Completion Sentence Examples
On the completion of drilling, or when the production is found to decrease, it is usual to torpedo the well to increase the flow.
The completion of the work has been repeatedly postponed.
Cocheris, but was interrupted (1863) before the completion of vol.
Richardson being associated with the work before its completion.
On the completion of their contract my father received instructions to sell by public auction the whole of their plant.
This building, the date of which is not yet finally settled, though its excavator believes it to be of the Old Kingdom like the temple of the Sphinx at Giza, is one of the most remarkable in Egypt, and the completion of its excavation is much to be desired.
If contoured maps are available it is easy to build up a strata-relief, which facilitates the completion of the relief so that it shall be a fair representation of nature, which the strata-relief cannot claim to be.
The total volume of trade in 1902, the year of the completion of the railway, was X725,000, in 1905 it had risen to £1,208,000 - imports £480.000, exports 728,000.
About 90% of the total exports and imports of the country pass through the port, though the completion, in 1904, of a broad-gauge railway connecting Cairo and Port Said deflected some of the cotton exports to the Suez Canal route.
On the completion of the feudal revolution of 1868 he was appointed governor of the province of Tosa, and having served six years in this office, was transferred to Tokyo as assistant minister of finance.
AdvertisementAnother artery of trade of great importance is the Erie Canal, which here has its western terminus, and whose completion (1825) gave the first impetus to Buffalo's commercial growth.
In 1143 began the reign of the first native king; 3 and abdut this date may be placed the final organization of the kingdom, witnessed by the completion of its body of customary law.
The Erechtheum was damaged by a fire, soon after its completion, in 406 B.C., but was repaired early in the following century.
Begun in 1377, and carried on at intervals till the 16th century, the building was long left unfinished; but in 1844 the work of restoration and completion was begun, being completed in 1890.
There is a large staff of inspectors constantly visiting the various parts of the watershed, and in spite of many difficulties arising from vested interests, the work of purification is attaining completion, with a correspondingly great improvement in the quality of the river water.
AdvertisementThese Acts, which Ficker holds were written as a continuation and completion of the canonical Acts of the Apostles, deal with Peter's victorious conflict with Simon Magus, and his subsequent martyrdom at Rome under Nero.
Beyond this the external evidence for the completion of the collection does not carry us.
The completion in 1902 of the line connecting Salisbury with Cape Town adversely affected the port of Beira, the long railway route from the Cape being increasingly employed by travellers to and from Mashonaland.
His father was a lawyer, and, designing Moses for his own profession, sent him on the completion of his study of the humanities at Orleans to the university of Poitiers.
The ore below the false stulls can then be drawn out without waiting for the completion of the top stope.
AdvertisementOn completion of any room the timbers are withdrawn and the overlying mass of timber and rock is allowed to fall and a new room is started immediately alongside of the one just completed.
He devoted himself in_ 1335 to the completion of the choir of Beauvais Cathedral, the enormous windows of which were filled with the richest glass, But this building activity, which has left one of the most notable Gothic monuments in Europe, was broken into by the Hundred Years' War.
That of course does not exclude the possibility of the bulk of the poem having been composed at an earlier period; it only ascribes its completion or perhaps final revision to Nasir's sojourn in Egypt.
The assertion of Hanseatic influence in the two decades, 1356 to 1377, marks the zenith of the League's power and the completion of the long process of unification.
Under the administration (1868-1872) of President Jose Balta the construction of two transandean and several coastal zone railways was begun, but their completion became impossible for want of funds.
AdvertisementComte lost no time, after the completion of his Course of Positive Philosophy, in proceeding with the System of Positive Polity, for which the earlier work was designed to be a foundation.
The restoration was immediately taken in hand, and the whole work was finished in 1881, including the completion of the tower, according to the plans of the 15th century architect, Hans von Ingelheim.
The current, by endosmosis, favours the passage of the solution into the hide-substance, and at the same time appears to assist the chemical combinations there occurring; hence a great reduction in the time required for the completion of the process.
It dates from the completion of the railway to the coal mines of Naricual and Capiricual nearly 1 2 m.
With the completion of the three books of Odes he cast aside for a time the office of the vates, and resumed that of the critical spectator of human life, but in the spirit of a moralist rather than a satirist.
For the completion of the history of Abraham the compiler of Genesis has used P's narrative.
The completion of the operation therefore was deferred till Oct.
On the completion of his studies in Iaw at Poitiers Vieta began his career as an advocate in his native town.
At this time his principal work was far towards completion.
He succeeded his master, Vauquelin, as professor of organic chemistry at the natural history museum in 1830, and thirty-three years later assumed its directorship also; this he relinquished in 1879, though he still retained his professorship. In 1886 the completion of his hundredth year was celebrated with public rejoicings; and after his death, which occurred in Paris on the 9th of April 1889, he was honoured with a public funeral.
As governor he took part in the formal ceremony of admitting the waters of Lake Erie into the canal in October 1825, and thus witnessed the completion of a work which owed more to him than to any other man.
The completion of the latter line precipitated one of the most extraordinary of American railway wars and land booms, which resulted in giving southern California a great stimulus.
He was as successful in the arts of peace as he had been in those of war; and carried to completion, among other good works, an ambitious irrigation scheme - probably the greatest feat of engineering that had then been accomplished anywhere in the world.
He then formed part of the Delegation of Tours, but took no part in the completion of the organization of defence.
The completion of the ordnance survey and the establishment of an educated constabulary force brought the operations of 1841 up to the level of those of the sister kingdom.
The former had to be finished and published by 1st July 1902; the latter were not to be undertaken until the former were well advanced towards completion.
The development of Alaska and the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad to the coast (1883) brought a great increase in population.
On the completion of each revolution of this toothed wheel (which, if the number of its teeth be 100, will comprise loo revolutions of the movable plate), a projecting pin fixed to it catches a tooth of another toothed wheel and turns it round, and with it a corresponding index which thus records the number of turns of the first toothed wheel.
Montaigne did not very long survive the completion of his book.
In September 1896 the queen's reign had reached a point at which it exceeded in length that of any other English The sovereign; but by her special request all public celebrations of the fact were deferred until the follow ing June, which marked the completion of sixty years from her accession.
They live in a home attached to the institution, under a matron, and in the most modern establishments each nurse has a separate bedroom, with common dining and recreation rooms. Private nursing staffs are attached to several of the hospitals; they are recruited from the staff nurses and probationers on completion of their course, and supply nurses to private patients.
A Settlement Commission, organized in 1901, decided the ownership of lands, and, on completion, handed over its work to a Land Registration Department.
The completion of the harbour works, making Brussels a seaport by giving sea-going vessels access thereto, was taken in hand in 1897.
The modern city dates its origin from the completion of the first railway to Albuquerque in 1880.
On the completion of the New Testament in 1516 he returned to his friends in England; but his appointment, then recent, as councillor to the young king Charles, brought him back to Brussels in the autumn.
We are accustomed to look upon him chiefly as a missionary; but his completion of the conversion of the peoples of central Germany (Thuringians and Hessians) and his share in that of the Frisians, are the least part of his life-work.
Localities at such altitudes not being, as a rule, suitable for larval life in the water, the young are retained in the uterus, until the completion of the metamorphosis.
The formal completion of the whole process in East and West was reserved for the Quinisextine Council (Council in Trullo) of 692.
It was evidently once a city of considerable importance, but southern division by the completion of the Union Pacific railway, and the annual rate of destruction from 1870 to 1875 has been estimated at 2,500,000 head.
In 1880 the completion of the Northern Pacific railway led to an attack upon the northern herd.
First, it stands in the line of post-Aristotelian systems; it is, in fact, as a subjective philosophy, their logical completion.
On the completion of this, Professor Pickering decided to undertake the survey of the southern hemisphere.
