Compassion Sentence Examples
There was compassion in her sparkling gaze despite the gentle humor in her voice.
Still, as welcome as his compassion was, it only served to increase her tears.
Martha was unable to get by her natural compassion of the moment and look at a long term goal.
He stared at her and for a second she thought there was a glimmer of the old compassion - but then it was gone.
The compassion in his voice surprised her and she glanced up at his sober face, tears coursing down her own.
There is no mercy or compassion in this creature.
Our compassion should be like that of God, who succours the suffering without sharing in their pain.
Children learn how to be co-operative and how to show compassion toward other people.
Have you no compassion, Sirian!
The situation must be handled with lots of love and compassion.
AdvertisementSuddenly I felt something like compassion that the music should never sound from off the death-pale paper.
Becoming unattached does n't mean that we have no care, love or compassion.
Elizabeth resisted the demand, not from compassion or qualms of conscience, but because she dreaded the responsibility for Mary's death.
When the disciples returned, Jesus took them apart for rest; but the crowds reassembled when they found Him again near the lake, and His yearning compassion for these shepherdless sheep led Him to give them an impressive sign that He had indeed come to supply all human needs.
Many men are insensitive to a woman's needs, lack insight, are emotionally naive and demonstrate little compassion.
AdvertisementApart from being inspired by his great heart and immense compassion for these unhappy people, Dr. Rodocanachi was also acting from another impulse.
It teaches compassion, because sitting on the bus, I know the person beside me is someday going to have to search his soul the same way I did, so I don't mind that he's spilling his coffee on my shoes.
While he wanted to avoid further involvement in Edith Shipton's troubled world, he felt proud of his wife inherent sense of compassion toward anyone in trouble.
Are you telling me you have no compassion for these people?
Man's sin was brought into the presence of infinite holiness, a divine compassion and a perfect redemption.
AdvertisementSimple gestures such as bedtime storybooks, warm baths, warm meals, taking care of them when they feel unwell will help your kids feel your love and compassion.
He was quiet and she lifted her face to search his eyes for strength, but all she found was compassion.
When his mind changed from vengeance to compassion, he wasn't certain.
This true humanitarian has great compassion for life's struggles.
Compassion and kind words will win him over every time.
AdvertisementThe fire stokes Leo's passion and compassion.
He shared wisdom, insights and compassion.
The elevation and the isolation of his position fostered a detachment from ordinary virtues and compassion, and he was a remorseless incarnation of Machiavelli's Prince.
It need not, therefore, surprise us that the man who formulated the sum of virtue in justice and benevolence was unable to be just to his own kinsfolk and reserved his compassion largely for the brutes, and that the delineator of asceticism was more than moderately sensible of the comforts and enjoyments of life.
Romance tends to be talking about feelings of love, compassion, and missing someone's presence.
Suicide is always tragic because it cuts life short, but people who suffer hardship and distress deserve compassion.
To win Middle England there is little point in expressing compassion for those children who would be excluded by the Government's reforms.
This is the first decision he makes motivated by compassion for Verna - all the others are motivated by compassion for Leo.
And all this without bargain or condition, and unconstrained by any motive save His own infinite compassion.
We are moving toward a universal compassion because, if we do not, we will cause our own extinction.
He hastily flung some brushes into his tool kit, then straightened up and gazed at news undertaker wwe her with deep compassion.
The Nischan-i-Schefakat of Compassion or Benevolence, was instituted for ladies, in three classes, in 1878 by the sultan in honour of the work done for the non-combatant victims of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877 in connexion with the Turkish Compassionate Fund started by the late Baroness Burdett-Coutts.
Finally, the mystery of holiness is that the rectitude is combined, not stultified, with compassion.
Anger management programs teach respect, manners, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, and foster positive character development.
Take the love and compassion you feel towards the person and put that into the present.
In an act of compassion the mascot leads the rejected beau off the court patting his back.
Consider how she may go on in life to inspire others who have suffered personal tragedies and eventually use her compassion and inspirational words to talk a suicidal man off the ledge of a high-rise.
Strides the Catholic Church and others have made to open up free worship to all followers, demonstrates their true compassion.
