Compositions Sentence Examples
He played all his most personal compositions, and continued to create new works inspired by her.
The book is one of the most natural and unaffected compositions ever written.
RingOPhone has the original Star Wars theme as well as a list of other John Williams compositions that you might want to have on your phone.
The best edition of his works is The Compositions in Prose and Verse of Mr John Oldham..
Not reckoning scattered notices, we depend principally upon five later compositions, Diodorus, book xvii.
Among the principal examples are " Roman Triumphs " (not the same compositions as the Hampton Court pictures), " A Bacchanal Festival," " Hercules and Antaeus," " Marine Gods," " Judith with the Head of Holophernes," the " Deposition from the Cross," the " Entombment," the " Resurrection," the " Man of Sorrows," the " Virgin in a Grotto."
The Japanese have produced few books of importance, and their compositions are chiefly remarkable as being lighter and more secular than is usual in Asia, but the older Chinese works take high rank both for their merits and the effect they have had.
The Falls of Princes alone comprises 7000 stanzas; and his authentic compositions reach the enormous total of 150,000 lines.
According to this the figures of combatants do not all face towards the centre, but are broken up, as in other early compositions, into a series of groups of two or three figures each.
At Dijon his compositions attracted the attention of an inspector, who had him placed (1814) in the normal school, Paris.
AdvertisementThese superbly invented and designed compositions, gorgeous with all splendour of subject-matter and accessory, and with the classical learning and enthusiasm of one of the master-spirits of the age, have always been accounted of the first rank among Mantegna's works.
Eliezer, of the 8th or 9th century, a sort of history of creation and of the patriarchs, and the Tanna debe Eliyahu (an ethical work of the 10th century but containing much that is old), besides a large number of minor compositions.'
His works can scarcely be entitled original compositions, his labour having consisted chiefly in the arrangement of his materials, but on this very account they are of considerable value as convenient books of reference, easier of access and almost as trustworthy as the original documents.
But his most famous compositions in this kind are the personal invectives which he discharged against Filelfo and Valla.
These compositions belonged to a species which, since Petrarch set the fashion, were very popular among Italian scholars.
AdvertisementSo far as they are Latin versions of Arabico-Greek treatises, they must have been much remodelled in the course of translation; but there is reason to suppose that many of them, even when pretending to be translations, are really original compositions.
All these laws may in general be described as codes of procedure and tariffs of compositions.
The law abounds in contradictions and repetitions, and the compositions are calculated in different moneys.
At the same time he was accused of "introducing into the church and service at the altar compositions of psalms and hymns not inspected or authorized by any proper judicature."
Only in familiar letters, prolegomena, and prefaces do we find the man Ficino, and learn to know his thoughts and sentiments unclouded by a mist of citations; these minor compositions have therefore a certain permanent value, and will continually be studied for the light they throw upon the learned circle gathered round Lorenzo in the golden age of humanism.
AdvertisementSuch is the intentional obscurity in many of the compositions of these two authors that every sentence becomes a puzzle, over which even a scholarly Ottoman must pause before he can be sure he has found its true meaning.
In making up a charge, the ores and fluxes, whose chemical compositions have been determined, are mixed so as to form out of the components, not to be reduced to the metallic or sulphide state, typical slags (silicates of ferrous and calcium oxides, incidentally of aluminium oxide, which have been found to do successful work).
She appointed panegyrics to be composed in his honour, and offered valuable prizes for the best oratorical and tragic compositions.
No one of these works is now known to be in existence; the only example we possess of Zarlino's compositions on a grand scale is a MS. mass for four voices, in the library of the Philharmonic Lyceum at Bologna.
Wolf likewise gives selections from Silva's various compositions.
AdvertisementKohnt, "Bibliography of Works relating to Antonio Jose da Silva and Bibliography of Don Antonio's Compositions" in the Publ.
There is only one passage which seems in some degree to make up for the aesthetic drawbacks of the greater part of these late compositions.
Several conversions and compositions followed, interest being paid irregularly.
Its vapour produces violent headache, and the same effect is often caused by handling compositions containing it.
It was Guru Arjan who compiled the Granth or Sikh Bible, out of his own and his predecessors' compositions.
