Compiled Sentence Examples
Appended to this volume is a complete list of Lotze's writings, compiled by Professor Rehnisch of Gottingen.
I compiled this for my dear Rissa, but I fear the demon will prevent me from giving it to her.
The second group includes all maps compiled for special purposes.
He first introduced the division into chapters and paragraphs, and by means of carefully compiled indexes illustrated the lexical peculiarities of each author.
He compiled the history and did an analysis of the writings of all the ecclesiastical writers of the first thirteen centuries.
Like Jean Hardouin he got to believe that a great deal of what is called classical literature was compiled by anonymous authors at a much later date, and he used frequently to startle his colleagues, the Gustavian academicians, by his audacious paradoxes.
This code was compiled by King Gundobald (474-516), very probably after his defeat by Clovis in 500.
This was compiled between 766 and 771, at Benevento.
Nicolaus Germanus, a monk of Reichenbach, in 1466 prepared a set of Ptolemy's maps on a new projection with converging meridians; and Paolo del Pozzo Toscanelli in 1474 compiled a new chart on a rectangular projection, which was to guide the explorer across the western ocean to Cathay and India.
Vallard, all of Argues, near Dieppe, whose charts were compiled between 1541 and 1554.
AdvertisementEdmund Halley, the astronomer, compiled the first variation chart of scientific value (1683), as also a chart of the winds (1686).
Carla, compiled a contoured map of France (1791), and it only needed the introduction of graduated tints between these contours to secure a graphic picture of the features of the ground.
The most notable prose work of this period is an old collection of stories, the History of the Forty Vezirs, said to have been compiled by a certain Sheikh-zada and dedicated to Murad II.
Some of the inscriptions are contemporary dedications; but those which give us most information are long lists of cases, evidently compiled by the priests from the dedications in the sanctuary, or from tradition.
Little is known of him except that he belonged to a family of Yemen, was hold in repute as a grammarian in his own country, wrote much poetry, compiled astronomical tables, devoted most of his life to the study of the ancient history and geography of Arabia, and died in prison at San'a in 945.
AdvertisementThe first part of this memoir, which was probably compiled about 670, deals with the saint's work in Meath, the second with his activity in Connaught.
An Autobiography was compiled by his widow and his private secretary from his diary, sermons, records and letters (1897-1900).
The code was originally compiled in Welsh, but we have no older MSS.
His memoirs, to 1834, remain unpublished, but an Inquiry into the Origin and Course of Political Parties in the United States was compiled from it by his sons and published in 1867.
He compiled a chronicle called Chronicon ex chronicis which begins with the creation and ends in 1117.
AdvertisementThe basis of his work was a chronicle compiled by Marianus Scotus, an Irish recluse, who lived first at Fulda, afterwards at Mainz.
It died out very gradually, and the Didache or Teaching of the Apostles, compiled probably between A.D.
In Croatia-Slavonia no crop statistics were compiled before 1885.
Parispapai compiled an Hungarian-Latin Dictionary, Dictionarium magyar es dedk nyelven (Locse, 1708), and Apaczai-Csere, a Magyar Encyclopaedia (Utrecht, 1653).
Among the few prose writers of distinction were Andrew Spangar, whose " Hungarian Bookstore," Magyar Konyvtdr (Kassa, 1738), is said to be the earliest work of the kind in the Magyar dialect; George Baranyi, who translated the New Testament (Lauba, 1 754); the historians Michael Cserei and Matthew Bel, which last, however, wrote chiefly in Latin; and Peter Bod, who besides his theological treatises compiled a history of Hungarian literature under the title Magyar Athends (Szeben, 1766).
AdvertisementIn 1877 he participated in the commercial negotiations with France, in 1878 compiled the Italian customs tariff, and subsequently took a leading part in the negotiations of all the commercial treaties between Italy and other countries.
It is certainly not impossible that the two groups of " Davidic " psalms once formed separate collections independently compiled, and that the subscription to Ps.
We have already noticed the difficulty of supposing that the Elohistic Psalter was compiled in a place where a Jehovistic Psalter was already in use.
From the beginning of the 3rd to the beginning of the 5th century Tatian's Harmony or Diatessaron - whether originally compiled in Syriac, or compiled in Greek and translated into Syriac - was the current form of gospel in the Syriac Church.
Elias of Merv, who belongs to the 2nd half of the 7th century, compiled a Catena patrum on the Gospels and wrote many commentaries.
In 1828 a colony of them settled in Russian Armenia, bringing with them a book called the Key of Truth, which contains their rites of name-giving, baptism and election, compiled from old MSS., 1 we know not when.
This rite therefore was compiled from at least two earlier MSS.
He compiled a Jewish Calendar and wrote Discourses on the Ecclesiastical and Civil Polity of the Jews (1706).
The marquis de Ruvigny has compiled The Jacobite Peerage (Edinburgh, 1904), a work which purports to give a list of all the titles and honours conferred by the kings of the exiled House of Stuart.
It was Guru Arjan who compiled the Granth or Sikh Bible, out of his own and his predecessors' compositions.
A careful register of the dates was kept, divided into reigns, from which dynastic lists were afterwards compiled, giving the duration of each king's reign as well as that of the several dynasties.
Pinches, which gave a synopsis of Babylonian history from a Babylonian point of view, and was compiled in the reign of Darius.
Vocabularies, grammars and interlinear translations were compiled for the use of students as well as commentaries on the older texts and explanations of obscure words and phrases.
The law as originally compiled underwent modifications of varying importance before it took the form known to us in Latin MS. No.
It was compiled by the itinerant Frankish officials known as the missi Dominici, and the text undoubtedly goes back to the time of Charlemagne, perhaps to the years 802 and 803, when the activity of the missi was at its height.
A.-Cane sugar (compiled from the Weekly Statistical Sugar Trade Journal of Messrs Willett & Gray of New York, and books and reports published under the authority of the government of India).
