Commit Sentence Examples
She was admitting to a crime she didn't commit, knowing it was her son who did it.
Before you commit to a number, think of this.
What did you commit by so acting?
Locusts are very numerous in the interior, and commit great ravages.
She was doomed to fall for men unable to commit to her!
The second methodology error that futurists often commit is the exact opposite of the first.
I've pondered the events of those few months so often and so deeply I know if I don't at least commit the experience to paper I'll never move forward.
Pliny uses it similarly of the oath by which the Christians of Bithynia bound themselves at their solemn meetings not to commit any act of wickedness.
Our duty, my dear, is to rectify his mistake, to ease his last moments by not letting him commit this injustice, and not to let him die feeling that he is rendering unhappy those who...
If he was going to be serious about full time law enforcement, he should commit to doing it right.
AdvertisementThis would be as if two men were to agree to draw lots as to which should commit suicide in order to avoid fighting a duel.
They belonged to the class of traditional literature which it was forbidden to write down, and, so long at least as the Targum tradition remained active, there would be little temptation to commit it to writing.
It is probable that Aesop did not commit his fables to writing; Aristophanes (Wasps, 1259) represents Philocleon as having learnt the "absurdities" of Aesop from conversation at banquets, and Socrates whiles away his time in prison by turning some of Aesop's fables "which he knew" into verse (Plato, Phaedo, 61 b).
James declined to commit this chivalrous folly; but, for lack of scouts, permitted Surrey to out-manoeuvre him and pass, concealed by a range of hills, across his front, to a position north of Flodden, on his lines of communication.
Hence arms were not borne in times of peace but stored away under charge of a slave, and Tacitus suggests in explanation that the royal policy did not commit this trust to noble, freeman or freedman.
AdvertisementUnder the pretext that a true believer could commit no sin, the Amalricians indulged in every excess, and the sect does not appear to have long survived the death of its founder.
She would have to commit to studying for a teaching qualification.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
A willingness to commit to a long term contract is also highly desirable because cruise ships prefer to employ persons who can take the time to learn procedures well and will be able to serve the cruise line for an extended period of time.
Other passages, where he describes himself as ever engaged, even in his dreams, on his task of inquiry and composition, produce the impression of an unrelieved strain of mind and feeling, which may have ended in some extreme reaction of spirit, or in some failure of intellectual power, that may have led him to commit suicide.
AdvertisementThey are without intoxicating liquors and are said to commit no crimes.
Whether we go to war or commit genocide is a choice, too.
How unlikely is it the King's advocate should have malice against persons who commit murder, or should even know them at all.
Each group wanted to commit a massacre, a spectacular action to prove its force.
To conflate the two is to commit a category mistake (Ryle, 1949 ).
AdvertisementThe Government must commit itself to traffic reduction targets.
I don't know what possessed me to commit to doing a triathlon.
He is charged with conspiracy to commit war crimes, murder and terrorism.
But, reasoned Lenin, " the youth will commit many stupidities, but they will nevertheless make a good revolution ".
Our request to all the major party leaders to commit to honesty in their general election manifestos went unanswered in most cases.
Before you commit to a new dog there are several steps you should take to ensure a long and happy relationship.
If you're schedule is inconsistent and you can't commit to a weekly or bi-weekly lesson, consider purchasing a tennis instruction DVD, video or book.
As with buying any property, shop around before you commit, check city permits and property tax, and double-check the building with a safety team.
One reason is that they can commit this type of theft online from anywhere in the world, which can help them avoid getting caught and prosecuted.
Remember to try out the colors or painting techniques you're considering in the room where they will be used before you commit.
Don't commit to any one color before trying them all out.
However, it doesn't hurt to read beginner photography guides and commit some of the tips to memory.
Commit yourself to changing and enlist those around you to help.
For example, in the Jewish ceremony, the bride and groom are asked whether they are willing to commit to a life justified by their faith in God and Israel.
Before you commit to planning a bridal shower where the money tree will be the main theme, consider proper etiquette and social norms for your circle of friends and family.
Rycroft tells People magazine that the relationship never seemed to work out, and that they couldn't commit to each other 100 percent.
Are you prepared to commit to the training and exercise requirements of this breed?
If you have very specific goals for your guitar playing - say, you want to play jazz or you want to play in a nu-metal band - you'll need to be sure you can find the kinds of lessons you need online before you commit to learning this way.