Nothing more was accomplished until after the downfall of Maximilian, and with a liberal subsidy from the Mexican government the Ferrocarril Mexicano was pushed to its completion in 1873.
It is small wonder, therefore, if a revision was soon found necessary and actually taken in hand within a few years of the completion of the Earlier Version.
In December 1895 the occurrence of the Jameson Raid, which started from these territories, prevented the completion of negotiations, and the administration of the protectorate remained in the hands of the imperial government.
Nero's statues were again set up, his freedmen and household officers reinstalled, and the intended completion of the Golden House announced.
Until the completion of the Union Pacific in 1869 there was no smelting of such ores except for their silver contents.
The first newspaper, the Onondaga Gazette, was established in 1823; and in 1825 the completion of the Erie Canal opened a new era of prosperity.
With the completion of the Grand Trunk Pacific (planned for 191 1) and the Canadian Northern, the country would possess three trans-continental railways, and be free from the reproach, so long hurled at it, of possessing length without breadth.
Immediately after the completion of federation a serious agitation for repeal of the union arose in Nova Scotia, which had been brought into the federal system by a vote of the existing legislature, without any direct preliminary appeal to the people.
The work was taken in hand at once, and pressed steadily forward to completion.
It was proposed to lessen the cost of construction by utilizing the water stretches along the route, while, on the ground that the contract made was impossible of fulfilment, the period of completion was postponed indefinitely.
He became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1837; in 1847 he married; and in 1868, after the completion of his masterpiece, the automatic telegraph, he was knighted.
He then lived as tutor in the family of Lord Stourton, but in October 1794 he settled along with seven other former members of the old Douai college at Crook Hall near Durham, where on the completion of his theological course he became vicepresident of the reorganized seminary.
Other churches of some note are San Filippo Neri (1672-1772), the dome of which fell in just as it was approaching completion under the hands of Guarini and was restored by Juvara, and La Gran Madre de Dio, erected to commemorate the return of the royal family in 1814.
Turin has, however, the advantage of being the nearest to the Mont Cenis, while the completion of the line through Cuneo over the Col di Tenda affords direct communication with the French Riviera.
Another improvement was the completion and embellishment of the Mangue canal, originally designed as an entrance to a central market for the boats plying on the bay, but now destined for drainage purposes and as a public pleasure ground.
With the completion of these improvements the water-front of the city will consist entirely of deep-water walls from Botafogo to the Ponta do Caju, with the exception of a short section between the Ponta do Calabougo and the Avenida Central.
With the completion of the new maritime lock, ships drawing 30 ft.
With the completion of this work, which in 1908 was being rapidly pushed on, Antwerp might be regarded as one of the best fortified positions in Europe, and so long as its communications by sea are preserved intact it will be practically impregnable.
It was the common belief in the apostolic age that the second advent of Christ was near, and would give the divine completion to the world's history.
The teaching of Jesus centres, according to the Synoptists, in the great idea of the "Kingdom of God," which is already present in the teacher Himself, but also future as regards its completion.
Urban witnessed the completion of the work of tranquillizing Italy under the able Cardinal Albornoz, and in 1364, in the interests of peace, made heavy concessions to Bernabo Visconti.
For the successful completion of this great road his strong will and mental grasp were largely responsible, and he it was who not only controlled but steadily extended its operations during the lean years which followed.
After the completion of his great work he began to write commentaries on portions of the Scriptures.
By the completion of the engineering works on the Weser in 1887-1899, whereby, among other improvements, the river was straightened and deepened to 18 ft., large ocean-going vessels are able to steam right up to the city itself.
In 1852 a movement was made to develop it as a seaside resort for Philadelphia, and after the completion of the Camden & Atlantic City railway in 1854 the growth of the place was rapid.
On the completion of his education, he joined his father in business as a chemist in Oxford Street, and at the same time attended the chemistry lectures at the Royal Institution, and those on medicine at King's College.
The completion of the line to Encarnacion was then undertaken (1906-1911), a train-ferry across the Parana affording connexion with Posadas.
In the early part of the 19th century the repairing of the cathedral was taken in hand, in 1842 the building of fresh portions necessary for the completion of the whole structure was begun, and on the 15th of October 1880 the edifice, finally finished, was opened in the presence of the emperor William I.
On recovering from this illness,which nearly proved fatal, he resumed his literary task, and carried it steadily forward to completion by the year 1650, having also within the same time translated into English, with characteristic force of expression, his Latin treatise.
Upon completion of the sifting, the tea is again fired, and while warm it is packed tightly into lead-lined chests, and the lead covers completely soldered over it, so that it may be kept perfectly air-tight until required for use.
From 1848 until the completion of Italian unity in 1870, his whole activity was devoted to the Risorgimento, as Garibaldian officer, political refugee, anti-Austrian conspirator and deputy to parliament.
The conversion of the lands north of Assiut from basin to perennial irrigation began immediately after the completion of the Assiut weir and was finished by the end of 1908.
Turning from the basin of the Indus to that of the Ganges, the commissioners appointed to report on the famine of1896-1897found that in the country between the Ganges and the Jumna little was left to be done beyond the completion of some distributary channels.
Finally, all soldiers are passed into the Landsturm, in the first ban of which they remain until the completion of their forty-fifth year.
Protected cruisers - - - 31 effective,2 approaching completion.
Torpedo craft of modern types, 130 effective, 3 approaching completion.
Had the completion of unity depended wholly on internal causes, it certainly would not have lieen soon achieved; but other forces, not altogether unexpectedly, came to Bislnarcks aid.
The acquisition of Heligoland enabled a new naval station to be established off the mouth of the Elbe; the completion of the canal from Kid to the mouth of the Elbe, by enabling ships of war to pass from the Baltic to the North Sea greatly increased the strategic strength of the fleet.
From these it was clear that the German government had for some time past been pressing on its naval armaments with little regard to the ostensible programme, and that in the matter of the newest types of battleships, Great Britain had to reckon with the fact that, before the date fixed for the completion of the programme, Germany might establish at least an equality.
The completion of the fortress-temple on the Capitoline confirmed his authority over the city, and a fortunate marriage of his son to the daughter of Octavius Mamilius of Tusculum secured him powerful assistance in the field.
Upon the completion of unity, elementary schools were founded everywhere; but, though education was free, the indigence of the peasants in some regions prevented them from taking full advantage of the opportunities offered.
The law laid down the method to be employed in this case, but pending the completion of the rural taxation this detailed application of the system was allowed to remain in suspense.
A similar feeling of pride at the completion of a great career is expressed in the memorial lines which he composed to be placed under his bust after death,- "Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning; for I still live, as I pass to and fro through the mouths of men."
This has been the case from time immemorial, and the provision, in 1869, of direct maritime communication between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, by the completion of the Suez Canal, ensured for the Egyptian route the supremacy in sea-borne traffic to Asia, which the discovery of the passage to India by way of the Cape of Good Hope had menaced for three and a half centuries.
When the river has risen 20 or 21 ft., he proclaims the Wefa en-Nil, Completion or Abundance of the Nile.
Scholars in England, America and Denmark, as well as in Germany, have taken part in this great enterprise, and though the completion of it may be far off, the collections of classified material already made are very valuable for consultation.i At present Egyptologists depend on Heinrich Brugschs admirable but somewhat antiquated Wrterbuch and on Levis useful but entirely uncritical Vocabolario.
The excavation of the rock temple of Abu Simbel and the completion of the great hail of Karnak were his greatest achievements in architecture.
Sixtus set no limit to his plans; and what he achieved in his short pontificate is almost incredible; the completion of the dome of St Peter's; the loggia of Sixtus in the Lateran; the chapel of the Praesepe in Sta Maria Maggiore; additions.
