Commissioned Sentence Examples
This is your second commissioned art project in two weeks!
After the battle of Pharsalus, he was commissioned to transport some recently levied troops to Illyricum.
Under Napoleon, of whom in 1806 he made a nude statue now at Dijon, Houdon received little employment; he was, however, commissioned to execute the colossal reliefs intended for the decoration of the column of the "Grand Army" at Boulogne (which ultimately found a different destination); he also produced a statue of Cicero for the senate, and various busts, amongst which may be cited those of Marshal Ney, of Josephine and of Napoleon himself, by whom Houdon was rewarded with the legion of honour.
He was commissioned by Gregory IX.
In 1783 he was commissioned a brevet brigadier-general in the continental army.
With a view to establishing his authority he now made overtures to the Porte and was commissioned to chastise the rebellious pasha of Scutari, whom he defeated and killed.
Stockton, ignoring Kearny, commissioned Fremont military commandant and governor.
In 1841 he visited England, being commissioned by King Frederick William IV.
He was commissioned by Bonaparte in 17 9 7 with the reorganization of the Ionian Islands, and was nominated to the Institute and made secretary general of the university.
Frederick William, whose temper was by no means so ruthlessly Spartan as tradition has painted it,was overjoyed, and commissioned the clergyman to receive from the prince an oath of filial obedience, and in exchange for this proof of "his intention to improve in real earnest" his arrest was to be lightened, pending the earning of a full pardon.
AdvertisementIn 1511 was completed another famous painting, multitudinous in the number of its figures though of very moderate dimensions, the "Adoration of the Trinity by all the Saints," a subject commissioned for a chapel dedicated to All Saints in an almshouse for decayed tradesmen at Nuremberg, and now at the Imperial Gallery at Vienna.
He returned to America in January 1862, resigned his post, was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers in April, and in June took command of a division under Fremont, and then in Sigel's corps, with which he took part in the second battle of Bull Run.
In 1828 he was commissioned to undertake the conduct of a scientific expedition to Egypt in company with Rosellini, who had received a similar appointment from Leopold II., grand duke of Tuscany.
He selected one of his chamberlains, Charles von Miltitz, the elector's private agent at Rome, and commissioned him.
After the failure of the conference the elector of Saxony had commissioned two of the councillors to convey Luther to a place of safety without telling him where it was.
AdvertisementDhaher revolted against the Turkish government and el-Jazzar was commissioned to quell the rising; his long residence with Dhaher having given him knowledge which marked him out as the most suitable for the purpose.
He had been commissioned in September 1862 colonel of the 61st New York volunteers, commanded a brigade at the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and in May 1864 was rewarded for his gallant leadership by the grade of brigadier-general of volunteers.
In the same year he proceeded to study in Paris, and was commissioned by the duc de Luynes to collect material from the Greek and Latin writers for his work on the weapons of the ancients.
In 1781 Jay was commissioned to act with Franklin, John Adams, Jefferson and Henry Laurens in negotiating a peace with Great Britain.
First of all Monsignor Bayardi was brought from Rome and commissioned to write about the antiquities which were being collected in the museum at Portici under the care of Camillo Paderni, and when it was recognized that the prelate had not sufficient learning, and by the progress of the excavations other most abundant material was accumulated, about which at once scholars and courtiers were anxious to be informed, Bernardo Tanucci, having become secretary of state in 1755, founded the Accademia Ercolanese, which published the principal works on Herculaneum (Le Pitture ed i bronzi d'Ercolano, 8 vols., 1757, 1792; Dissertationis isagogicae ad Herculanensium voluminum explanationem pars prima, 1797).
AdvertisementHe claimed that he was commissioned by Ali's son, Mahommed ibn al-Hanafiya, who after the death of Hosain was recognized by the Shiites as their Mandi.
In May 1814 he was commissioned as major-general in the regular army to serve against the British; in November he captured Pensacola, Florida, then owned by Spain, but used by the British as a base of operations; and on the 8th of January 1815 he inflicted a severe defeat on the enemy before New Orleans, the contestants being unaware that a treaty of peace had already been signed.
Like his father, he was a strong Union man, and in September 1861 he was commissioned by President Lincoln a brigadier-general of volunteers.
On the outbreak of the Spanish American War in 1898 Wood was commissioned colonel of volunteers, and together with Roosevelt, as lieutenant-colonel, raised the famous regiment of " Rough Riders," composed of western ranchmen and cowboys as well as members of prominent eastern families eager to serve under these two strenuous leaders.
In August, after his return, he was commissioned commander of the Virginia forces, being then twenty-three years old.
AdvertisementHe was commissioned on the 17th of June 1775, set out at once for Cambridge, Mass., and on the 3rd of July took command of the levies there assembled for action against the British garrison in Boston.
In 1740 he was commissioned majorgeneral to conduct the expedition against Cartagena, but died while attending to the embarcation, at Annapolis, Maryland, on the 7th of June 1740.
In January 1537 he received a sharp letter of rebuke from the king's council, together with the suggestion that the differences might be discussed with royal deputies either in France or Flanders, provided that Pole would attend without being commissioned by any one.
He was commissioned commodore on the 6th of February 1898, and on the 24th of March, although lowest on the list of commodores, he was put in command of the "flying squadron," with the "Brooklyn" as his flagship, for service in the war with Spain.
On the 14th of April 1899 Schley was commissioned rear-admiral, ranking as major-general.
He rendered great assistance in raising troops for the Union service in 1861, enlisted himself in spite of poor health and a family of six small children, and in April was commissioned a brigadier-general, U.S.V.
