Complained Sentence Examples
The servant complained to her master.
An Austrian general complained of me.
The screen door squeaked and the kitchen floor complained as someone crossed it.
The ambassadors remarked his negligence, and his ministers complained of it.
Later, we complained about Janet's sloppy cleaning when we found traces of mud in an unused room.
No one has ever complained yet of being too much loved; and besides, you are free, you could throw it up tomorrow.
Quinn complained of a headache and I silently wondered if he'd over indulged the night before.
Why did he have to wait until her figure started to fall apart before he complained about seldom seeing her in a dress?
Mill complained, 4 " bringing back under the name of belief what they banished as knowledge."
He further complained of the ill-treatment to which his friends and partisans had been subjected during his absence.
AdvertisementThis reply complained of the high words of the Latin envoys, and commanded the pope to come in person and submit to the Master of all the Earth (the Mongol emperor).
He complained now that the bishops were "bishops of their dioceses but not bishops of England," and did all he could to make the Church a greater religious force in English life.
In 1592 he complained bitterly that Wood had destroyed forty pages of his MS., probably because of the dangerous freedom of Aubrey's pen.
They were sore at again being sent on service without their wives, and complained of harsh treatment from their officers.
She no longer complained of her position, did not say a word about the past, and no longer feared to make happy plans for the future.
AdvertisementThey sat at a table in the bar, and after a few minutes Sam complained, "What do we have to do to get a drink around here?"
While Fred had chatted amiably during the course of the two weeks, he confined his discussions to methods that might be used in finding and identifying Byrne, and never complained about having to remain in Parkside.
You never asked... but when Katie said that, I thought you had complained to her about it.
The poet was at that moment in the bath, and seeing the sacks, and believing that they contained the expected gold, received them with great satisfaction, but finding only silver he complained to Ayaz that he had not executed the sultan's order.
It was hailed with satisfaction by the Unionists, but the pure economists complained that he had thrown sobriety and thrift to the winds.
AdvertisementThereupon the Quakers, who were perhaps not without the -obstinacy of which Marcus Aurelius complained in the early Christians, rushed to Massachusetts as if invited, and the result was that the general court of the colony banished them on pain of death, and four of them, three men and one woman,were hanged for refusing to depart from the jurisdiction or for obstinately returning within it.
But this treaty, in spite of its apparent stability, led in a few years to a fiercer struggle; for in 1258 the Florentines complained that Siena had infringed its terms by giving refuge to the Ghibellines they had expelled, and on the refusal of the Sienese to yield to these just remonstrances both states made extensive preparations for war.
Difficulty and pain in swallowing may be complained of when the cancer is beginning to block the inlet, but if it is situated at the pylorus the discomfort comes on an hour or two after a meal - at the time that the partially digested food is trying to make its way into the small intestine.
The screen door complained as she opened it and she paused as she reached for the door knob.
Toby complained at last.
AdvertisementHe then returned to Bavaria, and his absence bringing him into ill odour at Vienna, he complained of the incompetence of the council of commerce and dedicated a tract on trade (CommercienTractat) to the emperor Leopold.
In spite of the admission of their co-religionists to high office in the government, the Mussulmans, it is true, still complained of continuous ill-treatment having for its object their expatriation; but these complaints were declared by Sir Edward Grey, in answer to a question in parliament, to be exaggerated.
The celebrated scholar, Turnebus, complained that some of his emendations had been appropriated without acknowledgment.
Many admirals declined to serve under Lord Sandwich, and Rodney, who then commanded in the West Indies, had complained of want of proper support from his subordinates, whom he accused of disaffection.
The duke himself complained in parliament of the way he was spoken of out of doors, and at the outbreak of Wat Tyler's insurrection the peasants stopped pilgrims on the road to Canterbury and made them swear never to accept a king of the name of John.
One patient, for instance, complained of severe insomnia.
When Descartes complained to the authorities of this unfair treatment, 4 the only reply was an order by which all mention of the name of Cartesianism, whether favourable or adverse, was forbidden in the university.