The areas of intervening cortex, arriving at structural completion later than the above sense-spheres, are called by some association-spheres, to indicate the view that they contain the neural mechanisms of reactions (some have said "ideas") associated with the sense perceptions elaborated in the several sensese spheres.
The nervous paths in the brain and cord, as they attain completion, Toes Ank,e Knee
Hence we can only conclude that the Decalogue, in its original short form, came into existence during the period after the completion of E, but before the promulgation of Deuteronomy.
Hence the sequence of events after the completion of the covenant on Sinai-Horeb is not always easy to trace, though indications are not wanting in both J and E of the probable course of the history.
Soon after the completion of the Cromwell he had thought of Frederick for his next hero, and had in 1845 contemplated a visit to Germany to collect materials.
The completion of the Assuan dam by ensuring a fuller supply of water enabled 20,000 acres of land, previously unirrigated and untaxed, to be brought under cultivation in the three years 1903-1905.
Between the United States and Great Britain the convention of the 13th of May 1870 provides that naturalization in either is to be valid for all purposes immediately on its completion, but that if the resident shall renew his residence in his old country he may be readmitted to his old nationality, on his application and on such conditions as the readmitting government may impose.
But the crowning achievement of Goethe's literary life was the completion of Faust.
While market fluctuations might be tided over, the future of Nyasaland remained very much dependent upon the completion of through railway communication from the ocean to Lake Nyasa.
His colleagues were Warham and Ruthal, but Warham and Fox differed on the question of Henry's marriage, Fox advising the completion of the match with Catherine while Warham expressed doubts as to its canonical validity.
Rives was the author of several books, the most important being his Life and Times of James Madison (3 vols., Boston, 1859-68), the completion of which was prevented by his death.
In 1846 he married Elisabeth Klein, and his appointment to a professorship in Berlin University in the following August afforded him the leisure necessary for the completion of his work.
Finally the parasitic larva attacks the Osmia, and digging its mandibles into its victim's head kills and eats it, taking from one to two days for the completion of the repast.
The harbour is a good one, and has been considerably enlarged since 1872; £128,000 was voted in 1905 towards the completion of the harbour works by the Italian government.
The Umballa durbar, at which Shere Ali was recognized as amir of Afghanistan, though in one sense the completion of what Lord Lawrence had begun, owed much of its success to the personal influence of Lord Mayo himself.
In 1696 he was elected to fill the place of La Bruyere in the French Academy; and on the completion of the education of the young princes the king bestowed upon him the rich priory of Argenteuil, in the diocese of Paris (1706).
The completion of the Suez Canal led Italy as well as Great Britain and France to seek territorial rights on the Red Sea coasts.
The organic act contained a bill of rights, provided for the establishment of a popular assembly two years after the completion of a census of the Philippines, and more definitely provided for the organization of the judiciary.
He was bitterly attacked by Marcus Antonius (Mark Antony) in the senate on the ist of September for not being present there, and on the next day replied in his First Philippic. He then left Rome and devoted himself to the completion of the de Qfficiis, and to the composition of his famous Second Philippic, which was never delivered, but was circulated, at first privately, after Antony's departure from Rome to Cisalpine Gaul on the 28th of November.
He had the satisfaction of carrying out the decree which ordered that all the statues of Antony should be demolished, and thus " the divine justice reserved the completion of Antony's punishment for the house of Cicero" (Plutarch).
Christy died before the completion of the work, but Lartet continued it until his breakdown in health in 1870.
Prolonged negotiations were necessary to the completion of the treaty of the 17th of November 1905, whereby Japan obtained the control of Korea's foreign affairs and relations, and the confirmation of previous agreements, the far-reaching results of which have been indicated.
Leaving college before the completion of his course, he became associated with his father in business, and on his father's death (1862) became a member of the firm.
Among the churches mention must be made of the Zuiderkerk, or South church, with a conspicuous tower (1450-1525); and the Westerkerk, or West church, which possesses a beautifully carved Renaissance screen and pulpit of the middle of the 16th century, and a quaint wooden bell-house (1519) built for use before the completion of the bell-tower.
The initial impulse to this increase was the beginning of the " fruit epoch " in these counties, combined with a railway " rate-war " following the completion to the coast in 1885 of the Santa Fe, and an extraordinary land boom prevailing from 1886 to 1888.
The old house was pulled down in 1802, and a new mansion was begun from the designs of James Wyatt, but the king's death prevented its completion, and in 1827 the portion built was removed.
Antonio Perez, who was legitimated by an imperial diploma issued at Valladolid in 1542, was, however, believed by many to be in reality the son of Philip's minister, Ruy Gomez de Silva, prince of Eboli, to whom, on the completion of a liberal education at home and abroad, he appears at least to have owed his first introduction to a diplomatic career.'
The completion of the remaining 80 m.
Two changes, the inception of which is early, but the completion of which belongs to the Persian period, gave the impulse which Aramaic obeyed in all its later developments.
After the completion of his university studies at Kiel, Leipzig and Berlin, he travelled for three years in France and Italy; in 1839 he became privatdocent at Kiel, and in 1842 professor-extraordinary of archaeology and philology at Greifswald (ordinary professor 1845).
The Carthusian monks, to whom the monastery was entrusted by the founder, were bound to employ a certain proportion of their annual revenue in prosecuting the work till its completion, and even after 1542 the monks continued voluntarily to expend large sums on further decoration.
It is true that "they have been written in an order the very reverse of that in which they ought to be read"; nevertheless the Natural Theology forms "the completion of a regular and comprehensive design."
His philosophical theory was a dualistic one, postulating distinctness of nature for the divine and the human soul, and hence independent existence, instead of absorption, after the completion of mundane existence.
The fundamental idea is that the several interests at risk shall contribute in proportion to the benefits they have severally received by the completion of the adventure.
Nevertheless the delay was utilized in the completion of inventions necessary for the safe and economical distribution of electric current for the purpose of electric lighting.
As the steeping is such a critical operation, it is essential that the stalks be frequently examined and tested as the process nears completion.
Although he did not live to see its completion, he had the satisfaction of knowing that the ultimate success of this vast scheme was assured.
The benefits to be derived from the above process, however, cannot be great, for the bundles are usually taken direct to the pools and streams. The period necessary for the completion of the retting process varies according to the temperature and to the properties of the water, and may occupy from two days to a month.
The modern prosperity of the town dates from the completion in 1773 of the Bridgewater Canal, which here descends into the Mersey by a flight of locks.
Under this act the maximum term of the labour contract is fixed at four years, and a minimum monthly wage is laid down, the payment of which, however, is contingent on the completion of a daily task by the labourer.
The district long suffered from lack of railway communications, but in 1910 the completion of the Selati line giving it direct access to Delagoa Bay was begun.
The completion of the Trans-Andean railway between Valparaiso and Buenos Aires was bound to be of immense commercial and industrial value; and eventually the making of a longitudinal railway route uniting the nitrate province of the north with Santiago, and Santiago with Puerto Montt in the distant south, opened up further important prospects.
But this design is still more patent in his completion of a great canal, already begun by Necho, from the Nile to Suez, along which several monuments of Darius have been preserved.
Begun probably before 350 B.C., it was in building when Alexander came to Ephesus in 334 and offered to bear the cost of its completion.
The white ruff on the neck, and the similarly coloured feathers of the wing, do not appear until the completion of the first moulting.
The time which elapsed between the foundation and completion of the colleges may be attributed to Wykeham's preoccupation with politics in the disturbed state of affairs, due to the papal schism begun in 1379, in which England adhered to Urban VI.
Trendelenburg's Naturrecht may, therefore, be taken as in a manner the completion of his system, his working out of the ideal as present in the real.
At the completion of mobilization the ration strength of the field forces alone, exclusive of III.
Since its completion, the national government has enlarged its locks so as to make it navigable for vessels drawing 21 ft.
