Comrade Sentence Examples
Before long Boris, Berg's old comrade, arrived.
Shortly after these victories he was assassinated at Cairo by a fanatic on the 14th of June 1800, the same day on which his friend and comrade Desaix fell at Marengo.
What is clear is that such lack of formal accord as here exists between Acts and the Epistles, tells against its author's dependence on the latter, and so favours his having been a comrade of Paul himself.
During the sojourn in Botany Bay the crew had to perform the painful duty of burying a comrade - a seaman named Forby Sutherland, who was in all probability the first British subject whose body was committed to Australian soil.
Beside him was his comrade Nesvitski, a tall staff officer, extremely stout, with a kindly, smiling, handsome face and moist eyes.
Denisov hid his hairy legs under the blanket, looking with a scared face at his comrade for help.
I will never leave fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.
Another ape, too eager to get at them, stumbled over its fallen comrade.
Scorpion's biggest rival and comrade, the original Sub-Zero (the current Sub-Zero is this character's younger brother) is rumoured to have descended a race of Outworld cryomancers who can control the element of ice.
These soon became so serious that a league was formed to crush him, and Maurice of Saxony led an army against his former comrade.
AdvertisementWheeling his corps to face the French to the eastward he immediately sent forward his artillery and prepared to support his comrade.
Surely, comrade Galloway would have insisted on an active relationship with his former chums on the Labor left.
In the debate, comrade Mc Shane said Red platform comrades were not sectarian.
Clearly, comrade Murray and his co-thinkers are beginning to find the restrictions of such ' party lines ' increasingly irksome.
The Russian lancer in the rear who stabbed me was killed by a comrade and I struck down the other.
AdvertisementComrade Challis was happy with simply calling people liars whenever he felt like it.
We mourn the loss not only of a good soldier, but of a good comrade as well.
God's comrade or sworn ally.
Comrade Rix's political affiliations are mentioned only in passing.
Thirdly, my Russian comrade 's Earl Gray Smokers will get a rejig from me in the next month or so.
AdvertisementYet in your letter of information you categorically deny what comrade N tells me.
He expresses himself in very discourteous terms about you, my dear Comrade Radek.
Or does Comrade Rappoport perhaps doubt the expediency of this decision or its timeliness?
Here is the real political answer to comrade Delargy's morbid obsession with defining the federal republic " in class terms " .
But let the Belgian comrades name just one Bolshevik-Leninist comrade or one proletarian revolutionary who has been expelled from the Hotel Falcón!
AdvertisementIn the debate, comrade Mc Shane said Red Platform comrades were not sectarian.
This comrade was made indignant by the conduct of the Yugoslavs, who employed various subterfuges to elect candidates of their own choice.
In conversation during the day, comrade Davies was quite unabashed about this disgraceful behavior.
Comrade Rusov's motion was deemed votable by twenty seven votes to fifteen, and was then adopted by twenty five votes to seventeen.
Finally, it is important to correct any imbalance that comrade whittle or others may perceive in what has been written.
What is it? he asked, but his comrade was already galloping off past Vasili the Beatified in the direction from which the screams came.
The officer snatched a little food at a comrade's, and rode again to the vanguard to find Miloradovich.
But let the Belgian comrades name just one Bolshevik-Leninist comrade or one proletarian revolutionary who has been expelled from the Hotel Falcón !
A decision to rejoin the SADP would be to send out the wrong message from this aggregate, Comrade Ström argued.
A strategy which not only resulted in my own severing of ties but also the exit of leading comrade, Ian Donovan.
On the basis of this Comrade Foster arrives at the singular conclusion that I sympathize with the minority group.
At once all the other turtles awoke to life and with upraised heads joined their comrade in the rush for the seals.
Comrade Rusov 's motion was deemed votable by twenty seven votes to fifteen, and was then adopted by twenty five votes to seventeen.
Finally, it is important to correct any imbalance that comrade Whittle or others may perceive in what has been written.
Too tired to teleport the elf accepts his capture with a wistful glance at his former comrade.
Comrade Mc Shane said comrade Donovan was wrong to portray the result of the election as simply positive.
Most of the time, you follow a comrade or a team of allies in order to complete mission objectives.
You play special agent Gabe Logan who has just learned a comrade has died in a Central American jungle.
Comrade Rosemary Byrne thought her election in 2003 would herald a new dawn for socialist politics.
