Compact Sentence Examples
It is usually a hard compact rock containing striated stones.
By this compact the prince was invested with all the prerogatives belonging to the sovereign.
The bulldog is a small, compact but extremely heavily built animal of great strength, vigour and tenacity.
The branches may be quite free or they may be united laterally to form a solid body of more or less firm and compact consistency.
The testis is a single compact organ.
Here he fought against some of the usurpers who threatened the throne of Honorius; he made some sort of compact with that emperor and, in 414, he married his sister Placidia, who had been since the siege of Rome a captive in the camp of the Goths.
The animal body, if it be composed of many cells, follows a different architectural plan; the compact nature of its food, and the yielding nature of its cell-walls, result in a form of structure consisting essentially of tubular or spherical masses of cells arranged concentrically round the food-cavity.
When heated in air the metal burns if in the form of thin wire, and is superficially oxidized if more compact.
The former class undergo an incipient fusion or softening when heated, so that the fragments coalesce and yield a compact coke, while the latter (also called free-burning) preserve their form, producing a coke which is only serviceable when made from large pieces of coal, the smaller pieces being incoherent and of no value.
In some anthracite collieries in America the small coal or culm and other waste are washed into the exhausted workings by water which gives a compact mass filling the excavation when the water has drained away.
AdvertisementWhen the coal has been under-cut for a sufficient length, the struts are withdrawn, and the overhanging mass is allowed to fall during the time that the workmen are out of the pit, or it may be brought down by driving wedges, or if it be of a compact character a blast in a borehole near the roof may be required.
This is one of the most compact forms of machine, the smaller size being only 20 in.
It is more probable that the breach of the compact was due to Polycrates, for when Cambyses of Persia invaded Egypt (525) the Samian tyrant offered to support him with a naval contingent.
Calvin's book furnished the Protestants not only with a compact and admirably written handbook of theology, vigorous and clear, but with a system of Church government and a code of morals.
They describe it 2 as " a compact, massive rock, somewhat above medium grain, and of light colour.
AdvertisementThe principle of primogeniture was not introduced until the end of the 17th century, so that the Protestant Saxon dynasty, instead of building up a single compact kingdom for itself, has split into four petty duchies, of no political influence whatever.
The remaining fragments were, under the directions of the Royal Society, reduced by Dr Wallis to a compact form, with the heading Astronomia Kepleriana defensa et promota, and published with numerous extracts from the letters of Horrocks to Crabtree, and a sketch of the author's life, in a volume entitled Jeremiae Horroccii opera posthuma (London, 1672).
The enjoyment of their charms is, however, generally qualified by some restriction or compact, the breaking of which is the cause of calamity to the lover and all his race, as in the notable tale of Melusine.
The hebdomadal transformation being once, contrary to compact, witnessed by her husband, she left him with much wailing, and was said to return and give warning by her appearance and great shrieks whenever one of the race of Lusignan was about to die.
The necessity for defence from hostile attacks, economy of space and convenience of access from one part of the community to another, by degrees dictated a more compact and orderly arrangement of the buildings of a monastic coenobium.
AdvertisementIn the same year William Lyon Mackenzie led a similar armed revolt in Upper Canada against the domination of the ruling officialdom called, with little reason, the " Family Compact."
The construction of the Inter-Colonial railway as a connecting link between the provinces on the seaboard and those along the St Lawrence and the Great Lakes was a part of the federation compact, a clause of the British Coionia1 North America Act providing that it should be begun railway.
It also occurs in nature in fibrous excrescences, constituting the mineral epsomite or hair-salt; and as compact masses (reichardite), as in the Stassfurt mines.
The wood of large trees is compact in texture, in the best varieties of a deep reddish colour varying to brownish-yellow, but apt to be lighter in tint, and less hard in grain, when grown in rich soils or in low sheltered situations.
When these fires occur while the trees are full of sap, a curious mucilaginous matter is exuded from the half-burnt stems; when dry it is of pale reddish colour, like some of the coarser kinds of gum-arabic, and is soluble in water, the solution resembling gumwater, in place of which it is sometimes used; considerable quantities are collected and sold as " Orenburg gum "; in Siberia and Russia it is occasionally employed as a semi-medicinal food, being esteemed an antiscorbutic. For burning in close stoves and furnaces, larch makes tolerably good fuel, its value being estimated by Hartig as only one-fifth less than that of beech; the charcoal is compact, and is in demand for iron-smelting and other metallurgic uses in some parts of Europe.
AdvertisementIn addition to these four princes Duke William left three other sons, and in 1610 the seven brothers entered into a compact that the duchy should not be divided, and that only one of them should marry and continue the family.
The object of crossing (croissage) is to round, smooth and condense the separate filaments of each set into one strand, and as the surface of the filaments is gummy and adhesive it is found on drying that they have agglutinated into a compact single fibre of raw silk.
