Comedy Sentence Examples
He introduced genuine comedy among his countrymen.
Mrs. Keller and I watched the nursery comedy from the door.
British music is known and loved around the world, as is its comedy and royalty.
Entering the army at seventeen, he left it two years afterwards; and at nineteen he produced Azemire, a two-act drama (acted in 1786), and Edgar, ou le page suppose, a comedy (acted in 1785), which were failures.
The prose comedy, El Café ó la comedic nueva, given at the same theatre six years afterwards, at once became popular.
It is at first sight remarkable that Voltaire, whose comic power was undoubtedly far in excess of his tragic, should have written many tragedies of no small excellence in their way, but only one fair second-class comedy, Nanine.
Gammer Gurton's Needle is the second extant English comedy, properly so called.
She edited a monthly magazine; and wrote at least two dramatic works, The Marriage of Fabian, and a comedy entitled Toissiokoff.
They may have contributed to the formation of the style of comedy which appears at the very outset much more mature than that of serious poetry, tragic or epic. They gave the name and some of the characteristics to that special literary product of the Roman soil, the satura, addressed to readers, not to spectators, which ultimately was developed into pure poetic satire in Lucilius, Horace, Persius and Juvenal, into the prose and verse miscellany of Varro, and into something approaching the prose novel in Petronius.
But it was as a writer of comedy that he was most famous, most productive and most original.
AdvertisementIt 's a tremendously funny, totally unique Comedy Central sketch comedy show.
Voltaire had made, however, a useful friend in another grand seigneur, as profligate and nearly as intelligent, the duke of Richelieu, and with him he passed 1724 and the next year chiefly, recasting Mariamne (which was now successful), writing the comedy of L'Indiscret, and courting the queen, the ministers, the favourites and everybody who seemed worth.
They prepared the mind of the people for the reception of regular comedy.
While humour and vivacity characterize the earlier, and urbanity of tone the later development of comedy, the tendency of serious literature had been in the main practical, ethical, commemorative and satirical.
The portraits by Reynolds include the celebrated " Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy."
AdvertisementShe was "discovered" during a Laugh Factory kids' comedy showcase when a Nickelodeon executive spotted her performance.
He was entrusted by Ptolemy with the task of arranging the comedies in the Alexandrian library, and as the result of his labours composed a treatise On Comedy.
It's not quite a vanity project, but it is the second movie by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe.
SoI have decided to become a comedy turncoat and deny the splendor of Bill Hicks.
Moments of slapstick comedy are silly in the extreme.
AdvertisementStephen began his career as a stand up comedian, and was a finalist in the 1998 Daily Telegraph New Comedy Awards.
Bynes' exposure to her dad's extracurricular stand-up comedy routines may have been the inspiration for Amanda's break into the big time.
Amanda Bynes' first taste of performing came at a comedy camp, where she was trained by Arsenio Hall and Richard Pryor.
Bynes also starred in the 2006 comedy She's the Man, where she disguised herself as a boy to play on a soccer team.
Poetry is the art of producing representations; (I) in words, rhythm and harmony (apyovia, " harmony " in the original sense); (2) of men like ourselves, or better as in tragedy, or worse as in comedy; (3) by means of narrative as in epic, or by action as in the drama.
AdvertisementThe Letters breathe the spirit of the New Comedy and the Alexandrine poets; portions of Letter 33 are almost literally translated in Ben Jonson's Song to Celia, " Drink to me only with thine eyes."
Frau Neuber even accepted for performance Lessing's first comedy, Der junge Gelehrte (1748), which he had begun at school.
Hitherto Lessing had, as a dramatist, followed the methods of contemporary French comedy as cultivated in Leipzig; Miss Sara Sampson, however, marks the beginning of a new period in the history of the German drama.
Tellheim, the hero of the comedy, is an admirable study of a manly and sensitive soldier, with somewhat exaggerated ideas of conventional honour; and Minna, the heroine, is one of the brightest and most attractive figures in German comedy.
In 1587 he left Bologna for Pisa, and there, in his quality of professor, he made the curious mistake of printing Alberti's comedy Philodoxius as a work of the classic Lepidus.
It is full of quotations from writers whose works have not come down to us; nearly 800 writers and 2500 separate writings are referred to by Athenaeus; and he boasts of having read 800 plays of the Middle Comedy alone.
It was here that he wrote the Ecole des vieillards (1823), his best comedy, which gained his election to the Academy in 1825.
Six comedies entitled Sappho and two Phaon, were produced by the Middle Comedy; but, when we consider, for example, the way in which Socrates was caricatured by Aristophanes, we are justified in putting no faith whatever in such authority.
Epicharmus (540-450), carried as a babe to Sicily, is a link between native Siceliots and the strangers invited by Hiero; as the founder of the local Sicilian comedy, he ranks among Siceliots.
Till the appearance of Ennius, Roman literature, although it had produced the epic poem of Naevius and some adaptations of Greek tragedy, had been most successful in comedy.
He attempted comedy, but with so little success that in the canon of Volcacius Sedigitus he is mentioned, solely as a mark of respect "for his antiquity," tenth and last in the list of comic poets.
But it flows less smoothly and easily than that of the dialogue of Latin comedy.