No matter which acoustic guitar chords chart you choose, the only way you will commit the chords to memory is if you use them to play songs.
Don't commit before examining the merchandise and be sure you and the cabinets' original owners sign off on any damage.
By renting video games, you are granted enough time to play the games without having to commit to a full purchase.
Studies have also shown that gay and bisexual adolescents are two to seven times more likely to commit or attempt suicide compared to heterosexual children and teens.
The show does not commit to how many ticket vouchers they are able to give out each week, and so even though the tickets are free, you will have to count on a little luck to get them in your hands.
Make sure you can commit to at-home maintenance as well as salon visits to keep your curls full of life.
For most people, once they've taken their initial course of lessons and can swim at least one stroke well, they stop with instruction and just commit to a lifetime of simple fun in the pool or ocean.
Many new candle makers, particularly those new to working with soy wax, also enjoy trying and experimenting with different types of waxes and blends and therefore it can be a mistake to commit too early to a particular type of wax.
With today's busy schedules, it can be difficult to commit the time toward donating blood.
Living - Find out about his or her living companions before you commit to a date.
Some people get to a point in their relationship where one person doesn't want to commit to marriage while the other does.
While the couple may still be in a committed relationship, that one partner may not want to commit to marriage.
How much time do you have to commit to freelance writing?
Some writing labs will give you an introductory period to decide if you want to commit to joining the group.
As with nearly all shoes, but especially high heels, it is best to try these sandals on to determine your fit before you commit to buying.
Additionally, police and federal marshalls often seize vehicles from criminals who commit certain crimes such as contraband (drugs).
If you commit to taking care of your entire self, you may find in time that a little extra chin fat doesn't bother you one bit.
Considering that there are more options than many imagine when they think of a long nightgown, it wouldn't hurt to have a look before you commit to the same old style.
Rhapsody will let you listen to 20 songs for free before you commit to the service (although, like everything on Rhapsody, you can only LISTEN - to own the song, you have to pay).
You will need to commit 40 hours a week to your blog, just as you would to a full-time job.
Since the landed proprietors disposed of churches and convents, and the kings of bishoprics and abbeys, it became possible for them too to commit the sin of simony; hence a final expansion, in the iith century, of the meaning of the term.
It made the great mistake of underrating the strength of its enemy; it suffered its agents to commit the strategical blunder of locking up the few troops it had in an untenable position in the north of Natal.
When I speak of them I commit myself to no anatomical characteristics.
Having allowed the July monarch to commit himself, Louis Napoleon at the last moment left Switzerland voluntarily.
He became alarmed at the responsibilities which he saw would fall upon him, and imagined that by an appearance of reform he would be able to shift on to others the responsibility for any errors he might commit.
Maybe he wasn't the kind of man who would commit or put any woman above his rigid sense of duty.
Pli says "A physician can commit murder with complete impunity."
He was reluctant to commit to the additional expense.
People no longer commit adultery; they fool around or have a fling.
We commit the sins, but we want you to pay for them says catholic archdiocese.
Yet whoever sets out to commit arson, arms his bold hands with fire.
The local newspaper reported the case - alerting his wife that he was about to commit bigamy.
The teachers asked me to research the chances of lost eyesight before they would commit to teaching Braille.
Brian Parnell, 66, was jailed for two years for attempting to incite an under-age boy in Sri Lanka to commit buggery.
But when and how is it right to commit civil disobedience?
The seventh commandment is, " Thou shalt not commit adultery " .
Can you say what causes people to commit crimes?
How did such a highly cultured people come to commit the unspeakable atrocities of the Third Reich?
The couple were charged with conspiracy to commit espionage.
Perhaps the cvs commit messages could include an exhortation to check the page through Bobby.
It appears rather extraordinary that he should commit the same faults twice.
Yet when Islamic fanatics commit acts of horrifying atrocity, and do so as Moslems, the peaceable Islamic majority has nothing to say.
We were each engaged in impression management and doing our best not to commit a faux pas.
We want to make it clear that wc do not commit the folly of confounding the Communist Party with the fascists.
Notice what is recorded at the end of verse fourteen in Revelation two, " they commit fornication.
But it's one thing for the Labor Party to commit grand larceny on our language.