In 1817, at the instance of John Quincy Adams, the United States and Great Britain entered into a compact whereby the Great Lakes, and the waterways from them to the ocean by the St Lawrence river, which divide the United States from the Dominion of Canada, were practically excluded from any possible hostilities.
He was, however, more than compensated for this disappointment by his compact (1339) with his ally and brother-in-law, Casimir of Poland, whereby it was agreed that Louis should succeed to the Polish throne on the death of the childless Casimir.
The holdings were probably not compact but consisted of scattered strips in common fields, changed perhaps from year to year, the choice being determined by lot or otherwise.
If she meant that she had a compact character, she was right.
In very succulent plants the cells form a compact mass, and those in the centre are often colourless.
They have a layer of compact cells on their surface, but no true epidermis, and no stomata.
It ranges in colour from pale yellow to a deep brown, and the grain is very compact and of close texture.
Stomatopoda.-ThiS order, at one time a medley of heterogeneous forms, is now confined to the singularly compact group of the Squillidae.
These are distributed in scattered groups throughout Italy, but are most compact in Apulia and Sicily, and number in all some 50,000.
This compact proclaimed the principle of monarchical absolutism, supported by papal authority, itself monarchically absolute, which influenced Europe until the outbreak of the Revolution.
The states could not, without violating the constitutional compact, interfere with the activities of the Federal government so long as the government confined itself to its proper sphere; but the attempt of Congress, or any other department of the Federal government, to exercise any power which might alter the nature of the instrument would be an act of usurpation.
As a remedy for such a breach of compact the state might resort to nullification, or, as a last resort, to secession from the Union.
Their territories are in many cases neither compact nor continuous, consisting of a number of villages here and there, with a nucleus of more or less importance round the chief town.
These investigations led him to the announcement of the fundamental law of action between elements of current, or currents in infinitely short lengths of linear conductors, upon one another at a distance; summed up in compact expression this law states that the action is proportional to the product of the current strengths of the two elements, and the lengths of the two elements, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two elements, and also directly proportional to a function of the angles which the line joining the elements makes with the directions of the two elements respectively.
Oliver Heaviside after 1880 rendered much assistance by reducing Maxwell's mathematical analysis to more compact form and by introducing greater precision into terminology (see his Electrical Papers, 1892).
In 1276 Edward entered Wales from Chester, and after a short campaign brought his obstinate vassal to submit to the ignominious treaty of Conway, whereby Llewelyn lost almost all the benefits conferred on him by the compact of Montgomery ten years before.
Hampe gives 8.945 (V) for perfectly pure and compact copper.
The ore is a compact iron pyrites containing copper 2.5%, silver 3.83 oz., gold 0.139 oz.
The rock is a very compact and fine-grained mixture of felspar, quartz and mica, often graduating to mica schist, quartzite and gneiss.
The former generally consists of a hard and compact mass of rounded, scratched and sometimes polished stones firmly embedded in a powder of crushed rock.
The latter is less compact and contains angular boulders, often of a considerable size, but no powder.
Thus, on the 27th of March Alliance 1 794, a neutrality compact was formed between with Denmark and Sweden; and their united squadrons Denmark.
In these circumstances, the " Landtmanna " party in the Riksdag, who desired the lightening of the military burden, joined those who desired the abolition of landlordism, and formed a compact and predominant majority in the Second Chamber, while the burgher and Liberal parties were reduced to an impotent " intelligence " minority.
The elections of 1890, when the metropolis returned free traders and Liberals to the Second Chamber, certainly effected a change in the latter, as the representatives of the towns and the old " Landtmanna " party joined issue and established a free-trade majority in the chamber, but in the combined meetings of the two chambers the compact protectionist majority in the First Chamber turned the scale.
The question of protection being now considered settled, there was no longer any reason for the continued separation of the two " Landtmanna " parties, who at the beginning of the Riksdag of 1895 joined issue and became once more a compact majority in the Second Chamber, as they had been up to the Riksdag of May 1887.
The Lagidae, especially, with their much more compact and effective empire, employed every means to weaken their Asiatic rivals; and auxiliaries were found in the minor states on the frontierAtropatene, Armenia, Cappadocia, Pontus and Bithynia.
Of no one can it be more emphatically said that at his highest he was "of imagination all compact."
On the 22nd of March 1681 he entered into a compact with Louis whereby he undertook to desert his allies and offer no resistance to French aggressions.
It is compact, of a fine grain, sometimes beautifully veined, and takes a high polish.
Two years later, when the Family Compact involved Portugal in a war with Spain, Pombal called in Count William of Lippe-Biickeburg to reorganize the army, which was reinforced by a British contingent under Brigadier-General John Burgoyne, and was increased from 5000 to 50,000 men.
According to the rule, water, which has the lower surface-tension, should spread upon the surface of mercury; whereas the universal experience of the laboratory is that drops of water standing upon mercury retain their compact form without the least tendency to spread.
Virgin soils are densely compact.
