Commands Sentence Examples
She gave it a few more commands then buried it under a bush.
He said nothing but withdrew a communications device and began issuing calm commands to his men.
It has a cool and very healthy climate, and commands a beautiful view of the surrounding country.
It stands at the mouth of the Veveyse and commands fine views of the snowy mountains seen over the glassy surface of the lake.
The old town contains one or two interesting churches, and commands a fine view.
There has, however, been performed upon halophytes very little physiologically experimental work which commands general acceptance.
The town enjoys a comparatively cool climate in summer, and commands fine views.
It rises steeply to a height of 7352 feet, and commands a magnificent prospect.
The neighbouring Jonksnut (2950 ft.) commands extensive views of the Telemark.
Again the garrisons in the chief cities, such as Sardis, Babylon, Memphis Pelusium and Susa, were under commands distinct from those of the provinces.
AdvertisementThe resettlement of dignities made in Babylon in 32 3, while it left the eastern commands practically undisturbed as well as that of Antipater in Europe, placed Perdiccas (whether as regent or as chiliarch) in possession of the kings' persons, and this was a position which the other Macedonian lords could not suffer.
Natives were employed, as we have seen, in the army, and Iranians are found under the Seleucids holding high commands, e.g.
Ule rubber is generally inferior in strength to Para and commands a lower price.
It commands the direct approaches to the Baluch highlands by Sakki Sarwar and Fort Monro.
The Franciscan monastery commands a fine view.
AdvertisementIt commands a natural route (now followed by the railway) through the hills to the south and south-west, and is a site of great historical interest.
It was thought that martyrdom would atone for sin, and imprisoned confessors not only issued to the Churches commands which were regarded almost as inspired utterances, but granted pardons in rash profusion to those who had been excommunicated by the regular clergy, a practice which caused Cyprian and his fellow bishops much difficulty.
He speaks for the most part only in general references of the divine commands and of good and evil works.
The army is divided into seven army-corps (ordus), each under the command of a field marshal, and the two independent commands of Tripoli (Africa) and the Hejaz.
Even then the day might have been saved had Blucher been able to find even twenty squadrons accustomed to gallop together, but the Prussian cavalry had been dispersed amongst the infantry commands, and at the critical moment it proved impossible for them to deliver a united and decisive attack.
AdvertisementMuch had been done to create an efficient staff, but though the idea of the army corps command was now no new thing, the senior generals entrusted with these commands were far from having acquired the independence and initiative of their French opponents.
After the peace of Tilsit the Grand Army was gradually withdrawn behind the Rhine, leaving only three commands, totalling 63,000 men, under Davout in Prussia, Oudinot in west central Germany, and Lefebvre in Bavaria, to assist the princes of the Confederation of the Rhine in the maintenance of order and the enforcement of the French law of conscription, which was rigorously insisted on in all the States comprised in this new federation.
By these means Davout's, Oudinot's and Lefebvre's commands were augmented, whilst in February and March new corps were formed and rapidly pushed towards the front.
To the north, just within the old wall line, stands the citadel, surrounded by a high wall, with a lofty clock-tower which commands an excellent view.
The city commands pleasant views from its position on a plateau, which, at places on bluffs along the shore, has elevations of about 75 ft.
AdvertisementProbably no town in the kingdom has a nobler group of public buildings than those in Cathays Park, which also commands a view of the castle ramparts and the old keep. On opposite sides of a fine avenue are the assize courts and new town hall (with municipal offices), which are both in the Renaissance style.
Landolphia rll ber is usually roughly prepared and in consequence commands a low price.
It is, however, important to remember that rough as these native methods are they result in the production of rubber which commands the highest price.
After holding various commands he commissioned the "Larne," 20, for the East Indies and was senior naval officer at Rangoon during the Burmese War from May to September 1824.
At a higher stage of civilization the god is no longer present in person but issues to his worshippers categorical commands.
Mount Hope (216 ft.), on the eastern side, commands delightful views of landscape, bay and river scenery.
On the reorganization of the war office and the higher commands in 1904, the duke was appointed to the new office of inspector-general to the forces, from which he retired in 1907, being then given the new post of commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean, stationed at Malta, which he held until 1909.
They formed a permanent council, and Hadrian's successors entrusted these comites with the administration of justice and finance, or placed them in military commands.
Large herds of cattle - over 500,000 in the aggregate - are owned by the natives, who also possess vast flocks of goats and sheep. The dairy industry is well established, and Natal butter commands a ready sale.
The divine will is, equally with the human, subject to a rational determination; God commands what is good because it is good.
They were never fairly represented in the royal council, they were excluded as far as possible from commands in Hungarian regiments, and were treated, generally, as the members of an inferior and guilty race.
The city, a summer resort, lies on an undulating hillside, which rises from the water's edge to a height of more than 150 ft., and commands extensive views of the picturesque islands, headlands, and mountains of the Maine coast.
The other most notable open spaces wholly or partly within the county are Hampstead Heath in the north-west, a wild, high-lying tract preserved to a great extent in its natural state, and in the south-west Wimbledon Common, Putney Heath and the royal demesne of Richmond Park, which from its higher parts commands a wonderful view up the rich valley of the Thames.
His book is divided into three parts containing visions, commands, similitudes.
The vacuum pan is erected at a height which commands the crystallizers, each of which will, as in days gone by in Cuba, hold the contents of the pan, and these in their turn are set high enough to allow the charge to fall into the feeding-trough of the centrifugals, thus obviating the necessity of any labour to remove the raw sugar from the time it leaves the vacuum pan to the time it falls into the centrifugals.
The Hutberg, at the foot of which the town lies, commands a pleasant view.
The village, which is connected by stage with the station, is situated at the junction of two valleys and commands delightful views of mountain scenery.
It is a small bush propagated from cuttings which are left to grow for three years; the leaves are then stripped, except a few buds which develop next year into young shoots, these being cut and sold in bunches under the name of khat mubarak; next year on the branches cut back new shoots grow; these are sold as khat malhani, or second-year kat, which commands the highest price.
It is well situated upon the Brenta, which is here spanned by a covered wooden bridge, and commands fine views.
The divine teams, four in number, again traverse the world toward the four winds, to execute Yahweh's commands.
It commands a splendid view of the Apennines, on every side except the east, where the Adriatic is seen.
Four miles below Ross the important ford of Goodrich probably carried traffic in British and Roman times, and a magnificent castle, on a precipice rising sheer above the right bank of the river, commands it.
The ruins of a small building, conjectured to be a palace of Sultan Ali, which commands a beautiful view, were excavated in 1881.
