Comes-back Sentence Examples
Her fever goes down, but then comes back up again.
When the kid comes back from her momma's house, give me a buzz and I'll see if I have time to talk some truth into her.
I'm holding my breath, hoping none of that shit comes back to bite me, he continued.
He always comes back.
It nearly always comes back to the spouse.
Mind if I stick around until either Charles wakes up or she comes back?
After losing many men the Great King comes back to the place where he crossed the Danube, finds the Ionians still guarding the bridge in spite of the attempts of the Scyths to make them desert, and safely re-enters his own dominions.
The life of pleasure which he had lived in his youth comes back to him, not as it was in its actual distractions and disappointments, but in the idealizing light of meditative retrospect.
Whenever the governor approves of the general purpose of a bill, but disapproves of some portion or portions, he may return the bill with his recommendations for amendment, and when it comes back to him, he may, whether his recommendations have been adopted or not, treat it as if it were before him for the first time.
If not settled the ewe comes back to the ram in from 13 to 18 (usually 16) days.
AdvertisementMark Morris looks at the Tierney Gearon controversy my empty-headed daydreams Alistair Fitchett comes back from London and talks about what he saw there.
In Copenhagen, it's a nice lie-in, with breakfast in bed when Carsten comes back from the school drop-off.
He sees a man get hit by a sledgehammer, but he comes back and kills his murderer.
Already in this play Ford exhibits the singular force of his pathos; the despondent misery of the aged Meleander, and the sweetness of the last scene, in which his daughter comes back to him, alike go to the heart.
Let's pick her while we have the chance, before the man with the star comes back.
AdvertisementI know by now, if he wins he comes back early to brag about it, but if he stays out till morning it means he's lost and will come back in a rage.
But when your father comes back tomorrow what am I to tell him?
The patient comes back with the same symptoms and told not to worry.
The current style is a mixture of trends from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, proving that everything always comes back around.
Who comes back from a camping trip the weekend before their wedding in such a state?
AdvertisementYou can always wipe off her paws when she comes back in.
When the person leaves the kitchen, the dog enters and takes the sandwich and comes back for the can of Pepsi.
If the dog comes back into range, the system usually picks up his location again.
If there is one constant in the fashion world, it's that everything comes back around (style wise) eventually.
Right now, they're out of stock, but they have the option for you to be notified when it comes back in.
AdvertisementWhile the Italian plumber has gone on to drive go-karts, play tennis, and even kill off a virus or two, the core appeal always comes back to the main adventure games where he is tasked with saving Princess Peach for the umpteenth time.
Because of the opening between ventricles, much of the blood that comes back to the heart needing oxygen is sent out without being properly oxygenated.
In point work, as the foot comes to the knee, the dancer often raises onto point and comes down again as the foot comes back to the floor.
Many women find that pregnancy is an ideal time for them to take up a healthier eating plan, but you don't have to wait until your pregnancy test comes back positive to begin eating well.
If your amniocentesis comes back with an abnormality, the doctor can do further testing to find out exactly what is wrong with the baby.
This 90-minute journey leaves Pier 39, sails out under the Golden Gate Bridge and then comes back to circle around Alcatraz Island.
Itching, especially as the hair comes back in, is a distinct possibility.
No matter what year it is, get ready to welcome in the tentative warmth of the season while maintaining the ability to cover up if the cold air comes back to visit before vanishing completely.
Just then, a cold wind blows through the greenhouse and Frosty comes back to life.
If it comes back to you, it is yours; if it doesn't, it never was!
You need to give a little and then wait and respond to what comes back.
The detective comes back and must figure out who is missing.
The chief problem comes back to the issue of subjectivity.
We turned an old onion shed into a haunted house, and it actually starts inside and then goes outside into a section of the corn maze and then comes back and finishes inside.
Eventually, when the whisper comes back to the first child, it's often quite different from what they originally said.
Formal Reformed (15 March 2010) - Jones wants to take Lux to the Winter Formal, but when Bug comes back to town, the relationship between the three grows more complicated.
Through the amazing process of metamorphosis it comes back into the world, emerging from its shell as a beautiful, free-fluttering and graceful butterfly.
But it comes back after the information is verified.
This kind of personal touch will go far to insure that your customer comes back.
Whatever means you utilize in order to obtain the appraised value of your mobile home, do not be afraid to ask questions if the appraised value comes back much higher or much lower than what you expected it to be.
A quote that comes back over the amount you can comfortably afford to spend should be discarded.
He returns to England when Buffy dies, but comes back to Sunnydale when the Scoobies resurrect her in season six of the series.
Dean has traveled back in time to meet a younger version of his father and mother, but it was John's work, his hidden caches and his research that comes back to save the boys time and again.