Comfortable Sentence Examples
She'd always felt comfortable around him.
I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue.
I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last.
I'd think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
She'd start feeling more comfortable with the room.
It's comfortable and quick.
I settled in my most comfortable chair and was ready for a long conversation.
With a baby on the way, Quinn's and Martha's top priority was a locality where they could raise a family in a large and comfortable home.
Maybe sometime she'll feel comfortable with having a hired hand around - or maybe she'll get married again.
AdvertisementThe room felt comfortable and the children were asleep.
Wherever Bordeaux was, he was probably more comfortable than the rest of them.
Maybe he felt more comfortable thinking of it that way.
She brightened at the sight of the comfortable seating.
Now, here with her, he had finally felt comfortable enough to release his emotions.
AdvertisementThen, being very comfortable, he began to grow stronger.
Wherever she is, I'd be more comfortable if she were in police hands.
No. I won't tell him anything I'm not comfortable with you hearing.
I feel so comfortable! answered Natasha, almost perplexed by her feelings.
Finally she felt comfortable about her wages.
AdvertisementDean was feeling more comfortable that Cynthia just needed time to get her priorities in line.
At that moment his home life, jokes with Petya, talks with Sonya, duets with Natasha, piquet with his father, and even his comfortable bed in the house on the Povarskaya rose before him with such vividness, clearness, and charm that it seemed as if it were all a lost and unappreciated bliss, long past.
Thanks, I know we can count on you, Katie, but I think she'll be more comfortable staying at our house.
It was simple and comfortable.
Choose whichever of those you are comfortable with, but let me illustrate with a single example.
AdvertisementYou would be more comfortable somewhere in a house... in ours, for instance... the family are leaving.
Known for their signature crab cakes to juicy burgers, this restaurant is perfect for a comfortable dinner with the kids.
But I'm glad you seem more comfortable about running for office.
There was a chill, but once Dean began warming his muscles he felt comfortable in this familiar posture.
In the darkness, he was comfortable.
I'll be comfortable there.
It 's modern, clean and very comfortable, but absolutely tiny.
The cafe offers a comfortable atmosphere and outdoor seating when the weather is fitting.
Cottages are cozy, comfortable, and affordable, sleeping up to eight people.
What felt comfortable only moments ago now seemed bold and foolish.
Comfortable against Damian, she drifted into a restful doze until he shifted.
They are way too comfortable in the mortal world right now.
Comfortable as the position was, it was hard to relax.
Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible.
You have a comfortable life.
In their dormitory we found chocolate, sausages, tins of sardines, and very comfortable beds, whilst the other prisoners were starving.
The atmosphere is casual and friendly with comfortable booths.
The bar's atmosphere is warm and comfortable, with rich wooden furniture and bar.
She settled beside him again, comfortable in bed with him.
He'll probably be pissed at me, so don't get comfortable, Dan said, waving her in.
The suite was small and comfortable with a small living area, utility area with lockers, and a door leading to a bedroom with its own bathroom.
While not strictly a meat-and-potatoes guy, he felt more comfortable with a meal he could recognize, like the weekday special at Uncle Sally's Galley, not something tiny and exotic, wrapped in dainty strands of imported grass.
The two laughed and chattered like lifelong friends, perfectly comfortable in each other's company.
I feel so comfortable with you—you let me forget.
There was a cool comfortable sundress and sandals waiting for her in the other room.
Maybe jeans were more comfortable.
It's more comfortable, anyway.
The prophets address themselves to men living in comfortable abodes with olive-fields and vineyards, suffering from bad seasons and agricultural depression, and though the country is unsettled there is no reference to any active opposition on the part of Samaritans.
The life of the ruling class was comfortable and even luxurious from early times.
As comfortable playing hip-hop as he is with jazz.
Ask for your deserts to go to enjoy as you stroll around the streets, or take up a seat in the back which offers a small comfortable sitting area.
They danced for a few minutes in comfortable silence, and finally he spoke again.
She awoke beneath the sheets of his bed, warm and comfortable.
Lana pulled the blankets up as well, feeling exposed rather than comfortable at his sudden change.
But as a man who lived day-to-day, tomorrow was a concept he wasn't always comfortable with.
Its colors were pale purple and the bed beneath him more comfortable than any he'd lain in.
Tim stood in his black fed uniform, comfortable with the soldiers eyeing him.
The two-story home had been built in the depression years and although there was little land around it, it was comfortable, well constructed and had answered Dean's limited needs—at least "temporarily"—for the past 15 years.
He felt like a packaged pound of dog meat after slightly less than three hours sandwiched in his warm and comfortable bed between Ethel Rosewater's last frenzied spasm of pleasure and the screaming alarm clock.
It seemed to Dean it was the young man's way of telling his mother that he was comfortable with her allowing Dean to peek into the corners of their life.
Neat and comfortable, their station acted as their home as well as their hub for coordinating operations in LA.
No ruins are to be seen as in other Persian towns; the houses are comfortable, in good repair, roofed with tiles and enclosed by substantial walls.
He also contemplated a thorough-going reform of the ferme generale, but contented himself, as a beginning, with imposing certain conditions on the leases as they were renewed - such as a more efficient personnel, and the abolition for the future of the abuse of the croupes (the name given to a class of pensions), a reform which Terray had shirked on finding how many persons in high places were interested in them, and annulling certain leases, such as those of the manufacture of gunpowder and the administration of the messageries, the former of which was handed over to a company with the scientist Lavoisier as one of its advisers, and the latter superseded by a quicker and more comfortable service of diligences which were nicknamed" turgotines."He also prepared a regular budget.
Thus, you see, with my herbarium, my vibratory, and my semi-circumgyratory, I am in clover; and you may imagine with what scorn I think of the House of Commons, which, comfortable club as it is said to be, could offer me none of these comforts, or, more perfectly speaking, these necessaries of life."
