Compressions Sentence Examples
The inclined tensions and compressions in the bars of a braced web are equivalent to this shear.
Compressions are delivered at a rate of 100 times per minute, giving five chest compressions followed by one rescue breath in successive cycles.
The compressions help you get used to transferring your weight from foot to foot.
The compressions helped you get accustomed to shifting your weight from side to side.
There is ample proof throughout the country of alterations of level within recent geologic periods; and there have even been compressions, resulting in a relative rise of the ground, over the crests of anticlinal folds, within historic record.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)-An emergency procedure designed to stimulate breathing and blood flow through a combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing.
Chest compressions are delivered by placing two fingers of one hand over the lower half of the infant's sternum slightly below the nipple line and pressing down about one half inch to one inch.
Chest compressions are delivered by placing the heel of one hand over the lower half of the sternum and depressing about one to one and one half inches per compression.
For a child aged eight years and older, and for larger children under age eight, two hands are used for compressions, with the heel of one hand on the lower half of the sternum and the heel of the other hand on top of that hand.
If the figure be photographed as a lantern slide which is mounted so as to turn round, the wave motion is excellently shown on the screen, the compressions and extensions being represented by the crowding in and opening out of the lines.
AdvertisementWhatever the form of a wave, we could always force it to travel on with that form unchanged, and with any velocity we chose, if we could apply any " external " force we liked to each particle, in addition to the " internal " force called into play by the compressions or extensions.
He supposed that in air Boyle's law holds in the extensions and compressions, or that p = kp, whence dp/dp = k = p/p. His value of the velocity in air is therefore U = iJ (p ip.) (Newton's formula).
When the air rushes out from one pipe, it has not to force its way into the open air, but finds a cavity being prepared for it close at hand in the other pipe, and so the extensions and compressions at the ends are more easily reduced.
The rescuer then executes a series of five quick compressions by pushing inward and upward.
For a child aged one to eight years, the compression rate is the same-five compressions and one rescue breath.
AdvertisementThe compression rate is 80 to 100 per minute delivered in cycles of 15 compressions followed by two rescue breaths.
Bosu compressions are simply pedaling motions performed on top of the dome side.