Coming Sentence Examples
My sister is coming to visit.
What's this world coming to?
The snow was coming down in big heavy flakes now.
More people coming online.
When the ache had left her legs numb, and her breath was no longer coming in gasps, they started out again - across sand dunes - up and down.
I'm sure you saw this coming.
Coming up to bed, Ben?
I could touch it, and perhaps that made the coming of the Pilgrims and their toils and great deeds seem more real to me.
Any prospect of awakening or coming to life to a dead man makes indifferent all times and places.
Martha stopped me upstairs a little later as I was coming out of my room.
AdvertisementShe put the heel of her hand on the place where blood was coming out and used her other hand to press down hard.
Full size ice pack coming right up.
Because her Guardian wasn't coming this time.
With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from.
I think we will see commodity prices plummet in the coming years.
AdvertisementPrince Andrew, seeing that his father insisted, began--at first reluctantly, but gradually with more and more animation, and from habit changing unconsciously from Russian to French as he went on--to explain the plan of operation for the coming campaign.
Princess Mary could not understand the boldness of her brother's criticism and was about to reply, when the expected footsteps were heard coming from the study.
Better would be a long time coming, but she felt more in control of her emotions.
I guess I had it coming.
If he thought he could terrorize her, he had another think coming.
AdvertisementYou never see it coming.
They usually run when they hear you coming.
We're close enough, and our camp sight will give us a little protection from the coming storm.
If all their conversations in the three months he had been coming to the diner were put together, it was doubtful that they would make a respectable paragraph.
It happened so suddenly that I didn't realize it was coming.
AdvertisementYou won't know if the source is male or female, old or young, from the east or west or how long the tips will keep coming.
But the publicity on this is like the second coming.
Then I heard you coming.
Dusty looked around the gym, sensing it was beyond time for him to admit he couldn't prevent what was coming.
Jonny looked apprehensive yet resigned, as if he'd known this was coming.
She looked down at her stew, her father's warnings coming back to her thoughts.
Daughter, where are you coming from?
Yully saw the next blow coming, then the next and the next.
I don't remember much of my time before coming to this world, except I was expelled.
And I don't want to take the beating I know is coming to me.
I mean, he won't be coming back, just like Jule.
The quarterly conference held four times a century with the highest ranking station commanders was coming up soon, and he had more pressing issues to resolve before it launched.
I slipped coming up.
Maybe Martha's coming back and the woman just wanted to know if we've been told!
I was coming home from a movie with some friends and we came up on the accident—it had just happened.
Dean bumped into Seymour Fitzgerald coming out of a five-room ranch in Whispering Pines.
The animal was coming nearer.
Julie, Quinn, Martha and the baby aren't coming.
The energies of the things in the house were replaced by new energies coming from the ground.
Han knows you're coming.
His gaze swept around the room methodically, coming to rest on her.
He didn't know where the leaks were coming from in Europe, and he definitely didn't know where they were coming from in Arizona.
You didn't tell me Claire was coming this way, Dusty.
He didn't remember coming this way, but he was sure it was the way back.
You still coming to help me clean up?
You are coming with us, mademoiselle, he said to Traci.
It wasn't the first time she'd heard such a thing, but it sounded far worse coming from the devil than it had Wynn.
Wild flowers had become a hobby of Cynthia's since coming to Ouray County.
They made me wait an hour or so knowing what was coming.
Some said he was talking about a job down in the Norfolk shipyard where there was work with the war coming on and all, but after a time, when Ma didn't hear, we just sort of forgot about him.
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
But as Dean hung up the phone he had no illusions about the pledges ever coming to fruition.
I just don't like the way this is coming together, that's all.
How's the election coming?
I've got someone coming up here to seal the place off.
It was an hour later before they saw their first vehicle, an old Scout, battered and muddy, coming out of a side trail below them.
I drove the trip for fifteen years, when I started coming back to Ouray again.
After Ralph died in 1980, I remembered our good times in Colorado forty years before when we were kids, and I started coming back.
Dean bumped into Joseph Dawkins, who was coming in from the patio, a beer in each hand.
The question of who was responsible for Josh-the-skeleton coming to his untimely demise was even more obscure.
Instead of Fred O'Connor, it was Paul Dawkins coming down the stairs.
Them hippies were coming and going all the time.
But he wasn't even in Ouray between the early 1940's, when he was a child visiting summers, and 1980, when he started coming back after his brother died.
As the group passed the stairs, Ginger Dawkins was coming down.
I'm definitely coming back.
When is he coming back?
So how's the election coming?
I was kind of embarrassed about the money not coming in the mail like I said.
When I called Billy to tell him I was coming out this summer, he mentioned he'd found some old bones in a mine but he was afraid of getting in trouble for breaking in.
You've been coming to Ouray for twenty years.
It was Brandon who kept coming back to Ouray year after year when you'd think the loathsome thing that happened here would cause him to despise the place.
It wasn't coming out the way she practiced it, maybe because Gabriel was sitting close enough that she wanted to lean against him instead of the bed and place his large hands on the parts of her body hidden by clothes.
He was like a massive shadow among the sunny forest, dressed all in black and armed as if for battle, even when coming to see her.
I don't think the other one is coming back, Rhyn replied.
Where the souls are coming from.
We found where the souls are coming into the lakes.
It shouldn't be funny, especially not when coming from her.
Deidre didn't see the blow coming.
Coming up behind her, he grasped her waist and pulled her into the circle of his arms.
I should have seen that one coming.
Finally her efforts resulted in something shiny coming out.
I don't want him coming back here to finish the job... do you?
It was a strange thing to say, especially coming from someone who insisted she was no longer interested in him.
The ride turned out to be a trip to the old house to see how things were coming along.
Coming out of the trees was the mother bear, and behind her, the two cubs.
He smiled, a twinkle coming into his eyes.
Got word the inevitable is coming in three months or so.
What's the world coming to?
Unwilling to let the weirdness ruin her day, Deidre dismissed the strange exchange, distracted by the smells coming from a display of homemade candles.
Yeah, he wasn't coming back.
Knowing what's coming, I've never felt more alive than I do now.
He set the iPad he carried on a totaled machine a few feet away without coming closer.
Harmony met him in the woods, coming from the direction of the palace.
Gabe realized she was coming to see him for pleasure, not business this time.
I'm coming to see you, he grated.
