Comment Sentence Examples
Opening his morning comment, she read.
He repeated her comment about the Porsche, "Nice wheels."
Without comment, he shifted his attention back to his plate.
She sensed this comment was directed at her.
I think she was merely directing the comment at you because she thought you might want to know.
The man just nodded but didn't comment further.
It was this that saved her from some snide comment about her less-than-fashionable clothes.
She followed him without comment.
Before Dean could comment, the conversation ended as a commotion upstairs called for his attention.
She paused, as if waiting for a comment, but he gave none.
AdvertisementOne of the ladies who worked at the courthouse made an offhand comment about the popular Lucky Pup Mine.
To comment or make suggestions on these or other ISO standards on polymer melt rheology please contact Martin Rides.
Dean ignored the comment.
Franny ignored his comment.
At least he was considerate enough not to comment on her obvious interest in his physique.
AdvertisementCarmen took care of that and Alex made no comment.
Ryland was startled by the comment.
He leaned forward, picked up his fork and began devouring his supper without further comment.
The strictures of a critic in the Monthly Review of July 1763 drew from him a pamphlet called Man in Quest of Himself, by Cuthbert Comment (reprinted in Parr's Metaphysical Tracts, 1837), "a defence of the individuality of the human mind or self."
It was also used by a class of bards or itinerant soothsayers known by the name of vates, of whom the most famous was one Marcius, and in the "Fescennine verses," as sung at harvest-homes and weddings, which gave expression to the coarse gaiety of the people and to their strong tendency to personal raillery and satiric comment.
AdvertisementWithout comment, he went outside and shot it.
Dean held his comment.
He frantically thought about how to explain his comment.
Jenny took one look at Dean's attire and made a "love your tailor" comment.
She continued wolfing down her sandwich without comment.
AdvertisementWhen he pushed her ahead of him down the hill, she gave him no argument and continued without comment.
Alex looked surprised when he saw it on the table, but he ate without comment.
Actually, there was nothing wrong with the route and normally she would have accepted his request without comment.
Carmen nodded, thinking Sam was going to comment on his past.
She glanced at Carmen and then began setting the table without comment.
He opened the car door for her without comment.
They said he was unavailable for comment, so I suppose he's a private person.
She was terrified to ask, especially after his comment about GPS tracking her.
After that, most of Europe will be corresponding more or less to international borders, so I'll wait for further comment from Engels before going further.
Much general comment on Moses Mendelssohn appeared in the press of the world on occasion of the centenary of the birth of the composer Mendelssohn in 1909.
Her comment on this delusion is instructive.
Certain matters, however, require comment and explanation to render the comparison intelligible.
The Zagreb press could only comment indirectly, but conveyed its meaning by insisting that the Reichsrat programme of May 30 was an absolute minimum.
The astonishing colours and grotesque forms of some animals and plants which the museum zoologists gravely described without comment were shown by these observers of living nature to have their significance in the economy of the organism possessing them; and a general doctrine was recognized, to the effect that no part or structure of an organism is without definite use and adaptation, being designed by the Creator for the benefit of the creature to which it belongs, or else for the benefit, amusement or instruction of his highest creature - man.
The conformation of the vine stem has elicited a vast amount of explanatory comment.
His earlier volumes of poems, dealing with romantic themes, received little but unfriendly comment.
Satire, debarred from comment on political action, turned to social and individual life, and combined with the newly-developed taste for ethical analysis and reflection introduced by Cicero.
Some of his papers are published in his father's works, and others in the Acta Eruditorum and the Comment.
Several of his investigations are contained in the earlier volumes of the Comment.
It reviews all the abuses, declares that the German people are the victims of war, devastation and dearth, and that the common man is beginning to comment on the vast amount of wealth that is collected for expeditions against the Turk through indulgences or otherwise, and yet no expedition takes place.
The laws relating to labour are full, but, as compared with those of other states, present few features calling for comment.
And even then they are so difficult to understand, so much like puzzles, that they were probably accompanied from the first by a sort of comment in prose, stating when, and why, and by whom they were supposed to have been uttered.
Add a comment or question to any article at the bottom of the page.
The comment feature is at the bottom of every page.
The headlines of the local newspaper proudly announced, "Under Sheriff Solves Fifty-Year-Old Murder," which Lydia neither confirmed nor denied, nor did the Deans offer public comment.
He carefully detailed the information on the torn sales receipt but made no comment.
Further extensions of this meaning are to an explanation, comment or addition, added in the margin or at the foot of the page to a passage in a book, &c., or to a communication in writing shorter or less formal than a letter.
The results, which were not satisfactory, were published without comment' Ten years later, the chief alteration in the inquiry was the substitution of the main occupation of the family for that of the individual.
Previous to that date, the only step towards compilation of the census results of the empire had been a bare statement of area and population, appended without analysis, comparison or comment, to the reports for England and Wales, from the year 1861 onwards.
