Complexes Sentence Examples
There are also several multi-screen cinema complexes within easy reach.
Programs for analyzing molecular shape and measuring shape complementarity for docked complexes are available for download, including FADE and PADRE.
In the busier resorts you will commonly find condos which are apartments in large complexes or hotels.
It is at a short distance from the business districts, shopping complexes, nightspots and is easily accessible to the airport expressways.
Complexes of carbon, their synthesis and structures, are discussed including the halides, oxides and carbides.
The basis of site selection for otter is mainly breeding holts or holt complexes, together with the immediate surroundings and cover.
The intact dome has characteristic vegetation and structural features, including hummock and lawn complexes and small shallow pools.
You will get complexes formed involving hydroxide ions, but the formulae of these aren't very clear-cut.
They range in architectural styles from the converted mansion houses of wealthy 19th century industrialists, to modern purpose built complexes.
Hotels and holiday complexes, vital to the TRNC's economy, escaped the inferno virtually intact.
AdvertisementI shall explain how and why memes group together into co-adapted meme complexes, one of which is the self.
The retinol is oxidized to its aldehyde, retinal, which complexes with a molecule in the eye called opsin.
The The hotel offers two indoor water recreation complexes.
In addition to the complexes referred to above, the MBD proteins might associate with several other complexes involved in transcriptional repression.
Two other disease complexes of adult ruminants related to energy metabolism have been identified.
AdvertisementThe modification of mesoporous silicas with organic and organometallic complexes is now an area of intense international activity.
As we therefore have only to do with the study of existing complexes of material and spiritual phenomena, the changes in these must be explained in science by the rule of mechanical laws, such as obtain everywhere in the world, and only by such.
Supramolecular complexes organize the correct repertoires of receptors, enzymes and ion channels into individual signaling pathways.
If you live in metropolitan areas or close-knit apartment complexes, this might be a feature for you.
Not only homes, but you'll also probably see apartment complexes, townhomes and condominiums with metal roofing.
AdvertisementMany rental homes and apartment complexes prohibit pet ownership, and renters may eventually move to a new location only to find that their new lease doesn't allow them to keep pets.
Gymboree outlets are generally located in large outlet shopping complexes; a really fun outing is to go once or twice a year with family or friends and hit all of your favorite outlets in one day.
The apartment-style housing complexes are operated by the school and provide all of the amenities of four-year institutions - without the added expenses.
Nudists claimed that an excess of shame and modesty bred psychological complexes, unhealthy relations between the sexes, and produced bodies that were both unhealthy and an affront to beauty.
A drop ceiling, sometimes called a suspended ceiling, is the type of ceiling that you see in most office complexes.
AdvertisementSome care centers are also affiliated with larger nursing homes and retirement complexes.
Some senior apartment complexes have a waiting list and you may need to wait for some time before a unit becomes available.
Some apartment complexes are designed for seniors specifically.
Apartment complexes are available for all of these options in many cities.
Many apartment complexes offer a rich senior program and even provide buses or transportation for their senior residents.
These complexes are also known as lifestyle communities or retirement communities and are designed with the active retiree in mind.
The city of Chicago and its surrounding area are home to many assisted living facilities that include large, corporate-owned complexes as well as small, independent ones.
In this stage, (the beginning of "true" sleep), the child's electroencephalogram (EEG) will show distinctive waveforms called sleep spindles and K complexes.
In some cases, the antigen-antibody complexes become too large to remain suspended in the bloodstream.
Immune complex drug allergies occur when a drug combines with antibodies and other immune system components to form complexes in the blood.
These complexes can be deposited in blood vessels and on membranes, causing inflammatory reactions that may be either localized or throughout the body.
Individuals who work as community managers typically handle property and personnel management duties for apartment complexes, condominiums, retirement or assisted living communities and other types of residential communities.
Those who work in communities that cater to senior citizens have duties that don't apply to people who manage standard apartment or condominium complexes.
There are several different vitamin complexes that are beneficial for black hair.
The grill is ideal for apartments or complexes where you cannot use a gas or charcoal barbeque.
Tours for local sports arenas, Art complexes or theater centers.
People living in apartment complexes should be especially aware of the risk of scalding to child safety; apartment water heaters are often set very high to accommodate the upper level apartments.
Scour newspaper housing ads for deals and requests for roommates, or contact apartment complexes for rate quotes and move-in incentives.
Many apartment complexes will waive application fees, reduce security deposits, or even offer a discount if you sign a longer lease.
Some large apartment complexes and hotels have a helium tank, and the manager may allow you to fill some balloons if you offer to pay a reasonable amount for the helium that you use.
These include a variety of serums, depending on your skin's needs, an eye gel, and complexes.
They express the main complexes of land with their dependencies in well-chosen terms; for instance the " Neotropical region " stands short for South and Central America with the Antilles.
According to Gerhardt, the process of substitution consisted of the union of two residues to fo- m a unitary whole; these residues, previously termed " compound radicals," are atomic complexes which remain over from the interaction of two compounds.
The majority of alloys, when examined thus, prove to be complexes of two or more materials, and the patterns showing the distribution of these materials throughout the alloy are of a most varied character.
He holds, like Hume, that nothing is real except our sensations and complexes of sensory elements; that the ego is not a definite, unalterable, sharply bounded unity, but its continuity alone is important; and that we know no real causes at all, much less real causes of our sensations; or, as he expresses it, bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of sensations form bodies.
In short, sensations are elements and bodies complexes of these elements.
His philosophy, therefore, is that all known things are sensations and complexes of sensory elements, supplemented by an economy of thinking which cannot carry us beyond ideas to real things, or beyond relations of dependency to real causes.
Here you would expect him to stop, as the German Neo-Kantism of Lange stops, with the consistent conclusion that all we know of Nature from such data is these complexes of sensation-elements, or phenomena in the Kantian meaning.
Lines and complexes thereof are sufficiently treated as rotors and motors, but points and planes cannot be so treated.
Plucker himself worked out the theory of complexes of the first and second order, introducing in his investigation of the latter the famous complex surfaces of which he caused those models to be constructed which are now so well known to the student of the higher mathematics.
Many of the properties come with leisure facilities, including indoor pool complexes, tennis courts and games room.
The groups inhabit areas near man, for example town centers or industrial complexes, and are reliant on him for food and shelter.
Both companies operate considerable tank storage facilities which are fully integrated with the adjacent petrochemical complexes at Billingham and Wilton.
Present-day cinema culture is very much one of popcorn and Coca Cola at the cinema complexes in malls.
Ammonia and its aqueous solution form complexes called amines with many salts.
Their classification can also be structured in a hierarchy (biotopes, biotope complexes, broad habitats ), reflecting degrees of similarity.
Application of the 18 electron rule to metal carbonyl complexes.