Companions Sentence Examples
God's companions cannot become death's victims.
His companions refused to permit him to surrender and were resolved to die.
As my companions had children, I gave each an estate.
Hugh, who was probably one of William the Conqueror's companions, was made earl of Chester in 1071; he had special privileges in his earldom, and he held land in twenty counties.
You need me to contact any of your companions or anyone else from the office?
Ponce's hospitable reception by the native chief, Aquebana or Guaybana, and his fairly profitable search for the precious metal led King Ferdinand in 1509 to give him an appointment as temporary governor of the island, where his companions had already established the settlement of Caparra (Pueblo Viejo, near the present San Juan).
He was no longer an outlaw with a band of wandering companions, but a petty chieftain, head of a small colony of men, allied with families of Caleb and Jezreel (in Judah), and on friendly footing with the sheikhs south of Hebron.
As no blood is passing into the skin, the parts look like tallow, and thus attract the attention of the companions of the frost-bitten man, who perhaps has no thought of there being anything amiss.
Friends or companions can provide so much joy.
He leapt from the wall with only three companions into the hostile town, and, before the army behind him could effect an entrance, lay wounded almost to death.'
AdvertisementHis hospital companions, who had gathered round Rostov--a fresh arrival from the world outside--gradually began to disperse as soon as Denisov began reading his answer.
I have thirteen children among my companions, so no one asks questions.
How quickly I should lock up all these mighty warriors, and hoary sages, and impossible heroes, who are now almost my only companions; and dance and sing and frolic like other girls!
Finding their comrades did not return, Irala and his companions determined to descend the river, and on their downward journey opposite the mouth of the river Pilcomayo, finding a suitable site for colonizing, they founded (1536) what proved to be the first permanent Spanish settlement in the interior of South America, the future city of Asuncion (15th August 1536).
Pierre remembered that the princess always had lady companions, but who they were and what they were like he never knew or remembered.
AdvertisementPeople need dog sitters and pet companions.
In 1272-1273 Marco Polo and his companions stayed for a time in Badakshan.
To the confusion of his father and brothers he went about dressed in rags, so that his old companions pelted him with mud.
After losing most of his companions he himself and the rest perished in a rapid on the Niger at Busa, having been attacked from the shore by order of a chief who thought he had not received suitable presents.
He was compelled to take to flight with very few companions, but his great personal courage and daring struck the army of his opponents with such dismay that they again returned to their allegiance and Baber regained his kingdom.
AdvertisementAccordingly, Xavier devoted himself for nine weeks to the hospital for incurables, and then set out with eight companions for Rome, where Pope Paul III.
Returning to Venice, Xavier was ordained priest on Midsummer Day 1537; but the outbreak of war between Venice and Turkey put an end to the Palestine expedition, and the companions dispersed for a twelvemonth's home mission work in the Italian cities.
Leo; on the other hand, Thomas of Celano's two Lives are free from the "tendencies" ascribed to them by Sabatier, and that of 1248 was written with the collaboration of Leo and the other companions; thus the best sources of information are those portions of the Speculum that can with certainty be carried back to Br.
Driven, with the remnant of his ships, into the Indian Ocean, he landed with fifty companions on the coast of India and travelled back to Turkey by way of Sind, Baluchistan, Khorassan and Persia.
Three days later more than 2000 of the Indians were surrounded and captured, Little Crow with a few of his companions alone escaping beyond the Missouri.
AdvertisementAt the end of two months Patrick parted from his companions and betook himself to the monastery of Lerins, where he probably spent a few years.
In his thirty-third year (c. 690) he started with twelve companions for the mouth of the Rhine.
The laws were recited before the pope and confirmed by his authority, upon which Howel and his companions returned home."
In the early Roman empire the word was used to designate the companions of the emperor (comites principis) and so became a title of honour.
The emperor Hadrian chose senators as companions on his travels and to help him in public business.
Cumont's interpretation of the main relief and its smaller companions involves the reconstruction of a Mithraic theology, a Mithraic legend, and a Mithraic symbolism.
After having lost half of /7"' his men in a battle, Duclerc and all his surviving companions were made prisoners.
He went thither with ten companions, among them Henry Francis Fynn.
Having sent his two companions back to Jerusalem, he organized the forces at his disposal, and made arrangements for the government of his province.
Their companions were all dead in accordance with the compact; but Josephus at any rate survived and surrendered.
Apion was the leader of the Alexandrine embassy which opposed Philo and his companions when they appeared in behalf of the Alexandrine Jews before Caligula.
Potgieter and some companions followed the trail of Trichard's party as far as the Zoutpansberg, where they were shown gold workings by the natives and saw rings of gold made by native workmen.
Notwithstanding the defection of his uncle Louis and other companions who returned to Germany, the threatenings of Pope Clement IV., and lack of funds, his cause seemed to prosper.
At the Mermaid Ben Jonson had such companions as Shakespeare, Raleigh, Beaumont, Fletcher, Carew, Donne, Cotton and Selden, but at the Devil in Fleet Street, where he started the Apollo Club, he was omnipotent.
Arrival Farewell and a few companions, and to them he made of the a grant of the district of Port Natal.
At this time an attempt was made to murder Chaka; but the wound he received was cured by one of Farewell's companions, a circumstance which made the king very friendly to Europeans.
After agreeing to Retief's request Dingaan caused the Boer leader and his companions to be murdered (6th of February 1838), following up his treachery by slaying as many as possible of the other Boers who had entered Natal.
In the meantime the Siamese revolted, and while the Burman army was marching against them, the Peguan soldiers who had been incorporated in it rose against their companions, and commencing an indiscriminate massacre, pursued the Burman army to the gates of Rangoon, which they besieged, but were unable to capture.
The impression made by the capital of the world upon Gamaliel and his companions was an overpowering one, and they wept when they thought of Jerusalem in ruins.
On the ground that peace was not sufficiently assured by the Pouilly meeting, a fresh interview was proposed by the dauphin and took place on the 10th of September 1419 on the bridge of Montereau, when the duke of Burgundy was felled with an axe by Tanneguy du Chastel, one of the dauphin's companions, and done to death by the other members of the dauphin's escort.