He began an English prose version of Dante's Divine Comedy - which has earned him the name of " Dante Carlyle "- but only completed the translation of the Inferno (1849).
To his Leipzig student-days belong also two small plays in Alexandrines, Die Laune des Verliebten, a pastoral comedy in one act, which reflects the lighter side of the poet's love affair, and Die Mitschuldigen (published in a revised form, 1769), a more sombre picture, in which comedy is incongruously mingled with tragedy.
Faust has been well called the "divine comedy" of 18th-century humanism.
The ancients were undecided whether to class him among the writers of the New or Middle comedy.
If one of the two is to be rejected it must be the tenth, which is certainly the less Homeric. It relates a picturesque adventure, conceived in a vein more approaching that of comedy than any other part of the Iliad.
The Divine Comedy, the Canzoniere and the Decameron were works of monumental art, deriving neither form nor inspiration immediately from the classic's, but applying the originality of Italian genius Petrarch to matter drawn from previous medieval sources.
Seneca was chosen as the model of tragedy; Plautus and Terence supplied the groundwork of comedy.
His numerous works include the musical comedy, Pierre le Grand (1790), for Gretry's music, and the opera, Les Deux Journees (1800), music by Cherubini; also L' Abbe de l'epee (1800), and some other plays; and Causeries d'un vieillard (1807), Contes a ma fille (1809), and Les Adieux du vieux conteur (1835).
Laos and F ra (Davus, Geta) were common as names of slaves in Attic comedy and in the adaptations of Plautus and Terence.
Before this disaster he had been professor of jurisprudence in Upsala, where his first historical comedy Disa was performed in 1611 and the tragedy of Signill in 1612.
In his comedy of The Envious Man he introduced the manner of Moliere, or more properly that of Holberg.
He wrote fables, allegories, satires, and a successful comedy of manners, The Swedish Fop. He outlived his chief contemporaries so long that the new generation addressed him as " Father Gyllenborg."
His play, A Venetian Comedy, enjoyed a substantial success in 1904.
Epicharmus was the chief representative of the Sicilian or Dorian comedy.
Another feature of his works was the large number of excellent sentiments expressed in a brief proverbial form; the Pythagoreans claimed him as a member of their school, who had forsaken the study of philosophy for the writing of comedy.
Plato (Theaetetus, 15 2 E) puts him at the head of the masters of comedy, coupling his name with Homer and, according to a remark in Diogenes Laertius, Plato was indebted to Epicharmus for much of his philosophy.
In Santarem appeared Antonio Prestes, a magistrate who drew from his judicial experience but evinced more knowledge of folk-lore than dramatic talent, while Camoens himself was so far influenced by Gil Vicente, whose plays he had perhaps seen performed in Lisbon, that in spite of his Coimbra training he never exchanged the old forms for those of the classical comedy.
One of the last dramatists of the 16th century belonging to the old school was Simao Machado, who wrote the Comedy of Diu and the Enchantments of Alfea, two long plays almost entirely in Spanish, and full of digressions only made tolerable by the beauty of their lyrics.
He found the stage occupied mainly by religious plays in which there appeared no trace of the Greek or Roman theatre, and, admiring what he had seen in Italy, he and his followers protested against the name auto, restored that of comedy, and substituted prose for verse.
The revived classical comedy was thus so bound down by respect for authority as to have little chance of development, while its language consisted of a latinized prose from which the emotions were almost absent.
So decisive was the success of Jorge Ferreira's new invention, notwithstanding its anonymity, that it decided SA de Miranda to attempt the prose comedy.
He attempted both comedy and tragedy, and his success in the latter branch is due to the fact that he was not content to seek inspiration from Seneca, as were most of the tragedians of the 16th century, but went straight to the fountain heads, Sophocles and Euripides.
Its centres were the theatres of the Bairro Alto and Mouraria, and the numerous pieces staged there belong to low comedy.
Gargao (q.v.) led the way with the Theatro Novo, a bright little comedy in blank verse, and followed it up with another, Assemblea ou partida; but he did not persevere.
In the social drama, Ernesto Biester, and in comedy Fernando Caldeira, also no mean lyric poet, are two of the principal names, and the latter's pieces, A Mantilha da Renda and A Madrugada, have a delicacy and vivacity which justifies their success.
In 1614 was performed at Coster's academy Hooft's comedy of Ware-nar, an adaptation of the Aulularia of Plautus, first printed in 1617.
He supported himself by adapting Greek plays for the Roman stage from the new comedy writers, especially Menander.
Therein appeared Polyeucte, the memorable comedy of Le Menteur, which though adapted from the Spanish stood in relation to French comedy very much as Le Cid, which owed less to Spain, stood to French tragedy; its less popular and far less good Suite, - and perhaps La Mort de Pompee.
An entirely different meaning ("sponger") became attached to the word from the character introduced into the Middle and New Comedy, first by Alexis, and firmly established by Diphilus.
In command and in expression of passion and of pathos, of noble and of evil nature, it equals any other work of this great dramatic poet; in the lifelike fusion of high comedy with deep tragedy it excels them all.