A homestead provision (1901) exempts from liability for debts (except mortgages or liens placed before the homestead claim) any homestead belonging to the head of a family, existing in one compact body and valued at not more than $2500; such a homestead a married man may not sell, lease or put a lien on without his wife's consent.
The existence of the so-called family compact by which the Bourbons of France and Spain bound themselves in an offensive alliance against England having been brought to light, Pitt urged that it should be met by an immediate declaration of war with Spain.
We know from himself that he was the intimate of those who belonged to the circle of the great orator Symmachus - men who scouted Stilicho's compact with the Goths, and led the Roman senate to support the pretenders Eugenius and Attalus in the vain hope of reinstating the gods whom Julian had failed to save.
But deism is not a compact system nor is it the outcome of any one line of philosophical thought.
In 568 Alboin and the Langobardi, in accordance with a compact made with Baian, which is recorded by Menander, abandoned their old homes to the Avars and passed southwards into Italy, were they were destined to found a new and mighty kingdom.
Shrewd and cautious, he had a compact and well-ordered realm to show at the end of fifty years of wars.
Much haematite occurs in a compact or massive form, often mammillary, and presenting on fracture a fibrous structure.
Geologically they belong to the primitive formation - granite, compact dark blue slate, gneiss and syenite.
The result was the utter defeat of the extreme Radical party and the return of a more compact Liberal majority.
The existence of such a law is very encouraging so far as artificial flight is concerned, for it shows that the flying surfaces of a large, heavy, powerful flying machine will be comparatively small, and consequently comparatively compact and strong.
It was remarkably compact, elegant and light, and obtained the ioo prize of the exhibition for its engine, which was the lightest and most powerful so far constructed.
It consists of a compact central mass and two straggling appendages running from its S.W.
In 58 B.e., when consul, he and his colleague Aulus Gabinius entered into a compact with P. Clodius, with the object of getting Cicero out of the way.
Hornblende schists also occur and a compact felspathic rock in the Suris defile.
Richard thus moved slowly, but in such compact order as to arouse the admiration even of the enemy.
The large medullary rays give to the wood a characteristic parenchymatous or lax appearance, which is in marked contrast to the more compact wood of a conifer.
C. Perry in 1854, the smouldering discontent broke out into open hostility against both parties the compact.
The characters as given above apply more particularly to crystals of quartz, but in the various massive and compact varieties the material may be quite different in general appearance.
Steep and rugged ravines intersect the plains, opening into small bays or coves on the shore, fenced with masses of compact and cellular lava; and all over the island are found products of volcanic action.
Its original strength lay probably in the compact Ruman settlements among the eastern Carpathians, first mentioned by Nicetas of Chonae, about 1164.
Peace was then patched up by the compact of Zborow (August 21, 1649), whereby Chmielnicki was virtually recognized as a semi-independent prince.
In 1653 Poland made a supreme effort, the diet voted 17,000,000 gulden in subsidies, and John Casimir led an army of 60,000 men into the Ukraine and defeated the arch-rebel at Zranta, whereupon Chmielnicki took the oath of allegiance to the tsar (compact of Pereyaslavl, February 19,1654), and all hope of an independent Cossack state was at an end.
But Mr Gladstone's influence with the Liberal party was paramount, in spite of the damaging appearance of the compact made with Parnell, and Forster's pointed criticisms only caused thoroughgoing partisans to accuse him of a desire to avenge himself.
It is a well-built compact city, and its temples and examination halls are in good preservation.
A crane machine of peculiar construction, well adapted for weigh - ing heavy loads, and extremely simple and compact, which does not properly come under any of the heads under which the machines have been classified, is the hydrostatic weighing machine.
Corals have been divided into A porosa and Perforata, according as the theca and septa are compact and solid, or are perforated by pores containing canals lined by endoderm.
Theca porous; septa compact and reduced in number.
His first book was a modest and compact story of the affairs in The Gulf and Inland Waters (1883), in a series of volumes by various writers, entitled The Navy in the Civil War; in 1890 he suddenly acquired fame by the appearance of his masterly work entitled The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783.
At Gezer no definite altar was discovered in the great High Place; though it is possible that a bank of intensely hard compact earth, in which were embedded a large number of human skulls, took its place.
While abroad the great vassals of the crown generally held their property in compact blocks, in England their power was weakened by the dispersion of their lands.
Only in two cases did William establish lordships of compact strength, and these were created for the special purpose of guarding the turbulent Welsh March.
He sailed for France in August 1415, with an army compact and well-equipped, but not very numerous.
Henry VI., it is argued, had broken the tacit compact which the house of Lancaster had made with the nation; instead of committing the administration of the realm origin of to ministers chosen for him by, or at least approved the Wars by, his parliament, he persisted in retaining in office of the persons like Suffolk and Somerset, who had for- Roses.
The first reformed parliament, which met on the 29th of January 1833, consisted in the main of Whigs, with a sprinkling of Radicals and a compact body of Liberal Tories under Sir Robert Peel.