The information required differs in each group, but the schedule is, as a rule, of a simple character, and the results of the inquiry are usually set forth with comparatively little comment or analysis.
Sometimes, though not very often, the sections are in no proper sense essays, but merely commonplace book entries of singular facts or quotations, with hardly any comment.
The discrepancy between the fees paid by patients and the salaries received by nurses, especially in London, has occasionally excited unfavourable comment, but it is to be remembered that the nurses are maintained when out of work or ill, and have other advantages; many institutions either provide pensions or assist the members of their staff to join the Royal National Pension Fund.
The book was deliberately unpopular in tone; it excited much controversial comment and some serious and useful discussion.
Their own poems soon became the theme of criticism and of comment; and, by the time of Quintilian and Juvenal, they shared the fate (which Horace had feared) of becoming textbooks for use in schools.
However, both Nick and Jessica refused to comment.
Some of the more interesting features of this website include the ability to change the site's background color and leave a comment on any astrological sign post you choose.
In this way, anyone who has a question or comment for Serena can simply send an email.
He came to the garage when she parked the car, opened the door and began removing groceries without comment.
With the prophets it is quite otherwise; they appear not individually but in bands; their prophesying is a united exercise accompanied by music, and seemingly dance-music; it is marked by strong excitement, which sometimes acts contagiously, and may be so powerful that he who is seized by it is unable to stand, 2 and, though this condition is regarded as produced by a divine afflatus, it is matter of ironical comment when a prominent man like Saul is found to be thus affected.
His colleagues in the Religious Tract Society united with other earnest evangelical leaders to establish a new society, which should have for its sole object "to encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment."
The appointment, which had hitherto been reserved for ecclesiastics of marked ability as scholars or administrators, excited much comment; but it was undoubtedly popular, and this popularity was confirmed when it was realized that the bishop intended to carry on in his new sphere the democratic traditions of his East End activities.
His imprisonment created much excitement, and in some quarters, in spite of the pro-slavery spirit of the time, was a subject of indignant comment in public as well as private.
Much bitter comment (some of it partisan) and discontent were aroused by the action of the Postmaster-General.
On leaving the Home Office in 1895, Mr Asquith decided to return to his work at the bar, a course which excited much comment, since it was unprecedented that a minister who had exercised judicial functions in that capacity should take up again the position of an advocate; but it was obvious that to maintain the tradition was difficult in the case of a man who had no sufficient independent means.
LoveToKnow Corp. has not attempted to verify the truth or accuracy of any such opinion, claim or comment, nor does LoveToKnow Corp. endorse or support them.
Fortunately each word, each clause, each idea in the discourse is repeated, commented on, enlarged upon, almost ad nauseam, in the suttas, and a short comment in the light of those explanations may bring out the meaning that was meant.'
The writer makes no comment on the wonderful story which he tells.
No comment is made by the narrator; he tells his tale in the fewest words and passes on.
For it strikingly illustrates the fact that the temple of En-lil, like that of the Sun-god at Sippar and the other great temples in Babylonia, possessed a body of mythological and religious texts, which formed subjects for study and comment among the priestly scribes.
His conduct in following them up into the Spanish territory of Florida, in seizing Pensacola, and in arresting and executing two British subjects, Alexander Arbuthnot and Robert Ambrister, gave rise to much hostile comment in the cabinet and in Congress; but the negotiations for the purchase of Florida put an end to the diplomatic difficulty.
Servois (Gergonne's Annales, 1813) a very remarkable comment, in which was contained the only yet discovered trace of an anticipation of the method of Hamilton.
His scholars, who were lodged in appropriate buildings, met daily to hear the master read and comment on the classics.
Moreover, recorders of local fauna have been almost unanimous in ignoring the introduced forms, except when they have had occasion to comment on the effects, real or supposed, of these immigrants on aboriginal faunas.
The Glastonbury thorn, planted, according to the legend, by Joseph of Arimathea, has been the object of considerable comment.
As for the extreme theory of the anti-Rabelaisians, that Rabelais was a "dirty old blackguard" who liked filth and wallowed in it from choice, that hardly needs comment.
The importance to us of this uncritical collection of biographies is sufficient comment on the decline of history-writing in the latter empire.
Swift, who was intimate with him, speaks of him as "an arrant knave"; but the dean may have been disappointed at being unmentioned in Rivers's will, for he made a fierce comment on the earl's bequests to his mistresses and his neglect of his friends.
Since then much progress has been made in the publication of the complete MSS., scientific and other, whether with adequate critical apparatus or in the form of mere facsimile without transliteration or comment.
Andromede, with the later spectacle piece, the Toison d'or, do not call for comment, and we have already alluded to the chief merit of Don Sanche.
Horace Walpoles Letters (Clarendon Press, 16 vols.) are the best comment on the history of the period; his Memoirs are not so good, though they are superior to Wraxall, who succeeds him.
