Communism Sentence Examples
They aimed at communism in all things.
Communism can lead to a loss of personal freedoms and individualism.
There are no longer any traces of communism, and the colony's property is actually held by an organization of the local Roman Catholic church.
A new era was brought on by the fall of communism.
Communism, cupidity, scoundrelism of all kinds have contributed to every disturbance.
Some cite goods being available to all as a benefit of communism.
In 1991, the Soviet Union abandoned communism.
These books do not display the apocalyptic style which, partly borrowed from Lamennais, characterizes Michelet's later works, but they contain in miniature almost the whole of his curious ethicopolitico-theological creed - a mixture of sentimentalism, communism, and anti-sacerdotalism, supported by the most eccentric arguments, but urged with a great deal of eloquence.
It took a long protracted Cold War to defeat communism, a war against enemies who sought to overpower a way of life.
The US wanted the media there to show them fighting communism.
AdvertisementWe must spread communism in the parliaments, in the trades unions and in the Party organizations.
Why join the CPGB if you do not want communism?
Education was vital both to eradicate illiteracy and to promote communism.
Everything that was progressive in pre-war syndicalism merged with communism.
The ideals of communism, such as all being equal, appeal to some on the college campus.
AdvertisementThe suffering Magyar multitudes eagerly responded to these seductive teachings, and the result was a series of dangerous popular risings (the worst in 1433 and 1436) in which heresy and communism were inextricably intermingled.
They pursued a national as opposed to an international social policy, being thus opponents of the Social Democrats and in particular antagonistic to Communism.
But it was significant that they had to adopt the badge of "Communism" in order to mark their precise position in the field of rival doctrines.
Apart from some fulminations against such modern pests s socialism, communism, secret societies, Bible societies, clerico-liberal societies," the Syllabus says nothing that the papacy had not been saying for hundreds of years.
In political philosophy (the Civitas Solis) he sketches an ideal communism, obviously derived from the Platonic, based on community of wives and property with statecontrol of population and universal military training.
AdvertisementBefore he left school he had become affected by the political discontent then general in Germany; he had already studied the writings of St Simon, from which he gained his first interest in communism, and had been converted to the extreme republican theories of which Giessen was a centre.
For instance, the followers of Stalinist communism were confronted by this dilemma at the end of the 1980s.
The Church knew as well as we do that in our era the alternative to Fascism is revolutionary Communism, and not bourgeois democracy.
Cuba Economically isolated and stubbornly clinging to Communism - but yes, it has a motorway network.
I wouldn't mind asking Lenin if he really thought communism would work in practice.
AdvertisementMost of the representatives of mainstream 'official communism ' have little to offer in the face of the challenges presented by the EU.
With the demise of soviet communism, however, the entire movement was dealt a decisive blow.
As with 20th-century Russian communism, it also lays claims to a monopoly on world views and remains intolerant of competition.
Trotsky attributed two aspects to " war communism " .
Permanent Revolution was Leon Trotsky's belief for the future of world communism.
The evils natural to state communism have been increased ten-fold under the pretext that all our misery is due to foreign intervention.
They believed this would hasten the demise of Soviet communism.
Soviet or Chinese communism was never driven by such fanaticism.
The trade union bureaucrats can permit themselves such boastful formulas only because they are not immediately threatened by fascism, or by Communism.
Tell that to the victims of 20th century fascism and communism - never mind the almost total absence of such values in previous centuries.
The implacable hostility of communism toward faith in God could be explained by its claims to a monopoly on world views.
The El Dorado promised by communism remained a mirage until the whole edifice collapsed like the proverbial house of cards.
It was not associated with religion in Plato, nor in other notably repressive societies like that of Russian communism or german National Socialism.
Broken by war, it was reduced by communism to drab uniformity, and a way of life was lost forever.
Debarred from entering the army on account of his lowness of birth and poverty, he was appointed 1 Several experiments were made to this end in the United States (see Communism) by American followers of Fourier, whose doctrines were introduced there by Albert Brisbane (1809-1890).
In political philosophy he teaches an ethical communism, and attacks the Darwinian principle of struggle for existence.
It was owned until 1904, when it was sold to a land company, by the Harmony Society (see Communism), commonly called the Economites, Harmonists or Rappists.
On the whole it was one of the most successful experiments in communism ever tried in America.
The key thing in modern communism is the sharpening of the struggle between the new and old.
It smacked too much of communism, of some kind of social, liberal gospel.
The goal, communism, the overthrow and supersession of capitalism, also seemed something new, seemed to be a change of circumstances.
The defeat of Communism should not mean the triumph of unbridled capitalism.
Can overarching dogmas - such as Communism - deliver the kind of utopia claimed for it?
With the collapse of communism in 1991 and the subsequent lack of nationwide law and order, the number of vendetta killings has soared.
Under the influence of Communism, practicality was emphasized and religious celebrations were discouraged.
He reportedly predicted the collapse of communism.
However, he explained that the hope was not communism, but freedom.
Not as that sometimes termed of the communism or bolshevism; no, but freedom, freedom!"
They were, of course, opposed to Marxism and Communism.
Bolshevism as a doctrine and an organization is not of purely Russian growth; it is a branch of European Communism.
The development of the latter is discussed in the article Communism.
He argued that the U.S. should use United Fruit as an American beachhead against communism in the region.
It follows that under communism there remains for a time not only bourgeois law, but even the bourgeois state, without the bourgeoisie!
It could be argued that laborers have less incentive to work hard when under a rule of communism.
Communism began to unravel in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany.
The authoritarian communism in China is exactly what people are trying so hard to avoid in the West.
Blanqui's uncompromising communism, and his determination to enforce it by violence, necessarily brought him into conflict with every French government, and half his life was spent in prison.
In the middle ages there was a communism in learning, but if Rashi used some of the stones quarried and drafted by others, it was to his genius that the finished edifice was due.
In the Commonweal appeared News from Nowhere, published in book form in 1891, describing an England in which the principles of communism have been realized.
They repudiated the use of force, advocated a scriptural communism of goods, and asserted that Christians must always exercise love and patience towards each other and so be independent of worldly tribunals.