On the west and south coasts of Sweden, and in the Skagerrak south-east of Norway, navigation is interfered with by ice only in severe winters, and then the ice is usually drifting, compact sea-ice being very rare.
Edward Baliol surrendered it in 1 334 in terms of his compact with Edward III., but the Scots regained it in 1339.
It was solely through his efforts that Hungary did not accede to the league of Cambrai, was consistently friendly with Venice, and formed a family compact with the Habsburgs.
Early in the year 1790 a dispute with England concerning the frontier in North America induced the Spanish government to claim the help of France under the Family Compact.
Thus the Assembly treated the Family Compact as null and void.
The ideas above expressed were not peculiar to Grotius; in particular the doctrine of the " fundamental pact " as the jural basis of government had long been maintained, especially in England, where the constitution historically established readily suggested such a compact.
On this view morality, though dependent for its actuality on the social compact which establishes government, is actually binding on man as a reasonable being.
Hume concedes that a compact is the natural means of peace fully instituting a new government, and may therefore be properly regarded as the ground of allegiance to it at the outset; but he urges that, when once it is firmly established the duty of obeying it rests on precisely the same combination of private and general interests as the duty of keeping promises; it is therefore absurd to base the former on the latter.
Though it is quite obvious that the theory of a social contract (or compact, as it is also called) contains a considerable element of truth - that loose associations for mutual protection preceded any elaborate idea or structure of law, and that government cannot be based exclusively on force - yet it is open to the equally obvious objection that the very idea of contract belongs to a more advanced stage in human development than the hypothesis itself demands.
Scarcely was the compact signed when he heard of the great queen's death.
Thus, Tirol, Styria and Carinthia belong, like Switzerland, to the system of the Alps, but these provinces together with those lying in the basin of the Danube form, nevertheless, a compact stretch of country.
She had already given proofs of her superior statesmanship by recovering possession of Schleswig from the Holstein counts, who had held it absolutely for a generation, and who now received it back indeed as a fief (by the compact of Nyborg 1386), but under such stringent conditions that the Danish crown got all the advantage of the arrangement.
By this compact, moreover, the chronically rebellious Jutish nobility lost the support they had hitherto always found in Schleswig-Holstein, and Margaret, free from all fear of domestic sedition, could now give her undivided attention to Sweden, where the mutinous nobles were already in arms against their unpopular king, Albert of Mecklenburg.
Finally the Hansa intervened, and by the compact of Lindholm (1395) Albert was released by Margaret on promising to pay 60,000 marks within three years, the Hansa in the meantime to hold Stockholm in pawn.
In the following year, however, a Lateran council repudiated this compact as due to violence, and a synod held at Vienne with papal approval declared lay investiture to be heresy and placed Henry under the ban.
Organized into a compact body they surrounded the king and were far more powerful than he.
The compact was concluded at Millau; Cond becoming a Protestant once more in order to treat with Damville, Mootmorencys brother.
In the meantime Philip II., being rid of Don John of Austria, whose ambition he dreaded, was to crush the Protestants of England and the Netherlands; and the double result of the compact at Joinville was to allow French politics to be controlled by Spain, and to transform the wars of religion into a purely political quarrel.
This Huguenot rising, in stirring up which Spanish diplomacy had its share, was a revolt of discontented and ambitious individuals who trusted for success to their compact organization and the ultimate assistance of England.
So long as they retained their compact organization in France he could undertake no successful action abroad, and the treaty was in effect no more than a truce that was badly observed.
His good fortune soon led him from conquest to spoliation, and he complicated his master-idea of the grand empire by his Family Compact; the clan of the Bonapartes invaded European monarchies, wedding with princesses of blood- royal, and adding kingdom to kingdom.
When British arbitration was brought to bear upon the disputed claims of Persia over this country in 1872, it was found necessary to suppose two territories - one compact and concentrated, which was called " Seistan Proper," the other detached and irregular, called " Outer Seistan."
He had also a strong family feeling, which induced him to enter intothe Family Compact with his French cousins.
But the Family Compact, on which the French alliance depended, ceased to exist when Louis XVI.
This was a virtual renewal of the Family Compact of 1761, but with terms far more di;advantageous to Spain.
The brood of bees, when healthy, lies in the combs in compact masses, the larvae being plump and of a pearly whiteness, and when quite young curled up on their sides at the base of the cells.
As thus constituted the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan forms a compact territory which, being joined southwards by the Uganda Protectorate, brings the whole of the Nile valley from the equatorial lakes to the Mediterranean under the control of Great Britain.
A compact was then signed at Vilna, "in the name of the whole Christian World," between Gedymin and the delegates, confirming the promised privileges.
The Detroit Board of Commerce, organized in 1903, brought into one association the members of three former bodies, making a compact organization with civic as well as commercial aims. The board has brought into active co-operation nearly all the leading business men of the city and many of the professional men.