Great writers like Milton and Harrington supported Cromwell's view of the duty of a statesman; the poet Waller acclaimed Cromwell as "the world's protector"; but the London tradesmen complained of the loss of their Spanish trade and regarded Holland and not Spain as the national enemy.
In the year named the secular courts complained to the king, Philip of Valois, of the encroachments of the courts Christian.
But in 1496, when the sovereigns again complained that the inquisitors were, without royal knowledge or consent, disposing of the property of the condemned and thus depriving the public revenues of considerable sums, Alexander VI.
Ten years after the passage of the law, the court decided that the Commission had no power to prescribe a rate, and that its jurisdiction over rates was confined to a determination of the question whether the rate complained of was unreasonable.
Flies and frogs were also complained of, and Sidonius, writing in the 5th century, complains bitterly of the "feculent gruel" (cloacalis puts) which filled the canals of the city, and gave forth fetid odours when stirred by the poles of the bargemen.
Under these acts a right of reentry or forfeiture is not to be enforceable unless and until the lessor has served on the lessee a written notice specifying the breach of covenant or condition complained of, and requiring him to remedy it or make compensation, and this demand has not within a reasonable time been complied with; and when a lessor is proceeding to enforce such a right the court may, if it think fit, grant relief to the lessee.
In 1661 the corporation of Cardiff complained of Cardiff's impoverishment by reason of a fair held every three weeks for the previous four years at Caerphilly, though "no Borough."
The officers on whom devolved the duty of representing the wrongs of their fellow-countrymen and demanding redress, proceeded to Rangoon, the governor of which place had been a chief actor in the outrages complained of; but so far were they from meeting with any signs of regret, that they were treated with indignity and contempt, and compelled to retire without accomplishing anything beyond blockading the ports.
Mirabeau complained bitterly that Montmorin was "slack" (flasque) and a "poltroon" (gavache).
Blake, who offered to resign, complained of the conduct of many of them, and some were punished.
Many people complained to Facebook about this application, claiming that it was invading their privacy.
You assume we French all eat croissants, Pierre complained.
Everything here is an emergency or nothing at all, the doctor complained.
The acknowledged and admitted grievances, of which your Majesty's subjects complained prior to 1895, not only are not redressed, but exist to-day in an aggravated form.
Wimpheling in his reply rehearsed the old grievances and complained that the contributions made to the pope by the archbishops on receiving the pallium was a great burden on the people.
The proceedings of the council were frequently very stormy, and the opponents of the dogma of infallibility complained that they were not unfrequently interrupted, and that endeavours were made to put them down by clamour.
At the close of the War of Independence the Kentuckians complained because the mother state did not protect them against their enemies and did not give them an adequate system of local government.
So in the under world he complained that his wife was neglecting her duty, and he persuaded Hades to allow him to go back to the upper world and expostulate with her.
But "the terrible power in the universal church, the great riches and the extraordinary prestige" of the Society, which Palafox complained had raised it "above all dignities, laws, councils and apostolic constitutions," carried with them the seeds of rapid and inevitable decay.
He next complained to Benedict XIV.
Occasionally the Church gave trouble - the presence of foreign priests was complained of; attempts to evade the law prohibiting conventual life were detected and foiled (1891, 1894); and there were Indian risings, repressed sometimes with great severity, among the Mayas of Yucatan, whose last stronghold was taken in 1891, and the Yaquis of Sonora (1899-1900).
Moffat complained to Sir George Grey, the governor of Cape Colony, through whose intervention the molestation by Transvaal Boers of British subjects in their passage through Bechuanaland was stopped.
He is also said to have complained that his pupil spurned him as colts do their mothers.
The judge shall determine " whether the member whose return is complained of, or any and what other person, was duly returned and elected, or whether the election was void," and shall certify his determination to the speaker.
He therefore bought back the sheets, says Calamy, for an old song, bound them and sold them in his own shop. This in turn was complained of, and he had to beg pardon on his knees before the council-table; and the remaining copies were sentenced to be "bisked," or rubbed over with an inky brush, and sent back to the kitchen for lighting fires.
