Computation Sentence Examples
The number of eggs laid is enormous, one computation putting it at twenty thousand.
Actiaca Aera was a computation of time from the battle of Actium.
It is not known for what reason the alteration was made; but it is conjectured that it was for the purpose of causing a newfrevolution of the cycle of nineteen years (which was introduced into the ecclesiastical computation about this time by Anatolius, bishop of Hierapolis) to begin with the first year of the reign of Diocletian.
It May Be Remarked, That As A (C _ 17) W' The Value Of A Will Be O Till C 17C 17 =25 Or C =42; Therefore, Till The Year 4200, A May Be Neglected In The Computation.
Here were discovered in the caves near Walzin the bones of prehistoric men, and other evidence of the primitive occupants of this globe at a period practically beyond computation.
He held that thought has in itself no power of development, and ultimately reduced it to arithmetical computation.
They are the best for analytical computation.
The principal modification is that,up to the present time, stellar astronomy has not advanced so far that a computation of the perturbations in each case of a system of stars is either necessary or possible, except in exceptional cases.
He long adhered to the traditional belief that all celestial revolutions must be performed equably in circles; but a laborious computation of seven recorded oppositions of Mars at last persuaded him that the planet travelled in an ellipse, one focus of which was occupied by the sun.
His first work, Fundamenta nova, appeared in 1838, and contained an exposition of his ingenious and peculiar methods of computation.
AdvertisementDuring the twenty years following he devoted a large part of his energies to the numerical computation of the lunar inequalities, the redetermination of the elements of motion, and the preparation of new tables for computing the moon's position.
But Adams in 1853 1 showed that the previous computations of the acceleration were only a rude first approximation, and that a more rigorous computation reduced the result to about one-half.
The amount of retardation does not admit of accurate computation, owing to the uncertainty both as to the amount of the oceanic friction from which it arises and of the exact height and form of the tidal wave, the action of the moon on which produces the effect.
To develop advanced theoretical and computation models of acoustic cavitation and sonochemistry.
Kolmogorov's proposal outlined strives for the firmer and less contentious ground expressed in finite combinatorics and effective computation.
AdvertisementSpeaking of Owen Barfield's work; see chapter 23, " Can We transcend computation?
This is often not the case, and we need to consider restarting the computation in a controlled fashion.
Perhaps we could look for the pattern of communications that would be required to collect the data from the distributed computation.
One possibility is to assume isotropic sky conditions at all times and so simplify computation since diffuse radiation is then independent of direction.
They all require a certain amount of numerical computation.
AdvertisementIt is not my intention to turn you into experts in neural computation - that is not possible in the time we have available.
Non-classical computation encompasses many different approach to tackle some or all of these problems.
Their potential use in quantum computation is very exciting.
Once all the data to be updated has been updated, one of the digest methods should be called to complete the hash computation.
In less extreme cases, the computation of the beta weights and their standard errors can become very imprecise, due to round-off error.
AdvertisementThe most costly step in the serial 2 nd derivative algorithm is the computation of the 2 nd derivative two-electron integrals.
He proposed simple and small convolution masks in combination with the computation of the local variance using a moving window in the image.
The counting efficiency computation for electron capture nuclides is not considered.
Molecular Computation Using DNA to solve computational problems can allow massive parallelism, by exploring 10 19 cases in parallel.
Wouldn't it be nice (perhaps even parsimonious) if our low level and high level accounts shared the same characteristics of computation?
What conclusions do you draw from the computation of the posterior probability?
When the input configuration is almost but not quite singular, the computation will be prone to rounding errors.
However, the computation time to perform a complete search is not tractable.
All this is true, but three readings instead of one for each pointing, much more figure-work in computation (especially if corrections have to be applied to the scale readings to reduce them to exact normal screw readings), are factors which involve a far greater expenditure of time than making a few additional turns of a screw in the process of measurement.
Of Japanese there were 3500, of Hindu and Sinhalese 4600, according to recent computation, but the policy of the Commonwealth is adverse to further immigration of other than whites.
At the lowest computation 37 genera seem to be peculiar to it, though it is certain that species of several are regularly wont to wander beyond its limits in winter seeking a southern climate.
It is a challenging task to study these problems in the setting of quantum computation.
Any computation in this quotient group will be ` ` shadowed ' ' in the source group.
In brief my research interests lie in the wider area of theory and semantics of computation, language and logic.
Call for Papers Original papers are solicited in all areas of unconventional computation.
Computation codes for speciation analysis were evaluated and tested in interactive exercises.
This allows routine computation of undamped vibration of any linear structure, for example by Finite Element methods.
Add-on assessments that address the academic components of word analysis, vocabulary, language mechanics, spelling, and mathematics computation.
