Comes-to Sentence Examples
I don't care if he comes to me.
Once in a while, I'm off duty and a call comes to someone else but I think the tipster person maybe knows my hours, 'cause it's rare another girl has to answer.
I hope to God it never comes to that.
She may live an eternity, even if her soul comes to you eventually, Darkyn explained.
You people have the lowest standards when it comes to quality of life.
He comes to claim you and becomes enamored instead.
The records I alone can read with my magic are in this hallway, which is a pain in the ass when it comes to searching for things.
The demons are planning something, Kris, and hoping someone comes to your rescue is stupid, he returned.
And now my Annie has a lover who comes to her in the night!
You are a freaking savant when it comes to that.
AdvertisementSurely you know you will win if it comes to that.
If it comes to that no one will win, least of all Elisabeth.
You know, when push comes to shove, he cannot deny you anything.
You're all heart when it comes to giving and all pride when it comes to taking.
I want to know how that comes to be.
AdvertisementSo when she comes to see you, Dusty, tell her whatever you must.
A bowl that comes to rest on the central line, or within 6 in.
An axle carrying four cams is normally at rest, but it is thrown into gear with the mechanism when the armature rises, makes one complete revolution, and comes to rest ready for the next signal.
In other cases the reduction goes much further, till the endodermis eventually comes to surround nothing but an intercellular channel formed in place of the stelar tissue.
A notable method of borrowing power from another magic-wielding agency is simply to breathe its name in connexion with the spell that stands in need of reinforcement; as the name suggests its owner, so it comes to stand for his real presence.
AdvertisementIn the form of an old woman named Deo (= the " seeker," or simply a diminutive form), she comes to the house of Celeus at Eleusis, where she is hospitably received.
The powerful fleet and maritime empire which Minos was said to have established will no doubt receive fuller illustration when the sea-town of Cnossus comes to be explored.
Holmes (Caesar's Conquest of Gaul, 1899), who comes to the conclusion that "when the Reman delegates told Caesar that the Belgae were descended from the Germans, they probably only meant that the ancestors of the Belgic conquerors had formerly dwelt in Germany, and this is equally true of the ancestors of the Gauls who gave their name to the Celtae; but, on the other hand, it is quite possible that in the veins of some of the Belgae flowed the blood of genuine German forefathers."
In the aquatic genera the epidermis comes to consist entirely of glandular cells, which are, however, arranged in a single layer.
He comes to Attica and dies in the grove of the Eumenides at Colonus, in his death welcomed and pardoned by the fate which had pursued him throughout his life.
AdvertisementA tenancy at will is determined by either party alienating his interest as soon as such alienation comes to the knowledge of the other.
The rule is that on the first of the two months the seller of " futures " may, and before the last day of the second month must, deliver cotton against them, or, what comes to the same thing, buy back the " futures " on the basis of the price of " spot " cotton of middling grade.
Transparent soaps are prepared by dissolving ordinary soap in strong alcohol and distilling off the greater portion of the alcohol till the residue comes to the condition of a thick transparent jelly.
When he comes to the point where his memory has been clouded by Hagen's spells, Hagen restores his memory with another magic potion.
The quiet expression of these startling ideas is more remarkable than their adoption; for smaller artists live on still more startling ideas; but most remarkable of all is the presentation of Parsifal, both in his foolishness and in the widsom which comes to him through pity.
In his theories the element of mystical speculation for the first time comes to the front as all-important.
Internal evidence again comes to our aid to lend its weight to the latter theory.
Fravashi properly means "confession of faith," and when personified comes to be regarded as a protecting spirit.
The left branch is appreciably noticed near Odessa and the north-west corner; the right branch sweeps past the Crimea, strikes the Caucasian shore (where it comes to the surface running across, but not into, the south-east corner of the Black Sea), and finally disperses flowing westwards along the northern coast of Asia Minor between Cape Jason and 1 The early Greek navigators gave it the epithet of axenus, i.e.
The classical period comes to an end with Nedim; its brightest time is that which falls between the rise of Nef'i and the death of Nedim, or, more roughly, that extending from the accession of Ahmed I.
Only a small quantity of this rubber comes to England, and it is not much valued, being a " wet " rubber.
In the meantime the lead in the moulds, which has solidified, is removed with the crane and stacked to one side, until its turn comes to be raised and charged into one of the pans.
We have hitherto supposed that the shadow of a diffracting obstacle is received upon a diffusing screen, or, which comes to nearly the same thing, is observed with an eye-piece.
This comes to much the same thing, as the Massagetae seem to have contained an element which had come in from the land of the Issedones.
A remarkable man now comes to the front - Dion, the friend and disciple of Plato - and for a time the trusted political adviser of his nephew Dionysius.
These numbers have been very generally accepted as fairly correct, and Dr Creighton 1 comes to the conclusion after careful consideration that the population of London from the reign of Richard I.