How many bombers out there are not intending to commit homicide?
Expel them not from their houses nor let them go forth unless they commit open immorality.
The charge was one of publishing seditious libel and inciting to commit breaches of the incitement to Mutiny Act of 1797.
It is an offense for anyone to commit an act of gross indecency with a child under the age of 17.
We know women are more likely to commit infidelity on days they are fertile.
At Turin they will speedily commit such robbery that in the fort they will ravish their hostage.
Nothing could possibly justify the murder of a 15-year-old schoolboy - those who could commit such a crime have absolutely nothing to offer society.
A wife who killed her husband did not commit murder she committed the far worse crime of petty treason.
Before you commit to a free reading, be sure there aren't any hidden fees or costs related to it.
Not only will you need to have the expendable finances to treat your skin, you'll also want to commit to your clear skin afterwards by avoiding the sun at all costs.
No nation can be allowed to commit aggression or to use weapons of mass destruction against its own people.
Such authority to commit the University is not irrevocable.
All four pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit misconduct in a public office.
The only power a professional body has over those who commit misdeeds is to remove them from the register.
The partners will also commit themselves to designing and building four new models, the first of which will be a medium-sized car.
The US is now ready to virtually commit the NPT to history to clear the way for developing new nukes and space weaponry.
The time they will be able to commit will be limited, their ideas may grate with the emerging orthodoxy of the organization.
I have lost track of the number of times I was asked to commit perjury in order to make my evidence more concrete.
One of the main ways in which students can commit unintentional plagiarism is through over use of paraphrasing.
But Spanish playmaker Roberto Martinez is still mulling over the offer Flynn has made him to commit his future to Swansea.
Albanian informer for Serb police, on plans to murder Albanians and commit atrocities that could be blamed on the KLA.
Meanwhile, on January 25, dissident republican Colm Murphy was jailed for 14 years for conspiracy to commit the bombing.
The Council has decided to commit to the phased development of the airport that includes a runway extension, west of the existing runway extension, west of the existing runway.
To become a good master shaman one should commit to a two years plant diet.
If they were captured they would try to commit suicide because it was considered shameful.
In that moment, Setsuna decided... She would commit the long considered treason.
The assessment of necessity must be made at the time the decision is made to commit the otherwise unlawful act.
The scale of the World Bank debt reduction will also depend on how much the donors commit to financing the debt write-off.
The controversies ' It was in this sense that it was understood by Dollinger, who pointed out that the definition of the dogma would commit the Church to all past official utterances of the popes, e.g.
A conflict between Corcyra and Corinth, the second and third naval powers of Greece, led to the simultaneous appearance in Athens of an embassy from either combatant (433) Pericles had, as it seems, resumed of late a plan of Western expansion by forming alliances with Rhegium and Leontini, and the favourable position of Corcyra on the traderoute to Sicily and Italy, as well as its powerful fleet, no doubt helped to induce him to secure an alliance with that island, and so to commit an unfriendly act towards a leading representative of the Peloponnesian League.
A commission was given him as adjutant-general in the French army, which he hoped might protect him from the penalty of treason in the event of capture by the English; though he himself claimed the authorship of a proclamation said to have been issued by the United Irishmen, enjoining that all Irishmen taken with arms in their hands in the British service should be instantly shot; and he supported a project for landing a thousand criminals in England, who were to be commissioned to burn Bristol and commit any other atrocity in their power.
Although he had in 1687 openly embraced the Roman Catholic faith, he hesitated to commit himself entirely to the acts of the fierce devotees who surrounded the king, whom he advised to reverse the arbitrary acts of the last year or two, and in October 1688 he was dismissed by James with the remark "I hope you will be more faithful to your next master than you have been to me."
Briefly, where a man of another race might not improbably commit suicide, a Malay runs amok, killing all whom he may meet until he himself is slain.
He would not formally abolish the suzerainty, but he was willing not to mention it; and though, in substituting new articles for those of the Pretoria Convention he left the preamble untouched, he avoided anything which could commit the Boer delegates to a formal recognition of that fact.
From the first they meditated a national rising, but their ignorance, enthusiasm and simplicity led them to commit blunder after blunder.
The priests of Amane at Meroe and Napata, in fact, regulated through his oracle the whole government of the country, choosing the king, directing his military expeditions (and even compelling him to commit suicide, according to Diodorus) until in the 3rd century B.C. Arkamane (Ergamenes) broke through the bondage and slew the priests.