She did so, but complained that this heathen writer said nothing about ecclesiastical affairs and stopped with the accession of the emperor Valens in 364; consequently Paulus interwove extracts from the Scriptures, from the ecclesiastical historians and from other sources with Eutropius, and added six books, thus bringing the history down to 553.
In common with all enlightened opinion, he complained bitterly of the excessive multiplication of exemptions, of the exaggerated extension of appeals to Rome, of the luxury of the Roman court, of the venality of the cardinals, and of the injury done to the traditional hierarchy by the very extent of the papal power, which was calculated to turn the strongest head.
The two soldiers who carried the chest out complained that it was so heavy "there must be an Arminian in it."
The guards complained to the king, who, after consulting with the senate, mildly remonstrated with Sprengtporten by letter.
Although by the code of chivalry no candidate could be knighted before the age of twenty-one, we have seen how great nobles like the Berkeleys obtained that honour for their infant heirs in order to avoid possible pecuniary loss; and French writers of the r4th century complained of this knighting of infants as a common and serious abuse.'
Even Zamoyski who had placed him on the throne complained that the king was possessed by a dumb devil.
This violation of the Mosaic law and his continued cruelty roused the Jews, who complained to Augustus.
The indifference complained of in Mal.
No actual lapses however from chastity are alleged, and it is only complained that suspicions were aroused, apparently among the pagans.
Sometimes, indeed, they transferred their hostilities from the servant to the master, complained that a better table was not kept for them, and railed or maundered till their benefactor was glad to make his escape to Streatham or to the Mitre Tavern.
This treaty most of the small states refused to sign, and they were supported in their objections by Austria, which loudly complained that Prussia had given to a foreign power what she had denied to a sister state of the Bund.
Liechtenstein, who complained of the political influence exercised by the chambers of commerce, and demanded the organization of working men in gilds.
They complained that the party leaders were not sufficiently decisive in the measures for self-defence.
He made large purchases of slaves (Mamelukes) for his army, and when the inhabitants of Cairo complained of their lawlessness, he built barracks for them on the island of Roda (Raula), whence they were called Bahri or Nile Mamelukes, which became the name of the first dynasty that originated from them.
The movement began among the Arab officers, who complained of the preference shown to the officers of Turkish origin; it then expanded into an attack on the privileged position and predominant influence of foreigners, many of whom, it must be confessed, were of a by no means respectable type; finally, it was directed against all Christians, foreign and native.i The government, being too weak to suppress the agitation and disorder, had to make concessions, and each concession produced fresh demands.
In January 1906 the sultan complained to the British ambassador at Constantinople of Egyptian encroachments on Turkish territory, whereupon the khedive asked that the frontier should be delimited, a request which Turkey rejected.
It was represented to the emperor, who was still pursued by the desire to bring back the schismatics, that a great step would have been taken towards reconciliation if a condemnation of these teachers, or rather of such of their books as were complained of, could be brought about, since then the Chalcedonian party would be purged from any appearance of sympathy with the errors of Nestorius.
Saltmaking is by no means an unhealthy trade, some slight soreness of the eyes being the only affection sometimes complained of; indeed the atmosphere of steam saturated with salt in which the workmen live seems specially preservative against colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c.
Alexander, indeed, assisted Napoleon in the war of 1809, but he declared plainly that he would not allow Austria to be crushed out of existence; and Napoleon complained bitterly of the inactivity of the Russian troops during the campaign.
As it was being weighed out, the Roman tribune complained of some unfairness.
In 1522 the bishop of Carlisle complained to Cardinal Wolsey, then archbishop of York, that the English thieves committed more thefts than "all the Scots of Scotland," the men of Hexham being worst of all, and appearing loo strong at the markets held in Hexham, so that the men whom they had robbed dared not complain or "say one word to them."
The composition introduced Carlyle to the " Dryasdust " rubbish heaps of which he here and ever afterwards bitterly complained.
The ordinary mind complained that he had no specific remedy to propose for the growing evils of the time; and the more cultivated idealist was alienated by the gloom and the tendency to despair.
