Comic Sentence Examples
Dean handed the phone to his wife as the light went on like in the comic books—a flashing bulb of inspiration.
Maccius Plautus (c. 254-184) was the greatest comic dramatist of Rome.
He will be joined by some of his comic book superhero friends.
There was something peculiar about it, quite unsoldierly, rather comic, but extremely attractive.
There are numerous French and Latin letters, his Apologie, a promising fragment of comic prose narrative, and a large collection of occasional verses, odes, elegies, stanzas, &c.
Ennius called his didactic poem on natural philosophy Epicharmus after the comic poet.
Die Meistersinger is perhaps Wagner's most nearly perfect work of art; and it is a striking proof of its purity and greatness that, while the whole work is in the happiest comic vein, no one ever thinks of it as in any way slighter than Wagner's tragic works.
Powerful as a comic playwright, he was not a poet in the proper sense of the term.
But we find no trace of the exuberant comic power and geniality of his great contemporary.
As a dramatist he worked more in the spirit of Plautus than of Ennius, Pacuvius, Accius or Terence; but the great Umbrian humorist is separated from his older contemporary, not only by his breadth of comic power, but by his general attitude of moral and political indifference.
AdvertisementA brief tract on comic metres (De comicis dimensionibus) and a work De causis linguae Latinae - the earliest Latin grammar on scientific principles and following a scientific method - were his only other purely literary works published in his lifetime.
How can you use comic books to motivate kids?
His pieces abound in comic situations, and some of them, Magister Blackstadius (1844), Rika Morbror (1845), En tragedi i Vimtnerby (1848) and others, maintain their reputation.
They are actually written by another great British comic called Tim Vine.
This would be an excellent holiday video game gift for kids who love comic superhero games.
AdvertisementFor instance, there is a comic book series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series that brings you into the video game environment with the super-speedy hedgehog and his companions.
It was produced with great success in 1883, and was the first of a too short series of modern English operas; Mackenzie's second opera, The Troubadour, was produced by the same company in 1886; and his third dramatic work was His Majesty, an excellent comic opera (Savoy Theatre, 1897).
Among the student publications are The Cornell Era (1868, weekly), The Cornell Daily Sun (1880), The Sibley Journal of Engineering (1882), The Cornell Magazine, a literary monthly, and The Cornell Widow (1892), a comic tri-weekly.
The first volume published of his posthumous works was the exquisite and splendid Thedtre en liberte, a sequence if not a symphony of seven poems in dramatic form, tragic or comic or fanciful eclogues, incomparable with the work of any other man but the author of The Tempest and The Winter's Tale in combination and alternation of gayer and of graver harmonies.
An important work was his treatise on the old comedy, dealing with theatres and theatrical apparatus generally, and discussing the works of the principal comic poets themselves.
AdvertisementDean handed the phone to his wife as the light went on like in the comic books—a flashing bulb of inspiration.
The central roles of Joseph and Marion Tura are taken by Jack Benny and Carole Lombard and their performances are marvels of comic acting.
A comic afterpiece always followed the main play, and performances were often interspersed with songs and dances.
Designs such as the military, airplanes, tourists spots, sports teams, comic characters and universities also appeared on Zippo's lighters.
These intricate drawings, whilst reminiscent of old-fashioned comic books or medieval illuminated manuscripts, are timeless, like the human folly they depict.
AdvertisementLenny teamed up with the Comic Strip in 1980, when he met comedienne Dawn French, who would later become his wife.
The stand-up comic was one of five wealthy clients targeted.
O Briain's simply an astonishingly funny comic, hitting scorching form.
Fine writes about a serious subject with a deftness of touch that is at times darkly comic.
The Serial Killers Club, as the title and subject matter might suggest, is a blackly comic piece of work.
What follows, in this Cannes Camera d'Or-winning gem, is an absurdly comic farce in the best Eastern European tradition.
Tragic facts are fitted into the sparkling humor and around the richly comic character of Billy.
In the 1980s, he drew the comic strip, Inside Woody Allen, based on the movie director, writer and actor.
Although I haven't read the comic strip, I believe that it contains many observations about humans from the viewpoint of the animals.
Momma is a comic strip written by Mell Lazarus, also known for authoring the Miss Peach series of comic strip written by Mell Lazarus, also known for authoring the Miss Peach series of comic strips.
But geekdom isn't perfect and this is what I think this comic strip has latched onto.
Join artist Jim Aitchison and create your own cartoon character, draw caricatures of friends and family and put together your own comic strip!
Penny Arcade Fantastic American site that runs a really funny comic strip.
Comical covers WHY DOES your front cover, every month, look like the front cover of a child's comic?
I did crossovers with other comics with whose creators I was friendly, got linked to on people's websites who liked the comic.
Harvey Pekar, the hilariously downtrodden Cleveland comic book artist, is the subject of AMERICAN SPLENDOR, titled after Pekar's autobiographical series.
Molière remains France's best-known comic dramatist, but was also a distinguished actor, director and the leader of several theatrical companies.
Comedy of Errors is a wonderful comic exasperation of mistaken identity.
Sir John Tenniel, who was already famous for his cartoons in Punch, a comic for adults, illustrated the fable.
The play also just misses the tone of comic fable that Williams intended to give it an air of innocence.
