Companion Sentence Examples
She gave her companion an angry glance.
He sensed the entrance of another before his companion spoke.
The countess was sitting with her companion Belova, playing grand- patience as usual, when Pierre and Natasha came into the drawing room with parcels under their arms.
His gaze settled on Jade's familiar features, and he studied his companion of so many years.
He then sat at the table, helping himself and his companion to the assorted pastries.
Alex was a delightful companion.
The companion cells are cut off from the same cells as those which unite to form the sieve tube.
Crete, like several other large islands, enjoys immunity from dangerous serpents - a privilege ascribed by popular belief to the intercession of Titus, the companion of St Paul, who according to tradition was the first bishop of the island, and became in consequence its patron saint.
Pelageya interrupted her companion; she evidently wished to tell what she had seen.
Dolokhov remarked that the Cossacks were a danger only to stragglers such as his companion and himself, "but probably they would not dare to attack large detachments?" he added inquiringly.
AdvertisementThe deaf person with sight looks at the fingers of his companion, but it is also possible to feel them.
But the abbe, though he evidently enjoyed the beauty of his companion, was absorbed in his mastery of the matter.
She'd been quiet for a day or two, going everywhere with him, a companion in his head who was beyond the touch of his angry master.
She'd proven how willing she was to become his companion, a surprise considering she really did seem fragile in his world.
In 1771 he took holy orders, and afterwards visited many parts of Europe as tutor and travelling companion to various noblemen and gentlemen.
AdvertisementAccording to Callimachus (Hymn to Diana, 190), she was a nymph, the daughter of Zeus and Carme, and a favourite companion of Artemis.
The choices are endless, making this form of dining great for a large group or a special night out with your companion.
Belle, our dog, my other companion, was old and lazy and liked to sleep by the open fire rather than to romp with me.
Just then the lady companion who lived with Helene came in to announce that His Highness was in the ballroom and wished to see her.
As the wheels rolled softly over the straw beneath the windows, Anna Mikhaylovna, having turned with words of comfort to her companion, realized that he was asleep in his corner and woke him up.
AdvertisementIn a sleigh drawn by two gray trotting-horses that were bespattering the dashboard with snow, Anatole and his constant companion Makarin dashed past.
He fought by his side in the war against the giants and was his companion in his travels and adventures.
Companion cells are not found in the Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms. In the latter their place is taken by certain cells of the medullary rays and bast parenchyma.
He was a very agreeable companion and a thorough man of the world, singularly free from arrogance and pomposity; owing to his small stature, he was often known as "die kleine Excellenz."
Sometimes I had a companion in my fishing, who came through the village to my house from the other side of the town, and the catching of the dinner was as much a social exercise as the eating of it.
AdvertisementThis was Speranski, Secretary of State, reporter to the Emperor and his companion at Erfurt, where he had more than once met and talked with Napoleon.
On seeing the young master, the elder one with frightened look clutched her younger companion by the hand and hid with her behind a birch tree, not stopping to pick up some green plums they had dropped.
I'm sorry I've been such a poor companion.
I figured I'd open the door and then pawn her off as a companion to someone in the government.
He is the constant companion of Dionysus, whom he was said to have instructed in the cultivation of the vine and the keeping of bees.
Fowler (1903); De Morgan, Companion to the Almanac (1845); De Moleon, Voyages liturgiques (Paris, 1718).
Again the princess glanced round at her companion with even more uneasiness in her manner and was about to add something, but Pierre interrupted her.
Yet, he'd refused her offer to become his companion.
The first volume of a Histoire naturelle des perroquets, a companion work by the same author, appeared in the same year, and is truly a monograph, since the parrots constitute a family of birds so naturally severed from all others that there has rarely been anything else confounded with them.
If she knew I was hiring you as a companion, she'd be embarrassed.
He probably ate out all the time, and had a female companion to look after as well.
The USB Massage Ball is the perfect desktop companion for use at home or the office.
He raised his companion and said something, pointing to his mouth.
At that table were his mother, his mother's old lady companion Belova, his wife, their three children with their governess and tutor, his wife's nephew with his tutor, Sonya, Denisov, Natasha, her three children, their governess, and old Michael Ivanovich, the late prince's architect, who was living on in retirement at Bald Hills.
Shipton's traveling companion, Penelope Something, hysterically filled in what little she knew to Jake Weller and Emile Corday, both of whom visited the patient at the hospital.
It was part of the reason why he'd turned her down as a companion.
As Dean shut off the engine he turned to his companion.
Who would have guessed that a seven-year-old would make such a great companion?
This was wild country, but she had a right to ride it, with or without a companion, as he was now.
Here she was, thinking about a complete stranger as a companion.
During the campaign he met his wife, Anita, who became his inseparable companion and mother of three children, Anita, Ricciotti and Menotti.
Among his companions on his voyage round the Cape were the Baron Imhoff, a speculative portrait-painter, and his wife, a lady of some personal attractions and great social charm, who was destined henceforth to be Hastings's lifelong companion.
Henry meanwhile, however, had sent William Knight, his secretary, on a separate mission to Rome to obtain facilities for his marriage with Anne; and on the cardinal's return in August he found her installed as the king's companion and proposed successor to Catherine of Aragon.
His early friend and school companion, Adelmann, archdeacon of Liege, wrote to him letters of expostulation on the subject of this report in 1046 and 1048; and a bishop, Hugo of Langres, wrote (about 1049) a refutation of the views which he had himself heard Berengar express in conversation.
He had already gained a reputation in his narrow circle as a keen debater and a jovial companion, and it is said that he had several smuggling adventures.
In the early periods of the history of other countries this seems to have been the case even where the dog was esteemed and valued, and had become the companion, the friend and the defender of man and his home; and in the and century of the Christian era Arrian wrote that "there is as much difference between a fair trial of speed in a good run, and ensnaring a poor animal without an effort, as between the secret piratical assaults of robbers at sea and the victorious naval engagements of the Athenians at Artemisium and at Salamis."
The little book promptly aroused widespread interest, some cordial sympathy and much vehement opposition; whilst its large companion the Etudes evangeliques, containing the course on the parables and four sections of his coming commentary on the Fourth Gospel, passed almost unnoticed.
He retained his old university habit of taking long walks with a congenial companion, even in London, and although he cared but little for what is commonly known as society - the society of crowded rooms and fragments of sentences - he very much liked conversation.
He was the companion and friend of Alexander in his Asiatic campaigns.
About 1367 she married Sir Hugh Swynford (1340-1372), a Lincolnshire man, by whom she had a son, Thomas (c. 1 3 68 - 1 433), who was a friend and companion of Henry IV.
The Latin comes meant literally a companion or follower.
The Frankish kings of the Merovingian dynasty retained the Roman system of administration, and under them the word comes preserved its original meaning; the comes was a companion of the king, a royal servant of high rank.