And as the personal element disappears in the conception of the prophetic calling, so it tends to disappear in the prophetic view of history, and the future comes to be conceived not as the organic result of the present under the divine guidance, but as mechanically determined from the beginning in the counsels of God, and arranged under artificial categories of time.
The sorghum is hardier than the sugar-cane; it comes to maturity in a season; and it retains its maximum sugar content a considerable time, giving opportunity for leisurely harvesting.
If, however, it encounters the host the larva bores its way in, and attacks the liver, mouth or gonad in which it comes to rest.
Dressed as a peasant (or a fool), he departs (his mother, in some versions, dying of grief), and comes to the king's court.
When the velvet comes to him, it already carries a colored picture permanently fixed by the yzen process, but the wires have not been withdrawn.
Kattenbusch, with whom Harnack is in general agreement, regards the Old Roman Creed, which comes to light in the 4th century, as the parent of all developed forms, whether Eastern or Western.
They tend in any case to prove that the Quicumque comes to us from the school of Lerins, of which Honoratus was the first abbot, and to which Caesarius also belonged.
In negotiations between Anglican and Russian churchmen the confession of Dositheus l usually comes to the front.
We have seen that written documents have been preserved in Mesopotamia to which such a date as 4500 B.C. may be ascribed with a good deal of confidence; and that from the third millennium B.C. a flood of contemporary literary records comes to us both from Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Two typical forms are in use; in one a liquid is prepared in which the crystal freely swims, the density of the liquid being ascertained by the pycnometer or other methods; in the other a liquid of variable density, the so-called "diffusion column," is prepared, and observation is made of the level at which the particle comes to rest.
This deflecting force is directly proportional to the velocity and the mass of the particle and also to the sine of the latitude; hence it is zero at the equator and comes to a maximum at the poles.
It traces the necessary acts by which the cognitive consciousness comes to be what it is, both in form and in content.
All that has been expounded follows if the ego comes to consciousness.
He never comes to see after an enemy.
A new shade of condemnation for dogmas as things merely assumed comes to be noticeable here, especially in Kant.
This does not quite defray the interest on the cost of their construction and equipment, inasmuch as it barely comes to 31% thereon, but rates and fares are deliberately kept low to encourage settlement and communication.
The identification of the " hosts " with the stars comes to the same thing; the stars were thought of as closely connected with angels.
The author's intelligence and acuteness are more completely hampered by doctrinal presuppositions when he comes to treat questions relating to the history of the individual books of the New Testament canon.
And yet, there is all through an undercurrent which runs hard against his surface verdicts, and here and there comes to expression.
Jesus withdraws to the Judaean desert, but soon returns, six days before Passover, to Bethany; Mary anoints Him, a crowd comes to see Him and Lazarus, and the hierarchs then plan the killing of Lazarus also.
Next let the loads advance a distance a so that W2 comes to C. Then the shear at C is R(n+a)/l - WI, plus any reaction d at B, due to any additional load which has come on the girder during the movement.
But when the study of its subject comes to be systematized on the basis of a general social philosophy more complete and durable than Smith's, no contributions to that final construction will be found so valuable as his.
The crown of tentacles thus comes to form a fringe to the margin of the body, and the hypostome becomes the manubrium.
The drawback for the dogmatist of such a view as Serapion broaches in his prayers was this, that although it explained how the Logos comes to be immanent in the elements, as a soul in its body, nevertheless it did not guarantee the presence in or rather substitution for the natural elements of Christ's real body and blood.
Wherever it comes to the surface it comes up from beneath younger rocks which are, as a rule, less metamorphic. By means of deep borings it is known at many points where it does not appear at the surface, antI is believed to be universal beneath younger systems.
As the result of an exhaustive analysis of the text and of the political and religious events of the time, Mayer comes to the conclusion that the document was forged about 775, i.e.
The Reason Of This Is, That The Intercalary Month, Inserted At The End Of The Cycle, Contains Only Twenty Nine Days Instead Of Thirty; Whence, After 11 Has Been Added To The Epact Of The Year Corresponding To The Golden Number 19, We Must Reject Twenty Nine Instead Of Thirty, In Order To Have The Epact Of The Succeeding Year; Or, Which Comes To The Same Thing, We Must Add Twelve To The Epact Of The Last Year Of The Cycle, And Then Reject Thirty As Before.
In tropical countries drought is the commonest cause of a failure in the harvest, and where great droughts are not uncommon - as in parts of India and Australia - the hydraulic engineer comes to the rescue by devising systems of water-storage and irrigation.
The first step is to open test works; and directly they show the necessity, regular relief works are established, in which the people may earn enough to keep them from starvation, until the time comes to sow the next crop.
Personal ornaments and decorations of dwellings, furniture, vehicles and pottery had once a consecrating, or - what often comes to the same thing - a prophylactic value and significance.
Again the root difference between the Presbyterian and Episcopalian conceptions of the church comes to light.