The king gave him an annual grant of 1200 gulden (120), considerably enlarging it before the end of the year, and placing a comfortable house in the outskirts of the city at his disposal.
In recent years the demands of modern travel have led to the establishment of a hotel, which affords comfortable accommodation according to European methods.
In the following winter the death of the comtesse de Fontaine-Martel, whose guest he had been, turned him out of a comfortable abode.
They were soon settled in comfortable lodgings in Pulteney Street.
Judging by the contents of their rubbish pits, the villagers were living a comfortable existence under Roman rule.
The lounge was large and light with plenty of comfortable seating and an exceptionally pleasant atmosphere.
There is also a covered area under which our babies sleep in large comfortable traditional high prams, with written parental consent.
Our room is pleasant and comfortable.
If you cannot find a baby day care facility that you are comfortable with, you can check into smaller home-based facilities.
The hotel's beds are exceptionally comfortable, linens crisp, and the beds are double-sheeted.
The cozy and comfortable atmosphere serves as the perfect venue for patrons seeking a place to relax and dine in the heated patio or indoors while nightly live jazz tunes emanate from the piano.
If you're seeking a hearty meal at a fair price in a comfortable atmosphere, this restaurant will suit you well.
Wood floors and gentle lighting help to create a warm and comfortable feeling, accented by a wait staff that encourages patrons to feel as though they are welcome and valued guests.
It was still early in California and I assumed she was at dinner though I'd been more comfortable knowing she and Molly had reached their destination without hitch.
It'll be another two weeks before I'll feel comfortable imaging her uterus to see the fetus.
I know we'll probably never learn the answer, but I still can't fathom what could have happened back in Boston to make Annie Quincy desert a comfortable life.
She sat back, comfortable with the warmth of the fire.
She felt comfortable enough now to approach that intimate conversation.
They sat in comfortable silence, watching a couple of squirrel's frolic in the warm spring sun.
Xander hadn't bristled around this woman; his guard stayed down, as if he was comfortable with her.
Once acquired the habitué depends on the drug for a comfortable existence, and as the organism becomes quickly tolerant of the alkaloid the original dose no longer suffices.
Passenger travelling is slow, but extremely comfortable.
Painting in a range of media, but most comfortable with etching, he is one of Britain's most famous contemporary printmakers.
We will try to make you comfortable.
When selecting your baby's clothing, make sure the fabric is comfortable.
This restaurant has a very casual environment, and guests can be comfortable showing up in their beach clothes after a day of hanging out by the ocean.
In this festive and casual atmosphere you can feel comfortable eating your tacos with your fingers.
The trio was far more comfortable now, six months later, with enough money in the bank to keep the wolves away, and expectations, if not of prosperity, of at least a reasonably comfortable coming season.
We won't have you skiing any place where you're not comfortable.
I do feel better but I'll still be glad when things get back to normal and I'm comfortable my mother is her old self again.
Fred squirmed to a more comfortable position.
He hit a comfortable pace and stayed there as he peddled past the cemetery and the open meadows where a herd of elk grazed near the river to his left, standing at attention near the edge of the tall cottonwoods that lined the bank.
Oh, I guess he thinks she'll be more comfortable in it.
If she had to spend time in the holding room, he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.
They had accomplished quite a bit the previous day, and Sarah felt comfortable about being away for the next two days.
Life at Fairhaven settled into a comfortable routine.
She'd run into no one in her two weeks and grown comfortable in the forest with Jack.
Tommy DeLeo and his wife had invited them both over for a family cookout but Dean didn't want to be around someone else's comfortable world when his was a tossed salad.
The flight out on Friday night had been a comfortable few hours spent at thirty-odd thousand feet, sandwiched between a cloud-covered countryside and a starlit sky.
They ate in comfortable silence for a while before he finally spoke.
It was a comfortable intimacy, though – and the first of his money she would spend on herself.
They sat in comfortable silence, eating.
She'd never felt as comfortable around him as she did Dusty.
She made her new spot as comfortable as possible and lay down to wait and watch.
His warmth made her drowsy and comfortable, and she liked the feeling.
Her thoughts turned to the one person she felt comfortable talking to.
Jenn couldn't help feeling more comfortable here than in the forest, when it was just the two of them.
He made a comfortable nest on the floor, propped against several borrowed pillows.
He knew nothing aside from Memon's heavy-fisted ways and those of the surrounding clans, but he felt far more comfortable sitting in a hall full of what should be the enemy than he ever had at Memon's court.
She groaned, comfortable in her familiar bed yet aching all over.
Actually, the suit is comfortable enough - the oxfords, not so much.
The knit pants hugged her figure, but they were comfortable and stretched when she did.
While the clothes she wore today were comfortable, they certainly wouldn't have been her choice.
If you feel comfortable with her … He paused briefly and then continued.
Alondra would probably be more comfortable with someone sophisticated like Alex.
Like Alex, he was most comfortable when he was in complete control.
It looked like a comfortable position, so Carmen did the same.
The rocker was comfortable and a soft breeze caressed her into a blissful silence.
I mean... my sleeping bag isn't the most comfortable bed, you know.
The private man who hadn't even named his cat didn't seem like someone comfortable with sharing.
He propped up his feet again, comfortable.
She was comfortable, cradled in his arms.
She was comfortable with her body, until she strolled onto a beach covered in cheerleaders.
Jonny opened it to reveal a comfortable looking room with a plush couch set, rugs to cover the concrete floors, and television lighting the room.
Her room was bright, the bed more comfortable than she remembered.
She scanned over the comfortable furniture and past the living room to a large kitchen and dining area before her gaze returned to the two forms seated on the balcony.
Each city which had been the cradle of freedom thankfully accepted a master, to qutmch the conflagration of party strife, encouragt trade, and make the handicraftsmen comfortable.
But it provided him with a safe and comfortable retreat, and with every opportunity for literary work.
In 1802 he entered parliament through the duke of Norfolk's nomination as member for Thetford, and married a widow with six children, Mrs Ord, who had a life interest in a comfortable income.