The scorpion, attacking the genitals of the bull, is sent by Ahriman from the lower world to defeat the purpose of the sacrifice; the dog, springing towards the wound in the bull's side, was venerated by the Persians as the companion of Mithras; the serpent is the symbol of the earth being made fertile by drinking the blood of the sacrificial bull; the raven, towards which Mithras turns his face as if for direction, is the herald of the Sun-god, whose bust is near by, and who has ordered the sacrifice; various plants near the bull, and heads of wheat springing from his tail, symbolize the result of the sacrifice; the cypress is perhaps the tree of immortality.
Its companion volume of Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional History, admirable in itself, has a special importance in that its plan has been imitated with good results both in England and the United States.
In character he was modest, kind and sympathetic, ever ready to help and encourage serious students, generous in his judgment of the works of others, a most cheery companion, full of wit and humour.
At Naples he was tried as a traitor, and on the 29th of October was beheaded with his friend and companion Frederick of Baden, titular duke of Austria.
His visiting espionage, as unkind critics put it - his secret diplomatic mission, as he would have liked to have it put himself - began in the summer of 1722, and he set out for it in company with a certain Madame de Rupelmonde, to whom he as usual made love, taught deism and served as an amusing travelling companion.
Volumes and almost libraries have been written on the Calas affair, and we can but refer here to the only less famous cases of Sirven (very similar to that of Calas, though no judicial murder was actually committed), Espinasse (who had been sentenced to the galleys for harbouring a Protestant minister), Lally (the son of the unjustly treated but not blameless Irish-French commander in India), D'Etalonde (the companion of La Barre), Montbailli and others.
Curtius then became Otfried Miller's companion in his exploration of the Peloponnese, and on Miller's death in 1840 returned to Germany.
That neither this, nor any other, companion of Paul can have been the author of the whole work is supposed to follow both from its theological temper and from discrepancies between its statements and those of the Pauline Epistles on matters of fact.
Moreover, the difficulties in the way of supposing that the author of Acts could at an earlier period of his life have been a companion of St Paul do not seem to be so serious as some critics think.
There is then strong reason for believing the tradition that Luke, the companion of the Apostle Paul, was the author of our third Gospel and the Acts.
Miss Sullivan, whose ability as a teacher must be considered almost as marvellous as the talent of her pupil, was throughout her devoted companion.
After passing his final examinations in 1825, he spent a year in Switzerland, during part of the time acting as companion and secretary to C. von Bonstetten (1745-1832); the year 1827 was spent chiefly in Rome.
The expression "fidus Achates" has become proverbial for a loyal and devoted companion.
In December 1891 he sent off his companion, Dr Stuhlmann, with the bulk of the caravan, on the way back to the east coast.
Sometimes they were expanded versions of its episodes, sometimes what may be called commentaries or companion volumes.
In 1563 the professor recommended him to Louis de Chastaigner, the young lord of La Roche Pozay, as a companion in his travels.
It seems clear that he had a peculiar gift for evoking the enthusiasm of rude tribes, and we can well understand how the famous white fawn, a present from one of the natives, which was his constant companion and was supposed to communicate to him the advice of the goddess Diana, promoted his popularity.
He was the reputed founder of Buthrotum and Chaonia, named after a brother or companion whom he had accidentally slain while hunting.
The societies advised that trilithon 6, 7, with lintel - which had slewed round - and trilithon 56, which was leaning at a dangerous angle, should be examined with a view to replacement with as little excavation as possible; that the monolith and lintel 22 be replaced, and its companion sarsen (21) secured; and that trilithon 57, 58, should be re-erected in its place, which was exactly known.
But practically the Dalai Lama, owing to his position in the capital,' has the political supremacy, and is actually called the Gyalpo Rinpotshe, " the glorious king " - his companion being content with the title Pantshen Rinpotshe, " the glorious teacher."
Very interesting is the account of the captivity of Bishop Augusta, written by his companion the young priest Jan Bilek.
He impressed every one as a man of extraordinary acuteness and originality; and these solid gifts were set off to the highest advantage by quickness of thought and speech, a lucid style, wit and poetic fancy, and a social warmth which made him delightful as a friend and companion.
After romantic adventures, in which she owed her safety to the loyalty of a boy of fourteen, her only companion, she escaped with her little son to Harlech.
Here he killed a serpent which was revived by a companion, which laid a certain herb upon it.
Draw any line DE perpendicular to AB and meeting the circle in E, and take a point P on DE such that the line DP =arc BE; then the locus of P is the companion to the cycloid.
Whenever the crocodile is out of the water the spur-winged plover is its invariable companion.
Of things communicable he was at the same time, as we have said, communicative - a genial companion, a generous and loyal friend, ready and eloquent of discourse, impressing all with whom he was brought in contact by the power and the charm of genius, and inspiring fervent devotion and attachment in friends and pupils.
Fever came upon him, and for a time was his almost constant companion; this, with other serious ailments which subsequently attacked him, and which he had no medicine to counteract, told on even his iron frame.
It is said to have been broad moonlight on the full moon of the month of July, when the young chief, with Channa as his sole companion, leaving his father's home, his wealth and social position, his wife and child behind him, went out into the wilderness to become a penniless and despised student, and a homeless wanderer.
That great bird'seye vision of Bordeaux which is in the Luxembourg dates from these years, and in these years he was at Rotterdam, the companion of Jongkind, with whom he had so much in common, but whose work, like his, free and fearless and unconventional, can never be said with accuracy to have seriously influenced his own.
His sister Elizabeth, who became his life companion, and whose verse is preserved with his own, was president of the Woman's Anti-Slavery Society in Amesbury.
In the same year appeared Sermons on Various Subjects (2 vols.), the Church Companion, or Sermons on Several Subjects, and a recommendatory epistle to the Life of Thomas Halyburton.
But his most offensive act was to promote to the position of chief councillor of the crown, and disperser of the royal favors, a clever but vain and ostentatious Gascon knight, one Piers Gaveston, who had been the companion of his boyhood, and had been banished by Edward I.
On the 6th of May 1882 Lord Spencer made his entry into Dublin, and on the evening of the same day Lord Frederick, unwisely allowed to walk home alone with Burke, the undersecretary to the Irish government, was murdered with his companion in Phoenix Park.
Old pedigree-makers from the 14th century onward have made of Harding a younger son of a king of Denmark and a companion of the Conqueror, while modern historians assert his identity with one Harding who, although an English thane, is recorded by Domesday Book in 1086 as a great landowner in Somerset.
The worship of Callisto being merged in that of the greater divinity, she became the handmaid and companion of Artemis.
As a creator of aught but romantic incident, indeed, Cooper's claims to renown must rest on the fine figure of the Leatherstocking, and, in a less degree, on that of his friend and companion, the Big Serpent.
But she had much natural good sense, was a true friend and, in her more cheerful moments, an amiable companion.
He was a genial companion, frank and outspoken, and a good man of business.
In 1539 he attended Charles V.'s conference on Christian reunion at Frankfort as the companion of Bucer, and in the following year he appeared at Hagenau and Worms, as the delegate from the city of Strassburg.