On the strength of the consilience of arguments for evolution in the organic world, he carries back the process in the whole world, until he comes to a cosmology which recalls the rash hypotheses of the Presocratics.
Secondly, when Wundt comes to the psychical, he naturally infers from his narrow Kantian definition of substance that there is no proof of a substrate over and above all mental operations, and falsely thinks that he has proved that there is no substance mentally operating in the Aristotelian sense.
According to Tacitus it was regarded as a disgrace for a comes to survive his lord, and we know that in later times they frequently shared his exile.
It is possible to state the conditions of solubility in terms of the theory of available energy, but the result comes to little more than a re-statement of the problem in other terms. Nevertheless, such a re-statement is in itself sometimes an advance in knowledge.
Any one of these soon comes to rest on a host-cell, and either pierces it and empties its contents into its cavity, where the further development occurs (Olpidium), or merely sends in delicate protoplasmic filaments (Rhizophydium) or a short hyphal tube of, at most, two or three cells, which acts as a haustorium, the further development taking place outside the cell-wall of the host (Chytridium).
For here we have to consider how the individual intelligence comes to know any fact whatsoever, and what is meant by the cognition of a fact.
There is often a furrow running along the edges of the octahedron, or across the edges of the cube, and this indicates that the apparently simple crystal may really consist of eight individuals meeting at the centre; or, what comes to the same thing, of two individuals interpenetrating and projecting through each other.
The greater kudu, almost unknown elsewhere in East Africa, inhabits the flanks of the Laikipia escarpment to the east of the lake and comes to the foot-hills around Baringo to feed.
With the incorporation of the kingdom of Hiero into the Roman province independent Sicilian history comes to an end for many ages.
The hero Beowulf comes to the court of Hrothgar from the land of the G6tar, where Hygelac is king.
In chemistry the term salt is given to a compound formed by substituting the hydrogen of an acid by a metal or a radical acting as a metal, or, what comes to the same thing, by eliminating the elements of water between an acid and a base.
Slowly and obscurely the Renaissance comes to Scotland; its presence is indicated by the artistic tastes of the king, and, later, by the sweet and mournful poetry of Henryson.
When the otter "vents" or comes to the surface to breathe, his muzzle only appears above water, and when he is viewed or traced by the mud he stirs up, or by air bubbles, the hounds are laid on.
He has studied the folk-lore of those islands exhaustively, and from this source comes to the conclusion that the Polynesian migration from the Indian Archipelago may be approximately assigned to the close of the 1st or to the 2nd century.
With the fall of Assyria the rule of Assur also comes to an end, whereas it is significant that the cult of the gods of Babylonia - more particularly of Marduksurvives for several centuries the loss of political independence through Cyrus' capture of Babylonia in 539 B.C. The name of Assur's temple at Assur, represented by the mounds of Kaleh Sherghat, was known as E-khar-sag-gal-kur-kurra, i.e.
For example, from the evidence of molar changes due to the obvious parts of bodies, science first comes to believe in molecular changes due to imperceptible particles, and then tries to conceive the ideas of particles, molecules, atoms, electrons.
Between Euclides and Antisthenes the Socratic induction and universal definition were alike discredited from the point of view of the Eleatic logic. It is with the other point of doctrine that Plato comes to grips, that which allows of a certainty or knowledge consisting in an analysis of a compound into simple elements themselves not known.
That essence in the supreme case involves existence is a thought which comes to Spinoza more easily, together with the tradition of the ordo geometricus.
This is the view of Hegel upon which logic comes to coincide with the progressive self-unfolding of thought in that type of metaphysic which is known as absolute, i.e.
This objection to the air-engine arises from the fact that the heat comes to it from external combustion; it disappears when internal combustion is resorted to; that is to say, when the heat is generated within the envelope containing the working air, by the combustion there of gaseous or other fuel.
From the purely geometrical point of view, a quaternion may be regarded as the quotient of two directed lines in space - or, what comes to the same thing, as the factor, or operator, which changes one directed line into another.
The articulation of the mandible to the quadrate-bone is such as to allow of a very considerable amount of lateral play, and, by a particular arrangement of the muscles which move the former, it comes to pass that so soon as the bird opens its mouth the point of the mandible is brought immediately opposite to that of the maxilla (which itself is movable vertically), instead of crossing or overlapping it - the usual position when the mouth is closed.
The particle comes to rest when V us Vf I Uo2\
Zeus ceases to watch the field - Poseidon secretly comes to the aid of the Greeks.
As the Genesis begins with a line identical in meaning, though not in wording, with the opening of Cmdmon's Hymn, we may perhaps infer that the writer knew and used Cmdmon's genuine poems. Some of the more poetical passages may possibly echo Cmdmon's expressions; but when, after treating of the creation of the angels and the revolt of Lucifer, the paraphrast comes to the Biblical part of the story, he follows the sacred text with servile fidelity, omitting no detail, however prosaic. The ages of the antediluvian patriarchs, for instance, are accurately rendered into verse.