The Wahhabi leader was soon after sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Mehemet Ali's intercession, he and the companions who had followed him in his captivity were condemned to death, and after being paraded through the city with ignominy for three days were finally beheaded.
By Abdallah's advice the expedition was abandoned; Fesal hastened back with all his forces to Riad, and invested the citadel where Masharah had taken refuge, but failed to gain possession of it, until Abdallah with two companions found his way into the palace, killed Masharah, and placed Fesal on the throne of his father.
Where could this be better learned than at Medina, where he had lived so long and where the majority of his companions continued to live ?
The Nestorians commemorate Nestorius as a saint, and invoke his aid and that of his companions.
The Khazars and their companions broke through the Persian defences of the Caucasus.
Famous heroes who are specially connected with England are Alfred the Great, Richard Cceur-de-Lion, King Horn, Havelok the Dane, Guy of Warwick, Sir Bevis of Hampton (or Southampton), Robin Hood and his companions.
Just as Arthur was eclipsed by his companions, so Charlemagne's vassal nobles, except in the Chanson de Roland, are exalted at the expense of the emperor, probably the result of the changed relations between the later emperors and their barons.
Here he soon excited the dislike of his young companions, who procured his banishment from the court.
He tried to find pupils to board with him, but only one pupil came, and he was soon sent away for lack of companions.
In February 1852 the Whig government was defeated on a Militia Bill, and Lord John Russell was succeeded by Lord Derby, formerly Lord Stanley, with Mr Disraeli, who now his constant companions were Homer and Dante, and entered office for the first time, as chancellor of the exchequer and leader of the House of Commons.
They were written in pithy and popular language, full of proverbs and colloquialisms. Plato is said to have introduced them into Athens and to have made use of them in his dialogues; according to Suidas, they were Plato's constant companions, and he even slept with them under his pillow.
Manning's boyhood was mainly spent at Coombe Bank, Sundridge, Kent, where he had for companions Charles and Christopher Wordsworth, afterwards bishops of St Andrews and of Lincoln.
Some dispute caused him to leave Aquileia suddenly; and with a few companions, Innocentius, Evagrius, and Heliodorus being among them, he started for a long tour in the East.
When unemployed in work or study he was not averse to the society of boon companions, gave himself readily to transient amours, and corresponded in a tone of cynical bad taste.
The twelve peers were in the first instance the companions in arms of Roland in the Teutonic sense.
The pleasing style and novel matter enchanted the Spanish public, but the unmeasured laudation of Cortes at the expense of his lieutenants and companions brought about a violent reaction.
He returned to Spain, and, like most of his companions in arms, remained under a cloud for some time.
The same night the Sudanese leaders, fearful lest their men might submit, murdered Thruston and his companions and sent letters to Uganda to incite their comrades to mutiny.
Whilst the reeves are sitting on their eggs, scattered about the swamps, he is to be seen far away flitting about in flocks, and on the ground dancing and sparring with his companions.
With the protection afforded him and his companions by Bern, and the absence of well-organized opposition on the part of the Roman Catholics, the new doctrines rapidly spread, and by 1 535 Farel was preaching in St Pierre itself.
From this monastery went forth St Augustine and his companions on their mission to England in 59 6, carrying their monachism with them; thus England was the first country out of Italy in which Benedictine life was firmly planted.
The tendency of modern historical scholarship justifies the maintenance of the tradition that St Augustine and his forty companions were the first great Benedictine apostles and missioners.
He claims for himself and his companions that they have lived a quiet and moral life, paying their dues and doing no wrong to their neighbours.
His father, one of the companions of Columbus in the voyage which resulted in the discovery of the New World, sent him to Salamanca, where he graduated.
Among his companions he had made enemies and he was destined to take no share in the crusade he had joined.
The work of conversion was renewed, and an important event took place in 785 when Widukind, assured of his personal safety, surrendered and was baptized at Attigny together with many of his companions.
Dr Schliemann identified them with the graves of Agamemnon, Cassandra, and their companions, which were shown to Pausanias within the walls; and there can be little doubt that they are the graves that gave rise to the tradition, '15 ' xo Based on a plan in Schuchhardt's Schliemann's Excavations.
He served in the Egyptian campaign with distinction, and was selected as one of Napoleon's companions on his return to Europe.
Out of curiosity, or with the idea that it contains valuable treasures, Odysseus' companions open the bag; the winds escape and drive them back to the island, whence Aeolus dismisses them with bitter reproaches.
It was not until November 1537, when all hope of going to the Holy Land was given up, that any outward steps were taken to form these companions into an organized body.
Whatever may have been his private hopes and intentions, it was not until he, Laynez and Faber (Pierre Lefevre), in the name of their companions, were sent to lay their services at the feet of the pope that the history of the Society really begins.
Ignatius and his companions, however, had but little doubt of ultimate success, and so bound themselves, on the 15th of April 1539, to obey any superior chosen from amongst their body, and added, on the 4th of May certain other rules, the most important of which was a vow of special allegiance to the pope for mission purposes to be taken by all the members of the society.
The regulation as to convents seems partly due to a desire to avoid the worry and expenditure of time involved in the discharge of such offices and partly to a conviction that penitents living in enclosure, as all religious persons then were, would be of no effective use to the Society; whereas the founder, against the wishes of several of his companions, laid much stress on the duty of accepting the post of confessor to kings, queens and women of high rank when opportunity presented itself.
The principal palace of Mexico consisted of hundreds of rooms ranged round three open squares, of such extent that one of the companions of Cortes records having four times wandered about till he was tired, without seeing the whole.
An only son, late born, seeing no companions of his own age, hearing nothing but the voices of his parents and the hymns and prayers in the little Calvinist chapel, Arany grew up a grave and gentle, but by no means an ignorant child.
It may have been sighted by the companions of Magellan returning to Europe in 1522, and by a Dutch vessel, the "Zeewolf," in 1617.