Only two women, Prisca and Maximilla, were moved by the Spirit; like Montanus, they uttered in a state of frenzy the commands of the Spirit, which urged men to a strict and holy life.
Some authorities indeed consider, and very likely with good reason, that this was the site of the Etruscan city, and that the Piano di Civita, which lies further inland and commands but little view of the sea, was only occupied in Roman times.
The post commands an excellent view of the Columbia, and of the mountain peaks, Mt Hood,.
The leaders of the two Guard brigades, still ignorant of the extent of the French position, rallied their men on the main bodies of their commands (which had not been engaged) and then lay down facing exactly as they had done when brought forward to the attack.
Almost as the commands were given, the French suddenly opened an overwhelming long-range fire and their bullets swept like hail through the crowded mass of the German troops.
Conde and Montecucculi retired from their commands at the close of the year, Turenne was dead, and a younger generation of commanders henceforward carried on the war.
He subsequently held commands in the East, and suppressed the revolted Aquitanians; for this latter feat he celebrated a triumph in 27.
Higher up is the castle, which now shows no traces of fortifications older than medieval; it commands a fine view of the town and of the mountains which encircle it.
He held various commands until 1883, when he retired to become governor of the Soldiers' Home, Washington, D.C. He died on the 11th of February 1889.
This, although of very small value as fuel, commands a specially high price for gas-making.
The most interesting part of the town lies in the old quarter around the Place Salinis, a spacious terrace which commands an extensive view over the surrounding country.
The Inca was a war chief elected by the council to carry out its commands.
He sends back word that he can only do what Yahweh commands.
Napoleon's chance of success was dangerously diminished, if not utterly destroyed, by the incompetence of the two marshals whom in an evil hour he selected for high commands.
After the peace he held a variety of commands at sea, and was a naval commissioner from 1815 to 1817.
Custer divided his regiment into four commands, his own comprising 262 men.
The memory of his father, however, and the commands of the king induced him to accept it; and he seems to have discharged it neither better nor worse than an average magistrate.
In the 8th century an oratory was established there by St Aubert, bishop of Avranches, in obedience to the commands of an apparition of St Michael.
Its situation is exceedingly strong, and it commands all the roads leading from Corinth and Achaea into the Argive plain.
Above Locarno is the romantically situated sanctuary of the Madonna del Sasso (now rendered easily accessible by a funicular railway) that commands a glorious view over the lake and the surrounding country.
He subsequently held various commands in Holland, on the Rhine and in Italy, where up to January 17 99 he commanded in chief.
Temple (or Joss-house) Hill, which commands the town and harbour close to the beach, is 122 ft.
The fort occupies a conspicuous site on the summit of an abrupt rock which commands the river.
He deprived the senators of their military and provincial commands, which were transferred to equites.
When a superior knows the views of his inferior and still commands, it is because he is aware of other sides of the question which appear of greater importance than those that the inferior has brought forward.
Norristown is a residential suburb of Philadelphia, and commands fine views of the Schuylkill Valley.
A violent quarrel exacerbated by political differences broke out among the British commands, which led to two courts-martial and to the resignation of Keppel, and did great injury to the discipline of the navy.
The town commands a magnificent view of the Brecknock Beacons, and is noted for its promenades on the banks of the Usk, and in the priory groves.
Their system is based on literal obedience to the commands of the New Testament, and they have points of similarity both with the Mennonites and with the Dunkards.
The Dominican monastery, adjoining the cueva santa, commands a magnificent view of the Montserrat, and is used for the accommodation of the pilgrims who yearly visit the cavern in thousands.
The American Speaker, who of course has a vote like other members, always belongs to the party which commands a majority, and is, indeed, virtually the leader of the majority party in the House of Representatives.
Syracuse University, whose campus (of zoo acres) in the south-east part of the city commands a fine view of the lake, is a co-educational institution largely under Methodist Episcopal control, but not sectarian, which in1908-1909had 239 instructors and 3205 students (1336 in the college of liberal arts; 189 in the summer school; 62 in the library school; 933 in the college of fine arts; 147 in the college of medicine; 179 in the college of law; 401 in the college of applied science; and 78 in the teachers' college).
From the top of Ladyhill the view commands the links of the Lossie and the surrounding country, and a recreation ground is laid out on Lossie Green.
On Rousay (627) the cairn of Blotchnie Fiold (811 ft.), the highest point of the island, commands a beautiful survey of the northern isles of the archipelago.
In the war of 1899 he served at first under Lucas Meyer in northern Natal, but soon rose to higher commands.
The terrace commands a view of the Elbe and the distant heights of Loschwitz and the Weisser Hirsch, but the prospect has of late years become somewhat marred, owing to the extension of the town up the river and to the two new up-stream bridges.
Though the experimental and theoretical developments were not necessarily dependent on each other, and by far the larger proportion of the subject which we now term " Spectroscopy " could stand irrespective of Gustav Kirchhoff's thermodynamical investigations, there is no doubt that the latter was, historically speaking, the immediate cause of the feeling of confidence with which the new branch of science was received, for nothing impresses the scientific world more strongly than just that little touch of mystery which attaches to a mathematical investigation which can only be understood by the few, and is taken on trust by the many, provided that the author is a man who commands general confidence.
Pwllheli commands a good view of Merionethshire and of the Snowdon range, with the entire sweep of Cardigan Bay, Carreg yr ymbill (gimlet stone) at the mouth of the harbour, Abersoch and St Tudwal's Islands.
From 1905 to 1909 he held various commands in the Philippines.
In the city are two sanitariums. The city has two parks (one, Ethan Allen Park, is on a bluff in the north-west part of the city, and commands a fine view) and four cemeteries; in Green Mount Cemetery, which overlooks the Winooski valley, is a monument over the grave of Ethan Allen, who lived in Burlington from 1778 until his death.
And such bodies placed under the command of a sovereign or grand master, regulated by statutes, and enriched by ecclesiastical endowments would have been precisely what in after times such orders as the Garter in England, the Golden Fleece in Burgundy, the Annunziata in Savoy and the St Michael and Holy Ghost in France actually were.4 During the 14th and 15th centuries, as well as somewhat earlier and later, the general arrangements of a European army were always and everywhere pretty much the same.5 Under the sovereign the constable and the marshal g or marshals held the chief commands, their authority being partly joint and partly several.
Afterward he held commands in Tennessee and Virginia until 1868.
The lofty tower commands an extensive view.
It lies on a plateau about 880 ft., above sea-level and commands pleasant views of diversified scenery.