He had complained to Henry of the captivity in which he was held by his hated stepfather, Angus.
William complained, later, that he had no notice of the terms of that patent till after it was passed (he was fighting under Namur at the time), and the act not unnaturally aroused the jealousy of the rival English companies.
The assembly of 1862 accused the high commissioner of violation of the constitution and of the treaty of Paris, and complained that England remained in ignorance of what took place in the islands.
We have heard nothing for some time of any opposition; but now a fresh conflict arose with certain scribes who had come down from Jerusalem, and who complained that the dis ciples neglected the ceremonial washing of their hands before meals.
Then He complained of the unreasonableness of an age which refused John as too austere and Himself as too lax and as being " the friend of publicans and sinners."
The pacific policy of the first two years of Henry VIII.'s reign was succeeded by an adventurous foreign policy directed mainly against France; and Fox complained that no one durst do anything in opposition to Wolsey's wishes.
But Alcimus complained to the king and Judas fled just in time to escape being sent to Antioch as a prisoner.
At last, Temenus, Cresphontes and Aristodemus, the sons of Aristomachus, complained to the oracle that its instructions had proved fatal to those who had followed them.
Zobair, who complained in a somewhat truculent letter that Moawiya's slaves had been guilty of trespassing.
The caliph, who had in 1087 married the daughter of Malik-Shah, had been compelled two years after to send her back to her father, as she complained of being neglected by her husband.
Como and Lodi complained of the violence used to them by the former city.
They agreed that there was strong evidence to show that " the contamination took place when the bottle was opened at Malkowal, owing to the abolition by the plague authorities of the technique prescribed by the Bombay laboratory, and to the consequent failure to sterilize the forceps which were used in opening the bottle, and which during the process were dropped on the ground "; and they complained of the inadequacy of the inquiries made by the Indian government, and called for Mr Haffkine's exoneration.
The opponents of the dogma complained at the very outset that he was wavering, half converted by his hosts, the members of the German College at Rome, and further influenced by his own misgivings.
He was complained against at the Synod of Glasgow, 22nd Oct. 1674, for holding conventicles.
While she uses this term endearingly, making claims that her ideal man is the "guido" type, many Italian American groups complained to MTV that usage of this term is damaging and hurtful.
Simon complained that Tamra was becoming too wrapped up in the celebrity lifestyle and not spending enough time at home with him and the children.
No snag cuff closure - In the past, Marines complained that buttons used to secure the cuffs on their sleeve caught on things such as camouflage netting.
The result threw Clay into paroxysms of rage, and he violently complained that his friends always used him as their candidate when he was sure to be defeated, and betrayed him when he or any one could have been elected.
He complained that exhortation was wasted even on the bishops, "because they despair of attaining to the pinnacle of chastity, and have no fear of condemnation in open synod for the vice of lechery....
If the laity were to stand aloof from all incontinent priests, while (as the most orthodox churchmen constantly complained) many priests were still incontinent, then this could only result in estranging large bodies of the laity from the sacraments of the church.
His contemporary St Bonaventura complained publicly that he himself and his fellow-friars were often compelled to hold their tongues about the evil clergy; partly because, even if one were expelled, another equally worthless would probably take his place, but "perhaps principally lest, if the people altogether lost faith in the clergy, heretics should arise and draw the people to themselves as sheep that have no shepherd, and make heretics of them, boasting that, as it were by our own testimony, the clergy were so vile that none need obey them or care for their teaching."
The aristocratic classes loudly complained that the young king, Gustavus IV., Gustavus still a minor, was being brought up among crypto IV., 1792- Jacobins; while the middle classes, deprived of 1809.
Phraates complained, and simultaneously attacked Tigranes, now a Roman vassal (64 n.c.).
He complained of this "diminution of his dignity" to the empress in a private memorial in the course of 1793.
With justice the Boers complained of the course actually adopted by the British authorities.
Indeed as early as 1 591 the judges had complained of the difficulty of enforcing the writ in the case of imprisonment at the instance of magnates of the realm.
His tutor Poroshin complained of him that he was "always in a hurry," acting and speaking without thinking.