In her Calvin found, to use his own words, "the excellent companion of his life," a "precious help" to him amid his manifold labours and frequent infirmities.
The ninth edition of the Companion to this collection (18to, p. 121) states that the specimen "was brought alive" [?to ].
But while on a visit to Geneva, Madame de Vermenou met Suzanne Curchod, the daughter of a pastor near Lausanne, to whom Gibbon had been engaged, and brought her back as her companion to Paris in 1764.
Unfortunately, the biography of the poet, called Gosain-charitra, by Benimadhab Das, who was a personal follower and constant companion of the Master, and died in 1642, has disappeared, and no copy of it is known to exist.
He was promoted lieutenant-colonel for his Chinese services, and made a Companion of the Bath.
It gets lonely out here for a woman with no companion but a three-year-old girl.
I'm here as a companion for your mother, not you!
Money usually traveled with a companion called trouble.
Pete joined them, waving a gnarled hand to indicate his companion.
His smiles to his companion were easy and his gaze wary.
Dean said, in a volume that caused an elderly matron from Mobile to spill her dominoes and then knee the table and dump her companion's tiles.
Then he pushed his shy pregnant companion forward a step.
I'd even … I'd even consider becoming your … companion.
I intended to make you the companion of some powerful politician at some point, but you showed an incredible aptitude for learning when you were quite young, he explained.
Mums was her constant companion throughout labor, and all three Reynolds girls made an appearance, cheering Lori on.
Along for the ride is his randy wiseacre albatross companion, Kir, who is constantly getting the pair into difficulties.
Write a poem about keeping a companion animal, with a happy ending.
Forget its cliched use as a companion to red begonias, because this pretty plant has lots more to offer.
In 1593, Marlowe was murdered in a barroom brawl by a drinking companion.
Such a system invalidated any tradition to the contrary traceable to any Companion, even one of the rightly-guided caliphs.
My companion had the beef carpaccio, which was tender and savored with enjoyment.
My companion had caviar with blinis & a shot of vodka, which was also delicious.
Our CaddyO bottle chiller is the perfect traveling companion.
Partnered by work rider Mick Denaro, the three-year-old colt worked with a galloping companion and pleased trainer Jeremy Noseda.
I told the Count briefly of the death of my traveling companion.
Meetings The employe has the right to be accompanied by a companion who is a worker or trade union official.
Then make the Bible a book which is your constant companion for the rest of your life.
Writers and editors of all kinds will find this handy guide an indispensable companion in their work.
Not only did he bear a passing resemblance to the young reporter, he was also accompanied by a faithful canine companion.
In return he will be a wonderful and loyal companion.
I had sat no further from a Cabinet Minister than from a dining companion, and had abused him according to my conscience.
Carrying Case The Motion Compact Carrying Case is the ideal travel companion for your Motion tablet.
Summer Solstice is regarded as the perfect summer cask ale drinking companion.
A robot companion approaching a seated person in a helping context.
I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
The companion cannot answer questions for the employe but can confer with the employe and address the meeting.
Because of the extent and depth of his reading he makes a good conversationalist and an excellent companion.
Nothing could exceed the love and respect which the younger cottagers exhibited toward their venerable companion.
The practice crop rotation and companion planting and are virtually self sufficient very few external inputs are used.
Yet, after all, as a friend and companion, I hope never to become quite distasteful to my dear master.
Observations of white dwarfs The first white dwarfs The first white dwarf star to be found was the companion to the bright star Sirius.
And truly, her companion justified the encomiums of the faithful chum.
Unfortunately, the companion volumes originally envisioned were not published.
My companion chose a creamy mango pudding while I had crispy banana fritters with vanilla ice-cream and honey.
Trance Tower garrison Who is the Companion trying to reach in the besieged garrison?
Mr. Pond had borne an excellent reputation as an astute and honorable business man, successful politician and an exceedingly genial companion.
As more helium is accreted, the process repeats itself until all the matter from the companion star is used up.
My companion had several helpings of the pork dish which he said were flavorsome.
And, never forgetting 'Peter ', the littlest hobo of Portugal, our part time companion.
Apparently the tall blond humanoid had a silent and invisible companion that never manifested itself in human form.
He quickly pressed her into service as class pianist; soon, she became his personal accompanist and increasingly indispensable companion.
She seemed insensible, not only of nature, but of the presence of her companion.
He's also a highly entertaining companion, with a gift for accurate mimicry which can make you ache with laughter.
A light breeze had dispersed the mist and there was a full moon, casting chill shadows of himself and his still companion.
He has left it to Primrose to handle the business; he can have his companion if he secures the papal nuncio 's approval.
Also debuting over the weekend were horror remake The omen and A Prairie Home Companion.
Offering brilliant viewing due to the multi-coated optics, users find this a great companion on the water.
As a direct result of his own refusal to return to the fighting, his beloved companion Patroclus is killed in battle by Hector.
The companion piece purchasing hired car disclose up front.
The half brothers left; and with them went Freud's admired older playmate and fighting companion, his ' nephew ' John.
My companion wore a stunning red polka dot ensemble.
Page 15 of The Companion explains this; and suggests that you make such changes in the document preamble, between \makeatletter and \makeatother.
A handsome male redstart with female companion is another pleasing addition to our list.
The Politics Companion by Editor Daisy Sampson Normal Price £ 9.99 In which country did a rhinoceros win an election?
Acts 18.17 Sosthenes (2) was a companion of Paul, referred to in the opening salutation of his first letter to Corinth.
Supplied with an oak tanned pouch style scabbard it makes the perfect companion to fishing or bird shooting trips.
The Cocker is the smallest of the working spaniels, is a happy, enthusiastic companion whose tail never seems to stops wagging.
The commonest cause of GI problems in companion rabbits is if the gut slows down and stops - gastrointestinal stasis or " ileus " .
One of the best starting points is the companion to the Macionis sociology textbook.
Products include Companion Animal Starter Kits and refills, RFID transponders and RFID Readers.
Her companion was a very vivacious lady with an ugly attractive face and hair powdered with gray.
He is now writing Cassell's Chronology of World History and its companion volume - A Short Guide to World history.
He is easy to train, a most suitable companion for dog sports, and also weatherproof.
Nova outbursts occur when a close companion star transfers fresh hydrogen fuel to a burned-out white dwarf.
Winnie's companion is then dealt in.
I would also add that purchasing the companion workbook is a must.
We learn from Ovid that Propertius was his senior, but also his friend and companion; and that he was third in the sequence of elegiac poets, following Gallus, who was born in 69 B.C., and Tibullus, and immediately preceding Ovid himself, who was born in 43 B.C. We shall not then be far wrong in supposing that he was born about 50 B.C. His early life was full of misfortune.
His literary industry was thenceforth confined to his commentary on the Republic of Plato, and some essays on Aristotle which were to have formed a companion volume to the translation of the Politics.