It was in vain that, on the death of Ladislaus, which took place unexpectedly (August 6, 1414), John was inspired with the idea of breaking his compact with Sigismund and returning to Rome, at the same time appealing to Louis of Anjou.
Pizarro, Almagro and Luque afterwards renewed their compact in a more solemn and explicit manner, agreeing to conquer and divide equally among themselves the opulent empire they hoped to reach.
The skull, in the Apoda, is remarkably solid and compact, and it possesses a postorbital or postfrontal bone (marked 1 in the figure) which does not exist in any of the other living batrachians.
In 1665 the branch of Anhalt-Cothen became extinct, and according to a family compact this district was inherited by Lebrecht of Anhalt-Plotzkau, who surrendered Plotzkau to Bernburg,and took the title of prince ofAnhalt-Cothen.
These two princes had made a compact at Dortmund in 1609 to act together in defence of their rights, but proposals for a marriage alliance between the two houses broke down and differences soon arose between them.
Under our agreed compact, Betsy would be the sole judge of where we would try to place Howie.
She, in turn, would inform Quinn, both of whom would know I was holding back important information, a severe blow to our credibility compact.
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She was a brave witch; she never blenched at the stake, which was proof enough of her compact with the Devil.
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Bryn Jones works on wide-field and spectroscopic and imaging surveys of galaxies, particularly for dwarf galaxies and compact galaxies in nearby galaxy clusters.
The website also shows what the next steps are in terms of implementing the compact for Devon 2005/2006.
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The global compact The Global Compact is an initiative of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.
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During Compact Week, Third Sector asked should the Compact be made compulsory.
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But even then the foul fiend kept the letter of his compact.
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He was not a big dog, but was very compact and had super hindquarters, a lovely pale coat and was very glamorous.
Indeed, it shows that for measure preserving homeomorphisms of a compact manifold, chaos is in fact the general case.
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In their midst lie the Picos de Europa, a compact trio of limestone massifs, rising to nearly 9,000 feet in height.
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The bustling town of Mansfield is the focal point for a compact district of 30 square miles.
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Integrated optical wireless transceivers Research Group home page To demonstrate compact potentially low cost optical transceivers for in-building free space networks.
As the mass grows it forms compact tufts that are collectively called a mycelium.
We have used Verdana, a clean compact sans serif typeface which is supplied with most versions of the Windows operating system.
This will encourage vigorous, free-flowering shoots from low down, helping to keep the shrub neat and compact.
He had a good compact physique, very tiny waist, just lacked the mass of the top two.
Lightweight and very compact, it features a short wheelbase and a long swingarm.
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The StreetPilot i3 includes a compact vehicle windshield mount that allows for easy transfer between vehicles.
The compact starters are aimed, in particular, at OEMs, offering them reduced panel space and simplified wiring at a low price.
The Compact Cube is a 150-watt active sub woofer that has been designed to compliment the other elements of the Compact System.
This compact aroused the bitter enmity of Dr Leandro Alem, who did his utmost to stir up the Union Civica to a campaign against the neutral candidate.
In Milton, on the 9th of September 1774, at the house of Daniel Vose, a meeting, adjourned from Dedham, passed the bold "Suffolk Resolves" (Milton then being included in Suffolk county), which declared that a sovereign who breaks his compact with his subjects forfeits their allegiance, that parliament's repressive measures were unconstitutional, that tax-collectors should not pay over money to the royal treasury, that the towns should choose militia officers from the patriot party, that they would obey the Continental Congress and that they favoured a Provincial Congress, and that they would seize crown officers as hostages for any political prisoners arrested by the governor; and recommended that all persons in the colony should abstain from lawlessness.
Tone did not feel himself bound in honour by his compact with the government at home to abstain from further conspiracy; and finding himself at Philadelphia in the congenial company of Reynolds, Rowan and Napper Tandy, he undertook a mission to Paris to persuade the French government to send an expedition to invade Ireland.
The respective relations of pope and emperor, ill-defined in the compact between Charles the Great and Leo III., were brought in question, and Che two chief potentates -of Christendom, no longer tacitly concordant, stood against each other in irreconcilable rivalry.
The popes were now masters of a fine and compact territory, embracing no inconsiderable portion of Countess Matildas legacy, in addition to Pippins donation, and the patrimony of St Peter.
It may be observed, too, that the hypothesis of a primitive compact mass (sphaerus), in which love (attraction) is supreme, has some curious points of similarity to, and contrast with, that notion of a primitive nebulous matter with which the modern doctrine of cosmic evolution usually sets out.
In bodily form Diptera present two main types, either, as in the case of the more primitive and generalized families, they are gnator midge-like in shape, with slender bodies and long, delicate legs, or else they exhibit a more or less distinct resemblance to the common house-fly, having compact and stoutly built bodies and legs of moderate length.
His reply to Calhoun, printed as "The Constitution not a compact between sovereign States," is one of his closest legal arguments, but somewhat overmatched by the keen logic of his adversary.
