Completing Sentence Examples
At the peace congress of Abo (January - August 1743) he insisted that the whole of Finland should be ceded to Russia, by way of completing the testament of Peter the Great.
He began his medical career as apprentice to John Paisley, a Glasgow surgeon, and after completing his apprenticeship he became surgeon to a merchant vessel trading between London and the West Indies.
After completing his preliminary education in the little school at Lexington, Virginia, which later developed into Washington and Lee University, he came under the influence of the religious movement known as the "great revival" (1789-1790) and devoted himself to the study of theology.
The next goal was completing her training in pediatrics.
The claying system involved the expense of large curing houses and the employment of many hands, and forty days at least were required for completing the operation and making the sugar fit for the market, whereas with centrifugals sugar cooked to-day can go to market to-morrow, and the labour employed is reduced to a minimum.
His occupations were now almost exclusively literary, and from this time forward he was probably engaged in writing, completing or revising the treatises which were afterwards included in the Characteristics.
The establishment and convection of a single polar atom constitutes in fact a quasi-magnetization, in addition to the polarization current as above defined, the negative poles completing the current circuits of the positive ones.
On completing his legal studies he entered the service of the state in 1837; and after holding a series of minor posts was transferred in 1848 to the ministry of commerce, which was to be the sphere of his real life's work.
He had already begun his labours as a historian, but after serving his sentence in 1837, found himself debarred till 1839 from completing his course at Halle, where in 1842 he obtained a professorship. Elected to the National Assembly at Frankfort in 1848, he joined the Right Centre party, and was chosen reporter of the projected constitution.
After the first defeats he had to flee from France with the empress, and settled in England at Chislehurst, completing his military education at Woolwich.
AdvertisementAfter completing his university course and visiting foreign museums he was sent to Egypt by the Prussian government in 1853, and contracted an intimate friendship with Mariette.
Completing his divinity studies by a series of partial sessions, he was "licensed" to preach in June 1815, but continued to discharge his scholastic duties for three years.
After completing a two-years' course in New Inn, an inn of chancery, More was admitted in February 1496 at Lincoln's Inn, an inn of court.
God does not seem to find much place in the Wissenschaftslehre, where mankind is the absolute and nature mankind's product, and where God neither could be an absolute Ego which posits objects in the non-Ego to infinity without ever completing the process, nor could be even known to exist apart from the moral order which is man's destination.
When the Heroult furnace is used for completing the purification of molten steel begun in the Bessemer or open-hearth process, and this is its most appropriate use, the process carried out in it may be divided into two stages, first dephosphorization, and second deoxidation and desulphurization.
AdvertisementThe accuracy and the paraphernalia are equally exemplified in all Wagner's additions and alterations of the classical orchestral scheme, for these all consist in completing the families of instruments so that each timbre can be presented pure in complete harmony.
The campaign of 1771, which opened with a gleam of success in the capture of Giurgevo, proved yet more disastrous to the Turks, the Russians passing the Danube and completing the conquest of the Crimea.
The next four pairs of appendages (completing the mesosomatic series of six) consist, in both Scorpio and Limulus, of a base carrying each 130 to 150 blood-holding, leaf-like plates, lying on one another like the leaves of a book.
After rapidly completing his classical studies at the lycee at Chartres, he spent some time in the administrative service and in journalism.
On the decay of these structures the phosphates are returned to the inorganic world, thus completing the cycle.
AdvertisementOne vessel returned to Seville by the Cape route, thus completing the first voyage round the world; the other attempted to return by the Pacific, but was driven back to Tidore and there welcomed by the natives as a useful ally against the Portuguese.
Overthrown with Cairoli in December 1878, he returned to power as minister of justice in the Depretis cabinet of 1881, and succeeded in completing the commercial code.
On the advent of the Left to power in 1876, Brin was appointed minister of marine by Depretis, a capacity in which he continued the programme of Saint-Bon, while enlarging and completing it in such way as to form the first organic scheme for the development of the Italian fleet.
After completing the usual course at King's College, Aberdeen, young Chalmers studied law in Edinburgh for several years.
Alfonso Salmeron and Pasquier-Brouet, as papal delegates, were sent on a secret mission to Ireland to encourage the native clergy and people to resist the religious changes introduced by Henry VIII.; Nicholas Bobadilla went to Naples; Faber, first to the diet of Worms and then to Spain; Laynez and Claude le Jay to Germany, while Ignatius busied himself at Rome in good works and in drawing up the constitutions and completing the Spiritual Exercises.