He had favoured the enthronement of his old companion in arms Leo the Armenian (813), but, detected in a conspiracy against that emperor, had been sentenced to death in December 820; his partisans, however, succeeded in assassinating Leo and called Michael from the prison to the throne.
In close contact with the segments of the sieve tubes are companion cells which communicate with the sieve tubes by delicate protoplasmic strands; they can be distinguished from ordinary pareochymatous cells by their small size and dense protoplasm.
His cheerful conversation, his smart and lively sallies, a singular mixture of malice of speech with goodness of heart, and of delicacy of wit with simplicity of manners, rendered him a pleasing and interesting companion; and if his manner was sometimes plain almost to the extent of rudeness, it probably set all the better an example of a much-needed reform to the class to which he belonged.
But my pride was soon humbled, and a sober melancholy was spread over my mind by the idea that I had taken an everlasting leave of an old and agreeable companion, and that whatsoever might be the future date of my History, the life of the historian must be short and precarious."
In 1772, the year in which he was chosen a foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences, he accepted the position of librarian and literary companion to Lord Shelburne (afterwards ist Marquess of Landsdowne) at Calne, with a salary of £250 a year and a house.
In 1892 Captain Vittorio Bottego and a companion left Berbera and made their way past Imi to the upper Juba, which Bottego explored to its source, both travellers finally making their way via Lugh to the east coast.
Three collinear stars ?', c and 3 Orionis constitute the "belt of Orion"; of these E, the central star, is of the ist magnitude, 3 of the 2nd, while Orionis is a fine double star, its components having magnitudes 2 and 6; there is also a faint companion of magnitude io.
He was wont to mention the following as the two incidents in his life which had afforded him the greatest pleasure, - that a stranger, whom he had met as a travelling companion in his youth, made to his declaration "I am Daniel Bernoulli" the incredulous and mocking reply, "And I am Isaac Newton"; and that, while entertaining Kdnig and other guests, he solved without rising from table a problem which that mathematician had submitted as difficult and lengthy.
With the young prince, the future king, Bute's intimacy was equally marked; he became his constant companion and confidant, and used his influence to inspire him with animosity against the Whigs and with the high notions of the sovereign's powers and duties found in Bolingbroke's Patriot King and Blackstone's Commentaries.
Her letters reveal a spirit full of ardour and enthusiasm, and warped by that perverse bent which leads so many women to prefer a tyrant to a companion.
As the inseparable companion of the king, Moltke's influence soon became so boundless that the foreign diplomatists declared he could make and unmake ministers at will.
Before I left Boston, I was asked to write a sketch of my life for the Youth's Companion.
If her companion does not give her enough details, Miss Keller asks questions until she has completed the view to her satisfaction.
Some time ago, when a policeman shot dead her dog, a dearly loved daily companion, she found in her forgiving heart no condemnation for the man; she only said, 'If he had only known what a good dog she was, he wouldn't have shot her.'
A remarkable example is a paragraph from Miss Keller's sketch in the Youth's Companion.
I have found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companion on the opposite side.
The stove not only took up room and scented the house, but it concealed the fire, and I felt as if I had lost a companion.
For a week I heard the circling, groping clangor of some solitary goose in the foggy mornings, seeking its companion, and still peopling the woods with the sound of a larger life than they could sustain.
It appeared to have no companion in the universe--sporting there alone--and to need none but the morning and the ether with which it played.
His companion's prayer is forgotten.
Pierre smiled in his good-natured way as if afraid for his companion's sake that the latter might say something he would afterwards regret.
He seemed to be condescending to his companion.
The captain looked at Pierre by the candlelight and was evidently struck by the troubled expression on his companion's face.
Sonya suddenly almost screamed, catching her companion's arm and stepping back from the door.
No one replied a word to Dolokhov's laughter, and a French officer whom they could not see (he lay wrapped in a greatcoat) rose and whispered something to a companion.
Pierre looked again at the companion's pale, delicate face with its black eyes and peculiar mouth, and something near to him, long forgotten and more than sweet, looked at him from those attentive eyes.
A handsome male Redstart with female companion is another pleasing addition to our list.
These results show a potential for an alternative approach in preventing ringworm infections in companion animals.
The booklet has been produced for use by a sighted companion and has been focus tested with visually impaired groups.
The vampire slunk back into the shadows, pulling his idiot companion along.
One of the best starting points is the companion to the Macionis Sociology textbook.
They may be early generations in the disk, or a spheroid component, or perhaps a close companion.
M51 is a face on spiral galaxy with a companion on its north edge that appears to be colliding with M51.
The commonest cause of GI problems in companion rabbits is if the gut slows down and stops - gastrointestinal stasis or " ileus ".
His fingers work at speed, strumming away at his onstage companion.
Products include Companion Animal Starter Kits and refills, RFID Transponders and RFID Readers.
Companion dogs and cats have been stolen or fraudulently obtained by licensed animal dealers and sold to vivisection facilities.
He is now writing Cassell 's Chronology of World History and its companion volume - A Short Guide to World history.
My husband suggested this was a good time to get the second dog as a companion for our gentle whippet cross bitch.
To take risks winnie 's companion is then dealt in.
My companion, a devotee of the baroque and classical idioms, writhed in anguish throughout this feast of late- and post-romantic chromaticism.
The man could tolerate his companion's foible because it was covered by his many admirable qualities.
Emily Richmond is an award-winning journalist and co-host of The Pet Cast, a twice-weekly podcast and Internet radio program about companion animals.
Perfumania will put the right scent on you or your companion.
As a prospective bird owner, care should be taken when considering the source of where you find your new feathered companion.
Knowing that a bird has been hand raised by a person usually results in a healthier, more emotionally balanced companion.
This appeals to people who want a pet as a companion or source of entertainment.
The Maine Coon's striking good looks make it a real standout at cat shows, but its personality also makes it a wonderful family companion.
Although some feline enthusiasts might have some concerns about this breed's wild heritage affecting its personality, today's Bengal has been bred to be a friendly family companion that just happens to look exotic.
If you feel up to the challenge, you might also think about adopting a spayed/neutered kitten from a shelter to provide Smokey with a new companion to further distract him from his old routine.
Although it make take patience and time, once your new Siamese bonds with you and becomes comfortable in your home, you will have a companion that will stay by your side for years to come.
Have you been searching for non allergenic cats that would allow you to set your allergies aside and share your life with a feline companion?
Ultimately, you want the best that you can afford for your companion animal.
Have your cat companion checked by his veterinarian to make sure there is not a medical problem.
Calm, affectionate and loyal, Siamese cats love to curl up on their human companion's lap.
Spending a little extra time researching the perfect food for your cat and a few extra dollars can reap big rewards in the health and well-being of your favorite companion.
In a time when there are more and more diet-related illnesses among companion animals, it is increasingly important to be aware of the alternatives to conventional pet foods.
The Cornish Rex is an intriguing breed, and it's one that you may want to investigate a little more if you're looking for a new feline companion.
You'll gain a loving companion for life.