Or maybe, he planned on coming back for her tonight.
Terrified Gabriel was coming to kill her, she sought a place to hide, finally settling on a small, dark space under a counter.
Later, Dean heard the movement of the mortuary men coming for Edith—the hushed conversation and the bumping and thumping as the lifeless shell of this troubled woman was bagged and forever removed from Bird Song.
She thought for sure he was coming after Wynn.
So then, one day you told him to kill Katie and her baby, because you were mad at Rhyn and the demons were coming.
They think I'm coming to k…kill them?
That day wasn't coming fast enough.
It was clear he wasn't coming for her.
Odd, coming from my best assassin.
Taxis quit coming this way after rush hour.
I'm coming for you, Kris.
I see him every few dozen years, usually when he's coming to kill my mama.
The robed man was coming for her.
You can't protect someone so fragile from what's coming.
The creatures were coming.
Kris told us you both were coming.
Jade's coming with us.
You're interested in coming to see me for a few days?
For coming with me today. coming, he said.
She heard them coming, the sound of creatures crashing through the forest.
Do you know when they were coming back? going to need some allies to face what.s coming your way.
Ully, is there any way to see if my sister is coming here?
I don't think our friendship will survive what is coming.
Kris caught Katie.s gaze and shook his head ever so slightly, warning her against coming in.
Hannah no longer wore her engagement ring, and Katie wondered why she was so happy when she must know by now Gio wasn.t coming back for her.
Master Kris said you were coming.
Gabriel was coming for her and the life growing within her.
Rhyn wasn.t coming back for her, yet her heart felt as if it.d fall out of her chest.
She dozed as she drew, caught herself twice, then dropped into sleep, unaware that those who removed the boxes were coming next for her.
They will not dishonor you or me by doing anything without coming to me first.
Imagine coming so far to see something she might've seen there!
Our other plan is coming along.
His father's most trusted advisor had done the unthinkable, and yet, Ne'Rin had borne all the sacrifices that A'Ran had by coming with him.
The explosions were coming faster, and he launched to his feet, ignoring the bruises and scrapes along his side.
She'd cried for two days before finally realizing on day three that no one was coming for her.
I am coming to your location.
The emotions she'd buried when she'd thought no one was coming for her bubbled.
She's probably coming here to meet a hot date and wants privacy.
It's one of the few times we've been without guests since we opened and we'll practically have a full house next week with the Ice Festival coming up.
They're coming to Bird Song, just because of that important merchandise you called junk!
I was telling Mrs. Edith about these here letters and how the two ladies from Boston will be coming to Bird Song.
He didn't know you were coming here?
You can ask the court for an order of restraint against your husband and stop him from coming anywhere near you if you're in fear of the man.
He's coming out to gather her up and haul her home.
The trio was far more comfortable now, six months later, with enough money in the bank to keep the wolves away, and expectations, if not of prosperity, of at least a reasonably comfortable coming season.
How are you coming on the secret code book?
We've got empty rooms, at least until the ice climbers start coming tomorrow.
I spoke with her on the phone around Christmas and mentioned I was coming to Ouray for some ice climbing.
The front door was in continual motion with guests coming and going, amid laughter and boisterous conversation.
Yes, but think of the sleigh bells and the sound of the train coming in from Ridgway, clanking and hooting, and billowing its black smoke.
He was coming from The Roma.
Janet arrived, mumbling apologies as the guests began coming downstairs to breakfast.
How's the rest of your research coming?
I hope she's coming to visit.
No, she's not coming down.
She has all these tubes and wires coming out of her.
She chose Ouray, at least according to Ryland, because he was her son's father and he was coming here to ice climb.
I been peeking out the door when I hear someone coming down stairs.
Dean glanced up the street to see Donnie and Martha coming toward them, hand in hand.
He could hear the strains of some lost cowboy lover coming from Fred's room, a sure sign the door to the old man's room was open.
Your coming down here was cruel and unfair and I think you know it!
Because I should have seen it coming.
There's a good chance Donnie is finally about to get some psychiatric help— help a long time coming.
We talked about him coming out here but he begged off.
That's why I was coming to see you.
Donald isn't coming to the lawyer's office because he doesn't want to see Shipton if he doesn't have to.
I'm not that fussy about his coming there to get it.
Cynthia had spotted him coming up the walk, Martha explained, and managed to remain out of sight while Fred helped Shipton lug down the belongings.
If he thinks I'm going put those stupid things on my feet and swing down there like some mountain goat, he's crazier than I am for coming out here in the first place.
Why didn't we pass him coming down the stairs?
All that would do is warn them he knew and he would be coming out to get her.
He loved using the vernacular, although it never sounded quite right coming from him.
Coming through the clearing to where the park benches were, he realized there was only one person.
Sarah was waiting for Connor when she heard strange noises coming from Jackson's room.
Oh yeah, she's coming for dinner.
Elisabeth's coming for dinner!
He left a message, saying he wanted to make sure she got the address and still planned on coming tonight.
That's a nasty word coming out of that pretty mouth.
Would you mind coming a little early Friday?
She's coming for dinner and spending the night.
Connor yawned, "I'm ready for bed, you coming Sarah?"
They're coming for Thanksgiving, won't that be fun?
I'm thinking of coming to see you.
They both looked up at the same time, hearing a loud racket coming from Sarah's room.
The other three laughed and Jackson offered, "Don't forget Christmas is coming."
It was coming from the door, and sounded like scratching.
It was too late to change her mind now - and what difference did it make why Alex was coming?
He was gazing down at her, their faces illuminated by light coming through the window in the door.
Thanks for coming up.
Coming from a liberated woman like you, that sounds a little strange.
I didn't think you were coming in until this afternoon.
She saw it coming too late, and he had her pinned to the floor on her back before she could squirm away.
It was Katie who had said he was coming up to watch the goats kid.
I don't know where all this anger is coming from, but you might as well get it in your head that you and I are history.
Two more tugs and then she saw lights coming down the drive.
You told me you were coming up to see the goats give birth.
If you'd been doing that for the last year, I wouldn't have thought about coming up here.
That's my helo coming.
I'll tell them you're coming, she said.
Aside from the whole mountain coming down and the Peak being overrun by God-knows-who?
Wow—bet you never saw this coming.
Someone would be coming back to take over the facility, he assessed.