On the one hand, since that which is tabooed is held to punish the taboo-breaker by a sort of mystic infection, taboo comes to stand for uncleanness and sin.
Lighted tapers are also placed in the hands of the newly-baptized, or of their god-parents, with the admonition " to preserve their baptism inviolate, so that they may go to meet the Lord when he comes to the wedding."
How near this comes to the scientific truth of attraction and repulsion need hardly be noted.
The cultural as well as the microscopical characters of a pathogenic organism may be closely similar to other non-pathogenic members of the same group, and it thus comes to be a matter of extreme difficulty in certain cases to state what criterion should be used in differentiating varieties.
Owners and drivers of public conveyances must not knowingly convey any person suffering from infectious disease, and if any person suffering from such a disease is conveyed in any public vehicle the owner or driver as soon as it comes to his knowledge must give notice to the medical officer.
One embryo only comes to maturity.
The arrangement is obviously objectionable on the score of its conducing to local extravagance, as local authorities are not likely to be so economical with money that comes to them from the outside, as it were, as they would be with money directly taken from their own pockets.
One of the best game-birds of the forest is the "crested curassow" (Crax alector), sometimes weighing 12 lb, which feeds on arboreal fruits and rarely comes to the ground.
Assuming this, and rejecting the evidence of the 1476 chronicle as an interpolation and full of mistakes, and that of the song as not proved to have been in existence before 1531, Herr Burkli comes to the startling conclusion that the phalanx formation of the Austrians, as well as the name and act of Winkelried, have been transferred to Sempach from the fight of Bicocca, near Milan (April 27, 1522), where a real leader of the Swiss mercenaries in the pay of France, Arnold Winkelried, reall y met his death in very much the way that his namesake perished according to the story.
Still when this comes to be diluted with 60 to 75% of ordinary coal gas, containing as a rule only 4 to 6% of carbon monoxide, the percentage of poisonous monoxide in the mixture falls to below 16%, which experience has shown to be a fairly safe limit.
But reckon up on this day what thy meal would otherwise have cost thee, and give the amount that it comes to to some poor widow or orphan, or to the poor."
For example, where the high plateau of the Libyan desert descends into a longitudinal valley between Syrtis and the Nile delta there are a few spots where the water comes to the surface or is found in shallow wells.
So far the steps are plain enough; but we do not yet see how this logical Realism (as it was afterwards called) comes to have the essentially ethical character that especially interests us in Platonism.
Hence Hobbes's ideal constitution naturally comes to be an unquestioned and unlimited - though not necessarily monarchical - despotism.
It is to be observed that though More lays down the abstract principle of regarding one's neighbour's good as much as one's own with the full breadth with which Christianity inculcates it, yet when he afterwards comes to classify virtues he is too much under the influence of Platonic-Aristotelian thought to give a distinct place to benevolence, except under the old form of liberality.
At least when he comes to argue the need of future rewards and punishments we find that his claim on behalf of morality is startlingly reduced.
Thus, the miser first sought money as a means to comfort, but ends by sacrificing comfort to money; and similarly though the first promptings to justice (or any other virtue) spring from the non-moral pleasures gained or pains avoided by it, through the link formed by repeated virtuous acts the performance of them ultimately comes to have that immediate satisfaction attached to it which we distinguished as moral.
We derive the idea of a totality by means of its parts, and the transcendental basis of being comes to us through the agency of individual phenomena.
Occasionally the crystalline belt comes to the coast, but it is usually reached by two steps known as the coastal belt and foot-plateau.
It is the designation of these outward things which forms the " first intention " of names; and it is only at a later stage, when thought comes to observe its own modes, that names, looked upon as predicables and universals, are taken in their " second intention."
The box tree comes to rare perfection, but in consequence of indiscriminate cutting for export during many years, is now becoming scarce.
Little is known of the habits of the clouded leopard, but it preys on small mammals and birds, and rarely comes to the ground.
The gods have vanished from the scene; there is nothing of Loki and his theft of Andvari's hoard, nothing of Odin and his gifts of the sword Gram and the magic horse Grani; and not till the third Aventiure, when Siegfried comes to Worms, are we given even a hint that such things as the sword and treasure exist.
Besides Hagen, during the ride into Hunland and in the final fight, another figure comes to the front, that of Volker the Fiddler, so far only mentioned as a hero of the Saxon war in Avent.
As a result of all this critical study Herr Abeling comes to the following conclusions.
It may be asked how the individual mind comes to know himself and the system of things with which he is connected, how the varied contents of his experience are to be accounted for, and what certainty attaches to his subjective consciousness of things.
Czerno has no restraint when it comes to collateral damage.
They're better than lawyers when it comes to taking things out of context, and there are no judges keeping track of what really happened.
When it comes to decentralization, their slogans are "constrained discretion" and "the new localism."
When it comes to connectivity, the HX4700 is fitted with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in the form of an 802.11b adapter.