He abounded in kindliness and generosity, and if there was anything especially difficult for him to endure, it was the sight of human suffering, as was shown on the night at Shiloh, where he lay out of doors in the icy rain rather than stay in a comfortable room where the surgeons were at work.
His grandfather, Daniel Foe, lived at Etton, Northamptonshire, apparently in comfortable circumstances, for he is said to have kept a pack of hounds.
The compounds in general, especially those originally made for Chinese labourers, are well built, comfortable, and fulfil every hygienic requirement.
The appearance of the houses is precisely that of Swiss chalets, picturesque and comfortable - the only drawback being a want of chimneys, which the Bhutias do not know how to construct.
The bracing weather of Canadian winters is followed by the warmth and humidity of genial summers, under which crops grow in almost tropical luxuriance, while the cool evenings and nights give the plants a robustness of quality which are not to be found in tropical regions, and also make life for the various domestic animals wholesome and comfortable.
Inscriptions, beautiful mosaics and other traces of comfortable houses have been found, with many potsherds, coins and bronze, iron and other objects; and a large part of the town walls, several mosaics and parts of buildings, can be seen.
The introduction of the Ten Commandments in 1553 seems to be derived from the order of service published by Valerandus Pollanus (Pullain) in 1551; and that of the Comfortable Words in 1 549 is borrowed, though all the texts chosen are not identical, from the Consultation of Hermann.
In all warm or comfortable days the fruit trees may be pruned.
If the skins are dressed in Europe they afford a very comfortable rug, though a very marked one in effect.
Hume certainly did his utmost to secure for Rousseau a comfortable retreat in England, but his usually sound judgment seems at first to have been quite at fault with regard to his protege.
There are wider streets, comfortable residences, and attractive gardens in this part of the city.
The benefices are almost without exception provided with good residences and glebes, and the tithes, &c., generally afford a comfortable income.
The depressing effect of the heat and humidity is greatly relieved by afternoon breezes from the sea, and the nights are invariably comfortable and generally cool.
Balue (q.v.) spent eleven years in prison quarters, comfortable enough, in spite of the legend to the contrary, while Harancourt was shut up in an iron cage until 1482.
Its massive Roman walls still survive, and recent excavations have revealed a town hall and market square, a temple, baths, amphitheatre, and many comfortable houses with mosaics, &c. An inscription shows that under the Roman Empire it was the chef-lieu of the Silures, whose ordo or county council provided for the local government of the district.
Hostile critics were not wanting; many voices were raised in protest against the ultra-humanitarianism which sought to make gaols too comfortable and tended to pamper criminals.
Some of them are models of cleanliness and good order, built on the best and most imposing lines with large comfortable cells and an abundance of light and air.
The newest prisons are generally lighter, more roomy, better ventilated and on the whole more comfortable than even the best British prisons.
He served on the most comfortable stations, and avoided the more arduous work of the navy.
The gardens to the north-east contain a caravanserai, which is fairly well kept and comfortable.
The service was one of great exposure and privation; for two years and a half, Farragut wrote, he never owned a bed, but lay down to rest wherever he found the most comfortable berth.
After 1760 the penal laws were less strictly enforced, but throughout the century the lot of the Episcopalian ministers in Scotland was far from comfortable, and only the humblest provisions for church services were tolerated.
Campeche was one of the three open ports of this coast under the Spanish regime, and its walls, general plan, fine public edifices, shady squares and comfortable stone residences are evidence of the wealth it once possessed.
It was a comfortable save, although you never know the way that big lummox has played in this tournament.
Comfortable residence pleasantly situated for the residence pleasantly situated for the residence of a gentleman.
It helps balance sebum production and smoothes out the texture of the skin, leaving it soft and comfortable.
The southern spring, the comfortable rapid traveling in a Vienna carriage, and the solitude of the road, all had a gladdening effect on Pierre.
Having straightened his coat and fastened on his hunting knives and horn, he mounted his good, sleek, well-fed, and comfortable horse, Viflyanka, which was turning gray, like himself.
When they began to blindfold him he himself adjusted the knot which hurt the back of his head; then when they propped him against the bloodstained post, he leaned back and, not being comfortable in that position, straightened himself, adjusted his feet, and leaned back again more comfortably.
Her living room furniture was aesthetically positioned for a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere.
Wear something simple and comfortable, and do your hair and makeup before the session.
You should be comfortable using whatever words you choose, however.
You want your little boy to be as comfortable as possible, and with patience and consistency, he will be potty trained in no time!
Car Seat Head Supports-If you are worried about your infant's head becoming bent in an awkward position once he falls asleep, you can buy one of these supports to help him feel more comfortable.
Home is the place that your child feels most comfortable, and a party with guests, toys, and noise can be somewhat overwhelming for a one year old.
Let's face it, while your little bundle of joy doesn't take up a lot of space, she'll need a comfortable, safe place to sleep.
Unfortunately, your baby will suffer occasional bouts with childhood illnesses, such as colds, ear infections, sore throats, stomach viruses, etc. You'll want to keep him as comfortable as possible and well-hydrated.
Still, if you aren't comfortable feeding your baby, it can make for an unpleasant experience for you both.
So, how can you breastfeed in public while still feeling comfortable, creating another bonding moment for you and your child?
Many larger department stores now offer lounge areas with comfortable couches and chairs for nursing mothers to enjoy while breastfeeding their babies.
Sports Bras-These are typically very comfortable, and while they may not flatter your figure as much as an underwire bra, they are great for wearing around the house, to sleep in, and for exercising.
These are typically comfortable bras, and you can sleep in them, but it may be more difficult to nurse your baby discreetly.
The additional support will make sleeping and those middle of the night feedings more comfortable.
Keep in mind though that the outfit you choose should be comfortable for baby, and it should allow easy access for diaper changes.
You can help your infant be more comfortable by trying the following procedures.
