Commencing Sentence Examples
Ustilago, and filling a greenhouse with hydrocyanic acid gas when young insects are commencing their ravages, e.g.
Only ten of them have any appreciable size, and these are named - commencing from the north - Muko-shima (Bridegroom Island), Nakadachi-shima (Go-between Island 1), Yome-shima (Bride Island), Ototo-jima (Younger-brother Island), Ani-shima (Elderbrother Island), Chichi-jima (Father Island), Haha-jima (Mother Island), Mei-jima (Niece Island), Ani-jima (Elder-sister Island) and Imoto-jima (Younger-sister Island).
That the series of natural animals is continuous, forming, as it were, a circle; so that, upon commencing at any one given point, and thence tracing all the modifications of structure, we shall be imperceptibly led, after passing through numerous forms, again to the point from which we started.
The points which require constant attention are - the perfect freedom of all carriers, feeders and drains from every kind of obstruction, however minute; the state and amount of water in the river or stream, whether it be sufficient to irrigate the whole area properly or only a part of it; the length of time the water should be allowed to remain on the meadow at different periods of the season; the regulation of the depth of the water, its quantity and its rate of flow, in accordance with the temperature and the condition of the herbage; the proper times for the commencing and ending of pasturing and of shutting up for hay; the mechanical condition of the surface of the ground; the cutting out of any very large and coarse plants, as docks; and the improvement of the physical and chemical conditions of the soil by additions to it of sand, silt, loam, `` chalk, &c.
The second was the nomination of Dr Miguel Juarez Celman for the presidential term commencing in October 1886.
C, Side view of the trochosphere with commencing formation of the foot.
If, as in the last paragraph, we imagine a system of zones to be drawn commencing from the inner circular boundary of the aperture, the question turns upon the manner in which the series terminates at the outer boundary.
Commencing in the Arctic region, the Eskimo in his kayak, consisting of a framework of driftwood or bone covered with dressed sealskin, could paddle down east Greenland, up the west shore to Smith Sound, along Baffin Land and Labrador, and the shores of Hudson Bay throughout insular Canada and the Alaskan coast, around to Mount St Elias, and for many miles on the eastern shore of Asia.
The Jews, Chaldeans and Babylonians began the day at the rising of the sun; the Athenians at the fall; the Umbri in Italy began at midday; the Egyptians and Romans at midnight; and in England, the United States and most of the countries of Europe the Roman civil day still prevails, the day usually commencing as soon as the clock begins to strike 12 P.M.
His sensitively honourable nature, which in early life had caused him to shrink from asserting his belief in Thirty-nine articles of faith which he had not examined, was shocked by the enormous abuses which confronted him on commencing the study of the law.
AdvertisementBefore commencing the mastication it is generally necessary to warm the apparatus by means of steam; but as the operation proceeds the heat produced requires to be moderated by streams of cold water flowing through channels provided for the purpose.
The blood suffers first; its pigment is dissolved out and soaks into the surroundings, imparting to them the pink hue so diagnostic of commencing gangrene.
In the earlier accepted notion of direct segmentation, usually known as the schema of Remak, division was described as commencing in the nucleolus, as thereafter spreading to the nucleus, and as ultimately implicating the cell-substance.
It is necessary to insist upon this fact, because it has been stated with apparent authority that numerous specimens which began to be exported from 1865 were the outcome of industry commencing in the 16th century and reaching its point of culmination at the beginning of the 18th.
Commencing abruptly (after some Benjamite genealogies) with the death of Saul, the history becomes fuller and runs parallel with the books of Samuel and Kings.
AdvertisementAstronomers, after the example of Ptolemy, regard the day as commencing with the sun's culmination, or noon, and find it most convenient for the purposes of computation to reckon through the whole twentyfour hours.
This year is called vague, by reason of its commencing sometimes at one season of the year, and sometimes at another.