In May 1806, with James Monroe, then minister at London, he was commissioned to treat with the British government concerning the capture of neutral ships in time of war; in 1807-1811, after Monroe's return to America, he was resident minister in London.
All male citizens 21 years old who could read and write, or who paid taxes amounting to 500 reis yearly, had the parliamentary franchise, except convicts, beggars, undischarged bankrupts, domestic servants, workmen permanently employed by the state and soldiers or sailors below the rank of commissioned officer.
That for 1903 consisted of 2933 officers and men, of which 275 were commissioned and 558 non-commissioned officers, 181 musicians, and only 1906 rank and file.
The status of consuls commissioned by the Christian powers to reside in Mahommedan countries, China, Korea, Siam, and, until 1899, in Japan, and to exercise judicial functions in civil and criminal matters between their own countrymen and strangers, is exceptional to the common law, and is founded on special conventions or capitulations.
In the Apostolic age itself, "apostle" often denotes simply an "envoy," commissioned by Jesus Christ to be a primary witness and preacher of the Messianic Kingdom.
He was sent to Spain in r 5 r 5 on a very important diplomatic errand; Charles secured his succession to the see of Tortosa, and on the, 4th of November 1516 commissioned him inquisitor-general of Aragon.
In 1818, when he was created a baronet, he was commissioned by the British government to examine the papyri of Herculaneum in the Neapolitan museum, and he did not arrive back in England till June 1820.
The duke of York commissioned Sir Edmund Andros as governor of his dominions, including " all ye land from ye West side of Connecticut River to ye East side of Delaware Bay."
Although he was one of the signers of " the Concessions and Agreements " Byllynge now commissioned Samuel Jennings as governor of the province, and the other proprietors acquiesced, appointing Byllynge governor and permitting Jennings to serve as his deputy.
Petrarch was now commissioned to congratulate King John upon his liberation from captivity to England.
In June 1775, soon after the outbreak of the War of Independence, he was commissioned a captain of Virginia riflemen, and he marched his company to Boston in 21 days.
On the 7th of August 1776 he was discharged on parole; on the 12th of November he was commissioned colonel of the 11th Virginia; and soon afterwards he was released from his parole.
In March 1779 he was commissioned by Congress colonel of the 7th Virginia; but in July, suffering from poor health and dissatisfied because Congress did not advance him further in rank, he resigned from the army and retired to Virginia.
In December 1793 he was commissioned major-general of Virginia militia, and in November 1794 commanded troops sent to suppress the Whisky Insurrection in western Pennsylvania.
In 1272 he was commissioned by the emperor Michael Palaeologus, to Pope Gregory X., to negotiate for the reunion of Greek and Latin churches.
This was commissioned for the Carl Rosa Company, and was written to a version of Merimee's Colomba prepared by Franz Hueffer.
Great artists were usually exempt from the consequences of political revolutions, and Trivulzio, now or later, commissioned Leonardo to design an equestrian monument to himself.
In 1836 the Turinese publisher, Giuseppe Pomba, commissioned him to write a universal history, which his vast reading enabled him to do.
In consequence of the credence which the story obtained, Archbishop Bancroft was commissioned by the privy council to discover and punish the impostors.
He resigned from congress, raised in Illinois the "McClernand Brigade," and was commissioned (May 17, 1861) brigadiergeneral of volunteers.
Jethro was the priest of Yahweh, and resided at the sacred mountain where the deity commissioned Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt.
In 1641 Sir Christopher Hatton, foreseeing the war and dreading the ruin and spoliation of the Church, commissioned him to make exact drafts of all the monuments in Westminster Abbey and the principal churches in England, including Peterborough, Ely, Norwich, Lincoln.
He was no "dedicator," and the occasional presents of rich men, such as Montauron (who gave him a thousand, others say two hundred, pistoles for the dedication of Cinna), and Fouquet (who commissioned Odipe), were few and far between, though they have exposed him to reflections which show great ignorance of the manners of the age.
At the outbreak of the Civil War he entered the United States cavalry as a private, and he rose to commissioned rank in 1863, becoming brevet captain in 1865.
She was not a Quaker, and her husband was formally excommunicated for marrying her, but the Friends who were commissioned to announce the sentence "shook hands and stayed to luncheon."
He was appointed secretary (greffier) to the commune of Marseilles, and in 1792 was commissioned to go to the Legislative Assembly and demand the accusation of the directory of the department of Bouches-du-Rhone, as accomplice in a royalist movement in Arles.
Baptisms were usually conferred at Easter and in the season of Pentecost which ensued, and by the bishop or by priests and deacons commissioned by him.
In 1796 he went to Berlin, where he founded a humanitarian society, and was commissioned by the freemasons of that city to assist Fichte in reforming the statutes and ritual of their lodge.
In the summer of 1831, commissioned by the government, he visited Frankfort and Saxony, and spent some time in Berlin.
In 1615 he was commissioned by Mathieu Mole, first president of the parlement of Paris, to draw up an inventory of the documents which constituted what at that time was known as the Tresor des chartes.
In the following year, moreover (382), he was commissioned by the council to inspect and set in order the churches of Arabia, in connexion with which mission he also visited Jerusalem.
He established and richly endowed the first foundling hospital, built and repaired numerous churches, constructed the Sistine Chapel and the Sistine Bridge, improved church music and instituted the famous Sistine choir, commissioned paintings on the largest scale, pensioned men of learning, and, above all, immortalized himself as the second founder of the Vatican library.
Clement was in a position to listen to Henrys prayer; and Campeggio was commissioned with Wolsey to hear the suit and grant the divorce.
Though the French attempt at a concerted invasion had failed, however, the Directory did not abandon the enterprise, and commissioned Bonaparte to draw up fresh plans.