A crop-like dilatation of the gut and a recurved intestine, embedded in the compact yellowish-brown liver, the ducts of which open into it, form the rest of the digestive tract and occupy a large bulk of the visceral hump. The buccal region presents a pair of shelly jaws placed laterally upon the lips, and a wide range of variation in the form of the denticles of the lingual ribbon or radula.
Napoleon showed his indifference to the opinion of the tsar by ordering the seizure of the British envoy at Hamburg, Sir George Rumbold (24th of October); but set him free on the remonstrance of the king of Prussia, with whom he then desired to remain on friendly terms. Nevertheless, the general trend of his policy was such as powerfully to help on the formation of the Third Coalition against France - a compact which Pitt (who returned to power in May 1804) had found it very difficult to arrange.
On the death of King Eric Lam in 1147 Valdemar came forward as one of the three pretenders to the Danish crown, Jutland falling to his portion (compact of Roskilde, 9th of August 1157).
The best edition of the works is that by Louis Moland in 52 volumes (Paris, Gamier); the handiest and most compact is that issued in 13 volumes royal octavo by Fume, and kept in print by the house of Didot.
To guarantee still further the integrity of Poland, Casimir, who had no male issue, concluded a compact with Charles Robert whereby he recognized Louis, Charles Robert's son, as the successor to the Polish crown; Louis on his part contracting to confirm the privileges of the Polish gentry and clergy, and to rule Poland through natives only.
Finding themselves without warrant in a region beyond their patent, and threatened with the desertion of disaffected members of their company (probably all servants or men of the " lesser " sort) unless concessions were made to these, they drew up and signed before landing a democratic compact of government which is accounted the earliest written constitution in history.'
The first authentic pacta conventa made between the Polish nobility and the Crown dates from the compact of Kassa (September 17, 137 4), when Louis of Hungary agreed to exempt the szlachta from all taxation, except two Polish groschen per hide of land, and to compensate them for the expenses of all military service rendered beyond the confines of the realm.
Nevertheless the Kentucky legislature on the 22nd of November 1799 reaffirmed in a new resolution the principles it had laid down in the first series, asserting in this new resolution that the state " does now unequivocally declare its attachment to the Union, and to that compact [the Constitution], agreeably to its obvious and real intention, and will be among the last to seek its dissolution," but that " the principle and construction contended for by sundry of the state legislatures, that the General Government is the exclusive judge of the extent of the powers delegated to it, stop nothing [short] of despotism - since the discretion of those who administer the government, and not the Constitution, would be the measure of their powers," " that the several states who formed that instrument, being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of the infraction," and " that a nullification by those sovereignties of all unauthorized acts done under color of that instrument is the rightful remedy."
The jobbing of land by the official clique, whose frequent intermarriages won for them the name of "The Family Compact," the undoubted grievance of the "Clergy Reserves" and the well-meaning high-handedness and social exclusiveness of military governors, who tried hard but unavailingly to stay the democratic wave, soon revived political discord, which found a voice in that born agitator, William Lyon Mackenzie.
Ali, however, had first to deal with the insurrection of the Kharijites, who condemned the arbitration which followed the battle of Siffin as a deed of infidelity, and demanded that Ali should break the compact (see above, A.4).
In 1798 he joined Jefferson in opposing the Alien and Sedition Laws, and Madison himself wrote the resolutions of the Virginia legislature declaring that it viewed "the powers of the Federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right and are in duty bound to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them."
It was in this harbour that the "Mayflower" compact (see Massachusetts) was drawn up and signed by the Pilgrims before they proceeded to Plymouth, in 1620; here John Carver was chosen the first governor of Plymouth Colony, and Provincetown was the first landing place (on Saturday the 11th [o.s.] of November) of the Pilgrims in the New World.
He revived nominalism by collecting and uniting isolated opinions upon the meaning of universals into a compact system, and popularized his views by associating them with the logical principles which were in his day commonly taught in the universities, He linked the doctrines of nominalism on to the principles of the logic of Psellus, which had been introduced into the West in the Summulae of Peter of Spain, and made them intelligible to common understandings.
On the contrary, it favours the belief that it should be a compact and moderately heavy and powerful structure, which trusts for elevation and propulsion entirely to its flying appliances - whether actively moving wings, or screws, or aeroplanes wedged forward by screws.
It may be noticed, too, that he still accepts the "social compact " as the natural mode of constituting government, and regards the obligations of subjects to civil obedience as normally dependent on a tacit contract; though he is careful to state that consent is not absolutely necessary to the just establishment of beneficent government, nor the source of irrevocable obligation to a pernicious one.
The low weight and compact radome antenna is particularly suited for mast installations.
The short tube is baby pink with white sepals tipped green which recurve gracefully to expose a compact full double white corolla.
Includes a high-quality printed vocal score and a compact disk featuring digitally remastered stereo accompaniments to each piece.