They were companions of St Columba and their efforts to convert the folk to Christianity seem to have impressed the popular imagination, for several islands bear the epithet "Papa" in commemoration of the preachers.
It is not always certain which were dialogues, which didactic like Aristotle's later works; but by comparing those which were certainly dialogues with their companions in the list of Aristotle's books as given by Diogenes Laertius, we may conclude with Bernays that the books occurring first in that list were dialogues.
Another pupil, Eudemus of Rhodes, wrote and thought so like his master as to induce Simplicius to call him the most genuine of Aristotle's companions (i yv170 - 1.CJTaTOS TWv 'ApLUTor XovS iraipwv).
On reaching Bengal in 1793, he and his companions lost all their property in the Hugh; but having received the charge of an indigo factory at Malda, he was soon able to prosecute the work of translating the Bible into Bengali.
Acknowledged by the Turkish amirs of Asia Minor, he took up his residence in Nicaea, and defeated the first bands of crusaders under Walter the Penniless and others (1096); but, on the arrival of Godfrey of Bouillon and his companions, he was prudent enough to leave his capital in order to attack them as they were besieging Nicaea.
On one of his raids he and fifty of his companions were captured and thrown into the Caeadas, the chasm on Mt.
It was probably of Sicel origin, though its foundation was ascribed to some of the companions of Aeneas.
They are the companions of Indra, and associated with him in the wielding of thunderbolts, sometimes as his equals, sometimes as his servants.
Roborovski, with several companions, explored the western ranges of the Kuen-lun, and crossed southwards into Tibet, tracing the course of the Kiria river to the north-western plains of the central plateau.
This plan, which was first adopted by St Bruno and his twelve companions at the original institution at Chartreux, near Grenoble, was maintained in all the Carthusian establishments throughout Europe, even after the ascetic severity of the order had been to some extent relaxed, and the primitive simplicity of their buildings had been exchanged for the magnificence of decoration which characterizes such foundations as the Certosas of Pavia and Florence.
As originally defined, argon included small proportions of these gases, but it is now preferable to limit the name to the principal constituent and to regard the newer gases as "companions of argon."
The physical constants associated with the name will scarcely be changed, since the proportion of the "companions" is so small.
The Virgin Islands were discovered by Columbus in his second voyage, in 1494, and named Las Virgenes, in honour of St Ursula and her companions.
As Stubbs says " the thegn seems to be primarily the warrior gesith " - the gesithas forming the chosen band of companions (comites) of the German chiefs (principes) noticed by Tacitus - " he is probably the gesith who had a particular military duty in his master's service "; and he adds that from the reign of Athelstan " the gesith is lost sight of except very occasionally, the more important class having become thegns, and the lesser sort sinking into the rank of mere servants of the king."
And when it was considered that he had made sufficient advancement in his military accomplishments, he took his sword to the priest, who laid it on the altar, blessed it, and returned it to him.4 Afterwards he either remained with his early master, relegating most of his domestic duties to his younger companions, or he entered the service of some valiant and adventurous lord or 1 Sainte Palaye, Memoires, i.
Notwithstanding, however, that simple knighthood has gone out of use abroad, there are innumerable grand crosses, commanders and companions of a formidable assortment of orders in almost every part of the world."
It consisted of the king and the Black Prince, and 24 knights divided into two bands of 12 like the tilters in a hastilude - at the head of the one being the first, and of the other the second; and to the companions belonging to each, when the order had superseded the Round Table and had become a permanent institution, were assigned stalls either on the sovereign's or the prince's side of St George's Chapel.
As Beltz observes, the fame of Sir Reginald Cobham, Sir Walter Manny and the earls of Northampton, Hereford and Suffolk was already established by their warlike exploits, and they would certainly have been among the original companions had the order been then regarded as the reward of military merit only.
Thus " orders," irrespective of the title or other specific designation they confer, fall in Great Britain generally into three main categories, according as the recipients are made " knights grand cross," " knights commander," or " companions."
The " commanders " wear the badge from a ribbon round the neck, and the star on the breast; the " companions " have no star and wear the badge from a narrow ribbon at the button-hole.
It consisted of the sovereign and eight knights companions, and fell into abeyance at the Revolution of 1688.
In 1703 it was revived by Queen Anne, when it was ordained to consist of the sovereign and 12 knights companions, the number being increased to 16 by statute in 1827.
Exclusive of the sovereign, royal princes and distinguished foreigners, the order is limited to 55 military and 27 civil knights grand cross, 145 military and 108 civil knights commanders, and 705 military and 298 civil companions.
By statute of 1832 the lord high commissioner of the Ionian Islands was to be the grand master, and the order was directed to consist of 15 knights grand crosses, 20 knights commanders and 25 cavaliers or companions.
It is now (by the enlargement of 1902) limited to oo knights grand cross, of whom the first or principal is grand master, exclusive of extra and honorary members, of 300 knights commanders and 600 companions.
Of these the first was instituted in 1861 and enlarged in 1876.1897 and 1903, in three classes, knights grand commanders, knights commanders and companions, and the second was established (for " companions " only) in 1878 and enlarged in 1887, 1892, 1897 and 1903, also in the same three classes, in commemoration of Queen Victoria's assumption of the imperial style and title of the Empress of India.
The Imperial Service Order was likewise instituted on the 26th of June 1902, and finally revised in 1908, to commemorate King Edward's coronation, and is specially designed as a recognition of faithful and meritorious services rendered to the British Crown by the administrative members of the civil service in various parts of the Empire, and is to consist of companions only.
The "Sirius" and "Brilliant" shaped course for Ostend, the "Thetis" and her companions eased down.