Among the musical compositions of Allegri were two volumes of concerti, published in 1618 and 1619; two volumes of motets, published in 1620 and 1621; besides a number of works still in manuscript.
The system of "compositions" or fines, paid in many cases with the help of kinsmen, finds its natural place in the ancient, tribal period of English history and loses its vitality later on in consequence of the growth of central power and of the scattering of maegths.
The chief motives were landscapes of a peculiarly wild and romantic type, animal life, trees and flowers, and figtire compositions drawn from Chinese and Buddhist history and Taoist legend; and these, together with the grand aims and strange shortcomings of its principles and the limited range of its methods, were adopted almost without change by Japan.
The pillars, architraves, ceilings, panels, and almost every available part of the structure, are covered with arabesques and sculptured figures of dragons, lions, tigers, birds, flowers, and even pictorial compositions with landscapes and figures, deeply carved in solid or open workthe wood sometimes plain, sometimes overlaid with pigment and gilding, as in the panelled ceiling of the chapel of Iyeyasu in Tokyo.
Of his decorative paintings, the best known are the elegant compositions (in spirit fresco) on the walls of the Victoria and Albert Museum, representing "The Industrial Arts of War and Peace."
There are thus two eutectic alloys B and D, and the alloys with compositions between B and D have higher melting-points.
It is probable that all the alloys of compositions between B and D, when they begin to solidify, deposit crystals of the compound; the lower eutectic B probably corresponds to a solid complex of mercury and the compound.
Windham in explanation of his position, generally considered one of his finest compositions, but not published till 1753 after his death.
Further, Caesarius was in the habit of putting some words of a distinguished writer at the head of his compositions, which would account for the fact that the name of Athanasius was subsequently attached to the creed.
Though for many centuries they have thus been treated as separate compositions, we have abundant evidence that they were anciently regarded as forming but one book, and a careful examination proves that together with the book of Chronicles they constitute one single work.
I imagine a celebratory gathering at which a large number of individuals hear modest compositions or songs created specifically for them.
Within this new context, Dave's guitar histrionics work well adding considerable flavor to the original compositions.
Performing ten " compositions " and two completely improvised pieces, there is a complete abandonment of anything approaching melody.
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Master of the Queen's Music, has used magic squares in several of his compositions.
Stanza creates participatory digital artworks that invite viewers to guide data flows or to simply observe self-generating compositions.
Ringing compositions are notoriously prone to subtle transcription errors, and over a quarter of the submissions we receive contain errors of some sort.
You can also create your own compositions from scratch with the internal 16-track sequencer.
Although his output was largely symphonic and orchestral, his religious upbringing played a significant role in influencing his choral compositions.
Some new compositions of significant colors were also discovered, which had not been reported previously in Coptic textiles.
We can therefore predict that all oxides of carbon will have compositions represented by the ratio of 8m parts of oxygen to 6n parts of carbon, where m and n are whole numbers.
If the literary style in which the exegetic discussion of the texts and rites is carried on in the Brahmanas is, as a rule, of a very bald and uninviting nature, it must be borne in mind that these treatises are of a strictly professional and esoteric character, and in no way lay claim to being considered as literary compositions in any sense of the word.
The most important writers are Yoseh ben Yoseh, probably in the 6th century, chiefly known for his compositions for the day of Atonement, Eleazar Qalir, the founder of the payyetanic style, perhaps in the 7th century, Seadiah, and the Spanish school consisting of Joseph ibn Abitur (died in 970), Ibn Gabirol, Isaac Gayyath, Moses ben Ezra, Abraham ben Ezra and Judah ha-levi, who will be mentioned below; later, Moses ben Nahman and Isaac Luria the Kabbalist.'
As regards other compositions, the early unpublished works include a symphony, a cantata, some incidental music to a pantomime, and several overtures, four of which have recently been discovered and produced.
Literature.The vast mass of writing which has come down to us from the ancient Egyptians comprises documents of almost every conceivable kind, business documents and correspondence, legal documents, memorial inscriptions, historical, scientific, didactic, magical and religious literature; also tales and lyrics and other compositions in poetical language.