The seat reclines all the way back to make sleeping on the road a comfortable experience while also being able to get into enough of an upright position that your child will be able to look around when he or she is fully awake.
Because of this, you'll want to purchase a nursery glider or rocker that is sturdy and comfortable.
You want it to look good and feel comfortable.
When purchasing a rocker with arms, be sure the arms are at a comfortable height for you to use.
Look for an agency that you feel comfortable with.
If for any reason you do not feel comfortable with someone, do not hesitate to continue looking for a different provider.
Be sure you are comfortable with the philosophy of anyone who watches your child.
You will be tempted to bring only the bare minimum, but not having enough clothes, wipes, bottles, or sippy cups, etc. can make for a more difficult, less comfortable trip.
Pack a variety of clothing to keep your baby comfortable in case it is hotter or colder than you anticipated.
Not comfortable handling a do-it-yourself project on your own?
It's a safe, comfortable place for your new baby to sleep, and it provides security and support for infants up to toddlers.
When hosting a baby shower plan ahead to provide a comfortable chair for the mother-to-be to sit in, assign a person to hand her the gifts, and another to write a list tracking who gives what gift.
Every baby nursery needs a comfortable chair to rock your baby to sleep in.
These slings are said to "breathe", creating a comfortable, cool nest for your baby to enjoy.
Graco prides itself with designing a cool and sporty looking seat kids will feel comfortable in.
No matter how comfortable you are speaking in front of others, it always helps to at least run through the speech a couple of times before the actual day of the event.
However, if you are instead striving to make a comfortable and welcoming environment for your baby, allow yourself to understand the fact your infant simply will not care about designer furniture or legendary nursery wall tapestries.
However, you also want your little one to be as comfortable as possible in what can often be a stressful situation for him and for you.
If you aren't comfortable putting anything on the walls, you can play up the ladybug theme by painting the nursery furniture.
Some people are just more comfortable interacting and caring for older children, who are much more independent than babies.
A child will probably have better success when she feels confident and comfortable.
So long as your newborn feels secure and loved, you should feel comfortable with your decorating style.
These parents want to create a unisex environment where their daughters should feel as comfortable playing with trucks as their sons do playing in the kitchen.
Keep room temperature at a comfortable level; don't make the room too warm.
Once you become more comfortable with how to make baby food, you can expand your baby's diet a little at a time (barring any food allergies, of course).
One of the greatest boasts of this nursing bra line is the fact that Elle Macpherson nursing bras are still very comfortable, despite their embellished looks.
Moreover, when it comes to tight and binding garments, it is important for breastfeeding mothers to consider certain health issues in order to make the duration of their breastfeeding as comfortable and safe as possible.
Although many women swear by the comfort of cup-less and wireless nursing bras, these options are often only comfortable for women who have smaller chests.
The Hot Milk designer lingerie company seeks to change that attitude and in the process empower pregnant women and breastfeeding moms by creating sensual maternity lingerie and breastfeeding bras that are both beautiful and comfortable.
Choose a collar size that is comfortable and you will not suffer from an itching and red neck and your tie will fit correctly.
But you're still not comfortable with the decision, are you?
Our new life in Keene produced a comfortable level of contentment we'd never previously experienced.
She was comfortable in bed with him – yet silently panicking as well.
Both Dean and his wife felt comfortable with Fred researching the identity of the skeleton as long as Fred remained unaware of any direct connection to the Dawkinses.
I've said more than I feel comfortable saying.
The newest member of their family, Yully wasn't quite comfortable yet.
He roused himself, leery of becoming too comfortable in the home of his enemies.
It was comfortable – too comfortable.
She rubbed her arms again and headed for the living room, which was now comfortable.
Only after a promise to adhere to her commitment did Howie feel comfortable with Betsy making the call.
I settled in my most comfortable chair for a long conversation.
The old man and child were playing checkers in comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
Even Bumpus, our pet dog, was comfortable in our new office where he'd accompany us each day, content to lie beneath his mistress's desk or occasionally woof for a walk.
After refusing bed, I was propped up on a sofa and felt reasonably comfortable, provided I kept motion at a minimum.
The train was clean and comfortable.
She was comfortable in bed with him – yet silently panicking as well.
They felt comfortable that it was the path to the remote mine.
Tucked against him, she was comfortable but unable to relax, too aware of the effect his size and strength had on her.
She beat the rush onto the metro and took up a comfortable position on the aisle side of the commuter train, book in one hand and purse in the other.
There were six large ornate sheet music cabinets along one wall and comfortable seating for eight, although Sarah was the only audience ever in attendance.
The two-story home had been built in the depression years and although there was little land around it, it was comfortable, well constructed and had answered Dean's limited needs—at least "temporarily"—for the past 15 years.
I feel so comfortable with you—you let me forget.
He was far too—comfortable.
It was strange how a man could feel comfortable blowing kisses, but paranoid about revealing his vulnerable side.
It was a comfortable intimacy, though – and the first of his money she would spend on herself.
Their friendship had turned into something else, something she wasn't comfortable with.
She'd knocked the Oracle out to make Traveling a little more comfortable.
Taran settled into a comfortable morning with the good-natured warriors of Tiyan.
If you feel comfortable with her … He paused briefly and then continued.
Satisfied, she returned to the living area and plopped down on a couch too rigid to be comfortable.
Not simply decorative afterthoughts, they are vital elements in the design of a comfortable, well-planned room.
I ain't easy; I ain't easy; I ain't comfortable.
The large bar area features paneled walls, wooden tables and chairs and comfortable upholstered armchairs in front of an.. .
He invited us to sit down on comfortable armchairs placed around a fire on which a kettle sat between two logs.
The seats are really comfortable with the drivers having extra lumber support and there is also an adjustable drivers armrest for those long journeys.
And the fact that it was very comfortable, and that we were looked after extremely well by these two spinster aunts.