The energy which warriors were accustomed to put forth in their efforts to conquer was now " exhibited in the enterprise of conversion and teaching " 5 by Wilfrid on the coast of Friesland, 6 by Willibrord (658-715) in the neighbourhood of Utrecht,7 by the martyr-brothers Ewald or Hewald amongst the " old " or continental Saxons, 8 by Swidbert the apostle of the tribes between the Ems and the Yssel, by Adelbert, a prince of the royal house of Northumbria, in the regions north of Holland, by Wursing, a native of Friesland, and one of the disciples of Willibrord, in the same region, and last, not least, by the famous Winfrid or Boniface, the " apostle of Germany " (68 o-755), who went forth first to assist Willibrord at Utrecht, then to labour in Thuringia and Upper Hessia, then with the aid of his kinsmen Wunibald and Willibald, their sister Walpurga, and her thirty companions, to consolidate the work of earlier missionaries, and finally to die a martyr on the shore of the Zuider Zee.
After encountering many adventures in all parts of the unknown seas, among the lotuseaters and the Cyclopes, in the isles of Aeolus and Circe and the perils of Scylla and Charybdis, among the Laestrygones, and even in the world of the dead, having lost all his ships and companions, he barely escaped with his life to the island of Calypso, where he was detained eight years, an unwilling lover of the beautiful nymph.
Exactly four months after the battle of Corrichie, and the subsequent execution of a criminal whom she is said to have "loved entirely," had put an end to the first insurrection raised against her, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard, who had returned to France with the other companions of her arrival, and in November i 562 had revisited Scotland, expiated with his head the offence or the misfortune of a second detection at night in her bed-chamber.
He was still allowed his liberty, but one night while supping with Walsingham's servant he observed a memorandum of the minister's concerning himself, fled to St John's Wood, where he was joined by some of his companions, and after disguising himself succeeded in reaching Harrow, where he was sheltered by a recent convert to Romanism.
This mosque is specially sacred as possessing what are said to be three hairs of the Prophet's beard, buried with the saint, who was one of the companions of Mahomet.
He led his companions into the desert, and having exhorted the serpents and wild beasts, in the name of the Prophet, to retire, he struck his spear into the ground exclaiming "Here is your Kairawan" (resting-place), so naming the city.'
It was impossible that there should be perfect harmony between two such companions.
At the Museum he was austere and remote among his companions, but was nevertheless instrumental in 1852 in starting the Volunteer movement.
This is popularly supposed to have been a list of William the Conqueror's companions preserved at Battle Abbey, on the site of his great victory over Harold.
At the age of forty, when the leading man in Siena, he retired along with two companions to live a hermit's life at Accona, a desert place fifteen miles to the south of Siena, 1313.
Falling back towards their companions, they found the bye-streets closed; and in that part of the main thoroughfare called Bain alKasrain they were suddenly placed between two fires.
But Jacobsen died young, and the work was really carriedout by his two companions.
This was followed in 1898 by The Companions of Pickle, and in 1900 by a monograph on Prince Charles Edward.
In the school of Wolgemut Diirer learned much, by his own account, but suffered not a little from the roughness of his companions.
On the 9th of February 1304 Comyn with his companions submitted; they hunted Wallace, who had returned from the continent, and on the 24th of July the brave Oliphant surrendered Stirling on terms of a degrading nature.
Prince Charles was left in neglect and obscurity; till, unchecked by Murray, relying on hasty Jacobite promises brought by him, and encouraged by the French victory of Fontenoy, he started with seven companions for the west highland coast on the 21st of July 1745.
Early in 722 Willibald began his expedition to the Holy Land alone, except for the presence of two companions.
In the 9th century the French monk Bernard visited Palestine with two companions, and afterwards wrote a simple and.
A few years later Count Dietrich of Trier began a pilgrimage to Jerusalem with 113 companions, in atonement for the murder of Archbishop Kuno.
In the final recension of Tschudi's Chronicle (1734-36), which, however, differs in many particulars from the original draft still preserved at Zurich, we are told how Albert of Austria, with the view of depriving the Forest lands of their ancient freedom, sent bailiffs (among them Gessler) to Uri and Schwyz, who committed many tyrannical acts, so that finally on 8th November 1307, at the Riitli, Werner von Stauffacher of Schwyz, Walter Fiirst of Uri, Arnold von Melchthal in Unterwalden, each with ten companions, among whom was William Tell, resolved on a rising to expel the oppressors, which was fixed for New Year's Day 1308.
A petition in his favour addressed to Coffinhal, the president of the tribunal, is said to have been met with the reply La Republique n'a pas besoin de savants, and on the 8th of the month Lavoisier and his companions were guillotined at the Place de la Revolution.
In the trade gilds there were apprentices, companions, and masters.
It was by his advice that Newman and his companions spent some time in Rome before undertaking clerical work in England.
She was the close friend of Brother Leo and the other "Companions of St Francis," and they assisted at her death.
Catherine and eight companions resolved to escape.
Lowell was already looked upon by his companions as a man marked by wit and poetic sentiment; Miss White was admired for her beauty, her character and her intellectual gifts, and the two became thus the hero and heroine among a group of ardent young men and women.
Evans broke down on the Barrier and was only rescued by the heroic exertions of his companions.
Dr. Mawson with 17 companions was landed here in Jan.
After a four-days rest Shackleton, with two companions, had recovered sufficiently to cross the unknown snow-covered mountains, which had never been climbed before, and a steamer was sent round for the others.
It .consists of four principal stars and two faint companions.
Roberts concluded in this way that the average density of the Algol variables and their eclipsing companions is about one-eighth that of the sun.
The elements of this opposition were of very various kinds (r) The old-fashioned Moslems, sons of the Ansar and Mohajir, who had been Mahomet's first companions and supporters, and could not bear the thought that the sons of the old enemies of the Prophet in Mecca, whom they nicknamed tolaga (freedmen), should be in control of the imamate, which carried with it the management of affairs both civil and religious.
With Ibn Zobair perished the influence which the early companions of Mahomet had exercised over Islam.
Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates (3 vols.) appeared in 1865, but the work on Aristotle he was not destined to complete.
He ordered them to be immediately arrested, and though the archbishop escaped his four companions - among them Pomuk - were seized and subjected to cruel torture.
Sedoff set out for the Pole with two companions and 24 dogs.
Forced by persecution to leave the kingdom, in 1634 Lobo and his companions fell into the hands of the Turks at Massawa, who sent him to India to procure a ransom for his imprisoned fellow-missionaries.