He went to Paris in 1740 and there produced Edouard III, a tragedy (1740) and Sidnei (1745), a comedy.
These were followed by Le Mechant which still keeps the stage, and is qualified by Brunetiere as the best verse comedy 9f the French 18th century theatre, not excepting even the Metromanie of Alexis Piron.
His first comedy was exhibited in 429 B.C. He composed ten plays, of which the Solitary (Movarpoxos) was exhibited in 414 along with the Birds of Aristophanes and gained the third prize.
In 1620 he produced The Heir, an ingeniously constructed comedy, and, probably about the same time, The Old Couple, which was not printed until 1658.
The Banda-manna saga (1050-1060), the only comedy among the sagas, is also a northern tale; it relates the struggles of a plebeian who gets a chieftancy against the old families of the neighbourhood, whom he successfully outwits; Ol-kofra pattr is a later imitation of it in the same humorous strain.
In 1832 a strolling company of actors visited Mere, and Barnes wrote a farce, The Honest Thief, which they produced, and a comedy which was played at Wincanton.
Besides the works already enumerated, it contained the Sermones de motu gravium composed at Pisa between 1589 and 1591; his letters to his friends, with many of their replies, as well as several of the essays of his scientific opponents; his laudatory comments on the Orlando Furioso, and depreciatory notes on the Gerusalemme Liberata, some stanzas and sonnets of no great merit, together with the sketch of a comedy; finally, a reprint of Viviani's Life, with valuable notes and corrections.
An important work was his treatise on the old comedy, dealing with theatres and theatrical apparatus generally, and discussing the works of the principal comic poets themselves.
His first definite success was gained in the year 1852, when he published the novel Bellah and produced the comedy La Crise.
If you love me, you'll send me the blu-ray versions of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
Even the mild grief at the loss of our most regular comedy figure won't assuage the extreme pleasure at his resignation.
There are a few catch phrases thrown in from various other famous films along the way, which add to the comedy.
There is comedy too, to alleviate the weight of supposedly solemn realism.
The article was subtle about the comedy of Arthur Lucan and Kitty McShane.
Julian Barrat and Noel Fielding star in this brilliantly surreal comedy of shamans, monkeys and demon nannies summoned from hell.
To start off with, the film can't decide whether to be a comedy or an inept horror film.
Another UK star, Ashley Jensen, was named best comedy actress for Extras.
It seems as tho, much like Johnny Depp, she's become an aficionado of British comedy.
Much of the comedy revolved around such anachronisms, with the 18thcentury protagonists often using 20thcentury references and visited by modern-day concerns.
The man's stance suggests that he is engaged in a slapstick comedy routine, kicking the backside of the hapless fellow in front.
In America, however, the term was used for a variety show involving broad comedy and sometimes bawdy content, such as striptease.
Ultimately, this novel is more of a comedy which unravels the mysteries of Theodore's birth, than a tragic bildungsroman.
As they fall in love, she begins to outgrow him emotionally, resulting in a hysterical yet ultimately bittersweet romantic comedy.
Les Dennis, Mike McShane and Jeremy Edwards star in this hilariously brutal comedy examining our infatuation with fame... .
Ted Cassidy played the butler in which US comedy of the 1960s?
The main and cellar theaters offer drama, dance, alternative cabaret, folk, jazz, rock and comedy.
A great illusion act or comedy cabaret is ideal for this situation.
Let no-one say that these tricks only work in comedy action capers.
James, all you've done is quote a catchphrase from a comedy program.
I think comedy catchphrase ring tones are a great idea.
The comedy of forgiveness has no such luxurious certitude.
Indeed, he seems to like his movies as loud as his comedy and the film lurches between gun-toting set pieces and high-speed chases.
Every Sunday night, three leading acts from the comedy circuit plus a compere.
The dialog & one liners are so colorful & energetic & the movie works as a 50s comedy.
A season of high caliber comedy is wrapped up for another season with THE KEITH BARRET SHOW LIVE starring comedian Rob Brydon.
Writing and performing stand-up comedy is life's blood for Russ.
He most recently was seen opposite Ashley Judd in the romantic comedy " Someone Like You.
Lenny Henry hosts the best of British stand-up comedy, filmed live in Montreal in 2005.
Find Tickets Dirty Dusting A hilarious comedy about OAP cleaners who start talking dirty and end up filthy rich!
Fiver to you DVDs Synopsis James Brooks directs this satirical comedy about three ambitious TV newscasters.
This is observational comedy, Do you ever notice that most roads are gray, and that normally cars drive on them.
Or maybe you're a budding comedy genius with an idea for a comedy genius with an idea for a comedy show?
It was just like an old-fashioned slapstick comedy where people threw cakes at each other.
His natural talent threw the crowd into a frenzy, resulting in a night of laugh-out-loud comedy.
A refreshingly diverse double act importing their strange brand of sketch comedy to Caledonia's Comedy capital.
The third series was where this cult comedy reached its full potential.
Cult Australian spoof comedy Let the Blood Run Free charted life in St Christopher's Hospital.
An intricate knowledge of the sports world and madcap off-the-cuff comedy has established them as a totally unique commodity in the events market.
Ian's plays have previously been worth a look for comedy connoisseurs.
