Commandment Sentence Examples
He is assuming that we obey the first commandment.
He calls it " the beautiful confession " to which Christ Jesus had borne witness before Pontius Pilate, and charges Timothy before God, who quickeneth all things, to keep this commandment.
The seventh commandment is Thou shalt not admit adultery.
Accordingly Paul lays down rules which he regarded as embodying the Lord's commandment.
Originally the latter part of the verse must have run, "That I may give thee the tables of stone which I have written, and may teach thee the law and the commandment."
In its present form, however, it can hardly be original, but must have been revised in accordance with the later Deuteronomic conception which represented the sin committed by the people as a breach of the 2nd commandment.
And can we regard the prohibition of polytheism and the prohibition of idolatry as one commandment?
Whatever was not of knowledge was of sin; and the distinction between right and wrong being absolute and not admitting of degrees all sins were equally sinful; whoever broke the least commandment was guilty of the whole law.
Without this grace it is impossible for man to obey the " first greatest commandment " of love to God; and, this unfulfilled, he is guilty of the whole law, and is only free to choose between degrees of sin; his apparent external virtues have no moral value, since inner rightness of intention is wanting.
I question the divinity of a spirit that does its works on graven images that are forbidden by the 2nd commandment.
AdvertisementWhat are the duties required in the ninth commandment?
The eighth commandment is, " Thou shalt not steal " .
The sixth commandment is, " Thou shalt not kill " .
Then Sophia or Prunikos sent the serpent (as a benefactor) to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the tree of knowledge and so break the commandment of Ialdabaoth, who banished them from paradise to earth.
In the Westminster Assembly's Larger Catechism fasting is mentioned among the duties required by the second commandment.
AdvertisementThe minister tried in vain to find the commandment which stated they were not allowed to do this.
What are the duties required in the tenth commandment?
We have seen This in the 11 th commandment initiative and now through our involvement with the 'virtual church ' .
Every commandment is a royal edict, a statute which God hath made for the governing of the world.
What if God had smart bombs that would cast a die over all that had broken this commandment this week.
AdvertisementThe fifth commandment transgressed, ' Honor thy father and thy mother '; the eighth, ' Thou shalt not steal ' .
As he informed Gilbert Sheldon, then warden of All Souls, in a letter, he was fully resolved on two points - that to say that the Fourth Commandment is a law of God appertaining to Christians is false and unlawful, and that the damnatory clauses in the Athanasian Creed are most false, and in a high degree presumptuous and schismatical.
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.
In the 1980s the tenth commandment was eroded when we had a 'give me ' society.
You would look through the Scriptures in vain to find the commandment which stated they were not allowed to do this.
AdvertisementThe term literally translates into "daughter of the commandment" and it is during this ceremony, which is usually held at age 12, that a girl formally accepts the Jewish faith as her own as an adult in the eyes of the religion.
The term means "daughter of the commandment", signifying that the girl is now old enough to follow the commandments of Jewish Law.
For the Iranian, on the contrary, practical life, the real world, and with them the moral commandment, fill the foreground.
Truculent pamphieteers like Simon Fish, who wrote Beggars Supplication, were already demanding that these sturdy boobies should be set abroad into the world, to get wives of their own, and earn their living by the sweat of their brows, according to the commandment of God; so might the king be better obeyed, matrimony be better kept, the gospel better preached, and none should rob the poor of his alms. It must be added that monastic scandals were not rare; though the majority of the houses were decently ordered, yet the unexceptionable testimony of archiepiscopal and episcopal visitations shows that in the years just before the Reformation there was a certain number of them where chastity of life and honesty of administration were equally unknown.
Rabbinic erudition could not forget the repression of vicious desires in the tenth commandment, the stress laid in Deuteronomy on the necessity of service to God, or the inculcation by later prophets of humility and faith.
Do we today for instance break the second commandment by having pictures of created objects on the walls of our church?
The seventh commandment is, " Thou shalt not commit adultery " .
According to the original commandment of God, marriage is between one man and one woman, and this original precept has been confirmed by our Lord; but sin brought it about that first Lamech, then the heathen, and then Abraham, took more than one wife, and this was permitted under the law.
The construction of the second commandment in the Hebrew text is disputed, but the most natural sense seems to be, "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image; (and) to no visible shape in heaven, &c., shalt thou bow down, &c."
And I do easily see, that place of any reasonable commandment doth bring commandment of more wits than of a man's own.
Elizabeth never forgave him; but Cecil corresponded with the Scottish lords, and their answer in July 1559, in Knox's handwriting, assures England not only of their own constancy, but of "a charge and commandment to our posterity, that the amity and league between you and us, contracted and begun in Christ Jesus, may by them be kept inviolated for ever."
Again, in the tenth commandment, as given in Exodus, "house" means house and household, including the wife and all the particulars which are enumerated in ver.
The answer to this question must start from the reason annexed to the fourth commandment, which is different in Deuteronomy.
For the theological discussions whether and in what sense type fourth commandment is binding on Christians, see Decalogue.
The law of the land expresses the original commandment of God, and the plain duty of the pastorate is to denounce bigamy.
And its greatness appears in its inexhaustibly deep teachings concerning Christ's sheep and fold; the Father's drawing of souls to Christ; the dependence of knowledge as to Christ's doctrine upon the doing of God's will; the fulfilling of the commandment of love, as the test of true discipleship; eternal life, begun even here and now; and God a Spirit, to be served in spirit and in truth.
The third commandment might be rendered, "Thou shalt not utter the name of the Lord thy God vainly," but it is possible that the meaning is that Yahweh's name is not to be used for purposes of sorcery.
Thus in the second commandment, "Thou shalt not bow down to any visible form," &c., is a sort of explanatory addition to the precept "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image."
To gain a clear distinction between the ninth and tenth commandments on this scheme it has usually been felt to be necessary to follow the Deuteronomic text, and make the ninth commandment, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.'
Society may have at one time been matrilinear in the communities that become the historic Hellenes; but of this there is no trace in the worship of Zeus and Hera.18 In fact, the whole of the family morality in Hellas centred in Zeus, whose altar in the courtyard was the bond of the kinsmen; and sins against the family, such as unnatural vice and the exposure of children, are sometimes spoken of as offences against the High God.I" He was also the tutelary deity of the larger organization of the phratria; and the altar of Zeus c Pparpcos was the meetingpoint of the phrateres, when they were assembled to consider the legitimacy of the new applicants for admission into their circle.20 His religion also came to assist the development of certain legal ideas, for instance, the rights of private or family property in land; he guarded the allotments as Zein KAdpcos,2' and the Greek commandment " thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark " was maintained by Zeus " Opcos, the god of boundaries, a more personal power than the Latin Jupiter Terminus.22 His highest political functions were summed up in the title IIoXtfin, a cult-name of legendary antiquity in Athens, and frequent in the Hellenic world.23 His consort in his political life was not Hera, but his daughter Athena Polias.
There is (I) the story of a bride or bridegroom who transgresses a commandment of a mystic nature, and disappears as a result of the sin.
Results Of Missions The Christian Church bases its missionary enterprise upon the spirit, the example, and the commandment of its Founder, and regards the duty as just the same whether the results be results.
Thus the original fourth commandment was simply "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
And so the promise attached to the fifth commandment was probably not on the tables, and the tenth commandment may have simply been, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house," which includes all that is expressed in the following clauses.