Beowulf, with fourteen companions, sails to Denmark, to offer his help to Hrothgar, king of the Danes, whose hall (called " Heorot ") has for twelve years been rendered uninhabitable by the ravages of a devouring monster (apparently in gigantic human shape) called Grendel, a dweller in the waste, who used nightly to force an entrance and slaughter some of the inmates.
Bidding his companions retire to a distance, he takes up his position near the entrance to the mound - an arched opening whence issues a boiling stream.
He had made various efforts to introduce a strict form of canonical life in various communities of canons in Germany; in 1120 he was working in the diocese of Laon, and there in a desert place, called Premontre, in Aisne, he and thirteen companions established a monastery to be the cradle of a new order.
Several Russian friends and companions, from Kiev and Old Novgorod, are recorded by Daniel as present with him at the Easter Eve "miracle," in the church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Ursula is warned by a dream to demand a respite of three years, during which time her companions are to be 1 i,000 virgins collected from both kingdoms. After vigorous exercise in all kinds of manly sports, to the admiration of the populace, they are carried off by a sudden breeze in eleven triremes to Thiel on the Waal in Gelderland.
Greely, Schley was appointed to command the third Greely relief expedition; and near Cape Sabine on the 22nd of June rescued Greely and six (of his twenty-four) companions.
Intending to sacrifice the cow, he sent some of his companions to a neighbouring spring for water.
It was not until 1864 that Zoutpansberg was definitely incorporated in the South African Republic. Trichard and his companions had been shown gold workings by the natives, and it was in this district in 1867-70, and in the neighbouring region of Lydenburg, that gold mines were first worked by Europeans south of the Limpopo.
Casement, who with two companions had landed in a collapsible boat at Banna, was arrested on the 24th in a ruined fort which afterwards became a place of pilgrimage for Sinn Fein Irishmen.
He confirmed his story by leading his accusers to the cavern where his six companions were found, youthful and beaming with a holy radiance.
Immediately on the outbreak of the revolution President Balmaceda published a decree declaring Montt and his companions to be traitors, and without delay organized an army of some 40,000 men for the suppression of the insurrectionary movement.
But the most characteristic passage of the epopee is the mysterious disappearance of Shah Kaikhosrau, who suddenly, when at the height of earthly fame and splendour, renounces the world in utter disgust, and, carried away by his fervent longing for an abode of everlasting tranquillity, vanishes for ever from the midst of his companions.
The sweetness and purity of his nature combined with his brilliant conversational powers to render him the most delightful of friends and companions.
Harrison and others identify them with the Satyri (Satyrs), the attendants and companions of Dionysus in his revels, and also with the Centaurs.
As the newer school did not venture so far as to claim as Bodhisats the disciples stated in the older books to have been the contemporaries of Gotama (they being precisely the persons known as Arahats), they attempted to give the appearance of age to the Bodhisat theory by representing the Buddha as being surrounded, not only by his human companions the Arahats, but also by fabulous beings, whom they represented as the Bodhisats existing at that time.
The most distinguished of those who came The were Santa Rakshita, Padma Sambhava and Kamala Sila, for whom, and for their companions, the king built a splendid monastery still existing, at Samje, about three days' journey south-east of Lhasa.
On the 23rd of July the two Bandieras and their nine companions were executed; they cried Viva l'Italia!
Shortly afterwards Necho, the satrap of Sais, and two others were detected intriguing with Tirhakah; Necho and one of his companions were sent in chains to Nineveh, but were there pardoned and restored to their ' As essentially a national god, he is almost identical in character with the early Yahweh of Israel.
He and his companions - Michael of Cesena, general of the order, and Bonagratiamanaged to escape, and found their way to Munich, where they aided Louis IV.
He received the sentence of the traitor's death with the Te Deum laudamus, and, after spending his last days in pious exercises, was led with two companions to Tyburn (1st of December 1581) and suffered the barbarous penalty.
He pushed on the same day with his companions in the direction of Wales, where, it was hoped, they would be joined by bands of insurgents.
Neither did the giraffe acquire its long neck by desiring to reach the foliage of more lofty shrubs, and constantly stretching its neck for the purpose, but because any varieties which occurred among its antitypes with a longer neck than usual at once secured a fresh range of pasture over the same ground as their shorter-necked companions, and on the first scarcity of food were thereby enabled to outlive them."
N., and about ten companions went thither from Cape Town in the brig " Salisbury," from which circumstance the island in the bay gets its name.
Contrary to his expectations Darnley did not receive the crown matrimonial, and his foolish and haughty behaviour, his vicious habits, and his boisterous companions did not improve matters.
Owing to these revelations he was deserted and distrusted by his companions in the murder, and soon lost the queen's favour.
Lord Amherst and part of his shipwrecked companions escaped in the ship's boats to Batavia, whence relief was sent to the rest.
When he was five or six, people took notice of his fondness for playing with his companions at setting out sacrifices, and at postures of ceremony.
One of the companions in captivity of the prophet Daniel, called Abednego by Nebuchadrezzar, by whom with two companions he was cast into a "burning fiery furnace" for refusing to worship the golden image set up by that monarch.
Another expedition of Abyssinians, under Dejaj Tasamma and accompanied by three Europeans - Faivre (French), Potter (Swiss) and Artomonov (Russian) - started early in 1898, and reached the Nile at the Sobat mouth in June, a few days only before Major Marchand and his gallant companions arrived on the scene.
A merchant vessel laden with Spanish wines was sent to Lough Swilly, and anchoring off Rathmullan, where the boy was residing in the castle of MacSweeny his foster parent, Hugh Roe with some youthful companions was enticed on board, when the ship immediately set sail and conveyed the party to Dublin.
In 1661, after the Restoration, by order of the sovereign and knights companions in chapter "that supplicational procession" was "converted into a hymn of thanksgiving."
His companions committed atrocities which brought upon them terrible reprisals on the part of the .4?'?i FIG.