Not so when it comes to international services overflying many countries ' airspace and needing sophisticated satellite connections.
Luckily, when it comes to combat, your heroes have a variety of special powers, each brilliantly animated.
Scenario 2 Several weeks later, the same babyâs maternal aunt comes to your surgery.
Who comes to have scheduled automobile the first line.
Daniel comes to play with Scott and they are quickly joined outside by the other bairns visiting the shop.
And I thought I was a big girlie blouse when it comes to arachnids.
Nokia 6680 3G Smartphone 3G video calling comes to Nokia.
The diamond weight comes to a total of a dazzling one full carat.
Carrots and potatoes are still in store but winter cauliflower and spinach comes to an end.
When the waitress comes to take his order, he says, " I'll take the cold chili.
When it comes to choosing your mortgage however, always seeks independent advice â itâs too complicated a decision to go it alone.
For extra color use half green and half yellow courgettes and for convenience, use whichever pasta comes to hand!
When it comes to being a doting dad, hey, you've got to admit he's a champ.
Re-arranging deck chairs on the Titannic comes to mind, ie; what is the point.
Scientists, publishers and librarians all seem to suffer delirium when it comes to electronic publishing.
She says that her worst habit is that's she's a total name dropper when it comes to clothes.
A scruffy old drunkard comes to the hospital looking for his son.
When it comes to charging the phone or inserting the earpiece, it does not say that you have to take these pieces out.
For those in the know, Jim Abernethy is at the top of the list when it comes to getting the best shark encounters.
We believe that everyone who comes to the clinic can be helped regardless of the underlying etiology or severity of disability.
And when it comes to the Virgin Birth the Bishops ' language is equally evasive.
Just as we had perfected our new debugging method, called ' bug exportation, ' a man with your abilities comes to us.
Fascist government of Franco comes to power in 1936 fascism german fascism takes power in 1933.
I also hope Mojo knows to give away candy, and not throw feces at anyone who comes to his door!
Blair still fibbing about " thrown out " inspectors Who's talking sense when it comes to Iraq?
Veteran bluegrass fiddle player Rickie Simpkins comes to group with a resume that includes the Virginia Squires, and the Tony Rice Unit.
I shall make three million florins, or, if the worst comes to the worse, my loss won't ruin me.
From past experience the first part never poses any problems but people often flounder when it comes to the second.
Now his evil deed comes to full fruition on the eve of the crucifixion.
This site comes to you through the extraordinary generosity of O'Reilly & Associates, book publishers.
Touring West End theater, ballet and opera comes to the Edwardian grandeur of His Majesty's Theater.
The epic grandeur of Amplifier comes to an end tho, and we get Open Hand.
A 24 year-old male comes to me with pain and a lump in his left groin.
Beyond the Town Hall, Annan comes to an abrupt halt on the eastern bank of the River Annan.
So if you've got no hang-ups when it comes to style, make us look our best.
Without doing the assigned homework, they wont understand the subject properly and when it comes to exams their revision will suffer.
Tension comes to a head during the leisurely Labor Day picnic, a marathon event that begins with games and ends with booze-fuelled hysterics.
It is quite helpful to me as I am woefully ignorant when it comes to matters of economics at this level.
When it comes to reading the world we have become illiterate.
It comes to the age of to provide a motorcycle institute in.
Even if the Government is to make contributions it comes to little, it comes too late and is extremely irregular.
While the hammer is still depressed the intermediate lever comes to rest on a small leather-covered ledge near the top of the hopper.
Well Alex Markov has created the BEST of the BEST when it comes to close-up levitations.
In the end, the entire population comes to share a lexicon.
When you think about scientists, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn't the rock'n'roll lifestyle.
Loam overlying flaggy limestone which comes to the surface in places.
You'll pass for Whitechapel if the worst comes to the worst and you don't forget to talk the lingo.
When it comes to the unofficial mags, some have faired better than others.
But that is not quite true when it comes to my own modus operandi.
Blake comes to the rescue and also recovers the emerald necklace but Kew gets away to fight another day.
In short, when it comes to individual identity, Buddhism takes a similar position to philosophical nominalism.
Now it comes to pass that the factory is unwilling to put triggers like that on guns to be sold over-the-counter.
Your whole concentration centers on a piece of white parchment that comes to life in front of your eyes.
It comes to you in a drawstring fabric pouch.
Apart from that she's rather prim where it comes to sex.
Then it comes to appear rational to iron out all differences.
Story line could be Zammo comes to visit his old mate Jonah while doing rehab on the Gold Coast.
Here Halsey's own perspective, of what I take to be a postmodern relativism, comes to the fore.
The art of using these tools and techniques is in being totally ruthless when it comes to dealing with waste.
Billy Bones, a retired seaman (or worse ), comes to live at the Admiral Benbow inn.
Nor does having abstract self-knowledge mean we will apply it when push comes to shove.
Outside the river is a shallow sill, which comes to 4.1 meters of the surface.