The compositions belonging to the period of his residence at Weimar comprise two pianoforte concertos, in E flat and in A, the " Todtentanz," the " Concerto pathetique " for two pianos, the solo sonata " An Robert Schumann," sundry " Etudes," fifteen " Rhapsodies Hongroises," twelve orchestral " Poemes symphoniques, " " Eine Faust Symphonie," and " Eine Symphonie zu Dante's ` Divina Commedia,' " the " 13th Psalm " for tenor solo, chorus and orchestra, the choruses to Herder's dramatic scenes " Prometheus," and the " Missa solennis " known as the " Graner Fest' Messe."
Then, on Friday those who have done the best may stand up and read their compositions to the school.
Those early compositions were mental gymnastics.
Likewise my compositions are made up of crude notions of my own, inlaid with the brighter thoughts and riper opinions of the authors I have read.
I could not make notes in class or write exercises; but I wrote all my compositions and translations at home on my typewriter.
In 1892 appeared the Perkins Institution report for 1891, containing a full account of Helen Keller, including many of her letters, exercises, and compositions.
In the class performance of Baggage, two of the best compositions are played as the contrasting sections in a rondo structure.
It has nothing to with the German idea of a chorale, as these are long symphonic compositions based on a flowing melody.
Well known on the local folk scene from the 70's for his comic compositions, singing and playing his ukulele banjo.
Newborns can easily be lost in a large image, so closely cropped shots make for better compositions.
These cameras often have a number of automatic modes which use generic, appropriate settings for different compositions and light settings.
In addition, shooting the moon at various stages in the night sky can result in interesting compositions.
Find landmarks or other interesting secondary subjects that you can include in your fireworks shots to make your compositions more intriguing.
What’s more, the 21st century has seen a growing acceptance of mainstream nude compositions as untraditional concepts of beauty.
He's a songwriter too, and two of his compositions, which he also sings, can be found on the Twilight movie soundtrack.
Small-scale gardens are easy to maintain and can be enjoyed by continually creating new and more pleasing compositions of sand and stones, or through the simple practice of quiet meditation.
Traditional Zen compositions have 5 groups of 3 stones, arranged asymmetrically.
The site offers the opportunity to view tabs, chords and sheet music for a number of Watson's original compositions.
Use the photographs to sketch a variety of compositions.
More involved compositions came about during The Restoration.
For nearly 30 years, Weird Al Yankovic has been creating hilarious song parodies and original compositions, and Weird Al Yankovic MP3 downloads allow you to enjoy the humor on the computer or portable music player of your choice.
Many artists also use parts of the song as introductions to their own original compositions, or use melodies from it in an original song's chorus.
Classical - These are compositions by the great masters such as Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach.
The score went a step above most other cinema orchestral pieces of the time and propelled the movie industry into the generation of films with large orchestra compositions and music that filled the theater with depth and wonderful noise.
It is written in a clear and intelligible style, and with more art than is usual in the compositions of the time.
With the encouragement of a discriminating patron, a small but excellent orchestra and a free hand, Haydn made the most of his opportunity and produced a continuous stream of compositions in every known musical form.
He received commissions from the cathedral of Cadiz, from the grand duke Paul, from the king of Prussia, from the directors of the Concert Spirituel at Paris; beside his transactions with Breitkopf and Hertel, and with La Chevardiere, he sold to one English firm the copyright of no less than 129 compositions.
Haydn's place in musical history is best determined by his instrumental compositions.
The compositions of Haydn include 104 symphonies, 16 overtures, 76 quartets, 68 trios, 54 sonatas, 31 concertos and a large number of divertimentos, cassations and other instrumental pieces; 24 operas and dramatic pieces, 16 Masses, a Stabat Mater, interludes for the " Seven Words," 3 oratorios, 2 Te Deums and many smaller pieces for the church, over 40 songs, over 50 canons and arrangements of Scottish and Welsh national melodies.
The latter office he held for fortythree years, during which time he wrote over 360 compositions for the church and much instrumental music, which, though unequal, deserves more consideration than it has received.
After his release in 1830 he commenced the publication of his prison compositions, of which the Ester was played at Turin in 1831, but immediately suppressed.
In 1725, though only nineteen years old, he received the appointment of chapel-master in the Franciscan church at Bologna, where his compositions attracted attention.
The greater number of Martini's sacred compositions remain unprinted.