The School Council were also involved in raising funds for Comic Relief on 11 March.
Nowadays, of course, the Comic Relief joke is to use the inclusion of a high profile celebrity as a throwaway gag.
Along with my sci-fi fixation, I am also a huge comic book geek.
Tommy Rag is a fine addition to Spall's gallery of comic grotesques.
Paul Sinha, a pioneering Asian comic and regular headliner at UK comedy clubs, entertained guests.
This promises to be visually spectacular, musically infectious and darkly comic.
Charles Martin Smith provides a slight inkling of comic relief as accountant turned Untouchable Oscar Wallace.
There's an explosive comic strip set on a volcanic island.
The face of the little Catholic priest, which was commonly complacent and even comic, had suddenly become knotted with a curious frown.
In 2002 Stan Lee decided he had to file a lawsuit against the comic giant, Marvel.
He started as a comedy magician but soon realized that being a comic is his true vocation.
Actor Steve Guttenberg's directorial debut of comic misadventures is a hilarious, pitch black comedy based on James Kirkwood's cult classic novel.
It presents nineteenth century comic strips with decidedly modern punchlines.
Hotspur expects to bolster morale with a comic reminder of Hal's deficiencies.
Like mine, thy gentle numbers feebly creep; Thy tragic muse gives smiles, thy comic sleep.
I loved the Hulk, as did all the other comic book nerds that I know.
Singer utilizes 40 years of comic book background to create a believable nexus of characterisation built on a strong central theme.
Is Britain's best crime novelist about to chuck ' proper books ' to become a comic book writer?
Each book presents as a long comic strip, which will probably appeal to children for whom a lengthy text is rather off-putting.
All you can do is laugh and there are some cracking one-liners, delivered by actors who don't understand comic timing.
Strauss thought the libretto ' The born comic opera - more suited to music than either Figaro or The Barber of Seville ' .
Overall, Manderlay is a darkly comic parable that delights in muddying the waters.
Fathers For Justice hit upon the rather perplexing idea of campaigning whilst dressed in the uniform of a comic book superhero.
Finding a comic persona is the junction of these two things.
Jude Simpson, for whom the words ' comic performance poet ' don't quite suffice.
As fractured as each character is, they're all endearing and the comic pratfalls they encounter are brilliantly relayed.
It uses comic strip puppetry combined with accessible education.
Anime is the reason adult swim is so popular, the rest of the shows are mainly comic relief.
Aristophanes comic play set in 411bc includes coarse ribaldry, Greek dancing and Carry On action.
It's an enjoyable romp, with some well crafted comic moments.
Chalemie's version is firmly routed in this comic tradition.
Leave the stand-up comic routine to the best man.
Also there are loads of spelling mistakes, you used comic sans, int not done in C++, and has no rss feed.
Use a clear font such as arial or comic sans.
They were first serialized in b&w in Dark Horse's " Cheval Noir " comic, then published as graphic novels by NBM.
The Flanagan Brothers In the comic skit Fun at Hogan's the stereotypical Italian tenor is silenced with.. .
He ingeniously uses split screens, as if the screen was a reflection of the frames within a comic book page.
Style A hilarious comic spoof of a murder mystery, set in the 1920s.
And this again is an equally sublime spiritual certainty that all men are comic.
Once again captain Duncan leaped into action like a comic book superhero, with Susie his girl wonder at his side in our tender.
The whole of the business there is based on comic book creations, everyone has to appear superhuman.
Meanwhile publishers continued to churn out TV, movie and comic book tie-ins in a time when such games were anything but formulaic.
The acting, with its devilish comic timing, had me in fits.
Even the slight comic relief of the three Imperial Ministers has a sinister undertone.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a lucid, satirical, occasionally profound, utterly unique comic invention on radio.
At this time, I hold myself more utterly vanquished, than ever his theme's weight overcame comic, or, tragic poet.
Benny Hill was a typical, slightly rude, slightly vulgar comic.
Special mention indeed for her delightful rendition of the comic wordplay of Hurry, It's Lovely Up Here.
This impression was confirmed by the series of the Comic Annual, dating from 1830, a kind of publication at that time popular, which Hood undertook and continued, almost unassisted, for several years.
He was attracted towards domestic tragedy by an irresistible desire to sound the depths of abnormal conflicts between passion and circumstances, to romantic comedy by a strong though not widely varied imaginative faculty, and by a delusion that he was possessed of abundant comic humour.
The orchestration is already almost classically Wagnerian; though there remains an excessive amount of tremolo, besides a few lapses into comic violence, as in the yelpings which accompany Ortrud's rage in the night-scene in the second act.
Bohemian Rhapsody was done much better by Comic Relief.
It 's an enjoyable romp, with some well crafted comic moments.
Chalemie 's version is firmly routed in this comic tradition.
They were first serialized in b&w in Dark Horse 's " Cheval Noir " comic, then published as graphic novels by NBM.
The Flanagan Brothers In the comic skit Fun at Hogan 's the stereotypical Italian tenor is silenced with...
Despite its comic book stylings, anybody expecting an easy ride from the game will come away with a smacked bottom.
Titan Books in the UK republished a series of 6 comic strip books in the late 80s.
She kept her hold on the public for nearly 30 years, mainly in comic tomboy roles.