Its truly American legacy and playful, loving nature make the American Shorthair an excellent choice for anyone looking for a kitten that is a companion in its own right.
Tock is the watchdog that acts as a companion and friend to Milo during his journey through the Kingdom of Wisdom.
The Humbug is a beetle-like insect and another companion to Milo during his travels.
Every hard liquor has a companion mixer or two.
Choose based on desired rewards such as ThankYou points, American Airline miles, unlimited companion travel with ThankYou points, a balance transfer card and the Professional Cash Card.
It's an investment in a very special relationship, and when you see your companion's improved health you'll be happy you made the change.
MyRecipesTV includes a video companion to the recipe for Almond-Saffron Cake.
Take a companion with you and chat while you work to create some noise to alert the animals, too.
For many women, however, the precision lighting many cosmetic mirrors provide is a coveted companion to the powers of magnification.
Maybelline, my faithful companion, repeatedly fails this test.
Perhaps you're not looking for a baby version of a digital pet, but instead you're interested in a virtual human baby to be your online companion.
Or, you could use a cat sticker to replace the word "dog" in a page about your crazy feline companion.
Some scrapbook kits also have companion websites that allow you to load free graphics and other design elements.
A companion or employee who is in a very upbeat mood will often help to raise the mood of others around them.
Sometimes, anxiety can help you perform at your best, but when anxiety becomes a constant companion, interfering with your day-to-day activities, you may have an anxiety disorder.
The list ranks a number of readers' favorites for most desirable woman, taking into account "women who have the characteristics they value in a potential companion, like intelligence, humor, charisma, and ambition."
She starred in the film with Sidney Poitier, her niece Katharine Houghton, and her longtime companion Spencer Tracy.
To illustrate, Kiplinger's companion list of the "100 Best Values in Private Colleges 2009-10" places the California Institute of Technology at the top of the list.
The overwhelming majority of students have computers and reliable Internet access and prefer the quicker, convenient communication methods that the companion technology entails.
Many small dog breeds were originally bred to be companion animals, making them well-suited to live in close quarters with us.
For this reason, dogs who do not meet the breed specifications are often spayed or neutered and placed in companion dog homes.
Need help selecting the perfect canine companion?
The ILP is useful for dogs who came from shelters or breed rescues, and it provides each dog with a number to be used to compete in AKC companion and sporting events, such as obedience and agility trials.
An electric jolt or a belly full of fiber glass is definitely not what you had in mind when you first decided on building a dog house for your canine companion.
What is a good breed of small dog to act as a companion to a senior citizen?
The placement may be into either companion or working homes.
Some fruit trees require cross-pollination and companion plantings.
To make the most of your gardening space, consult a companion planting list.
Some companion vegetables are sacrificed so that others can thrive.
In areas heavily infested with one type of insect, companion planting may not be enough to keep insects at bay and additional organic pest control methods may be necessary.
But once you do keep records of your companion planting experiments, the results may surprise you.
Lynne later went on to produce the Tom Petty solo albums Full Moon Fever, Into the Great Wide Open, and Highway Companion and co-wrote the hits I Won't Back Down and Runnin' Down a Dream.
Bass Masta - Bass Masta is the companion site to Guitar Masta.
Today, the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse books and their companion movie and TV series' are even more popular with people of all ages.
Take your time getting ready so that you don't have to rush out the door and if you're waiting on a female companion, try to be patient if she takes a long time.
For ridding your garden of mites, aphids, and other annoying critters you can use companion planting or mix up your own chemical-free insect and disease control solutions.
While planning your garden, it's a great idea to think about companion planting or planting marigolds and nasturtiums.
The monster only wants Victor to create another like him, preferably female, so that he can have one companion that won't shun him for his appearance.
Such external evidence as exists bearing on the origin of the Heliand and the companion poem is contained in a Latin document printed by Flacius Illyricus in 1562.
Following Wallin's route across the desert by Mean and Jauf, Palgrave and his companion, a Syrian Christian, reached Hail in July 1862; here they were hospitably entertained by the amir Talal, nephew of the founder of the Ibn Rashid dynasty, and after some stay passed on with his countenance through Kasim to southern Nejd.
It begins with a description of the old campingground, before which the poet calls on his companion to stop, while he bewails the traces of those who have left for other places.
Spent with weakness and fatigue he asked leave to rest his head on his companion's lap, and quickly fell into a quiet sleep. As Niccolini tells us, the martyr's face became serene and smiling as a child's.
In 1736 a smuggler named Wilson, who had won popularity by helping a companion to escape from the Tolbooth prison, was hanged; and, some slight disturbance occurring at the execution, the city guard fired on the mob, killing a few and wounding a considerable number of persons.
The classic drama NO and its companion the Kyogen had two children, the Joruri and the Kabuki.
The word is Arabic, and originally means a companion.
Godey's Lady's Book was long popular, and the Ladies Home Journal (1883) and the-Woman's Home Companion (1893) are now current.
Children's magazines originated with the Young Misses' Magazine (1806) of Brooklyn; the New York St Nicholas (monthly) and the Boston Youth's Companion (weekly) are prominent juveniles.
When Mahomet fled from Mecca, Abu-Bekr was his sole companion, and shared both his hardships and his triumphs, remaining constantly with him until the day of his death.
The botanic gardens cover 14 acres, contain over 8000 varieties of trees and plants, and afford a magnificent view of Table Mountain and its companion heights.
Taking the narratives as we now have them, Balaam is a companion figure to Jonah, the prophet who wanted to go where he was not sent, over against the prophet who ran away from the mission to which he was called.
He is also represented as the companion of Dionysus, especially in Asia Minor.
Algol, in fact, travels at the rate of 26.3 miles a second round the centre of gravity of the system which it forms with an invisible companion, while the two together approach the sun with an unvarying speed of 2.3 miles per second.
But Irenaeus was at most fifteen when thus frequenting Polycarp; writes thirty-five to fifty years later in Lyons, admitting that he noted down nothing at the time; and, since his mistaken description of Papias as " a hearer of John " the Zebedean was certainly reached by mistaking the presbyter for the apostle, his additional words " and a companion of Polycarp " point to this same mistaken identification having also operated in his mind with regard to Polycarp. In any case, the very real and important presbyter is completely unknown to Irenaeus, and his conclusion as to the book's authorship resulted apparently from a comparison of its contents with Polycarp's teaching.
For no beast however mighty, no bird however graceful, was a fit companion for God's masterpiece, and, apart from the serpent, the animals had no faculty of speech.
The first Europeans known to have visited the site of Milwaukee were Father Jacques Marquette, the Jesuit missionary, and his companion, Louis Joliet, who on their return in the autumn of 1673 to the mission of St Francis Xavier at De Pere from their trip down the Mississippi, skirted the west shore of Lake Michigan in their canoes from Chicago northward.
In one of his incomprehensible freaks he set off for Lyons, and, after abandoning his companion in an epileptic fit, returned to Annecy to find Madame de Warens gone.