In all these works the imperfection of his musical education is painfully apparent, and his compositions betray an equal lack of knowledge, though his refined taste is as clearly displayed there as is his literary power in the Letters and Dictionary.
Several Irish poems are ascribed to Columba, but they are manifestly compositions of a later age.
The next few years were spent still in preparation, supported by pupils' fees and the dedications of books; the Collectanea adagiorum in June 1500 to Mountjoy, and some devotional and moral compositions to Batt's patroness and her son.
The compositions of Dvorak have become classics.
Unlike the people of other Slavonic countries, the Poles are comparatively poor in popular and legendary poetry, but such compositions undoubtedly existed in early times, as may be seen by the writings of their chroniclers; thus Gallus translated into Latin a poem written on Boleslaus the Brave, and a few old Polish songs are included in Wojcicki's Library of Ancient Writers.
For instance, there are no bilinf or legendary poems, such as are found among the Russians, although many passages in the ancient chroniclers from their poetical colouring seem to be borrowed from old songs or legends, and the first verses of some of these compositions have been preserved.
These are plain manly compositions in the seven-lined Chaucerian stanza.
Here too the expectation of the near return of Christ doubtless delayed for a number of years the desire and need for written compositions.
He wrote Lettres sur l'Algerie (1877) and Promenades japonaises (1880), and also some musical compositions, including a grand opera, Tai-Tsoung (1894).
His best compositions have been engraved by Audran, Edelinck, Masson, Poilly and others.
In Kufa and Basra were gathered representatives of all the Arabian tribes who formed the fighting force of the Islamic Empire, and from these al-Mufaddal was able to collect and record the compositions of the poets who had celebrated the fortunes and exploits of their forefathers.
The 126 pieces are distributed between 68 poets, and the work represents a gathering from the compositions of those who were called al-Mugillun, " authors of whom little has survived," in contrast to the famous poets whose works had been collected into diwans.
The solecism in the Preface to the Adonais, " My known repugnance to the narrow principles of taste on which several of his earlier compositions were modelled prove at least that I am an impartial judge," would probably have been corrected by the poet if his attention had been called to it; but the two first ones, with others, cannot be thus regarded.
But at intermediate compositions we can only guess at the form of the energy-composition curve, and the freezing point composition curve, deduced from it, will vary according to the supposition which we make.
In Spain, under Moorish dominion, most of the important works of that period were composed in Arabic, and the influence of Arabic writers both on language and method may be seen in contemporaneous Hebrew compositions.
Scribe, who shared with him, as librettist, the success and growing popularity of his compositions.
One of Auber's latest compositions was a march, written for the opening of the International Exhibition in London in 1862.
Besides his lyrical and satirical poems, he contributed many of the finest compositions to the liturgy (some of them with the acrostic "Shelomoh ha-gaton"), which are widely different from the artificial manner of the earlier payyetanim.
The best known of his longer liturgical compositions are the philosophical Kether Malkuth (for the Day of Atonement) and the Azharoth, on the 613 precepts (for Shebhu`oth).
In the City of London there were customary tithes; in other towns and places there were compositions for tithes which were confirmed by local acts of parliament; and according to a return presented to the House of Commons in 1831, there were passed between 1757 and 1830 no less than 2000 local acts containing clauses for the commutation of tithes.
His own compositions, however, chiefly consisted of tragedies (Suidas gives the titles of twenty, of which very few fragments have been preserved), which secured him a place in the Pleiad of Alexandrian tragedians.
Indeed, the diction and versification of his own Latin compositions show that he had paid at least as much attention to modern copies from the antique as to the original models.
He wrote rude, coarse satires, crude verse, and compositions on the American government, temperance, &c. At the age of seventeen he had attained his full height, and began to be known as a wrestler, runner and lifter of great weights.
Yet Dionysius himself sought fame as a poet, and his success at Athens shows that his compositions did not deserve the full scorn of his enemies.
Here he taught Greek and adapted Greek plays for a livelihood, and by his poetical compositions gained the friendship of the greatest men in Rome.
Original compositions were also contained in these saturae, and among them the panegyric on Scipio, unless this was a drama.
In addition there should be mentioned the abundant explanatory inscriptions attached to wall-scenes as a secondary element in those compositions.