It bears the strongest likeness to the epic in all save its unversified form; in both are found, as fixed essentials, simplicity of plot, chronological order of events, set phrases used even in describing the restless play of emotion or the changeful fortunes of a fight or a storm, while in both the absence of digression, comment or intrusion of the narrator's person is invariably maintained.
He was liberal to the poor; it was his custom to comment severely in his preaching on the public characters of his times; and he introduced popular reforms in the order and manner of public worship. It is alleged, too, that at a time when the influence of Ambrose required vigorous support, he was admonished in a dream to search for, and found under the pavement of the church, the remains of two martyrs, Gervasius and Protasius.
In 1783 he published the Prolegomena, intended as an introduction to the Kritik, which had been found to stand in need of some explanatory comment.
Her comment surprised me.
His only comment of note was that Patsy, while obviously exhausted, seemed especially cheerful— "pleased with herself" was how he'd described her.
There was nothing new on the Byrne case—just a comment to that effect.
When his friend knocked on the door, he waited for Carmen to answer it and when Gerald made the introductions, Alex said nothing – not even when Rob made a comment that would normally have raised an eyebrow.
A look of sheer amazement at the foolishness of this comment passed over the whole team.
After every translated aphorism, I briefly comment on the association it invoked in me.
The Harpo Marx comment near the beginning comes from ' marvelous aphorisms ' and sums up the serious and ridiculous nature of the performance.
However, to my utter astonishment, I am also asked to comment on the Holocaust!
I write to comment on the recent terrorist attacks on London.
To ramp up all states except quot employee-hired autos a derogatory comment.
It also modifies behavior of " cw " command, setting the comment output format to Unicode.
Feel free to do the usual blah and leave a comment when you have.
Suffice to say Pilot comment on arrival was often blasphemous toward those responsible for building in such a location.
Posted in Environment, Podcast, Energy, Nuclear power | 1 Comment » Where will Blair hide the nuclear tax bombshell?
Looking forward to speaking with you all soon, Jacquie x Add a comment bonjour!
Add a comment After a number of frustrating delays, specialist children's bookseller Lou Harrison has opened the TP Children's Bookshop.
Comment from Nicholas Conway, of Wordwave Caselex will tap into national case law which will then be exploited at a European level.
Posted in General, Stringbean's HE | 1 Comment » yesterday catchup - Eureka!
I would like to just comment on my lack of experience of normal childbirth.
I can only comment, due to my recent arrival, on the paper flow system post collocation.
Related Think - Vocabulary - Collocation with advanced levels 1 Comment Marianna Pascal, Malaysia Your ideas on collocation with advanced levels 1 Comment Marianna Pascal, Malaysia Your ideas on collocation were absolutely fascinating.
Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.
Do you want to say you were here without leaving a comment?
There has also been more constructive critical comment, some of it having to do with the level of generality of the document.
This also brings me to your closing comment about the '37 per cent decrease in ESRC quota awards ', which is also incorrect.
The list must be preceded by the comment delimiter " .. ", appearing on a separate line.
Out of respect for the natural diffidence of their author, the essays are presented with only introductory comment.
Use the preprocessor directives to temporarily ` comment out ' blocks of code.
I do not know how anyone can make that comment and then go on to say that a wholly discretionary code is better.
It is also envisaged as a comment on a contemporary world that seem increasingly dislocated from anything real.
Elizabethan doublets - a comment dating back to 1583!
I just got a new comment on my old post about how we order the cutlery in our cutlery drawers.
Fall, and then comment on the acceleration due to gravity... Worm Theory Why do endgames take so long?
In some cases a critical evaluation or comment has been added.
Comment This study makes explicit the decreased life expectancy associated with obesity.
So where a section or part of a section does not seem to require any explanation or comment, none is given.
The above scholar's comment shows that it was deliberately expunged from the recitation due to it being in conflict with the Uthmanic text.
Related comment - Politics The Red Flag not waving but drowning facing how many directions at once?
The comment of the examiners was " too few heads " .
But i can't comment on the product quality, i ' m too tight fisted to buy the set!
There's no news articles I want to comment on, and if there were, my head is too foggy.
Comment The association between high serum homocysteine and low serum folate and dementia appears to be reproducible.
She currently freelances for the Guardian newspaper and contributes to ' Comment is Free ' the Guardian's blog site.
It was fair comment in the context of the exceptionally gentle policing, code-named Operation Harmony.
Anybody who has played a typical Japanese-style RPG will know the gist of this system automatically from that comment.
In the silence which followed his comment I must confess to having felt a certain childlike glee.
Comment The evidence for using glutamate is not convincing.
Charlie's later comment, - ' I suppose 1 micht hae been shot in Russia ' .
Sawyer lets slip a comment about a man wearing built-up heels.
Comment The only herbal or dietary intervention for which there was any good evidence was for vitamin B1 at 100 mg daily.
A Mongolian herdsman entered the tent so after misinterpreting Gans comment to offer him a cigarette, I give him the a whole packet.
Teixeira already has 107 homers and 340 RB Giants Stadium New York phone calls seeking comment.