It is true, Arakcheev took no active part in the war of 1812, but all the correspondence and despatches relating to it passed through his hands, and he was the emperor's inseparable companion during the whole course of it.
In the dull round of instruction in "grammar" he did not distinguish himself, and was surpassed by his early friend and companion, William Herman, who was Winckel's favourite pupil.
Lord Mountjoy, who had been companion to Prince Henry in his studies, had become a person of influence.
The epistle is more the work of a companion of St Paul of long standing than of one who, with quite different and independent antecedents, had only been influenced by the perusal of one or two of St Paul's letters.
C. Burkitt and others believe, the later date must be taken; otherwise the earlier date is more probable, as in any case it must fall within the lifetime of a companion of St Paul.
In 1767 Samuel Wallis worked through the central part of the Paumotus, and visited Tahiti and the Marianas, while his companion Philip Carteret discovered Pitcairn, and visited Santa Cruz, the Solomons and New Pomerania.
In 1809 Caroline - died, and three years later Schelling married one of her closest friends, Pauline Gotter, in whom he found a faithful companion.
His most important work, the Athenae Cantabrigienses (1858, 1861), a companion work to the famous Athenae Oxonienses of Anthony a Wood, contains biographical memoirs of the authors and other men of eminence who were educated at the university of Cambridge from 1500 to 1609.
Eve is given him by Satan as his companion.
Strabo chiefly employed Greek authorities (the Alexandrian geographers Polybius, Posidonius and Theophanes of Mytilene, the companion of Pompey) and made comparatively little use of Roman authorities.
Wexford, and she became his companion in all his travels.
John still lived there with his mother, aged 83, infirm, and failing in sight, to whom came as a companion their cousin, Joanna Ruskin Agnew, afterwards Mrs Arthur Severn.
After his return to his native country Houdon executed for the king of Prussia, as a companion to a statue of Summer, La Frileuse, a naif embodiment of shivering cold, which is one of his best as well as one of his best-known works.
His resemblance to Adonis has led to the theory that the names of the two are identical, and that Attis is only the Semitic companion of Syrian Aphrodite grafted on to the Phrygian Great Mother worship (Haakh, Stuttgarter-Philolog.- Vers., 18J7, 176 ff.).
An authoritative record of the outlines of his life was only discovered early in the 19th century in a writing of Auxentius of Milan, his pupil and companion.
He was educated privately and at a dissenting academy in London, and became chaplain and companion to a Mr Streatfield at Stoke Newington.
Apobates was the name given to the companion of the charioteer, who showed his skill by leaping out of the chariot and up again while the horses were going at full speed.
In 1865, through a companion in arms named O'Neill, he was brought into contact with Fenianism, and having learnt of the Fenian plot against Canada, he mentioned the designs when writing home to his father.
Entering the Mississippi on the 17th of May, Joliet and his companion turned back on the 17th of July, and returned to Green Bay and Michigan (by way of the Illinois river) at the end of September 1673.
A companion piece, La Varsovienne, was written for the Poles, by whom it was sung on the march to battle.
Hobbes was his companion rather than tutor (before becoming secretary); and, growing greatly attached to each other, they were sent abroad together on the grand tour in 1610.
Yet in his misery he was still an agreeable companion.
He was privately educated, being his father's intimate and constant companion, and derived from him his early literary enthusiasm.
In 1808 he became acquainted with Jeremy Bentham, and was for many years his chief companion and ally.
From this time onwards he seems to have depended chiefly on the bounty of his pupil Willughby, who made Ray his constant companion while he lived, and at his death left him 60 a year, with the charge of educating his two sons.
The sacred ibis is not found in Egypt, but the buff-backed heron, the constant companion of the buffalo, is usually called an ibis.
The mother, however, forms a remarkable exception to this rule; in rare instances, also, a wife becomes a companion to her husband.
Most scholars admit that the " we " narrative is that of a personal companion of Paul, who was probably none other than Luke, in view of his traditional authorship of Acts.
In the companion tribes these appendages have normally seven joints, and always more than three.
Finally, I can't think of another breed that outshines the Shih Tzu as a companion animal.
There's no doubt about it that a well-trained dog makes a far better companion, and various dog training aids can help owners achieve their training goals and move on to enjoying a comfortable relationship with their pets.
Good training makes your dog a better companion, so it makes sense to follow through with it.
Service dogs, such as seeing eye dogs, alert dogs for the deaf, and companion dogs for the disabled are generally welcomed by most hotels, even those with an otherwise strict "no pets" policy.
Memory is not as reliable during times of stress and having a sick or injured canine companion can stress out even the most laid back owners.
Pet quarantine is the term used for isolating companion animals for a defined period of time when they enter a new country during travel.
Travelling with companion dogs is not only good fun, it can actually be good for you!
Man's best friend doesn't always relish being left behind, so many of us find ourselves travelling with companion dogs from time to time.
However, the presence of your canine companion can have a calming effect on your system.
Here are a few tips about what you'll need to bring when travelling with companion dogs.
It makes far more sense to use some type of car restraint when travelling with companion dogs.
Sometimes a mild sedative prescribed by your veterinarian is just the ticket when travelling with companion dogs.
Unless you're trying to commemorate the time your pet got the dirtiest he has ever been, you'd probably be much happier with an image that shows your furry companion off to his best advantage.
Pups that do make the grade progress to guide dog training school, where they receive the in depth training that will prepare them for life as a companion for the blind.
If not, the potential handler and canine guide will be paired with other partners until they each find the right companion.
Although most dogs remain teamed with their human companion for many years, they all must eventually retire from the job.
The present owner has the option of keeping his longtime companion, along with his next guide dog.
If the present owner cannot keep more than one dog, the original companion may be adopted into a loving home to finish out his golden years.
Wendy is also an author and has written several books including The Natural Pet Food Cookbook and her latest book, Dog Lover's Daily Companion.
This is a companion pet, not a business to be sold off when it no longer becomes profitable.
When you're looking for a comfortable place for your dog to sleep that also adds a touch of style to your home, consider treating your canine companion to one of the many available styles of whimsical dog beds.
No matter how your home is decorated or what size your dog is, you're sure to find a comfortable and attractive dog bed that will allow your canine companion to snooze in style!
When you use your remote training device correctly and consistently, you should quickly see an improvement in your canine companion's behavior.
For the hard to please canine and his human companion, a custom-made dog collar may be the perfect choice.
With the vast array of styles of fancy dog collars available, there is sure to be one, or several, that would look perfect on your canine companion.
If you have a sizeable canine companion, you'll want to provide him or her with several large dog toys.
If you are looking for a wonderful companion dog that is loyal and protective of its family, a reputable Great Pyrenees breeder may be just the place for you to find your new furry friend.
A wonderful gentle and affectionate companion dog for families, Great Pyrenees possess a strong love for the children that they are raised with as pups.
Once you have determined that a Pyrenees is the right canine companion for you, locating a reputable breeder is essential.