The stories of the Middle Kingdom were in choice diction, large portions of them being rhetorical or poetical compositions attributed to the principal characters.
In general it may be said of Egyptian literary compositions that apart from their interest as anthropological documents they possess no merit which would entitle them to survive.
Most of the compositions in the literary language, whether old or archaistic, are in a stilted style and often with parallelisms of phrase like those of Hebrew poetry.
They begin with the primitive inscriptions of the 1st Dynasty (not later than 3300 B.C.) and end with the latest Coptic compositions of about the v4th century AD.
His brother, James Peale (1749-1831), also an artist, painted two portraits of Washington (one now the property of the New York Historical Society, and the other in Independence Hall, Philadelphia), besides landscapes and historical compositions.
In some devotional pictures of the time Diirer seems to have been much helped by pupils, as in the two different compositions of the Marks weeping over the body of Christ preserved respectively at Munich and Nuremberg.
Passow cement has been successfully made from slag of different compositions in Germany, England and America.
Many distinguished compositions appeared in its pages, but it gradually languished, and was given up after a year's experiment.
He translated into Italian Plutarch's Lives of Cinna and Lucullus, and was the author of some poetical pieces, amatory and religious - strambotti and canzonetti - as well as of rhetorical prose compositions.
The practical limits of the church service made it impossible to break them up by setting each clause to a separate movement, a method by which 16th-century music composers contrived to set psalms and other long texts to compositions lasting an hour or longer.
At all periods, moreover, hieroglyphic writing was a branch of decorative art, and it may have been that the ancient Egyptian, like the modern Turk, resented too much lucidity, and liked his literary compositions to be veiled in a certain obscurity.
After Paganini he received a fresh impulse from the playing and the compositions of Chopin, who arrived in 1831, and yet another impulse of equal force from a performance of Berlioz's " Symphonie Fantastique, episode de la vie d'un artiste," in 1832.
Probably the poets of the Homeric school - that which dealt with war and adventure - were the genuine descendants of minstrels whose " lays " or " ballads " were the amusement of the feasts in an earlier heroic age; whereas the Hesiodic compositions were non-lyrical from the first, and were only in verse because that was the universal form of literature.
Seeing that the epic poems, as repeated by professional reciters, either in their original Sanskrit text, or in their vernacular versions, as well as dramatic compositions based on them, form to this day the chief source of intellectual enjoyment for most Hindus, the legendary matter contained in these heroic poems, however marvellous and incredible it may appear, still enters largely into the religious convictions of the people."
The naturalism of which we have been speaking found free utterance now in the fabliaux of jongleurs, lyrics of minnesingers, tales of trouveres, romances of Arthur and his knights - compositions varied in type and tone, but in all of which sincere passion and real enjoyment of life pierce through the thin veil of chivalrous mysticism or of allegory with which they were sometimes conventionally draped.
In these compositions, remarkable for their lacile handling of medieval Latin rhymes and rhythms, the allegorizing mysticism which envelops chivalrous poetry is discarded.
His most original compositions in verse, however, are elegiac and hendecasyllabic pieces on personal topics - the De conjugali amore, Eridanus, Tumuli, Naeniae, Baiae, &c. - in which he uttered his vehemently passionate emotions with a warmth of southern colouring, an evident sincerity, and a truth of painting from reality which excuse their erotic freedom.
On the whole, both their merits and their defects are such as we should expect to find in the work of the poet celebrated by Bmda, and it seems possible, though hardly more than possible, that we have in these pieces a comparatively little altered specimen of Cmdmon's compositions.
If, however, as is generally recognized, these poems are not the spontaneous and unstudied outpourings of passionate grief, but compositions of calculated art and studied effects, written for a purpose, it is obvious that they need not be contemporary.
Swedish Literature Swedish literature, as distinguished from compositions in the common norraena tunga of old Scandinavia, cannot be said to exist earlier than the 13th century.
Gradually there were added to these psalter choir-books additions in the form of antiphons, responses, collects or short prayers, for the use of those not skilful at improvisation and metrical compositions.
Some compositions in English poetry, written at sixteen, and not without a touch of genius, give evidence of the influence which Bowles, whose poems were then in vogue, had over his mind at this time.