Cole is regularly booked at the U.K.s ' best comedy venues as well as performing at numerous corporates and Universities.
At the time, it seemed very much like Shakespeare's sole method of creating comedy was to involve cross-dressing.
From the writer of the hit film Calendar Girls, comes The Safari Party, a deliciously dark comedy in three courses.
Founding Artistic director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
Comedy agent Ian Franklin is to be the subject of a fly-on-the wall documentary.
The Pink Ladies are a unique funny camp comedy duo that are based in the Norfolk region... .
Checklist Read the BBC comedy script editor 's checklist.
Comedy of Errors is a wonderful comic exasperation of mistaken identity.
The producer was the most unlikely man to do a comedy farce.
With its charming final reunions evading any profound questions about the nature of identity, this Comedy was pure farce.
Keith Lindsay recently worked with legendary BBC comedy writer John Sullivan on Green Green Grass, the long-awaited follow-up to Only Fools And Horses.
Quickly becoming a forerunner on the Canadian comedy scene.
Founding Artistic Director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
Or maybe you're a budding comedy genius with an idea for a comedy show?
The impossibly glamorous star is coming to Westcliff in Full Circle, a little-known French romantic comedy.
Ken Campbell has always sought the holy Grail of comedy, the state of mind in which everything is funny.
In a nutshell, the man with no name meets the boy with soiled sheets who harbors a pathological hatred for surreal comedy.
Paul Sinha, a pioneering Asian comic and regular headliner at UK comedy clubs, entertained guests.
What ensues is a brilliant piece of situation comedy that I found hilarious.
Ken Campbell has always sought the Holy Grail of comedy, the state of mind in which everything is funny.
Our comedy host and his beautiful hostess will present this spoof Oscar ceremony.
Add your review Karen - " hysterical " I thought this comedy was absolutely hysterical!
Empire suggests a scene in Patch Adams where terminally ill children turn up at court to save the day for Williams ' comedy doctor.
The screenplay, by Gilliam, Tom Stoppard and Charles McKeown, allows for wildly imaginative production design and some rich, dark comedy.
Pinching people's identity is all in a day's work for comedy impressionist Alistair McGowan.
The joke has been around for ages and has grown infamous in the comedy world as it was told extravagantly among insiders.
Apparently Passion Plays traditionally include a comedy interlude in the middle.
S.O.S. is another wildly inventive black comedy from one of Britain's funniest writers.
And only a comedy could make total jackasses of its two leads.
Karl Theobald from Green Wing fame told of his theater high jinks as he appeared in Donkey's Years at the Comedy Theater.
Hosted by former Big Breakfast presenter Paul Tonkinson, Stand Up For Runaways was a sell-out night at top London comedy club jongleurs.
Generally, they want nice, positive comedy and were clear that spoofs should only gently lampoon their targets.
Oh, and lest I forget, they were also lampooned on the comedy satire show, ' Not the Nine O'Clock News ' .
He started as a comedy magician but soon realized that being a comic is his true vocation.
But their responsibilities will extend beyond picking a gooey romantic comedy at the local megaplex.
Actor Steve Guttenberg's directorial debut of comic misadventures is a hilarious, pitch black comedy based on James Kirkwood's cult classic novel.
Character Of The Newer Attic Comedy The pieces are of tiresome monotony.
The series was nominated for best comedy newcomer at the 2004 British Comedy Awards and was re-commissioned by the BBC.
Kay tops TV one-liner poll Peter Kay's ' garlic bread ' catchphrase has been named the best comedy one-liner in British TV history.
He has worked with all the greats in the comedy pantheon from the late 1940s to the present day.
Musically speaking it's a 20's/30's musical comedy pastiche.
Hulk's diary As with much of the best comedy, there are glimpses of real pathos here.
Philip King was the forerunner of the Whitehall farces and ultimately paved the way for such well loved British comedy as Dad's Army.
It was therefore lamented that people from minorities remain peripheral to the comedy output on TV and radio.
J. M. Synge's comedy playboy OF THE WESTERN WORLD caused a scandal when it was first performed in 1907.
After opening with a half-decent comedy song, the two launch straight into a double-pronged, yet playful assault on the audience.
More than simply a stand-up, (" A one-man special effect " The Guardian) Rhys is also a prolific comedy playwright.
Town surrounded by be something to a comedy movie hot dogs popcorn.
It was the verbal equivalent of a Norman Wisdom comedy pratfall.
The hilariously funny Hollywood glamor puss, Joan Rivers was one of the highlights of the 2005 Glasgow International Comedy Festival.
We are highly reflexive, and we like everything double - humor, parody, satire, jokes, black comedy and so on.
Kicking off is the comedy revue Let's Kick Arts!
You wonder what comedy Utopia people are living in that this gets a rough ride from them.
A comedy movie night cruises from recreating an riverfront.
Peter Quilter's new comedy is a hoot and a holler and a joyous romp from start to finish.
Taking his cues from the crowd, he creates spontaneous comedy routines from nowhere.
The phrase " it's a religious comedy " must have caused Hollywood to have a sacred cow.
Comedy doesn't get much blacker than this savage satire on terrorism.