If you're there, I'm coming for you.
Maybe if she'd paid more attention to the information coming in or been a better analyst … part of her knew there were no indicators she missed.
If you're alive, I'm coming for you.
I'm coming to live with you.
I'm coming to get you.
He claimed to be coming for her. She didn't think she'd ever leave the underworld, especially now that she didn't have Gabriel.
That's probably a good thing. The last thing you want is Death's spies telling her you're coming to kill her.
I overheard you talking. You're coming to save Katie.
Rhyn deserves better. I think I got what was coming to me for being as selfish as my bitchy sister.
Somewhere. They were coming to find you and make Death give you back to Rhyn.
Death didn't come. Darkness fell, and Rhyn waited. He paced and stretched, imagining there would be some kind of a struggle. At long last, he forced himself to admit she wasn't coming. No one could've overlooked the blow he dealt her underworld. The trees all around them had died off with a tear forming in the earth that led in the direction of the palace.
Byrne just telephoned and said he wouldn't be coming in.
I gave her a ring last night, just to tell her nothing's new and I mentioned you were coming down.
The tide was coming in the time of night he was supposed to have drowned so the body would drift up the bay.
His last day was Friday but he stuck around because Byrne was coming down from the head office with his last paycheck.
Then quickly, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your coming with me.
The police figured you weren't coming, with the storm and all.
Then why was it each time he was around Cynthia Byrne the question kept coming back?
Besides, if an eighteen-wheeler was going to make "possum pizza" out of him, he wanted to hear it coming.
Cynthia was thrilled with her new job and her school classes were finally coming together.
You're sweet for coming over and apologizing.
The old Ethel Rosewater was coming back and the second gin helped.
Amid the chaos, a nurse calmly filled out forms in a methodical fashion, looking as if the second coming of Christ wouldn't ruffle her.
By mid-afternoon both legs were feeling tight and his breath was coming in rapid puffs each time he tackled one of the ever lengthening climbs.
How do you see this coming off?
Dean figured with everything happening, sleep would be slow in coming.
His attention turned to the purpose for coming inside the house.
I was coming home for lunch.
Besides, had she known he was coming home for lunch, she could have fixed him something to eat.
The rain was still coming down hard and there were occasional rumbles of thunder.
I wish I had known you were coming.
His smile was slow coming.
Alex had been taking her to church for a long time, so they were greeted together warmly and everyone asked how repairs were coming along on her house.
He would have been here by now if he was coming.
Alex is coming over to pick me up so we can ride this morning.
Riding back down the trail was even more frightening than coming up.
Where is all this doubt coming from?
I should have seen this coming.
When she and Alex rejoined, his gaze traveled over her body, coming to rest on the buttons reflectively.
Who would have guessed I'd be coming home to this after being married this long?
He lifted a brow, a twinkle coming into his eyes.
She was reaching for her phone when she saw Josh coming up the hill.
I called to tell you I was coming home for lunch.
I plan on leaving tomorrow morning and coming back on Sunday – just two days.
He said he'd get something to eat later because with the weather front coming through, there might be a lot of turbulence.
Who would be coming in without knocking?
Because you were sleeping and I knew I'd be coming home after I finished some things at work.
In fact, I was calling to tell you that I'm coming home early.
Was he coming around?
She glanced at Lori, but Lori's attention was on a gray truck coming up the drive.
You're coming back with me right now — if I have to carry you.
And I think he was coming after me when you drove up.
It was as if everything was coming to a head, and it couldn't have come at a worse time.
But I don't see it ever coming to that.
As someone accustomed to planting ideas in the heads of others, she recognized the thought as coming from someone else.
The vantage point from there would let her see anything coming up the driveway or through the forest, though the pines were thick.
I never saw that one coming, though, he said.
He searched until it was almost too dark to see, finally coming to the one with the same marks as Jenn's necklace.
This coming from the man who drops into secret meetings of Others?
Dark fell, the only light in the cave coming from the snow.
Sofi, you had to know this was coming.
Bet you didn't see this one coming, Oracle.
Of everyone he'd known since coming to this land, Vara had been the only kind one, aside from the ancient warrior in the catacombs.
We'll see them coming before they arrive, but the forest hides the armies south and north of the city too well.
I feel my madness coming.
When is he ... are they coming?
Rob glanced around the table and whistled, his gaze coming back to Carmen.
He was searching her mind and coming up short again.
The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was a rock ledge coming at her.
Dark specks in her eyes gave her a short warning and she glanced up at Alex, feeling the faint coming on.
I forgot my phone and a storm was coming up.
At the porch she paused, watching the car coming up the drive.
I have a girl coming out here this afternoon for an interview.
Finally he smiled, his attention coming back to her eyes.
I wondered how you were doing, and when you were coming home.
When is Daddy coming home?
You've already got new grass coming up in some areas.
I could fix a place for it to get out of the cold and rain without coming inside.
He enjoyed coming home and sitting in his chair, relaxing and reading the newspaper while she put supper on the table.
Sure, she had her own apartment, but where was the money coming from, ultimately?
I was sorry to see them go, but with the baby coming on and Joe's parents offering him a good job out there in California, they didn't have much choice.
Little red bumps were coming up around her waistline and on her ankles.
For the first time, she wondered if she had made the right choice in coming with him today.
Then she heard his footsteps coming into the kitchen and saw the bobbing flashlight as he opened the back door.
About you... that he's not supposed to... that you're coming back here - home, in a few weeks, or less.
I guess I had it coming, though.
This moment had been too long in the coming.
With a start, she realized she had abandoned her purpose for coming to Arkansas.
How a person dealt with that fear was the measure of their strength - and she was coming up short on the yardstick.
I've got to get a roast in the oven - company coming tonight.
The information was coming in too fast - and erratic.
If Dad didn't send him, then who is he - and why was he on the plane coming from California with me?
I guess I had that coming.
That was strange language coming from Denton.
Were those words actually coming from Denton's mouth?
She had it coming, but did he have to make it so public?
I'm coming back tomorrow.
His sensitive ears picked up the sound of the television coming from the living room, but it wasn't this that woke him.
The sounds of his footsteps coming back up the stairs made her cringe.
I'm not coming back.
This coming from a would-be thief.
There was no way Ashley wasn't coming down here after school.
Maybe Jonny was in the neighborhood last night already, because he was coming to her apartment to break her arm.