AdvertisementDuring this long period he occupied himself with completing the constitutions by incorporating certain declarations, said to be Ignatian, which explained and sometimes completely altered the meaning of the original text.
After completing his studies at the Collegium Romanum, he lived for some time at Orvieto, where he was engaged in teaching and palaeographical studies.
The Republicans nominated Wilson for the vice-presidency in 1872, and he was elected; but he died on the 22nd of November 1875 before completing his term of office.
After completing his studies at Abo, he entered the army and served for several years in the Netherlands, in Hungary under Prince Eugene, and in Flanders under Waldeck (1690-1695).
In 1274 Gregory X., completing the measures taken by Alexander III.
After completing his studies in Holland and England, Jurieu received Anglican ordination; returning to France he was ordained again and succeeded his father as pastor of the church at Mer.
In 1675 he edited John Wilkins's Principles of Natural Religion, completing what was left unfinished of it, and in 1682 his Sermons.
At the conference of ministers which met at Vienna, on the 20th of November, for the purpose of developing and completing the Federal Act of the congress of Vienna, Metternich found himself face to face with a more formidable opposition than at Carlsbad.
The truce with which he followed up this success was unacceptable to the administration, and upon receiving notice to resume hostilities, he occupied Saltillo, the capital of Coahuila, and Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas, thus completing the conquest of the north-eastern states of Mexico.
In this respect he is currently completing a part-time doctorate on Masculinity and Sleep.
This might involve completing a short form or just giving basic details tot he charity over the phone or the internet.
Instead of completing his homework, Logan stared aimlessly out the window.
During this time he had been gradually completing his great work, which was produced by a London publisher in 1691-1692, 2 vols.
The last of the long series of young men who sat at Godwin's feet was Edward Lytton Bulwer, afterwards Lord Lytton, whose early romances were formed after those of Godwin, and who, in Eugene Aram, succeeded to the story as arranged, and the plan to a considerable extent sketched out, by Godwin, whose age and failing health prevented him from completing it.
These added two more to the ten laws of their predecessors, thus completing the Laws of the Twelve Tables (see Roman Law).
He is no longer drafted into the police on completing his army service, but goes free at the end of five years with a gift of E.2o.
He brilliantly distinguished himself at the Orthodox academy of Kiev, subsequently completing his education in Poland (for which purpose he turned Uniate), and at Rome in the College of the Propaganda.
In completing Wilhelm Meister, Goethe found a sympathetic and encouraging critic in Schiller, to whom he owed in great measure his renewed interest in poetry.
The animal leaves the water after completing its metamorphosis, the last stage of which is marked by the loss of the gills.
In February 1374 he took the Dominican habit, and after spending some years in teaching, and in completing his theological studies, he was licensed to preach.
Scott's expedition, planned with the double purpose of reaching the South Pole and completing the scientific study of the Ross Sea area, reached McMurdo Sound in the " Terra Nova " on Jan.
He became a novice of the Society of Jesus before completing his studies at the university of Lyons, where, after taking the final vows, he lectured on philosophy to students attracted by his fame from all parts of France.
The subsequent expenditure in the port is said not to flow from that sacrifice, but from the necessity of completing the voyage, and is incurred in performance of the shipowner's obligation under his contract.
In 860, however, he was at St Germain d'Auxerre, bent upon completing his studies, and in 872 he was back again at St Amand as the successor in the headmastership of the convent school of his uncle, to whom he had been reconciled in the meantime.
Once more the poet sought refuge in medieval life by completing his translation of the Divina Commedia, parts of which he had rendered into English as much as thirty years before.
The upper part of the dam having been designed in the light of these conditions, the whole process of completing the design is simple enough when certain hypotheses have been adopted, though somewhat laborious in its more obvious form.
In theory, this law has as its author the local ecclesiastical authorities, councils or bishops; but this is true only for laws and regulations which are in harmony with the common law, merely completing or defining it.
After completing his course at Trinity College, Cambridge, William Lamb studied law at the university of Glasgow, and was called to the bar in 1804.
In a word, judging the India Bill from a party point of view, we see that Burke was now completing the aim of his project of economic reform.
After completing his course he was appointed, being then under twenty years of age, to a post as assistant master in a college at Rouen.