Side by side with his indignation at the idea of cheating his Saracen enemies may be mentioned his answer to those who after Taillebourg complained that he had let off Henry III.
C. Baur complained, his critique of the Gospel history had not been preceded by the essential preliminary critique of the Gospels themselves.
Poetry, as Thucydides complained, is a most imperfect medium for fact.
With regard to any offensive trade which has been established or may be consented to in any urban district, if it is verified by the medical officer or any two legally qualified medical practitioners, or by any ten inhabitants of the district, to be a nuisance or injurious to health, the urban district council are required to take proceedings before magistrates with a view to the abatement of the nuisance complained of.
In the resolution which was adopted on the 2nd of March the chamber," imbued with the ideas which presided over the foundation of the Congo State and inspired the Act of Berlin,"expressed its confidence in the proposals which the commission of reforms was elaborating, and decided" to proceed without delay to the examination of the projected law of the 7th of August 1901, on the government of Belgium's colonial possessions."The report of the reforms commission was not made public, but as the fruit of its deliberations King Leopold signed on the 3rd of June 1906 a number of decrees embodying various While the commission was sitting, further evidence was forthcoming that the system complained of on the Congo remained unaltered, and that the" reforms "of June 1906 were illusory.
The king kept collecting scutages and tallages, yet barons and towns complained that nothing seemed to be done with the money he collected.
He himself was too much like a dictator; even his own followers complained that he was over-masterful, and the most important of them, the young earl of Gloucester, was gradually estranged from him by finding his requests often refused and his aims crossed by the old earls action.
Edward had quarrelled with his wife Isabella, who complained that he made her the handmaid of the Despensers, and excluded her from her proper place and honor.
Majesty formally complained to Lord John Russell that important despatches were sent off without her knowledge; and an arrangement was made under which Lord Palmerston undertook to submit every despatch to the queen through the prime minister.
Irish landlords complained that their properties, ruined by the famine, and encumbered by the extravagances of their predecessors, could not bear the cost of this new poor law; and the ministry introduced and carried a measure enabling the embarrassed owners of life estates to sell their property and discharge their liabilities.
In France the manufacturers complained that they would be unable to stand against the competition of English goods.
The Liberals, who complained that their leaders were pursuing a Conservative policy, could at least console themselves by the reflection that, the chancellor of the exchequer was introducing satisfactory budgets.
The foreign population of the Transvaal, which was chiefly English, became in a few years more numerous than the Boers themselves, and they complained that they were deprived of all political rights, that they were subjected to unfair taxation, and that they were hampered in their industry and unjustly treated by the Dutch courts and Dutch officials.
Burke replied in tones of firm self-repression; complained of the attack that had been made upon him; reviewed Fox's charges of inconsistency; enumerated the points on which they had disagreed, and remarked that such disagreements had never broken their friendship. But whatever the risk of enmity, and however bitter the loss of friendship, he would never cease from the warning to flee from the French constitution.
He felt aggrieved, however, because his friends were not given a larger share of power, and when Pitt complained because some of them voted against the ministry, Sidmouth left the cabinet in July 1805.
The pope's efforts failed, for in the 14th century several Cistercian abbeys excluded Irishmen, and as late as 1436 the monks of Abingdon complained bitterly that an Irish abbot had been imposed on them by lay violence.
The commercial classes, particulaily in Portugal, complained that it subjected them to Dutch competition.
But Portugal was lost for ever, and the final judgment on the time may be passed in the words of Olivares, who complained that he could find no men in Spain.
Indians at once came to the place in large numbers, but they soon complained of the high price of French goods; there was serious contention between Cadillac and the French Canadian Fur Company, to which a monopoly of the trade had been granted, as well as bitter rivalry between him and the Jesuits.
In 1732 the London hatters complained of the competition of Connecticut hats in their trade.
Every muscle complained so painfully that she wished the numbness would return.
Her boss allowed her to beg off a trip that would cut into the weekend, after she complained about exhaustion fallowing our recent wedding activities.