Comedy Avenue Drives humor to the edge with outrageous news satire.
His unique mix of experience in comedy writing, editing and technical savvy made him a great fit for the essential co-director's position.
This hugely popular novel set the standard that comedy scriptwriters still unconsciously follow.
Comedy club was OK, balcony seating is not great.
The strangest thing about the gig is that music really does seem to take second fiddle to comedy.
I am also an accomplished broadcaster currently appearing monthly on Radio 4 with my comedy series " The Hysterical Method Of Conception " .
This comedy film will appeal to people who enjoy classic British comedy films, sit-coms and Carry-On style shenanigans.
What is unusual about Howard Read's comedy sidekick?
Mini Smoke is a great sight gag, perfect for comedy, stunts, magic and special effects!
Laverne & Shirley became the first situation comedy ever to hit number one in the weekly ratings with its first airing.
Since 1985 he has improvised sketches and stories with the Comedy Store Players, of which he is a founder-member.
Not many people will risk their lives for a comedy sketch.
A good band, who also did a comedy skit, finalized the event well.
First performed in 1668, Molière's comedy cunningly ridicules the snobbery of the aristocracy and the foolish aspirations of the nouveau riche.
Peter was always one for making serious situations into a comedy - he never took life seriously, he was too *** free spirited.
His unique style of thoughtful, uplifting comedy and rampant spontaneity have won him rave reviews and a legion of fans worldwide.
He was nominated by the Comedy Store in the category Best live stand-up at the British Comedy Awards.
Bruce began stand-up in July 1995 after over a decade of writing for some of Australia's biggest names in comedy.
A comedy cruise Mississippi river steamboat movie stop on the the east coast be hundreds of.
Jasmine Birtles Jasmine manages to mix finance and comedy a kind of laughing stockbroker!
The evening was a mixture of cheeky comedy and seriously sexy strippers each with their own distinctive talents.
My father suffered from a bad stutter, a condition that I mimicked in a 1988 comedy film.
And he refreshingly keeps the message subservient to the comedy.
Cult comedy troop Broken Lizard takes a swipe at the slasher flick, mixing in their own unique sense of humor.
Robbie Williams dressed up like an old-fashioned lady to film a comedy sketch for British TV charity telethon 'Comic Relief ' .
Working in comedy, a very unchristian environment, it was impossible to tell someone that I was going through a religious trauma.
If it rings untrue in any aspect, then it feels as tho the reality is being twisted simply to serve the comedy.
A great comedy routine with a little wager which gets the audience interested!
Rachel Sylvester meets the comedy waiters paid to wreck your evening.
Dave Johns Geordie stand-up comedian, actor and TV warm-up artist Dave Johns, has played all of Britain's leading comedy venues.
For a silly kids ' comedy, this is exceptionally well-made.
If you want constant laughs then get Fawlty Towers; if you want witty, intelligent, mature, thoughtful comedy, get Extras.
Something for everyone A mix of very witty wordplay, physical comedy and musical sketches, the Revue really offers something for everyone.
There are also some extraordinarily tense, suggestive set-pieces, especially in the bleak final half-hour, and much wry comedy.
City comedy tho is predicated not on a nostalgic yearning for past ideal states but on the ' reality ' of urban life.
Comedy was provided by the ever youthful Tony Jones who only has to walk on stage to receive spontaneous laughter from the audience.
He's much better at comedy, and the humorous banter between him and his costars has a nice zing to it.
In the Menaechmi and, as a subordinate incident, in the Amphitruo we have a "comedy of errors."
He was attracted towards domestic tragedy by an irresistible desire to sound the depths of abnormal conflicts between passion and circumstances, to romantic comedy by a strong though not widely varied imaginative faculty, and by a delusion that he was possessed of abundant comic humour.
His comedy, like that of Plautus, seems to have been rather a free adaptation of his originals than a rude copy of them, as those of Livius probably were, or an artistic copy like those of Terence.
The town is mainly famous as the cradle of early Roman comedy, the Fabulae Atellanae (see below).
Among the most recent writers of comedy we single out Arpad Berczik for his A hdzasilok (The Matchmakers);Ignatius Sulyovsky for his Noi diplomatia (Female Diplomacy); and the above-mentioned Gregory Csiky for his Ellenallhatatlan (The Irresistible), produced on the stage in 1878.
He adapted both tragedies and comedies from the Greek, but the bent of his genius, the tastes of his audience, and the condition of the language developed through the active intercourse and business of life, gave a greater impulse to comedy than to tragedy.
There are differences between them, arising naturally enough from differences of temperament and experience; but both agree in their attitude - an attitude which is sceptical without being negative and humorous without being satiric. There is hardly any writer in whom the human comedy is treated with such completeness as it is in Montaigne.
In comedy her favourite roles were Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, and Donna Diana in the Polish translation of an old Spanish play of that name.
He is said to have collaborated with the elder Dumas in Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle, and a comedy of his, L'Ecole du monde, was produced at the Theatre Francais in 1840.
Last year, my second year at Radcliffe, I studied English composition, the Bible as English composition, the governments of America and Europe, the Odes of Horace, and Latin comedy.