More than half of the states use the "high-quarter benefit" computation method to determine how much you receive.
Reduced rates shown on the Tax Computation worksheet apply only to logging vehicles.
An apparent increase of 7000 in the Maori and half-castes between 1891 and 1906 is, perhaps, partly due to more accurate computation.
Astronomers, after the example of Ptolemy, regard the day as commencing with the sun's culmination, or noon, and find it most convenient for the purposes of computation to reckon through the whole twentyfour hours.
It Is Therefore Infinitely More Commodious To Determine The Commencement Of The Year By A Fixed Rule Of Intercalation; And Of The Various Methods Which Might Be Employed, No One, Perhaps Is On The Whole More Easy Of Application, Or Better Adapted For The Purpose Of Computation, Than The Gregorian Now In Use.
It Is Therefore So Obviously Ill Adapted To The Computation Of Time, That, Excepting The Modern Jews And Mahommedans, Almost All Nations Who Have Regulated Their Months By The Moon Have Employed Some Method Of Intercalation By Means Of Which The Beginning Of The Year Is Retained At Nearly The Same Fixed Place In The Seasons.
We Will Now Show In What Manner This Whole Apparatus Of Methods And Tables May Be Dispensed With, And The Gregorian Calendar Reduced To A Few Simple Formulae Of Easy Computation.
The Moslem Calendar May Evidently Be Carried On Indefinitely By Successive Addition, Observing Only To Allow For The Additional Day That Occurs In The Bissextile And Intercalary Years; But For Any Remote Date The Computation According To The Preceding Rules Will Be Most Efficient, And Such Computation May Be Usefully Employed As A Check On The Accuracy Of Any Considerable Extension Of The Calendar By Induction Alone.
Robins also made a number of important experiments on the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles, and on the force of gunpowder, with computation of the velocities thereby communicated to projectiles.
They were invented by Gauss to facilitate the computation of elliptic integrals.
He adds that he took his degree at the proper time; but in fact, upon any computation and from whatever cause, he remained at Magdalen Hall five, instead of the required four, years, not being admitted as bachelor till the 5th of February 1608.
They do not differ on any point of faith; the dispute is confined to a quarrel as to the correct chronological date for the computation of the era of Yazdegerd, the last king of the Sassanian dynasty, who was dethroned by the caliph Omar about A.D.
They burrow in the sands of every shore; they throng the weeds between tide-marks; they ascend all streams; they are found in deep wells, in caverns, in lakes; in Arctic waters they swarm in numbers beyond computation; they find lodgings on crabs, on turtles, on weed-grown buoys; they descend into depths of the ocean down to hundreds or thousands of fathoms; they are found in mountain streams as far above sea-level as some of their congeners live below it.
Babbage's attention seems to have been very early drawn to the number and importance of the errors introduced into astronomical and other calculations through inaccuracies in the computation of tables.
There have been recently no discoveries to rival in novelty those which followed the exploration of the bonecaves and drift-gravels, and which effected an instant revolution in all accepted theories of man's antiquity, substituting for a chronology of centuries a vague computation of hundreds of thousands of years.
In buildings to be used as offices, hotels, apartments, &c., it is usual in establishing the loads for the purpose of computation to assume that the columns carrying the roof and the upper storey will be called upon to sustain the full dead load due to material and the maximum computed variable load, but it is customary' to reduce the variable loads at the rate of about 5% storey by storey towards the base, until a minimum of about 20% of the entire variable load is reached, for it is evidently impossible that the building can be loaded by a densely-packed moving crowd in all of its storeys simultaneously.
It is worthy of notice that the invention of this notation appears to have been due to practical needs, being required for the purpose of computation of compound interest.
It is distinguished by a simple yet thoroughly philosophical treatment of the ideas of number and magnitude, as well as by the introduction of new abbreviated processes of computation, to which De Morgan always attributed much practical importance.
Numerical computation of this kind might almost be described as his pastime.
It is also found by computation from theory that the planets do produce several appreciable inequalities of long period, as well as a great number of short period, in the motion of the moon.
As early as 633 the church of the south of Ireland, which had been more in contact with Gaul, had been won over to the Roman method of computation.
The consumption of honey g y a s an article of food has also largely increased of late i years; a recent computation shows that from too to 125 million lb of honey, representing a money value of from eight to ten million dollars, is consumed annually in the United States alone.
What will change is the amount of data that will be recorded, the speed of the processors, and the cost of storage and computation.
Others are relics of an earlier geological period, when land areas 1 Authorities differ in their methods and results of computation of these and other similar measurements.
The derivation of the distance of the sun by it is of such interest from its simplicity that we shall show the computation.
There can be no exact computation of time or placing of events without a fixed point or epoch from which the reckoning takes its start.