We're proud to be the world's most trusted source of information on every topic imaginable when it comes to coaching soccer.
A stone sphinx comes to life to wreak revenge upon a temple defiler.
This is when the strength of multi-disciplinary teamwork comes to the fore as well.
One of the flint knappers becomes a story teller through contact with a woman from outside the community who comes to live with them.
Pagliacci was the more visual treat, although its carnivalesque qualities do give it an advantage when it comes to more overtly theatrical staging.
Now he is gearing up to take part in the grueling Ironman triathlon when it comes to Sherborne Castle later this month.
Uncomfortable truths Why then the ' don't mention cancer ' attitude when it comes to mentioning militarism at major conferences about global problems?
Unfortunately, all of the internal conflict comes to naught; we're completely unmoved.
They must have strong legs and be very unselfish when it comes to scoring.
Would I sound old if I professed a certain wariness when it comes to backing tracks?
And you, when the sovereign grace of the gospel comes to you, are " very wroth.
If the principle of the universe is impersonal or unconscious, personal consciousness in finite spirits comes to wear the appearance of a blunder.
So he will argue as the essence of the matter that (iv.) he who has occupied Christ's place in history, and won such reverence from the purest souls, was what he claimed to be, and that his many-sidedness comes to focus and harmony when we recognize him as the Christ of God and the Saviour of the world.
This period of dry heat, having lasted three or four hours or longer, comes to an end in perspiration, at first a mere moistness of the skin, passing into sweating that may be profuse and even drenching.
It is impossible to enter here on the steps by which the theoretical ego is shown to develop into the complete system of cognitive categories, or to trace the deduction of the processes (productive imagination, intuition, sensation, understanding, judgment, reason) by which the quite indefinite non-ego comes to assume the appearance of definite objects in the forms of time and space.
When Mahomet spoke of the goodness of the Lord in creating the clouds, and bringing them across the cheerless desert, and pouring them out on the earth to restore its rich vegetation, that must have been a picture of thrilling interest to the Arabs, who are accustomed to see from three to five years elapse before a copious shower comes to clothe the wilderness once more with luxuriant pastures.
In chemistry the term salt is given to a compound formed by substituting the hydrogen of an acid by a metal or a radical acting as a metal, or, what comes to the same thing, by eliminating the elements of water between an acid and a base (see Acid; Chemistry).
At the words "Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum" the music plunges suddenly into a slow series of some of the most sublime and mysterious modulations ever written, until it breaks out as suddenly into a vivace e allegro of broad but terse design, which comes to its climax very rapidly and ends as abruptly as possible, the last chord being carefully written as a short note without a pause.
It is to be noted that in the process of immunization complement does not increase in amount; accordingly the immune serum comes to contain immune body much in excess of the amount of complement necessary to complete its action.
The reader who is not familiar with the eccentricities of the Tubingen school will doubtless be surprised to learn that the Paul who thus quietly slips in at the close of the drama was himself all along the disguised villain of the plot, the very Simon Magus whom he comes to assist Peter in destroying (see below).
And people say that fortune comes to us in our sleep.
When it comes to starting a new business, nothing that previously existed can rival the Internet in terms of both ease of entry and breadth of potential.
Once the promise of this world comes to be, new ways will be created to measure even more data.
And second, people are really bad at connecting cause and effect in their lives when it comes to things like this.
Out of the blue, the cavalry comes to the rescue.
But let's adopt the cynic's view for a moment and assume people in these corporations are chiefly concerned about their financial benefit, not about human suffering, when it comes to war.
We tend to regard information that comes to us through our friend network as more authentic and reliable than information we receive from traditional media.
The Earl said he should be delighted to visit Tuscumbia the next time he comes to America.
If my little sister comes to Boston next June, will you let me bring her to see you?
As to the two-handed alphabet, I think it is much easier for those who have sight than the manual alphabet; for most of the letters look like the large capitals in books; but I think when it comes to teaching a deaf-blind person to spell, the manual alphabet is much more convenient, and less conspicuous....
The names of Laura Bridgman and Helen Keller will always be linked together, and it is necessary to understand what Dr. Howe did for his pupil before one comes to an account of Miss Sullivan's work.
The pictures the language paints on her memory appear to make an indelible impression; and many times, when an experience comes to her similar in character, the language starts forth with wonderful accuracy, like the reflection from a mirror.
You forget that death comes to the rich and the poor alike, and comes once for all; but remember, Acheron could not be bribed by gold to ferry the crafty Prometheus back to the sunlit world.
It costs more than it comes to.
The night veils without doubt a part of this glorious creation; but day comes to reveal to us this great work, which extends from earth even into the plains of the ether.
The general comes to us, Suvorov- like, in a kibitka, and is received with acclamations of joy and triumph.
Perhaps he'll take pity on me someday, when it comes to cutting off a leg or an arm for me.
He comes to despoil our beloved country.