In 1801 begins the period of Coleridge's life during which, in spite of the evidence of work shown in his compositions, he sank more and more under the dominion of opium, in which he may have first indulged at Cambridge.
Haydn was for thirty years conductor of his private orchestra and general musical director, and many of his compositions were written for the private theatre and the concerts of this prince.
His compositions, of which very few have been published, were very favourable specimens of the severe ecclesiastical style; one in particular, a ten-part Miserere, composed.
The combination of the impressions, and, perhaps of the actual compositions, of different periods also explains a certain want of unity and continuity found in some of them.
Already by the end of the 12th century the lyric poetry of the troubadours had found cultivators in Portugal, and a few compositions which have come down to us bear a date slightly anterior to the year 1200.
At the same time he gave fresh life to the national redondilha metre (medida velha) by his Cartas or Satiras which with his Eclogues, some in Portuguese, others in Castilian, are his most successful compositions.
The task of purifying and enriching the language and restoring the cult of the Quinhentistas was perseveringly carried out by Francisco Manoel de Nascimento (q.v.) in numerous compositions in prose and verse, both original and translated.
His last published volume contains a series of sonnets of singular beauty, addressed to the river, resembling Wordsworth's "Sonnets to the Duddon," but more perfect in form; and a blank verse idyll, "Ii Pettirosso" ("The Redbreast"), bearing an equally strong, though equally accidental, resemblance to the similar compositions of Coleridge.
Of his other compositions, the most individual are those in which, deeply impressed by the problems of his day, he has sought to reconcile science and religion, especially the fine dialogue between Milton and Galileo, where the former, impressed by Galileo's predictions of the intellectual consequences of scientific progress, resolves "to justify the ways of God to man."
He flouted life and all philosophies but the Cynic in light compositions, partly in prose and partly in verse.
Though nothing came of this scheme, a marked change was henceforth perceptible in Petrarch's literary compositions.
One of Petrarch's last compositions was a Latin version of Boccaccio's story of Griselda.
Besides these lyrical compositions are the semi-epical or allegorical Trionfi - Triumphs of Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time and Divinity, written in terza rima of smooth and limpid quality.
The most important compositions of this period of Mackenzie's life were the Quartette in E flat for piano and strings, Op. 11, and an overture, Cervantes, which owed its first performance to the encouragement and help of von Billow.
Such fire-proof coverings, and also interior partitions, are composed of hollow, hard-burned terra-cotta blocks, of porous (sawdust) terra cotta, or various plastic compositions applied to metallic lath, many of which are patented both as to material and method of application.
These mostly patriotic compositions were as a rule less felicitous than his political satires (Nemesis, Menade, &c.).
That is quite a secondary consideration; for there was much English history before any Englishman could write; and even after he could write, his compositions constitute a minor part of the evidence.
The vileness of such criticism was punished, as it deserved to be, in the Letter to a Noble Lord (1796), in which Burke showed the usual art of all his compositions in shaking aside the insignificances of a subject.
Burke at the notion of negotiation flamed out in the Letters on a Regicide Peace, in some respects the most splendid of all his compositions.
There are also fragments of poems in Half's Saga, Asmund KappaBana's Saga, in the Latin verses of Saxo, and the Shield Lays (Ragnarsdrapa) by Bragi, &c., of this school, which closes with the Sun-Song, a powerful Christian Dantesque poem, recalling some of the early compositions of the Irish Church, and with the 12th-century Lay of Ragnar, Lay of Starkad, The Proverb Song (Havamal) and Krakumal, to which we may add those singular Gloss-poems, the Pulur, which also belong to the Western Isles.
In spite of the many physical distresses that weighed upon the island, ballads (fornkvicedi) were still written, ceasing about 1750, rimur composed, and more elaborate compositions published.
Taking first the sagas relating to Icelanders, of which some thirty-five or forty remain out of thrice that number, they were first written down between 1140 and 1220, in the generation which succeeded Ari and felt the g impulse his books had given to writing, on separate scrolls, no doubt mainly for the reciter's convenience; they then went through the different phases which such popular compositions have to pass in all lands - editing and compounding (1220-1260), padding and amplifying (1260-1300), and finally collection in large MSS.