He could sympathize with Cynthia, who'd complained about the overload of problems jumping from every corner.
You haven't been home in, like, three months, and when you're here, it's all Rum-ass this, Rum-ass that, she complained.
You'd never see Janet on a TV quiz show yet the woman showed up for work, most of the time, complained infrequently, and, except for mandatory cigarette breaks, worked like a sled dog on short rations.
The muscles in her legs complained as she squatted behind the log, peering over the rotting bark.
Deceased complained of dumb ague, but witness had never been able to detect any positive disease.
Unlike others in my NHS antenatal class, I never complained of sleep problems.
As well as the on-air apology, Channel 4 also contacted viewers who had complained to say sorry directly.
She first complained in murmurs, then wept, and at last burst into loud lamentations, earnestly beseeching the operator to stop.
Nobody complained of course as we were on our way home and we would have settled for a witches broom.
Many of you have rightly complained about complexities, delays and anomalies in our physical planning system.
I have complained about it previously and other people have complained about it numerous time and you don't care a damn.
Soon afta, he complained that I was bein ' selfish, an ' that I wouldn't make sacrifices fa him.
Defoe, in 1724 complained " that the Northern Road from London was perfectly frightful to travelers.
The King of Spain has lately promised to redress sundry grievances complained of by English merchants.
The applicants complained of convictions and seizure orders of the State Security Courts as unjustified interference with freedom of expression.
East Kilbride Team A garage mechanic from Scotland complained about non-payment of minimum wage.
In fact the tech rehearsal schedule was running behind, so nobody complained about my late attendance.
He complained a previous reviewer had made up titles for his songs.
He complained that he had been portrayed as a " professional slacker " and being habitually concerned with supplying counterfeit goods at work.
She was sometimes sullen, cross and complained of headaches, and my friends began to notice.
Even the normally supine New Labor MPs in Leeds have complained to the Government.
This was a nice lazy six, looking good on paper but sportscar road testers complained, citing poor camshaft timing and breathing problems.
In 1377 he complained of trespassers digging turves at Deepdale, near Scarborough.
The'space for free exchange ' the WSF saw itself as was inherently unequal and many sidelined people and even movements complained bitterly.
She complained of feeling generally unwell, with loss of appetite.
Such a place must be very unwholesome, and the smell of it was complained of by the neighbors.
Royal mail gave me some free stamps (big wow) and when I complained the second time, they extended my re-direction!
I have no sympathy for his mom who complaiNed when the Tesco security guard took some photos as evidence of the ned's wrongdoing.
She flung herself into Lamennais's cause and wrote many unpaid articles in his organ, Le Monde, but they finally split on the questions of labour and of women's rights, and she complained that Lamennais first dragged her forwards and then abused her for going too fast.
Wounded soldiers, returned to Paris, reported that he was living let-bas, " in Oriental luxury," and complained that, since their defeat had been due either to his treason or his incompetence, he should have been either guillotined "like other generals" or superseded.
In accordance with this view he declared that the patriarch was the image of Christ, the head of the Church, and was therefore subject to no earthly authority, and he complained of the tsar's interference in ecclesiastical affairs.
Turgot, on hearing of this, wrote an indignant letter to the king, in which he reproached him for refusing to see him, pointed out in strong terms the dangers of a weak ministry and a weak king, and complained bitterly of Ailaurepas's irresolution and subjection to court intrigues; this letter the king, though asked to treat it as confidential, is said to have shown to Maurepas, whose dislike for Turgot it still further embittered.
He travelled in Italy, complained of the malice of his opponents and of the ingratitude of the king, and determined "to retire from the world before it retires from me."
Even after the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) the Iroquois complained bitterly of the fraudulent land speculators, and in 1753 the chiefs of the Mohawks threatened to declare the covenant chain broken.
Not even the pleasure of ruining the Liberals was sufficient to persuade the Conservatives to vote for a measure which would transfer the power from the well-to-do to the indigent, and Hohenwart justly complained that they ought to have been secure against surprises of this kind.
When the final work included extensive praise for the twin gods Castor and Pollux, Scopas complained.