In the same year the gold and silver coinage of Paraguay were legally standardized as identical with those of Argentina (5 gold dollars or pesos = £ 1); but paper money is about the only circulating medium, and gold commands a high premium (1600% in December 1908).
Immediately below that town the Rhone rushes through a great natural gateway, a narrow and striking defile (now strongly fortified), which commands the entrance of the Valais.
The castle, at the north-east angle of the town, commands a fine view.
Brisbane is well provided with parks and open spaces; the Victoria Park and Bowen Park are the largest; the high-lying Mount Coot-tha commands fine views, and there are other parks and numerous recreation grounds in various parts of the city, besides the admirable botanical gardens and the gardens of the Acclimatization Society.
During the commune he held important commands in the army of Versailles, and occupied the burning Tuileries and the Louvre on May 23rd.
Though still, in fact at least, if not by law, excluded from many public offices, especially from commands in the army, they nevertheless are very powerful in Germany the press being for the most part in their hands, and they furnisl in many cities fully one-half of the lawyers and the members of the corporation.
It is the almost invariable practice of the kings of Prussia to command their forces in person, and the army commands, too, are generally held by leaders of royal or princely rank.
A standing army was kept up on the Rhine, divided into two commands, upper and lower Germany, the headquarters of the former being at Mainz, those of the latter at Vetera, near Xanten.
He disliked the Privilege of Worms and, favoring the towns against the princes, his policy was diametrically opposed to that of the emperor; however, in 1232 he went to Italy and promised to obey his fathers commands.
Its loftiest point, known as Pen-y-gader, rises to the height of 2914 ft., and in clear weather commands a magnificent panorama of immense extent.
The neighbouring country is generally hilly, and Slieve True (1100 ft.) commands a magnificent prospect.
Among other modern thoroughfares, the Via di Circonvallazione a Monte, laid out since 1876 on the hills at the back of the town, leads by many curves from the Piazza Manin along the hill-tops westward, and finally descends into the Piazza Acquaverde; its entire length is traversed by an electric tramway, and it commands magnificent views of the town.
This God varies his commands at pleasure, prescribes one law for the Christians, another for the Jews, and a third for the Moslems; nay, he even changes his instructions to the Moslems when it pleases him.
A great number contain ceremonial or civil laws, or even special commands to individuals down to such matters as the regulation of Mahomet's harem.
It is, as it were, the fort which commands the way from Europe to the East.
As the Egyptian brigadier, who had spent some years in Berlin, spoke German fluently, and it was also understood by the senior British officers, that language was used for all commands given by the sirdar on that special parade.
After the siege had continued many days, Khorshld gave orders to cannonade and bombard the town.; and for six days his commands were executed with little interruption, the citadel itself also lying between two fires.
This wily chief professed his willingness to obey the commands of the Porte, but stated that his troops, to whom he owed a vast sum of money, opposed his departure.
The suzerainty of the sultan he acknowledged, and at the reiterated commands of the Porte he despatched in 1811 an army of 8000 men, including 2000 horse, under the command of his son Tflsfln, a youth of sixteen, against the WahhgbIs (q.v.).
It is a plausible conjecture that the original narratives of J and E also contained directions for the construction of an ark,' as a substitute for the personal presence of Yahweh, and also for the erection of a "tent of meeting" outside the camp, and that these commands were omitted by R P in favour of the more elaborate instructions given in ch.
The parliament finished a session of hysterical passion by passing a series of resolutions of extreme violence, of which one was that Monmouth should be restored to all his offices and commands; and when Charles summoned a fresh parliament to meet at Oxford the leaders of the exclusionists went thither with troops of armed men.
The conference of Anglican bishops from all parts of the world, instituted by Archbishop Longley in 1867, and known as the Lambeth Conferences, though even for the Anglican communion they have not the authority of an ecumenical synod, and their decisions are rather of the nature of counsels than commands, have done much to promote the harmony and co-operation of the various branches of the Church.
The situation of the Alhambra is one of rare natural beauty; the plateau commands a wide view of the city and plain of Granada, towards the west and north, and of the heights of the Sierra Nevada, towards the east and south.
The town commands a fine view to the north over the plain of Emilia and the lower course of the Po, itself lying on the foothills of the Apennines.
The rabbis had fenced the Sabbath round with minute commands, lest any Jews should even seem to work on the Sabbath day.
Laibach is an episcopal see, and possesses a cathedral in the Italian style, several beautiful churches, a town hall in Renaissance style and a castle, built in the 15th century, on the Schlossberg, an eminence which commands the town.
Land varies in value according to the amount of water available, but as a rule commands an extraordinarily high price.
Anthony (2345 ft.) commands a magnificent view.
To him were due the introduction of the three-years' service and the establishment of a general staff, a supreme council of war, and the army commands.
Havana commands the wholesale trade of all the western half of the island, and is the centre of commercial and banking interests.
The latter fort took twelve years to build, and commands all the roads leading from the Oxus into Afghan Turkestan.
Another force under Sir Frederick Roberts marched up to the high passes leading out of Kurram into the interior of Afghanistan, defeated the amir's troops at the Peiwar Kotal, and seized the Shutargardan Pass which commands a direct route to Kabul through the Logar valley.
Eagle Rock (about 650 ft.), on the summit of First Mountain, commands a splendid view.
Dartmouth Castle, in part of Tudor date, commands the river a little below the town.
The jealousy of the latter two was prompted by the fact that the governorship and military commands had become not only much more important, but also much more lucrative, while power and money again procured many adherents.
When Abu Bekr sent his troops for the conquest of Syria, Yazid, the eldest son of Abu Sofian, held one of the chief commands, with Moawiya as his lieutenant.
A few days previously Cadorna had modified the system of commands in the threatened sector.
These entered into disputes over the location of the capital and the custom-house, in the Franciscan question also (because the friars came some from a northern and some from a southern college), and in the question of the distribution of commands in the army and offices in the civil government.
Perioeci might serve as petty officers or even rise to divisional commands, especially in the fleet, but seemingly they were never set over Spartiates.
In a message sent to Army Headquarters at 4 P.M., he reported the enemy success south of Jeza, but said that he had no news from the commands of the 10th Div.
Without taking Krauss's aspirations too seriously, it may well be believed that if the German and Austrian Commands had worked out a bigger plan they would have done even more than they did do.
The Council of Trent, while it commands all bishops to teach "the sound doctrine of purgatory handed down by the venerable fathers and sacred councils," bids them exclude from popular addresses all the "more difficult and subtle questions relating to the subject which do not tend to edification."
It is a place of some strategical importance, as it commands the approaches to India and Seistan from Herat.