Continue Reading Add comment Italians charmed by honeybees By Web Editor.
We have no comment to make on the likely impact of greater participation in drag hunting or bloodhound hunting on the rural economy.
Comment This type of information is invaluable in informing men of their options if they have benign prostatic hyperplasia and moderate to severe symptoms.
Comment Men with more severe symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia had poorer health status.
The sheer idiocy of these proposals makes further comment superfluous.
Comment Keep up the good work and don't let these idiots stop you from publishing great articles!
And Mary stands and weeps again, and God still suffers pain, but for that mother standing there such comment seems inane.
Also, what I find incomprehensible is the failure to comment on the fates of the ships.
The comment was not an indication of Mr Smith's political inexperience, a spokesman told us, it was meant rhetorically.
Rightly or wrongly, this comment has been enduringly influential.
Comment about a neighbor's planning application background information on how you can comment on applications made.
I was expected to participate, to contribute, to comment, to help in the development of stories which grow ever more intricate.
The most common comment from people who have panic attacks is ' It's totally irrational ', which is quite right.
They comment that they are finding sustainability appraisal a highly iterative process.
Comment by Steve Barker 27 July 2001 There was an Evening Argus report of a large jellyfish off Worthing.
Elizabethan jewelry - a comment dating back to 1583!
Related comment - Iraq Sympathy for troops should not suppress protest How can they remain loyal to Labor?
Both Acciona Trasmediterránea and Spainâs merchant marine authority have refused to comment on the new regulations.
The band sing mostly in French, with some excellent social comment, including musings on the butts of cigarettes.
Player Position Points Comment Sullivan Keeper 6 had nowt to do.
There has been widespread outrage at the comment made by a man saying that a country should be " wiped from the map " .
Many years ago I heard a similar comment from someone who was definitely not overworked.
We asked Mr Portillo for a comment but his office told us he was busy cooking an enormous paella.
Dulux gloss paints are yet to comment on the band's use of the color.
This, together with a concluding paragraph of general comment from the Committee, forms a conclusion to the Overseas Report.
The most popular post of the month was my comment on American patriotism.
You can find alternative answers to the role play tasks in the Comment section of each exercise.
Continue Reading Add comment Italian playboy sees the light By Web Editor.
I could listen to his cultured voice for hours, even hearing him comment on the weather was enough to make my skin prickle.
A comment in last week's New Journal warning about the risks involved in postal votes had clearly rattled the councilor.
Understood on your last comment - sounds reasonable to me.
Write Comment Please keep the message relevant to the subject of the article.
The other area affecting directors which has attracted a great deal of comment is in relation to directorsâ remuneration.
Baker, a former newspaper reporter, declined to comment.
And yesterday we had a particularly repulsive comment on the last subject from Deputy Prime Minister Seselj.
However there is also comment that any monitoring of academic hours would reduce trust and breed resentment.
Contrary to some press comment during the past three months, the market has proved remarkably resilient.
Christis comment corner We are all doubtless aware that the past months were not restful ones for the UK.
Comment The effects of exercise on bone mass in women have been assessed in another systematic review [1] .
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me!
Comment The evidence for efficacy of topical salicylates was poor.
That's women motorists for you. no comment none Sarah nice read!
I didn't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize.
Use a single semicolon to the right of the code to explain a particular line with a short comment.
Comment The case contains important guidance on what conduct will constitute sexual harassment.
The Asian shopkeeper whom he abused stated that there was a racist comment made.
Comment on published supplementation trials in DS Almost all the supplementation studies discussed above had major methodological shortcomings.
But the State Department is downplaying the political significance of the trip... more Add a comment.
There was also some rather snide comment about podcast bandwagon-jumping.
Every once in a while somebody comes along via BE and leaves an appreciative comment.
Let someone else's servers take the brunt of the comment spam.
Comment This contains the width of the mask used to extract the grating spectra from the LE image.
A spokesman in the White House press office said they would not comment on " wildly speculative rumors.
The Pink Paper includes a sprinkling of political comment, some of it about Stephen Twigg, who beat Michael Portillo in 1997.
Comment In 1998 about 1% of the Danish population used a statin.
I also read a comment about the strap being a bit stiff.
Write the first review or comment The first children's bible storybook that includes more than 4 hour of bible story DVDs.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
These are large questions; comment can only be very tentative.
You put an end to several days of emotional turmoil over whether I should make a similar comment myself.
Argentina still look unbeatable, to say they dont is a silly comment.
The text of the proposed undertakings was published on 15 November and interested parties were invited to comment by 29 November.
I would also like to comment briefly on what I perceive as a subtle negative undertone with respect to contribution of the private sector.
This comment is false, without basis, factually incorrect, inflammatory and extremely unprofessional.
First McNeil was given a straight red for a comment made to the referee after he was again upended in the box.
Comment Ultimately we want to know whether including walnuts in the diet can reduce cardiovascular disease.