The 'space for free exchange ' the WSF saw itself as was inherently unequal and many sidelined people and even movements complained bitterly.
He complained to Lady Hope (wife of Admiral Sir James Hope) I was a young man with unformed ideas.
Egyptian judges monitoring the polls have also complained of voter intimidation and interference by security forces in the earlier rounds of elections.
Royal mail gave me some free stamps (big wow) and when I complained the second time, they extended my re-direction !
Fraudulent use - Some consumers complained that they bought the gift card and when they went to use it, it wouldn't work because the balance was zero.
Many cardholders complained that customer service was lacking and that interest rates were raised abruptly and without merit.
Many consumers have complained that they were unaware of this at the time of sign up, or that they had trouble canceling their account and getting refunds for the unwanted shipments.
Mark didn't seem to want to do anything at all and complained every step of the way.
She complained about their decision to get rid of Joseph on Episode Two - a strange move, considering she sold him up the river during that elimination ceremony!
Selected customers have complained of increased tooth sensitivity after treatment.
People with wrinkles have complained that some mineral makeup sinks down into the wrinkles, making them more noticeable.
Some users have complained that the eye makeup remover is irritating to contact wearers.
Needless to say, I complained to the coordinator afterward.
Needless to say, I complained to the wedding coordinator afterward.
While critics originally complained the photo is obscene, officials ruled it is an appropriate tribute to maternal beauty.
Unfortunately, Kate did not enjoy the media attention and complained of being followed daily.
Reports also state that Blonsky and her mother have complained about their posh accommodations when making appearances.
During the presidential inauguration, Hasselbeck complained of feeling sick to her stomach and worn out.
Nicky Hilton, little sister of everyone's BFF Paris Hilton, has complained that she and Paris weren't invited to the recent nuptials of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom.
He had complained of trouble sleeping as well as cold symptoms and stress, and the combination of drugs he had in his system to try and help him sleep was too much for his body to handle.
The waistlines of starlets is always a point of discussion on gossip blogs and celeb magazines, and many actresses have complained about the lack of roles for body types that vary from the super-skinny movie industry norm.
Once Bullock took the stage to accept her Oscar, fans complained they no longer recognized her.
A parent reviewing the underwear on Amazon complained that the elastic waistband began to unravel after the very first washing and continued to do so on every washing thereafter.
My 15-year-old niece has recently complained that she is allergic to my dogs.
However, I was just at an outside family barbecue where my dogs were running around, and although my niece had no physical contact with them, she complained of runny nose and coughing within 15 minutes of my arrival.
In their survey, they had a group of panelists who complained of having difficulty sleeping.
Some have complained that LensCrafters have given them poor quality (scratched lenses, for example), and that they feel like a dime a dozen with their services.
With the previous generation of music games, many enthusiasts complained that the instruments could not work across these two popular franchises.
In most other previous football games, people have complained that the player ratings have come inflated.
Many retro gamers have complained of a clunky interface.
I ended up getting one, not for myself of course, but for all of the people who complained that they "just weren't used to playing it on my system of choice."
The online play is also very well implemented.Some players have complained that it is too easy to get into the key, minimizing the need for other types of strategy.
The battery for the Motorola Q was almost recalled because many consumers complained about battery time, which amounted to two days on standby and maybe one hour talk time.
For instance, some users have complained about a strange "beep" that occurs during certain phone calls.
Customers of the former disliked its customer service and subscribers with the latter complained about voice connectivity.
Children have complained about the bitter taste of clarithromycin oral liquid.
Initially, many men complained about the look, but the women held their ground and the men soon conceded that a bob could be as beautiful as long, curly hair.
The price is reasonable, but one customer on the site complained that the sizing is awkward and the fabric of a poor quality.
Some parents have complained that the Dance Around Dora the Explorer Doll doesn't dance for a long time after you push her necklace once.
A few people have complained about online customer service being slow.
Some customers have complained that they haven't been able to get a timely replacement when their HealthMaster blender had issues.
For years, people complained the questions were hard, and that no one could possibly know the answers, but others defended the selection of questions saying that any of the answers are common knowledge and easily researched.