He compiled the Koran, instituted the civil list, regulated the military organization.
In the 8th century Ibn Mofaddal compiled the collection named after him the Mofaddaliyat.
After holding a school mastership and two curacies, he was made rector of St Martin's Orgar in London in 1628, where he took a leading part in the contest between the London clergy and the citizens about the city tithes, and compiled a treatise on the subject, which is printed in Brewster's Collectanea (1752).
The topographical labours of Cosme Bueno and Unanue were ably continued at Lima by Admiral Don Eduardo Carrasco, who compiled annual guides of Peru from 1826.
St Louis read the books that he compiled, and supplied the funds for procuring copies of such authors as he required for his compilations.
The earliest extant list, doubtless compiled from the numerous guide books then current in the Greek world, is that of the epigrammatist Antipater of Sidon (2nd century B.C.).
Bertini, officially compiled in order to preserve the memory of the more interesting acts of Charlemagne, his ancestors and his successors.
An authenticated work compiled AD.
There is also a tradition that some kind of general history was compiled in 620 but destroyed by fire in 645.
It was under the auspices of an empress (Suiko) that the first historical manuscript is said to have been compiled in 620.
Mateiu Bassarab (1633-1654) established the first printing-press in Rumania, and under his influence the first code of laws was compiled and published in Bucharest in 1654.
Besides the list in Bohn's Lowndes, which is somewhat of an omnium gatherum, three lists drawn with more or less care were compiled in the 19th century.
The English Book of Homilies was compiled because competent preachers were comparatively rare.
He compiled the Garden of the Soul (1740 ?), which continues to be the most popular manual of devotion among English-speaking Roman Catholics, and he revised an edition of the Douai version of the Scriptures (1749-1750), correcting the language and orthography, which in many places had become obsolete.
Mention may also be made of the longer catechism of the Orthodox Catholic Church compiled by Philaret, metropolitan of Moscow, revised and adopted by the Russian Holy Synod in 1839.
Selections were included in a volume of Flores compiled at Verona in 1329; and a MS. of bks.
He also wrote at Bethlehem De viris illustribus sive de scriptoribus ecclesiasticas, a church history in biographies, ending with the life of the author; De nominibus Hebraicis, compiled from Philo and Origen; and De situ et nominibus locorum Hebraicorum.'
Berossus, a priest of Belus living at Babylon in the 3rd century B.C., added to his historical account of Babylonia chronological list of its kings, which he claimed to have compiled from genuine archives preserved in the temple.
Only the first volume was corrected by the author, the other two being compiled from his manuscript by Juan Tineo.
He compiled chronological lists of the archons and Olympiads, and made a collection of Attic inscriptions, the first of its kind in Greece.
It was previously known by name from lists of canonical and extracanonical books compiled by Eusebius and other writers.
His intention was to publish in eighteen volumes the lives of the saints compiled from the MSS., at the same time adding sober notes.
Zwingli's theological views are expressed succinctly in the sixtyseven theses published at Zurich in 1523, and at greater length in the First Helvetic Confession, compiled in 1536 by a number of his disciples.'
Efforts have been almost unceasingly made since 1872 by statistical experts in periodical conference to bring about a general understanding, first, as to the subjects which may be considered most likely to be ascertained with approximate accuracy at a census, and secondly - a point of scarcely less importance - as to the form in which the results of the inquiry should be compiled in order to render comparison possible between the facts recorded in the different areas.
It was compiled with considerable care from the best accessible authorities, and is written generally with impartiality, and in a clear and simple style.
There can be little doubt that, as in the case of all the other kingdoms of Further India, complete and detailed chronicles were compiled from reign to reign by order of her kings, but of the more ancient of these, the wars and disturbances which continued with such frequency down to quite recent times have left no trace.
Foreign histories include a work on Pegu, a few tales of Cambodian kings and recently published class-books on European history compiled by the educational department.
It would seem, from a somewhat obscure passage in the chronicle compiled from older the progenitors of the Poles, originally established on the Danube, were driven from thence by the Romans to the still wilder wilderness of central Europe, settling finally among the virgin forests and impenetrable morasses of the basin of the upper waters of the Oder and the Vistula.
According to a reference list compiled by Captain Stanley Flower, there were 102 actually existing public gardens or parks containing collections of wild animals in 1910, while there are also a considerable number of private collections.
Another edition was issued by Richard Grafton in 1548, the year after Hall's death, and another in 1550; these include a continuation from 1532 compiled by Grafton from the author's notes.
For the Encyclopedic he compiled and translated a large number of articles on chemistry and mineralogy, chiefly from German sources.
Independently of its value as being compiled from original documents, it bears evidence of great research, and has been of essential benefit to later writers.
The notes were generally compiled from original documents, references to which are usually given, so that they remain useful to the present day.
Madoz was distinguished from most of the politicians of his generation by the fact that in middle life he compiled what is still a book of value - a geographical, statistical and historical dictionary of Spain and its possessions oversea, Diccionario geogra Pico, estadistico y historico de Espana, y sus posesiones de Ultramar (Madrid, 1848-1850).
The first regular catechisms seem to have grown out of the usual oral teaching of catechumens, and to have been compiled in the 8th and 9th centuries.
Since 1648 the standard Presbyterian catechisms have been those compiled by the Westminster Assembly, presented to parliament in 1647, and then authorized by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (July 1648) and by the Scottish parliament (January 1649).
The following is a list (compiled in 1909) of comets which are well established as periodic, through having been observed at List of Periodic Comets observed at more than one Return.
His work, which places him among the first and best of German annalists, consists of four books or parts, and is compiled partly from written records and partly from oral information, the latter mainly gathered from experience or at the courts of Adalbert and Sweyn Estrithson.