As the men were evidently determined to oppose any attempt at landing, a musket was discharged between them, in the hope that they would be frightened by the noise, but it produced no effect beyond causing one of them to drop his bundle of spears, of which, however, he immediately repossessed himself, and with his comrade resumed the same menacing attitude.
When they called for the vessels again, I was green enough to return what bread I had left; but my comrade seized it, and said that I should lay that up for lunch or dinner.
Comrade Bains taught us never to be stymied by the real problems of life but to face them with affection and march on.
Finally in 8 B.C. he lost the comrade who next to Agrippa had been the most intimate friend and counsellor of his early manhood, Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, the patron of Virgil and Horace.
The day after the review, Boris, in his best uniform and with his comrade Berg's best wishes for success, rode to Olmutz to see Bolkonski, wishing to profit by his friendliness and obtain for himself the best post he could--preferably that of adjutant to some important personage, a position in the army which seemed to him most attractive.
Meeting a comrade at the last post station but one before Moscow, Denisov had drunk three bottles of wine with him and, despite the jolting ruts across the snow-covered road, did not once wake up on the way to Moscow, but lay at the bottom of the sleigh beside Rostov, who grew more and more impatient the nearer they got to Moscow.
These guests--the famous Count Rostopchin, Prince Lopukhin with his nephew, General Chatrov an old war comrade of the prince's, and of the younger generation Pierre and Boris Drubetskoy--awaited the prince in the drawing room.
The town-bred soldier of the eastern states was a thoughtful citizen who was determined to do his duty, but he had far less natural aptitude for war than his enemy from the Carolinas or his comrade from Illinois or Kansas.
In Ireland, besides the important and successful Turgesius, we read of a Saxulf who early met his death, as well as of Ivar (Ingvar), famous also in England and called the son of Ragnar Lodbrog, and of Oisla, Ivar's comrade; finally (the vikings in Ireland being mostly of Norse descent) of the wellknown Olaf the White, who became king of all the Scandinavian settlements in Ireland.
Some beetles emit a bright light from a portion of their bodies, which leads to the recognition of mate or comrade by sight.
Behrisch, a genial, original comrade, he learned the art of writing those light Anacreontic lyrics which harmonized with the tone of polite Leipzig society.
Here he had Thurlow, the future lord chancellor, as a fellow-clerk, and it is stated that Thurlow promised to help his less pushful comrade in the days of realized ambition.
The slaying of Patroclus by the Trojan hero Hector roused Achilles from his indifference; eager to avenge his beloved comrade, he sallied forth, equipped with new armour fashioned by Hephaestus, slew Hector, and, after dragging his body round the walls of Troy, restored it to the aged King Priam at his earnest entreaty.
On first coming to live at Montaigne he edited the works of his deceased friend Etienne de la Boetie, who had been the comrade of his youth, who died early, and who, with poems of real promise, had composed a declamatory and school-boyish theme on republicanism, entitled the Contr' un, which is one of the most over-estimated books in literature.
The expedition to San Domingo reduced the republican army to a nullity; war demoralized or scattered the leaders, who were jealous of their comrade Bonaparte; and Moreau, the last of his rivals, cleverly compromised in a royalist plot, as Danton had formerly been by Robespierre, disappeared into exile.
First as the associate of Steele, with whom he quarrelled, and of Addison, whose esteem for him survived all differences, afterwards as the intimate comrade of Pope and Arbuthnot, the friend of Congreve and Atterbury, Parnell and Gay, he entered deeply into the literary life of the period.
In both Sanskrit and Zend it means something like "comrade" or "bosom friend," but in Zend is used of the priestly or highest class.
In works of contemporary art Averroes is at one time the comrade of Mahomet and Antichrist; at another he lies with Arius and Sabellius, vanquished by the lance of St Thomas.
From Vienna Kutuzov wrote to his old comrade, Prince Andrew's father.
Coming out of Kutuzov's room into the waiting room with the papers in his hand Prince Andrew came up to his comrade, the aide-de-camp on duty, Kozlovski, who was sitting at the window with a book.
The French had fallen behind, and just as he looked round the first man changed his run to a walk and, turning, shouted something loudly to a comrade farther back.
But his comrade, throwing down the boots and drawing his sword, moved threateningly toward Pierre.
On the 25th of April he made his will, on the 27th he received the Little Council, and on the 28th the Genevan ministers, in his sick-room; on the 2nd of May he wrote his last letter - to his old comrade Farel, who hastened from Neuchatel to see him once again.