She never felt ugly or frumpy or overweight before coming here.
Nowhere. They're coming here.
She tasted sweet, as if she'd snagged a bite of dessert from the caterers before coming up to gloat.
Months ago, I foresaw you coming here today.
Are you guys coming up?
You deserve everything you have coming to you tonight.
He wasn't coming closer.
Because I pissed him off, and I know he's coming to get his necklace back.
Before she registered lightening coming towards them, he had blocked it.
No one is coming for the gem again?
It receives from the north several intermittent streams, the chief, usually carrying a fair amount of water, being the Khulu or Kolimbine, coming from the Kaarta plateau.
Those cells are accurately marked, the position of which is such that the colonies, to which they give rise, can grow to their full size without coming into contact with other colonies.
Her husband, though he afterwards deteriorated, seems at that time to have been neither better nor worse than the Berrichon squires around him, and the first years of her married life, during which her son Maurice and her daughter Solange were born, except for lovers' quarrels, were passed in peace and quietness, though signs were not wanting of the coming storm.
Before the coming of white settlers there was an Indian village called Shawnee on the site of the present borough.
The judges have appellate jurisdiction of cases civil and criminal coming up from the lower courts.
The college was to consist of a provost, io priests, 6 choristers, 25 poor and needy scholars, 25 almsmen and a magister infor mator "to teach gratis the scholars and all others coming from any part of England to learn grammar."
By arrangement with the Chinese government a branch of the Imperial maritime customs has been established there for the collection of duties upon goods coming from or going to the interior, in accordance with the general treaty tariff.
Each movable web must pass the other without coming in contact with it or the fixed wire, and without rubbing on any part of the brasswork.
Of wild animals may be noted the moufflon (Ovis Ammon), the stag, and the wild boar, and among birds various species of the vulture and eagle in the mountains, and the pelican and flamingo (the latter coming in August in large flocks from Africa) in the lagoons.
After a severe struggle this proposal was accepted; but the academic discussion on the constitution continued for weary months, and on the 20th of May, realizing the hopelessness of coming to terms with the ultra-democrats, Gagern and his friends resigned.
Coming to England shortly after the completion of his education in the Rabbinic College at Warsaw, Dr Ginsburg continued his study of the Hebrew Scriptures, with special attention to the Megilloth.
In person he was small, with large head, projecting brow, prominent nose, and eyes wide apart, with black hair coming down almost to his eyebrows.
The coming and going of envoys from many states, Greek and Oriental, taught him something of the actual conditions of the world.
The wheels symbolize divine omniscience and control, and the whole vision represents the coming of Yahweh to take up his abode among the exiles.
The first connexion with the United States was by two railways coming down the Red River valley.
The work of Farel, previous to his coming to Geneva, was almost entirely evangelistic, and his first work in Geneva was of a similar character.
There were five presbyteries holding monthly meetings and annual visitations of all the congregations within their bounds, and coming together in general synod four times a year.
Coming from the Tibesti highlands the Bahr-el-Ghazal has a south-westerly trend to Lake Chad.
Before coming, however, to the history of federation, and the evolution of the Labour party, we must refer briefly to some other questions which have been of general interest very soon after the gold discoveries, the European miners objecting strongly to the presence of these aliens upon the diggings.
It was not long, however, before the party itself became divided on the fiscal question; and a Protectionist government coming into power, about half the Labour members gave it consistent support and enabled it to maintain office for about three years, the party as a political unit being thus destroyed.
The Protestant response was not long in coming.
It is the second town in point of population in the canton, coming next after I ausanne, though inferior to the "agglomeration" known as Montreux.
On both sides of the central ridge deep troughs extend southwards from the Telegraph plateau to the Southern Ocean, the deep water coming close to the land all the way down on both sides.
Cranes fitted with rotating hydraulic engines may be considered as coming under the third category.
The whole property of the debtor might be pledged as security for the payment of the debt, without any of it coming into the enjoyment of the creditor.
The death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
It is essential that the paper covering be loose, so as to ensure that each wire is enclosed in a coating not of paper only, but also of air; the wires in fact are really insulated from each other by the dry air, the loose paper acting merely as a separator to prevent them from coming into contact.
When one of a series of keys (each corresponding to a letter) arranged round a pointer is depressed, the motion of the pointer, which is geared to the shuttle armature, is arrested on coming opposite that particular key, and the transmission of the currents to line is stopped, though the armature itself can continue to rotate.
The electric waves coming through space from the sending station strike against the receiving antenna and set up in it high frequency alternating electromotive forces.
This vas the first and ominous sign of a coming change.
That agreement also served to clear up the situation in Tripoli; while Italian aspirations towards Tunisia had been ended by the French occupation of that territory, Tripoli and Bengazi were now recognized as coming within the Italian sphere of influence.
The name is probably derived from the Malay Handuman, coming from the ancient Hanuman (monkey).
Those who work with living forms of which it is possible to obtain a large number of specimens, and those who make revisions of the provisional species of palaeontologists, are slowly coming to some such conception as that a species is the abstract central point around which a group of variations oscillate, and that the peripheral oscillations of one species may even overlap those of an allied species.
Risings broke out at Urbino and in Romagna, and the papal troops were defeated; Cesare could find no allies, and it seemed as though all Italy was about to turn against the hated family, when the French king promised help, and this was enough to frighten the confederates into coming to terms. Most of them had shown very little political or military skill, and several were ready to betray each other.
The full name he then bore was Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus, Aelius coming from Hadrian's family, and Aurelius being the original name of Antoninus Pius.
This is found especially in plants which during certain hours of the day are unable to cover the water lost through transpiration by the supply coming from the roots.
In March 1770 a merchant named Liakhov saw a large herd of reindeer coming from the north to the Siberian coast, which induced him to start in a sledge in the direction whence they came.
The downward pull of gravity suffices to bring about the fall of such material, but the path it will follow and the distance it will travel before coming to rest depend upon the land form.
Finally we may note in this connexion that in advanced religion, at the point at which prayer is coming to be conceived as communion, silent adoration is sometimes thought to bring man nearest to God.
The coming of the Norman ruled that these lands should be neither Saracen nor Greek, nor yet Italian in the same sense as northern Italy, but that they should politically belong to the same group of states as the kingdoms and principalities of feudal Europe.