As known to us the history consists of three parts, a history of St Gregory and his companions, the doctrine of Gregory, and the conversion of Armenia to Christianity.
His two chief companions were the Bible and Fox's Book of Martyrs.
As late as the year 1900 Mr Albert Millican, while collecting orchids on the Opon river, a tributary of the Magdalena between Bogota and the Caribbean coast, was attacked by hostile Indians, and one of his companions was killed by a poisoned arrow.
When the mission ladies reached the mouth of the Ruo tributary of the Shire, they were stunned to hear of the death of the bishop and one of his companions.
The principal among the former was a rich young man named Yasa, who had first come to him at night out of fear of his relations, and afterwards shaved his head, put on the yellow robe, and succeeded in bringing many of his former friends and companions to the teacher, his mother and his wife being the first female disciples, and his father the first lay devotee.
Ferreira and four companions were tried for murder and convicted, February 1907, the death sentences being commuted to terms of penal servitude.
Townley had hardly joined the French buccaneers remaining in the South Sea ere he died, and the Frenchmen with their companions crossed New Spain to the West Indies.
Beyond the gate, in a place called the Hajun, is the chief cemetery, commonly called el Ma'la, and said to be the resting-place of many of the companions of Mahomet.
In the name Diomedea, assigned to them by Linnaeus, there is a reference to the mythical metamorphosis of the companions of the Greek warrior Diomedes into birds.
He was granted royal state with his captive companions, made a guest at tournaments, and supplied with luxuries imported by him from France.
While hunting with some of his godless companions in the New Forest, he was struck by an arrow, unskilfully shot by one of the party.
Seeing his opportunity, Henry left his brothers body unburied, rode straight off to Winchester with a handful of companions, and seized the royal treasure.
Technically he was justified in adopting this course, but people generally felt that there was some hardship in compelling a young queen to separate herself from her companions and friends, and they consequently approved the decision of Lord Melbourne to support the queen in her refusal, and to resume office.
The principal companions of Pinzon, in giving evidence in 1515, mention it as El Ryo Maranon.
Some of De Morgan's most interesting and useful minor writings are to be found in the Companions to the British Almanack, to which he contributed without fail one article each year from 1831 up to 1857 inclusive.
On the way he falls among bad companions, forgets his convent language, and shocks the sisters on arrival by profane swearing.
Every variety of philosophical and theological opinion was represented there; most of my colleagues were -ists of one sort or another; and I, the man without a rag of a belief to cover himself with, could not fail to have some of the uneasy feelings which must have beset the historical fox when, after leaving the trap in which his tail remained, he presented himself to his normally elongated companions.
The French in overpowering force at once pushed into the country, and, an amnesty having been stipulated in the treaty, Hofer and his companions, after some hesitation, gave in their submission.
Mechithar formally joined the Latin Church, and in 1701, with sixteen companions, he formed a definitely religious institute of which he became the superior.
Priscillian appealed to the emperor, with the unexpected result that with six of his companions he was burned alive at Treves in 385.
Napper Tandy, who was drunk during most of the expedition, took possession of the village of Rutland, where he hoisted an Irish flag and issued a bombastic proclamation; but learning the complete failure of Humbert's expedition, and that Connaught instead of being in open rebellion was perfectly quiet, the futility of the enterprise was apparent to the French if not to Tandy himself; and the latter having been carried on board the "Anacreon" in a state of intoxication, the vessel sailed round the north of Scotland to avoid the English fleet, and reached Bergen in safety, whence Tandy made his way to Hamburg with three or four companions.
Separated from his companions by a storm near the Cape, he sighted the eastern coast of the island on the 10th of August 1 Soo.
In the Peloponnesian legends, another suitor of Daphne, Leucippus, son of Oenomaiis of Pisa, disguised himself as a girl and joined her companions.
Muller frankly recognizes that not only are animals symbols of deity and its attributes, not only are they companions and messengers of deity (as in the period of anthropomorphic religion), but they have been divine beings in and for themselves during the earlier stages of thought.
In the south, the companions of Jehu and of the Sun inaugurated a White Terror, which had not even the apparent excuse of the public safety or of exasperated patriotism.
The Articles Organiques hid from the eyes of his companions in arms and councillors a reaction which, in fact if not in law, restored to a submissive Church, despoiled of her revenues, her position as the religion of the state.
Odysseus, having been cast ashore on the coast of Sicily, fell into the hands of Polyphemus, who shut him up with twelve of his companions in his cave, and blocked the entrance with an enormous rock.
They continued for a time to call themselves Goths, and to claim Gothic descent, which had become for them very much what descent from the companions of the conqueror was to Englishmen of the 14th or 15th centuries and lateranother name for nobility of blood.
Whilst the Egyptians were feasting the mek set fire to the straw and Ismail and all his companions were burnt to death.
Accordingly he settled down, with some companions, at the hospital of San Girolamo della Carita, and while there tentatively began, in i 556, the institute with which his name is more especially connected, that of the Oratory.
Found guilty and condemned to death, he refused to ask for pardon and was executed in Paris on the 10th of June 1804, along with eleven of his companions.
Polybius was arrested with 1000 of the principal Achaeans, but, while his companions were condemned to a tedious incarceration in the country towns of Italy, he obtained permission to reside in Rome.
In 1828 he confided to a few companions that a voice from heaven had announced that "the last shall be first," which was interpreted to mean that the slaves should control.
On the night of the 21st of August 1831, with seven companions, he entered the home of his master, Joseph Travis, and murdered the inmates.
She was sent as a convict to New Caledonia, among her companions being Henri Rochefort, who remained her friend till the day of her death.
The horizon was full of peaks like the teeth of a saw, so numerous as to be nearly indistinguishable from one another, except for the occasional spike that rose above its companions.
The politician hadn't ordered any of his companions or his thirteen sons protected, and she was important enough that Tim asked about her every time they spoke.
Despite amiable companions, continually endeavoring to bestow mutual pleasure, I was now alone.
Companions ' outings in recent months have included visits to go bowling, clay pigeon shooting and to watch boxing.