But in the autumn of 1833 he resigned this position in order to devote all his time to the completion of his projected Leben Jesu (1835).
The discrimination of the separate stems included under the name is still far from completion.
Material progress in New Jersey after the war is indicated by the construction of the Morris (1824-1836) and the Delaware & Raritan (1826-1838) canals, and the completion of its first railway, the Camden & Amboy, in 1834.
The trade of the state was of slow growth until after the completion, in 1898, of the railway between the lower and middle Congo, which greatly reduced the cost of the transport of goods.
Only a few years remained to him, and he devoted them to the completion of his literary tasks, and the delivery of his lessons to his disciples.
In this consisted the " completion " of Tanvasar, expressly mentioned in the account of the Dinkard.
He worked with Jay Gould for the completion of the Wabash line, and at the time of his greatest stock activity bought The New York Evening Express and The Mail and combined them as The Mail and Express, which he controlled for six years.
A masterly investigation of the comet of 1807 (Konigsberg, 1810) enhanced his reputation, and the king of Prussia summoned him, in 1810, to superintend the erection of a new observatory at Konigsberg, of which he acted as director from its completion in 1813 until his death.
Towards the completion of its growth a more or less prominent ring of bone, termed the burr or coronet, is deposited at its base just above the junction with the pedicle; this ring tending to constrict the blood-vessels, and thus cut off the supply of blood from the antlers...
But if the work had really been in existence at the time of the completion of the second part of the canon, the collectors of the prophetical writings, who in their care did not neglect even the parable of Jonah, would hardly have ignored the record of so great a prophet as Daniel is represented to have been.
Very soon afterwards he must have begun work upon his plans and models, undertaken during an acute phase of the competition which the task had called forth between German and Italian architects, for another momentous enterprise, the completion of Milan cathedral.
He painted the picture on the wall in tempera, not, according to the legend which sprung up within twenty years of its completion, in oil.
He had formed a new and close friendship with Luca Pacioli of Borgo San Sepolcro, the great mathematician, whose Summa de aritmetica, geometrica, &c., he had eagerly bought at Pavia on its first appearance, and who arrived at the Court of Milan about the moment of the completion of the "Cenacolo."
But he was soon called away by Ludovico to a different undertaking, the completion of the interior decorations, already begun by another hand and interrupted, of certain chambers of the Castello called the Saletta Negra and the Sala Grande dell' Asse, or Sala della Torre.
Meantime the Servite brothers of the Annunziata were growing impatient for the completion of their altar-piece.
In all cases it is customary to fill on top of the arches with a strong Portland cement concrete to a uniform level, generally the top of the deepest beam; the floor filling is constructed and carried to this level immediately upon the completion of each tier of beams, for the purpose not only of stiffening the frame laterally, and of adding to its stability by the imposition of a static load, but also to afford constantly safe and strong working platforms at regular and convenient intervals for use throughout the entire period of the construction.
It is wholly modern, developed by the construction and completion (1903) of the Ofoten railway, the most northerly in the world.
He was created a baronet in 1890 on the completion of the Forth bridge, of which with his partner Sir Benjamin Baker he was joint engineer.
Before the completion in 1905 of the Somerset East - King William's Town line, the nearest railway connexion between the two seaports was via Rosmead and Stormberg junction - a distance of 547 m.
The manufacture of a big gun, which was able to compete with the Boer " Long Tom," at the De Beers workshops, under Rhodes's orders, and by the ingenuity of an American, Mr. Labram, who was killed a few days after its completion, forms one of the most striking incidents of the period.
Its construction drew much attention to the subject of masonry dams in England - where the earthwork dam, with a wall of puddled clay, had hitherto been almost universal - and since its completion nine more masonry dams of smaller size have been completed.
A Traite de politique (published 1866), which may be considered as the completion of his Traite de philosophic, was the most important of the productions of the last period of his life.
Sir Bartle Frere encouraged the completion of the great trunk lines of railways, and with the funds obtained by the demolition of the town walls (1862) he began the magnificent series of public buildings that now adorn Bombay.
Or the words signifying these numbers may have reference to the completion of some act of counting.
The determination of a submultiple is therefore equivalent to completion of the diagram E or E' of § 35 by entry of the unit, when the number of times it is taken, and the product, are given.
The determination of a quotient is equivalent to completion of the diagram by entry of the number when the unit and the product are given.
The completion (about 1850) of the National Road, which traversed the state, still further aided the internal development.
It was not only the completion of the Continental System, however, that made the year 1807 a fateful one for Great Britain.
The three northern powers thereupon agreed upon what was known as the Berlin Memorandum, in which they demanded an armistice, and proposed to watch over the completion of the reforms which the Porte had promised.
After the completion of his studies, he became a member of the Hungarian parliament, and in 1848 he represented Hungary in the German national parliament at Frankfort.
The completion of the Wabash & Erie Canal, in 1853, from Evansville to Toledo, Ohio, a distance of 400 m., greatly accelerated the city's growth.
But when these arrangements were brought to the point of completion, Disraeli dropped out of the scheme and had nothing more to do with it.
The work was only partially through the press when the prince died, on the 28th of October 1708, and its completion devolved upon a board of visitors to the observatory endowed with ample powers by a royal order of the 12th of December 1712.
Dr Vigfusson would ascribe its editing and completion to Sturla the Lawman, c. 1250.
In 1834, before the completion of his second term, he resigned and established himself in the practice of law in Boston.
An interval of 250 years elapsed before the constructive labours of Hipparchus obtained completion at Alexandria.
He laid the groundwork of his heliocentric theory between 1506 and 1512, and brought it to completion in De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543) The colossal task of remaking astronomy on an inverted design was, in this treatise, virtually accomplished.
In the latter branch of the work he received material aid from the British government, which published his tables on their completion in 1857.
He cut off all access to Antwerp from the sea by constructing a bridge of boats across the Scheldt from Calloo to Oordam, in spite of the desperate efforts of the besieged to prevent its completion.
Springfield remained little more than a large country market town until the completion of the Boston & Albany railway in 1839.
For some years after the completion of the Erie Canal, Schenectady, which had formerly been an important depot of the Mohawk river boat trade to the westward, suffered a decline.
At the completion of his three years' course at Halle he was for two years private tutor in the family of Count Dohna-Schlobitten, developing in a cultivated and aristocratic household his deep love of family and social life.
The match had always been kept in view, but its completion depended greatly on the assurance Ferdinand and Isabella could feel of Henry's secure position upon the throne.
With the completion of the division his mission is accomplished.
Civilization is a conditioned mediate tendency to perfection, to which religion is the final completion if carried out; it is the end of the second cycle expressed by the second formula, the Ens redeems existences.
The process did not cease, but, during the reign of Isabella the Catholic (1474-1504) until the death of her husband Ferdinand in 1516, was carried, not to completion, but to the stopping place at which it was destined to rest for two centuries.
The history of the 19th century is the liquidation of an enormous bankruptcy, and the completion of the circle which confines the Spaniard once more to the soil of the Peninsula.
Since the completion of the railway named goods can be put on the world's markets at a much cheaper rate.
Among his noteworthy orations of a patriotic character were those delivered at Boston in 1876, at Yorktown in 1881, and in Washington on the completion of the Washington Monument in 1885.
A store was established on the present site of Ilion as early as 1816, but the village really dates from the completion of the Erie canal in 1825.
Over these roads was run in1860-1861the famous " pony express " whose service ended with the completion of the overland telegraph in the latter year; it covered the distance from St Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, in eight days, and even less.
On the completion of his arts course, he nominally studied divinity at Edinburgh until 1787; in1788-1789he spent rather more than a year as private tutor in a Virginian family, and from 1790 till the close of 1792 he held a similar appointment at Etruria in Staffordshire, with the family of Josiah Wedgwood, employing his spare time in experimental research and in preparing a translation of Buffon's Natural History of Birds, which was published in nine 8vo vols.