The same mountains have been sighted by English explorers coming up from the south and are pronounced to be "very high."
But in its cool spirit it forecasts the coming age, whose master is John Locke.
Coming to the Tertiary we find the Oligocene beds of Aix, of east Prussia (amber) and of Colorado, and the Miocene of Bavaria, especially rich in remains of beetles, most of which can be referred to existing genera.
The system established by the law of 1864 is remarkable in that it set up two wholly separate orders of tribunals, each having their own courts of appeal and coming in contact only in the senate, as the supreme court of cassation.
It is also most probable that another similar stream - the N., coming from the Elbe, through the basin of the Vistula - ought to be distinguished.
F o i Notwithstanding the efforts of the Poles and the Military Orders to exclude Russia from the shores of the Baltic and keep her in a state of isolation, she was coming slowly into closer relations with central and western Europe.
Coming after a series of incompetent rulers, the German princess 11., proved herself a worthy successor to Peter the Great both in home and in foreign affairs; but she was not a mere imitator.
Henry then made his claim as coming by right line of blood from King Henry III., and through his right to recover the realm which was in point to be undone for default of governance and good law.
By coming in contact, while riding on i.
By coming in contact with over-bridges or erections on the sides of the line 12.
Trains coming in contact with projections from other trains or vehicles on parallel lines 7.
The former is often a rich oil-gas, stored in steel reservoirs under the coaches at a pressure of six or seven atmospheres, and passed through a reducing valve to the burners; these used to be of the ordinary fish-tail type, but inverted incandescent mantles are coming into increasing use.
The dark bituminous layers of clay slate, which occur intercalated among the quartzites, have led, here as elsewhere, to the hope of coming upon a seam of coal, but it is contrary to experience that coal of any value should be found in rocks of that age.
Coming to Bombay, he fell under the influence of Dr John Wilson, principal of the Scottish College.
Among Lockyer's other works are - The Dawn of Astronomy (1894), to which Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments astronomically considered (1906) may be considered a sequel; Recent and coming Eclipses (1897); and Inorganic Evolution (1900).
Their hopes were therefore directed to " the coming aeon."
In temperate climates the impregnated females hibernate during the winter in houses, cellars, stables, the trunks of trees, &c., coming out to lay their eggs in the spring.
Apparently it was in progress at the time of his coming to Egypt in the reign of Ptolemy Euergetes I.
For the moment the Jews were cowed, and next day they went submissively to greet the troops coming from Caesarea.
Such incidents as the rise of Joseph Nasi to high position under the Turkish government as duke of Naxos mark the coming change.
Owing to its excellent harbour Baku is a chief depot for merchandise coming from Persia and Transcaspia - raw cotton, silk, rice, wine, fish, dried fruit and timber - and for Russian manufactured goods.
The highest land does not rise to a greater height than 10,250 ft.; the climate is well suited for agriculture, and the islands generally are fertile and fairly cultivated, though not coming up to the standard of Java either in wealth or population.
The great order of Ungulata is represented by various forms of sheep, as many as ten or twelve wild species of Ovis being met with in the mountain chains of Asia; and more sparingly by several peculiar forms of antelope, such as the saiga (Saiga tatarica), and the Gazella gutturosa, or yellow sheep. Coming to the deer, we also meet with characteristic forms in northern Asia, especially those belonging to the typical genus Cervus.
Coming to the throne at the age of sixteen, he did the wisest thing he could by allowing himself to be guided by the most capable man he could find.
The grout, which he mentions as " coming over to us in Holland ships," about which he desires information, was probably the same as shelled barley; and mills for manufacturing it were introduced into Scotland from Holland towards the beginning of the 18th century.
The fall in prices was aggravated, first by the unpropitious weather and deficient harvest of the years 1816, 1817, and still more by the passing in 181 9 of the bill restoring cash payments, which, coming into operation in 1821, caused serious embarrassment to all persons who had entered into engagements at a depreciated currency, which had now to be met with the lower prices of an enhanced one.
Shortly afterwards Bruce appears again to have sided with his countrymen; Annandale was wasted, while he, as Walter of Hemingford says, "when he heard of the king's coming, fled from his face and burnt the castle of Ayr which he held."
The very large assemblage of forms coming under this order comprises the most highly developed predaceous sea-snails, numerous vegetarian species, a considerable number of freshwater and some terrestrial forms. The partial dissection of a male specimen of the common periwinkle, Littorina littoralis, drawn in fig.
No ship coming thence was to be admitted into French or allied harbours; ships transgressing the decree were to be good prize of war; and British subjects were liable to imprisonment if found in French or allied territories.
Evans, coming on the scene in 1893, travelled in succeeding years about the island picking up trifles of unconsidered evidence, which gradually convinced him that greater things would eventually be found.
For these races respectively DOrpfeld suggests the names "Lycian" and "Carian," the latter coming in from the north Aegean, where Greek tradition remembered its former dominance.
Coming to British Indian possessions, and beginning with Ceylon, we have Kelaart's Prodromus faunae Zeylanicae (8vo, 1852), and Ceylon.
At Rouen the feast was celebrated on Christmas Day, and was intended to represent the times before the coming of Christ.
But the republic never recovered from the blow, coming as it did on the top of the Turkish wars and the loss of her trade by the discovery of the Cape route.
At this point the great trade routes met in ancient times, the one crossing from the Phoenician ports to the Persian Gulf, the other coming up from Petra and south Arabia.
There is reason to believe that before the 6th century B.C. the caravans reached Damascus without coming near the oasis of Tadmor; probably, therefore, we may connect the origin of the city with the gradual forward movement of the nomad Arabs which followed on the overthrow of the ancient nationalities of Syria by the Babylonian Empire (6th century B.C.).
About one-third of the cotton used in Russian mills is grown on Russian territory, the remainder coming chiefly from the United States.
They must watch demand, be able to form reasonable anticipations of its move ments, and at the same time know the existing stocks of cotton, the sales taking place from day to day, and the best forecasts of the coming supplies.
In the religious literature they are almost exclusively represented as magicians and diviners opposing the Christian missionaries, though we find two of them acting as tutors to the daughters of Laegaire, the high-king, at the coming of St Patrick.
The treaty was to last for eight years, and could only be broken on the coming of a king or emperor to the East.