Of these, the Tour de Constance, built by Louis IX., is the most interesting; it commands the northwestern angle of the ramparts, and contains two circular, vaulted chambers, used as prisons for Protestants after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
Interlaken is much frequented in summer, partly because of the glorious view of the Jungfrau (13,669 ft.) which it commands to the south, and partly because it is the best starting-point for many excursions, as to Schynige Platte, Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald.
Another most imposing structure is the theatre, dating from the time of the emperor Hadrian and built against a hill from the summit of which a colossal figure of the Virgin commands the town.
He aimed a further blow at Fustel's system by showing that the Frankish kings had never borne the Roman title of vir inluster, and that they could not therefore be considered as being in the first place Roman magistrates; and that in the royal diplomas the king issued his commands as rex Francorum and addressed his functionaries as viri inlustres.
To-day, by reason of other uses to which electricity is applied, electrically deposited copper of high conductivity is in everincreasing demand, and commands a higher price than copper refined by fusion.
The United Kingdom is subdivided into 7 commands and 12 districts, the commands under a lieutenant-general or general as commander-in-chief and the districts under brigadier-generals.
The commands are the eastern, southern, western, northern, Scottish, Irish and the Aldershot.
In the colonial establishment the principal commands are the Mediterranean (including Egypt) and the South African.
And this is fulfilled when he obeys the commands of law and the true order; when he tends his cattle and fields, in contrast with the lawless and predatory nomad (Dahae); when he wars on all harmful and evil creatures, and on the devilworshippers; when he keeps free from pollution the pure creations of Ahuramazdauire foremost, but also earth and water; and, above all, when he practises the Good and True in thought, word and work.
These were facilitated by the customquite contrary to the original imperial organizationwhich entrusted the provincial military commands to the satraps, who began to receive great masses of Greek mercenaries into their service.
It is addressed to the person in whose custody another is detained, and commands him to bring his prisoner before the court immediately after the receipt of the writ, together with the day and cause of his being taken and detained, to undergo and receive (ad subjiciendum et recipiendum) whatsoever the court awarding the writ "may consider of concerning him in that behalf."
The finest Caldas da Rainha china-ware, with its fantastic representations of birds, beasts and fishes, still commands a fair price in foreign markets; but the blue and white ware originally copied from Delft and later modified under the influence of Persian pottery is now only 'manufactured in small quantities, of inferior quality.
The British sovereign is legal tender for 4500 reis, but in practice usually commands a premium.
The importance of the fortress lies in the fact that it prevents Warsaw from being turned by a force on the lower Vistula and commands the railway between Danzig and Warsaw.
The Indian women are expert weavers, and their handiwork often commands high prices.
The highest elevation in the immediate neighbourhood is the Kreuzberg (200 ft.), a hill in the southern suburb of Schoneberg, which commands a fine view of the city.
This proof rests, objectively regarded, on a fallacy; for the law, of which the validity is threatened by the doctrine of justification, is that part of the book of the law which demands the observance of all commands, not that which relates anything about Abraham.
In order to attain to salvation, man is justified, and when SO justified CAN DO NO More Than The Commands Of God.
The pensioned king, Bahadur Shah, was proclaimed emperor; his sons were appointed to various military commands.
The custom-house commands the river in a fine position at the lower junction of the branches.
Almost every step of his promotion was gained on the field of battle, and in 1844 the duc d'Aumale himself asked for Cavaignac's promotion to the rank of marechal de camp. This was made in the same year, and he held various district commands in Algeria up to 1848, when the provisional government appointed him governor-general of the province with the rank of general of division.
It commands a magnificent view.
During his last two commands he was engaged first in overlooking the measures taken to meet a threatened invasion, and then in directing the movements of the numerous small squadrons and private ships employed on the coasts of Spain and Portugal, and in protecting trade.
Above the right bank of the river a low elevation, Cooper's Hill, commands fine views over the valley, and over Windsor Great Park to the west.
The college for women, surrounded by extensive grounds, commands a wide view from the wooded slope on which it stands.
It is picturesquely situated, and commands a fine view.
Out of 73 mutinous regiments, only four colonels were found worthy of other commands.
Annan Hill commands a beautiful prospect.
It forms an important seat of the rice trade with several steam rice mills, and has great capabilities both from a mercantile and a military point of view, as it commands the great outlet of the Irrawaddy.
Sarili ordered the commands of the spirits to be obeyed.
It commands all the passes which here debouch from the north through the Hindu Kush, and from the west through Kandahar; and through it passed successive invasions of India by Alexander the Great, Mahmud of Ghazni, Jenghiz Khan, Baber, Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah.
Examples among the Egyptian monks of this blind submission to the commands of the superiors, exalted into a virtue by those who regarded the entire crushing of the individual will as the highest excellence, are detailed by Cassian and others, - e.g.
Its campus is finely situated on a hill above the main part of the city; it lies between Fall Creek and Cascadilla Creek (each of which has cut a deep gorge), and commands a beautiful view of the valley and of Lake Cayuga.
He stated briefly and dogmatically the principal points of the Christian faith and the Roman Catholic policy, and concluded by calling upon Atahuallpa to become a Christian, obey the commands of the pope, give up the administration of his kingdom, and pay tribute to Charles V., to whom had been granted the conquest of these lands.
He also outlawed the whole body of the clergy, save the timid remnant who promised to disregard the papal commands.
Charles was only too anxious to avoid the duty of carrying out the popes commands, and a year later he was once more involved in war with France.
In 1850, after the Don Pacifico debate, the queen repeated these commands in a, much stronger memorandum.
For south of Egypt lay the great territory of the Sudan, which to some extent commands the Nile, and which had been added to the Egyptian dominions at various periods between 1820 and 1875.
So it fell out that, when Octavian and the Senate declared war against Antony and Cleopatra, Herod was preoccupied in obedience to her commands and was thus prevented from fighting against the future emperor of Rome.
Of humble origin, he served with high distinction and held important military commands under the emperors Probus and Aurelian, and accompanied Carus to the Persian War.
It is assumed that divine commands have been implicitly given for all occasions of life, and that they are to be ascertained in particular cases by interpretation of the general rules obtained from texts of scripture, and by inference from scriptural examples.
For example, we find him arguing for the legitimacy of judicial punishments and military service against an over-literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount; and he took an important part in giving currency to the distinction between evangelical " counsels " and " commands," and so defending the life of marriage and temperate enjoyment of natural good against the attacks of the more extravagant advocate of celibacy and self-abnegation; although he fully admitted the superiority of the latter method of avoiding the contamination of sin.