In July 1813 he was commissioned brigadier-general in the regular army, and in January 1814 he was promoted major-general and succeeded General James Wilkinson in command of the forces at Niagara.
On returning to Rome, he was cordially received by the newly elected pontiff Nicolas IV., who gave him communion on Palm Sunday, 1288, allowed him to celebrate his own Eucharist in the capital of Latin Christendom, commissioned him to visit the Christians of the East, and entrusted to him the tiara which he presented to Mar Yaballaha.
In the last days of his term he apparently had such an intention, but during the year 1860 the Southern States actually received less than their full quota of arms. After the secession of Virginia he was commissioned a brigadier-general in the Confederate service.
A synod summoned for the occasion commissioned Germanus and Lupus to go to Britain, which they accordingly did in 42 9; Pope Celestine, we are told, had given his sanction to the mission through the deacon Palladius.
Determined in her faith and proud in her meekness, in opposition to the timid counsels of the military leaders, to the interested delays of the courtiers, to the scruples of the experts and the quarrelling of the doctors, she quoted her voices, who had, she said, commissioned her to raise the siege of Orleans and to conduct the gentle dauphin to Reims, there to be crowned.
In 1755 the government commissioned Webster to obtain data for the first census of Scotland, which he carried out in the same year.
He was commissioned a major of infantry in the Massachusetts militia in April 1776; was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of artillery in November; was stationed at Castle William, defending Boston harbour, and finally received command of this fort.
In 1743 he was commissioned to examine into the customs service in the Barbadoes and exposed similar corruption there.
On the outbreak of the Spanish-American War in 1898 he was commissioned lieutenantcolonel of volunteers and appointed chief engineer of the First Army Corps.
In 1900 he was commissioned major in the regular army and three years later was engaged in planning fortifications in the neighbourhood of Newport, R.I.
He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the corps of Royal Engineers on the 23rd of June 1852.
The lament for the death of Linus was commissioned by Psappha, with funds provided by the North West Arts Board.
Award nominated actress and writer, Rani Moorthy, has been commissioned to create Handful of Henna based on this research.
Commissioned a survey to assess the adequacy of taxi services within the Boro.
These ancient texts were commissioned by the deceased before their death, and were the deceased's guide Book to a happy afterlife.
Sir Edwin Lutyens, a renowned architect of the time, was commissioned for the project.
The specially commissioned pieces are produced exclusively for the Royal Collection in Stoke-on-Trent from the finest English bone china.
He was commissioned in the King's Own Scottish borderers on 9 March 1890.
Napoleon III commissioned Haussman to create the boulevards of Paris, a truly monumental vision of beauty in the public sphere.
A succession of collaboratory projects followed in its wake including the cantata commissioned by the Farnham Festival, Mr Smith's Apocalypse.
A Small Business Council discussion paper drawn from a report commissioned from Kingston University ' Measuring Training in Small Firms ' .
We commissioned young British jazz composer Byron Wallen to write new music inspired by Langston's poems.
He has recently completed an oboe concerto commissioned by the John Lewis Partnership for Nick Daniel for 10 performances in October 1998.
In 1483 Leonardo was commissioned by the confraternity of the Immaculate Conception to paint The Virgin of the Rocks.
Lord's [which commissioned the NatWest Media Center] was extraordinarily courageous as a client but Selfridges is of a different order.
Thirdly, and most significantly, a variable temperature liquid nitrogen cryostat has been successfully commissioned.
This research report was commissioned by the Lord Chancellor's Department to inform the deliberations of the Working Party.
This year, the first students in the North West from the pre-registration dietetics program, commissioned by the NHS, graduated.
Factors of interest This project on the careers of mental health nurse diplomates was commissioned to provide information for three areas of policy.
Factors of interest This project on the careers of adult nurse diplomates was commissioned to provide information for two areas of policy.
Factors of interest This project on the careers of child branch nurse diplomates was commissioned to provide information for three areas of policy.
A study commissioned for the Inquiry revealed widespread disquiet about this trend among those who have saved during their working lives.
Has he not read the previous debate on spiked - commissioned by his own organization - where the global warming case took a drubbing?
After the storm of October 1997 I was commissioned to produce a limited edition etching of Kew Gardens.
Study commissioned following imposition of stricter conditions of use on polyamine flocculants in public water supplies.
Gamelan workshop The RCM has a specially commissioned Javanese gamelan workshop The RCM has a specially commissioned Javanese gamelan.
Becomes a commissioned officer 1929 Develops the initial idea of the jet engine - using a gas turbine to produce a propelling jet.
Short biographies of past inductees are featured and the botanical gardens are covered extensively, including the commissioned statues of famous players.
He was commissioned a Second lieutenant in the Marine Corps in January 1967.
Signor Topsy-Turvy's wonderful magic lantern was commissioned by Benjamin Tabart.
A museum commissioned a team of artists to construct faux marbling on the walls of the entrance halls.
The car marque has commissioned an audio version of its customer loyalty magazine.
Richard I in that year commissioned certain knights to preserve the peace in unruly areas.
Written originally for solo percussion and orchestra, by Michael Daugherty, this work was commissioned by the US National Symphony Orchestra.
For 2005 Eclipse Theater has commissioned award-winning playwright Roy Williams to create a new play.
Acclaimed playwright Roy Williams has been commissioned to create a new drama for Eclipse Theater.
Melanie Harris will take you through the nuts and bolts of radio playwriting, including how work is commissioned.
Back in 2002, you may recall, the BBC commissioned a telephone poll of viewers to find the greatest Briton of all time.