A supplementary spherical surface c is necessary for the completion of the condenser.
On the completion of his course at St Mary's he studied law in the office of Laframboise and Papineau, in St Hyacinthe, and was admitted to the bar of the province in April 1865.
The ideas, therefore, in relation to knowledge strictly so called, have regulative value, for they furnish the general precepts for extension and completion of knowledge, and, at the same time, since they spring from reason itself, they have a real value in relation to reason as the very inmost nature of intelligence.
So here I am, with proverbial pen to paper, musing about the final disposition of these scratching if I should crawl my way through to completion of the task.
Donnie had scampered down at first light and dropped off his un-separated but translated letters of Annie's notebook, which Dean penned to completion over breakfast.
While the loose ends of both Jerome Shipton's fall and Edith's suicide itched at Dean's sense of logical completion, the matter in its entirety was so repugnant to him that he didn't want to think about it.
The house was abandoned before completion of the remodeling.
It was due for completion in January 2014.
He needs to expedite completion of the report.
The completion was impeded by a number of factors.
A bizarre amalgam of modernist esthetics and Gothic might, the cathedral is still unfinished, with the completion date rumored to be 2020.
One of these patients has a sac which has increased in size, the other 2 had distal implantation leaks at completion angiography.
Completion of the questionnaire is entirely anonymous and will take only a minute or two of your time.
The training period may include completion of an MSc degree in clinical biochemistry.
Main contractors bluestone are pleased with the progress of the project which could see the completion of the drainage by late September.
Demolition of the old bullring started in June 2000, with completion in March 2001 at a total cost of £ 500million.
Completion of the drilling operations will allow installation of the subsea pipeline bundle during December and January.
Data collection A proforma was designed specifically for completion at the outpatient clinics by middle grade and consultant cardiology staff.
Work behind the scenes is nearing completion, when we intend to release the cd, and also its " digital sister " .
At the completion of high-dose chemotherapy, all tumor markers had returned to normal in 6 patients.
The Housing Scheme on Victoria Street is nearing completion.
It has been out of service for 15 years pending completion of an overhaul.
Kirkwall Airport investments celebrated The completion of £ 4.43 million worth of projects was marked on Thursday at Kirkwall Airport.
In an accept action, the parser announces successful completion of parsing.
The key to successful work completion is; team work!
Upon satisfactory completion a final certificate will be issued.
At present, there are no foreseeable major problems that will prevent timely completion of this project.
With the near completion of the human genome project, the first two objectives should be attainable in the next few years.
If the word has ` / ' within its path name, filename completion is applied instead of the command name comple- tion.
On completion, you will be asked to remove the floppy disk and press any key to restart the computer.
On completion of training, you will have a recognized industry grading as a skilled craftsperson / operative.
Townsend's guitar weighs in near the completion of the track, adding some crunch.
The project has been named Project 2002, marking the main completion date.
On paper, linking debt relief to completion of national Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) seemed democratic.
It is expected on completion of a project that the information be effectively disseminated and transferred.
I'm in post with my feature-length documentary with plans for completion in July of 2006.
The actor playing the older boy, Vladimir Garin, was tragically drowned after the film's completion.
This is extremely encouraging, however the completion rates are still much lower.
Some states require escrow accounts to be set up during the buying process to be held in readiness for completion of a deal.
The Deep Sanderson formula junior is now nearing completion and is looking exquisite.
The top floor internal block walls are nearing completion but the external brick facings have only just been started.
Dr. Howard Marshall This year has seen completion of recruitment to the study of atrio-ventricular node ablation and pacing for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Fee for vans or exiting freeways the car which its completion passing.
After completion of this course I was posted to No. 43 air School at Port Alfred for air gunnery, finishing around October 1942.
Without completion of all the processes, the compost remains immature.
School floats can only be replenished by the completion of a petty cash imprest request and a petty cash reimbursement form.
On completion of the order, a certified copy interlocutor should be delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
In a complex case, even early intimation of expert evidence may not allow sufficient time for completion of the Crown investigation.
Upon completion in 2009, the project will be able to generate 84.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
On completion the collection details are transferred through to the accounting ledgers.
On completion, the student is ready to begin playing the great piano masterworks.
On the other hand there, R is the completion of Q under the Euclidean metric.
Completion of the changeover would have many benefits in addition to resolving the current muddle.
Criteria for entry will include completion of the foundation program but this does not need to have included ophthalmology.
Upon successful completion of accredited optometry school, the Doctor of optometry school, the Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) degree is awarded.
Successful completion leads to a postgraduate certificate in A level mathematics pedagogy.
The petals form a pentagram which is emblematic of the supreme self-denial of the initiate devoted to the completion of the Great Work.
This is a basic criteria for all client accounts to ensure the utmost propriety in completion of our role.
Additional ones include Task completion time, Task errors and system reaction time (the time between driver action and system response ).
The completion of the clubhouse was not without difficulty, that stretched the sinews of the club almost to breaking point at one stage.
Any change to address which occurs subsequent to the completion of this form must be notified to the Exams Team immediately.
Impact of timing on completion thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer.
These are some of the only treasures from a Pharaonic tomb as all the others were taken by tomb robbers shortly after their completion.
Your Purchase We electronically transmit the completion funds to the seller's solicitors.
These assessments include an exercise ECG treadmill or bicycle ergometer test and completion of quality of life questionnaires.
The only completion party attendees were a few cattle, who seemed somewhat underwhelmed by the occasion.
I will also discuss timescales and the contrast between initial frantic flat searching with tedious waiting for completion.
A minimum width of zero makes field completion optional.
A guided approach is used for the completion of reflective journal writings.
With the completion of the railway in 1855, the town supplanted Chagres as the principal Atlantic port of the isthmus.
Its subsequent rapid increase was greatly stimulated by the completion of the railway connexion with Rostov-on-the-Don.
The completion of the St Andrew's Rapids canal on Red River, and the Grand Rapids canal on the Saskatchewan river will again give an impetus to inland navigation on the tributaries of Lake Winnipeg.
The new parliament decided to adopt the procedure of again sending the premier, Mr Reid, into conference, armed with a series of resolutions affirming its desire to bring about the completion of federal union, but asking the other colonies to agree to the reconsideration of the provisions which were most generally objected to in New South Wales.
Fourteen years later the Academie Frangaise, in ignorance of Smith's work, set the demonstration and completion of Eisenstein's theorems for five squares as the subject of their "Grand Prix des Sciences Mathematiques."
The paper is also caused to advance automatically for each letter, start a fresh line, and also to commence a fresh form at the completion of each message.
Consequently, underlying the canonical form of post-exilic history, one may perhaps recognize some fresh disaster, after the completion of Zerubbabel's temple, when Judah suffered grievously at the hands of its Edomite brethren (in Malachi, date uncertain, vengeance has at last been taken); Nehemiah restored the city, and the traditions of the exiles who returned at this period have been thrown back and focussed upon the work of Zerubbabel.
For Judaism had organized itself; the Shulhan aruch of Joseph Qaro, printed in 1564 within a decade of its completion, though not accepted without demur, was nevertheless widely admitted as the code of Jewish life.
Harbour facilities were developed by the completion of the Government breakwater, 54 m.
He died in the year 411 of the Hegira (1020 A.D.), aged about eighty, eleven years after the completion of his great work.
Destined by his father for the law, at the completion of his legal studies he was admitted an advocate of the parlement of Paris in 1785.
Naumann humbly began at COthen a treatise on the birds of the principality of Anhalt, which on its completion in 1804 was found to have swollen into an ornithology of northern Germany and the neighbouring countries.