We have, however, to distinguish in the case of the gospel between (1) absolute commands and (2) " counsels," which latter recommend, without positively ordering the monastic life of poverty, celibacy and obedience as the best method of effectively turning the will from earthly to heavenly things.
The commands of God are to be ascertained " from scripture and the light of nature combined."
He also commands the departmental constabulary or panders.
The military governor of the town also commands the troops in the other Spanish stations on the coast of Morocco.
Other causes of trouble probably existed, for in 1231 Henry not only refused to appear at the diet at Ravenna, but opposed the privileges granted by Frederick to the princes at Worms. In 1232, however, he submitted to his father, promising to adopt the emperor's policy and to obey his commands.
An assembly was held at Pavia, and when Heribert refused to obey the commands of the emperor he was seized and imprisoned; but he escaped to Milan, where the citizens took up arms in his favour.
In 1835 the profession of the Christian religion was declared illegal; all worship was to cease, and all religious books were ordered to be given up. By the middle of 1836 all the English missionaries were obliged to leave the island, and for twenty.-five years the most strenuous efforts were made by the queen and her government to suppress all opposition to her commands.
In the general assembly of its members this body of officials decided the selection of the mayor; it presented Flaochat to the choice of Queen Nanthilda, Dagoberts widow; after long discussion it appointed Ebroin as mayor; it submitted requests that were in reality commands to the Assembly of Bonneuil in 616 and later to Childeric in 670.
The system was kept in full vigour by the missi dominici, who regularly reported or reformed any abuses of adniinistration, and by the courts, military, judicial or political, which brought to Charlemagne the strength of the wealth of his subjects, carrying his commands and his ideas to the farthest, limits of the Empire.
The frequent convocations of military assemblies, far from testifying to political liberty, was simply a means of communicating the emperors commands to the various feudal groups.
But vassalage could only be a cause of disintegration, not of unity, and that this disintegration did not at once spread indefinitely was due to the dozen or so great military commands Flanders, Burgundy, Aquitaine, &c.which Charles the Bald had been obliged to establish on a strong territorial basis.
The city is built on ground sloping gently to the water's edge, and commands delightful views of the bay, in which there are several islands.
The commands were full of military activity.
The well-read and intelligent bee-keeper, content to work on orthodox lines, will be able to manage an apiary - large or small - by guiding and controlling the countless army he commands in a way that will yield him both pleasure and profit.
Against the former he upheld the prerogative of the bishops; against the latter he asserted that it was impossible for a bishop to disregard the commands of the Holy See.
But the general argument, that the papacy may command obedience only so far as its commands are consonant with the teaching of Christ and the apostles, is only what should be expected from an ecclesiastical reformer of Grosseteste's time.
It is on an elevation from the rolling prairie, which commands a fine view over the valley of the Arkansas.
Otherwise the town contains no buildings of artistic or historical interest, but it commands striking views.
The Monte Luco, which commands a splendid view, has several hermitages upon it.
But this, since it arises from the moral order as a unity grounded in the very essence of freedom and not accidentally instituted by external commands, establishes the teleology of nature on grounds which a priori must be inseparably connected with the inner possibility of things.
On his return to the Peninsula, the Federal Republican government in 1873 confided to General Campos several high commands, in which he again distinguished himself against the Cantonal Republicans and the Carlists.
After the death of King Alphonso, Campos steadily supported the regency of Queen Christina, and held high commands, though declining to take office.
That might seem a little odd here as we appear to repeat the same commands ad infinitum because the number of colors is fixed.
Within this discourse of rights there is no single definition of a right which commands universal assent.
The Russian astronauts are all trained to carry out commands sent from the ground.
Extend long commands onto a second line by using a backslash (\) at the end of the first line.
The castle commands magnificent views that can be best appreciated from the mighty battlements.
The rear of the house overlooks the village beck, whilst the front commands glorious views across Wharfedale.
Commands to check the operation calender are also supported.
An almost classical permutation group of small degree is examined with some elementary GAP 3 commands.
Safe interpreters are not allowed to invoke hidden commands in themselves or in their descendants.
Only shell builtin commands or commands found by searching the PATH are executed.
You can also find info on at commands on the Internet.
There was general agreement that this mission would be assigned to one of the Department's nine combatant commands.
It is easy to extract data from the raw text output, using unix commands like grep and awk.
See the OUTPUT FOR OTHER COMMANDS section for information on selecting field output and the associated command name descriptor.
You cannot have any assurance while you wilfully disobey God's commands, not seeking to change.
It attains an elevation of 675 feet, and commands a view of the city of Edinburgh.
Freedmen could also register as soldiers in their own right rose to military governorships and commands.
Graphics Point, line, circle and arc drawing commands in high-resolution graphics Point, line, circle and arc drawing commands in high-resolution graphics.
Note that commands may set their own response to hangups, overriding hup.
For commands that are not internal to the shell, the command name is substituted separately from the argument list.
While in the game, people could add lo the database by creating new objects, rooms and commands.
The problem is I do not know the commands to send to request data from the data logger.
The 96K lynx is supplied with an additional eight-page 96K User Manual, which briefly explains each of the new commands.
The mahouts have generally worked with the elephants for many years and the elephants respond quickly to the mahouts signals and commands.
Clarence House, built by English masons for the Duke, stands on a small hill which commands a fine view of the dockyard.
Commands to add or delete appointments might be accessed via a pull-down menu.
Players type commands on their own home micro, which are passed through the network to the host computer.
After all, they still nee to write commands.
In addition to the game manual, a keyboard overlay is provided to help you learn the large number of commands in the game.
It will continuously check for commands from the RS232 interface and button press events.
The commands use only printable ASCII characters, and the file can be examined or modified with a text editor.
Property of all kinds making for human comfort commands the respect of all men.
Each of the echo commands should be reasonably self-explanatory.
Unlike some previous shells, commands run from a file of shell commands have no access to the text of the commands by default.
Some commands to move to another port then switched gas solenoids on and off in seemingly uncontrolled fashion.
Christ commands us to see not only the splinter in our adversary's eye, but also the beam in our own.
The strong fencing throughout, coupled with excellent sportsmanship from all and great attitude, meant that the Commands were once more a success.
The toric package also contains several commands unrelated to toric package also contains several commands unrelated to toric varieties (mostly for list manipulations ).
The class work on plain paper, drawing the triangle with the help of a protractor, then writing the commands below.
The " Expect " perl module is a module in perl which adds a relatively user-friendly way of making a script which automates commands.
The house is situated at the head of the beautiful vale of Dacre, down which it commands an extensive and delightful prospect.
Maureen, the shrinking violet, commands most of the laughs.