As a practicing printmaker Stephen has recently completed four giant Kites commissioned by the banking group Lloyds TSB.
Resource was commissioned by DCMS in February 2003 to lead the preparation of a three-year action plan to make real the vision.
And we've commissioned research on what type of engagement works best.
This record was compiled by CRD commissioned reviewers according to a set of guidelines developed in collaboration with a group of leading health economists.
The prince commissioned the architect Henry Holland to enlarge his house into a classical building with a domed rotunda.
In 1953 J. Arthur Rank commissioned Whettam to write the orchestral score for the internationally renowned film " Genevieve " .
Commissioned by the UK Film Council, the course allows budding screenwriters to develop their own screenplays, with guidance from experienced screenwriters.
He commissioned the sculptor Roubiliac to provide a life-size statue of his hero to be placed inside the temple.
He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps in January 1967.
A Dutch master shipwright was commissioned in 1625 to build four new ships, including the Vasa.
The sexy socialite has reportedly also commissioned a large cage for her pet monkey.
He is also writing a new string quartet for the Arditti Quartet, commissioned by the South Bank Center.
Nottingham City Council have commissioned a study looking at access to Newstead Abbey and its grounds.
The sofas in the drawing room are covered in a specially commissioned tapestry.
To commemorate the tercentenary in 1989, the County Boroughs each presented a bench seat and the Regiment commissioned new gates.
And was recently commissioned to paint a triptych for the Great North Run.
The late Ray Walker was commissioned to cover Army Recruitment in 1981 and produced a powerful triptych with pointed references to Northern Ireland.
South West Water's new hydro turbine has been successfully commissioned at Littlehempston water treatment works to generate enormous amounts of environmentally friendly energy.
In 1765 the elder Forster was commissioned by the empress Catherine to inspect the Russian colonies in the province of Saratov, which gave his son an opportunity of acquiring the Russian language and the elements of a scientific education.
A commission was given him as adjutant-general in the French army, which he hoped might protect him from the penalty of treason in the event of capture by the English; though he himself claimed the authorship of a proclamation said to have been issued by the United Irishmen, enjoining that all Irishmen taken with arms in their hands in the British service should be instantly shot; and he supported a project for landing a thousand criminals in England, who were to be commissioned to burn Bristol and commit any other atrocity in their power.
On the revocation of the edict of Nantes he fled to Holland, and received a pension from William of Orange, who commissioned him to write an account of the persecuted Huguenots (Plaintes des Protestants cruellement opprimes dans le royaume de France, 1686).
In this capacity he made a sensation by his L'Etat de la France a la fin de l'an VIII (1800), which he had been commissioned by Bonaparte to draw up, as a manifesto to foreign nations, after the coup d'Nat of the 18th Brumaire.
In the autumn he was formally commissioned to proceed with the tetralogy and to furnish proposals for the building of a theatre and the foundation of a Bavarian music school.
By a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda (May 15, 1906), the archbishop of Westminster is the ecclesiastical superior of all commissioned Roman Catholic chaplains in the British army and navy, and he is empowered to negotiate with the civil authorities concerning appointments.
He began the famous Farnese Palace; constructed the Sala Regia in the Vatican; commissioned Michelangelo to paint the "Last Judgment," and to resume, work upon St Peter's; and otherwise adorned the city.
Scarcely any member of the Arabian circle of the sciences, including theology, philology, mathematics, astronomy, physics and music, was left untouched by the treatises of Avicenna, many of which probably varied little, except in being commissioned by a different patron and having a different form or extent.
At Ephesus the Count Candidian was commissioned to maintain order, but took little part in the proceedings.
These courts consist of every parochial minister or professor of divinity of any university within the limits, and of an elder commissioned from every kirk session.
He was commissioned to inquire into the religious condition of the land and to disseminate the teaching of the Law to which he had devoted himself (Ezra vii.).
The Board of Agriculture in 1803 had commissioned Sir Humphry Davy to deliver a course of lectures on the connexion of chemistry with vegetable physiology.
On the 30th of November the Russian fleet attacked and destroyed a Turkish squadron in the harbour of Sinope; on the 3rd of January the combined French and British fleets entered the Black Sea, commissioned to " invite " the Russians to return to their harbours.
After holding various commands he commissioned the "Larne," 20, for the East Indies and was senior naval officer at Rangoon during the Burmese War from May to September 1824.
On the 25th of January 1861 Davis was commissioned majorgeneral of the forces Mississippi was raising in view of the threatened conflict.
On the 1.8th of April Monroe was further commissioned as the regular minister to Greaf Britain.
He resigned from the volunteer service in October 1865, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the 26th Infantry in March 1867, served in Texas, mostly in garrison duty, until 1874, and in 1886-1890 (except for brief terms of absence) commanded Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the infantry and cavalry school there.
After some delay he was commissioned colonel of the 21st Illinois regiment and soon afterwards brigadier-general.
He was commissioned major-general of volunteers in the Army of Virginia, and assisted in organizing the volunteers.
And Swedenborg is the divinely commissioned expounder of this threefold sense of the word, and so the founder of the New Church, the paraclete of the last dispensation.
After some slight successes as a writer, a Salisbury publisher commissioned him to compile an account of Wiltshire and, in conjunction with his friend Edward Wedlake Brayley, Britton produced The Beauties of Wiltshire (1801; 2 vols., a third added in 1825), the first of the series The Beauties of England and Wales, nine volumes of which Britton and his friend wrote.
He introduces himself to us with a certain abruptness, merely specifying his own name as one of a list of knights of Champagne who with their count, Thibault, took the cross at a tournament held at Escry-sur-Aisne in Advent 1199, the crusade in contemplation having been started by the preaching of Fulk de Neuilly, who was commissioned thereto by Pope Innocent III.