Malvern will also be showing its Gemini modular and compact rheometer system with ' fluids to solids ' capability.
This deluxe version of Travel Scrabble offers players a compact and robust Scrabble game which is ideal for journeys, holidays etc.
It 's in compact shelving on level 0 of the Saltire Center.
They are usually compact with no pit or machine room requirement, and most are free standing and only require a single-phase power supply.
It is an ultra compact model that is slim enough to slip easily into a pocket or small bag.
The compact bodies in the jars moving in the sloshing liquid.
Low profile pour spout for compact packing, Stay-put lid wo n't budge during pouring, Wire handles fold down for compact storage.
Height, distances, subtended distances, lean, volume in ONE Compact Unit !
We 've reviewed a compact subwoofer from the company 's Premiere series before, but were n't too impressed.
They are also stylishly housed in a compact silver cabinet and comes with a tabletop stand.
Jaguar 's first attempt at a compact executive is right on the money, combining taut handling with a smooth ride.
Such pages are compatible and compact but lack fancy formatting and are time-consuming to create.
This compact umbrella folding buggy has been thoughtfully designed to fit through all standard doorways at just 73cm wide.
Think about packing an unbelievable amount of space into a compact exterior.
Nottingham has the vibrancy of a big city within a compact central area.
The existential quantifier argument will work if the ordinal stage at which the model is being constructed is a weakly compact cardinal.
Its also designed for comfort too being compact and having a softer webbing belt.
Don't forget soothing compact disks and educational videos or dvd's.
Umbrella strollers are more compact and portable, but they can't be used with newborns.
You can typically use an umbrella or compact stroller once your baby can sit up with support.
Compact strollers actually have many of the features of a full-size stroller, and some compact strollers can be used with infants as well.
Compact Travel Systems-These stroller/car seat combos are lightweight and easy to use.
Evaluate whether or not you need a subcompact, compact, midsize, or full-size SUV.
However, many compact SUVs get better gas mileage, and SUV hybrids are gaining popularity as a more eco-friendly choice of wheels for driving.
The space available, like your load capacity, will help determine whether you buy a compact or a full-size clothes dryer.
You'll find compact, steel, laminate and writing desk models.
The tips below on to look for when buying used compact discs will have you listening to the bands and musicians you love in no time.
Adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models, cramming more stuff in under the hood.
However, adding memory to newer machines is a challenge, mainly because newer machines are much more compact than older models.
The computers made by Apple are more compact, sleekly designed, and are said to be more stable, but usually cost more than PCs and are less easily upgraded without buying a new unit altogether.
Products are high-quality and include things like Ionic Air Purifiers, home massage chairs, digital photo frames, cool space-saving CD stereos, compact exercise machines, personal grooming devices, innovative kitchen tools and much more.
Despite their compact size, they are capable of holding hundreds of songs with a few gigabytes of space.
Pentax Papilio 6.5x21- a nice compact binocular for the camper and outdoorsman, weighing just 10.2 ounces.
This compact furniture categorized on Target's website includes furniture for every room in the home.
Finding the perfect compact furniture for small spaces, especially bedrooms, can be tricky.
Finding the right compact furniture for small spaces can be a breeze, even if you're looking for an extra bed for guests and have minimal space in an office or living room.
Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, or CFLs, are very efficient and last up to ten times longer than standard, incandescent bulbs.
Compact fluorescent bulbs last longer and use less energy than incandescent bulbs, so you will save money by using them.
Switching to EnergyStar compact fluorescent light bulbs can save you an average of $60 a year.
Replace all the bulbs in your house with compact fluorescent light bulbs, which last ten times longer than standard bulbs and use about two-thirds less energy.
Don't compare hybrid compact cars with full-size sedans or SUVs.
Here is a comparison on two compact hybrids, the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius.
Switching to compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs can significantly reduce electricity costs.
The replacement compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) use two-thirds less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and burn much cooler as well.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs, saving you money on lighting and cooling your home.
One easy way to become more energy efficient is to swap out less efficient incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs or CFLs.
They do cost a little more but compact fluorescent bulbs last much longer than incandescent and can light a room on one-fourth of the energy needed for conventional bulbs.
If you need a compact home study, consider a hideaway office inside an armoire or convert a closet into a clever office space.
Futons are popular with apartment dwellers because of their compact size and portability.
A triangle or kidney shape made compact and interesting vanities.
Most conventional makeup is either in liquid form or uses some kind of bonding agent to hold the compact together.
The Mineral Veil comes in powder and compact form.
Famous Shimmer Brick Compact Blush - Five shades of blush in one, providing the makeup user to create the most natural effect possible - one of Bobbi Brown's most successful products.
Mary Kay also offers the custom compact options allowing you to fill the empty spaces with three eye colors, one cheek and one lipstick, including space for the applicators.
A compact mirror for instant touch-ups no matter where you are.