It commands a view of the elevated coast of Asia Minor towards the north, and of the Archipelago, studded with its numerous islands, on the north-west; while on the south-west is seen Mount Ida in Crete, often veiled in clouds, and on the south and south-east the vast expanse of waters which wash the African shore.
Sardinian coral commands from 3 to 4 per kilogramme (2.204 Ib), and is much more valuable than the Sicilian coral.
Though less central than Philippopolis and less renowned in Bulgarian history than Trnovo, Sofia a s selected as the capital of the newly-created Bulgarian state in view of its strategical position, which commands the routes to Constantinople, Belgrade, Macedonia and the Danube.
Outside this again lies a projecting semicircular bastion, which commands the entrance from the exterior of the city on the E., a winding trench approached by a pair of double gateways, which are not vaulted but covered by the gradual projection of the upper courses.
Such commands as "ravage, singe, and burn all about, and reduce the whole district to a wilderness!"
She, along with her son, was escorted into Austria by Count von Neipperg, and refused to comply with the entreaties and commands of Napoleon to proceed to Elba; and her alienation from him was completed when he ventured to threaten her with a forcible abduction if she did not obey.
He immediately gained a prominent position in the party hostile to the Court, and before he had been six months in the House of Commons he proposed a resolution that all "popish recusants" should be removed from military commands; the motion, enlarged so as to include civil employment, was carried without a division on the 28th of February 1672-1673.
But from this enormous increase of territory and influence arose a whole series of new and difficult problems. The court of Rome had to substitute for the old Greek hierarchy a hierarchy of Latin bishops; to force the remaining Greek clergy to practise the beliefs and rites of the Roman religion and bow to the supremacy of the pope; to maintain in the Greco-Latin Eastern Church the necessary order, morality and subordination; to defend it against the greed and violence of the nobles and barons who had founded the Latin Empire; and to compel the leaders of the new empire to submit to the apostolic power and execute its commands.
They narrate how the commands of ch.
Fort de la Moune (so called from the monkeys said to have haunted the neighbourhood) is at the western end of the harbour, and commands the road from Oran to Mers-elKebir (see below).
After reiterating commands to abstain from idolatry and to observe the Sabbath, vv.
The top of Pentelicus commands a view over the plain of Marathon, and from it the Athenian traitors gave the signal to the Persians by a flashing shield on the day of the battle.
Sometimes his commands are merely presumptuous; sometimes as when, for example, he preaches crusades against Christians for purely secular reasonsthey are the most horrible form of blasphemy.
Namyawaza, for instance, whom Itakkama (see above) accuses of disloyalty, writes thus to the Pharaoh, " Behold, I and my warriors and my chariots, together with my brethren and my SA-GAS, and my Suti 10 are at the disposal of the (royal) troops, to go whithersoever the king, my lord, commands."
Only such a one can appreciate the eagerness with which I talked to my toys, to stones, trees, birds and dumb animals, or the delight I felt when at my call Mildred ran to me or my dogs obeyed my commands.
What are your commands, little countess?
To whomever Your Majesty commands.
On the twenty-fifth of August, so his historians tell us, Napoleon spent the whole day on horseback inspecting the locality, considering plans submitted to him by his marshals, and personally giving commands to his generals.
After giving these and other commands he returned to his tent, and the dispositions for the battle were written down from his dictation.
So it was not because of Napoleon's commands that they killed their fellow men.
The same submissive, expressionless look with which he had listened to the Emperor's commands on the field of Austerlitz seven years before settled on his face now.
On the other hand, even if we admitted that words could be the cause of events, history shows that the expression of the will of historical personages does not in most cases produce any effect, that is to say, their commands are often not executed, and sometimes the very opposite of what they order occurs.
When, for instance, we say that Napoleon ordered armies to go to war, we combine in one simultaneous expression a whole series of consecutive commands dependent one on another.
Today he ordered such and such papers to be written to Vienna, to Berlin, and to Petersburg; tomorrow such and such decrees and orders to the army, the fleet, the commissariat, and so on and so on--millions of commands, which formed a whole series corresponding to a series of events which brought the French armies into Russia.
Only the possible ones get linked up with a consecutive series of commands corresponding to a series of events, and are executed.
So that examining the relation in time of the commands to the events, we find that a command can never be the cause of the event, but that a certain definite dependence exists between the two.
This relation of the commander to those he commands is just what is called power.
The noncommissioned officers (of whom there are fewer) perform the action itself less frequently than the soldiers, but they already give commands.
An officer still less often acts directly himself, but commands still more frequently.
Examining only those expressions of the will of historical persons which, as commands, were related to events, historians have assumed that the events depended on those commands.
For Christ commands, Beware of false prophets who come to you in the clothing of sheep, yet inwardly are ravenous wolves !
And do it all in real-time without any complicated commands or modeling.
You may want to reissue the namespace import command to pick up new commands that have appeared in a namespace.
Ernest commands attention, furiously twisting a soaked beer mat into rhombic shapes.
Here our Lord commands that we are to " judge righteous judgment, " which is judgment based upon the Word of God.
The few text commands are single key entries such as E for eat or G for get.
Christ commands us to see not only the splinter in our adversary 's eye, but also the beam in our own.
A block of memory can be full of numbers which could easily be commands, sprite data or musical notes.
The toric package also contains several commands unrelated to toric varieties (mostly for list manipulations).
The internal cut and paste is used when executing copy and move drawing commands and also cut and copy commands from the edit menu.
Baby signing is the process of applying elementary gestures to common words or commands.
If your dog doesn't reliably follow basic commands - such as sit, stay, come, off, and leave it - sign up for a class with your local humane society or obedience club.
Do you want a more formal chair, one that commands attention?
Intense coloration commands the highest prices.
Some devices also let you give it commands, eliminating any need to reference the GPS device.
Different automotive Global Positioning Systems have unique features including push button activation, touch screens, or voice commands.
This is a way that you can do anything from control the commands of your computer (ask it to open documents, delete files, navigate through a webpage, etc.) to write essays, emails, and applications with a hands-free mode.
Think of the processor as the brain, sending out commands to the body and accepting external data.
Your cat isn't interested in pleasing you, he's interested in pleasing himself and no amount of muscling him into position or repeating verbal commands is going to make a bit of positive difference in his behavior.
It is recommended you complete the tutorial so you don't get lost in commands and strange interfaces by jumping right in.
Early GIMP versions forced users to search for tools and commands, but later versions include a main window menu from which a number of edits can be done.
He eventually fought his way out of a life of crime to become a popular music icon who commands much respect from just about everyone but his fellow rap artists.