In the steppe-land and in the southern trans-Jordanic districts are numbers of true Arabs, mostly belonging to the great Anazeh family, which has been coming northwards from Nejd in detachments since the 13th century.
The first two volumes were published in 1863; after his death a third volume appeared in 1898, covering the period 1858-1883, and a fourth in 1904, coming down to the beginning of the 10th century.
But the connexion with foreign parts led to the gradual introduction of a procedure resembling that coming into use on the continent and based on the Roman civil law.
Nevertheless, of the death of a man, and of a maihem done in great ships, being and hovering in the main stream of great rivers, only beneath the [[[bridges]]] of the same rivers [nigh] to the sea, and in none other places of the same rivers, the admiral shall have cognizance, and also to arrest ships in the great flotes for the great voyages of the king and of the realm; saving always to the king all manner of forfeitures and profits thereof coming; and he shall have also jurisdiction upon the said flotes, during the said voyages only; saving always to the lords, cities, and boroughs, their liberties and franchises."
At this time the ship in which his wife and family, with all his property, were coming to join him, was wrecked, and every one on board lost.
Coming to Paris in 1790, he associated himself with Berna.rdin de St Pierre.
In 1911 the Legislature adopted a new school code for the entire commonwealth, coming into operation Nov.
Among other matters reference is made to the introduction of Christianity in the reign of Tiberius; the persecution under Diocletian; the spread of the Arian heresy; the election of Maximus as emperor by the legions in Britain, and his subsequent death at Aquileia; the incursions of the Picts and Scots into the southern part of the island; the temporary assistance rendered to the harassed Britons by the Romans; the final abandonment of the island by the latter; the coming of the Saxons and their reception by Guortigern (Vortigern); and, finally, the conflicts between the Britons, led by a noble Roman, Ambrosius Aurelianus, and the new invaders.
After having been somewhat neglected for the greater attractions and wider field presented by organic chemistry, the study of the elements and their inorganic compounds is now' rapidly coming into favour; new investigators are continually entering the lists; the beaten paths are being retraversed and new ramifications pursued.
In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
A far more radical remodelling of the army was undertaken at Babylon in 323, by which the old phalanx system was to be given up for one in which the unit was to be composed of Macedonians with pikes and Asiatics with missile arms in combination - a change calculated to be momentous both from a military point of view in the coming wars, and from a political, in the close fusion of Europeans and Asiatics.
The one pleasing aspect of his life is his patronage of the arts, and in his days a new architectural era was initiated in Rome with the coming of Bramante.
It is coming to be recognized that the growth of religious toleration owed much to the early Quakers who, with the exception of a few Baptists at the first, stood almost alone among Dissenters in holding their public meetings openly and regularly.
The North-West Company of Montreal occupied the northern part of Alberta district before the Hudson's Bay Company succeeded in coming from Hudson Bay to take possession of it.
Ruffo Scilla coming to London as special papal envoy, and the duke of Norfolk being received at the Vatican as the bearer of the congratulations of the queen of England.
The question of the legal existence of slavery in Great Britain and Ireland was raised in consequence of an opinion given in 1729 by Yorke and Talbot, attorney-general and solicitor-general at the time, to the effect that a slave by coming into those countries from the West Indies did not become free, and might be compelled by his master to return to the plantations.
Of medieval literary Greek papyri very few relics have survived, but of documents coming down to the 8th and 9th centuries an increasing number is being brought to light among the discoveries in Egypt.
At one time hope, at another despondency, now assured confidence, now doubt and despair, here a firm faith in the speedy coming of the kingdom of .heaven, there the thought of taking refuge by flight - such is the range of the emotions.
He calls himself most frequently manthran (" prophet"), ratu (" spiritual authority"), and saoshyant ("` the coming helper" - that is to say, when men come to be judged according to their deeds).
At the time the Jewish question was coming to the fore in London, and Leon of Modena's book did much to stimulate popular interest.
Gayarre, coming down to the war, based on deep and scholarly research, and greatly altered in successive editions.
Three-fourths of all are in the jurisdictions of Cienfuegos, Cardenas, Havana, Matanzas and Sagua la Grande, which are the great sugar centres of the island (three-fourths of the crop coming from Matanzas and Santa Clara provinces).
The cooled gases are then led into towers where they meet a stream of water coming in the contrary direction.
Coming now to the post-classical period, we find among poets worthy of mention Beligh, Nevres, Hishmet and Sunbuli-zada Vehbi, each of whom wrote in a style peculiar to himself.
As the French columns coming up from the south and west gradually surrounded him, he drew in his troops under shelter of the fortress and its improvised entrenched camp, and on the 15th he found himself completely surrounded.
Meanwhile he had also prepared a fresh line of retreat towards Bohemia, and, certain now of having his men in hand for the coming battle, he quietly awaited events.
Aware of the growing feeling against war in France, Napoleon had determined to make his allies not only bear the expenses of the coming campaign, but find the men as well, and he was so far master of Europe that of the 363,000 who on the 24th of June crossed the Niemen no Iess than two-thirds were Germans, Austrians, Poles or Italians.
Then he turned his attention to the plan for the coming campaign.
Reinforcements had been coming up without ceasing and at the beginning of August he calculated that he would have 30o,000 men available about Bautzen and 10o,000 along the Elbe from Hamburg via Magdeburg to Torgau.
During the 17th there was only indecisive skirmishing, Schwarzenberg waiting for his reinforcements coming up by the Dresden road, Blucher for Bernadotte to come in on his left, and by some extraordinary oversight Giulay was brought closer in to the Austrian centre, thus opening for the French their line of retreat towards Erfurt, and no imformation of this movement appears to have been conveyed to Blucher.
He was appointed reporter of the commission charged with the preparation of the law, and his masterly report at once marked him out as one of the coming leaders.
The opening of the Chippewa lands in the northwest and the coming of peace marked the beginning of a new period of rapid growth, the Federal census of 1870 showing a population of 439,706, or a gain of 75.8% in five years.
The British force consisted of 9000 men from Cork, under Sir Arthur Wellesley - at first in chief command; 5000 from Gibraltar, under General (Sir Brent) Spencer; and io,000 under Sir John Moore coming from Sweden; Wellesley and Moore being directed towards Portugal, and Spencer to Cadiz.
On the 3rd of May Loison attacked him at Fuentes d'Onor near Almeida, and Massena coming up himself made a more serious attack on the 5th of May.