Apparently troubled diva will donate $100 to Comic Relief for every song we post linking back to her disco loveliness.
The English comic actor, the late Sid James, typified the type on and off stage and was typecast in such roles.
Well known on the local folk scene from the 70's for his comic compositions, singing and playing his ukulele banjo.
The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy was a lucid, satirical, occasionally profound, utterly unique comic invention on radio.
One member displayed unsuspected comic talent with her stories of life in the classroom.
At this time, I hold myself more utterly vanquished, than ever his theme 's weight overcame comic, or, tragic poet.
Special mention indeed for her delightful rendition of the comic wordplay of Hurry, It 's Lovely Up Here.
Hit the floor of the show room at Star Trek, science fiction, gaming, and comic book conventions for an impressive selection of Star Trek merchandise, including the chance to buy Star Trek patches.
Free online comic books can be great tools for teaching children about a variety of topics, while helping to build reading comprehension skills.
Obviously, no one is suggesting that comic books are on par with literary classics like Black Beauty, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, or Charlotte's Web.
However, comic books can still be a useful tool for promoting literacy.
Comic books provide an engaging way to build their skills.
The visual nature of comic books helps youngsters who struggle with reading comprehension to understand what is happening in the story better.
Comic books often explore issues relating to history, government, science, and technology - thus encouraging children to learn more about these topics.
Each comic book featured on this site is available as an Adobe PDF download.
Once the comic is downloaded, however, you can either read it on your computer or print the pages off to save like a traditional comic book.
If you choose to print off your comic, you may want to see if your printer has a double-sided printing option to help conserve paper.
Although the UNL Libraries site appears to be the largest resource for free educational comic books online, there are a number of organizations offering special issues of comic books suitable for use in classroom lesson plans.
The Seattle and King County Department of Public Health has a free downloadable comic that talks about the influenza pandemic of 1918 and discusses emergency preparedness tips.
This comic was written to deal with the worst-case scenario of the spread of the H1N1 flu.
Why should kids read comic books online?
The reputation of comic books has definitely changed in the past few years, so keep reading to see how comic books can be used in the classroom and at home to improve literacy skills and foster a love of reading.
Kids who read comic books online are actually combining a love of reading with a fascination for technology.
While comic books can be traced back several decades, this particular genre only attracted a select group of readers in the past.
In many cases, educators and parents viewed comic books with a bit of disdain, dismissing the format and content as a waste of time.
The concept of comic books can be used in a variety of ways, and they are extremely useful in piquing children's interest in reading because they are so visual.
Whether you're in the classroom or in your own home, there are numerous ways you can encourage kids to read, especially with comic books.
Inspiration-If you plan to have kids create their own visual stories, let them look at comic books to gain inspiration and ideas.
Analysis-While many people might believe that comics are shallow and basically empty of meaningful content, today's comic strips often tackle moral and ethical issues.
Analytical and critical thinking skills can be taught using comic book themes and plots as well.
Creativity-Whether your kids are reading for fun or reading for inspiration, comic books often prompt creativity.
In fact, many kids are fascinated by the format and design of comic book stories and characters.
Interest-Longer comic books, often referred to as "graphic novels," are often read because their visual images appeal to readers who might not want to read a typical novel.
Even younger readers are sometimes attracted to the comic book format simply because of the pictures, and beginning readers can practice reading skills by associating pictures with words.
What educators and library media specialists are beginning to discover is that comic books can encourage kids to read because they are reading something they love.
Kids who read comic books online often want to try their own hand at creating a comic strip.
Whether they copy the popular comic book heroes of today, or create their own character, they can find lots of inspiration and ideas on the computer.
Finally, a great comic book resource is the Comic Book Project, which is an arts-based literacy and learning website that encourages kids to write, design, and publish original comic books online.
It tells the story of a sixth-grader who tries to make money at school by selling homemade comic books.
Some kids love fantasy novels, while others stick with comic books.
Sometimes, everyone will have his own book, comic or magazine and can read quietly surrounded by family.
Even if books are traditionally defined as novels, it can be just as beneficial to get a boy to pick up a graphic novel, comic book, or nonfiction fact book to raise his reading level and maybe even change his mind about books in general.
One person's trash is another person's treasure, so you may be amazed at the cash your children's outgrown clothes or your old comic book collection might bring in.
There are cartoons and even comic books featuring this speedy blue hedgehog.
If you are a fan of the Spiderman comic series, then you know that the character and all of the drama and conflict he experiences present excellent fodder for the video game industry.
The popularity of Batman games online matches the popularity of the movies, comic books and television shows that make use of the character.
In 1940, the comic series appeared in its own comic book titled Batman which grew in popularity well into the 1960s.
If you are a fan of the Batman comic series, then it's obvious what free Batman online games would feature.
Considering the popularity of Batman, even decades after the very first story came out in comic book format, it's very little surprise that Batman Internet games are as wildly popular as they are today.
A cool curtain could feature an old-time cartoon or comic strip character, or something that speaks to you as an intellectual, like the periodic table of the elements.
The popularity of Tom and Jerry spawned a legion of merchandise, including video games, stuffed animals, comic books, T-shirts, Halloween costumes, bedding, and much more.
She recently wrote a comic book called Embrace for London Night Studios.
Eric played popular comic book character Multiple Man, one of the followers of the evil-doer Magneto.