How can you avoid being one of the more than two thousand people who complained to the Better Business Bureau last year about dating sites?
Many have complained because Kate Beckinsale isn't in this one, but the story would not make sense.
Two months later, after neighbors complained of a horrible smell coming from the house, his body was found at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck.
Other people have complained that the boots stain easily if you step in water - a real concern if you are buying them to wear in slushy weather.
In addition, some female golfers have complained of getting insect bites on their feet while wearing golf sandals.
While fans used to the faster pacing of other daytime dramas complained, fans of Y&R knew that if they were unfortunate and missed an episode, they wouldn't miss every beat of the story and could be caught up relatively quickly.
Older viewers complained about the abruptness of the changes to cast and pacing.
They complained that Dobrev should dye her hair, but the producers and Dobrev stuck to their guns.
Izzie's storyline was all over the place after her portrayer (Katherine Heigl) complained about her storyline, and left the show for months at a time while filming movies.
While Macintosh users are enthusiastic, Rush Limbaugh being among them, business owners have always complained about a lack of business-oriented products or Web sites geared to Apple web-based programs.
These owners complained that the car accelerated at a high speed uncontrollably, leading to a dangerous loss of driver control.
Besides the relatively poor fuel economy, which was about 16 miles per gallon in the city, 2006 Liberty owners complained about problems with the power windows.
Also keep in mind that some owners of this used minivan have complained about issues with reliability.
Consumers complained about the poor fuel economy of the V6, and engineers worked to improve the fuel consumption for this model.
Although the Torso Track was somewhat more efficient than the traditional abdominal crunch, some participants complained of lower back pain while using this machine.
A lack of complaints does not guarantee that the broker has never been complained about, but at least a review of the BBB website will reveal any recent issues that may be red flags.
Some women have complained that the fabric is easily snagged and pilled, even when caring for it well by hand washing and hang-drying.
Millions watched and plenty complained, thinking the content wholly inappropriate.
The band was slated to play a New Year's Eve show in Toronto but was dropped from the line-up when someone in the mayor's office complained that the band's name was offensive to women.
They also complained about her weight, put caps on her teeth and made her wear a prosthetic nose for her film roles.
Reviewers almost uniformly praised the music and the stage sets, but some complained that the story didn't live up to the rest of the show.
Reality show guests that have been portrayed as hooking up have complained (maybe a bit too much) that a certain scene "didn't go down like that."
At that point, Pixie was fired because the other artists complained that she wasn't doing her job.
It's way too easy for you to read me, she complained.
The Jews laid complaint against him, and he complained against the Jews before the governor of Syria, Cestius Gallus, who sent an officer to inquire into the matter.
When the time came to pay, the comtesse de Lamotte presented the cardinal's notes; but these were insufficient, and Boehmer complained to the queen, who told him that she had received no necklace and had never ordered it.
The dey is said to have complained that the king of England should have sent a beardless boy to treat with him, and to have been told that if the beard was the necessary qualification for an ambassador it would have been easy to send a "Billy goat."
Even in his last years, when loss of friends and continual physical pain made life somewhat "cold, and dark and dreary" for him, he never complained, lamented or blamed the arrangements of nature, and the only way in which it was possible to know that he suffered was through his ever-increasing delight in the health and strength of younger men.
They complained that while doing burgher duty in former wars - the Cape Mounted Rifles consisted largely of Hottentot levies - they had not received the same treatment as others serving in defence of the colony, that they got no compensation for the losses they had sustained, and that they were in various ways made to feel they were a wronged and injured race.
Yet, three years later, Baron von Rheinbaben, the Prussian minister of finance, complained that in fifteen years the German population of East Prussia had diminished by 630,oco, while Polish immigrants had in five years numbered 30o,000; at the same time he confessed that the Poles were vastly increasing their economic resources at the expense of the German element.
While she never complained, it was clear she needed Damian to visit again soon and heal the damage his brother did to her on a daily basis.
I do not think I have complained of my wife to you, Masha, or blamed her.