It must be allowed that Paley's application of this argument is somewhat loosely reasoned, and does not sufficiently distinguish the consequence of a single act of beneficent manslaughter from the consequences of a general permission to commit such acts.
In 1885, Sarah Anne Henley, after a lover 's quarrel, tried to commit suicide by jumping off of it.
Running red lights, speeding, wreckless driving, are all offenses here that the AI citizens commit.
Therefore, the clients are often reluctant to commit to the additional expense.
The Council has decided to commit to the phased development of the airport that includes a runway extension, west of the existing runway.
Two men were held on suspicion of conspiracy to commit criminal damage.
Under these clauses Only when people are committing or threatening to commit a criminal or tortious act can they be prosecuted.
Did I not let my colleagues down by refusing to commit treason against the Nigerian people !
I do n't know what possessed me to commit to doing a triathlon.
He has no more conditions to commit evil deeds leading to an unhappy rebirth.
If God be righteous how can He commit Himself to an unrighteous act?
And men in unskilled occupations are four times more likely to commit suicide than professionals.
From Japan, we hear of a blind man who helps the ghost of a vengeful wife to commit murder.
Even Jack Straw seems to have wobbled over whether to commit troops.
The work hours are potentially long without breaks and caregivers must be willing to fully commit themselves to a long-term arrangement.
Most must commit to a training program and the opportunity to find jobs through a placement agency.
Check out the free proof of your order online before you commit to buy!
If you can't commit to a unique name as the first name of your child, but you want to include a bit of history in her moniker, consider using a traditional African name as a middle name for him or her.
After all, it's better to invest a small amount of money in renting a motorhome and finding out you don't like the experience than to commit to years of paying for something you really don't enjoy.
If you are convinced about the seller's honesty, get it evaluated by a specialized toy appaiser or an antique-toy dealer before you commit to the purchase.
If the market is primed for a quick sale and you have the funds available, this could be a distinct reason why you commit to purchasing a commercial property like a self-storage warehouse.
While a large mortgage gives you options, you should consider your rates and interest before you commit to the largest possible mortgage.
Although pet insurance for cats can be a real life saver in certain situations, it's only as good as the policy you purchase, so be prepared to do plenty of research and ask a lot of questions before you commit to a plan.
Some owners find they simply can't commit to this and choose to find the cat a home where it will receive the care it needs.
Pay attention to which cocktails people appear to order the most, and then commit those recipes to memory.
Make sure to have a plan in place as to how you will once again commit to those accounts.
You will have to commit this password to memory.
You should never write down a password unless you immediately destroy the writing once you commit the password to memory.
When they commit this crime, the thieves can often obtain driver's licenses, identity cards and even passports.
Since identity theft is a complicated crime and can also be used to commit other crimes along with it, it can be hard to tell what the penalties are.
The thief may steal your identification and then commit a crime such as writing bad checks.
Always personally interview and check the investigator's history with the Better Business Bureau before you commit to hiring him.
On family night, each member of the family should commit to focusing on the people they are with rather than the people who are elsewhere.
Why commit so much of your space to a table that's rarely used to its full capacity?
Also commit to a smaller footprint to save energy; large homes that are several thousand square feet require vast amounts of energy to maintain.
Whatever theme you decide on, commit to it and carefully choose pieces that will complement the entire space.
Before you commit to a particular color or finish, you may choose to order a color tester packet.
If a piece of furniture is a little too much to commit to but you love the design, make a lampshade in this pattern.
If you're just starting out in the craft of face painting, you'll want to gather a few basic supplies and keep your initial investment frugal until you're certain you want to commit to the hobby.
Once you opt for a tattooed cosmetic, there is no changing your style or makeup face, which is an especially important consideration for men opting to commit to what may be considered feminine facial details.
If you like a well defined eye and are ready to commit to an eyeliner style, you may decide an upper or lower permanent line is an easy way to look pulled together and finished no matter the rest of your grooming routine.
Some services will allow you to look around at the pictures and profiles of members before you have to commit to signing up.
You will want to take advantage of whatever free preview you are offered so you know if a site is right for you before you commit your time, effort and money to it.
You may want a virtual pet because you just can't commit the time you would like to an actual dog, cat or llama.