Drill Sergeant Harvey Walden provides comic relief, even if unintentionally, as a hard-as-nails exercise expert and motivator.
His fund-raising efforts include donating a lock of hair and autograph for Britain's Comic Relief in 2003.
He was cast in the title role of Spider-Man, after the famous Marvel comic series.
The role catapulted Fisher into the spotlight and allowed her to show off the comic chops she's always had in her arsenal.
Her personal life drew some attention when she started dating fellow comic Jimmy Kimmel.
In 2000, the role of Wolverine in the comic book inspired film X-Men was awarded to Jackman.
Fathom is an adaptation of the comic book series of the same name, and Fox is set to appear in the leading role, as well as acting a co-producer along with Brian Austin Green.
Reynolds is confirmed to be playing the lead role in the 2011 film, The Green Lantern, based on the comic series.
Chris Farley - Another comic heavyweight from SNL met a tragic end in 1997 at the age of 33.
After Speed she began appearing in a string of films, with many of them playing to her comic sensibilities as well as her great beauty.
He's another comic, like Leno, who is constantly on tour.
Many of them feature characters from movies or comic books, and because they're extremely comfortable, you'll have no trouble getting your little man to wear them.
Crazy for Bargains also lists a perfect bathrobe for comic book-loving young men.
In addition to snowman and Santa ties, you'll also find ties for Christmas gift-giving featuring basketballs, soccer balls and even comic strips.
Popular for housing literally thousands of comic shorts, College Humor will provide days of entertainment.
They also have comic books, jigsaw puzzles, original artwork, first printings of albums and much more.
They also have a huge selection of funny shirts both retro and modern, with cartoon and comic designs, 80s styles, novelty and even junk food.
As is demonstrated to great comic effect in Some Like It Hot, there's a serious learning curve to getting the movement right.
Dilbert of the eponymous comic strip first popularized them (or not) and they have gained new laugh power as the wardrobe of uber-dweeb Dwight on the TV show The Office.
Some styles feature the Batman emblem, a black bat against a yellow background, graphics that look like they're from the cartoon or comic books, or the Batman character's face.
Camp Snoopy - This fun area will keep the kids entertained with child-sized rides and characters from the famous Peanuts comic strip.
Because computer users really didn't know any better, the game was a fairly decent success even though none of the graphics looked anything like the signature characters or imagery from the popular Batman comic book stories.
It is based on the film and the comic book Hellblazer.
First find the comic in the Badlands on top of an enemy lookout.
Enter BRINGIT after finding the comic in the western part of town at the bus terminal in the Badlands.
Enter SMASH15 after finding the comic in the southeast part of town just above the main canyon of the Badlands.
Input BANDERA, after finding the comic on the eastern part of the Badlands area on the side of the mountain.
Find the comic on top of a dome shaped building on the west side of the city.
The plot is a refreshing return to classic, dark, comic book tales, justifiably allowing for explosions of the Hulk's anger against similarly gamma-irradiated foes and military machines of all types.
This game is a must have for any fan of the Hulk and comic books in general, and definitely worth a look for the casual gamer looking to "Hulk Out"!
Honestly, when I first played the demo for this comic book/fighting game fan's wet dream, I was blown away.
There have also been two Japanese animated shows based on this universe, as well as a series of comic books.
The developers have created a 3D comic book-styled video game.
The story arc from the film serves as the main structure for the video game, but this action title also draws inspiration from more than 60 years of comic book content.
Tomb Raider has also had brief incarnations in comic book and novel format.
They're an improvement over the first edition of the game, but you will still be presented with a colorful comic book-like appearance wherein the characters aren't exactly animated at all.
If there's one thing the game gets right, it's the visuals and great storytelling complimented by the innovative use of animated comic panels during cutscenes.
Some very interesting commentary can be found there, along with podcasts, general gaming news and even a little comic book info.
If you're looking for a good laugh to expand on your love of Mario and the Xbox 360, you'll want to see some of the video game comic offerings that can be found for free on the Internet.
Walking into any number of bookstores, grocery stores, and specialty stores, you should be able to find a good range of different comic books to enjoy.
That said, if you want a great video game comic on a very regular basis, the webcomic community is a fantastic place to look.
They may not have the same kind of length and complexity as a full comic book, but their shorter lengths are perfect for the Internet environment.
The spoofs on some can be of a more mature nature, so parents should be just as careful about granting their children access to a video game comic as they would to an actual video game.
DotGif has a new comic that is released every week and, like others of its kind, the content can be somewhat esoteric in nature, especially when it comes to acronyms related to specific game titles on both home consoles and PC gaming.
In addition to the comic, the website also features an online store where people can buy merchandise related to Little Gamers.
ActionTrip has a comic strip as part of the overall website content and it contains some highly detailed artwork, too.
Not surprisingly, several of these kinds of games have been translated into the world of comic books and graphic novels as well.
This can also serve as great source material for comic books, because the writers and artists have more room to exercise their creative license.
Reading comic books is mostly a passive experience, but many fans want to interact with their favorite comic book characters.
That's why there are so many video games based on comic books as well.
As such, the best titles here are those that feature more comic or cartoon-style graphics.
Sometimes a developer comes up with an original concept, story or character for the game; other times they work with licensed characters such as those from movies, comic books or toys.