He was in England again for a short time during Edward VI.'s reign, and was commissioned by Cranmer to make a Latin version of the First Prayer-Book (1549) for the information of Bucer, whose opinion was desired.
Konitz was the first fortified post established in Prussia by Hermann Balk, who in 1230 had been commissioned as Landmeister, by the grand-master of the Teutonic order, to reduce the heathen Prussians.
On the 1st of July 1844 he was breveted, and on the 18th of June 1846 commissioned second lieutenant.
Thus in 1405 he, with other two masters, was commissioned to examine into certain reputed miracles at Wilsnack, near Wittenberg, which had caused that church to be made a resort of pilgrims from all parts of Europe.
Lentulus played a prominent part in the recall of Cicero from exile, and although a temporary coolness seems to have arisen between them, Cicero speaks of him in most grateful terms. From 56-53 Lentulus was governor of the province of Cilicia (with Cyprus) and during that time was commissioned by the senate to restore Ptolemy XI.
The province of Maine was also united in the new provincial charter of 1691, and Sir William Phips came over with it, commissioned as the first royal governor.
His quarrel was turned more immediately against the pope himself when in August 1518 the Franciscan monk Bernardin Samson, a pardon-seller like Johann Tetzel, made his appearance in Switzerland as the papally commissioned seller of indulgences.
Andros in Massachusetts was received, they took possession on the 31st of May 1689 of Fort James (at the southern end of Manhattan Island), renamed it Fort William and announced their determination to hold it until the arrival of a governor commissioned by the new sovereigns.
Colonel Henry Sloughter was commissioned governor of the province on the 2nd of September 1689 but did not reach New York until the 19th of March 1691.
As a senator he consistently opposed the increasing monarchism of Napoleon, who, however, gave him in 1809 a pension and commissioned him to write a work on fortification for the school of Metz.
As gunnery lieutenant he continued in the "President" till 1849; and in the following year he was appointed to the "Arethusa" frigate, then commissioned for the Mediterranean by Captain Symonds, afterwards the well-known admiral of the fleet.
In 1856 he commissioned the "Acorn" brig for the China station, and arrived in time to take part in the destruction of the junks in Fatshan creek on the 1st of June 1857, and in the capture of Canton in the following December, for which, in February 1858, he received a post-captain's commission.
It was no doubt largely due to his advocacy that the probuli, strengthened by further members, were commissioned to draft new measures on behalf of the public safety and to examine Cleisthenes' " ancestral code."
At Arginusae (406) he fought as a simple ship's captain, but after the battle was commissioned by the generals to rescue some drowning crews, an order which, with his ill-trained and exhausted troops, in a heavy storm, he was unable to carry out.
It now appeared to some of the ecclesiastical authorities that the only way to silence Martin was to have him attacked in his own railing style, and accordingly certain writers of ready wit, among them John Lyly, Thomas Nashe and Robert Greene, were secretly commissioned to answer the pamphlets.
He accordingly commissioned Hephaestus to fashion a woman out of earth, upon whom the gods bestowed their choicest gifts.
On the death of Peter, Shafirov was released from prison and commissioned to write the life of his late master.
In 1772 he had been commissioned a major of New Hampshire militia, and on the 15th of December 1774 he and John Langdon led an expedition which captured Fort William and Mary at New Castle.
He then served against the Dutch, and in 1672 was commissioned major in what is said to have been the first English regiment armed with the bayonet.
He also commissioned Palladius to preach the gospel in Ireland which was beginning to rally to Christianity.
He was commissioned lieutenant in April 1861, and in the Civil War served on the steamsloop "Mississippi" (1861-1863) during Farragut's passage of the forts below New Orleans in April 1862, and at Port Hudson in March 1863; took part in the fighting below Donaldsonville, Louisiana, in July 1863; and in 1864-1865 served on the steam-gunboat "Agawam" with the North Atlantic blockading squadron and took part in the attacks on Fort Fisher in December 1864 and January 1865.
He was with the European squadron in 1866-1867; was an instructor in the United States Naval Academy in 1868-1869; was in command of the "Narragansett" in 1870-1871 and 1872-1875, being commissioned commander in 1872; was light-house inspector in 1876-1877; and was secretary of the light-house board in 1877-1882.
He served under his brother-in-law Lucullus in Asia (72 B.C.) and was commissioned to deliver the ultimatum to Tigranes, which gave him the choice of war with Rome or the surrender of Mithradates.
He strongly opposed secession, but finally voted for the Virginia ordinance, was commissioned brigadier-general in the Confederate army and served throughout the war.
When, however, surveillance became blockade, prizes could only with difficulty be brought into port, and, since the parties interested gained nothing by burning merchantmen, privateering soon died out, and was replaced by commerce-destroying pure and simple, carried out by commissioned vessels of the Confederate navy.
He lost no time in entering into fresh negotiations with the French government, and a draft treaty was already early in October drawn up in Paris and the Count d'Estrades was commissioned to deliver it in person to the prince of Orange.
Claude (c. 1500-1567), baron of Chateauneuf-sur-Cher, Sebastien's brother, was a secretary of finance; he had charge of negotiations with England in 1555 and 1559, and was several times commissioned to treat with the Huguenots in the king's name.
In 797 Charlemagne commissioned Alcuin to prepare an emended text of the Vulgate; copies of this text were multiplied, not always accurately, in the famous writingschools at Tours.
At the age of twentyfive he became councillor at the parlement of Metz, and was commissioned in 1787 to draw up a list of remonstrances.