Do you rejoice more in the blessing that comes to others than you do in that which comes to you?
There is the typical story of the Jew who comes to Christ and ca n't have pork roast.
The reality of election comes to the elect through the sanctifying work of the Spirit.
Billy Bones, a retired seaman (or worse), comes to live at the Admiral Benbow inn.
Phil was sensible enough to invest his earnings for the rainy day which inevitably comes to all actors.
We 're proud to be the world 's most trusted source of information on every topic imaginable when it comes to coaching soccer.
Create a pop-up storybook, which comes to life in front of you !
Float fishing is by far the best method although please be sensible when it comes to end tackle which must be strong.
First of all, it introduces the basic framework and terminology that comes to dominate all medieval theorizing about relations.
Obviously there'll be a more significant change in 2007 when tobacco sponsorship comes to an end.
But Dr. Goebbels has taught us tribal elders that a lie repeated often enough comes to be believed.
Uncomfortable truths Why then the ' do n't mention cancer ' attitude when it comes to mentioning militarism at major conferences about global problems?
Where great art is waiting to be born it can usually make use of whatever ulterior agenda comes to hand.
The force powers are unbalanced when it comes to Light and Dark sides.
Unfortunately, all of the internal conflict comes to naught; we 're completely unmoved.
They are widespread in this area of Kent; Hayes Common comes to mind as another example.
Louis Hoover comes to St Davids Hall to woo the crowds with his charming versions of Sinatra classics.
When it comes to a quality product where price is not the only factor, it is certainly worthwhile investing in the UK.
And she 's also used to writhing around the stage, so she should be a natural when it comes to pole-dancing.
And you, when the sovereign grace of the gospel comes to you, are very wroth.
My grandmother is a perpetual tyro when it comes to anything related to computers or electronics.
Joey is very uneducated when it comes to current events and topical subjects.
Size matters when it comes to network effects and there tends to be only one winner in that type of category.
The Mayo Clinic emphasizes the importance of such markers when it comes to potty training.
When it comes to infant bowel habits, what your child expels will depend primarily on what he eats.
When it comes to baby shower ideas, you're only limited by your imagination.
Some babies go peacefully to bed, but then sometime later in the night, they awaken and howl aggressively until someone comes to their rescue.
She comes to you as soon as she has soiled her diaper.
He immediately comes to you after he's soiled his diaper.
When it comes to memories, parents can never have too many of their adorable baby.
When it comes to planning the perfect birthday party, age really does matter.
Safety should be the first thought in your mind when it comes to taking your child along in an automobile.
You can't be too careful when it comes to the care of your child!
Still, when it comes to purchasing one of these unique cribs, the Web may be your best choice.
Day Gowns and Sleepers-New parents go for comfort and ease when it comes to dressing their babies.
Emergencies-Nobody likes to think about emergencies when it comes to the health of a child.
In some cases, parents get really creative when it comes to finding affordable childcare.
Where do they fit in when it comes to single parent adoptions?
Controversies abound when it comes to finding the best method for helping baby sleep.
With such a large assortment of sippy cups on the market today, when it comes to breaking your toddler from the bottle, you'll have plenty of sippy cups to choose from.
It's easy to forget something when you leave on a trip, but when it comes to traveling with an infant a forgotten favorite toy or blanket can turn your travels into chaos.
When it comes to infant formulas, the types of sugar and protein they contain differ.
How young is too young when it comes to introducing your child to the computer?
Parents of preemies will typically number the task of finding appropriate clothing on the bottom of the list when it comes to their tiny baby.
When it comes to finding preemie dresses for your tiny girl, you may just have to get creative!
A simple cleaning of toys and pacifiers regularly can make a difference when it comes to avoiding the spread of germs.
Most people receive all the items they think they need at showers, especially when it comes to newborn care.
If this is your first baby and you are starting from the ground up when it comes to getting what you need, then a baby shower is a great way to take care of some big ticket items.
Studies of identical twins' brains have found an almost perfect match in brainwave patterns, and this phenomenon could explain why twins appear to have extra-sensory perception when it comes to their sibling.
Learning how to make baby shower favors is not only an easy and fun activity, but can save you a bundle of cash when it comes to throwing such an event.
The great thing about baby showers is that there really aren't any set rules when it comes to themes and ideas.
From candy to keepsakes, the sky's the limit when it comes to baby shower favors, and you can truly do anything you want to if you think the guest of honor will enjoy it.
Babies R Us is always a winner when it comes to baby apparel.
Today's trends include anything creative and personalized, so think outside of the box and discover all of the wonderful possibilities when it comes to celebrating one of life's most special times.
Wal-Mart is another retail winner when it comes to PJs for preemies.
I always like to think outside the box, especially when it comes to buying presents for people.
When it comes to infant percentiles, birth weight doesn't seem to play an important role in the future size of your child.
Because older children aren't always the first choice when it comes to adoption, many of them live out their childhood in orphanages or foster care.