The styles also vary from hardcore battle raps, to hippy raps to comedy style raps and to be honest a lot of shit.
This raucous comedy must be the most feminist play of the period.
Ricky Gervais has denied reports he is to star in a remake of Seventies comedy 10.
Kicking off is the comedy revue Let 's Kick Arts !
The answers are to be found in Edward 's Theater Company 's production of Dario Fo 's riotous comedy.
Comedy is provided by two old men, who just make silly noises and pull rubbery faces !
The phrase " it 's a religious comedy " must have caused Hollywood to have a sacred cow.
Comedy does n't get much blacker than this savage satire on terrorism.
Ricky shot to wider fame with his excellent satirical comedy The Office which took Best New TV Comedy at the British Comedy Awards.
How did satyr drama relate to comedy and tragedy; how closely was it tied to its tragic trilogy?
His unique mix of experience in comedy writing, editing and technical savvy made him a great fit for the essential co-director 's position.
Jewish humor meets Spanish screwball comedy in Only Human, an observational comedy set among a Madrid Jewish family.
Comedy scriptwriter born in London in 1929 and awarded the OBE in 2000.
The sentimental endings have been perfected by the American Pie series more than any other sex comedy, and Band Camp is no different.
I am also an accomplished broadcaster currently appearing monthly on Radio 4 with my comedy series " The Hysterical Method Of Conception ".
Thus he takes to the stage with a sheaf of dog-eared notes explaining what modules he must complete to graduate from his comedy apprenticeship.
What is unusual about Howard Read 's comedy sidekick?
Mini Smoke is a great sight gag, perfect for comedy, stunts, magic and special effects !
Often slow-moving scenes also shifted unconvincingly between stylized comedy to seriousness, for the sake of clunky plot development.
He 's a cheeky and hugely likeable lad who never goes beyond the boundary of good taste by resorting to smutty comedy.
First performed in 1668, Molière 's comedy cunningly ridicules the snobbery of the aristocracy and the foolish aspirations of the nouveau riche.
And Bob Mills and Jeff Pope have written a comedy drama starring John Thomson about a hopeless spiv called Stan The Man.
Spontaneity (or at least apparent spontaneity) makes comedy seem more magical.
Carry on Screaming (1966) another well known comedy team do a spoof of the horror genre.
He was nominated by the Comedy Store in the category Best Live Stand-Up at the British Comedy Awards.
Bruce began stand-up in July 1995 after over a decade of writing for some of Australia 's biggest names in comedy.
A comedy cruise mississippi river steamboat movie stop on the the east coast be hundreds of.
Some of the biggest names in comedy are joining forces for a major benefit gig in aid of stroke victims.
Show Full Review There was nothing subtle about the comedy of Arthur Lucan and Kitty McShane.
I really am a sucker for this kind of sweet romantic comedy.
His recent attempt to direct his wife in a romantic comedy ' Swept Away ' has apparently ended in disaster.
Robbie Williams dressed up like an old-fashioned lady to film a comedy sketch for British TV charity telethon 'Comic Relief '.
It 's not quite a vanity project, but it is the second movie by the Broken Lizard comedy troupe.
Julia is Australia 's hottest export in comedy with true-life tales that endear her to all who listen.
Not quite a comedy, not quite a true-life story, not quite a thriller, Alien Autopsy manages a bit of everything.
Instead we have a comedy that simply just trundles along, never raising anything more than a smile.
Britain 's comedy industry has rushed to respond to the tsunami disaster, with several fundraising gigs already set up.
The full track listing of the tsunami relief comedy DVD has been revealed.
Working in comedy, a very unChristian environment, it was impossible to tell someone that I was going through a religious trauma.
They have improved with age, like... either the worse horror film ever made or the best ever, unintentional, horror comedy.
Club 9 is uproarious slice-of-life, fish-out-of-water comedy as crafted by the inimitable creator of What's Michael?
I do n't know if you could find a wacky comedy in that.
A great comedy routine with a little wager which gets the audience interested !
Dave Johns Geordie stand-up comedian, actor and TV warm-up artist Dave Johns, has played all of Britain 's leading comedy venues.
You know, zany comedy, dark drama, adverts etc?
He 's much better at comedy, and the humorous banter between him and his costars has a nice zing to it.
The comedy show had a tongue-in-cheek style of humor that may not be easy for kids to understand.
Which genre would you classify this funny-yet-dark book as – comedy or tragedy?
Whether you are in the mood for live music, a Broadway show, a sporting event, an art museum or stand-up comedy, See Tickets has the tickets that you need.
Coast to Coast Tickets allows you to buy tickets for concerts, sporting events, comedy and other forms of live entertainment anywhere in the United States.
Bring some comedy into your life when you buy Simpsons DVDs.
Champagne, romantic music, a romantic movie (or even a romantic comedy), chocolates and candles can help spur on a night or relaxing with a loved one.
Comedy Central allows you to watch programs like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, South Park, Mind of Mencia and Futurama.
Or, you can purchase tickets to a comedy club.
Tune into your favorite comedy or go to a comedy club.
Even fans that were in diapers when the show first debuted enjoy the comedy of The Simpsons.
This musical comedy has been entertaining the public for decades.