Many Thanks Margaret and Arthur Weaver stayed at parc glas bach, moylegrove in May 2005 Enjoyed our stay in your comfortable cottage.
In addition there is a comfortable sofa bed in the living area.
Wearing a comfortable, supportive maternity bra should help.
The 365 day a year course is comfortable to play, even in the middle of the day due to the constant cooling breeze.
West Kitty Cottage A detached three-bedroom bungalow providing comfortable accommodation for a family of up to five people.
Knew David was really comfortable in California when he ordered a breakfast burrito.
Orchard Farm Cottages 2 comfortable farm cottages converted from a traditional cow byre, retaining the original beams.
After lunch you will transfer to Ian Anderson's Caves Branch & jungle Lodge for a three night stay in a comfortable jungle cabana.
Foam Hand Grips Make mounting and dismounting more comfortable, and help prevent calluses and slippery hands when performing chin-ups.
He performed a wonderfully collected canter to ensure that his extra passenger would be as comfortable as possible.
Each of our 4-6 berth caravans offers comfortable spotlessly clean accommodation.
The lovely old oak beams, warm carpeting and cheerful fabrics all combine to make your stay truly comfortable and relaxing.
The big glaciers had produced vast u-shaped valleys which had formed the lake our comfortable catamaran was on.
The Arsenale space is so cavernous that encountering something of this dimension makes you feel surprisingly comfortable and a casa.
Keep the room warm and choose a comfortable bed to sleep in or a comfortable chair to sit in before you retire.
I didn't quite figure them out to the point of being comfortable with them until I was forced to with the last colossus.
All have been exquisitely designed down to the last detail to be a feast for the senses as well as supremely comfortable.
The seat suspension was again set fairly soft and was surprisingly comfortable over these surfaces.
The Ellaroo Sling spreads out well over the shoulder and across the back making for an exceptionally comfortable carry.
We desire an indoor climate in which we feel comfortable - warm enough in winter, cool in summer.
Promoting his new album, Jacket Full of Danger, Green seems comfortable with his enduring cult status.
England didn't start well but they looked more comfortable after Michael Owen had scored his first goal.
It was only in the final two episodes that he seemed to find his footing and appear comfortable in the role.
It's not just culinary delight, but a comfortable, effortless, night out.
This converted dairy is perfect for two, retaining some original stonework and providing comfortable accommodation in a peaceful location.
The 19th century farmhouse, on our 300 acre dairy farm is large, comfortable and tastefully furnished with antiques.
I feel more comfortable as a deacon in work than I do as a deacon in work than I do as a deacon in church as the moment.
On land, Dri-Lite is constructed from two different deniers to enhance directional moisture wicking, keeping you dry and comfortable.
Upon system start-up, users are presented with comfortable access to ten, instead of just one, computer desktops.
The lights are not too bright or too dim, they are comfortable for the eyes.
The skill of your facilitators is crucial here; they must be comfortable with heated debates that can often sound disloyal.
Talking about your feelings might not be comfortable - yet you may feel the need to clue someone into growing disquiet.
The group however seemed somewhat distracted by an surprisingly comfortable leather couch, which proved to be the most praised item in the museum.
Soft, 100% silk creates a sumptuous feel and the smooth waistband has a silk drawstring detail to ensure an incredibly comfortable fit.
The soft, thermally efficient TKA 100 Crew provides warmth without weight and a comfortable, pullover style, zip free fit.
The brief has a loose fit and a comfortable half elasticated waist, while the top has delicately embroidered floral details at the neck.
The Peregrine Voyager is a modern, ice strengthened vessel that is very comfortable and ideally suited for polar exploration.
The redesigned eyecups allow for a very comfortable positioning of the eye.
Behind the classical facade is a spacious contemporary foyer leading to an elegant lounge bar with comfortable traditional furnishings.
It gives you greater coverage being a four pronged attack for super quick needle felting as well as being comfortable.
The floor is laid in colored tiles, the hearth made comfortable with a home made rug & highly polished steel fender.
We spent the first night in a very comfortable private room, and the second in a cabin.
All units come fully fitted to the highest standards for comfortable modern living.
Our Business Premier seat converts from a comfortable reclining leather armchair with Ottoman footrest, into one of the biggest beds in the air.
Individual and beautifully furnished bedrooms have oak four-poster beds and comfortable sitting areas.
At the lunch break HHDUGC held a comfortable lead of 8 4 after the morning foursomes.
Candidates should be comfortable moving past gatekeepers, speaking with decision makers and understand the process of selling over the phone.
When you are comfortable doing this you can start gentle running and stretching.
The original farmhouse, renovated into comfortable and spacious accommodation for enjoying holiday get-togethers.
I think it has too much of a quiet comfortable Coldplay sound to get too giddy about, frankly.
I don't feel very comfortable as I hear silly giggles and jokes about me.
It replaces the winding crank and provides a comfortable grip, which facilitates handheld photography.
Seaside hammocks - is your source for the world's most comfortable hammocks.
Your hotel at Pedoulas is a comfortable, family-run 1* star hotel in the middle of this attractive village.
They are much more comfortable in 30 degree weather and don't cause unpleasant hot flashes.
Platinum doesn't tarnish, and for those with sensitive skin, it is also hypoallergenic, making it comfortable to wear.
It offers comfortable 3 people igloo type tents for each 2 passengers, with mattresses and sleeping bags.
The suits themselves feel bulky and somewhat inflexible, but are remarkably comfortable overall.
What is right for you is the level of sexual intimacy with which you feel comfortable.
May as well make them feel comfortable, so they don't get too jumpy.
For more comfortable moving of spam to Junk e-mail, use the junk e-mail, use the Junk button on the Apple Mail toolbar.
The cottage offers 1 double bedroom, 2 twin bedded rooms, bathroom, comfortable living area, well-equipped kitchen.
From our base at the comfortable Oropendola Lodge we'll be able to explore the trails, oxbow lakes and visit nearby canopy platforms.