J.D.Richardson compiled the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789 1897 (10 vols., Washington, 1896-1899).
A Glossary of Theosophical Terms (1890-1892) was compiled for the benefit of her disciples.
The Liber Pluscardensis, a valuable authority on early Scots history, was compiled in the priory by Maurice Buchanan in 1461.
It was for this prince that, at al-Mansur's instigation, al-Mufaddal compiled the Mufaddaliyat.
David, Laurier et son temps (Montreal, 1905); see also Henri Moreau, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier Ministre du Canada (Paris, 1902); and the collection of Laurier's speeches from 1871 to 1890, compiled by Ulric Barthe (Quebec, 1890).
Rose, the scholia collected by Brandis, and the index compiled by Bonitz.
It was compiled between 685 and 751, and was constantly employed until the 11th century, when, owing to the changed circumstances of the Church, it fell into disuse, and was soon forgotten and lost.
Canes Venatici ("The Hounds," or "the greyhounds"), in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere named by Hevelius in 1690, who compiled it from the stars between the older asterisms Ursa Major, Bodtes and Coma Berenices.
Wace and Benoit de Sainte-More compiled their histories at his bidding, and it was in his reign that Marie de France composed her poems. An event with which he was closely connected, viz.
It was compiled from the notes of the marshal's squire, John d'Early (t 1230 or 1231), who shared all the vicissitudes of his master's life and was one of the executors of his will.
In 1581 episcopacy was abolished as a result of the report of a commission on which Craig had sat; he also assisted at the composition of the Second Book of Discipline and the National Covenant of 1580, and in 1581 compiled "Ane Shorte and Generale Confession" called the "King's Confession," which was imposed on all parish ministers and graduates and became the basis of the Covenant of 1638.
We will next enumerate the sources from which the Prayer Book was compiled.
That teaches us what we ought to believe in history as it is compiled according to ostensible events and results known to the generality of people."
The chronicle was probably compiled in Hebrew early in the 10th century, by a Jewish native of south Italy.
Cresacre More, great-grandson of Sir Thomas, compiled a new life about the year 1627.
Following the first chart of lines of equal variation compiled by Edmund Halley in 1700, charts of similar type have been published from time to time embodying recent observations and corrected for the secular change, thus providing seamen with values of the variation accurate to about 30' of arc. Possessing these data, it is easy to ascertain by observation the effects of the iron in a ship in disturbing the compass, and it will be found for the most part in every vessel that the needle is deflected from the magnetic meridian by a horizontal angle called the deviation of the compass; in some directions of the ship's head adding to the known variation of the place, in other directions subtracting from it.
It is compiled out of an Adversaria, or commonplace book, in which he had jotted down everything of unusual interest that he heard in conversation or read in books, and it comprises notes on grammar, geometry, philosophy, history and almost every other branch of knowledge.
The table on p. 150 compiled from them is taken from the Manchester Guardian.
Lewin with the help of a Sikkimese lama compiled A Manual of Tibetan, or rather a series of colloquial phrases in the Sikkimese dialect, in 1879.
In 1894 Mr Graham Sandberg compiled a useful Handbook of Colloquial Tibetan.
His chief work, 'EKA(ryr) 'Ovoµarwv Kai `Prµarwv Attgkcjv, is a collection of selected Attic words and phrases, partly arranged in alphabetical order, compiled as a help to Greek composition from the works of Phrynichus, Ammonius, Herodian and Moeris.
This was followed by a zone-catalogue of 73,160 stars (1884), and a general catalogue (1885) compiled from meridian observations of 32,448 stars.
The administration of justice is very fully organized, and in the Code Belge, which was carefully compiled between 1831 and 1836 from the old laws of the nine provinces leavened by the Code Napoleon and modern exigencies, the Belgians claim that they possess an almost perfect statute-book.
In the history of literature an important work is compiled by Ferdinand van der Haeghen and others in the Bibliotheca Belgica (1880, &c.), comprising a description of all the books printed in the Netherlands in the 15th and 16th centuries.
For he compiled the legends of the saints (Legendae sanctorum) in one volume, adding many things from the Historia tripartite et scholastica, and from the chronicles of many writers."
In 1752 an edition appeared in 3 vols., with Life by Thomas Birch, compiled from Tillotson's original papers and letters.
The collection of moral maxims, compiled in Arabic but best known (in the Hebrew translation of Judah ibn Tibbon) as Mibhar ha-peninim, is generally ascribed to Ibn Gabirol, though on less certain grounds.
The statistics given are taken as far as possible from official returns, and where such are unavailable they have been carefully compiled from reliable data.
In spite of its defects, however, the Bibliotheca is of considerable value as to some extent supplying the loss of the works of older authors, from which it is compiled.
This work, which in course of time acquired canonical authority among the Armenians, is partly compiled from sources which we yet possess, viz.
The quantities of such imported articles as are liable to duty have, indeed, been known for many years; and in 1872 official tables were compiled showing the value both of imports and of exports.
For the science of government, too, much was done, partly by the introduction from Italy of the study of Roman law, partly by the collection of native customs in the Sachsenspiegel compiled by Eike von Repgow early in the f3th century, and the less valuable Deutschenspiegel and Schwabenspiegel.
It is not a list of individuals, but only of family surnames, and it seems to have been intended to show which families had "come over with the Conqueror," and to have been compiled about the 14th century.
He also had a new code of laws compiled (issued in 1346) in addition to the statute of Jacopo Tiepolo.
It has been compiled from several authorities, especially Joseph Lovering (4) and Sophus Tromholt (5).
To a great extent the theoretical and historical parts of his work are compiled from earlier Greek authors, of whom he gives a list at i.
The Abbe Raynal wrote for the Mercure de France, and compiled a series of popular but superficial works, which he published and sold himself.