There are very few cutscenes and lots of reading, presented in discussions that closely resemble comic book panels.
The replay value has also been given some attention too as you can now access and collect new original artwork through comic books littered throughout the game or unlock characters like Iron Man and Professor Xavier.
The graphics in this game are similar to the style of comic book art.
The game also offers bonus comic galleries that can be viewed once you find them during your adventures.
The comic artist tantalizes the reader with an exciting story to go along with the provocative imagery.
Called "Tijuana bibles", they were eight pages of titillating comic strips, which featured many popular celebrities of the time.
There are a lot of erotic comic artists with varying levels of explicit detail in their work.
Alex Hiro This Brazilian artist creates much of his work based on popular cartoon characters and comic books.
Jab Comix Highly erotic comic website by comic artist known as "Jab".
Although from Italy, he is well-known in France where he is considered to be one of the best comic artists in the world.
Reddy Kilowatt was featured in advertisements, comic books and educational films.
There are collegiate themes, comic themes, military themes, and more.
If there is a comic from a few days ago that you would like to access, you can do that too by picking the appropriate date.
Nevertheless, throughout the 1970s, but progressively less in the 1980s and 1990s, a stigma remained attached to children who, like Linus in the "Peanuts" comic strip, hugged a blanket or other security object in times of stress.
If parents expect children to pay for their needs, such as school clothes, sports gear, music lessons, or a comic book collection, or services the parents would otherwise pay for, the allowance has to be large.
Federal Reserve System - offers free comic books that help children learn about money and how the Federal Reserve System works.
There is almost no popular cartoon or comic book character that can't be found on a towel, guaranteeing that whomever your child likes best, they can have for wrapping up in after a good day's swim.
Betty Boop fans will revel in this ode to the voluptuous comic strip queen.
Maybe you grew up reading the classic Peanuts comic strip penned by Charles Schultz.
If Snoopy was always your favorite of the Peanuts gang, you'll be happy to find a variety of beach towels featuring this comic beagle.
True Peanuts fans tend to have their favorite comic strip events memorized.
Spiderman comic books hit the market in 1963, and were an instant hit.
The Secret Wars Spiderman figure was released in conjunction with the limited edition crossover comic book of the same name.
Some special editions have been released at specific events, such as the San Diego Comic Con Cylon Centurion, so collectors should keep an eye out for exclusives at conventions.
If you attend a general comic book, anime or science fiction convention, check out sellers with action figures in the dealers' room.
The action figures were based on the popular comic book in which four mutant turtles were trained in the martial arts while living in the New York City sewer system.
They are popular attire at comic book and science fiction conventions, and costumed fans were in full force at the premieres of Episodes I-III, the newest Star Wars movies.
The Amazing Amazon is one of the few great female role models in comic books, so it's no wonder so many want to emulate her.
From the comic books to the classic TV series, Wonder Woman's costume remains pretty constant.
Since girls dressing as guys is often funny, go further and dress as a noted old comic performer such as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Groucho Marx.
These fabled swordsmen have been the subjects of films, plays and comic books and have shown up in a variety of guises.
Spiderman has been part of the American pop culture scene since the early 1980's when the popularity of the comic book grew to such heights as to spawn several animated series as well as a live action Spiderman television show.
Spiderman, the staple of society that he is, has several costumes to choose from, at least from the comic book stand point, what's available for resale, however, is very limited.
Deluxe costumes are more expensive but are also the best looking and most accurate to the comic book version.
The red and blue suit as well as the black and white one is considered to be classic Spiderman styles that come from The Amazing Spiderman comic book.
It's best to work with a few good images of Iron Man from either the film or comic book as you go.
Use the pictures of Iron Man to put the costume together as suits you - a fairly accurate costume can be made from these materials if you cut and paste carefully and study the red and yellow pattern of both his comic book and film look.
Comic timing is a gift that some people have and some don't.
If you're passionate about comic books, you can join that group and meet others who share your interests as well as your religious beliefs.
A youth group, for example, may fill a bag with Scripture verses, some sort of treat (such as candy or comic books) and inspirational or encouraging words from the group's leader.
While you're there, print out some of the other comic book and cartoon character pages, such as Barbie, Scooby Doo and the Land Before Time characters.
Print these out for your child to color, and have him add his own captions and bind together into a mock comic book for a creative writing lesson as well.
Comic Book Closet-Featured on the comic book aspect of this legendary super hero, this site offers many printables that look like the pages of a comic book before they've been colored.
This can make for hours of fun with the toys, but has also led to movies, comic books, video game, and Saturday morning cartoons.
Animes were making their way from Japan to America on a regular basis and being sold and rented by comic shops and specialty video stores to American fans.
Expect this June 16 release to appeal to tweens and teens, and adults who have never quite grown up, who are looking for some comic relief.
Attendees of Comic Con in San Diego got a special treat as two scenes from the movie were screened at the event.
The Spider-Man series is based on the comic book script written by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.
In the comic book, a nerdy boy named Peter Parker is bitten by a genetically altered spider and learns the bite has caused him to develop spider-like powers.
Unlike other action movies like Kill Bill, Die Hard or even Snakes on a Plane, Spider-Man strikes a chord with fans due to its popularity as a comic.