Great Pyrenees breeders may also ask questions about what you expect from your future companion.
Giving your dog preventative medication for heartworm eliminates the danger of your canine companion falling prey to the debilitating parasites that cause heartworm disease.
Fido is your companion, your soul mate, your lifeline and your secret keeper.
The Coolaroo dog bed offers a unique design that is perfect for your favorite canine companion.
For breeders, this can be very disturbing because their precious PWD puppies have now become a trend instead of a life-long companion.
However, for a family who has done their research, a PWD can be a wonderful family companion.
The cost helps cover the aforementioned testing, and this will help ensure you are getting a dog that will be a friend and companion for many years to come.
As an owner, your continued investment will guarantee the value and the happiness of your canine companion.
Canine hydrotherapy promotes healing for both the dog and its human companion.
After these cruel practices were outlawed in 1835, fans of the Bulldog began breeding it as a companion dog without its original fierceness.
Bulldogs are loving companion dogs that thrive on human interaction.
After dog fighting was outlawed in England in the 1800s, breeders started breeding a smaller companion dog.
This medium-sized breed makes a loyal, gentle and affectionate companion dog.
Despite the breed's fighting dog origins, Bulldogs have been bred as companion dogs for more than a century.
If you want to adopt a rescued Bulldog, a rescue group can find the right canine companion for you, and you can save a dog's life.
In some cases, being able to recognize what is happening can give you the chance to spend those last precious moments with your canine companion.
They fail to respond to their human companion's voice or touch.
His friendly nature makes him the perfect companion for any age, and he does get along well with older children.
They are great companion animals because they can often go where you go and live where you live.
Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was created in 1975 to provide people with disabilities highly-trained companion dogs for free.
Skilled companion teams are trained to help both children and adults with physical, cognitive or developmental disabilities.
They will not be paired with their companion dog at this time, but they will be learning with an experienced, fully trained assistance animal.
If the student is not able to show that he is proficient in these areas, he will not be able to take a companion animal home.
Once bred primarily for tracking down and holding poachers, the breed is now most commonly used as a reliable family companion and home guard dog.
Still, there's another dog that really makes a wonderful family companion, and that's the Golden Retriever.
Steady, loyal and affectionate, the Golden makes a playful yet dependable companion for children.
That said, it's difficult to find a more loyal and loving canine companion for a child.
Deal with these issues, and your children just might have many years of wonderful times with their canine companion.
While registration papers don't make a dog any more valuable as a loving companion, the lack of registration does take away from a dog's financial value, and thus it's worth a lower selling price.
If you can provide the right home environment and you have time each day to dedicate to the care and play of an energetic and affectionate pet, a Lab pup may. grow up to be your perfect companion.
The dog's great temperament and intelligence have made it an ideal companion dog and service dog.
It is specially adapted for the rock garden, should receive similar treatment to the Ceterach (to which it forms a charming companion), and should, like it, be associated with Sedums and alpine plants.
Vegetable garden lay outs can vary depending on what you want to grow, the space you have available and whether you are interested in companion planting.
Another thing you might want to consider when looking at vegetable garden lay outs is companion planting.
The classic example of companion planting is what is known as the three sisters-beans, corn and squash-which were planted together by the Native Americans.
If you want to learn more about companion planting check out this site from Golden Harvest Organics.
Kitchen gardens are excellent places to try companion planting techniques such as marigolds among tomatoes to ward off insects, since the flowers look perfectly in place in the kitchen garden.
Knowledge of which vegetables, herbs and flowers help or hinder one another's growth may be found among companion planting charts.
Companion gardening requires that two or more complementary plants be grown in close proximity.
You can find many companion planting charts online or from the local County Cooperative Extension.
Many traditional gardeners also avoid combinations of certain companion plants.
No matter which companion planting technique you try, do plant different types together in the garden, mixing flowers and vegetables or herbs and vegetables together.
Companion planting refers to the process of planting crops together to complement each other.
Most plants from the legume family have the ability to "fix" nitrogen, making them perfect choices for companion planting.
Taste or flavor improvement is yet another reason to adopt the companion planting method.
Planting larger plants in order to provide shelter to more fragile plants is another reason gardeners use companion plants.
The strong odors emitted by these companion plants help deter insects and worms from feeding on the brassicas.
The most common companion planting for cucumbers is peas but radishes, marigolds, dill, nasturtiums, and sunflowers may also be used.
Now that you have reviewed the companion planting list and decided which varieties you are going to use, it is time to actually get into the garden.
Companion planting is another technique many small space gardeners employ.
Companion planting is a process where different types of vegetables are grown closely together.
The theory of companion planting vegetables takes advantage of the characteristics of various vegetables, herbs and flowers to repel insects and enhance growth and development.
Companion planting has been around for centuries, perhaps even dating back to the dawn of agriculture.
This lore passed down through the generations until today, with our online and tech savvy culture, gardeners can find companion planting charts with ease.
Companion planting works through a variety of methods.
If you'd like to try your hand at some common pairs for companion planting vegetables, the following are classic pairs.
Tomatoes - parsley makes a good companion for tomatoes.
Like a little black dress that goes with everything, radish is the best friend of gardeners using the companion planting organic gardening method.
While companion plantings help, attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs (which you can even buy online if you want), which eat aphids.
Certain types of plants actually thrive off each other and not only that, some companion plants help to keep the bugs off the fruits and vegetables in your garden.
Plant companion crops because squash bugs show an aversion to certain plants.
Two traditional ways to repel pests is to protect plants with companion plantings and to use plant parts to make organic pesticides.
Companion Plantings - Another way to help control pests is to plant in groups.
This kind of companion planting strategy works great if you have an idea of what types of bugs you should be watching out for.
Companion plants like marigolds, yarrow, and onions can add a pretty border to the raised beds as well as keep pests from moving in.
As you plan what crops you want to grow and where, consider the principles of companion planting, raised beds, or square foot gardening.
Instead, you will be using compost, mulch, companion planting, and beneficial predators to keep your garden at its best.
Companion planting is widely used by organic gardeners.
Some plants actually add substances to the soil that the companion plants need and both plants do better when planted together.
For more detailed information about companion planting, you may want to check Companion Planting Charts.
The toy can help the child self soothe as well as provide a companion for many years.
Consider the average height your plant will grow when companion planting or creating an herb garden bed.
It is a good companion to oregano, but shouldn't be planted near sage since sage prefers a drier soil.
Sage is a good companion to rosemary since both are drought tolerant.
Rosemary also repels cabbage worms and is a good companion to beans since it repels the dreaded bean beetle.
Dill is another great cabbage companion and supports good cabbage health; however, it should never be planted with tomatoes since dill attracts horn worms (tomato enemy).
This T-back sheer top is the perfect desk-to-dinner companion.
Most residential care centers do not provide a lot of medical care, but instead offer daily custodial services and companion comfort.
If you only want a travel companion, or a new golf buddy, state this very clearly.
Some seniors need a daily companion with whom they can enjoy their lives.