The combination of pieces of different origin may proceed partly from the possessors of the codices from which Zaid compiled his first complete copy, partly from Zaid himself.
The later religious literature is much taken up with the mythical and semi-mythical dynasties of kings, and the priests compiled, with many newly-invented details, the chronicles of the wars they were supposed to have waged.
The dictionary of physicians, compiled in ttie 7th century, enumerates nearly sixty men of science who resided in Egypt; the best-known among them are Said b.
This was the termination of the French occupation of Egypt, of which the chief permanent monument was the Description de lEgypte, compiled by the French savants who accompanied the expedition.
Under the auspices of Archbishop Absalon the monks of Sorb began to compile the annals of Denmark, and at the end of the 12th century Svend Aagesen, a cleric of Lund, compiled from Icelandic sources and oral tradition his Compendiosa historic regum Daniae.
The Irish barrows occur in groups in certain localities, some of which seem to have been the royal cemeteries of the tribal confederacies, whereof eight are enumerated in an ancient Irish manuscript, the Leabhar na h-UidhPi, compiled c. A.D.
Moreover, the documents from which the book has been compiled belong to different periods in the history of Israel, and each of them, admittedly, reflects the standpoint of the age in which it was written.
The sources from which the book of Exodus has been compiled are the same as those which form the basis of the book of Genesis, while the method of composition is very similar.
From his Göttingen days dates the treatise on certain parts of Persian history, compiled from MSS.
His first task on taking up this post was the reduction and publication of a large mass of observations left by his predecessor, from a selected portion of which (those made 1856-1860) he compiled a catalogue of 1154 stars.
It was compiled in Magdeburg, and the history is divided into periods of one hundred years each.
A long list might be compiled of men of distinction who performed the pilgrimage to Palestine.
The oldest is the Notitia ecclesiarum urbis Romae, which was probably compiled under Honorius I.
Brahms's Deutsches requiem has nothing to do with the Mass for the dead, being simply a large choral work on a text compiled from the Bible by the composer.
He compiled a systematic account of the fiscal system of the canton Bern, but the main factor in his mental growth came from his study of Christianity.
This is not because he is an original thinker but because he compiled into systematic form the scattered teaching of his theological predecessors.
The books were compiled and preserved for definite aims, and their teaching is directed now to the needs of the people as a whole - as in the ever popular stories of Genesis - now to the inculcation of the lessons of the past, and now to matters of ritual.
It is now, however, practically certain that it was of composite authorship and that the earlier part of it was compiled about 530, three centuries before the time of Anastasius.
This council, which consisted of five hundred members, compiled three commentaries on the Buddhist faith.
Several editions of his collected works have appeared, and a Memoir, principally compiled from his own papers, was published about a year after his decease by Dr Ryland, his most intimate friend and coadjutor in the affairs of the Baptist mission.
Whethamstede's Chronicle, or the Registrum abbatiae Johannis Whethamstede, is a register compiled soon after the abbot's death, which tells the events of his second abbacy.
All former descriptions are now superseded by the magnificent work of Brunnow and Domaszewski, Die Provincia Arabia (1904), who have minutely surveyed the whole site, classified the tombs, and compiled the accounts of earlier investigations; and by the independent researches of Dalman, Petra and seine Felsheiligtiimer (1908), and of Musil, Arabia Petraea (1907-1908).
The Latin version of the Rectitudines Singularum Personarum, a document compiled probably in the i rth century, not long before the Conquest, renders geneat (a peasant tenant of a superior kind performing lighter services than the gebur, as he was burdened with heavy week-work) by villanus; but the gebur came to be also considered as a villanus according to AngloNorman terminology.
There resulted the foundation by him, in 1774, of the well-known Astronomisches Jahrbuch, 51 yearly volumes of which he compiled and issued.
The constitutional documents may best be consulted in the latest compiled Statutes of the state.
But Domesday Book (liber) although compiled from the returns of that survey, must be carefully distinguished from them; nor is it certain that it was compiled in the year in which the survey was made.
The value of this tradition, which may be based on Papias, who certainly reported that " Matthew compiled the Oracles (of the Lord) in Hebrew," can be estimated only in connexion with the study of the Gospel itself (see below).
The year before the Revolution broke out he, with some assistance from a man of similar but lesser talent, Champcenetz, 2 compiled a lampoon, entitled Petit Almanach de nos grands hommes pour 1788, in which some writers of actual or future talent and a great many nobodies were ridiculed in the most pitiless manner.
In order to minimize the results of such inaccuracy, the return of ages is compiled in aggregates of five or ten years and then redistributed over single years by the method of differences.
He compiled with his friend John Slidell a valuable digest of decisions of the superior courts of New Orleans and Louisiana; and as a partner in the firm of Slidell, Benjamin & Conrad, he enjoyed a good practice.
Long; compiled.
Here he organized a civil government and compiled a code of laws, some of which are still in force, thus exceeding his instructions and ignoring the territorial claims of Texas, out of which had grown the war.
It was he, too, who conceived the plan of a great collection of lives of saints, compiled from the manuscripts and augmented with notes, from which resulted the collection of the Acta sanctorum (see Bollandists).
From Richter's notes of this excavation, Dr P. Herrmann compiled the first scientific account of Graeco-Phoenician and Hellenistic Cyprus.
A collection of his articles was published by his friends under the title of Mélanges Havet (1895), prefixed by a bibliography of his works compiled by his friend Henri Omont.
The socalled Apostolical Constitutions and Canons, the latter of which were compiled in the 4th century, give us the first clear and fairly general rules on the subject.
In addition to these works Camden compiled a Greek grammar, Institutio Graecae Grammatices Compendiaria, which became very popular, and he published an edition of the writings of Asser, Giraldus Cambrensis, Thomas Walsingham and others, under the title, Anglica, Hibernica, Normannica, Cambrica, a veteribus scripta, published at Frankfort in 1602, and again in 1603.