With so many fans of the Marvel franchise and comic books out there, it's exciting that there are so many upcoming Marvel movies for fans to look forward to.
The popular comic book house is perhaps best known for it's foray into movies with the hit Spiderman series.
Following the success of the first movie, many movie buffs looked to see more films adapted from comic books.
It's been an extremely popular character for decades and has made the transition from comic books to television to film.
I also read a lot of mythology, science fiction, and superhero comic books.
Everyone's favorite dog from the Peanuts comic strip is prominently featured on a number of slipper socks.
Snoopy is among the most recognizable comic characters in the world, which is why several footwear manufacturers have chosen the animated dog to grace their slipper socks.
In a comic twist of fate, Joanie learns her food (disgusting by human standards) is very appealing to dogs.
While there they run into Phyllis (played by Michelle Stafford), who injected some comic relief into the scene by giving her own spin on some baseball stats.
In July, 2009 at the San Diego Comic Con, creator Alan Ball announced that there would definitely be a season three.
At Comic Con in July 2009, Alan Ball promised that Sookie and Eric fans have a lot to look forward to in future True Blood episodes.
Comic books and cartoons may form the basis for your interest in dolphins.
Fans of the comic book Daredevil will remember the arch-villain Bullseye.
Your comic book bat can be anything from something out of Batman to something out of Tales From the Crypt or even a goofy children's cartoon.
Parc Asterix first opened in 1989 with a quaint theme based around popular French comic books.
The site is available in English or Italian and upon clicking your are transported into the pages of a comic book.
Each piece of information is formed as part of a journey through the comic book.
The downside is that it is difficult to quickly get to the information you require, so for hard facts it actually might be easier to go to a watch vendor's site rather than negotiate your way through the comic book pages.
In 1940, a year after the character, Bat-Man appeared, the creators Bob Kane(artist) and Bill Finger(writer) were given their own comic book series.
Kane's name is the only one that appears on the comic books.
The silver dial face depicts a comic graphic.
You would be surprised how many of your peers own comic book hero pajamas or pink fuzzy bunny slippers.
That 'laugh' landed the album in the number 2 spot in the UK charts, second only to kids' TV comic Timmy Mallet with his rendition of 'Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny'.
After Spellbound, Abdul took a beating in the press over claims she had developed a weight problem and was lampooned by many late night comic shows.
You can usually find the CD in the same places where you would go to buy anime DVDs and manga comic books, but if you don't live in or near a major metropolitan area, this can be quite the journey in an of itself.
This incredibly successful film franchise has spawned four blockbuster films, a television show, comic books, graphic novels, and even amusement rides.
She specializes in life-like portraits in color, with images of pin-up models and comic book style heroes.
Celebrity Fit Club was hosted by comedian Ant, who appeared on two seasons of the NBC reality show Last Comic Standing, up until season seven.
In addition to playing music, Simmons' first born is a creative writer and illustrator, who recently designed his own comic book titled Nick Simmons' Incarnate.
Now working for Hammer and an honorary Burrell, he brings comic relief and dependable friendship to the Burrell clan.
The series continued in novels based on the show, including anthologies called Tales of the Slayer and a comic book that picked up where season seven left off.
Fanfic is simply fiction written by fans of a story, whether a show, movie, book or comic.
After Bilbo's party, with a few departures into some gentle comic relief, usually provided by the Gamgees, the epic's general flavor becomes high-flown and suitably solemn.
Add a cute and appealing Matthew Broderick to provide both comic relief and youthful resolve, and filming locations all around Italy, and you are guaranteed one beautiful film.
While aliens in movies in the early days were often used as symbols of implacable enemies or threats, in the early days of television, they were almost universally employed at comic relief.
Despite a couple minor irregularities and a few silly lines of dialog, Batman Begins is a gold star in the world of comic book movies.
Sure, it's a comic book movie and based in a fantasy world, but to grab an audience you have to show some realism, you have to show some emotion, otherwise you're just showing off and nowadays audiences can tell when they are being duped.
Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze are more like clowns than villains, spouting off ridiculous dialog in silly costumes and in this case, belong more on the pages of the comic instead of on a roll of film.
At least in the comic book realm they are more realistic and threatening.
Comic books, cartoons, toys and novels were not sufficient.
Hero Machine is a great artistic rendering program where you can use classic comic book style art to create your hero.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters live on in the comic book series by Joss Whedon, books, fan fiction and more.
Cartoons and comic books are considered an art form all their own and, in fact, may have had the most influence on vampire art more than any other medium.
The heroes of the show use their abilities to prevent those predictions in a series of fascinating episodes featuring cinematography reminiscent of comic book action and a storyline that one would expect to find in a feature film.
Wonder Woman is far more than just a comic book character.
Wonder Woman remains a symbol of female strength, honor, and intelligence - combined with a physical appearance assigned to most female characters in comic books back then.
Wonder Woman peril is a device used by the writers of the iconic heroine whether it is in her comic book, television series or film.
The cat-garbed villain has had many incarnations in the Wonder Woman comic books.
For years female comic book superheroes tended to take the back seat to their male counterparts, but gradually they used their super powers to breakthrough cultural barriers that worked to "keep them in their place."
Today classic comic books printed in the 30s and 40s are in high demand as collectors items.