Devoted to travel, he was in 1876 commissioned by the minister of public instruction to study the religions of the Far East, and the museum contains many of the fruits of this expedition, including a fine collection of Japanese and Chinese porcelain and many objects relating not merely to the religions of the East but also to those of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
On his departure from Norway in 1000, the king commissioned him to proclaim Christianity in Greenland.
At the same time he had been commissioned to publish the diplomatic acts relating to the War of the Spanish Succession for the Collection des documents inedits; only four volumes of these Negotiations were published (1835-1842), and they do not go further than the peace of Nijmwegen; but the introduction is celebrated, and Mignet reprinted it in his Mélanges historiques.
On the death of Henri de Villars, archbishop of Vienne, in 1693, he was commissioned to deliver a funeral oration, and this was the beginning of his fame.
Subsequently Daniel de la Rivardiere was sent to report on the place, and was then commissioned by the French crown to found a colony on the island; this was done in 1612.
Bush was commissioned as minister plenipotentiary to the king of Samoa, the king of Tonga and the other independent chiefs of Polynesia.
After a brief visit to France, where his collection of ancient coins attracted some attention, Galland returned to the Levant in 1676; and in 1679 he undertook a third voyage, being commissioned by the French East India Company to collect for the cabinet of Colbert; on the expiration of this commission he was instructed by the government to continue his researches, and had the title of "antiquary to the king" conferred upon him.
In 1779 his bust of Moliere, at the Theatre Frangais, won universal praise, and the celebrated draped statue of Voltaire, in the vestibule of the same theatre, was exhibited at the Salon of 1781, to which Houdon also sent a statue of Marshal de Tourville, commissioned by the king, and the Diana executed for Catharine II.
The two ships were of equal force, but the "Hercule" was newly commissioned, and after over an hour's fighting at close quarters she struck her flag, having lost over three hundred men.
Since John's most immediate need was now protection and assistance against his terrible opponent Ladislaus, he sent, towards the close of August 1413, Cardinals Chalant and Francesco Zabarella, together with the celebrated Greek Manuel Chrysoloras, to King Sigismund, and commissioned them to determine the time and place of the forthcoming council.
In 1777 Spangenberg was commissioned to draw up an idea fidei fratrum, or compendium of the Christian faith of the United Brethren, which became the accepted declaration of the Moravian belief.
In 1766 he had been commissioned lieutenant and in 1769 captain in the Essex (disambiguation)|Essex county militia; early in 1775 he published An Easy Plan of Discipline for a Militia, adopted in May 1776 by the general court for use by the militia of Massachusetts, and he was elected colonel of his regiment.
In 1785 he became a commission merchant in Philadelphia; but in October 1786, soon after the legislature of Pennsylvania had passed a bill for erecting Wyoming district into the county of Luzerne, he was appointed prothonotary and a judge of the court of common pleas and clerk of the court of sessions and orphans, court for the new county, and was commissioned to organize the county.
He graduated from West Point in 1875, was commissioned second lieutenant, and in 1880 was promoted to first lieutenant.
He served on McClellan's staff during the West Virginia campaign, and was commissioned brigadiergeneral of volunteers and appointed chief of cavalry of the Army of the Potomac in August 1861, in which capacity he took part in the Peninsular campaign and the Seven Days' Battle.
He entered the U.S. navy in 1822, and was commissioned lieutenant in 1830.
At the outbreak of the Civil War he at once enlisted in the federal army, and he soon rose to commissioned rank.
After subduing the Parliamentary party in the island, he was commissioned (1644) a vice-admiral of Jersey and "the maritime parts adjacent," and by virtue of that office he carried on from there an active privateering campaign in the Royalist cause.
In Germany general powers are granted by law, subject to the approval of the central authorities, with the result that it is the government departments that determine what the local elected authorities may do, and that the latter regard themselves as commissioned to carry out, not so much the will of the locality by which they are elected, as that of the central government.
All candidates, from whatever source they come, are subject to approval or rejection by their brother officers before being definitively commissioned.
Promotion in the German army is excessively slow, the senior subalterns having eighteen to twenty years commissioned service and the senior captains sometimes thirty.
Solaimn, to whom the victory was due, was then commissioned by the caliph to reconquer Egypt from the Tulunids, and after securing the allegiance of the Syrian prefects he invaded Egypt by sea and land at once.
Early in 1862 he was commissioned colonel of the 2nd Michigan cavalry, with which he served in Halleck's army on the Tennessee.
At the head of a large shop with many assistants, his business was to turn out, generally for a small price, devotional pieces commissioned by mercantile corporations or private persons to decorate their chapels in the churches - the preference being usually for scenes of the Passion, or for tortures and martyrdoms of the saints.
On the other hand, in the case of the obdurate, he showed a relentless precision, which gained for him his evil name, ` The Bloody Clavers,' the commissioned servant of the powers of darkness."
Commissioned, along with Barras in 1793, to establish the authority of the convention at Marseilles and Toulon, he distinguished himself in the atrocity of his reprisals, but both afterwards joined the Thermidoriens, and Freron became the leader of the jeunesse doree and of the Thermidorian reaction.
The former was commissioned by Akbar to translate a number of Sanskrit scientific works into Persian; and the latter (see Abul Fail) has left, in the Akbar-Nameh, an enduring record of the emperor's reign.
The authorities tried to extort from him a promise that he would abstain from preaching; but he was convinced that he was divinely set apart and commissioned to be a teacher of righteousness, and he was fully determined to obey God rather than man.
A new suite of hot rooms has recently been commissioned to support in vitro cell radiobiology studies.
A follow-up project has been commissioned looking at levels of natural radionuclides in free foods at locations remote from nuclear sites.