Illustrated with vivid color photography, these books bring to life all the heartwarming, endearing characteristics that make these canines our favorite companions.
One of my companions' water tube was frozen solid as it was minus 10 with the wind chill factor.
The shops were all shut, and some rollicking boon companions came shouting along from the public-house.
By the light of his lamp he saw the ambush and " with dreadful imprecations " called to his companions to bring pistols.
After being routed by troops loyal to the republic, Thompson and about 12 companions were isolated and eventually overrun by army regiments.
Martin made a desperate effort to get back and warn his companions, but could not retrace his steps because of the thick smoke.
The Master asked one of his companions to offer a rupee in the shrine, according to the Hindu custom.
My companions and I stopped walking, and turning around, I saw the crewmen form a semicircle around their leader.
Bendy straws are invaluable for sipping drinks held by your birth companions, as you might not want to move your head to drink.
Sample companions include pet whippets, token Americans or mutes (remember, it worked for The Piano ).
According to Maurus Kilian was a native of Ireland, whence with his companions he went to eastern Franconia.
William of Orange, Egmont, and Hoorn were alarmed at the violent passions that had been aroused, and held aloof at first from Brederode and his companions.
He too is flouted, and in his rage tortures and slays her and her companions.
The Andamanese are, indeed, bright and merry companions, busy in their own pursuits, keen sportsmen, naturally independent and not lustful, but when angered, cruel, jealous, treacherous and vindictive, and always unstable - in fact, a people to like but not to trust.
The name was derived from one of the companions of Ulysses, or from Aeneas' trumpeter, an account of whose burial is given in Virgil, Aeneid, vi.
Irksome as were his employments, grievous as was the waste of time, uncongenial as were his companions, solid benefits were to be set off against these things; his health became robust, his knowledge of the world was enlarged, he wore off some of his foreign idiom, got rid of much of his reserve; he adds - and perhaps in his estimate it was the benefit to be most prized of all - " the discipline and evolutions of a modern battalion gave me a clearer notion of the phalanx and the legion, and the captain of the Hampshire grenadiers (the reader may smile) has not been useless to the historian of the Roman empire."
The conditions of the surrender were all violated - the cadi Ibn Djahhaff burnt alive, a vast number of the citizens who had escaped death by famine slaughtered, and the possessions divided among the Campeador's companions.
Seeing his way thus barred at Alcalá, he went with his companions to Salamanca.
Still, Palgrave and his companions, though known as Christians, spent nearly two months in the capital without molestation, making short excursions in the neighbourhood, the most important of which was to El Kharfa in Aflaj, the most southerly district of Nejd.
Her power is irresistible, even greater than that of the gods; to her was due the strife (battles with Titans, Giants) that raged amongst them of old, before the rule of love began; the world revolves round the spindle, which she holds in her lap. According to the Egyptian theory, she is one of the four deities present at the birth of every human being, her companions being the Daemon (guardian spirit), Tyche (Fortune) and Eros.
In 1815 the order was instituted, in three classes, " to commemorate the auspicious termination of the long and arduous contest in which the Empire has been engaged "; and in 1847 the civil knights commanders and companions were added.
He had a passion for building, to which are due numberless kiosques, where nocturnal orgies were carried on by him and his boon companions.
Stefansson, with two companions and a dog team, left Martin Point, Alaska, on March 22 1914, reached lat.
As such they are companions of the Nymphs and Graces, with whom they are often confounded, and of other superior deities connected with the spring growth of vegetation (Demeter, Dionysus).
He was the most sympathetic of companions.
He smiled, and went and lay down to sleep beside his companions.
It would be good for him to have companions.
If the coin at all represents its companions the deposit may have been made during the troublous years A.D. 155-158.
Their very nature is to always be honest, faithful and trustworthy companions to people.
Sample companions include pet whippets, token Americans or mutes (remember, it worked for The Piano).
Devon suggested adding several new destinations to the itinerary, much to the chagrin of his very organized travel companions.
With proper training, dogs make excellent companions.
They are very interested in everything around them and love engaging in a lot of one-on-one with their human companions.
Kittens grow into lifelong companions for many feline fans.
Many times it results in extremely affectionate behavior toward people, but occasionally a cat will reject one of its usual companions.
All in all, it sounds like you have two beautiful and wonderful feline companions.
Many of these cats seem very thankful for their new homes and become loving and loyal companions for many years.
This quality also happens to be a large part of what makes them such entertaining companions.
Often, cat lovers choose funny cat names for their feline companions.
Other times, cat caretakers name their feline companions after their favorite foods, places drinks or public figures.
Our resident cat expert, Wendy Nan Rees, offers advice on choosing cat litter that will keep your house smelling fresh, but also protect the health of your feline companions.
Sometimes cats can simply be tired, not unlike their human companions.
They're oversized balls of fluff that enjoy mousing and being companions for their owners, and they have great dispositions.
Since most people purchase cats as companions rather than show animals or for breeding programs, a pedigree may not be important.
Cats can become infected with FHV, but they cannot pass the virus to their human companions.
Overweight pets are at a greater risk for developing chronic diseases, just like their human companions.
Another lovable classic that uses pattern and repetition is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. The illustrations make wonderful companions to this fun learning book that teaches children about animals and colors.
The Phantom Tollbooth features a widely varied cast of interesting characters, but Milo has only two steady companions throughout the majority of the book.
Be sure to take the steps to keep yourself and your companions safe.
Remember to photograph your travel companions as they try new foods or engage in fun activities.
Nelson and his companions, including his sister, were arrested and cited for drug possession.
The unidentified driver of the other car is claimed to have been a member of the paparazzi attempting to get a picture of Bloom and his companions.
One quaint feature offered on longer Holland America cruises is the presence of gentlemen hosts to accompany single women as dining and dance companions.
They are lap sized, making them perfect companions.
These miniature companions have been known to go after much larger dogs and have paid the price for their bravery.
And, remember, these dogs are bred to be companions.
Be sure to visit LTK's small dog breeds slideshow to see a variety of adorable little companions.