His rise to stardom quickly led to the creation of more superheroes including Batman and Robin, The Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern and one of the earliest female comic book superheroes, Wonder Woman.
To make this comic book heroine even more formidable, she was given magic bracelets which she used to deflect bullets and her golden lasso which forced men to tell the truth.
The very first comic book heroine was a buxom blonde who went by the name Fantomah.
You'll also find comic previews and reviews and a comic strip.
In addition to her acting, Huffman is hard at work on a web comic and auditioning for new roles.
Think of it like a comic strip, which is syndicated for all kinds of newspapers and other publishers to use on a regular basis, all across the globe.
Resonating with anyone who has ever dealt with the particular vagaries and attitudes of the elderly, the comic strip was a surprise success.
Besides the comic strip, there are books, calendars, t-shirts, paper towels, and even a fully-developed web site complete with a presidential campaign for 2008.
There was no way to know about updates without checking yourself - like going to a newsstand to see if the latest issue of your favorite comic book had been released yet.
Optimum 7, for example, boasts a client list ranging from heavy machinery manufacturers like BrightScale to comic and fantasy collectible specialists Forbidden Planet.
Plutarch (Pericles) gives many interesting details as to Pericles' personal bearing, home life, and patronage of art, literature and philosophy, derived in part from the old comic poets, Aristophanes, Cratinus, Eupolis, Hermippus, Plato and Teleclides; in part from the contemporary memoirs of Stesimbrotus and Ion of Chios.
A situation - hazardous in spite of its comic substratum - between Thaumasta and the pretended Parthenophil is conducted, as Gifford points out, with real delicacy; but the comic scenes are merely stagy, notwithstanding, or by reason of, the effort expended on them by the author.
Gifford holds that Dekker's hand is perpetually traceable in the first three acts of The Sun's Darling, and through the whole of its comic part, but that the last two acts are mainly Ford's.
Actors, comic and tragic, pantomimi, and the performers of the circus were commonly slaves, as were also the gladiators.
In one considerable comic fragment attributed to him - the description of a coquette - there is great truth and shrewdness of observation.
He is at home alike in the epic and the lyric, the tragic and the comic poets, and his knowledge of the prose writers is very extensive.
Aliscans continues the story, telling how Guillaume obtained reinforcements from Laon, and how, with the help of the comic hero, the scullion Rainouart or Rennewart, he avenged the defeat of Aliscans and his nephew's death.
Doveri and erected in 1816, although modern, has an historic interest as the work of an academy dating from the 16th century, called the Congrega de' Rozzi, that played an important part in the history of the Italian comic stage.
The characters are well drawn and the dialogue full of comic strength, the scenes knit together and the plot skilfully worked out.
Terence's earliest play was the Andria, exhibited in 166 B.C. A pretty, but perhaps apocryphal, story is told of his having read the play, before its exhibition, to Caecilius (who, after the death of Plautus, ranked as the foremost comic poet), and of the generous admiration of it manifested by Caecilius.
Julius Caesar's lines on Terence, the "dimidiatus Menander," while they complain of lack of comic power, characterize him as "puri sermonis amator."
He was not only the first in point of time, and according to ancient testimony one of the first in point of merit, among the comic poets of Rome, and in spirit, though not in form, the earliest of the line of Roman satirists, but he was also the oldest of the national poets.
Cicero, who frequently quotes from him with great admiration, appears (De optimo genere oratorum, i.) to rank him first among the Roman tragic poets, as Ennius among the epic, and Caecilius among the comic poets.
He also composed commentaries on the lyric and comic poets and on Thucydides and Demosthenes; part of his commentary on this last author was first published in 1904.
In epic poetry Hephaestus is rather a comic figure, and his limping gait provokes "Homeric laughter" among the gods.
Religious discussions and philosophical dissertations alternate with comic episodes.
The praise given to his concerto for the violin, which was played at the Conservatoire by Mazas, encouraged him to undertake the resetting of the old comic opera, Julie (1811).
His colleagues in the librarianship were Alexander of Aetolia and Lycophron of Chalcis, to whom were allotted the tragic and comic writers respectively, Homer and other epic poets being assigned to Zenodotus.
He attempted comedy, but with so little success that in the canon of Volcacius Sedigitus he is mentioned, solely as a mark of respect "for his antiquity," tenth and last in the list of comic poets.
The comic papyri of the XXth Dynasty have also a very strong sense of character, even through coarse drawing and some childish combinations.
Jens Baggesen is the greatest comic poet that Denmark has produced; and as a satirist and witty lyrist he has no rival among the Danes.
As a satirist and comic poet he followed Baggesen, and in all branches of the poetic art stood a little aside out of the main current of romanticism.
The comic poets satirized them, and Plato and Demosthenes inveighed against them; but they continued to spread, with all their fervid enthusiasm, their superstition and their obscene practices, wide among the people, whose religious cravings were not satisfied with the purely external religions of Hellenism.
The Operas portuguezas of Antonio Jose da Silva, produced between 1733 and 1741, owe their name to the fact that arias, minuets and modinhas were interspersed with the prose dialogue, and if neither the plots, style, nor language are remarkable, they have a real comic force and a certain originality.
Here and there there are touches of the latter, as in the portrait of Quintessence, but passion is everywhere absent - an absence for which the comic structure and plan of the book do not by any means supply a complete explanation.