The Years Of The Hegira Are Purely Lunar, And Always Consist Of Twelve Lunar Months, Commencing With The Approximate New Moon, Without Any Intercalation To Keep Them To The Same Season With Respect To The Sun, So That They Retrograde Through All The Seasons In About 321 Years.
A conical jet is thus produced, consisting of an inner cone, with an outer one commencing near its apex - the former, corresponding to.
The trees for a considerable period show little sign of unhealthiness, but eventually the stem begins to swell somewhat near the root, and the whole tree gradually goes off as the disease advances; when cut down, the trunk is found to be decayed at the centre, the " rot " usually commencing near the ground.
AdvertisementC, Side view of the Trochosphere with commencing formation of the foot.
If we find a body containing the 740 absorption and a band with the most refrangible edge commencing at 892, or with the least refrangible edge terminating at 920, we may be pretty sure that we have an ethyl radical present.
The peripheral paren chyma gives rise to protonephridia, that is to coiled tubes commencing in pyriform cells containing a flame-like bundle of cilia and provided with branched outgrowths, and communicating with the exterior by long convoluted canals which open at the surface of the body.
The subject naturally divides itself into two sections, which we here propose to treat separately, commencing with the science, and passing on to the practice of the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables as applicable to the home garden.
In laying out the garden, the plan should be prepared in minute detail before commencing operations.
AdvertisementThis being inconvenient for comparison with sun-spots, use was made of his monthly values to obtain corresponding data for years commencing with January.
This is mostly done by so-called Committees of Conciliation, but in some cases by the court itself before commencing formal judicial proceedings.
The haughty spirit of Eudoxia was inflamed by the report of a discourse commencing with the words - " Herodias is again furious; Herodias again dances; she once more demands the head of John "; and though the report was false, it sealed the doom of the archbishop. A new council was summoned, more numerous and more subservient to the wishes of Theophilus; and troops of barbarians were quartered in the city to overawe the people.
Commencing by twenty-two separate shocks at brief intervals, the oscillations continued from the 8th of October to the 22nd of November.
In June 1891 he ordered the presidential election to be held, and Senor Claudio Vicuna was duly declared chosen as president of the republic for the term commencing in September 1891.
The ordinates give the wave-lengths in, up. The abscissae give fc in 0.01 mm., commencing at fc fF.
Not content with this, in February 1725 he assembled all the captives of the royal family, except the shah, in the courLyard of the palace, and caused them all to he murdered, commencing the massacre with his own hand.
The church and other buildings of his erection remained till the installation, in 1082, of the first Norman abbot, who inaugurated the new epoch by commencing a new church.
In 1890 and 1891 were carried out that series of politicomilitary expeditions which resulted in the occupation of the Zhob valley, the foundation of the central cantonment of Fort Sandeman, and the extension of a line of outposts which, commencing at Quetta, may be said to rest on Wana north of the Gomal.
After death there is found one noteworthy lesion, a commencing acute inflammation of the internal ear.
When commencing their migrations towards the land the shoals consist of countless numbers, but they break up into smaller companies near the shore.
Although multiplication may arise in either of these two ways, the actual process in each case is performed by commencing with the unit and taking it the necessary number of times.
In 1741, on the invitation of Ralph and Ebenezer Erskine, he paid a visit to Scotland, commencing his labours in the Secession meeting-house, Dunfermline.
In South Africa a still more serious difficulty was already commencing.
In 1839 he produced a small work called First Notions of Logic, giving what he had found by experience to be much wanted by students commencing with [[Euclid]].
Its prevailing colour is grey, with a broad black band, bordered with white, commencing on the chest, and passing obliquely over the shoulder, diminishing gradually in breadth as it approaches the loins, where it ends in a point.
The megaspore becomes filled with the female prothallus, the formation of cell-walls commencing at the pointed end of the spore, where from the first the nuclei are more numerous, and later extending to the base.