On completing his noviciate, which was spent at Rome, he studied mathematics and physics at the Collegium Romanum; and so brilliant was his progress in these sciences that in 1740 he was appointed professor of mathematics in the college.
The Diplomatarium Islandicum, edited by Jon Sigurdsson, contains what remains of deeds, inventories, letters, &c., from the old days, completing our scanty material for this dark period of the island's history.
A periodic character was thus indicated for the disturbance; and Laplace assigned its true cause in the near approach to commensurability in the periods of the two planets, the cycle of disturbance completing itself in about goo (more accurately 929) years.
Belfort (esh Shukif), on the north bank of the Leontes, the finest and most important, dates somewhat earlier; and Montfort (Kalat el Kurn) stood on a narrow spur north-east of Acre, completing the chain of frontier fortresses.
The services of every available student on completing his course at the Royal College of Science are secured by some county council committee.
The sovereign becomes of age on completing his or her sixteenth year.
Under the law of the 29th of June 1890 every Spaniard who is not debarred from his civil and civic rights by any legal incapacity, and has resided consecutively two years in his parish, becomes an elector on completing his twenty-fifth yearSoldiers and sailors in active service cannot vote.
This improvement was at once appreciated, and in the year 1852 Baron Berlepsch added side-bars and a bottom-bar, thus completing the movable frame.
The failure of the scheme made a contest with France inevitable, at least unless the Germans were willing to forgo the purpose of completing the work of German unity, and during the next four years the two nations were each preparing for the struggle, and each watching to take the other at a disadvantage.
The pressure at home for completing the work of German unity was so strong that he could with difficulty resist it, and in 1870 he was much embarrassed by a request from Baden to be admitted to the confederation, which he had to refuse.
At three years the second and third premolars, and the third molar have appeared, at from three and a half to four years the second incisor, at four to four and a half years the canine, and, finally, at five years, the third incisor, completing the permanent dentition.
After completing his education at Paris, Strassburg, and at Padua, where as rector of the academy he composed his celebrated work De senate romano (Venice, 1563), he returned home in 1565, one of the most consummate scholars and jurists in Europe.
This resulted in his being dismissed from the post, 8th March 1830; and three months later he withdrew from the Bible Society, thus completing his severance from the Low Church party.
Frederick was next engaged in completing the pacification of Sicily.
On 1842 appeared Synodalia, a Collection of Articles of Religion, Canons, and Proceedings of Convocation from 1547 to 1717, completing the series for that period.
Between the two I'm sure of my triumphant success in completing this stage of my quest to hunt down this distractor in my road of adventure.
Hannah.s boots were white, her cream slacks and camel turtleneck completing her flawless look.
Anyway, they finished 35th, so congrats to them for completing it.
A VAT invoice will be sent to the invoice addressee within 5 working days of completing the workshop registration form.
After completing its test program this aircraft was used as an instructional airframe by the museum in 1983.
The graft is also flushed from above to make sure there is no clot prior to completing the anastomosis.
Then on Sunday Keith Davis turned his attention to completing the rear wall of the new toilet block from the outside.. .
The sound effects and music are excellent too, completing the atmosphere and excitement of the game as punches thump and blades clang together.
We offer substantial consulting in completing the proper merging and organization of a shelf company.
By completing box 59 an agent can be authorized to handle correspondence on behalf of the purchaser.
Dana Feder's achingly beautiful cello counterpoint the vocals and piano, with subtle church organ riffing completing the mystical effect.
Along with the scheme for completing the Sidgwick Site, these proposals involve the eventual demolition of most of the remaining villas.
You do this by completing form AN available from the nationality directorate of the Home Office in Liverpool.
On completing the course, students will have acquired familiarity with key areas of political analysis.
Graeme Hick, of England and Worcestershire, lead the cricketers with Steve Rhodes, Ben Smith and Steven Moore completing the foursome.
A new wrought iron handrail crafted locally was fitted to the double spiral staircase, completing the restoration.
He is currently completing a book on eighteenth-century historiography, public memory and politics for Edinburgh University Press.
Tony then completed " pinch an inch " 6a and then " inch perfect, inchworm " 6b in sucession completing both easily.
Postal questionnaires do not require a consent form since the act of completing and returning the questionnaire implies informed consent.
Feedback from therapists suggests that many las are still far from completing their job evaluations.
After completing the listing information, businesses will receive a mailer from Google with a PIN.
Completing the story, we gave the children three small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger.
With such a preparation behind you, you are well on the way to completing a 100 miler.