A mild and gentle laxative can help you to open your bowels, this will make you feel more comfortable.
Regardless, it fulfills its purpose - comfortable surroundings in which to enjoy a libation and a natter.
So let us know if you want fancy Italian loafers or inexpensive but comfortable slippers.
We provide comfortable Bed and Breakfast accommodation and two self-catering lodges with doorstep trout fishing.
A very comfortable and well appointed home in a super location on exclusive longboat Key.
A comfortable campers lounge where you can relax with a drink from our off license or food from our takeaway.
We're in one, a handsome Victorian manse where we are in comfortable rooms.
The sofa bed easily unfolds to present a comfortable spring interior, tufted mattress.
Cabins are comfortable and spacious, and alfresco dining for all 48 passengers ensures that mealtimes are fresh and convivial.
The majority of the transfers are done by air, while local visits are done in comfortable air-conditioned minibusses with removable ramps.
If we follow Iglesias's thesis, this runs from comfortable, bourgeois irrelevance to casual misogyny.
What people lack are regular employment and the resources (often monetary) to provide a more comfortable lifestyle.
Extremely comfortable, no pressure points behind the ears, cannot fall off, ensures compatibility with helmet mounted ear muffs.
Standing aid RAISA The safe and comfortable standing and transfer aid to help people with weakened leg musculature.
We made ourselves comfortable in the restaurant, where simple white napery contrasted with the old photographs of metropolitan life.
I became so nauseous I couldn't find a comfortable position.
He'll share how to turn less than a thousand dollars into a comfortable retirement nest egg using smart financial strategies most people overlook.
A private hamlet of 5 comfortable, cozy cottages nestled in a peaceful hidden 15 acre valley yet just 5 minutes from Kingsbridge.
Our comfortable rooms have private facilities and they also have a nightstand, several chairs, direct dial telephone and a trouser press.
Whilst it is a large watch it is very comfortable to wear and does not feel obtrusive on the wrist.
Again, we occupied the same seats as we did outbound, 25E and 25F and we got comfortable for the homeward bound flight.
Comfortable teak patio furniture, which includes a large teak table, 8 reclining chairs, 2 sun loungers and 6 sun beds.
Behind that discreet green door lies the cozy, comfortable world of Searcy's Roof Garden Bedrooms, a surprisingly peaceful central London oasis.
They freed women from the layers and layers of heavy petticoats and were much more hygienic and comfortable.
Spacious and comfortable, the rooms are well equipped with color television, refreshment tray, clock radio and hairdryers.
Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers, wear sun cream, a hat and bring a raincoat too!
Seats in United Business will also recline to 150 degrees, providing customers with a more comfortable sleeping environment.
You can unwind in our comfortable lounge bar with a pre-dinner drink or relax in our delightful drawing room after a sumptuous repast.
According to him, he felt more comfortable urinating in public places, but avoided entering restrooms if others were there.
It reveals how young people on low incomes face significant barriers to saving that put any prospect of a comfortable retirement at severe risk.
We have stayed here and enjoyed the real fires, great breakfasts, and comfortable room.
Adjustable seat - This upright bike includes an adjustable seat, providing a more comfortable workout for a variety of users.
The leather seats are electrically adjustable to create the perfect driving position and so comfortable with extra lumber support.
Comfortable fully upholstered red plush seating has now replaced the hard plastic chairs - regulars can leave the cushions at home!
A traditional kitchen is a comfortable, user friendly kitchen - ensure there's some comfy seating around.
There is plenty of comfortable seating in a small raised area at the front with some seating by the bar.
An intravenous sedative will be given to make you more comfortable during the test.
Sitting on a comfortable settee, we take our coffee from the cloth covered coffee table.
Cycling shorts are not essential but can make the experience more comfortable!
Gig Bags A range of attractive thickly padded bags which are crammed with features; from numerous pockets to comfortable shoulder straps.
Made from hypoallergenic, soft silicone rubber for a custom, comfortable fit.
The comfortable, cozy lounge bar carries a large selection of beers, wine, liqueurs and spirits, including single malts.
Kevan Gore quickly dispatched the pole sitter to take a comfortable lead.
The soft clear silicone skirt is extremely comfortable and molds to the diver's face.
They feel comfortable to complete surveillance on back then comes riding sky-high.
They are designed to give your baby the best in safe, comfortable and restful sleep.
The apartment is very comfortable and unusually spacious, especially for the center of Val d'Isère.
This beautifully built detached family bungalow, offers spacious, comfortable living accommodation.
Allow children to feel comfortable speaking in their own language to other children or staff in the setting who speak the same language.
But I didn't feel very comfortable in the pop music world so I went to Japan in 1972 - a completely spontaneous act.
The living room, spacious and comfortable, is given a regal air by the impressive curved marble stairway up to the mezzanine lounge.
Large, comfortable living room with exposed stonework, oriental rugs, wood-burner style gas stove, comfortable seating including a double sofa bed.
I think I can see you making the sweetbread and preparing everything comfortable for tomorrow.
The Mooncup is a comfortable, cost effective and enviromentally friendly alternative to disposable tampons.
They all sat in comfortable easy chairs drawn up in front of a roaring fire and Madge poured the tea.
It's modern, clean and very comfortable, but absolutely tiny.
It is however, comfortable for carrying a toddler.
She is comfortable offshore and her high topsides make her dry in high seas.
The Vario electric hedge trimmers - comfortable work, you can adjust the handles to suit where you are working.
Two communal living room facilities per house include a flat screen TV & dvd, comfortable seating and dining furniture.
Luxuriate in the comfortable window seat and enjoy a glass of wine in the evening while you watch the lights twinkle across the water.
Whether we were comfortable or happy or healthy are not ultimate issues.
Well equipped, comfortable, with first floor balcony and large deck providing a delightful vantage for watching the wildlife.
The French knickers have a flattering cut with an easy drawstring waist for a comfortable yet stunning fit.
