finance, and as firm a hand, in dealing with figures as Grenville himself, but also a broad, general and luminous way of conceiving and treating politics, in which neither then nor since has he had any rival among English publicists.
This pantheistic doctrine harmonized thoroughly with the Stoic view of human good; but being unable to conceive substance idealistically, they (with considerable aid from the system of Heraclitus) supplied a materialistic side to their pantheism, - conceiving divine thought as an attribute of the purest and most primary of material substances, a subtle fiery aether.
A luminous idea of the nature of these two classes of variation may be gained by conceiving of the, motion of a ship, floating on an ocean affected by a long ground swell.
Conceiving the line NN' to be that of the nodes at any time, and the earth and lunar orbit to be moving in the direction of the straight arrows, the earth will be on one side of the ecliptic from M2 to M5, and on the other side from M6 to M 1, intersecting it at the nodes.
All knowledge takes the form of the concept (Begriff) or the judgment (Urtheil), the former conceiving the variety of being as a definite unity and plurality, and the latter simply connecting the concept with certain individual objects.
The chief distinction between his mode of conceiving the world and ours is his vast extension of the theory of personality.
But in conceiving A we make, not n positions, still less n+t positions, but one position simply; for common sense removes the absolute position from its original source, sensation.
This we can only do by conceiving them as originally moving through intelligible space in rectilinear paths and with uniform velocities.
Conceiving that the simplest principle is the most likely to be true, he assumed as a postulate that bodies falling freely towards the earth descend with a uniformly accelerated motion, and deduced thence that the velocities acquired are in the direct, and the spaces traversed in the duplicate ratio of the times, counted from the beginning of motion; finally, he proved, by observing the times of descent of bodies falling down inclined planes, that the postulated law was the true law.
For many couples, conceiving a baby can take several months or even years.
What are some of the factors which prevent couples from conceiving a baby?
It can be difficult to find out for sure what is preventing a couple from conceiving.
Bonaparte was chief, placed them at the top of the class, conceiving that they were the analogues of the Primates among mammals.
Modalistic monarchianism, conceiving that the whole fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ, took exception to the "subordinatianism" of some Church writers, and maintained that the names Father and Son were only two different designations of the same subject, the one God, who "with reference to the relations in which He had previously stood to the world is called the Father, but in reference to His appearance in humanity is called the Son."
There is a vast amount of literature on the subject, but in spite of the difficulty of conceiving a luminous carbon vapour at the temperature of an ordinary carbon flame, the evidence seems to show that no other element is necessary for its production as it is found in the spectrum of pure carbon tetrachloride and certainly in cases where chlorine is excluded.