Conceivably Sentence Examples
A number of separate " lays " might conceivably be arranged and connected by a man of poetical taste in a manner that would satisfy all requirements.
In the long history of mankind it is impossible to deny that stories may conceivably have spread from a single centre, and been handed on from races like the Indo-European and the Semitic to races as far removed from them in every way as the Zulus, the Australians, the Eskimo, the natives of the South Sea Islands.
The negative judgment, for example, cannot be held in one and the same undivided act to presuppose the unity of the real, project an adjective as conceivably applicable to it and assert its rejection.
Conceivably these sentiments of Columbanus never wholly died out in.
Among the lighter and more popular works may be mentioned twenty-two books of Orations (probably never spoken), some funeral eulogies (Laudationes), some " exhortations " (Suasiones), conceivably of a political character, and an account of the author's own life.
Conceivably enough the story of Jeremiah's journey to Egypt (or Mizrim) may have been imagined to supply a background for the artificial prophecies ascribed to Jeremiah in chs.
The effect of them, it was believed, might conceivably be to encourage President Kruger in persisting in his rejection of the British terms. Mr Schreiner, it is true, used directly what influence he possessed to induce President Kruger to adopt a reasonable course.
It would conceivably take but a small fraction of the period that has in most cases elapsed since such upheavals occurred for the salt water to be thus displaced by fresh water, and for the condition to be attained as regards saturation with fresh water, in which with few exceptions we now find the porous portions of the earth's crust wherever the rainfall exceeds the evaporation.
If you usually carry a penknife, make sure you leave it behind as the police could conceivably construe it as an offensive weapon.
The liquid wall can conceivably be applied to future magnetic fusion reactors, whether a spherical torus, a tokamak, or another design.
AdvertisementIf this could be co-ordinated and utilized without dissipation, the gas might conceivably be restored to its initial state; but in practice violent local differences of pressure and temperature are produced, the kinetic energy is rapidly converted into heat by viscous eddy friction, and residual differences of temperature are equalized by diffusion throughout the mass.
Basically, they must be living when they enter the body, they must have been documented as having some kind of health benefit, and they must be consumed in amounts that could conceivably offer those benefits.
Conceivably, when gas prices were at $4, that mileage would equal $1,867 per minute.
Thus, it can conceivably remain at sea for 12 days without refueling.
A dog's leg could conceivably be pushed through the spacing and lead to a greater chance of injury during a crash.
AdvertisementYou may conceivably even consider purchasing one for each season if it's practical, or you might settle on an all-season style that works well in chilly conditions.
So conceivably, if the series does well, outlines for a dozen possible seasons will be available.
Templates, while much faster and conceivably easy to use, are just that.
Since the Escort achieved the same number over fewer years, it could be argued that puts it ahead of the Fiat; however, the Fiat is still being sold and could conceivably surpass the Ford Escort by a very wide margin.
Intrepid Cub Scouts can conceivably earn more patches than can be easily put on a standard uniform, especially if they acquire patches from events they've participated in.
AdvertisementBut once again in his political writings he breaks away from empiricism in appealing to natural law - an intuitionalist or conceivably an idealist tradition.
But conceivably it might mean the palace, i.e.
But this conservative reformation had begun before Luther's preaching, and might conceivably have followed much the same course had his doctrine never found popular favour or been ratified by the princes.
The other course is to consider matter as formed of ultimate atoms, each the nucleus or core of an intrinsic modification impressed on the surrounding region of the aether; this might conceivably be of the nature of vortical motion of a liquid round a ring-core, thus giving a vortex atom, or of an intrinsic strain of some sort radiating from a core, which would give an electric atom.
One may admit that, strictly speaking, the latter at the age of about thirty-five or forty could still be called and that Paul might conceivably have termed him still his But the counsels addressed to him seem rather out of place when one recollects the position which he occupied.
AdvertisementFurther, auroras are often possessed of rapid motion, so that conceivably spectral lines may receive small displacements in accordance with Doppler's principle.
Early Christian writers assert that he proceeded to search out and to execute all descendants of David who might conceivably come forward as claimants of the vacant throne.
Mr Hooker has shown with reference to the wheat market how close is the correlation between prices in different places,' and the same has been observed of the cotton market, though the Conceivably some indication of the working of " futures " might be gleaned from observation of the relations of near and distant " futures " to one another and of both to spot."
Subsequent sociologists may have conceivably to men's minds were in the theological state, political events, for example, were explained by the will of the gods, and political authority based on divine right.
Conceivably the letters fell into the hands of James VI.
He may conceivably have met Bacon, but it is quite incredible that he met Shakespeare in the printing shop of Thomas Vautrollier.
This was much; for Moreau, though indolent and incapable in political affairs, was still immensely popular in the army (always more republican than the civilians) and might conceivably head a republican movement against the autocrat.
That day was also the last on which any hope remained of the Sari Bair offensive accomplishing its purpose, and on which help from Suvla might conceivably even at the eleventh hour have turned the scale.
A second argument for God is the prevailing goodness or adaptation of Nature to the ends of conscious beings, which might conceivably be explained by Lamarckian evolution, but has not yet been so explained, and if it were, would not be inconsistent with a divine design in evolution.
Having said all of that, government should certainly be watched with a suspicious eye, for it could conceivably delay or derail our ascent to the next golden age.