Commencing in and around the solitary glands of the large intestine in the form of exudations, these ulcers, small at first, enlarge and run into each other, till a large portion of the bowel may be implicated in the ulcerative process.
Whether the race-horse of to-day is as good as the stock to which he traces back has often been disputed, chiefly no doubt because he is brought to more early maturity, commencing to win races at two years instead of at five years of age, as in the days of Childers and Eclipse; but the highest authorities, and none more emphatically than the late Admiral Rous, have insisted that he can not only stay quite as long as his ancestors, but also go a good deal faster.
Let the parties finish arguing before commencing the adjudication.
Co-ordinators must ensure that pupils receive a thorough briefing prior to commencing their placement.
Q What advice should a solicitor give to a client commencing litigation on a pro bono basis about costs?
Establishment of normal menstruation has been observed within 3 months of commencing treatment.
This unique pilot project will employ six trainees commencing mid April and is supported by the Skillset Film Skills Fund and Film London.
The time limit for commencing proceedings is 2 years from the date of the accident.
Reactor 1 will undergo a statutory maintenance shutdown, commencing in April 2005.
June 2001 Commencing with London Underground area, officers begin to get issued with yellow high-visibility tabards as opposed to the orange ones.
Refer to the doctor in charge before commencing any anticoagulant therapy.
In the early days of March the vessel left Vancouver commencing the return voyage to Europe.
B, Trochosphere of an Opisthobranch (Pleurobranchidium) showing - shgr, the shell-gland or primitive shell-sac; v, the cilia of the velum; ph, the commencing stomodaeum or oral invagination; ot, the left otocyst; pg, red-coloured pigment spot.
If instead of commencing with I and making successive additions of 1 we commence with any number such as 3 and make successive multiplications by 3, we get a series 3, g, 27,.
Anyway, Tila Tequila had a serious meltdown in which she decided it was a good idea to catch on camera and be nude whilst commencing the whole calamity.
In sunny positions it usually flowers freely, but not in shade, commencing to bloom in December, it will continue till the end of March.
The seizure activity itself is generally characterized as clonic (consisting of rhythmic jerking movements of the arms and/or legs), or tonic-clonic (commencing with a stiffening of the body followed by a clonic phase).
At that point, roll the ball up as far as it'll go before commencing the next rep.
It can also be referred to as le jeu provençal referring to its French history commencing in Provence.
Commencing discharge.
The monuments discovered there, although only those in hard stone have survived, are more important than at any other site in the Delta except Tanis and cover a wider range, commencing with Khufu (Cheops) and continuing to the thirtieth dynasty.
These gill-slits occupy a variable extent of the anterior portion of the trunk, commencing immediately behind the collartrunk septum.
Constructed in this way, the successive diagonal rows, commencing with the first, give the figurate numbers of the first, second, third,.
The oil separates from the fat-cells and is found lying free, while the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved as one of the products of putrefaction reacts upon the iron of the blood and throws down a precipitate of sulphide of iron, which in course of time imparts to the limb a range of colour commencing in green and terminating in black.
In the meantime the Siamese revolted, and while the Burman army was marching against them, the Peguan soldiers who had been incorporated in it rose against their companions, and commencing an indiscriminate massacre, pursued the Burman army to the gates of Rangoon, which they besieged, but were unable to capture.
In addition to the cerebral eyespot there are large numbers of minute black pigmented bodies beside and below the central canal of theneuro chord, commencing from the level of the third myotome.
Many are the stories of martyrs and confessors who are believed to have lived in these troublous times, and their efforts were at last crowned with success, for in the century commencing with the reign of Bilamgur in 971 there took place " the second introduction of religion " into Tibet, more especially under the guidance of the pandit Atisha, who came to Tibet in 1041, and of his famous native pupil and follower Brom Ston.
But the rainy season proper, caused by the south-west monsoon, lasts from June to mid-September, and commencing in the north moves southward.