Jack made no comment but his eyes looked a little watery.
Len no longer describes Cecil as ' a complete duck ' and her later comment ' while she's still wee ' is deleted.
He was most impressed; his first comment was, " She's got a funny willy, " (her cord ).
Jud., at the end of the Theodosian Code, seems, spurious (see the comment of Gothofredus in loco).
The clause is possibly a gloss, a comment on the preceding expression.
His "characters" are the fruit of acute and experienced observation, and abound in satirical traits, although the 42nd chapter of his second book, devoted expressly to portraiture, is headed "Comment Georges escrit et mentionne les louanges vertueuses des princes de son temps."
Though he kept aloof from the Clerical party, Kaln6ky was a strong Catholic; and his sympathy for the difficulties of the Church caused adverse comment in Italy, when, in 1891, he stated in a speech before the Delegations that the question of the position of the pope was still unsettled.
A dozen generations of men have rejoiced in the gentle irony with which Montaigne handles the ludicrum humani saeculi, in the quaint felicity of his selection of examples, and in the real though sometimes fantastic wisdom of his comment on his selections.
Flechier, in his account of the Grands Jours at Clermont many years after, speaks of a "belle savante" in whose company Pascal had frequently been - a trivial mention on which, as on many other trivial points of scantily known lives, the most childish structures of comment and conjecture have been based.
Excluding here his scientific attainments (see below), Pascal presents himself for comment in two different lights, the second of which is, if the expression be permitted, a composite one.
In addition to his political pamphlets Pourquoi et comment je suis Boulangiste (1887) and L'Anarchie bourgeoise (1887), he published mathematical works, among them Introduction a l'etude des quarternions (1881) and Theorie et applications des equipollences (1887).
By the side of it ranks the Faust Symphony (1854-1857), in which the moods of Goethe's characters - Faust, Gretchen and Mephistopheles - are depicted in three instrumental movements, with a chorus of male voices, supplying a kind of comment, by way of close.
Voltaire, who was prompted by his natural benevolence to comment on the latter (the profits went to a relation of the poet), was not altogether fitted by nature to appreciate Corneille, and moreover, as has been ingeniously pointed out, was not a little wearied by the length of his task.
When it was thought sufficient to say with Boileau that Corneille excited, not pity or terror, but admiration which was not a tragic passion; or that "D'un seul nom quelquefois le son dur ou bizarre Rend un poeme entier ou burlesque ou barbare;" when Voltaire could think it crushing to add to his exposure of the "infamies" of Theodore - " apres cela comment osons-nous condamner les pieces de Lope de Vega et de Shakespeare?"
Whilst I 'm being the cynic, I 'd like to comment on the pull-up diaper scenario.
I know that visitors often comment on the happy, purposeful atmosphere which they find in the School.
My initial comment was a little quick off the mark I 'm afraid !
Ideally you will have someone else read through and comment on your file(s) before you consider a document finished.
Reply to comment by K. Beven and P. Young on Bayesian recursive parameter estimation for hydrologic models ' '.
Once again, Kurtz is not making a comment that is directly religious in nature.
Revision 1.6 (by marknodine--) Removed confusing comment about requiring forms support from the title.
Comment The effects of exercise on bone mass in women have been assessed in another systematic review [1 ].
To round off the weekend 's matches, John Cannon sends a rueful comment from a Sussex viewpoint.
Posted in accessibility web standards, WaSP ATF, Snakeoil salesman | 1 Comment Back to navigation Muggle me !
That 's women motorists for you. no comment none sarah nice read !
I did n't mean my comment about your injury to sound so sarcastic, I apologize.
That sarky comment was purely aimed at a number of fools who judge Mr P without actually bothering to read him first.
Comment Searching using individual fields is n't in itself enough for all situations.
Post comment Monday 27 June 05 I 've now uploaded a new version of the Sled player to Sourceforge.
I think if you made a slighting comment about Ethelred the Unready, theyd ask you to leave the room.
Everyone has something to teach, and hopefully a smartass comment or two to make.
Your comment on " web accessibility snake oil salesmen " really hit home for me.
Let someone else 's servers take the brunt of the comment spam.
A spokesman in the White House press office said they would not comment on wildly speculative rumors.
Military spokesmen declined to comment on the death tolls.
A spokesman yesterday refused to comment on whether there were any disciplinary issues involving Mr Murray.
Write the first review or comment The first children 's bible storybook that includes more than 4 hour of bible story DVDs.
While minimal swearing in context is tolerated, excessive swearing will result in your comment being removed.
At the police station there was a short tape-recorded interview during which Bryce replied, " No comment " to all the questions.
His most telling comment is that that only losers get jobs; he 'd prefer to make a living through crime.
Whilst I 'm venting my spleen about the wood I have to comment on the tenon joints.
A refusal to comment beyond terse statements is no way to encourage the wider dialog that is badly needed.
Add a comment I score 3 out of 5 ω I had five things on my to-do list today.