An Aries parent is often strict, but he also has compassion for what his children are going through.
This is one of Pisces' greatest gifts because people of this sign truly have the compassion to feel empathy for those that suffer.
Kids Care Club -- This non-profit organization helps elementary and middle school children develop compassion and a spirit of charity through a variety of hands-on projects.
In the end, though, the compassion and good spirit of the Care Bears always prevailed.
Raising awareness of autism may increase compassion and tolerance for behavioral differences, almost like learning new customs and languages.
This no-sew blanket is a great way to make something useful for the local shelter or even provide a warm gift to nursing home residents, reinforcing the principles of community service and compassion.
It had been years since he'd heard a woman's compassion.
It wasn't compassion for Tessa that had made him feel so vulnerable.
The woman before him was just discovering her power and was on the leash of a creature that knew neither compassion nor mercy.
It was human emotion and compassion that made me your best death dealer.
Maybe your human compassion led you astray.
She gave it to my darling out of gratitude for his compassion at her passing and he wanted me to have it as a token of his feelings for me.
They are not of our race, it is true, yet compassion well befits beings so fairly favored as ourselves.
Let's be clear today, following Jesus requires us to receive from Him a genuine compassion for people.
We dare not turn our backs on the tender compassion of Jesus.
They became devoid of mercy, devoid of compassion.
The Master accepts things as they are, and out of compassion avoids extravagance, excess and the extremes.
Fourthly we have seeming lack of compassion for the suffering.
In a rare moment of compassion, Lone Wolf rescues a girl who has killed a pimp in self defense.
Long may it be generally thought that physical privations alone merit compassion, and that the rest is a figment.
His language is clear and concise but it evokes compassion and thought in spite of its simplicity.
His gift for clarity makes his poetry ideal for teaching children the fundamentals of poetry while engaging them in exciting tales that build compassion through imagination.
Being able to laugh at yourself is a great gift that promotes compassion, communication and understanding.
Kuan Yin, The Compassionate Bodhisattva, is the Goddess of love, compassion and mercy.
No person or relationship will give you more love, compassion, and self-respect than you can give yourself.
While it's true that their inherent compassion can lead them down many different roads, their romantic partners usually love them all the more for it.
Although they acknowledge a certain "car crash" effect similar to the idea of drivers craning their necks to see a bad accident, they point towards human compassion as the driving force.
Using shows that deal with the disease of addiction, such as Sober House and Intervention, Psychology Today suggests that viewers' compassion makes them invested in the characters and human struggles they see on the screen.
They wanted to focus on Clark's humanity, his compassion and how Jonathan and Martha raised their son to become a Superman.
I also believe Qui-Gon even endeavoured to sense even a shred of compassion in Darth Maul.
But Anderson Cooper, even as a Q, would never be a malicious omnipotent being - no, his legendary compassion would be stirred by the crew's sad fashion plight.
Archer's good ol'boy demeanor belied a high level of intelligence, compassion and savvy.
Their compassion demanded it be done but they anguished when no information was forthcoming.
No. Just stop searching for her identity and have compassion.
Worse, she wasn't about to give the creature that tricked her into Hell and turned her Immortal an ounce of compassion.
Every once in a while, the half-demon surprised him with the depth of his observations and compassion.
Gabe hated her yet couldn't escape the memory of the compassion and spirit that made him take a stranger to bed last night.
Caring for the ancient warrior in the catacombs, Jame, all those years taught him compassion otherwise denied him among the dead in those underground passageways.
The 19th century had no more reverent thinker than Martineau; the awe of the Eternal was the very atmosphere that he breathed, and he looked at man with the compassion of one whose thoughts were full of God.
Actor Ryan Kwanten provides Jason with heart and compassion, two distinct emotions that might otherwise leave Jason flat and clueless.
Leos also possess a significant amount of creativity and compassion, making them perfect candidates for employment in the entertainment industry.
While they follow a similar format as ANTM, watch the American version if you want outrageous drama and, very often, models with large egos and no compassion.