Of these, Nyblaeus compiled a lucid account of Swedish philosophy from the beginning of the 18th century up to and including Bostrom; Ribbing (Platos Ideelara and Socratische Studien) showed how closely Swedish idealism is allied to Greek.
At his order the orthodox doctrines and texts were compiled by the high priest Jansar; all divergent theories were prohibited and their adherents proscribed.
It goes back to a native work, the Khudai nama (book of lords), compiled under Chosres I.
Books of homilies were compiled from the writings of SS.
The Itinerary of Fifty-six Religious Travellers, compiled and published under imperial authority, 730.6.
The Visconde de Santarem, and Judice Biker in geography and diplomatics, produced standard works; Luz Soriano compiled painstaking histories of the reign of King Joseph and of the Peninsular War; Silvestre Ribeiro printed a learned account of the scientific, literary and artistic establishments of Portugal, and Lieut.-Colonel Christovam Ayres was the author of a history of the Portuguese army.
A Spanish translation by his brother Carlos appeared at Madrid between 1784 and 1806, and an abridgment in French (1838-1846) was compiled by the Jesuit Alexis Nerbonne.
In a Chinese Herbal compiled before 1700 both the plant and its inspissated juice are described, together with the mode of collecting it, and in the General History of the Southern Provinces of Yunnan, revised and republished in 1736, opium is noticed as a common product.
Le Livre des tournois, a book of ceremonial, and the allegorical romance, Conqueste qu'un chevalier nomme le Cuer d'amour espris feist d'une dame appelee Doulce Mercy, with other works ascribed to him, were perhaps dictated to his secretaries, or at least compiled under his direction.
From papers in the possession of the imperial family he compiled Memoires du prince Eugene (1858-1860) and Refutation des memoires du duc de Raguse (1857), part of which was inserted by authority at the end of volume ix.
The Shih king, or Ancient Poems, as existing in his time, or compiled by him (as generally stated, contrary to the evidence in the case), consisted of 311 pieces, of which we possess 305.
And so attention was directed to St Augustine's writings on community life; and out of them, and spurious writings attributed to him, were compiled towards the close of the 11th century three Rules, the "First" and "Second" being mere fragments, but the "Third" a substantive rule of life in 45 sections, often grouped in twelve chapters.
It was compiled by a certain Melchisedec and contained thirteen homilies.
The first law-books were also compiled during this period.
In 1632 Evstratie the Logofet (logothete) also translated a Pravild from the Greek, which remains in MS. In 1646 appeared the Pravilei aleasa, or " Selected Code," compiled, no doubt, by Evstratie and published with the authority .of the then reigning Prince Vasile Lupul (Basil the Wolf), hence known as the Code of Vasile.
And as regards the latter, the fact that Epiphanius does not use the Constitutions is no proof that they had not yet been compiled.
Such were the Cento Nuptialis of Ausonius, the sketch of Biblical history which was compiled in the 4th century by Proba Falconia, wife of a Roman proconsul, and the hymns in honour of St Quirinus taken from Virgil and Horace by Metellus, a monk of Tegernsee, in the latter half of the 12th century.
The other collections of canons, of Italian origin, compiled before the 10th century, are of importance on account of the documents which they have preserved for us, but as they have not exercised any great influence on the development of canon law, we may pass them over.
We need mention only the chief of them - the Collectio Anselmo dedicata, by an unknown author of the end of the 9th century; the Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis, 3 compiled about 906 by Regino, abbot of Pram, and dedicated to Hatto of Mainz, relatively a very original treatise; the enormous compilation surchard.
To the 12th century belong the collection in the MS. of Saragossa (Caesaraugustana) to which attention was drawn by Antonio Agustin; that of Cardinal Gregory, called by him the Polycarpus, in 8 books (about 1115); and finally the Liber de misericordia et justitia of Algerus, 10 scholasticus of Liege, in 3 books, compiled at latest in 1123.
The work is not without its faults; Gratian is lacking in historical and critical faculty; his theories are often hesitating; but on the whole, his treatise is as complete and as perfect as it could be; so much so that no other work of the same kind has been compiled; just as there has never been made another Book of the Sentences.
The first and most important is the work of Bernard, provost and afterwards bishop of Pavia, namely, the Breviarium extravagantium, compiled about 1190; it included the decretals from Alexander III.
The creed given in Rome was the so-called Apostles' Creed, originally compiled as we now have it to exclude Marcionites.
Neander, Harnack, Dr Armitage Robinson and James Martineau, whether it represents a real utterance of Christ and not rather the liturgical usage of the region in which the first gospel was compiled.
In 1748 the synods of Glasgow, Perth and Lothian passed vain resolutions intended to exclude him from churches; in 1753 he compiled his hymn-book, and in 1756 opened the chapel which still bears his name in Tottenham Court Road.
A book called The Priest in Absolution was compiled, and at first privately circulated among the clergy; but in 1877 a copy was produced in parliament, and gave rise to much scandal and heated debate, especially in the House of Lords and in the newspapers.
Goss compiled a list of 335 species, of which 175 were known to breed in the state.
The famous Domesday Book (q.v.) of 1086 iS in its essential nature an inquiry into the state of England at the moment of the Conquest, compiled in order that the king may have a full knowledge of the rights that he possesses as the heir of King Edward.
Cranmer remained archbishop and compiled an English Litany,while Catherine Howard soon ceased to be queen; charges of loose conduct, which in her case at any rate were not instigated by the king, were made against her and she was brought to the block; she was succeeded by Catherine Parr, a mild patron of the new learning.
Their place is taken by the city chronicle compiled by middle-class laymen, just as the Renaissance was not a revival of clerical learning, but the expression of new intellectual demands on the part of the laity.
The " Rule " was compiled by Dr Pusey, who also gave spiritual supervision.