The actor now commands $20 million per picture.
In addition to using her "Hilton-ness" to get into exclusive events, Reid also commands $5,000 per appearance at parties.
Reportedly, Depp commands around $29 million per film.
He commands around $40 million per film.
Lure training - Developed by Dr. Ian Dunbar, lure training uses an object of attraction to teach obedience commands such as "Sit," "Down" or "Heel."
With lure training, you can add hand signals and word signals for commands.
As the dog learns the hand signals and word signals for the commands, the lure can gradually be phased out of the training sessions.
Ideally, your dog should have undergone basic obedience training prior to visiting a large dog park so you can be confident they will respond to your stop, heel, and come commands.
This instinctual pack behavior is mirrored in the dog/human relationship as well, so you must establish yourself as the leader of the pack if you want your dog to follow your commands.
Happy, excited commands will elicit a happy, excited reaction from your pet, and likewise, a scolding tone will cause your dog to act sheepish and submissive.
Because this language barrier exists, it is important to limit commands to one or two words at the most.
Let's look at the two most important commands to teach your pet as training begins.
Electronic dog collars are training devices that can be used to provide reinforcement during your initial dog training efforts, giving your dog that extra incentive to comply with your commands.
Step one is to personally work with your dog to teach him the verbal commands you intend to use and what he needs to do to comply.
This includes commands such as "No", "Sit", "Stay", etc. Say the command and show him what to do until he gets it.
Electronic dog collars used for this purporse can help reinforce your commands to perform a specific task or behavior.
Vibration stimulation is useful for giving silent commands, lessening the chance of confusing your pet or other dogs training around him.
Most schools offer private lessons and group classes in numerous types of training, from simply teaching your dog to walk on a leash to a wider range of obedience commands.
By delivering a small static shock to your dog, they can be used to deter unacceptable behaviors such as nuisance barking or to reinforce your verbal commands.
Obedience training videos can help you transform your dog from public enemy number one to model citizen by demonstrating the nuts and bolts of basic commands.
He is also very stubborn, and does not like to obey commands, although he does know them.
It is the same with all of his commands.
Regarding following commands, I think you should take the decision whether or not to obey out of your dog's control.
Each dog is paired with one handler who will be taught how to give the commands that each guide animal has been trained to respond to.
Once she learns the commands you can stop her dead in her tracks when she begins to harass your male.
Be sure to enroll your pet in a puppy class to socialize him and teach him a few basic commands.
Herding commands are a language all their own, and they are commands that you will have to learn quickly if you wish to successfully train your pooch.
Your dog should also know basic commands like "sit," "stay" and "come" since they are essential for keeping her safe, particularly around cattle.
Some people may balk at the normally higher prices plus size furniture commands and this is understandable.
The earliest games in this genre were text-only, using a verb-noun parser to interpret a user's typed commands.
Players use the mouse (or a combination of mouse and keyboard commands) to interact with the world, solve puzzles, collect items, etc. LucasArts also entered the field with the Monkey Island games and Maniac Mansion several years later.
It's a two-man squad, but you can issue commands to your partner as you transverse the terrain and attack your enemies.
Then enter the commands on a server to activate them.
Then, when you're ready to get back into the action, you have to make sure that your commands are being followed.
I found his voice very fitting to the atmosphere of the game because as you are completing your missions, he also interjects other commands, comments, or helpful hints.
Gamemaker contains its own language if certain elements cannot be created with the inherent commands.
The Training section is an invaluable place to learn how to get familiar with troop commands and abilities.
A few examples utilized thusfar are recording small clips of speech, sounds, etc., shouting commands or blowing bubbles by breathing into the microphone.
But to make things easier to remember and keep the words very distinct, we've chosen a good set of commands that will help your training go much more smoothly.
Have two commands, one named "gimme paw" and the other "hand", one for the left paw and the other for the right.
Your time in Nintendogs will be divided by caring for your dogs (feeding, bathing, walking), goofing off (throwing soccer balls, using the bubble blower), training them with verbal commands, and entering them into competitions.
The core gameplay involves issuing real-time commands to "minions", a collection of gremlin-like creatures controlled by the self-titled protagonist of the game.
A game developer can't assume the buyer's PC will have 2 GB of RAM or be able to support an advanced set of 3D graphics commands.
This is the guy or girl that will be at the mercy of your keystrokes and commands, so make him or her someone you are willing to grow with.
Oftentimes when you open a treasure chest or perform other Look commands, a quick-thinking mini-game pops onto the screen.
Controlling yourself and your squad may seem daunting if you've never played a game of this sort, but Socom 3 makes it easy for you to give commands if you're a novice or if you just want to concentrate on the action.
Hitting L2 and pointing your crosshair at an area commands your squad to 'go there', 'cover', or 'attack'.
Once you learn how to move units, issue commands and navigate the game's menu, you're ready to roll.
Players use the mouse for everything in the game, so there are no keyboard commands to remember.
Players control everything with the mouse, so there's no keyboard commands to remember.
These high-tech but small devices can operate on voice commands and work wirelessly with a compatible cell phone.
Furthermore, many commands were gesture-based, allowing users to flick their fingers to move on to the next photo.
This means that when you tap on the screen, the mobile phone vibrates a little to acknowledge your commands.
Unfortunately, these controls can be non-responsive at times, forcing consumers to use voice commands instead.
Other notable features include Adobe Flash support, voice commands, the 4.3-inch screen, turn-by-turn navigation, and a large 1920mAh battery.
This touchscreen-based device runs Google Android and comes preloaded with Bing Search, VZ Navigator, a 3.2-megapixel camera, Facebook, Twitter, and speaker-indepedent voice commands and voice-activiated dialing.
In addition, the games give children a level of control that they do not experience in real life, as the characters on the screen respond to the children's commands.
Corticospinal tract-A tract of nerve cells that carries motor commands from the brain to the spinal cord.
They may also be able to understand words and phrases, follow simple commands, use a few words or signs, and recognize and interact with others.
Voluntary motor commands begin in the motor cortex, located on the outer wrinkled surface of the brain.
The cerebellum sends out electrical signals to modify movements as they progress, "sculpting" the barrage of voluntary commands into a tightly controlled, constantly evolving pattern.
Although there is some reading involved, most lessons are presented in a way that commands the attention of even the youngest learner.
Again, experience commands a higher salary, and jobs located in big cities pay more to adjust for the cost of living.
For instance, the Twister towel comes with a board to spin the commands, while the towel itself is the twister mat.
Not only are the side ties slung low, but the front of the suit features a keyhole top that simply commands attention.