Robert Adam and Capability Brown were commissioned to remodel the house, grounds and garden in the mid 18th century.
And we 've commissioned research on what type of engagement works best.
In 1953 J. Arthur Rank commissioned Whettam to write the orchestral score for the internationally renowned film " Genevieve ".
This section will consider sculpture commissioned and/or sited in the housing environment in the early post-war decades.
After being educated at West Point he was commissioned as a second lieutenant of the 4th Infantry.
Capital expenditure continued with investments in new flour and semolina mills at Tilbury which will be commissioned during the current year.
Situated on the shores of Loch Carron, it is a working pottery that specializes in hand thrown table wear and commissioned pieces.
When the company realized what had happened it commissioned consultants who initiated a skimmer pump remediation system in consultation with the regulatory authorities.
The new Tuticorin smelter commissioned in April 2005 is performing well and continues to operate at full capacity.
From the first page, you will be spellbound by the pure beauty of the DK specially commissioned photographs.
The National Reading Campaign has been commissioned by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to provide an online support network for the fund.
Chorus by Mat Davidson, audio, 3 mins, interlude for 5 voices, commissioned by susan pui san lok.
To commemorate the Tercentenary in 1989, the County Boroughs each presented a bench seat and the Regiment commissioned new gates.
In 1998 the City of Turin commissioned 14 Italian artists to design Christmas illuminations for the thoroughfares of the city.
Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned him to do a thorough toponymic survey of the Beinn Eighe and the Loch Maree Islands National Nature Reserves.
This was one a series of transversal studies commissioned by the Council of Europe and the full reports can be accessed through their websites.
South West Water 's new hydro turbine has been successfully commissioned at Littlehempston water treatment works to generate enormous amounts of environmentally friendly energy.
Breathtaking visuals, stunning commissioned music and amazing dance transport us to a universe we have never visited before.
You can also add the names and phone numbers of favorite paint stores, fabric stores, local decorators, baby department stores, and even the numbers of commissioned artists if you want a nursery mural.
Commissioned salespeople with a sale-hungry glint in their eyes will steer you to the units that provide the largest commissions.
Avoid commissioned salespeople who will steer you toward manufactures sets that pay the highest commissions.
In the late 1600s, Queen Mary of England commissioned Dutch cabinetmakers to build her a cabinet to hold her prized blue and white china collection.
He commissioned San Francisco architect Julia Morgan to construct this dream home.
He commissioned artists to depict the furniture and lighting pieces in room settings.
Previously, a piece of furniture traditionally had to be either handmade by a family or craftsmen or artisans had to be commissioned to make a piece of furniture to order.
A report commissioned by scientific journal Nature found that Wikipedia was nearly as scientifically accurate as the notable Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Remain confident in the information you were commissioned to provide.
Local artists can be commissioned to paint a themed mural for a lot less than you might think.
Woolworths, the retail chain, already commissioned Will and Kate's engagement memorabilia, just to be prepared when it happens.
The following year it commissioned a second ship, dubbed the Rotterdam II.
Family jewelry can be found in many jewelry stores, bought online or even commissioned.
Commissioned family jewelry allows you to completely customize an item or create your own unique designs.
Before photography, miniature portraits were commissioned to be placed inside the locket to keep the likeness of a loved one close to the heart.
In 1991, Patagonia commissioned a study on fabrics for clothing expecting the synthetic, petroleum-based materials to be the worst.
You can always commission a creative friend or expert; understand that commissioned items tend to be expensive, but you may feel it's more than worth it to have a garment that not only fits you, but is also the only one like it.
The bar is solid glass and the copper/glass sculpture behind the bar goes from floor to ceiling, which she actually had commissioned to be done for the tasting room itself.
More affluent members of society commissioned their clothing, and most designers made only a few designs.
Cedella had commissioned me to make some bathing suits for Ms. Jamaica for the Miss Universe pageant, and April and I really understood each other well.
In the early 1980s, the WWF commissioned a toy company called LJN to create WWE toy action figures of some of their more popular wrestlers.
Fundraisers and other methods of collecting financial funding can seem very daunting, especially if you've been commissioned to help with the process and have no experience.
During the heyday of masquerade balls, people either commissioned someone to make their costumes or, if they were less wealthy, made the outfit themselves.
Independent jewelers may work with trusted buyers to find gems for their work, or buyers may be commissioned by specific jewelry companies to find stones of a certain quality.
He is said to have commissioned the ring for his wife to wear in his absence.
He was commissioned by King Edward VII to cut the 3,015 carat Cullinan diamond which later became a part of the British crown jewels.
You need to develop a self-critical eye, so that you don’t fool yourself into thinking a piece of work you’ve done is good enough only to find that the editor who commissioned it doesn’t think it’s good enough.
He commissioned fellow occultist Pamela Colman Smith to design the cards.
And in 1963, Red Wing commissioned Norman Rockwell as well as incipient artist Les Kouba to sketch Red Wing shoes for the company catalog.
Then in 1533, Catherine de' Medici, the Queen of France, commissioned a pair of shoes with a heel higher than the toe, and suddenly the pump was fashionable.
Artists who work with body paint may be commissioned for events, or to decorate the entire body with intricate and delicate designs.
The impressive structure was commissioned by Napoleon to celebrate his victory at Austerlitz in 1806.
He was commissioned by the Greenwich Royal Observatory to build the Master Clock used in astronomy and went on to become the first clockmaker of the 18th century admitted into the Royal Society.
This was the case for salaried or commissioned small business company employees.
Goldfarb and commissioned by Delmar Labs, resulted in a 1,000 calorie reduction per day for its obese subjects.