In the United States, you have many choices when it comes to your adoption agency; however, the Chinese portion of your adoption is conducted by a single organization, the China Center for Adoption Affiairs (CCAA).
Baby showers are happy occasions, and hosts have become more and more creative when it comes to planning.
However, when it comes to clothing, a newborn baby has pretty simple needs.
Don't worry if you're all thumbs when it comes to crafts.
When it comes to designing a creative baby nursery your only limitation is your imagination.
Establishing a routine is probably the most important advice you will receive when it comes to babies and sleep patterns.
When it comes to baby cameras, whether you choose the monitor/camera combination or the more traditional baby camera will depend largely on a few factors.
When it comes to expensive technological devices such as baby cams and monitors, it can never hurt to run a little online research regarding your product options.
Still, when it comes to forming a checklist of needs, it is never a bad idea to plan for the worst case scenario.
Moreover, when it comes to tight and binding garments, it is important for breastfeeding mothers to consider certain health issues in order to make the duration of their breastfeeding as comfortable and safe as possible.
When it comes to your nursing needs, cheaper is not always better.
While many women choose to go with the ultimate in comfort when it comes to choosing a nursing bra, a more supportive garment is essential for those with larger chests.
Playtex bras offer breastfeeding moms several choices when it comes to nursing their babies in comfort and with support.
A lengthy battery life is an important consideration when it comes to buying your baby monitor.
Despite this negative aspect, parents rate this monitor as top-notch when it comes to video quality.
You can even experiment with baby shampoos, as some are more effective than others when it comes to cleansing the hair.
Shop around for a great deal on the level of quality that you want, but don't compromise when it comes to quality.
She can tell you what she likes in terms of style and color, and you will be able to influence her decisions when it comes to buying clothes she needs but does not necessarily want.
There are more choices than ever before when it comes to buying teen boys' clothes.
Every teenage boy wants to be cool, and you may need some tips when it comes to what qualifies as cool these days.
You may not agree with the choices your son makes when it comes to what he wants to wear.
Clearly communicate limits when it comes to style and expenses.
That's why there are more choices than ever when it comes to buying baby clothes.
When it comes to how to buy a comforter you should choose what you love while following a few guidelines.
These days, there are several options when it comes to buying a coffee maker.
When it comes to the style of diaper you want, the choices are many.
Balfour has a "history of quality and choice" when it comes to class rings.
There are lots of options when it comes to purchasing women's panties.
You now have a wide selection of options when it comes to purchasing a new mouse.
There are several options when it comes to purchasing a digital camcorder.
Remember, however, the sky is the limit when it comes to gift basket styles.
Clothing is the obvious option when it comes to buying a baby gift.
The only advice when it comes to the color of baby clothing is that it is advisable to avoid too much white or ivory.
The only consideration, apart from cost, when it comes to what to choose is usually space!
It is often the most practical items that are forgotten when it comes to gifts.
There are many options nowadays when it comes to MP3 players.
Toy suggestions from parents - Even if you have a child or two, there's nothing better than good old-fashioned brainstorming when it comes to buying toys.
Apple computers are gaining in popularity, but Windows-based PCs are still by and large the "norm" when it comes to personal computing.
When it comes to car alarms, you don't want it malfunctioning at the worst of times, allowing thieves to break into and drive off in your car.
When it comes to car audio (speakers, decks, subwoofers, amplifiers, etc.), the installation is just as, if not more important that the actual unit itself.
The same is true when it comes to auto security as well.
The names that you know and trust when it comes to considering a pair of shoes for basketball, running, and cross-country also come into play when you consider picking up a pair for your tennis needs.
Like most other badminton equipment, Yonex is a brand that I know and trust when it comes to selecting my birdies.
As mentioned above, tails versus no tails is a big question when it comes to tuxedo renting.
Timing is everything when it comes to buying airline tickets.
Woman share many of the same concerns when it comes to bathing suits.
You can look elsewhere for sites with cheaper shipping, but when it comes to collectibles, sometimes you just have to have it, no matter what the cost.
While shoppers may be accustomed to going online to find the best deals on household items, when it comes to patio furniture, shipping costs will often negate even the best online deals.
Your child may want to jump right in and rock out with an electric guitar, but when it comes to learning how to play in the beginning it may be best to stick with an acoustic guitar.
There are many popular golf club manufacturers to choose from when it comes to irons.
However, not all futons are created equal when it comes to setting them up in a room.
When it comes to chainsaws, bigger is not better.
There are several benefits when it comes to choosing flowers in season.
Don't get greedy when it comes to going to your local Costco or Sam's Club; use the following tips on buying in bulk to save you money and space in your home.
Fit and choosing the right bicycle for the desired activity are the two most important things when it comes to how to buy a bicycle.
For your guaranteed satisfaction when it comes to knowledgeable employees who will help you decide on the bike that's perfect for your expectations, it's wise to visit a reputable bicycle dealer.