He was interested in the theatrical projects of Hallam, for whom he wrote several dramatic compositions, and from 1787 to 1789 he edited The Columbian Magazine.
Between 1450 and 1530 there had already been founded in Spalato a small literary society, in which the Servian poets Marulich, Papalich, Martinich and others read their poetical compositions, mostly lyrical and religious songs.
They are well-arranged compositions, written in an elegant and vigorous style.
Of this class an example is "Babbitt's metal," invented by Isaac Babbitt (1799-1862); it originally consisted of 24 parts of tin, 8 parts of antimony and 4 parts of copper, but in later compositions for the same purpose the proportion of tin is often considerably higher.
The religious compositions which have survived are, as a rule, hymns and litanies, the funereal service, the " Book of the Dead."
Of the smaller compositions the most interesting is the Vairagya Sandipani, or "Kindling of continence," a poem describing the nature and greatness of a holy man, and the true peace to which he attains.
Aldhelm wrote poetry in Anglo-Saxon also, and set his own compositions to music, but none of his songs, which were still popular in the time of Alfred, have come down to us.
He lays repeated stress on two qualities as distinguishing his history from the ordinary run of historical compositions.
During this period it appears that Bruckner also intended an alto as the first trombone in his compositions.
We were seldom able to copy our own compositions, and have employed an amanuensis for the last six years.
Salmonid pellet feed consists of primarily marine-derived material and thus exhibits carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic compositions distinct to most freshwater organic material.
The plasma deposition method permits polymer surfaces to be produced with a variety of chemical compositions not possible by normal chemical or plating treatments.
This section covers musique concrete, minimalism, electroacoustic works, third stream compositions and more.
The diversity of his compositions demonstrate his desire to experiment with many forms, even if the format and orchestration remained conventional.
Many of today's popular icon compositions can be traced to their origin in the era of the Byzantine empire.
In the third series the compositions range from purely epigraphic, to abstract ornamental inscriptions, to the total filling of the central area.
During the evenings, Tersteegen studied the Bible and began compositions for his now famous Little Flower Garden.
For this purpose, new cemented carbide compositions, based on extremely fine-grained carbide, have been introduced.
Naturally, the more advanced compositions will be much harder to learn to play.
The majority of Bartolommeo's compositions are altar-pieces.
Some of his early Mantuan works are in that apartment of the Castello which is termed the Camera degli Sposi - full compositions in fresco, including various portraits of the Gonzaga family, and some figures of genii, &c. In 1488 he went to Rome at the request of Pope Innocent VIII., to paint the frescoes in the chapel of the Belvedere in the Vatican; the marquis of Mantua (Federigo) created him a cavaliere before his departure.
There remain two other dramatic works, of very different kinds, in which Ford co-operated with other writers, the mask of The Sun's Darling (acted 1624, printed 1657), hardly to be placed in the first rank of early compositions, and The Witch of Edmonton (printed 1658, but probably acted about 1621), in which we see Ford as a joint writer with Dekker and Rowley of one of the most powerful domestic dramas of the English or any other stage.
The musical styles range from compositions by Albaniz through the usual Bach and Beethoven to Vivaldi.
So tune up and get ready to try your hand at playing some of these marvelous compositions.
Begin with some easy songs, and then move on to more complicated compositions once you are ready.
There are more than 60 different in-game cinematic movies to be seen and hundreds of musical compositions, some of them actual renown classical works, to be heard.
Located in the Rhône River Valley, the region has multiple appellations that each produce uniquely styled wines with different grape compositions.
The condition is characterized by difficulty with written compositions (dysgraphia).
Bone, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons are all forms of connective tissue which have different compositions and different characteristics.
Regardless of which type wax a candle is made of, they all have similar chemical compositions and burn in the same way.
Online selections brighten up the standard Christmas collection of records and CDs by opening up a whole new world of novelty holiday tunes and original compositions destined to become classics.
Personal photos, video clips, and/or musical compositions can be added to ecards created on websites with that allow users to create their own original cards.
These shorts were produced from 1929 to 1939 and featured classical musical compositions illustrated by cartoon stories or scenes.
At New Earth, you'll find bamboo flute yoga music as well as layered instrumental and vocal compositions from a wide collective of artists.