Whether it was a tongue-in-cheek comment from him, I do n't care.
Cruel trick, writes Carrie Dunn from across my desk, inviting all kinds of spurious Zorro based comment about flashing blades.
Notwithstanding macroeconomic stuff which I am unqualified to comment on !
I do n't actually give a shit if you think I 'm a cheeky upstart and have no right to comment.
Comment This updates a previous Bandolier review looking at genital wart treatments.
He occasionally throws in the odd waspish comment that gives you a slightly teasing impression.
Len no longer describes Cecil as ' a complete duck ' and her later comment ' while she 's still wee ' is deleted.
Continue Reading Add comment Taxi drivers cause chaos with wildcat strikes By Web Editor.
He was most impressed; his first comment was, " She 's got a funny willy, " (her cord).
My comment... So what if Bush threw them under the bus when truth about yellowcake uranium from Africa came out.
I was not expecting her comment to be so witty and the only comeback I had was, "Touché."
Jacob is normally a kind person, so I think his rude comment was simply made in jest and meant to be funny.
The actor's ambiguously defined sexuality was the subject of much speculation, but he refused to comment on his private romantic relationships.
Tom nodded across the room to Stacy in acknowledgement and approval of her comment.
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If he wets his Pull-Ups, just help him change them in the morning and don't comment on the problem during this time.
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Moving forward into the middle of the last century, we have names such as Doris Day and Rock Hudson, two little kittens called Doris and Rock would be bound to cause comment!
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The judge will only be looking at whether it is legal; it's not his or her job to comment on whether it is fair.
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A final comment on this Liz Claiborne perfume review is to encourage you give it your own try.
Almost every nurse and midwife I ran into during the course of the day had to comment on my "pretty makeup."
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At PacMan Game you can play the Pac Man game, comment on the game or other comments, read news about Pac Man and any new developments or look at pictures from various games.
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Another cool feature of the site is that everything a user does on the site (such as make a comment on a post or log in), the user scores points.
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Family members are chosen and each is given a role with specific statements and points of comment to make in the forthcoming discussion.
We want to hear your suggestions, ideas and tips on all things cake and cake decorating, so feel free to leave us a comment in the bottom of the box on each article.
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The LoveToKnow sites are designed to allow any visitor to comment on individual articles.
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Bass is declining comment which only leads one to speculate.
The nine-year old has comment that Madonna's gyrating dance in a leotard was "disgusting", and she has also voiced concerns that her mother may be gay after seeing the diva kiss Britney Spears during her concert.
Good question...go ahead and leave us a comment.
He finally ended up earning the award for his comment during Katie Holmes' pregnancy, "I've got Katie tucked away so no one will get to us until my child is born."
Calls to Kepcher and her agents have not been returned and Trump has responded to media inquiries with a "no comment."
Since Trump seems to have a comment for everything, there's a good chance this rumor is the real deal.
From viewing the video on YouTube, it seems that Lohan is initially sincere about her insult, but then she immediately withdraws the comment, saying "I never said that.
Clearly, she did make the comment, then seconds later, rescinded it.
Time will only tell if Paris retaliates over the comment.
So far, there has been no comment from either Miller's or Law's representatives about the split.
The dust settled, but things are heating up once again after Washington denied at the Golden Globes' press room that he ever made the comment.
As a result of the incident coming to the forefront, Knight, who was allegedly the recipient of Washington's comment, told People magazine that he was, in fact, gay.
He later said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that he felt it was important to come out in light of the incident, but probably would not have made it public if the comment had never been made.
Washington was asked about the homophobic comment in the press room following Grey's Anatomy's win for best drama.
The press room comment didn't sit well with T.R.
While Simpson would not comment on whether or not she had plastic surgery, tabloids and entertainment programs made it quite clear that she had gotten a nose job.
Of course, her representatives have made no comment about whether the star was in rehab.
The talk show host said her comment was spurred by "germaphobia."
Prior to this oops, Watts declined to comment about whether she was expecting, despite a mention of the probable pregnancy in the New York Post.
He compared them to "tattooed, male players" and injected a racist and sexist comment about their appearances.
Michael Richards shattered his image in 2006 when he made a racist comment during a comedy club appearance.
Knight. A few months later at the 2006 Golden Globe Awards, Washington denied ever making the comment and eventually the dust settled -- or so everyone thought.
This comment triggered a hailstorm or criticism from around the world.
Representatives for both Ashlee and Pete declined to comment stating that they had no additional news outside of the fact that the two are "happily engaged."
Josh went on to comment that it came as such a shock since his sister had apparently been planning a big ceremony later in 2008, after the baby's arrival.
While both Kimmel's and Silverman's publicist have confirmed the break-up, neither of them have any further comment as to why and how the split happened.
That is so melt-your-heart-sweet that it needs no further comment.
When Tom returned to the states, he made no comment about the pregnancy.
Of course, when Brian was asked why he was a no-show, he made some comment to the effect that it wasn't like she was getting an award, she was only presenting.