Biscuit, a spritely yellow dog that is comparable in size to some toddlers, can respond to your commands and acts impressively close to a real live dog.
Plus, it responds to certain voice commands and it can respond to the child playing with it by turning its "head", thanks to a direction sensor.
Talking stuffed animals are often popular with this demographic because it is something relatable - some can read them a story, others spout out lines from favorite movies, and still others respond to commands and words spoken by the child.
The higher the status an actress commands, the more visibility a designer can expect his dress to achieve.
Battleship - A two-player naval combat strategy game in which each player commands their own fleet of ships while they track down their enemy and attack.
His performances are worthy of applause, and he commands respect.
Leo is true to his symbol and commands attention the moment he walks into a room.
Too many scholars and managers spells out a society that is immersed in theorizing and commands, but lacks the manpower to carry out these initiatives.
Children also need websites that are easy to use - no complex clicking or computer commands welcome.
Authoritarian parents may not understand the reasons behind the rules they make or communicate these underlying reasons to their children, making their commands seem arbitrary to their children.
Occasionally a single design from a women's Gucci watch collection commands the greatest amount of attention.
While Firefox currently commands about a 10% market share, you can expect this to increase because of its Mac-friendly approach.
This digital memo recorder responds to voice commands, allows users to set a password, and is designed to be used with only one hand.
While a hand embroidery pattern is often simply a picture which a person can transfer onto a piece of canvas, a machine pattern is a series of commands that the embroidery follows to produce a particular piece.
Bring the guests through a series of commands until you're eventually telling them to take off certain items of clothing.
Victoria's Secret's bra top collection commands attention.
It's generally best to avoid using width and height commands in your music code unless you need to.
Tucked away in the emote menu is also a list of dance commands perfect for unleashing on the dance floor.
Our Space Cases are stranded on a partially sentient alien ship that will only respond to the students' commands - so now, the failing students have no choice but to pull their act together and get themselves home.
Inspired by TNG, give commands, make strategic manuevers , and manage different stations all from the captain's chair.
He commands respect and authority, but does not demand it.
Histrionics are not his style, he drinks tea, chairs meetings, takes things under advisement and commands his troops to 'make it so'.
Since the destruction of Caprica, he experiences a mental projection of a Cylon Six model who guides him, offers advice and commands.
He's a leader who commands respect, but who relates to the enlisted personnel as well as his officers.
Not only will this avoid any extra text messaging charges, but the mobile web interface offers a more visual interaction with Twitter than the text commands offer.
The formal uniform for all service branches commands authority, immediately identifies the person, and inspires pride for both the wearer and the viewer.
Drummers even issued commands to the soldiers through "drum calls".
In addition to buttons that users click to issue commands, other common widgets include scroll bars, text boxes, drop down lists, data entry fields and navigational features.
In the days before graphic user interfaces became the standard, users had to be able to recognize and manipulate code in order to issue commands.
Now, thanks to widgets, commands can quickly and easily be issued by the click of a button or navigational arrow.
This approach works by using commands like "../" to start the path on a lower directory level, or "./" to start from your current location.
You don't really need to understand the commands to follow the logic.
The first is to code a web page with basic HTML commands to create fields for users to input text and then have that text e-mailed to you.
Then, you can add that information manually to a basic web page that you generate with simple commands.
It's an easier way to work with the HTML code, especially if you have no idea what HTML commands mean.
Like some of the guestbook codes above, some HTML codes work in conjunction with Perl to create a page the user sees and saves what they write without any complex commands needed by you or the visitor.
With some simple "embedded" commands, the web pages had a very small file size (less than 10k) yet they could play a complete polyphonic orchestral piece.
You can use the following commands within your new HTML document to place, format and size both images and text on the page.
However, in either case, you have to make use of two status commands that tell the browser when to show the rollover effect.
You can see the power of different CSS commands on identical sites most clearly on the famous CSS Zen Garden, which is a laboratory and training site for both the elementary and advanced CSS coder.
Eventually, the MySQL developers noticed this, and they came up with a couple of commands to make that process easier.
Barely aware of anything outside of his commands, she obeyed.
She issued only a few commands, enough to lock them out to anyone but her.
He darted and dashed, stopped and sprinted at its commands, focused on navigating the dangerous territory.
So far they had seen her blow up at him and obediently follow his commands.
Stavanger commands a considerable tourist traffic. It is the starting-point of a favourite tour, embracing the fine valley of the Sand River, the great Lake Suldal and the Bratlandsdal.
In 1272 the commands of the chief of his order and the request of King Charles brought him back to the professor's chair at Naples.
It commands a fine harbour, affording safe anchorage for the greater part of the year.
Although the first definite endeavour to locate the Golden Chersonese thus dates from the middle of the 2nd century of our era, the name was apparently well known to the learned of Europe at a somewhat earlier period, and in his Antiquities of the Jews, written during the latter half of the 1st century, Josephus says that Solomon gave to the pilots furnished to him by Hiram of Tyre commands " that they should go along with his stewards to the land that of old was called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus, which belongs to India, to fetch gold."
There is no idea of government, but in each sept there is a head, who has attained that position by degrees on account of some tacitly admitted superiority and commands a limited respect and some obedience.
Munjoy Hill commands a fine view of Casco Bay, which is overlooked by other wooded heights.
Bramhall Hill commands an extensive view west and north-west of the bay, the mainland, and the White Mountains some 80 m.
After a succession of high military commands he received the appointment of chief of the general staff in 1896.
At first, as Erdmanns suggests, it may have consisted of only seven commands.
After laying down my pen, I took several turns in a berceau or covered walk of acacias, which commands a prospect of the country, the lake, and the mountains.
While the peace between the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War lasted, Howe held commands at home and on the west coast of Africa.
The promenade of Hamilton Terrace commands a fine view of the broad expanse of the Haven with its various towns and forts.
The members took no vows and were free to leave when they chose; but so long as they remained they were bound to observe chastity, to practise personal poverty, putting all their money and earnings into the common fund, to obey the rules of the house and the commands of the rector, and to exercise themselves in self-denial, humility and piety.
In the second group, we may notice the application of litmus, methyl orange or phenolphthalein in alkalimetry, when the acid or alkaline character of the solution commands the colour which it exhibits; starch paste, which forms a blue compound with free iodine in iodometry; potassium chromate, which forms red silver chromate after all the hydrochloric acid is precipitated in solutions of chlorides; and in the estimation of ferric compounds by potassium bichromate, the indicator, potassium ferricyanide, is placed in drops on a porcelain plate, and the end of the reaction is shown by the absence of a blue coloration when a drop of the test solution is brought into contact with it.