These matters, however, having been at length adjusted, Wellington, who in his cramped position between the sea and the Nive could not use his cavalry or artillery effectively, or interfere with the French supplies coming through St Jean Pied de Port, determined to occupy the right as well as the left bank of the Nive.
Desperate fighting now ensued, but fortunately, owing to the intersected ground, Soult was compelled to advance slowly, and in the end, Wellington coming up with Beresford from the right bank, the French retired baffled.
His instructions were to demand an armistice, to intercept all supplies coming to the Turkish forces in the Morea from Africa or Turkey in general, and to look for directions to Stratford Canning (Lord Stratford de Redcliffe), the British ambassador at Constantinople.
The total yield annually amounts to some 700,000 oz., the largest quantity coming from the Olekminsk, district in the province of Yakutsk, and this district is followed by the Amur region, the Maritime province, and Nerchinsk and Transbaikalia.
The little book promptly aroused widespread interest, some cordial sympathy and much vehement opposition; whilst its large companion the Etudes evangeliques, containing the course on the parables and four sections of his coming commentary on the Fourth Gospel, passed almost unnoticed.
Le Discours sur la Montagne is a fragment of a coming enlarged commentary on the synoptic Gospels.
The abbe's central position, that our Lord himself held the proximateness of His second coming, involves the loss by churchmen of the prestige of directly divine power, since Church and Sacraments, though still the true fruits and vehicles of his life, death and spirit, cannot thus be immediately founded by the earthly Jesus himself.
Galena (q.v.), the principal lead ore, has a world-wide distribution, and is always contaminated with silver sulphide, the proportion of noble metal varying from about o of or less to o 3%, and in rare cases coming up to 2 or i %.
Coming by marriage into the hands of the earls of March and Plantagenets, the manor was finally vested in the crown.
Now the current religious literature of Judaism outside the canon was composed of apocryphal books, the bulk of which bore an apocalyptic character, and dealt with the coming of the Messianic kingdom.
It is the terminal station of a branch of the London & North-Western railway coming southward from Shrewsbury, and is a station on the main line of the Great Western running to Fishguard; it is also the terminus of a branch-line of the Great Western running to Newcastle-Emlyn.
Maria di Provenzano, a vast baroque building of some elegance, designed by Schifardini (1594) Sant' Agostino, rebuilt by Vanvitelli in 1755, containing a Crucifixion and Saints by Perugino, a Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni, the Coming of the Magi by Sodoma, and a St Anthony by Spagnoletto (?); the beautiful church of the Servites (15th century), which contains another Massacre of the Innocents by Matteo di Giovanni and other good examples of the Sienese school; San Francesco, designed by Agostino and Agnolo about 1326, and now restored, which once possessed many fine paintings by Duccio Buoninsegna, Lorenzetti, Sodoma and Beccafumi, some of which perished in the great fire of 1655; San Domenico, a fine 13th-century building with a single nave and transept, containing Sodoma's splendid fresco the Swoon of St Catherine, the Madonna of Guido da Siena, 1281, and a crucifix by Sano di Pietro.
It is also the earliest outstanding work which discloses that habit of Scotticism which took such strong hold of the popular Northern literature during the coming years of conflict with England.
From the time of the coming of the first considerable body of British settlers dates the development of trade and agriculture in the colony, followed somewhat later by the exploitation of the mineral resources of the country.
Coming thus into virtual possession of a good library, Lambert had peculiar opportunities for improving himself in his literary and scientific studies.
She employed the proceeds of the vast sums coming to her from the confiscation of the property of the suppressed Jesuit order in founding schools and colleges all over Hungary.
The conclusion to which they are represented as coming is that they will live together in charity and toleration, and cease from further disputation as to religion.
The sign X coming immediately before, or immediately after, a bracket may be omitted; e.g.
According to population Lemberg is the fourth city in the Austrian empire, coming after Vienna, Prague and Trieste.
With the disappearance of the Scythae as an ethnic and political entity, the name of Scythia gives place in its original seat to that of Sarmatia, and is artificially applied by geographers, on the one hand, to the Dobrudzha, the lesser Scythia of Strabo, where it remained in official use until Byzantine times; on the other, to the unknown regions of northern Asia, the Eastern Scythia of Strabo, the "Scythia intra et extra Imaum" of Ptolemy; but throughout classical literature Scythia generally meant all regions to the north and north-east of the Black Sea, and a Scythian (Scythes) any barbarian coming from those parts.
But even here it seems impossible to deny some influence coming from the Aegean area, and Scythic beasts are very like certain products of Mycenaean and early Ionic art.
It would correspond in time with the movement of the Scyths of which Herodotus speaks, and it may be inferred that immigrants coming from those regions were rather allied to the Tatar family of nations than to the Iranian.
In the 7th century B.C. these Cimmerians were attacked and partly driven out by a horde of newcomers from upper Asia called Scythae; these imposed their name and their yoke upon all that were left in the Euxine steppes, but probably their coming did not really change the basis of the population, which remained Iranian.
The Greeks had been trading with the Scyths ever since their coming, and at Olbia there were other tales of their history.
Like the Scyths they were pressed towards the west by yet newer swarms, and with the coming of the Huns Scythia enters upon a new cycle, though still keeping its old name in the Byzantine historians.
He fought with Bul - garian and Greek guerrilla bands, coming meanwhile in contact with the representatives of the new ideas, and finding in Talaat, the minor telegraph official, a politician after his own heart.
The decisions of a Gregory or a Leo the Great, of a Gelasius or an Innocent, prelates of holy life and unequalled wisdom, are accepted by the universal church; for, coming from such men, they cannot but be good.
In the prologue to the law-code of the great Babylonian monarch Khammurabi (c. 22 50 B.C.), the cities of Nineveh and Assur are both mentioned as coming under that king's beneficent influence.
They appear to prepare the injured zone for the coming of the next series of cells.
It is now coming to be recognized that increase of blood pressure alone is not sufficient to account for all dropsical effusions.
He dallied till the end of August, many weeks after the defeat, when the coming of Syracusan reinforcements decided him to depart; but on the 27th of that month was an eclipse of the moon, on the strength of which he insisted on a delay of almost another month.
Lamartine had the advantage of coming at a time when the literary field, at least in the departments of belles lettres, was almost empty.