Olga, go and see whether Uncle's beef tea is ready--it is almost time, she added, giving Pierre to understand that they were busy, and busy making his father comfortable, while evidently he, Pierre, was only busy causing him annoyance.
What better way to lift a learner out of that comfortable state of ' unconscious incompetence '?
Comfortable grown-up dining is the deal amid the understated chic of one of London 's first boutique hotels.
The Hoo Farm offers comfortable accommodation in the beautiful Gloucestershire vale of the river Severn.
This short has a drawstring waistband for a comfortable fit.
The " Verbier Swivel Matic " is a stylish 3 wheeler push chair offering a comfortable ride across all terrains....
Underwear made from these fabrics has the ability to wick up perspiration keeping you dry - and comfortable.
We were upstairs on wooden benches which was not terribly comfortable or atmospheric.
Because nursing bra sizing is even more difficult than getting the correct size of a regular bra, it is important to try on several different sizes to see which ones are most comfortable and provide the best silhouette for your body.
Nursing bras have come a long way in the past few decades, however, and you can find bras that are stylish and comfortable.
This kind of bra is very comfortable but doesn't provide much support.
Not everyone is comfortable with shopping for such an intimate object as a nursing bra online.
Features include one-handed clasps for easier nursing access, adjustable back hooks for a comfortable fit, and seamless cups for a smooth look.
If you have family or friends who feel comfortable staying at your home, it's best to have live-in help for a while.
Throw in a soft, comfortable baby nightgown, swaddling blanket and matching mittens to protect the little darling's face from scratches.
By following directions accurately, you can feel good about providing a safe and comfortable place for your baby to sleep.
Sophisticated and modern baby nurseries are part of a growing trend that seeks to make a nursery that is as comfortable for the parents as it is for the baby.
If the dealer or seller is pushing the car on you in a way that doesn't feel comfortable, it's most likely because there is something in your gut telling you to walk away.
Large families need more square footage for comfortable living than smaller families so you need to decide whether you want a mini motorhome or a larger class C motorhome.
Take one for a test drive to find out whether or not you're adept at and comfortable with driving such a large vehicle.
What could be more pleasurable than sitting in a comfortable armchair and reading or chatting with a friend?
It's important to select towels that are absorbent and that you find to be comfortable.
When shopping, think about buying the style of clothing he is comfortable wearing and that you are comfortable buying.
Also remember that if you are buying "all day" clothes you will want something that the lad is as comfortable learning in as he is playing in.
The former is a comfortable, stretchable material and easy to take care of.
The balance, weight, and proportion of the pieces should be comfortable to grip and turn.
Traveling by Amtrak is a comfortable way to go, whether you are commuting or on vacation.
How comfortable a computer keyboard feels to you when you use it is an important factor to consider.
Remember that boots that feel comfortable at this time of the day are your best fit.
It is very important for your feet to be dry and comfortable during use.
Boots do expand with usage, but a boot that does not feel comfortable initially will probably never give you the comfort that you desire.
If you don't feel comfortable doing this, bring a friend or family member along for honest advice about which lipsticks look good on you.
That's a long time, especially if the shirt isn't comfortable or doesn't fit well.
Cotton is the most comfortable material since it allows your body to breathe.
Loose fitting sleepwear is the most comfortable since it does not bind or constrain.
These bikes are designed for the heavy traveler due to their comfortable seating position which mimics the way a cowboy would ride a horse.
They're the most comfortable bikes to take on long trips, but the upright seating position does sacrifice some degree of control - which is where Choppers come in.
What this means for you is that you will need a space big enough to situate a rear-projection television and to allow you to sit at a comfortable distance from it.
Take the road racing bike for a test spin to see how comfortable a fit it is for you.
Dog beds that are comfortable and provide a nice fit are available in several different types.
Cottons and cotton blends are the best in terms of everyday use and will keep you feeling cool and comfortable.
Choose a bra that provides you with a comfortable fit at all times.
Our feet normally expand during the day, and a pair of boots that fits well and feels comfortable later in the day will feel comfortable the rest of the time as well!
Select the most comfortable boots that you can find at the first go.
If going for a totally new style or material, try to find out whether the style is comfortable when worn, whether the fabric feels comfortable at different times of the day and so on before committing yourself to the purchase.
They are comfortable because they are usually of soft, breathable knits that let you sleep in comfort.
Cotton is generally the most comfortable material since it allows your body to breathe.
Always go for a fitting in the evenings, since this is the time our feet are swollen and sneakers that feel comfortable at this time will offer you the best fit going forward in time.
Also, the hosiery will not provide any warmth to your body. 10 to 20 denier hosiery is the most popular and comfortable since it is quite sheer, reasonably warm and also looks good.
Buy a pair that feels comfortable right from the start.
It is also a good idea to buy your shoes in the late afternoon or evenings since that is the time when our feet are at their widest, and shoes that feel comfortable then will be comfortable at all other times.
Ask the store assistant to measure both of your feet and choose shoes that feel comfortable on the larger foot.
It is also recommended to go shoe shopping in the evening as our feet expand during the day, and the shoes that fit well in the late afternoon will typically also feel comfortable at all other times.
The instep should be comfortable and the heels should not feel like you are performing a balancing act!
If you find yourself standing in a lingerie store unsure of what to choose, use these tips to choose a well-fitting, comfortable pair of undies.
Set aside the poles that feel comfortable in your hand to consider for purchasing.
Allow for a comfortable amount of space in the toe area, and be sure the shoes provide good support for your arches.
Trying them out is the only way that you will know if the blades are comfortable.
Keep comfort and safety as your top priorities when shopping and choose the pair that you feel most comfortable in.
Look for a racquet that is relatively lightweight (but not too lightweight-you don't want the frame to crack while playing), as well as one that you feel comfortable gripping.
If you're instructed to go into a pose you don't feel comfortable in, come out of it!