This is a situational comedy that everyone can enjoy.
Laughter in a relationship is often companionable, not all hard physical comedy and sly innuendo.
There are many different types of poems, like comedy themed poems, poems about life, and poems for a best friend.
You can be a comedy star as far as your yearbook is concerned with just a few tips.
Luckily Chris Rock was on Comedy Central and we were able to forget about how horrible the room was.
Evolving from slapstick comedy into much more serious roles has given him both professional substance and serious attention from female film fans.
The film is the highest grossing box office comedy of all times.
Comedy Central is rerunning the episode of South Park in which the writers took a few shots a Scientology, outraging Tom Cruise and leading to Issac Hayes departure from the show.
I'm also working with the producer of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days on a romantic comedy that I'm so ecstatic about.
She's appeared on MadTV twice, performed on stage at Second City, and made several appearances at Canadian comedy shows.
He began hosting his hit program The Daily Show on Comedy Central in 1999, and has since become one of the most popular hosts on television, winning 14 Emmy Awards.
Apparently not learning from the wrongdoings of Mel Gibson before him, Michael Richards (Kramer, of Seinfeld fame) made some not-so-pleasant comments during a recent comedy club appearance.
Michael Richards' comedy set at the Laugh Factory started innocently enough on Friday, November 17.
Tawny Kitaen had a leading role in the 1984 comedy film Bachelor Party, opposite Tom Hanks, but she will likely be most remembered for her music video appearances.
When she appeared on Comedy Central's roast for William Shatner, she again stumbled over her prepared jokes, needing to restart several times to deliver her speech.
Ooh La La also recently won an honorable mention in the Hollywood Creative Connection Short Comedy Screenplay Competition.
Cohen has earned numerous Emmy nominations and two BAFTA TV Awards (Best Comedy Series, Best Comedy Performance) for Da Ali G Show.
While earning small roles in television and film, Jack Black was also building a cult following with his appearances on HBO's sketch comedy show, Mr. Show with Bob and David.
The comedy rock duo did live appearances and recorded a self-titled album in 2001.
Saturday night, they were seen at the Comedy Cellar.
In 2000, Eric got to do one episode of a comedy called Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane.
She is nominated for Best Actress in a TV Series, Comedy or Musical.
His first job with Comedy Central was in 1991 as host of Short Attention Span Theater.
In 1992, he hosted You Wrote It, You Watch It on MTV where viewers sent in stories to be acted out by a comedy troupe.
Born on the same day in 1978, Ashton Kutcher has also made a name for himself in comedy.
She also appeared in one episode of the comedy Malcolm in the Middle, and had a recurring role on television's 7th Heaven.
Steve Carell has become well-known for his role on the popular television comedy, The Office.
His first role was in the 1991 film Curly Sue, but he continued to teach improvisational comedy at Second City and perform with their comedy troupe from 1990-1996.
The comedy was a huge summer success, further cementing Carell's abilities as a comedic force and leading man.
The 2006 independent dark comedy Little Miss Sunshine allowed Carell to showcase his range in a more serious and quiet role.
Television Critics Association award (2006), Outstanding Individual Achievement in Comedy, The Office.
Screen Actors Guild of America award (2007), Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series, The Office.
Screen Actors Guild of America award (2007), Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series, The Office.
His talents have burned up comedy club stages, airwaves and the silver screen for the last few years and if you blink, you just might miss what he's doing next.
In 2000, Cook appeared on Comedy Central Presents.
Although criticized by his peers, he used this as the only venue to publicize and sell out his comedy showcases.
From small, dingy comedy clubs to headlining Carnegie Hall, Dane Cook has paid his dues to become one of the most influential comics of his time.
In 2003, he released his debut album Harmful if Swallowed on the Comedy Central label, which included a DVD of his appearances on Comedy Central.
In July 2006, Cook appeared at the Vancouver Yuk-Yuks comedy club and asked to go on before the headliner because he had to work on Employee of the Month the next morning.
The Associated Press reported that Richard Jeni, 45, apparently shot himself in the head at his home above Los Angeles' Sunset Strip comedy clubs.
News spread quickly throughout the comedy club circuit of Jeni's death.
He first arrived on the comedy scene in 1990 with a series of specials on Showtime, which led him to appearances on The Tonight Show.
In 2004, he was ranked 57th on Comedy Central's list of "100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time."
In the early 1980s, DeGeneres tried a hand at comedy, working as the emcee at Clyde's Comedy Club in New Orleans.
She ranks 16th on Comedy Central's list of "100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time."
Because of her hectic schedule with her talk show, she no longer performs stand-up comedy.
DeGeneres moved her brand of comedy to television and the silver screen, appearing in numerous blockbusters.
Fans found the comedian to be just as funny on the big screen as she was on the comedy stage.
O'Brien moved to New York and began writing for Saturday Night Live in 1988, where a year later, he won an Emmy for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy or Variety Series.
In 2006, the show marked the 10th consecutive year of receiving the nomination for Outstanding Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Series.
In 1998, Seinfeld had a comedy special called, I'm Telling You for the Last Time, a final telling of his most popular jokes.
He ranks number 12 on Comedy Central's list of the "100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time."