The Lauren Hutton Face Disc is a large compact featuring several different shades of makeup designed to highlight those areas needing enhancement and conceal those areas we'd rather others didn't see.
If you don't want anything too heavy but still want the coverage, Chanel's Double Perfection Compact Matte Reflecting Powder Makeup SPF 10.
Another great find from the Paul & Joe line is their Triple Gloss color compact.
A colorful swirl of three complimenting colors, this compact is perfect to be used as lip gloss, eye shadow, or anything else that you can think of.
The first step is to apply the lightest shade from your quad, or trio compact.
Lining the eyes before you apply the medium, and the dark shades of your quad compact, ensures that you won't smudge your liner.
You don't have to resort to a tiny compact mirror just because you're traveling.
Vanity mirrors, compact mirrors and magnifying makeup mirrors are just a few of the products offered from the aptly-named Magic Focus.
Resembling a powder cosmetic compact, these mirrors are typically housed in thick plastic casing to protect the mirror from breakage.
Many compact travel makeup mirrors are magnified in great strength, allowing the user to focus on specific facial features one at a time.
The best aspect of 70s' makeup fashion is that you won't be looking at a compact all day in order to ensure that your sirenesque lipstick is not feathering outside the rigid boundaries of your lip liner.
The coverage is better too - where most non-mineral based loose powder seems to disappear quickly with little ability to smooth the skin, this powder behaves more like a compact powder in its ability to offer a longer lasting coverage.
Liquisolid compact makeup helps a woman look her best without a lot of time or complication.
Whatever title you give it, liquisolid compact makeup is a great addition to anyone's cosmetics bag.
Most liquisolid compact makeup is designed to be applied dry, and many women choose it for its shine-free, velvety finish on the skin.
Liquisolid compact makeup saves you primping time, as it reduces facial flaws in one easy swipe of the sponge.
The packaging looks similar for each of them; a sleek black compact without any adornments.
An easy way to do this is to shake the loose powder compact prior to removing the lid.
It comes in a durable compact you can throw in your makeup bag to take with you wherever you go.
These kits are compact and feature multiple products that will work well with one another.
After buying the compact kit once, users only have to buy the affordable refill makeup items to refill their pack.
Each is positioned horizontally, one on top of the other, in a sleek black compact that also includes a mirror.
The five colors in each compact are perfect partners for each other; worn on the eyelids, they add shimmer, color and a soft glow.
A Shimmer Brick compact offers five coordinating shades, while a bronzer typically offers me one rather muddy shade.
Limited edition and available only at Sephora, it contains travel sizes of the original eau de parfum and body lotion, plus a miniature lip compact filled with a bold red lip gloss.
The compact is divided into two separate palettes - one tier is devoted to the eyes, the other to the lips.
Pressed minerals also typically come in a convenient compact form, which makes it ideal for women on the go, traveling, and touching up makeup away from home.
Lightly circle the brush or sponge in the lid of the compact to eliminate any excess makeup.
The sleek, navy blue compact is adorned with an iridescent "CD" moniker reflected behind a "Dior" logo engraved in silver.
Both colors come in one easy compact with mirror.
The eye makeup was simple to apply with printed instructions on the back of the compact and printed powder.
The solid compact is a non-messy, long-lasting fragrance choice that looks lovely presented as a gift.
When you open the lid, there is a dual tipped sponge applicator and a mirror that slides out from under the compact making it easy to apply anytime, anywhere.
The mirror will not fully release from the product; it is connected by a hinge inside the compact.
This Compact Edition contained the same amount of words, just on a smaller scale.
What happened was that each page was reduced by 50%, allowing four regular-sized pages to fit onto one Compact page.
In 1991, the Compact version was scaled down even more-30% instead of 50%--which let the publishers release one volume.
A magnifying glass accompanied both Compact editions.
If you are looking for a free version of the Oxford English Dictionary online, then Ask Oxford is your best choice, but it includes about 145,000 words in an even more compact version.
The line is a blend of Kodak's C-Series of basic point-and-shoot cameras and the stylish and compact V-Series.
The COOLPIX S60's LCD screen is much larger than ones found on traditional compact point-and-shoot digital cameras and is easily visible even in direct sunlight.
In contrast to compact digital cameras, SLRs allow you to see exactly what the lens sees.
What's more, unlike compact digital cameras, you can change the lens on a digital SLR.
The main reason many amateur photographers upgrade from their handy compact digital cameras to sophisticated digital SLR versions is because they are tired of dealing with the dreaded lag time.
Test out a digital SLR camera and you'll notice that in any given situation it will focus on a subject faster than a compact digital camera.
A compact digital camera stops to re-focus as the subject moves.
Ironically, many compact digital cameras have more megapixels than digital SLRs and picture quality is still compromised.
The reason is that image sensors on compact digital cameras are too small to accommodate large quantities of pixels.
While some compact digital cameras let you change the ISO of the camera to increase the camera's sensitivity to light, in doing so you also add "noise" to the photo.