If you have a dental-care provider with whom you are already comfortable, ask him which dental insurance plans he accepts.
If you prefer to avoid face-to-face contact and are comfortable with online shopping, online stores may be a better option.
The car just has to be reliable and comfortable to ride in.
You'll be carrying this stuff around for a long time, so make sure it's comfortable.
The soles should also have great grip to prevent slipping, and the shoes should, above all else, be comfortable.
While colored lenses have been around for awhile, today they are more comfortable than ever, manufactured from state-of-the-art materials, and available in a wide range of styles and colors.
Consider buying a 17" monitor for more comfortable viewing.
Dehumidifier - Gets the moisture out of the air for a more comfortable environment.
Leather sofas and chairs are stylish and comfortable.
Everyone knows that leather shoes are the best since they are comfortable, stylish, and durable.
The more comfortable the baby is, the less crying you'll have to endure!
Choosing a dehumidifier that meets your needs is important to ensure a comfortable living environment.
The weight you choose has a lot to do with what weight you are comfortable using.
You will find that not only is your hand more comfortable during the game, but your performance will probably improve too.
When the ball is comfortable in your hand it is easier to control.
Be sure to choose a retailer who offers simple returns in case the ball you receive is not comfortable or does not match what you ordered.
They are the most comfortable to sleep on, though they do weigh more than other futon mattresses and are also the most expensive.
Beginner banjos come in right or left-handed models, so choose the one you are most comfortable with; there is no need to re-string a right-handed model to accommodate a lefty.
Your ferret will have the safety of a cage with all of the bells and whistles to keep them entertained and comfortable.
Down pillows are considered extremely comfortable for all kinds of sleeping positions, making them a popular choice for people wanting the most restful sleep possible.
Considered by reviewers as the top-quality gas chainsaw, the Stihl is a bit more powerful and comfortable than the budget chainsaws.
Make sure you're comfortable in the kayak and that any cushioning inside is exactly where you need it.
If speed's your thing, you won't necessarily be able to buy one that has the smoothest, most comfortable ride.
This is a big purchase and you want something that is comfortable and feels right.
The inside liner of the helmet should provide a comfortable and tight fit; you don't want the helmet sliding around on your head.
The cheek pads need to fit snug as well as comfortable.
If you have room to spare, opt for a more comfortable elongated (oval) bowl that takes up two more inches of space.
Don't be afraid, they're out for you to touch.Which one feels comfortable to you?
While many golfers have a few comfortable clubs, you need to have clubs that can adapt to the different weather conditions, the course, and distance.
Reach for the handlebars as you sit in the saddle, and make sure that you are comfortable with the general proportions of the bike.
The RapidFire and Gripshift use different techniques in changing gears, but whatever feels most comfortable is what you should pick.
For those living in two-story homes or duplexes, you might find a canister vacuum to be more comfortable to carry up and down stairs.
If you're comfortable with the idea of towing a travel trailer behind your vehicle, and saving money on the licensing costs of a traditional motorhome, you can start comparing features and prices.
The area around the seat is more comfortable because if you are going to stay in there for hours at a time, you want to be safe and comfortable.
Using a guide to buying an air mattress will help you find one that's comfortable for your budget as well as a mattress that lasts long and is tough enough for whatever your needs.
Queen-size mattresses are typically good for one person or two older children, though two adults can sleep on it, it may not be comfortable.
If you've ever bought a mountain bike, you know that the correct height is important; it makes everything comfortable.
Is it soft and comfortable to type on?When shopping for a computer, the most important thing to know is to realize what you want the computer for and that it's not detrimental to know every little spec about every little piece of hardware.
If you're new to golf club purchases and terminology, you will want to go to a golf store and put off shopping online until you're more comfortable with the sport.
However, beginners and intermediates will probably want to steer clear of this club until they've become more comfortable swinging the lighter weight clubs.
This is a portable option and usually comfortable to use.
They are meant to be easy and comfortable to use, but without all the bells and whistles of other models.
Buying memory foam mattress toppers can be a great way to revitalize an old bed or to make an uncomfortable bed comfortable again.
It doesn't end there, though, because you can get a number of accessories to make your archery experience comfortable and more enjoyable.
When you feel comfortable, ask if this item's price is going down or when items will be marked down again.
Of course you'll have to be comfortable in using your laptop.
Doing you homework about the benefits and features of different types of mattress will determine how comfortable your sleep will be and whether you will wake up in a good mood or not.
This way you will find out if your body is comfortable and well-supported.
Padding is crucial since it will determine how comfortable your body will feel when you lie down.
Golf is a game of "feel," therefore it is very important that every aspect of your clubs feel comfortable and right.
In general, you should make sure that you have all the necessary supplies such as a cage, food and water so that the bird will be comfortable.
For extended stays, you will want cruisers or trawlers that make it more comfortable for longer periods of time.
Comfortable shoes make a long day of walking a breeze, while slip-on shoes cut an few more seconds off the whole dressing-and-undressing routine.
Keep within your gift-giving price range and don't be tempted to upgrade or go beyond what you are comfortable spending.
It’s also important to stay hydrated and because the mall is so expansive, comfortable walking shoes are a must.
You would do well to consider what you are comfortable with before you purchase an invisible fence system for your dog.
Although it may be tempting to hold your kitten during the drive, it is far safer to purchase a small pet carrier and line it with a blanket to keep her more comfortable and secure.
If you're planning on transporting your kitty around, a comfortable carrier is a veritable necessity.
Plug in the crockpot and you have a warm, comfortable smell wafting throughout your home that isn't overly pungent like some of those expensive wall-outlet units.
The Thermo-Kitty Sill is a very comfortable cat bed.
In the beginning, at feeding time, I suggest feeding them apart until you know that they are safe and comfortable with each other.
If you are not comfortable with his opinion, then you may want to seek a second opinion from another veterinarian in the area.
Now a month later, the new cat has become comfortable with you and his surroundings.