Advisa Home Care provides skilled nursing, private care, non-medical, and companion services in Grand Rapids, Flint, Saginaw, and Kalamazoo.
The home care division provides medical, non-medical, and companion services throughout Michigan.
Whether you are looking for a traveling companion, someone to dine with or a long-term companion, senior dating is a great way to share your life and common interests with others.
It may include a short-term companion to assist an elderly loved one while they recuperate from surgery, or may be a long-term live-in situation for someone who has no guardian and needs help with day-to-day living.
Non-medical in home care for the elderly is often called "companion care" and includes help for the elderly with chores and day-to-day activities.
It is important to note that Medicare and Medicaid don't cover "companion care."
Chartiers Manor offers residents a choice of several different floor plans including companion suites and private rooms.
Once Care for You is contracted to provide home care, a companion is assigned to the senior.
The company offers Companion Programs and Companion Plus Programs, each designed to meet the specific needs of the client.
Options include personal care and medical services while living at home, rehabilitation and transportation and companion care.
Another hinged dome case is made by Contact Companion.
You can even reserve a "Sheraton Suite Sleeper" dog bed for your canine companion.
There are a few stores you can visit to pick up puppy food and/or toys, as well as a small park where your canine companion can run around off leash.
You go on to reunite with Rikku, who seems to be Yuna's bodyguard or life companion.
At default, your companion is computer-controlled, so you are at the mercy of its artificial intelligence.
The second player was always an AI companion and the mode was restricted only to an offline experience.
If you are looking for a companion fitness game to the Wii Fit game, then the Jillian Michaels Wii Fit game could be for you.
It is rumoured that she is the lover and companion of Baraka.
Players got behind the wheel of a bright red Ferrari and had a female companion in the passenger's seat.
It offers a hearty companion to pasta and Italian dishes with dark fruit and black cherry flavors.
It serves well as a food companion to go with a good burger or a pizza.
Pinot Grigio's saving grace is its bone-dry and sprightly acidity that makes it a natural companion to seafood, particularly shellfish, fowl, light pastas, and cheese.
Balanced texture that makes a nice aperitif or companion to fish, chicken or cheese.
Consider purchasing a set of wine stoppers to be given as a companion gift with a nice bottle of wine.
Wine stoppers - Consider purchasing a set of metal or glass wine stoppers to be given as a companion gift with a nice bottle of wine.
Pinot Noir is and elegant, yet sensuous dinner companion.
It is a great companion for many entrées and savory appetizers.
The resulting wine is silky and revitalizing, a great companion to many foods.
These grades are there to indicate the companion boot with which the crampon works well.
It is the perfect companion for visitors of Yellowstone, but it's also an excellent "virtual vacation" for those who are unable to travel there.
In cases such as personality disorder that are thought to not have biological roots, psychoactive medications are usually considered a secondary, or companion treatment to psychotherapy.
Because bipolar disorder is thought to be biological in nature, therapy and/or counseling is recommended as a companion to, but not a substitute for, pharmaceutical treatment of the disease.
After a traveling companion suggested Matt "perform" a signature goofy dance with Hanoi as his backdrop, he videotaped it and included it on the website.
A spouse may have been a lover and companion for decades.
Whatever you're feeling is okay and it's totally normal to be completely devastated over the loss of an animal companion.
These caskets are a beautiful and affordable way to give your beloved companion a dignified and respectful burial that honors the role your pet played in your life.
Though it is not quite as easy to wield for curl and wave techniques as its three-quarter inch companion, the one-inch plate can style all types of hair and may be preferable for consumers with more broad styling needs.
The goddess look is a perfect companion for chiffon gowns, especially if they embrace the current one- shoulder toga or maxi dress trends.
I have written the unit studies, The Prairie Primer and Where the Brook and River Meet, and compiled and edited the companion poetry resource, Anne's Anthology.
Many clients are looking for a dinner companion to attend a formal event or some other social function.
He is an orange guy, and a hard-working, apron-wearing companion that is a favorite for many collectors.
He is a cuddly companion that is the perfect gift for a dreamer.
Countless other friends have come and gone throughout the years, often one-shot characters designed to appear in a specific line, such as Miko, Tropical Barbie's 1985 friend and Chelsie, companion to 1999's Generation Girl Barbie.
He even snores when sleeping, making him a lifelike companion for your boy with the built-in fun of dumping and driving.
She comes with frog prince Naveen and is a good companion to the princess plush.
This popular arctic pet can be found where most Webkinz are sold, and it has a companion Lil' Kinz too.
She's the perfect bedtime companion, since she is easily cuddled.
Holiday Fancy Nancy - The perfect companion for the Splendiforous Christmas book, this doll, which is similar to Exquisite Fancy Nancy, wears a candy cane striped top and leggings and a pink tutu.
Its small size makes it a good traveling companion.
Similarly, a floaty tunic with luxurious, feminine details (like lace trim or pearl embellishments) is a great companion for those hot leggings.
Samsonite's travel steamer is about the same size as a hand-held vacuum cleaner and it has many features that make it an essential travel companion.
The rich brown leather is sweetly complimented by croco accents, small bow, and side tassels for a wallet companion that won't show you up and will never let you down.
This smart black one would be a lovely evening companion.
Messenger bags are the ideal companion for youngsters who are headed off to school or to a friend's house for the evening.
I think of women who work, have children, study, have hobbies, friends and full lives so their bag needs to be the true companion for their daily adventures.
Unique prom purses contribute to the overall mood of the evening, adding something fanciful and charming to your look while serving as a functional companion to hold your essentials.
Specifically speaking, this brand seeks to be your companion in the adventure of life; one that is bold and written in bright colors.
Is there a day noted when the world seems to look favorably on your animal companion?
A Gemini can go from being a delightful companion to a moody antagonist in very short period of time.
Cosmo Girl is the teenage companion (both in print and online) to Cosmopolitan (a magazine geared towards women eighteen and up).
If you can capture her imagination and hold it, Gemini might stick around long enough to evolve into more than just a lover; she can grow into a lifetime companion.
Sagittarius is a mentally stimulating companion and fun-loving adventurer.
Each one will have a counter part in a companion chart, and that's when matters become even more complicated.
At any given time during a child's life, a parent might be a caregiver, playmate, teacher, nurse, disciplinarian, role model, confidante, companion, and more.
For those who want the companion volume, Shop PBS is the clear winner.
The focus of the soul is growth in love and understanding to become like God so the soul can evolve into the companion God intended.
A couple of membership drug card companies include Rx Drug Card and Companion Care Card.
Do you want a new musical companion for your workouts?
Her most constant companion for many years was Timmy, a doll she brought to life.
The show was created by William J. and Lee Phillip Bell as a companion for their number one daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless.
The down to Earth man, grounded, decent and perhaps a little flawed is Viki's ideal companion.
This is basically symbolic of the fact that the Airborne Division is always ready for rapid deployment, and since that usually means being dropped into areas of active fighting, death is a constant companion.