Candidates must be able to handle their own caseload from start to finish including noting title and completing missives.
He was intern in surgery at the University of Bristol prior to completing a PhD on canine osteoarthritis at Bristol Royal Infirmary.
You will see a gold padlock in the bottom right corner of your screen whenever you are completing a form which contains personal information.
Unfortunately, running an organization involves completing a considerable amount of time-consuming paperwork.
I look forward to completing my homework and becoming fully polished.
He broke over fifty other world records, and ran from John O'Groats to Land's End completing 100 press-ups every mile.
Back to Associate List Audrey Neill Audrey is a psychodynamic counselor, currently completing her training in psychoanalytical psychotherapy.
Amco Donelon are close to completing the construction of the seven emergency refuges.
Reg Bamford lost to Matthew Burrow after completing a sextuple against the " Beast.
Completing the package is an active subwoofer with an integrated 100 watt amplifier.
The 2002/03 season ended trophyless for the Hoops with arch-rivals Rangers completing a domestic treble.
As the earth is used for completing the electric circuit, the signals received on such sensitive instruments as these are liable to be disturbed by the return currents of other systems in their immediate neighbourhood, which also use the earth as return, when such are of the magnitude generated by the working of electric tramways FIG.
There remained Prussia, which, now that the Danish apaign of 1864 was otTer, was completing, her preparais for the final struggle with Austria for the hegemony Germany; and Napoleon, who saw in the furthering of marcks plans the surest means of securing his own influence divided Europe, willingly lent his aid in negotiating a PrussoIn the summer of 1865 Bismarckmade formal posals to La Marmora; but the pourparlers were interrupted by conclusion of the convention of Gastein (August 14), to which stria agreed partly under pressure of the Prusso-Italian enlenle.
The life-cycle of the Leptolinae consists of an alternation of generations in which non-sexual individuals, polyps, produce by budding sexual individuals, medusae, which give rise by the sexual process to the non-sexual polyps again, so completing the cycle.
Porte- While the Spaniards were circumnavigating the in world and completing their knowledge of the coasts of geese Af rica and Central and South America, the Portuguese were actively the East.
After completing his course of medical study at the university of Edinburgh he sailed in 1797 for India, where he was attached as surgeon to a regiment; and his knowledge of the native tongues and his capacity for business threw open to him the lucrative offices of interpreter and commissary-general.
Improving his advantage, Bolivar pressed forward, and on the 6th of August defeated Canterac on the plains of Junin, after which he returned to Lima, leaving Sucre to follow the royalists in their retreat to Upper Peru - an exploit which the latter executed with equal ability and success, gaining a decisive victory at Ayacucho, and thus completing the dispersion of the Spanish force.
After completing a brilliant university course at Bologna, which he interrupted to take part in the revolution of 1831 (see Carbonari), he practised as a physician at Russi and at Ravenna.
Obtaining, as a young man, in 1048, the see of Coutances, by his brother's influence (see Mowbray), he raised from his fellow nobles and from their Sicilian spoils funds for completing his cathedral, which was consecrated in 1056.
The capitulation of Vilagos, which ended the Hungarian insurrection, gave Schwarzenberg a free hand for completing the work of restoring the status quo ante and the influence of Austria in Germany.
The second volume of the translation, completing the historical books, published in 1797, found no more friendly reception; but this circumstance did not discourage him from giving forth in 1800 the volume of Critical Remarks on the Hebrew Scriptures, which presented in a somewhat brusque manner the then novel and startling views of Eichhorn and his school on the primitive history and early records of mankind.
The metaphysic is the epistemology from another point of view - regarded as completing itself, and explaining in the course of its exposition that relative or practical separation of the individual knower from the knowable world, which it is a sheer assumption to take as absolute.
In completing the Feedback Form you can choose whether or not you wish to remain anonymous.
Reg Bamford lost to Matthew Burrow after completing a sextuple against the Beast.
Completing a sudoku puzzle requires patience and logical ability and has been proven to slow the onset of dementia.
The following day was spent recuperating at the creek, with the team completing an upstream tamarisk survey for the NPS.
Windblown seed, traveling 70 meters in September was the known source of this particular problem, with enforced winter grazing completing the job.
After completing his last few missions, the conquistador was famed for the amount of gold he had.
Does he repeat the same word several times before completing a sentence or phrase, such as "I…I…I am hungry?"
Eyeliner is essential in completing the compliment that eyeshadow will pay to your eyes.