The comment came on the heels of her split from boyfriend and lead singer of Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy.
Lepore then went on to say that it was a really bad move for Prejean to make that comment because she "…gets her hair and makeup done by gay people.
Angelina Jolie comment - There are a few, but the following is a gem.
Michael Bay comment - Fox commented that Michael Bay's movies "…aren't about acting" and "…working with Michael Bay is not about an acting experience."
At the time, Gosselin's response was that the comment was strange.
Once that comment had left Octomom's lips, there were rumors swirling around that a reality TV show with the two of them was in the works.
Nothing. Grandma and aunt Kim have chosen to take the quiet road and make no comment.
Then, Heigl made a nasty comment that she thought she didn't deserve the Emmy win because her material wasn't substantial enough.
Mo'Nique has yet to make any comment regarding the apology.
So far, there has been no comment from Lindsay's camp regarding her release from the project.
Celebrities will often comment that filming love scenes can be difficult.
She made a comment explaining it, saying, "I play dress up.
She also made a comment while promoting a romantic comedy about a woman who gets artificially inseminated, The Switch.
The comment made to Regis and Kelly was definitely an oops, but when you're being watched as closely as Aniston is, those moments are always going to happen.
That's why LoveToKnow College invites you to comment on any article.
Tell other students about scholarship sources or share your ideas for making the most of a crowded dorm room by posting a comment at the bottom of the page.
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For the cruise Disney Magic, reviews will undoubtedly comment on the decor.
Several sites are set up so that consumers can rate and comment on dog foods.
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Readers are likewise allowed to comment on the tablature, and this allows you to see what other people have experienced with the tabs.
Its distinctive shape makes it an unusual choice and one that is bound to generate positive comment.
This will make a lovely gift as well as being a piece of jewelry that is bound to cause comment.
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Users comment that what ZR offers in return is more than a compensation, but it's good to know if you are golfing in a very warm and wet environment.
I can't comment about this product yet, but it will be a hot topic once we release the news.
While Glamour is applauded for its good work, there are those who comment that Renn can hardly be considered a woman of size and it is only in the twisted logic of the modeling world that she's anything other than normal.
Whichever option you choose, be sure to add a basket, found in any craft store - and be sure to comment on the size of everyone's teeth!
Finally, you can write the editor of your hometown newspaper and comment on any playground safety issues you may be aware of.
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While anyone with an interest in senior living can comment on our site, we have professional writers and editors committed to ensuring that the information presented is accurate, relevant, and well-written.
Actually, many comment on my writing style, saying it was very conversational, which made the book more interesting and engaging than a dry, fact-based "how to" type book.
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They ask that you include your model number and color details in the comment detail box that pops up during your checkout. lets visitors comment and ask questions about attractions, time savers, dining, and special events at Disney.
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The announcement of the movie deal has resurfaced questions about the release date of Halo 3, but Microsoft spokespeople declined to comment and continued to avoid the issue of the much-anticipated Xbox 360 game's release date.
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However, those of you that are still reading after that last comment, Tales of Symphonia game is for you.
This site offers a forum to discuss and comment about existing tabs.
The balls seem a little heavy, but that's just a passing comment.
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Near the end, we will briefly comment on skinny candybars and slider phones.
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You'll be reminded that silence is golden (or frustrating!) because you can't comment on them, though.
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Wordpress for BlackBerry allows you to write blog posts, comment on blog posts and edit previous posts.
Finally, there is a place for viewers to comment, an impressively extensive FAQ section, and contact information for those who wish to send an email to Matt.
Many coaches and instructors glean steps off of YouTube, and if you are in the habit of doing so, it is always wise to comment on the video to ask permission.
Through social media networks, other dancers can view, comment on, and upload their own versions of dance moves in response to uploaded videos.
Finally, you may want to disable the comment feature on your video pages, unless you are fully confident in the genius and flawlessness of your routine.
Especially with young students, no one wants to find a derogatory comment or particularly harsh criticism of their technique and choreography when they are just looking up the link to show Grandma.
With the comment sections, you can allow others to provide you feedback, allowing for an even further growth experience.
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People will comment on it and their final memories of the person will be the beautiful dedication on the coffin.
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Regardless of how many origami figures you have made, LoveToKnow would love to hear your ideas and questions, so feel free to make a comment on any article you read.
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Representatives for Brad and Angelina have yet to officially comment.
Since representatives for the couple have yet to comment on the baby's gender or due date, fans of Katie and Tom have few details about what to expect.
Beyonce has refused to comment on her alleged pregnancy and any plans she may have to marry Jay-Z.
Ashlee had no comment on the rumors regarding a pregnant Jessica Simpson.
The most common comment we hear from women who carried their kids 20+ years ago is "They didn't have things like this when we were pregnant.
Jennifer Lopez's expanding waistline has been rumored to be supporting twins, but she has only recently confirmed her pregnancy, let alone comment on twin speculation.