Boston was the pioneer municipality of the country in the establishment of open-air gymnasiums. A great improvement, planned for many years, was brought nearer by the completion of the new Cambridge Bridge.
From the time of the completion on the Baku field of the first flowing well (which was unmanageable and resulted in the loss of the greater part of the oil), Russia has ranked second in the list of producing countries, whilst Galicia and Rumania became prominent in 1878 and 1880 respectively.
He endeavoured to find consolation in the completion of his history of the Arabs of Spain.
Topographical surveys are gradually extending, and explorers of recent years are better trained for their work than they were a generation ago, whilst technical processes of recent invention - such as lithography, photography and heliogravure - facilitate or expedite the completion of his task.
That he learned it partly from Saint Evremond, still more from Anthony Hamilton, partly even from his own enemy Le Sage, is perfectly true, but he gave it perfection and completion.
The order for the instrument was given to the Repsolds in 1840, but " various circumstances, for which the makers are not responsible, contributed to delay the completion of the instrument, which was not delivered before the winter of 1848."
With a wet, undrained subsoil and a large population of Indians and half-breeds living in crowded quarters, the death-rate has been notoriously high, though the completion of the Valley drainage works in 1900, supplemented by underground sewers in the better parts of the city, and by better sanitation, have recently improved matters.
A large number of Chinese coolies who had been introduced to construct the railway congregated in the towns on the completion of the work, and in 1885 serious anti-Chinese riots led to the declaration of martial law by the governor and to the use of United States troops.
Among the many difficulties which beset the question, not the least obvious was the length of time during which the Church must remain without a ruler, if - as Sigismund and the German nation demanded - the papal election were deferred till the completion of the internal reforms. The result was decided by the policy of the cardinals, who since May 1417 had openly devoted their whole energies to the acceleration of that election; and union was preserved by means of a compromise arranged by Bishop Henry of Winchester, the uncle of the English king.
The most important events of his administration were the passage of the Tariff Act of 1883 and of the "Edmunds Law" prohibiting polygamy in the territories, and the completion of three great trans-continental railways - the Southern Pacific, the Northern Pacific, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe.
In Natal these coolies had been allowed to remain after the completion of their indentures, and had succeeded in practically monopolizing the petty trade of the country.
Additional ones include Task completion time, Task errors and system reaction time (the time between driver action and system response).
The numerals in Sudoku puzzles are used... simple, yet the line of reasoning required to reach the completion may be difficult.
The completion of the Elmer breakwater and recharge scheme to the west may have resulted in a reduction to this quantity.
All DNA used in Southern blots was also digested with 0.25 µg Ribonuclease A per µg DNA upon completion of restriction endonuclease digestion.
Balance payable 8 weeks prior to arrival. £ 500 damages deposit - returnable on completion of rental.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony marked the completion of work on Southmead Hospital 's renal outpatients facility.
These case studies will now inform the preparation of the ' green PFI ' guidance itself which is scheduled for completion by March 2001.
On successful completion of this course you will be able to skipper a yacht in a safe and seamanlike manner on short daytime passages.
The Mechanics of Completion On completion day the buyers solicitors send the balance of the money to the sellers solicitors.
The sintered parts shrink on cooling and shapes are only processed which can be removed from the mold on completion of the process.
The final possible date for completion will be specified in the original referral order issued by the court.
He had a pale completion and yellow stained teeth, he was wearing a blue tracksuit top, white tracksuit bottoms and black trainers.
Their assistance and advice in shaping a strategy document for the completion of the canal is essential and much appreciated.
This can be a tardy process but on average it is all completed by lunchtime on the day of completion.
A task, such as a to-do item, can be scheduled, and optionally, a completion deadline can be set.
Your Purchase We electronically transmit the completion funds to the seller 's solicitors.
High School Diploma Upon satisfactory completion of twelfth grade, the student receives a ' high school diploma '.
Andy Cooper continued to work on the completion of the vestibule entrance to the North end of Carriage 21.
Female rice weevils lay between 300 to 400 eggs, with the life cycle requiring about 32 days for completion.
The completion of a newborn adoption process can take two to three years or even longer.
Keeps playing time for each individual game short so that toddlers get some sense of completion before they lose interest.
After completion of an assignment, an extensive evaluation is completed and submitted to Amusement Advantage within 24 hours of your visit.
Payment for completion of their assignments is done by PayPal.
If you choose to apply online there is immediate access to customer service representatives to assist you with any questions you may have regarding the completion of the application.
Upon completion, you see an estimated range of scores and recommendations of products based on these numbers.
No matter what state you live in, ending your marriage requires the completion of many different divorce forms.
Your final task before the completion and filing of the paperwork is to consult with your county or borough's court clerk.
Contact your local Superior Court's clerk of court to see if they provide these forms, offer guidance on their completion or can recommend attorneys or organizations offering low-cost or free legal advice.
Students who complete such training are often offered a training certificate or certificate of completion as proof of their study in this area.
In 1904, as the mansion was nearing completion, the workers received a telegram from Mr. Boldt, ceasing operations.
Free interior design magazines can be a great way to learn about interior design while saving enough money to actually see your design project through to completion!
Most home stager programs provide graduates and participants with a certificate of completion along with the right to use their designation showing your training.
He was determined to see his project through to completion and the changes he made to the original home were major undertakings.
You need to create a plan of action and then follow it through to completion.
Each time you take a step forward and undertake a new stage in the completion of your design, create a backup system in the way of a checklist.
After her completion of a degree in Theatrical Makeup at Emerson College in Boston, she moved to the city of New York.
For instance, a teacher's continued certification may depend on his or her completion of professional development experiences.
You will receive a certificate upon completion, as opposed to a bachelor's or master's degree, but the focused classes may better fit your needs.
Most new hires also purchase the completion kit which has a CD and instruction manual that outlines how each of the products in the Creative Memories line should be operated.
Once the new hire receives and reviews the consultant and completion kits, it is time to earn some money.
Most online classes will satisfy the requirements set forth by the court systems and they will issue the same certificates of completion that an in-person anger management class offers.
Sometimes a project depends on a coworker for completion, or tasks are dependent on someone else doing his/her job in a timely and efficient manner.
This company is also Better Business Bureau verified, and awards students with a certificate of completion once they finish the course.
Learning time management skills can help a person at work or in school to achieve more and have a sense of completion at the end of the day.
It is surprising just how long a half an hour can be when you are totally focused on completion.
However, if a deadline is moved up, the amount of time for completion becomes less.
In some cases, sites allow students to take the class but withhold the certificate of completion until the student pays for the course.
After students pass the approved driver education course, participants receive a certificate of completion, which must be presented when applying for a Class D license.
Each task requires a firm completion date for you to be able to move on to next part of the project.
Next, divide those tasks into categories and assign a completion date to each.
With the completion of each wedding, packed to the walls with excited family and friends, the temperature in the church increased.
Many children's holiday bedding products are sold in sets, perfect for dressing a bed to completion with a comforter, sheet and pillowcase.
Much to the delight of viewers, a second series aired in 2003.After the completion of Pop Idol's second season, Cowell moved forward with The X Factor, a similar series that focused on finding the country's brightest pop star.
Upon completion of the film, the three actors announced that they would donate their entire paychecks to young Matilda Ledger - doing so out of love and respect for Heath.
The show followed the process of creating the bikes, from the ordering and design stage through to completion, showcasing exactly how much work and effort goes into building just one motorcycle.
Seminole Community College also offers certificate programs for people who want to join the workforce immediately upon completion of their coursework there.
If you volunteer with this national service organization, you receive a monetary stipend, plus you get an award you can use toward your education expenses upon completion of your service.
If you have an incomplete in a class, you will have either the amount of time the school allows for completion of the class work or 12 months from the end of the class, whichever comes first, to complete the class.