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An Associate degree in interior design is generally the result of completing a two-year dedicated interior design course of study.
Get more ideas about completing your French Country home with LoveToKnow's look at French Country Style Basics.
After completing the work, the designers would have to present their rooms to the clients and the judges in their best "TV presenter" manner.
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A kitchen designed by using the work triangle should be easy to navigate while completing common kitchen chores.
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Given his recent arrest, maybe he should consider completing his treatment.
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Upon completing her time at the clinic, Kelly openly discussed her experience and stated that she wasn't completely living sober because she still drank alcohol.
He died in 2001, shortly after completing his new album Phillips 66.
One year after completing the program, at the age of 17, Bacon left Philly, setting his sites on New York City.
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Simply put, a shuttle roller coaster is a coaster that shuttles back and forth between two points along the same section of track rather than completing a loop around a continuous circuit.
After completing the Cure for Vampirism mission, go talk to Janus Hassidor.
Through an online world, you travel lands, joining with groups, participating in raids and completing quests.
In these games, players take on a character class with particular skills and unique abilities, upgrading the attributes by completing tasks.
As a visitor, if you drop your item first, the host player can always select Party's Over to get the item without completing the trade.
Hardcore racers can play for months and months, stocking up their garages and completing all of the races.
Besides killing enemies, you can also earn points by completing certain tasks, like finishing an enemy off with a special technique or killing a number of foes in a certain amount of time.
After completing a challenge, you then get to try a creative task, such as connecting dots, creating poems or drawing pictures.
Based on mental neuroscience, it is theorized that completing certain "brain exercises" can increase focus, concentration, and the ability to think fast.
The loss of members of your squad makes completing missions significantly harder, and many of the levels took more than one try to complete on the Normal difficulty setting.
The emotional satisfaction of completing the game is more profound, knowing that you have not only endured the physical, but the emotional rigors of war.
After completing it, an extra area opens up.
This is done by completing the game on any difficulty setting.
Hard is unlocked by completing the game on Ninja Dog or Normal.
Everything turns red, but everything that is vital to completing the level and enemies turn bright red.
A phone has been added to the game, which you will encounter after completing a few levels.
I enjoy exploring the many different areas, fighting strange creatures and completing quests.
Seconds Out has you collecting bonuses from around the track while completing the lap in a given time limit.
At Gaming Lagoon, you can get a free Wii points card by completing offers and surveys and referring friends.
A walkthrough will literally walk you through the steps involved in completing a game.
Finally, you can earn advance points by completing the level within certain parameters, which will unlock bonus levels.
After completing the game once, you have access to the most challenging level, the God Mode and other various secrets and challenges are unlocked.
Play as Tommy Vercetti and travel around the cities completing missions assigned to you.
Unlock this mode by completing a career at any skill level.
While many of the rhythm games in the past forced players to unlock songs by completing the career mode, this is not the case here.
All three of these bonus songs are unlocked by completing a single song in Career Mode.
I found his voice very fitting to the atmosphere of the game because as you are completing your missions, he also interjects other commands, comments, or helpful hints.
Unlock the body armor by completing the associated accomplishment.
The trophies are unlocked by completing hidden missions for each trophy.
Harry also has the opportunity to participate in the Triwizard Tournament where he can earn the prestigious Triwizard Cup by completing three challenging tasks.
Groove Circuit is a challenge mode where you go from area to area completing challenges and battle bosses.
After completing the 2nd mission in story mode, you'll unlock Luger.
Completing missions gives you points and money to spend on leveling up, adding new skills, and buying new weapons and armor.
During a mission, you can get experience for completing certain tasks.
After completing the game once, other modes of difficulty are available and more levels open up.
After the bonus is earned by completing the level, exit out of the game (Start button) to the map area.
Many of the main characters like The Joker, Penguin and Poison Ivy are unlocked by completing levels--if you don't want to enter a cheat code.
After completing a level of play, it's unlocked.
You earn "Madden Points" for completing certain feats in a game--Completing a 40-yard pass, for example.
Instead, the best Mario Party DS cheats are those that reward you for completing certain feats and fulfilling certain requirements.
In general, these Need for Speed Most Wanted cheats will require some effort on your part, since you'll need to unlock the new vehicles by completing a series of challenges.
Alternatively, instead of entering these Need for Speed Underground cheats on the main menu screen, you can likely unlock much of the same content by completing certain objectives in the main story mode.