Little is known of his life, .except that he spent some time at the court of Seleucus Nicator at Antioch before coming to Alexandria, and that he cultivated anatomy late in life, after he had taken up his abode in the latter city.
On coming of age he got employment at Hempstead, Long Island, making machines for shearing cloth; three years afterwards he set up in this business for himself, having bought the sole right to manufacture such machinery in the state of New York.
No doubt the coming of the Saxons, which entirely changed the condition of the country, must have greatly injured trade, but although there was not the same freedom of access to the roads, the Londoners had the highway of the river at their doors.
A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king.
Coming over the Drakensberg in considerable numbers during 1837, the Boers found the land stretching south from the mountains almost deserted, and Retief went to Arrival Dingaan to obtain a formal cession of the country of the west of the Tugela, which river the Zulu recognized as the boundary of Zululand proper.
Coming to Italy during an epidemic of plague, he was very diligent in tending the sick in the public hospitals at Aquapendente, Cesena and Rome, and effected many miraculous cures by entre nous, a la vie, a la mort."
In cold climates men coming from the warm atmosphere of a mine, often in wet clothing, are liable to suffer in health unless proper provision is made for the necessary change of clothing.
Vertical interval British front /ine before authorities, an almost indispensable preliminary to the undertaking of warlike operations against Constantinople and the Bosporus by fighting forces coming from the west.
Except a division from Egypt, coming to fight on foot, no reinforcements were on the way, and the last of the five divisions from England, the 54th, had been swallowed up at Suvla.
The promises of Old Testament prophets that the Gentiles would share in the blessing of the coming of Christ are also recalled, ii.
I was looking in the direction of the Europeans who are coming from beyond the seas to tear down thy purdahs and destroy thine empire."
That certain prophecies relating to the coming kingdom of God had clearly not been fulfilled was a matter of religious difficulty to the returned exiles from Babylon.
Bestuzhev's offer, communicated to the British government at the end of 1745, to attack Prussia if Great Britain would guarantee subsidies to the amount of some £6,000,000, was rejected as useless now that Austria and Prussia were coming to terms. Then he turned to Austria, and on the 22nd of May 1746, an offensive and defensive alliance was concluded between the two powers manifestly directed against Prussia.
They associate in communities, forming their burrows among loose rocks, and coming out to feed in the early morning and towards sunset.
The central theme of his preaching was, according to the Synoptic Gospels, the nearness of the coming of the Messianic kingdom, and the consequent urgency for preparation by repentance.
The megass coming from the first mill was saturated with steam and water, in weight equal to between 20% and 30% and up to 40% of the original weight of the uncrushed canes.
To make this apparatus more perfectly automatic, an arrangement for continually adding to and mixing with the juice the proper proportion of milk of lime has been adapted to it; and although it may be objected that once the proportion has been determined no allowance is made for the variation in the quality of the juice coming from the mill owing to the variations that may occur in the canes fed into the mills, it is obviously as easy to vary the proportion with the automatic arrangement from time to time as it is to vary in each separate direction, if the man in charge will take the trouble to do so, which he very seldom does with the ordinary defecators, satisfying himself with testing the juice once or twice in a watch.
The clear, bright syrup coming from the bag filters passes to the charcoal cisterns or filters.
The seventh article provided that bountied sugars (sucres primes) must be excluded from import into the territories of the signatory powers, by absolute prohibition of entry or by levying thereon a special duty in excess of the amount of the bounties, from which duty sugars coming from the contracting countries, and not bountyfed, must be free.
The whole of the sugar produced in India is consumed in the country and sugar is imported, the bulk of it being cane sugar coming from Mauritius and Java, and about 85% of the import is of high quality resembling refined sugar.
He had been a member of several provincial academies before coming to Paris, where he purchased a position as advocate to the parlement.
Coming to the throne at such an early age, he had served no apprenticeship in the art of ruling, but he possessed great natural tact and a sound judgment ripened by the trials of exile.
They counsel abstemious habits, but set no time for the coming of Christ, and so are spared the perpetual disappointments that overtake the ordinary adventist.
The Versus practically reproduce in outline Bwda's account of Ca dmon's dream, without mentioning the dream, but describing the poet as a herdsman, and adding that his poems, beginning with the creation, relate the history of the five ages of the world down to the coming of Christ.
Liquid metal coming in contact with such a surface forms a crust of solidified metal over it, and this crust thickens up to a certain point, namely, until the heat from within the furnace just overbalances that lost by conduction through the solidified crust and the cathode material to the flowing water.
To these should be added 133,144 Hungarians, 21,733 natives of Germany (3782 less than in 1890), 2506 natives of Italy, 1703 Russians, 1176 French, 1643 Swiss, &c. Of this heterogeneous population 1,461,891 were Roman Catholics, the Jews coming next in order with 146,926.
At this time he was already so much the coming man that, upon the retirement of Count Lobanov, his mother-in-law, Countess Toll, saw fit to inform Count Muraviev that her son-in-law, upon his appointment as foreign minister, would bear him in mind.
It receives a number of short streams from the ranges shutting in the upper end of the valley; the largest is the Ramiz, formed by the two streams of Pucara and Azangaro, both coming from the Knot of Vilcanota to the north.
The methods formerly employed in reducing ores were lixiviation and amalgamation with quicksilver, but modern methods are gradually coming into use.
The Villa Munichen or Forum ad monachos, so called from the monkish owners of the ground on which it lay, was first called into prominence by Duke Henry the Lion, who established a mint here in 1158, and made it the emporium for the salt coming from Hallein and Reichenhall.
There is no reason to impugn the soundness of this substantially consentient testimony to the pronunciation Yahweh or Jahveh, coming as it does through several independent channels.
Savonarola was one of the envoys, Charles being known to entertain the greatest veneration for the friar who had so long predicted his coming and declared it to be divinely ordained.
He was most respectfully received at the camp, but could obtain no definite pledges from the king, who was bent on first coming to Florence.
All these grow well in good garden soil, and blossom from March onwards, coming in very early in genial seasons.
He did not offer himself for re-election at Newark, and remained outside the House of Commons during the great struggle of the coming year.
Architects, turners, tilemakers, decorative artists and sculptors, coming from China and from Korea, erected grand temples for the worship of Buddha enshrining images of much beauty and adorned with paintings and carvings of considerable merit.