Commendam Sentence Examples
He was consecrated bishop of Norwich in 1792, and two years later received the appointment of dean of Windsor in commendam.
A trial was held before Coke in which one of the counsel denied the validity of a grant made by the king to the bishop of Lichfield of a benefice to be held in commendam.
The general question involved in a special instance was whether or not the king's prerogative included the right of granting at pleasure livings in commendam, i.e.
Appointed by Odo ruler of several counties, including the county of Paris, and abbot in commendam of many abbeys, Robert also secured the office of duke of the Franks, a military dignity of high importance.
In feudal law the term is applied to the practice of a freeman placing himself under the protection of a lord (see Feudalism), and in ecclesiastical law to the granting of benefices in commendam.
An act of 1836 prohibited the holding of benefices in commendam in England.
The practice of commendation, by which - to meet a contemporary emergency - the revenues of the community were handed over to a lay lord, in return for his protection, early suggested to the emperors and kings the expedient of rewarding their warriors with rich abbeys held in commendam.
Even the abbey of St Denis was held in commendam by Hugh Capet.
A benefice was held in commendam when granted either temporarily until a vacancy was filled up, or to a layman, or, in case of a monastery or abbey, to a secular cleric to enjoy the revenues and privileges for life (see Abbot), or to a bishop to hold together with his see.