After completing the allotted sixty minutes of the free trial, you are provided with the option to purchase the full game.
After successfully completing three of the four events, you are offered a "boss" event, which is typically first-person-shooter type game where you launch plungers at the rabbids.
There is no overall goal of the game, only character development, completing small tasks and gathering items/equipment.
Completing quests rewards you with rare treasures or other skills and are the meat of the RuneScape game.
Some are available only to members, some are in newer versions of the game, and some must be acquired by completing certain tasks.
Despite that, you are kept busy flushing out the bad guys, directing your teammates, finding and completing your objectives, so when the action does hit, be prepared to some quick thinking and button pressing to finish your mission.
Completing a column, grid or row forms one of these pillars, and the more of them you have the easier it will be to solve the entire puzzle.
You can unlock them by meeting certain requirements, either by completing a portion of the story or stumbling onto them through gameplay.
A mission objective appears on the screen, such as completing two lines at once with a Z-shaped Tetrimino, or using only L-blocks to clear five lines.
Completing four lines simultaneously (the highest number possible) is usually called a "Tetris".
Take over all the business and rackets in New York, including completing all the contracts on the other families' top guys.
After completing the normal level, I tried playing it.
Completing missions will have you running all over Sim City collecting items, talking to other Urbz, performing tasks and playing minigames.
As long as you pay attention to the other characters finding items and completing missions is easy, but not so easy that the game isn't fun.
Story missions are unlocked by completing specific objectives, so in between events you'll be able to explore to your heart's content and beef up your reflexes by either rescuing helpless citizens or taking down street thugs.
Some wallpapers were available only after completing surveys or finishing mini-games; they're quite a prize on their own.
You can order a printed copy of the Camping World catalog by completing the catalog request form on the company's website.
Not completing the course of therapy increases the risk of developing rheumatic fever and kidney inflammation.
Patients who have received treatment for Ewing's sarcoma are examined often-at gradually lengthening intervals-after completing therapy.
Burkitt, Esther et al. "Children's Colour Choices for Completing Drawings of Affectively Characterised Topics."
Other helpful alternative approaches include identifying and eliminating food allergens from the diet, enhancing the function of the liver, augmenting the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and completing a detoxification program.
People with developmental coordination disorder may also have a hard time completing tasks that involve movement of muscle groups in sequence.
Other symptoms that may be associated with tics and tic disorders include obsessive thoughts; difficulty concentrating or paying attention in school; forgetfulness; slowness in completing tasks; losing the thread of a conversation.
How much they receive, how often they receive it, what they may spend it on, and whether the children must earn their allowance by completing chores at home are all questions for parents to consider.
Not completing a prescribed course of treatment increases the probability that drug-resistant strains of organisms will develop.
Step back slow with the right, completing the basic step.
You can get connected with a Feng Shui Consultant in Athens, Georgia by completing an online form.
After completing your tree, scan it with a scanner.
Some of the records are more recent, but many will have helpful information for completing your family history.
Completing family tree diagrams can be a fun project for children.
While some famous homeschoolers were average people who went on to extraordinary achievements after completing their education, others began homeschooling because they were famous, or at least striving to be.
Since most universities do require that specific courses and topics are covered in high school, you will want to find out the requirements in your state and keep records of completing these requirements.
Five and six year olds love learning new things and completing a variety of different worksheets reinforces lessons and helps them retain the information longer.
The Rosetta Stone homeschooling curriculum is not just a means to completing academic requirements, but it is a tool for creating functional speakers of Spanish.
I have a Bachelor of Arts majoring in French and I am currently completing a Diploma in Education, specializing in ESl and LOTE.
When you are looking for work, it's a good idea to practice with blank job application forms before completing a formal application for employment.
Completing an internship is a way to see if the Target atmosphere is the one for you.
They also assist patients in completing prescribed exercises, moving to and from bed, bathing, dressing, grooming.
Completing an online application will take approximately 45 minutes.
Review the details for each position, and utilize the information when completing the candidate skills survey relating to prior experience in similar job positions.
When completing the application section pertaining to previous work experience, list in detail all duties related to each job title.
Speak with prior supervisors and gain permission to list them as a reference prior to completing the application.
Completing the form takes approximately 30 minutes.
Should a denial of benefits be determined, the displaced worker has the right to appeal the decision by completing the appropriate form either online or in person at the local unemployment office.