Every dog makes an impact on the lives of it's human companions, but now and then, there comes a famous dog that captures the heart and imagination of the entire public.
They leave behind a tiny red welt no bigger than the head of a pin, but that bite causes a very intense itch that drives dogs and their human companions crazy.
Since these working canines have been trained to be such wonderful and useful companions, there is usually a waiting list of homes for retired guides.
The life of a guide dog is not one of carefree play, but dogs that are suited to this work seem to take a great deal of satisfaction from caring for their special companions.
In recent years, dog food recalls have many pet owners feeling less than confident about feeding their canine companions commercial dog food.
There's a growing interest in holistic pet care as dog lovers look for better ways of providing the best possible care for their canine companions.
Make the holidays a special time for your canine companions with Christmas dog treats that are sure to be a hit with great tasting flavors.
If you are not a baker, your canine companions can still enjoy the special gourmet flavor of Christmas treats baked by companies such as Pampered Dog Gifts or Waggy Tail Treats.
These beautiful large dogs make loving family companions with a great love for children.
Welsh Terriers may not be as well known as some other Terrier breeds, but they do make staunch family companions.
It's well documented that Welsh Terriers were bred to be hunting companions.
Today, Welshes are mainly family companions, although some dogs perform double duty in the field.
Along with us are our loving canine companions.
Long before becoming the latest celebrity at the White House, Portuguese Water Dog puppies have been bred, raised and trained for centuries to be superior companions and working dogs of exceptional stamina.
When life's situation changes, a Bulldog rescue can find new, good homes for these wonderful companions.
Dogs are our best friends, our companions.
Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was created in 1975 to provide people with disabilities highly-trained companion dogs for free.
This was the first time that people who might have hearing loss or other challenges were given the opportunity to use the valuable companions to enrich their lives.
Canine Companions for Independence does not charge for these animals.
Viewers can gain new perspectives on their canine companions.
Since humans have domesticated the dog, it is now up to us to help our canine companions through this important time.
The criteria for determining which breeds make good companions for children is the same no matter which size dog you prefer.
He also needs to be very tolerant of his young companions.
Generally speaking, most small dogs do not make ideal companions for children because there's a risk that the animals could be accidentally hurt during play.
However, the Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, displays high intelligence and a tendency to watch over his child companions.
All dogs benefit from obedience training to help make them the best companions they can be, and children need to be taught the right way to interact with their pets and take care of them.
They also differ in their suitability as companions for small children, as well as in their watchdog skills and trainability.
With proper training, these high-energy, sweet-natured pups make good companions for families with children as well as the avid outdoorsman.
Today, the Lab's retrieving skills, intelligence, obedience, instinct and patience have made this breed excellent hunting dogs, working dogs and family companions who excel at retrieving game.
Rottweilerscan makewonderful family companions, but the breed isn't for everyone.
Bare borders are not the places where this noble Lily does or looks best-there is no shelter or support for plants which in their own country have many shrubs for companions and are sheltered by the finest trees of the northern world.
There are many other companions in the vegetable world, as well as floral companions.
So mix it up in the garden and try companions meant to grow together or simple combinations of herbs and flowers pleasing to the eye.
Just as you feel better eating whole grains and locally produced fruits and vegetables, your animal companions may gain a variety of health benefits from an organic diet.
Nasturtiums are perfect companions for cucumber and squash, since they repel insects that favor those plants.
This style is fun and slightly more youthful than its companions, so it's a great choice for a younger woman or teenager seeking something appropriate.
Some agencies also conduct a background check or screening of the applicant, primarily for the safety of all potential companions.
Companions often live with the senior, not to "take care" of the senior but, instead, to share day-to-day activities and to provide help such as transportation.
Senior companions-as a part of the Senior Corps group, senior companions accompany frail, aged individuals in need.
In this a mission-based, non-linear gameplay environment, you must join Yuna and her companions as they travel across Spria.
All of your companions will now be visible, and the fighting will begin.
There is no A.I. mode for your companions, and while you can choose to act as any of the three active members of your group, the other two will simply sit there waiting to get hit.
Your character, Jack Driscoll is on a small boat along with your other companions.
Temporarily away from any kind of rescue, Jack and his companions explore the dense jungle where you will encounter many giant reptiles attempting to kill you.
You'll have many opportunities to speak with or answer your companions' questions, each time you can upset or please them.
The quests are involving, and you get the benefit of the help of other Fellowship companions on most of the levels.
For instance, there is a comic book series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series that brings you into the video game environment with the super-speedy hedgehog and his companions.
Most chain stores also have online companions, so you can buy from Best Buy without having to visit a physical store.
There's the fresh outdoors, the companions, the food and the final accoutrement that binds it all together, the wine.
Foods with deep rich flavors are perfect companions, especially steak, roast beef, grilled salmon and any dish with mushrooms.
For many collectors pets are both friends and companions, giving their love and loyalty freely.
According to For Pet's Sake, Tahoe Pines Campground is an excellent choice for people who enjoy camping and other outdoor activates with their canine companions.
In addition to planning the right clothing and gear, your winter camping packing list should include appropriate companions for the trip.
Want to show off photos of the new family pet without having to bring companions over to your computer?
Increasingly with age, peers rather than parents become preferred companions, providing important sources of entertainment and support.
In addition, the companions of rejected children tend to be younger or more unpopular than the companions of accepted children.
They uphold standards of equity and show good sportsmanship, making them good companions and enjoyable play partners.
During the preschool and early grade school years, children are primarily focused on group acceptance and having companions with whom they can play.
Companions and peers are influential in the development of antisocial behaviors.
Some studies of boys with antisocial behaviors have found that companions are mutually reinforcing with their talk of rule breaking in ways that predict later delinquency and substance abuse.
Research on imaginary companions suggests that young children who create them do so to compensate for poor social relationships, according to a study published in the May 2004 issue of the International Journal of Behavioral Development.
As a result, there is less peer acceptance of children with imaginary companions.
All of these behaviors rank among the traditional means people have used to convey the restorative properties of plants to suffering humans and to our animal companions.