It is a great way to give the game a test drive without having to commit right away.
Once you commit the tips to memory, get out and put them to the test.
If you don't want to commit to the download before seeing the program in action, search the program's user forums for videos and screenshots illustrating the program at work.
The Creative Memories everyday display board is a wonderful way to showcase your latest photos or memorabilia without having to permanently commit to a layout.
Purchase a day planner and set aside blocks of time specifically for your most important priorities and commit yourself to avoiding phone calls, emails or other interruptions during those times.
Using a time management matrix will be helpful to you only if you commit to using it as a tool to bring about meaningful change.
Then, commit to implementing a change with it and plan action items.
In your case, it sounds to me that you are not ready to commit yourself to one person and just one person only.
Teens commit suicide, and Ozzy Osbourne's lyrics to Suicide Solution are blamed.
Studies also clearly show that the vast majority of adolescents who commit suicide showed clear-cut signs of their intentions before actually making an attempt.
If yes, ask if the adolescent has thought about how he or she would commit suicide.
Employers want employees that will commit themselves to their work.
Approximately eight out of 10 people who commit suicide gave some kind of warning indicating they are thinking about it or talk about their feelings to a friend or someone in their family.
Males are more likely to use violent means to commit suicide, such as using a gun.
Don't let someone you care for become one of the 500,000 young people who try to commit suicide every year.
They don't see a future on earth and decide to commit suicide because their life has caused them too much disappointment and grief.
Before you commit to a particular company for your gown preservation, find out exactly what is included.
The bride and the groom sit apart from each other (sometimes in separate rooms) and are asked by the officiate if they are willing to commit to one another.
Visit the limo company in person, never commit over the phone.
Below are some great options if you want to steer clear of the traditional white, but don't want to commit to just one solid color.
It is so sad to see such a beautiful lady, so full of life, commit slow suicide.
In severe cases, depressed teens may even commit suicide.
More than 90 percent of people who commit suicide are suffering from depression or a related psychiatric illness at the time of their death.
Or, they feel that the only people who commit suicide are those who are trying to get sympathy from others.
While males are four times more likely to commit suicide than females, women attempt suicide at a much higher rate than men.
It's not as easy as popping a pill and some people can't commit.
It is important that your teen receives help for this because while most will not hurt themselves enough to result in death, a person can inadvertently commit suicide.
Some people can't bear the strain of depression another day, and they commit suicide.
However, not everyone has the time or money to commit to heading to a course in Illinois.
Viewers will get a first-hand look at Baio's mid-life crises, faced with the realization that he hasn't been able to commit to the right woman and may end up alone.
Some celebrities have also been known to commit burglary, and these instances always create a media frenzy.
Before you commit to either store, check out both options, then shop where you feel you're getting the best deal for your money.
Don't commit to a purchase, however, until you've seen the exact measurements of the jeans you're interested in.
Rather than commit these quality items to the rubbish pile, these perfectly good products are sent to the outlet stores to be sold at a discount.
The disadvantage is you have to commit to this college once you've been accepted, so you must be very sure it's your first-choice school.
Founded in 1991 by the former head of the Tonka Corporation, Capella University offers adults access to a four-year university education and degree without having to commit to a commute or a brick-and-mortar classroom.
Students who are serious about achieving that goal must be willing to commit the time, manage their time and deliver the work.
In the end, you'll also need to weigh factors like admissions and financial aid, so keep an open mind and commit plenty of time to doing your research.
Cruise deals will vary throughout the year, but it's worth checking before you commit to a cruise.
Books can also be very handy dog training aids, especially for owners who aren't able to commit to a training school's schedule.
Be sure to ask if you can observe a training session for free before you commit to signing up.
Before you decide to commit to one of these little heart bandits for the next fifteen years, take some time to learn about Pitbulls and what will be required of you to be a good and responsible owner for the lifetime of this dog.
You can supplement rainfall with water from a hose, sprinkler or watering can, but you must commit to watering your vegetable plants, especially during hot weather or in times of drought.
Before you commit to purchasing a stain for your deck, learn more about deck stain ratings.
If you are in the initial design stages of a home renovation and are unsure about whether you want to commit to a larger renovation, it may make sense to draw up a few sets of plans yourself.