This does not mean that the yacht is necessarily engaged in battle as a commissioned ship of a navy.
The specials were well received by viewers, and Discovery Canada soon commissioned Survivorman.
Steven Seagal has worked as a commissioned Reserve Deputy Chief Sheriff for over 20 years.
They have since been commissioned to design the stage costumes for several other top selling acts.
Five years after joing Starfleet she was commissioned as a lieutenant and assigned to the USS Enterprise serving as a nurse under the chief medical officer Dr. Leonard McCoy.
In fact, the USS Constitution, one of the first frigates ever commissioned by the U.S. Navy, still is crewed by sailors following the uniform regulations of 1815.
The dinner party Evelyn threw to celebrate Kiera's first commissioned piece of art had been a success, as was expected.
In 1815 he was commissioned by government to complete the translation of Strabo which had been begun by Laporte-Dutheil, and in March 1816 he was one of those who were admitted to the Academy of Inscriptions by royal ordinance, having previously contributed a Memoire, " On the Metrical System of the Egyptians," which had been crowned.
In the meantime the Six Nations (in 1768) had repudiated their sale of the region to the Susquehanna Company and had sold it to the Penns; the Penns had erected here the manors of Stoke and Sunbury, the government of Pennsylvania had commissioned Charles Stewart, Amos Ogden and others to lay out these manors, and they had arrived and taken possession of the block-house and huts at Mill Creek in January 1769.
Patterson was withdrawn, the disputed territory was erected into the new county of Luzerne (1786), the land titles were confirmed (1787), and Colonel Timothy Pickering was commissioned to organize the new county and to effect a reconciliation.
Mr Charles Green was commissioned to conduct the astronomical observations, and Sir Joseph Banks and Dr Solander were appointed botanists to the expedition.
He was a favourite of the gods, and an intimate friend of Achilles, to whom he was commissioned to announce the death of Patroclus.
In 1686 the colony submitted to Sir Edmund Andros, who had been commissioned governor of all New England, and chose representatives to sit in his council.
Elbeuf had been commissioned by Francis I.
It was named in honour of President Monroe and was first regularly garrisoned in 1823; in 1824 the Artillery School of Practice (now called the United States Coast Artillery School) was established to provide commissioned officers of the Coast Artillery with instruction in professional work and to give technical instruction to the non-commissioned staff.
Espousing the principles of the Revolution in 1789, he was commissioned by the noblesse of the province to draw up the cahier (statement of principles and grievances); and the senechaussee of Montpellier elected him deputy to the states-general of Versailles; but the election was annulled on a technical point.
The first attack upon the aristocracy proceeded from a young noble named Cylon, who endeavoured to become tyrant about 630 B.C. The people helped to crush this movement; yet discontent must have been rife among them, for in 621 the Eupatrids commissioned Draco, a junior magistrate, to draft and publish a code of criminal law.
And he bestowed on the angel so commissioned the title of Son, and foretold for him insults, blasphemies, sufferings and crucifixion.
In Gambetta's cabinet (1881-1882) he was minister of the fine arts, and in the Chamber of Deputies he was regularly commissioned to draw up the budget for the fine arts, after the separate department had ceased to exist.
Having been ordered to make laws for themselves, they commissioned one Zaleucus, a shepherd and slave (in later tradition, a man of distinguished family) to draw up a code.
King, one of the Natal settlers, to be conducted on an embassage to Cape Town, Sotobi being commissioned to proceed to the king of England.
He was commissioned to organize the educational system of the city, and is said to have done it well.
Commissioned by Mehemet Ali to inform him about the situation in Nejd brought about by the rising power of Abdallah Ibn Rashid, Wallin left Cairo in April 1845, and crossing the pilgrim road at Ma`an, pushed on across the Syrian desert to the Wadi Sirhan and the Jauf oasis, where he halted during the hot summer months.
He was commissioned captain (1717), major, lieutenant-colonel, and in 1726 colonel of militia.
In February 1776 he was placed in command of all the military forces of South Carolina, and in October of the same year was commissioned a brigadier-general and was taken into the Continental service; but on account of a dispute arising out of a conflict between state and Federal authority resigned his command in 1777.
He is last heard of in 1198, as commissioned, together with the prior of Thurgarton, by Pope Innocent III.
While the French directory saw in that province little more than a district which might be plundered and bargained for, Bonaparte, though by no means remiss in the exaction of gold and of artistic treasures, was laying the foundation of a friendly republic. During his sojourn at the castle of Montebello or Mombello, near I\Iilan, he commissioned several of the leading men of northern Italy to draw up a project of constitution and list of reforms for that province.
For more than a week preparations were being made, rough drafts of letters to Nicholas from all the household were written and copied out, while under the supervision of the countess and the solicitude of the count, money and all things necessary for the uniform and equipment of the newly commissioned officer were collected.
He attended the first Plattsburg Camp and was commissioned major in the U.S. Reserves in 1917, being assigned to the staff of Gen.
In 1785 he was commissioned in the artillery, in which he served as a regimental officer for fifteen years.
He rebuilt the cathedral of his see, and may perhaps have commissioned the unknown artist of the celebrated Bayeux tapestry.
In July 1828 France had been commissioned to oust Ibrahim from the Morea; and though by a convention, concluded on the 9th of August by Codrington with Mehemet Ali, the principle of evacuation by the Egyptian troops had already been settled before the arrival of the French expedition, the Morea remained for the time in French occupation.
It performed something at least of what should have been (but apparently was not) done by Lawrence (Lourenco) of Portugal, who was commissioned as papal envoy to the Mongols of the south-west at the same time that Carpini was accredited to those of the north (1245).