Since that time they have generally employed a mundane era, and dated from the creation of the world, which, according to their computation, took place 3760 years and about three months before the beginning of our era.
The chronological computation of Julius Africanus was adopted by the Christians of Alexandria, who accordingly reckoned 5500 years from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ.
According to the computation most generally followed, the year 312 of the era of the Seleucidae began on the ist of September in the Julian year preceding the first of our era.
The Armenians also make use of the mundane era of Constantinople, and sometimes conjoin both methods of computation in the same documents.
According to the words just quoted from the Apocalypse, there was to be a dearth of grain and a superfluity of wine; the price of the wheat was to be seven times the ordinary, according to Reinach's computation, and that of the barley four times.
The rate of increase from 1890 to 1900, eliminating from the computation the population of Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory and Indian reservations, was 20 7; the rate of increase if these places are included - in which case the figures of the population of Hawaii in 1890 must be taken from the census of the Hawaiian government in that year - was 21%.
Enumerators' returns in this field are so incomplete that hardly two-thirds of the deaths which have occurred in any community during the preceding year are obtained by an enumerator visiting the families, no satisfactory basis for the computation of death-rates is afforded, and the returns have comparatively little scientific value.
In 1901 the whites numbered 773, 000; and between that year and the census computation in April 1906 the increase, 115,859, was the largest yet recorded in any quinquennium.
Bow (Economics of Construction), and is convenient in applying the theory of reciprocal figures to the computation of stresses on frames.
There are thus, according to the Jewish computation, twentyfour " books " in the Hebrew canon.
The date of the Nativity as fixed according to our common computation of Anni Domini (first put forward by Dionysius Exiguus at Rome early in the 6th century) has long been recognized to be too late.
The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare.
As frequent allusion is made by classical writers to this embarrassing method of computation, which is carefully retained in the ecclesiastical calendar, we here give a table showing the correspondence of the Roman months with those of modern Europe.
Instead, However, Of Employing The Golden Numbers And Epacts For The Determination Of Easter And The Movable Feasts, It Was Resolved That The Equinox And The Paschal Moon Should Be Found By Astronomical Computation From The Rudolphine Tables.
For the computation of the Christian date, the ratio of a mean year of the Hegira to a solar year is Year of Hegira 354s =0.970224.
The British agent then applied for an adjournment of eight months, ostensibly in order that the two governments might conclude a supplemental convention, it having been meanwhile privately arranged between the arbitrators that an extra-judicial declaration should be obtained from the arbitrators on the subject of the direct claims. On the 19th of June Count Sclopis intimated on behalf of all his colleagues that, without intending to express any opinion upon the interpretation of the treaty, they had arrived at the conclusion that "the indirect claims did not constitute upon the principles of international law applicable to such cases a good foundation for an award or computation of damages between nations."
Langley, A Treatise on Computation (1895), has notes on approximate and abbreviated calculation.
Keywords DOUBLE Set this keyword to force the computation to be done in double-precision arithmetic.
The population is not susceptible of accurate computation, but probably it has always been small.
On the whole, the best statistical source for this information is the annual computation published by the Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen, the official organ of the Prussian Ministry of Public Works; but the figure quoted above utilizes the Board of Trade returns for the United Kingdom and the report of the Interstate Commerce Commission for the United States.
This was the first computation ever made of the size of a star.
The computation by Olympiads seldom occurs in historical records after the middle of the 5th century of our era.
According to the Alexandrian computation, this was the year 5787 of the world, and 287 of the Incarnation; but on this occasion ten years were omitted, and that year was thenceforth called the year 5777 of the world, and 277 of the Incarnation.
According to the computation of the Greeks, the 49th year of the Caesarean era began in the autumn of the year preceding the commencement of the Christian era; and, according to the Syrians, the 49th year began in the autumn of the first year of the Incarnation.
In determinations of stellar or solar parallax, comparison stars, symmetrically situated with respect to the object whose parallax is sought, should be employed, in which case the instantaneous scale-value may be regarded as an unknown quantity which can be derived in the process of the computation of the results.
Computation from modern data shows that 235 lunations are 6939 days, 16.5 hours; and 19 solar years, 6939 days, 14.5 hours.
For fifty-eight days Nadir Shah remained in Delhi, and when he left he carried with him a treasure in money amounting, at the lowest computation, to eight or nine millions sterling, besides jewels of inestimable value, and other property to the amount of several millions more.
In just eighteen months from now, we will have duplicated that again and effectively doubled our computation power.
The prejudicial resistances are generally functions of the useful resistances of the weights of the pieces of the mechanism, and of their form and arrangement; and, having been determined, they serve for the computation of the lost work, which, being added to the useful work, gives the expenditure of energy required.
Much labour was bestowed by him upon facilitating the computation of the movements of the asteroids.