Although Obi-Wan may not share his Master's compassion and empathy for living things, and although they disagree at times, he deeply respects, cares for and loves Qui-Gon.
Angels are comparatively beautiful, but their lack of free will and compassion makes them alien indeed.
Darkyn didn't have compassion.
Dean couldn't help raising his eyebrows at the obvious lie but when he looked at her tear-stained face, he felt compassion.
The inhabitants out of compassion then allowed Marius to depart, and put him on board a ship which conveyed him to Carthage.
By a decree of the Convention the four accused persons were deported to Cayenne, a new mode of dealing with political offenders almost as effective as the guillotine, while less apt to excite compassion.
I have compassion for all sentient beings, including cockroaches.
Eighty four per cent of people said they thought public figures should show more compassion.
Compassionate Conservatism It is easy to have a neat dualism between head and heart, efficiency and compassion, or Conservative and Labor.
Be sensitive in the way you respond, encourage honesty, integrity, compassion for others.
Again, everyone remembers him as the wild-eyed loon, but there has often been a compassion to his work.
Because compassion is considered self-evident as a foundational value, further explanations are rare.
Writer Greg Cullen is a consummate storyteller, and combines hard-hitting contemporary issues of racism and social isolation with compassion and humor.
Surrounding and suffusing all, warmth and compassion floated, a beautiful compelling brown.
This spiritual dimension addresses the imperative for compassion among all peoples.
Above all, Bishop Victor was a man of deep compassion.
Compassion - We mean ruthless honesty and tough, direct, caring communication.
Surely no one with any compassion would want to play voyeur with such disgusting deprivation.
No comfort that wealth could purchase, no contrivance that womanly ingenuity, set to work by womanly compassion, could devise, was wanting to his sick room.
Christian compassion, like contrition and gratitude, does have an element faintly reminiscent of Schleiermacher 's feeling of absolute dependence.
A feral being with scant regard for the feelings of others, he has hardened himself against any feelings of compassion.
Her community admires her compliance with the ethic of compassion, but she does n't know a single male vegan within it.
Their eyes encountered, lingered; and the beauty of her gaze seemed to stir him to the very wellspring of compassion.
This is often done through tithing and church programs, but other charitable acts also demonstrate the same compassion and sharing.
Dr. Serena Wadhwa is an expert in stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue management.
Their hold, therefore, is rather upon my compassion and general benevolence, rather than upon my esteem.
Her community admires her compliance with the ethic of compassion, but she doesn't know a single male vegan within it.
Mahakala embroidered Billy jeans feature a stitched emblem of the Buddha of compassion and special protector of the Dalai Lamas on the back pocket.
I have compassion for others and for myself, and can get deep into this topic, but I won't here.
Cross-cultural studies show that babies who are held, massaged, carried, rocked, and breast fed grow into less aggressive and violent adults who demonstrate a greater degree of compassion and cooperation.
Showing compassion and expressing empathy shows how much you care about the person you are with and keeps that love alive.
She has presented, taught and published articles on these topics and is writing a book on chronic stress, burnout and compassion fatigue for the professional along with a daily stress management technique book.
Try to do this from a place of compassion rather than frustration or anger.
While the answer to the question "What happened to Amanda Blake?" has a sad ending, she is remembered by many for her screen work as well as her compassion.
A figurine of the love goddess, Kwan Yin is often used in homes to symbolize all of the qualities this goddess embodies, which includes compassion and mercy, necessary for love to exist in harmony.
Pretending to be a doctor can not only make going to the doctor less scary for some children, but it can also teach compassion and caring as a child acts to make a pet better.
They begin to see themselves as independent people who don't have to show their partner compassion or have empathy because they feel that it is understood.
The truth is that the ability to own one’s emotions, to be honest with oneself and others and to listen with compassion are great skills for any relationship, mono or poly.
Show genuine compassion for others, particularly when they are in need or distress, and try not to laugh at their misfortunes because this will only provoke a strong rebuke from Scorpio.
Many of the original founding values are still important in the organization today, including fairness, honesty, citizenship, courage, and compassion.
His wife found the body, and the gods, out of compassion, changed both her and her husband into kingfishers.