This curriculum does not result in the completion of a degree, but instead helps students fulfill their general education requirements before transferring to a four-year college in Arizona.
You should speak with an admissions counselor to be sure you are taking courses in the right sequence for a timely completion.
It should be noted that many of the online colleges do have time completion requirements for their degrees, depending on the degree level and type.
The MBA is a graduate degree, which requires the completion of a bachelor's degree as a prerequisite.
Many MBA programs require three to five years of professional experience or the completion of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).
Likewise, it is important to recognize that doctorate level work requires the completion of a dissertation, which can be quite time consuming.
The courses do have targeted completion dates, but their flexibility is a plus for students who need more or less time to finish them.
However, for continuing medical education, Jefferson School of Nursing, the Occupational Therapy Department and the Jefferson School of Health Professions offer the ability for full program completion online.
The courses required for completion are offered asynchronously and entirely available in a distance learning format.
There are also programs that do not provide you with a degree, but that do permit you to get a certificate of completion.
Upon completion of the course, students receive an official transcript for their work from the UDA Registrar.
However, you do have a nine month limit for completion of a class.
A dissertation is the final task towards the completion of graduate and doctoral level studies undertaken after all coursework is completed and the student has passed the comprehensive exams.
The perfection of a dissertation is not only the completion of research, but also the verification, the fact checking and the ability to be confident enough to defend the dissertation.
Defense of a dissertation is the last step in the completion of your graduate or doctoral level studies.
A dissertation in support of a thesis on public health issues is also a typical requirement at the completion of the degree program.
Built in Turku, Finland, by STX Europe (Aker Yards), Freedom of the Seas became the largest passenger ship upon its completion in 2006 - a title previously held by Cunard's RMS Queen Mary 2.
Bear in mind that most of these schools and programs offer certificates of completion.
Request a penalty for missing the project deadline and offer a bonus for early completion of the remodeling.
Individuals who successfully complete the program are provided with a certificate on completion of the online course. Similar to eHarmony, the site, a division of, encourages the completion of an in-depth personality profile to ensure compatible matches.
Many ratings systems rely upon voluntary completion of questionnaires, and some homes do not complete the questionnaires.
The initial plans were announced in 2007, with final completion expected by mid-2012.
There is no new levels or bonus items after game completion.
The Bard gains levels after accumulating a number of points achieved through combat and quest completion.
They're like a friend who gives away the end to a movie - except with a game, you still can experience and enjoy the process of completion, even if you're not the one solving all the puzzles.
There are different levels of difficulty - Easy, Mortal, Hero, Spartan and God Mode. (which is available only after completion of the game on any of the other levels).
Get 100% completion in career mode to unlock the prototype mods for all cars in career mode and Extreme Nitrous Series in Arcade mode.
After game completion, you can go back and play any previously played level to improve your score.
Save your game after completion of a campaign.
After its completion, a more challenging level opens up.
The game keeps track of your progress because you have to get 100% completion (getting all golds and unlocking the 'Game Situation' feature of each mini-game) in order to do everything.
It took me half of my first year to realize that my low completion percentage was due to the fact I wasn't letting my QB set himself for the throw.
From this point following the completion of your training and another cutscene, you will ship out and begin your assignment as a station unit on Pearl Harbor.
After game completion, watch all the credits then save the game again.
As of this writing the game is nearing completion, so everything should be tweaked out and in full magnificence on 10/25/05.
Think about whether you are interested in having a four-year degree (such as a B.A. or B.S.), a two-year degree (an A.A. or A.S.) or a completion certificate to show for your efforts.
When the top of the baby's head appears at the opening of the vagina, the birth is nearing completion.
If an epidural or spinal were used, Duramorph (a pain medication similar to morphine) is often administered through these catheters just prior to completion of surgery.
Stretching is best performed following a warm-up and/or at the completion of an exercise session or sport.
However, a glitch in the biosynthesis pathway-represented by a defective enzyme-means that heme biosynthesis does not reach completion.
The duration of puberty, from time of onset to completion, varies less between children than does the age of onset.
Not insisting that children maintain silence for the completion of time out can be helpful, because it allows children to vent their feelings and makes time out easier to complete successfully.
As the person performs these acts, he may feel temporarily better, but there is no long-lasting sense of satisfaction or completion after the act is performed.
This process is stimulated by the hormones produced by the testes and ovaries, which provide the developmental signal that the linear growth of the long bones should reach completion or full development.
Thus, poorly nourished boys and girls may be delayed in linear bone growth, diminished in all bone widths, later in the appearance of ossification centers, and delayed in epiphyseal union (completion of long-bone growth).
The question of long-bone growth and completion is of particular concern to parents of children whose growth falls at the outside edges of the normal range.
In some cases long-bone growth may be accelerated by growth hormone administration if given by age nine, without speeding the timing of completion of long-bone growth.
The performance section includes picture completion, copying geometric designs, using blocks to reproduce designs, working through a maze, and building an animal house from a model.
The use of a reward system to reinforce good behavior and task completion can be implemented both in the classroom and at home.
June is the time when parents honor their children's successful completion of their studies by throwing a party.
However, Clara's time with her gift doesn't end with the completion of the party and the arrival of bedtime.
It is the element of completion and storage.
The tree may also list who completed the form and the date of completion.
Students will need to purchase books, equipment, and products to use in class, particularly for advanced classes as they near the completion of their education.
Following the completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing, I moved to Mountain Pass, California where, in 1983, I met and married my husband, Owen, a heavy equipment operator.
Students who attend accredited online schools will receive diplomas upon completion of their high school coursework.
This probably works best when the journal is only checked for completion and passages are not read.
The Target online application process allows potential new hires to save their application for completion or revision for up to 48 hours.
In addition to hiring people for engineering, design, and construction work, KBR also employs people to provide the various types of support services necessary to see projects through to completion, including security contractors.
Individuals who successfully complete apprenticeship training requirements are often hired to work for the company following completion of the program.
While entry pay for military members is relatively low, promotion is not contingent upon the completion of a college degree.
Bank of America took over servicing all loans from Countrywide at the completion of the acquisition.
Origami n' Stuff 4 Kids from Tammy Yee has a super simple dollar bill rose that needs just three bills for completion.
Over 200,000 people walked the bridge span to commemorate its completion.
The Fairmont's classic architecture sets it apart from the completion.
Upon its completion, the Golden Gate Bridge had the tallest towers and the longest span in existence.
Placing game cards in their correct position on the game board and distributing game pieces to each player can help a child with problem solving and task completion skills.
Elsa Jewelry will custom design and create the ring of your dreams as you work with their expert jewelers from design inception to the ring completion.
If it is a large job, consider asking for a substantial deposit with the remainder due upon completion.
Many experienced freelance writers suggest asking for 50% of your fee upfront with the other 50% due upon completion of the project.
This is easy to understand because Capricorn is a fairly ambitious sign, while Scorpio (who's also quite ambitious) knows how to see things to completion.
Perhaps he finds completion with an outgoing, vivacious mate.
The less evolved a Gemini is, the more difficult it will be for her to see projects through to completion.
Certificate of completion is emailed to participants immediately upon completion of the course.
Court-approved classes offering a certificate of completion.
Progressive resistance exercise requires successful completion of 8 to 15 repetitions in good form before increasing weight or resistance.
Reward charts for positive behavior are a tool many parents use to encourage good manners and completion of daily tasks.
If they need motivation, you could promise a group prize upon completion - but for the most part, this and other team building games need the adults to be hands-off.
Some parenting classes will provide a completion certificate that can be turned in to satisfy family court requirements, but not all parenting classes offer this.
Heath Ledger, who played the Joker, died of a drug overdose after the completion of the film.
Upon completion of that training in 1967, these artists were Silva's first certified instructors of his method.