In 1833 he completed his translation of the Bible; in succeeding years he compiled a Burmese grammar, a Burmese dictionary, and a Pali dictionary.
The best known Summae casuum conscientiae, compiled for the conduct of auricular confession, belong to the 14th and i 5th centuries.
It is most probable that he also compiled shorter Kings' Books relating to Denmark and perhaps to England.
The whole were edited and compiled into one book, often quoted as Skioldunga, by a 13th-century editor, possibly Olaf, the White Poet, Sturla's brother, guest and friend of King Valdemar II.
The Scottish Communion Office, compiled by the non-jurors in accordance with primitive models, has had a varying co-ordinate authority, and the modifications of the English liturgy adopted by the American Church were mainly determined by its influence.
The great dictionary compiled and published by the South Slavonic Academy of Agram is called The Lexicon of the Servian or Croatian Language.
He compiled the Hakimite Tables of the planets, and observed at Cairo, in 977 and 978, two solar eclipses which, as being the first recorded with scientific accuracy, 4 were made available in fixing the amount of lunar acceleration.
They are valuable as being compiled from Demosthenes himself, or from other classical models.
The duchess had made over to him the papers of her father and uncle, from which he compiled the Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald.
Statistics of exports and imports were compiled for various years by writers like Newenham, Arthur Young and Cesar Moreau, but these are vitiated by being given in Irish currency which was altered from time to time, and by the fact that the method of rating at the custom-house also varied.
O'Donovan (1851), compiled in Donegal under Charles I., gives a continuous account of Celtic Ireland down to 1616.
If we reinterpret the history of the family and its descent into Egypt, and belittle its increase into a nation, and if we figure to ourselves a more gradual occupation of Palestine, we destroy the entire continuity of history as it was understood by those who compiled the biblical history, and we have no evidence for any confident reconstruction.
He was awarded the Copley medal by the Royal Society in 1850, and his Solar Tables, compiled with the assistance of Christian Olufsen, appeared in 1854.
He compiled, chiefly from Livy, a brief sketch of the history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the closing of the temple of Janus by Augustus (25 B.C.).
See also Le Salon de Madame Necker, by the Vicomte d'Haussonville (2 vols., 1882), compiled from the papers at Coppet; Ch.
In the 5th century B.C. the Athenian astronomer Euctemon, according to Geminus of Rhodes, compiled a weather calendar in which Aquarius, Aquila, Canis major, Corona, Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Orion, Pegasus, Sagitta and the asterisms Hyades and Pleiades are mentioned, always, however, in re Corvus.
The names and orientation of the constellations therein adopted are, with but few exceptions, identical with those used at the present day; and as it cannot be doubted that Ptolemy made only very few modifications in the system of Hipparchus, the names were adopted at least three centuries before the Almagest was compiled.
The valuable Syriac Chronicle just referred to probably was compiled in the latter half of this century.
Betsy compiled a comprehensive portfolio of automobile models which Howie memorized so he could better identify vehicles.
He compiled the first English dictionary of arts and sciences.
From the glories of the repertoire the editors have compiled a wide-ranging anthology of sacred pieces suitable for all church choirs.
Over 800 cases are compiled and edited by fully qualified barristers each year.
Haines has compiled a catalog of 185 such EM events.
The ' key ' is a list of bomb census records, compiled in 1948.
Central Banking Publications has compiled some figures for a group of countries (mainly OECD) using central banking Publications has compiled some figures for a group of countries (mainly OECD) using central banks ' annual reports.
The value and the aims of the project The fine rolls were the earliest rolls compiled by the English royal chancery.
Approach Emma consulted senior Rotating Equipment Engineers, compiled the checklist and then gained feedback on the layout and material it covered.
The Council has compiled a compendium of all the changes put forward.
As expected, an album was hastily compiled, titled My Cherie Amour and released in August 1969.
They are actually compiled into servlets when first requested and run in the servlet container.
Although no comprehensive national statistics have been compiled on annual death rates due to unsafe abortions, the picture is grim.
A version compiled to run under ms DOS in the user-friendly ESDUview shell which prompts on-screen for the input data is also provided.
Councilor McMenamin contended that the statistics had been compiled prior to the opening of the newly furbished Fitness Suite.
I guess he didn't have jazz-rock fusion in mind when he compiled Impressed.
Pump Up The Volume was compiled to give the music lover the insight into the latest gadgetry in the market.
Among them is Mr. Reginald R.M. King QC, who compiled a comprehensive genealogy of the family.
In 1978 Durney et al., had compiled a Dosimetry handbook for radiofrequency radiation (Durney et al., 1978 ).
Dictionaries You need to know that dictionaries are compiled by lexicographers, not usage experts.
Slipways is a list of useful links to favorite websites compiled by librarians from Southampton Reference Library.
Public Relations have compiled a short list of pointers which small business people may find useful in raising their firmâs profile within vertical markets.
These charts are compiled using the highest quality and most accurate data available, allowing mariners to navigate safely and with confidence.
The /m modifier causes the size of memory block used to hold the compiled pattern to be output.
Also see the tour operator list compiled by The Scotsman newspaper.
The menu is compiled to tempt the most discerning palate, complemented by an enviable wine cellar.
A list of authorized personnel who are allowed in the Heavy Lab to be compiled.
I've also compiled a portfolio of some good systems which I think are worth following all year round.
The data is compiled what will continue shots and hurrying putts differently about things.
The same two monks in the next year compiled a register of the hospital of Buckland.
This record was compiled by CRD commissioned reviewers according to a set of guidelines developed in collaboration with a group of leading health economists.
The book " Bedminster - Archive Photographs " compiled by Anton Bantock, describes him as " a born showman and stuntman " .
The poll will take place once a shortlist has been compiled following informal soundings within the partnership.
Remember to free this compiled sprite later to avoid memory leaks.