While you may not be quite ready to commit to a wedding date, masculine promise rings show a man's intention to remain faithful to his betrothed and are a reminder of vows of purity and the intention to one day wed.
People of all ages can wear an abstinence ring when they decide to commit to abstinence.
Even if you don't exercise in it, however, don't commit a fashion faux pas and wear the wrong shoes.
One way to ensure you don't commit any office fashion faux pas is to look to your higher-ups.
It's easy to commit a fashion faux pas with them so make sure you follow the basic dress sock rules to always look your best.
Farms that comply with the standards of Fair Trade commit to providing living wages and safe working conditions for employees, and they do not condone or participate in forced child labor.
Commit to spending an hour or so each day pulling these small intruders out of your organic garden.
Many options are available for this seemingly unusual choice of wedding apparel, and brides do not have to commit to a medieval wedding ceremony to embrace this vintage style.
While the best selection of sexy plus size party dresses is found online, it's still best to try a dress on before you commit to it.
The type of care provided by the franchisee determines the number of hours and which hours the franchise will have to commit to their franchise.
Learn to manage your time wisely, and commit to fewer causes.
If you like the idea of working with kids in a school environment, but you don't want to commit to a full-time schedule, consider becoming a substitute teacher.
This type of business has low overhead but offers unlimited earning potential for those who are willing to commit to working hard to build a successful enterprise.
Why commit yourself to riding with tears streaming down your face from the cold when a pair of glasses or goggles can save you from damage you notice right away (pain from debris) and long-term damage (from UV rays)?
Just make sure they fit well below your helmet before you purchase or commit to keeping them.
Have your child try on various styles before you commit to a pair.
Commit to a set limit of shopping before entering the parks.
Publishers simply decide that they can't - or won't - commit the resources to compete with the market leaders, so they choose to sell their wares with a different technique.
When Cecil openly questions his king, the monarch strips him of his command and asks him to commit an act so heinous that it ultimately sends the knight on his own personal quest for redemption.
The learning curve of knowing how to make a game ranges from minimal to high and learning really depends on how much time you want to commit.
Players controlled a thug who would steal cars and commit other crimes to gain popularity in the gang underworld.
In 2002, Hudson Wooley played several hours of Everquest, a popular role playing game, before he decided to commit suicide by shooting himself with a gun.
And if they had to commit to the trailer, gamers might end up getting poorer games because last-minute improvements would be impossible.
Be sure to check with more than one to get a good grasp of the phone's capabilities before you commit.
Self-mutilation, also called self-harm, self-injury or cutting, is the intentional destruction of tissue or alteration of the body done without the conscious wish to commit suicide, usually in an attempt to relieve tension.
Another 5 to 10 percent of children and teens each year come up with a plan to commit suicide.
Four out of five teenagers who successfully commit suicide are male, but the average female teenager is prone to attempt suicide four more times during her teen years than the average male.
White teenage males are more likely to commit suicide than other ethnic groups, but as of the early 2000s teenage suicide among blacks is also increasing.
Teenagers who have unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide in the past are more likely to attempt suicide in the future.
Parents should not leave their child alone if the child says he or she wants to commit suicide.
Many doctors recommend that teenagers be taken to a hospital immediately after they express the desire to commit suicide.
Assaulted young boys may, in turn, commit sexual assault themselves in the future.
In a study of more than 500 children, University of Michigan researchers discovered that children who were viewed as the most aggressive by their peers at age eight grew up to commit increasingly more serious crimes as adults.
Four out of five teenagers who commit suicide are male, but the average female teenager is prone to attempt suicide four more times during her teen years than the average male.
White teenage males are more likely to commit suicide than any other ethnic group, but teenage suicide among blacks was as of 2004 increasing.
Out of 100,000 adolescents, two to three thousand will have mood disorders out of which 8 to 10 will commit suicide.
They should not leave the child alone if they say they want to commit suicide.
She fell in love with dance at the age of sixteen, after seeing her first formal dance performance, and decided to commit her life to the arts.
Make contracts at the beginning of the season that each dancer must sign to commit to the competition schedule.
If you want to do a good deed but don't have the time to spare to commit to volunteer work, donating hair for cancer victims could be the solution.
Either commit to bangs or don't, but please put the baby bang to rest, once and for all.
Consult with your hairdresser as to a style that best works with your hair before you commit to a cut.