Post a comment at the end of this article if you know of any other creative solutions to finding cash when you are out of work and pregnant!
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Anyone with knowledge about San Francisco can comment on LoveToKnow San Francisco.
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There is also a message board section where her many fans can post a comment or share an opinion.
The social climate of this era was transforming from the staid 1950s to the sexual revolution of the 1960s, and Gernreich's swimsuit became a social comment on personal freedom.
One is that the photographs of Selena are much larger here, so a great amount of detail is shown, and two, you have the option of leaving a comment if you are so inclined.
The pink here is so electric; it almost dares onlookers to comment.
One Amazon customer comment noted that the blanket can be slippery when it is on grass, especially slightly damp grass.
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Anyone who has an interest in board games can make a comment.
Friends and family who received the letter would be able to see the importance of donating, and would also be able to donate any amount they felt comfortable with, due to Kim's comment that any donation would help.
If you have a great idea for an office Christmas party game and want to share it with other LoveToKnow readers, write out a comment telling us how you would play!
Use the comment feature at the bottom of every page to add ideas, provide feedback, or ask a question.
While anyone with an interest in costumes, festivals, and holidays can comment on our site, we have professional writers and editors committed to ensuring that the information presented is accurate, relevant, and well-written.
We'd love to hear your ideas, so please post them on the comment section of this article as well.
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A blog offers some interesting dating tidbits, including the occasional comment about a dating site.
Said with a smile, answers the question without inviting further comment.
Bulletins can be fun ways to break the ice with comment games, "add to the list" activities, and similar ideas encouraging you to interact with other members.
The goal is to make a vague comment either stated as a question through a rising intonation as through you were asking of a question.
Think of the things you'd like to have in common with him, then comment accordingly once you're in the room.
The site encourages readers to comment on books, share reviews, and just have fun corresponding with other black lesbians.
A simple gesture, a comment or even a soft touch can be romantic to someone.
However, through the normal course of talking about one's past, certain subjects are bound to be subject for comment.
You can comment to the woman you are interested in about all the different traditions to celebrating a particular holiday.
Resist the urge to comment negatively on the other person.
She doesn't get angry or upset with me when I make a comment to her but when other clients say or ask her out she gets upset.
She doesn't get angry or upset with me when I make a comment."
Last night she made the comment to me, "I just don't know what to say to you.
There are few experiences that are more terrifying, humiliating, and painful than walking up to a beautiful woman at the bar, the gym, or at school, and getting painfully rejected with a snide comment or a disgusted roll of the eyes.
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You will be able to read and comment on others' blogs or create your own.
As a 2008 comment thread on the AfterEllen site shows, many Indian lesbians are finding support from their friends, social groups such as Washington D.C.-based "Khush Girls" (an offshoot of the "Khush D.C." queer advocacy organization).
Anyone can comment on LoveToKnow Engagement Rings.
Check feedback or comment ratings to see what recent buyers are saying about them, and try contacting some of those buyers to get their opinion on how actual product compared to the listed auction.
Under this law, your work can be used if it is for certain purposes, such as teaching, comment, criticism, news reporting, research and academic scholarship.
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Cancer is such a sensitive person that his feelings are often bruised over the slightest comment or action.
Lack of Support - Many homeschoolers feel the pinch when their friends and sometimes even family start to question or comment on homeschooling.
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In our respect guide, one tip we give is to watch TV with your child and comment when people or characters are rude or intolerant.
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The society also runs a state of the art theater (The Walter Reade Theater) and publishes Film Comment, the most respected cinema journal in the US.
Clicking on a link to a script takes you go the movie's basic information and a comment section where you can comment on the script and/or the movie.
If you think there is a great comment on the film that can be made due to the color of the coat a character wears in a given scene, be sure to write this type of information down so that you don't forget it.
Check comments first - Often, prank videos are posted on communities like YouTube where viewers can comment on the video.
One of the quickest ways to single out fake ghost videos is to scroll down to the comment area and preview whether people are saying the video is funny or otherwise fake.
Those who have reported seeing the creature out of the water comment on its elephant-like skin.
If the company provides a comment field in the free sample offer, thank them for their generosity.
One of the best ways to get a clear picture of user experiences with automated money programs is to seek out blogs and reviews that allow customers to comment freely about programs.
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Anyone can view the message boards, but you'll need to register for a free user account to comment on any of the boards or access the chat rooms.
Her high school crush Ben, played by Scott Speedman, makes an off-hand comment about wishing they'd gotten to know each other better.
Although anyone can comment on the Love to Know Travel site, we have a dedicated writers and a site editor who checks each article for accuracy as well as grammer and spelling, so you know that what you read here is true and easy to read.
We invite you to take a minute to join LoveToKnow Watches and add a comment, tip or product review yourself.
Anyone with an interest in watches and something to say can comment on LoveToKnow Watches, but we ensure the information is accurate and topical by devoting an editor and writers to the subject of watches.