The spoiler chat is posted on her blog after completion late Monday, early Tuesday.
Accredited programs allow you to register as a yoga teacher upon completion of a 200-hour training program.
Successful completion of the course allows you to register with the Yoga Alliance.
The following training programs are accredited with the Yoga Alliance, which means that upon successful completion of one of these programs, you can be registered with the Yoga Alliance as holding an accredited certification.
Once you complete online testing, you'll receive a certificate indicating your course completion.
In metropolitan Atlanta, a lot of yoga studios offer teacher training programs, some of which are accredited through the Yoga Alliance, and others that issue a certificate of completion.
The following programs are all registered with the Yoga Alliance so that you can ensure certification upon successful completion of the program.
Upon completion of the course, students are required to take a test which is graded by a nationally recognized yoga professional.
Graduates are not only certified, but ready to take on the adventures of teaching yoga upon completion of the course.
All of the programs mentioned in this article are certified by the Yoga Alliance, which means that upon successful completion of one of these programs, you can become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with the Yoga Alliance.
While you wait for the completion of this important process, maintain a calm and reassuring demeanor, which will help your entire family feel safe and secure.
This is why estimates of job completion are somewhat inflated, in case something urgent comes in from a larger customer that has to be run right away.
Counselors can provide a wealth of information on job opportunities and help with creating a resume and application completion tips.
The user can assign those tasks to a specific group or employee and track their completion.
The manufacturer downfall in leasing is the inability to actually determine the end value or residual value at the completion of those leases.
Some believe that General Motors will continue to watch the marketplace to see which direction consumers move in the purchase of luxury vehicles before moving towards completion and funding for this program.
All beading classes are different but they usually involve completion of some project.
Completion of this project requires only a single crochet hook, less than two ounces of yarn, and a little bit of time.
Successful completion of the course can reduce up to four points from your record and take 10 percent off your New York car insurance.
After completion, a couple quotes are given, basic coverage, middle ground and full coverage policy.
The candidate should have either competed some of the certification requirements for Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA) certification, or currently be working toward completion.
The Plan pays the dentist on completion of services that are covered under the policy.
There, you will be able to download the form and the completion instructions.
It is also important to note that Aflac has a SmartClaim system that will assist you in not only finding the forms you need but also with their completion.
A snapshot quote is immediately available after completion of the quote process, but the detailed quote information is sent to the email address provided by the user.
The online quote system does not request access to a Social Security number for completion.
Many have either voluntarily left treatment before completion, or have been removed from the rehabilitation facility they were assigned due to out-of-control behavior and rule breaking.
Viewers get to watch the process from conception to completion.
Galaxy Magazine stood out in a number of ways from the completion.
They do not perform anything other than simple calculations and provide no guidance in their completion.
Regardless of the method of completion, the taxpayer submits their 1040 or 1040EZ online through the IRS e-file system.
Other times they provide a checklist to assist in completing a form, and in still others they assist in the form's completion.
Completion of the form requires that the taxpayer have either a Social Security or Tax Identification Number.
Even the top five sports uniform retailers can't make custom orders appear out of thin air, so be sure to shop around early and take note of the estimates they provide regarding completion of custom orders.
Upon completion of each set of criteria, a new badge was awarded to the Junior Girl Scout, and if all three were earned it actually took the form of a larger patch on their sash with a kind of trefoil shape.
The code editor even includes a "code completion" feature which automatically provides a list of available codes, and automatically closes tags for the programmer.
It seems impossible to deny that the tendency of his principles and his arguments is mainly in the line of a metaphysical absolute, as the necessary completion and foundation of all being and knowledge.
Unless these ideals are mocking visions, man has a right to expect the continuance of his life for its completion.
A complete survey was ordered by the law of the 1st of March 1886,but many years must elapse before its completion.
Italian army and navy, but, in virtue of the AngloItalian understanding, assured the practical adhesion of Great Britain to the European policy of the central powers, a triumph probably greater than any registered by Italian diplomacy since the completion.
On the completion of his studies in law at Padua and in divinity at Louvain, Antoine held a canonry at Besancon, but he was promoted to the bishopric of Arras when barely twenty-three (1J40).
When once fairly reseated at his task, he proceeded in this delightful retreat leisurely, yet rapidly, to its completion.
It was estimated that the works would require nine years for their completion, at a total cost of $9,000,000, although the first 200,000 acres could be reclaimed at a cost of $2,700,000.
Until the completion of the trans-continental railway in 1869, wagon trains were the only means of transporting the products of the mines across the desert.
In June 1843, on the occasion of the completion of the Bunker Hill monument, Webster delivered another classic oration.
He retired on the completion of the sixth volume, and thereupon Buffon associated Bexon with himself.
As has been stated, the first of this series of anatomical descriptions appeared in the fourth volume of his work, published in 1838, but they were continued until its completion with the fifth volume in the following year, and the whole was incorporated into what may be termed its second edition, The Birds of America, which appeared between 1840 and 1844.
It is interesting to find that a rude pipe-line formerly existed in this field for conveying the crude oil from the wells to the river; this was made of bamboos, but it is said that the loss by leakage was so great as to lead to its immediate abandonment on completion.
Two large refineries, one on Newtown Creek, Long Island, and another in South Brooklyn, also on Long Island, were in successful operation when the abundant pr oduction of petroleum, which immediately followed the completion of the Drake well, placed at the disposal of the refiner a material which could be worked more profitably than bituminous shale.
The completion in October 1905 of a railway putting Maseru in connexion with the South African railway system proved a great boon to the community.
The solidification is a very gradual process, depending, of course, for its completion on the size of the block; but before cutting into bars it is essential that the whole should be set and hardened through and through, else the cut bars would not hold together.
The silicate in the form of a concentrated solution is crutched or stirred into the soap in a mechanical mixing machine after the completion of the saponification, and it appears to enter into a distinct chemical combination with the soap. While silicate soaps bear heavy watering, the soluble silicate itself is a powerful detergent, and it possesses certain advantages when used with hard waters.
Meantime Der Ring des Nibelungen was rapidly approaching completion, and on the 13th of August 1876 the introductory portion, Das Rheingold, was performed at Bayreuth for the first time as part of the great whole, followed on the 14th by Die Walkiire, on the 16th by Siegfried and on the 17th by Geitterdiimmerung.
Count Stanislas Russell, a naval officer, was sent on a mission to the Red Sea in 1857, and he reported strongly on the necessity of a French establishment in that region in view of the approaching completion of the Suez Canal.
It has " had a greater influence on the development of the Jewish mind than almost any other book after the completion of the Talmud " (ibid.).
The Hejaz railway figures in the budget for £T550,180, and it is explained that this will not only cover working expenses, but also the final completion of the line.
Tradition avers that but forty days were needed for the completion of the work, six thousand men being employed night and day; guns and troops were hurriedly put in, and all navigation of the Bosporus was stopped.
They were perhaps intended as a completion of the preceding course.
The death of Toledo in 1567 threatened a fatal blow at the satisfactory completion of the enterprise, but a worthy successor was found in Juan Herrera, Toledo's favourite pupil, who adhered in the main to his master's designs.
He had in 1854 been appointed secretary to the prison board, an office which gave him entire pecuniary independence, and the duties of which he discharged most assiduously, notwithstanding his literary pursuits and the pressure of another important task assigned to him after the completion of his history, the editorship of the National Scottish Registers.
On the latter tract a military post was established by Lieut.-Colonel Henry Leavenworth (1783-1834) in 1819, and in the following year the construction was begun of a fort at first named Fort St Anthony but renamed Fort Snelling in 1824 (two years after its completion) in honour of its builder and commander Colonel Josiah Snelling (1782-1829).
Charlemagne's activity in this respect was, in effect, but the completion of a process that had been going on since the 6th century.