Under the title of Select Scottish Ballads he reprinted in 1783 his tragic ballads, with a supplement comprising Ballads of the Comic Kind.
Xenocrates indeed, identifying ideal and mathematical numbers, sought to ' That Plato did not neglect, but rather encouraged, classificatory science is shown, not only by a well-known fragment of the comic poet Epicrates, which describes a party of Academics engaged in investigating, under the eye of Plato, the affinities of the common pumpkin, but also by the Timaeus, which, while it carefully discriminates science from ontology, plainly recognizes the importance of the study of natural kinds.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
The Directions to Servants (first published in 1745) in like manner derive their overpowering comic force from the imperturbable solemnity with which all the misdemeanours that domestics can commit are enjoined upon them as duties.
While spending a part of his time writing vaudevilles and comic operas, he began to collect old essays and rare pamphlets by old French historians.
Being a good comic actor is about having a lot of control.
That we are so ready to empathize with these comic caricatures is as much reflects of Roberts ' craft as the audience's sentimentality.
He is justly celebrated at Stratford as a comic actor; she is generally identified with more mature roles than that of Juliet.
The man exists purely to pronounce on things, usually to unintentionally comic effect.
The show is a dazzling display of dexterity, accompanied by a steady stream of comic patter.
Bohemian rhapsody was done much better by Comic Relief.
Titan books in the UK republished a series of 6 comic strip books in the late 80s.
There are several aspects to Wonder Woman history, including her Greek-based origin, the evolution of her fictional story throughout many decades of comic books, and what she represented to generations of young women across the world.
William's love of comic books ran deeper than a love of adventure and appreciation for an exciting story.
Instead, he viewed the world of comic books as a vehicle to create social change and inspire entire generations of young women.
While male superheroes still outweigh female comic book superheroines, new heroines continue to emerge.
Television, movies and video games have generated more female superheroes and given faces to some old familiar heroines that first graced comic pages.
However, even without this particular convention, Star Wars fans have dressed up and hosted parties at science fiction and comic book conventions since the release of the first movie.
The comedy club hosts a comic search and has a rentable venue for corporate parties.
Before his Richard had exhausted its original effect, he won new applause as Aboan, and soon afterwards as Lear and as Pierre in Otway's Venice Preserved, as well as in several comic characters (including that of Bayes).
But such Huckleberry Finn is, beyond all question; it is a story of very varied interest, now comic, now almost tragic, frequently poetic, unfailingly truthful, although not always sustained at its highest level.
She had a passion for writing, and produced not only a mass of letters written in French, but pamphlets and plays, comic and serious, in French and Russian.
Athenaeus himself states that he was the author of a treatise on the thratta - a kind of fish mentioned by Archippus and other comic poets - and of a history of the Syrian kings, both of which works are lost.
Critics again are agreed that Suidas was simply gulled by the comic poets when he tells of her husband, Cercolas of Andros.
This rifacimento remained the standard text with a few unimportant additions for nearly two centuries, except that, by a truly comic revolution of public taste, Condorcet in 1776 published, after study of the original, which remained accessible in manuscript, another garbling, conducted this time in the interests of unorthodoxy.
The chevalier de Mere, a man of some literary distinction, who had made her acquaintance at Mme de Neuillant's, discovered her penniless condition, and introduced his "young Indian," as he called her, to Scarron, the famous wit and comic writer, at whose house all the literary society of the day assembled.
His Amphitryons is a free imitation of the Latin, yet thoroughly national in spirit and cast in the popular redondilha; the dialogue is spirited, the situations comic. King Seleucus derives from Plutarch and has a prose prologue of real interest for the history of the stage, while Filodemo is a clever tragi-comedy in verse with prose dialogues interspersed.
If further selection be made from the large body of miscellaneous poems, the comic poem on the physician Andro Kennedy may stand out as one of the best contributions to medieval Goliardic literature; The Two Mariit Wemen and the Wedo, as one of the richest and most effective pastiches in the older alliterative style, then used by the Scottish Chaucerians for burlesque purposes; Done is a battell on the Dragon Blak, for religious feeling expressed in melodious verse; and the well-known Lament for the Makaris.
Some of the old masters of the Yamato school were, however, admirable in their rendering of the burlesqtie, and in modern times KyOsai, the last of the Hokusai school, outdid all his predecessors in the riotous originality of his weird and comic fancies.
He is commonly considered as a humorist, and no doubt he is a humorist of a remarkable comic force and of a refreshing fertility.
While he is never ranked as a writer of tragedy with Ennius, Pacuvius or Accius, he is placed in the canon of the grammarian Volcaaus Sedigitus third (immediately after Caecilius and Plautus) in the rank of Roman comic authors.
It is at first sight remarkable that Voltaire, whose comic power was undoubtedly far in excess of his tragic, should have written many tragedies of no small excellence in their way, but only one fair second-class comedy, Nanine.
The comic efforts with which he moved his tongue made her drop her eyes and with difficulty repress the sobs that rose to her throat.
The first fruits of his work were a comic opera, Der neue krumme Teufel, and a Mass in F major (both written in 1751), the former of which was produced with success.
This firm prospered for a while, and issued in 1889 Mark Twain's own comic romance, A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court, and in 1892 a less successful novel, The American Claimant.