How far you venture from your natural hair color will determine the maintenance, cost, care, and condition you'll need to commit to.
If you want luxurious and shiny locks, you'll need to commit to a few lifestyle and grooming changes.
Side swept bangs are nearly universally flattering, many women (and even a few men) rock this look rather than commit to the real deal.
In addition, always make well thought out decisions prior to cutting a bang to ensure its a look you love and can commit to without second guessing.
Curly hair types may pose even more of a problem if you're not willing to commit to embracing the curls or the required regular maintenance to smooth them.
While plenty of women regardless of their age bracket opt for colored tresses, don't feel you need to commit to regular touch-ups to cover your gray if you're comfortable with nature's course.
If you do choose to commit to buying in large quantities, make sure that you can use the products within two years.
Plenty of gals love severe cuts and color but are simply too scared to commit.
Giving children words to spell verbally helps them commit the words to their long-term memory.
Using these lists to create worksheets, tests and word walls will help students commit new words to their long-term memory.
You should be absolutely sure it's what you want before you commit.
Before you commit to using paid search engines for job hunting, be sure you have exhausted all options available to you.
Medical careers can be rewarding and challenging but it's important to know exactly what you're signing up for before you commit.
When looking for summer camp jobs in California, you may want to consider the location and the type of camp before you commit to the position.
California isn't just beaches and warm weather - you can find a number of camps in the mountains or desert, so you don't want to commit to a camp in a location that's different than what you hoped for.
Do you want a week or two off during the summer, or do you want to commit your entire summer to work?
If you can't commit to living in one place for a few years or more, then paying the points up front may not save you anything.
You may commit the excess proceeds toward consolidating your outstanding loans or can use the funds for something else entirely.
Before you tackle an advanced project with many steps and folds, commit the basics of origami to memory.
Buddy groups are small groups of women who commit to supporting each other on a day-to-day basis.
Some employers commit pregnancy discrimination but disguise it behind other reasons, such as saying you're not meeting your job requirements or that they're downsizing.
You may be overwhelmed by Aqua restaurant's impressive selection, and it can be difficult to commit to one entrée.
The bridge is unfortunately a popular place to commit suicide in the Bay Area, and the city is working toward making the bridge exist solely for transit and tourism purposes, and never to end one's life.
The Golden Gate Bridge is also the most popular place in the United States for people to commit suicide.
One infamous statistic about the Golden Gate Bridge is that it is the most popular place in the United States to commit suicide and one of the most popular places in the world.
When you commit to wearing mini bikinis you also commit to something else--a full body wax.
Ask around and even consider interviewing an instructor before you commit to a course.
Although it can make the sewing process longer, don't commit to final stitches until you have tested the suit at every step.
If you just want to make an occasional glass of juice, you have very different needs than someone on a raw food diet who will commit to drinking many glasses of raw fruit and vegetable juice each day.
You can be a professional or a casual player, but the more time you can commit to studying and playing chess, the quicker you may become a grandmaster.
Write it down, commit it to memory, and share it with at least one other person in your department or agency.
The site is easy to navigate and you can listen to a preview of the song before you commit to downloading the file.
When you aren't ready to commit to a specific dating site you can participate in singles forums.
It is very important to read both reviews and any fine print outlining a dating site before you commit and enter any personal information.
Also, why if he has two exciting things in his life that he doesn't seem to be excited about and that he is having a hard time to commit?
Don't commit to one person until you are certain that person is ready to commit to you.
I said, "No I am not giving you an ultimatum and I never will, I am simply telling you that I need to change my life and my direction to work towards my own future, since we have no plans to commit to a future together."
Dear Lori, over the past few years, I have had incredible difficulty being able to commit to a relationship.
I agree with you that this guy's explanation for not wanting to commit to a long term relationship after having good, joyful sex with you does seem flimsy.
Marriage is a huge step in a couple's relationship and not something to commit to lightly.
This suggests a willingness of two people to commit to each other and that is a good place to be when thinking about how to make a marriage work long distance.
It's difficult for some teenagers to commit to one person because they still haven't figured out their emotions.
If you or your partner is unable to commit to being with the other, it's best to find someone who is more compatible with you and has the same type of commitment traits that you do.
Commit to do these activities every week until you have a happy relationship.
Its discretion is renowned, but you'll need to commit to a monthly membership fee.