The top 10 is contained in the annual survey of Britain's top 50 brands compiled by research company AC Nielson for Marketing magazine.
Compiled by Keith himself, this is a first look into the world of a major songwriting talent!
In the glebe terrier which he compiled in 1635 Dale stated that he had built the vicarage on the south of the churchyard.
They also have a tie-in with The Big Issue, with talented, unsigned artists being compiled for a cover CD.
A draft timeline of the key developments has been compiled.
Little was known of the history of the empire of Trebizond until the subject was taken in hand by Professor Fallmerayer of Munich, who discovered the chronicle of Michael Panaretus among the books of Cardinal Bessarion, and from that work, and other sources of information which were chiefly unknown up to that time, compiled his Geschichte des Kaiserthums von Trapezunt (Munich, 1827).
According to the custom of the time, the continuator did not hesitate to interpolate Fordun's portion of the work with additions of his own, and the whole history thus compiled is known as the Scotichronicon.
These maps existed, as a matter of course, before such an index could be compiled, but it is doubtful whether the maps in our available manuscript, which are attributed to Agathodaemon, are copies of Ptolemy's originals or have been compiled, after their loss, from this index.
He had compiled a sea-atlas (the Bahrije) of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, every nook and cranny of which he had explored, with an account of the currents, soundings, landing-places, inlets and harbours.
He also wrote a campaign biography of William Henry Harrison (1839); Theory of Morals (1844); and Theory of Politics (1853), as well as Lives of Atrocious Judges (1856), compiled from Lord Campbell's two works.
Bibliography.-In addition to the early Greek writings already named, there are the forty books (some fifteen only extant in their entirety) of universal history compiled (about 8 B.C.) by Diodorus Siculus, and arranged in the form of annals; the Pentabiblos of Julius Africanus (about 220-230 A.D.); the treatise of Censorinus entitled De die natali, written 238 A.D.; the Chronicon, in two books, of Eusebius Pamphili, bishop of Caesarea (about 325 A.D.), distinguished as the first book of a purely chronological character which has come down to us; and three important works forming parts of the Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, namely, the Chronographia of Georgius Syncellus (800 A.D.), the Chronographia of Johannes Malalas (9th century), and the Chronicon Paschale.
They find that the documents are of composite origin, partly notes from Mary to Darnley, partly a diary of Mary's, and so on; all combined and edited by some one who played the part of the legendary editorial committee of Peisistratus (see Homer), which compiled the Iliad and Odyssey out of fragmentary lays !
Amid the plethora of books, the reader cannot do better than consult the Narrative and Critical History of America, edited by Justin Winsor (1886-1889), in eight large octavo volumes, in which all the chapters are supplied with copious and carefully compiled bibliographies.
The treatise on canon law known as the Decretum Gratiani, which was compiled towards the middle of the 12th century and had an enduring and far-reaching effect (see Canon Law), merely gave theoretical sanction to the existing situation in the Church.
From his Göttingen days dates the treatise on certain parts of Persian history, compiled from MSS.
One of them, the menology of Metaphrastes, compiled in the second half of the 10th century, enjoyed a universal vogue (see Symeon Metaphrastes).
He had also caused to be compiled a history of Walachia, and had called to the country many teachers of the Greek language, whose business it was to instruct the sons of the boiars in grammar, rhetoric and philosophy.
Professor Newcomb, who has compiled an instructive table of the equinoxes severally observed by Hipparchus and Ptolemy, with their errors deduced from Leverrier's solar tables, finds palpable evidence that the discrepancies between the two series were artificially reconciled on the basis of a year 6 m too long, adopted by Ptolemy on trust from his predecessor.
He compiled new tables of the sun and moon, long accepted as authoritative, discovered the movement of the sun's apogee, and assigned to annual precession the improved value of 55".
In 2005, rice became the first crop plant whose complete genome had been compiled.
The results are compiled from questionnaires sent to every DLL Club.
Agreed syllabus RE is different from national curriculum subjects in that the syllabus is compiled and agreed locally, rather than nationally.
The reel-to-reel recordings were compiled over decades for studios such as Shepperton, Elstree and Pinewood.
His Remembrance of Things Past was number 4 of the list of the top 100 gay books compiled in the USA in 1999.
The returns were compiled from visits to 30 rendering plants, 18 of which rendered SBO.
The scrapbooks carefully compiled to tell their fantastic story are crumbling.
The book " Bedminster - Archive Photographs " compiled by Anton Bantock, describes him as " a born showman and stuntman ".
The top 10 is contained in the annual survey of Britain 's top 50 brands compiled by research company AC Nielson for Marketing magazine.
Compiled by Keith himself, this is a first look into the world of a major songwriting talent !
A morphological character matrix was compiled for the fifteen terminal taxa.
Who owns the access rights to a database that has been compiled at taxpayers ' expense?
At the touch of a button, you can now also upload photos you compiled offline onto your own online photo website for free.
Compiled versions are also supplied running under MS DOS with the ESDUview user-friendly shell that prompts on-screen for input data.
We've compiled some of our favorite free baby shower games.
We've looked high and low for some great gifts, and we've compiled the list to help you in your next shopping endeavor.
We've compiled a list of tips on choosing a pre-school as well as hints for how to make those first few days of school easier for your baby and you.
We've compiled a list of our favorite themed baby shower supplies, along with some recommendations for Web sites for you to check out.
These factors have been compiled over the year from scientists who research babies who have died from SIDS, so they are reliable.
We've compiled a list of the top tips for baby sleep schedules.
All of these cards could then be compiled into a scrapbook.
For about $20, CARFAX will check your vehicle's history with information compiled from motor vehicle records and police reports.
The list I have compiled here contains items that I feel are essential for you to have for your pet, in case of any emergency that may come up. - is a free online resource compiled from years of Usenet faq sources.