Individuals who require assistance with completing the forms due to a physical disability or literacy issue receive assistance from agency staff.
The major one that the intern would be working on involves completing a competitive analysis of either a line of clothing available in the store or one of its departments.
Completing the degree requirements helps them to develop students to their critical thinking skills, as well as their abilities to communicate effectively.
Signing in a second time will take you directly to the section you were completing when you were signed out.
Those interested in completing Kmart application forms for employment in New Zealand can visit Kmart NZ for information.
Many people find great success in work without completing college; sometimes tenacity and experience is more important than a degree.
He needs to have the analytical skills involved in completing the bookkeeping tasks, payroll, and being careful not to go over the budget when working with vendors.
Many centers regularly host group workshops during which they assist attendees with completing an application.
Proving that you are not responsible for being unemployed will probably be the most challenging aspect of completing an application for unemployment benefits.
Completing necessary minor repairs, such as broken screens, ripped linoleum, or chipped baseboards that can detract from the home's appearance.
Bridge loans assist buyers who want to purchase a property before completing the sale of their existing property.
By reviewing their websites and interviewing them, you can determine which inspector can be of most help in completing the home inspection you need.
Chapter 13 - Applicants may qualify after completing one year of the pay-out period if they receive court approval to take on the mortgage obligation.
Subsequently, they will provide you with their application and usually assist you with completing the form.
Completing simple origami projects is wonderful way to learn more about this ancient craft.
Regardless of your skill level, you will find that step by step instructions for origami are helpful in completing new projects and figures.
There are pictures of each step, along with clear written instructions for completing the step.
If you're looking for a change of pace from traditional origami, consider completing a few tea bag folding projects.
Many adults like to begin their origami exploration by completing models intended for children, but these projects are often too easy to provide a sufficient challenge.
After successfully completing a course of study and a certification exam, the midwife obtains the title of CPM.
Instructions for completing a pregnancy test can vary according to the brand you have purchased.
Reece is photographed completing each move and instructions are given that correspond to the photos.
You can find out if your workplace is safe by completing a workplace pregnancy risk assessment.
She developed a great interest in the fashion industry while completing an internship for Christian Dior's public relations department in Paris, France.
Tools for completing the procedure fit through a second small opening.
You can see the Essure Procedure Animation for an overview of how the doctor places the inserts into the fallopian tubes, as well as an animation of the Essure Confirmation Test that follows three months after completing the procedure.
After completing the prototype, I suggested we put a lot of color into the bottle caps that were to become the fabric, so that the suit made sense with our other very colorful prints and solid colors.
Moreover, if you have better things to do with your time than completing five hundred crunches a day, this could be the perfect look for you.
Completing the look is an adjustable waist belt, two lower front slanted welt pockets and banded cuffs with adjustable button closures.
For more information on the specific warranty for your model, contact Cuisinart by completing the company's online Product Inquiry Form, or by calling the toll-free number at 1-800-726-0190.
The first step to completing a repair is to identify the source of the problem.
Each player tries to collect six different cast cards as they go from room to room, answering trivia questions about the movie and completing singing and dance challenges ballet dancing and belly dancing.
Using the top cards in each of the 16 piles, you must build up the base piles in each suit, completing the piles with Kings on top.
Children can learn on their own by playing chess games and completing puzzles and even play against an online computer to improve their skill.
The process of completing the paperwork necessary to apply for free grants is typically referred to as "grant writing."
When completing a grant application, it is essential to follow the instructions exactly.
Some organizations have staff members or volunteers handle the process of completing grant applications, while others utilize the services of professional consultants for this purpose.
When completing a grant application, try to get the attention of the funding agency and demonstrate that your project is worthy of funding.
Additionally, because libraries are nonprofit organizations, there may be professionals on staff who have firsthand experience with completing grant applications.
Follow the provided instructions for completing the grant.
To take the deduction, you will have have to wait for the paperwork before completing your tax filing.
At LoveToKnow Christmas, we offer tips on planning a memorable Christmas party, completing your Christmas shopping with a minimal amount of stress, and choosing your Christmas decorations.
If you're completing the quiz online, you will click on the space next to your chosen answers and click the "submit" button when you've finished.
He is very engrossed in his work and worries a lot about completing his projects.
You can explain to her that you want her love and support in completing school, finding a job as well as having a satisfying personal life and that these things don't have to be mutually exclusive.
After completing the one page registration, you can fill out your profile so that others can search for you.