Some feel that the idea of dating decreases the ability of couples to really commit to any long-term relationship, resulting in the rise in divorce rates.
Exchanging Valentine's promise rings can be a wonderful way for a couple to commit to one another when they aren't quite ready to get engaged but they want to show their devotion in a strongly symbolic way.
For those who are able to commit to studying in this way, it is a great choice.
If you are going to commit to a lifetime of following a gluten free diet, it is important to be sure it is the best treatment for your particular condition.
Given these vastly different choices, sometimes it's just easier to stick with a middle-of-the-road option that presents us with space, style and function, yet doesn't really commit to being too huge or too small.
If you're a slave to fashion, it's possible you commit to carrying the chicest, most fashion-forward It Bags of each season.
A Virgo woman and a Scorpio man make a great match if they commit to one another and the goal of being together.
Taurus moon individuals hate to be rushed into commitments, romantic or otherwise, but once they do commit, expect them to be dogged in the pursuit of their goals.
You can take advantage of the numerology free report without having to commit to a paid report.
Since Gemini likes to keep her options open, she's very difficult to get to commit; there will need to be other stabilizing aspects in her chart for that to actualize.
Each partner has an idea of the perfect romantic love relationship, and they won't commit until they're certain there is little risk of rejection.
Camp counselors must commit to long days-- up to 8 hours for a day camp and around the clock for an overnight camp.
In addition, studies have proven that children and teens who spend quality time with strong adult role models are less likely to do drugs, commit suicide, get pregnant, or join gangs.
If you commit to a weekly chart, make sure you finish the week and reward the child appropriately.
The players can think about what it would be like to have a completely different look than the one they have, without having to commit to adopting that particular style in real life.
As live broadcasts came into vogue, savvy advertisers soon figured out that a lot of commercials could be sold if they could encourage at-home viewers to commit to over three hours of wistful star-gazing and anticipation.
The only problem you'll have with the upcoming science fiction movies this year is which one to commit to because there will be so many.
But if you have a number of employees who are movie-goers or you can even commit a certain number of tickets a week, then the owner of the theater might say yes.
You don't necessarily need to commit to a full vegetarian lifestyle to save money, but having meatless meals one or two days per week is a simple way to reduce your grocery bill.
This way, you know whether your doggie will enjoy the different versions of Purina dog food before you commit to buying.
Each one will work, but only if you can commit yourself to it.
Just make sure you understand the return policy of a particular bridal salon or retailer before you commit to a purchase.
When watching a sitcom or drama on television, you commit to watching somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes of entertainment that promises to wrap up the plot and bring resolution to its characters.
But when Jeremy went to prison for a crime he didn't commit, Erica uses a faux wedding to stage a prison break.
Tattoo Johnny, an online tattoo store, offers a way to test drive a tattoo before you commit to permanent ink.
These letters let you try out your ideas before you commit to a permanent tat.
Always let at least 30 days pass from the date of the person's passing before you commit to getting a tattoo.
So, do you feel ready to commit to ink yet?
Maybe it's a good idea to speak with your pastor or priest about the whole thing before you commit to ink.
The beauty of Johnny's is that you can opt for temporary tattoos to try a design on for size before you commit a potential mistake in permanent ink.
Just make sure you love the design before you commit to ink.
It's also important that you follow up on after care instructions and also learn how to recognize an infection before you commit to ink.
Temporary tattoo kits offer a fun way to experiment with body art before you commit to permanent ink.
If you can't commit to a permanent tattoo or you want to see how one looks on you before taking the plunge, temporary body art ink is an option.
The temporary and reversible appeal of piercings make them an ideal choice for a person who is looking for a commemorative modification but who is not ready or willing to commit to the permanent nature of a tattoo.
This is a great way of testing out a tattoo design before you commit, or just a way to bring a high quality temporary tattoo to life.
Once reserved mostly for men, full body tattooing has crossed genres and prejudice as more and more women commit themselves to their own artful murals.
If you've decided to commit to the expressive world of full body artwork, it's time to start planning your designs.
Place it anywhere on the body to see the placement before you commit.
If you can't commit that much space, select a 3 inch x 4 inch space in the middle of your shoulders or on the back of a shoulder blade.
Remember, no matter what questions you may have about a watch, have them answered before you commit to buying.