Digital Photo Printing Comparison Chart - BestWebBuys has compiled a straightforward chart comparing the rates, specials and shipping costs of over two dozen sites specializing in digital printing.
They're copyright-free, so they can be freely distributed, and Project Gutenberg has compiled them in one extensive catalog.
Luckily, the writers and editors at LoveToKnow Photography have compiled several suggestions you can use when making your purchase.
Mom's Break has compiled a collection of printable artwork for mothers who are interested in sharing their love of scrapbooking with their children.
Work can be stressful, especially when the rigors of work are compiled along with the stress from everyday life.
We have compiled a diverse list of birthday party themes for teens.
In my book The Live Food Factor, I compiled 66 such studies (most which were published in scientific journals).
To help prospective distance learning students, U.S. News & World Report has compiled a list of colleges and universities that offer online courses.
The tests are then compiled and weighed against several factors in the patient's life to determine the best course of treatment.
Viva La Guitarra - This collection of beginning songs has been compiled by Antonio Joaquin Arizaga, and the collection includes a version of Besame Mucho.
However, the lists are often different because each one is compiled using a different set of objective criteria.
Still another list could be compiled using several of the criteria at once.
One of the most notable is a list compiled by the staff of MSN Money.
Interestingly, one of the best resources for information on a country, including cultural and safety issues, is the The World Factbook, compiled by the CIA.
Several programmers realized it would be much easier if all these games could be compiled onto a single memory cartridge, and this concept soon became a reality upon the advent of the DS R4 cartridge.
LoveToKnow Video Games has compiled a list of the best available titles.
On his website, Mr. Leach has compiled a comprehensive list of every plane made by the Stanley Company.
This guide was compiled by a staff of antique experts and contains over 750,000 antiques and collectibles that were sold in the United States Canada and Europe.
Computed tomography (CT)-An imaging technique in which cross-sectional x rays of the body are compiled to create a three-dimensional image of the body's internal structures; also called computed axial tomography.
A complete medical, family, social, and educational history is compiled from existing medical and school records (if applicable) and from interviews with parents.
Evidence compiled from studies using child interviews, direct observations, and teacher ratings all suggest that popular children exhibit high levels of social competence.
Statistics compiled by the Women's Sports Foundation also demonstrate that young female athletes receive substantial benefits from participation in sports.
This table was compiled by the Food and Nutrition Board, a committee that serves the United States government.
A complete medical, family, social, and educational history is compiled from existing medical and school records and from interviews with the child and the child's parents and teachers.
A complete medical, family, social, psychiatric, and educational history is compiled from existing medical and school records and from interviews with parents and teachers.
Mernyk has compiled directions for all of the steps he's learned through his own classes, organized by starting position.
By entering just the family surname, you can quickly receive links to the family research information which has been compiled by families around the world and is currently available in the Library with that surname.
Libraries and archives often have books of compiled family genealogies.
The names were compiled from governmental sources and public enrollment.
It is almost like winning the lottery when you find a well-researched, well-documented genealogical history already conveniently compiled on your ancestors.
These records are in the process of being compiled, along with other Western states, into one large database, called the Western States Marriage Records Index.
You may be able to find compiled military records, which are groups of records pertaining to a specific individual.
The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company compiled extensive genealogical information on depositors.
LoveToKnow Hair has compiled the gallery below to showcase some stylish ideas for longer locks, but there is more to finding a fabulous long style than just looking at pictures.
I have written the unit studies, The Prairie Primer and Where the Brook and River Meet, and compiled and edited the companion poetry resource, Anne's Anthology.
Another nice feature to this list is that it is an essentially compiled and simplified version of various state standards.
These lists were compiled in 1936 by Edward William Dolch, Ph.D, who made the lists from the most commonly used words in children's books.
Pages can be printed in order and compiled into paper workbooks from your home computer if needed.
These lists are compiled from public information filed by the lender and then recapped into searchable websites such as and from the local office of the National REIA.
The information has already been compiled for you.
Unsecured accounts that are paid off and closed can no longer be used and, as a result, further debt is not compiled.
To help you narrow down the list of potential figures for children to fold, LoveToKnow Origami has compiled a list of the top origami for kids to make. has compiled 18 beautiful rose models to try.
This handbook, compiled by obstetrics experts from the world-renown Mayo Clinic, offers parents-to-be practical and updated information on what to do and not to do during a pregnancy.
We've compiled our most frequently asked questions about pregnancy--and our answers--into this easy to reference list.
I then compiled what worked for me and gave me instant results.
An acclaimed authority on many aspects of dating, sexuality, and modern culture, this free resource was compiled with the help of the Center for Sex and Culture and the San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) organization.
Social Media Trader has compiled a list of 100 revenue sharing sites that may be useful as markets for your writing.
For instance, LoveToKnow is one of the best sites to find information on copyright law that is easy to understand and compiled specifically for freelance writers.
Whether you're a high school student or a working professional looking for a career change, LoveToKnow Freelance Writing has compiled a list of tips to help you break into the journalism field.
Financial Institution Recordkeeping - Information compiled or used by government agencies for the purpose of supervising and/or regulating financial institutions does not have to be disclosed under FOIA provisions.
If you're interested in entering novel writing contests, LoveToKnow Freelance Writing has compiled a short listing of opportunities you may want to consider.
The FashionPhile website has compiled a whole page of absolutely authentic, high-quality monogram denim wallets that have been pre-owned (or "gently used," as their website puts it).
Eventually, patterns were noted, and all the info was compiled into a chart that could basically predict the sex of any child according to its date of conception.
If you aren't familiar with the top toys for girls, we've compiled a great list to help you out.
We've compiled a selection of some of the most popular toys for boys, from babies to teens.
LoveToKnow Kids has compiled a list of suggested sports games for kids.
Yet, it is a complete listing and compiled all in one list.