She is a comedic genius, having started out with the iconic Second City comedy troupe in Chicago, Illinois, and quickly moving on the news desk on Saturday Night Live.
Michael Richards shattered his image in 2006 when he made a racist comment during a comedy club appearance.
His big break came in 1992, when at the tender age of 17, Maguire landed a role in the television comedy, Great Scott.
With a long career behind him and many years ahead, Letterman has become a household name with his off-beat comedy.
An aspiring comedy writer, he moved to California in 1975.
His love of comedy led him to stand-up, where he appeared at Los Angeles' The Comedy Store.
A few years ago, I was in this romantic comedy (A Family Affair) and I played the ex-girlfriend of the lead character.
He got his start in show business at age 10, entertaining as a stand-up comedian at local comedy clubs.
He described his comedy as "disgustingly dirty," but his act was popular.
After the comedy ended in 2006, Garth spent a year out of the spotlight.
In April 2006, she admitted that she had, in fact, suffered from an eating disorder during and after the legal comedy.
In 2007, Heigl starred opposite Seth Rogan in the comedy Knocked Up, a look at the decisions that a young single woman must make after getting pregnant during a one-night stand.
The U.S. Comedy Arts Festival named Colbert "Person of the Year" in 2007.
In these roles, Mendes demonstrates that she is a flexible actress, able to switch from drama to action to comedy in the blink of an eye to capture and delight audiences.
In 1991, Sarah took on the role as SanDeE in the Steve Martin Comedy L.A. Story.
Has announced that she plans to star in the comedy A Family Affair.
Plays the role of Vanessa Loring in the comedy Juno, to be released in theaters in January 2008.
Upon her college graduation in 1992, she headed to Chicago and trained with the famed comedy troupe, The Second City.
Tina Fey took her writing talents to the big screen when she penned the screenplay for the 2004 film Mean Girls, a comedy starring Lindsay Lohan.
The comedy is loosely based on her experiences as a writer at SNL.
On 30 Rock, Fey plays Liz Lemon, the head writer for the fictional sketch comedy show TGS, opposite Alec Baldwin.
She appeared with SNL cast mate Rachel Dratch in the two-woman show "Dratch & Fey" at several comedy festivals.
While Seth Rogen's first starring role was in the wildly successful comedy Knocked Up, this funny guy has been entertaining audiences in smaller parts for some time now.
Rogen was then cast in Apatow's followup TV comedy, Undeclared (2001), which focused on the lives of freshmen college students.
He, along with the writing staff for the series, earned an Emmy nomination for the category of "Writing for a Variety, Music or Comedy Program."
Rogen is said to have been inspired by Adam Sandler's comedy album, They're All Gonna Laugh at You!, calling it the funniest thing he's ever heard.
Harvard University's comedy magazine is honoring Paris Hilton with their "Hastiest Pudding of the Lampoon" title.
She has already appeared in House of Wax, but will be seen shortly in the comedy The Hottie & the Nottie, set for release on February 8.
Following his college graduation in 1990, Ferrell became a member of the improvisational comedy group The Groundlings.
In 1995, Will Ferrell became a cast member on Saturday Night Live, playing an assortment of memorable characters during his seven years on the sketch comedy show.
In 2007, Ferrell appeared opposite Napoleon Dynamite star Jon Heder in the ice skating comedy, Blades of Glory.
The video was part of Ferrell and McKay's website, featuring other comedy video clips that are voted on by site visitors.
He has been nominated for Golden Globe, Emmy and American Comedy awards; Ferrell won an American Comedy Award for Funniest Male Performer in a TV Special (for Saturday Night Live Presidential Bash 2000).
Jason Bateman gained attention again when he played brother to Thomas Jane's character in the 2002 comedy The Sweetest Thing, opposite Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate.
Bateman won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy in 2005 and was nominated for an Emmy Award and Screen Actors Guild award.
The comedy of the reality series was that the socialites never worked before, plus their outspoken nature made plenty of ordinary folks downright uncomfortable.
With a famous comedy team for his parents, Ben Stiller was born with innate comedic timing and a talent for directing.
Benjamin Edward Stiller was born November 30, 1965 in New York City to famous comedy team parents Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara.
The comedy There's Something About Mary, co-starring Cameron Diaz, was the film that made Stiller a household name.
After doing a film with such heavy existential and philosophical subject matter, Day-Lewis turned to comedy, in Stars and Bars.
In 1987, Applegate landed the role of ditzy teenager Kelly Bundy in the Fox comedy series Married…with Children.
Applegate continued to appear in other projects during her time on Married…, including a stint on 21 Jump Street and a starring role in the big screen comedy Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead.
For her work in 2002's "The One with Rachel's Other Sister," Applegate won an Emmy for Best Guest Actress in a Comedy.
She's made her mark in a variety of film genres, including the dramatic London, thriller film The Lookout and comedy Hot Rod.
In 2008, she scored another hit with Definitely, Maybe, a comedy starring Ryan Reynolds.
After his few acting stints, Carlin returned to the comedy club stage in 1962 and 10 years later, he gained such a large following that he graduated from small nightclub stages to Carnegie Hall.
Silverman first appeared on stage at the age of 12 and after that, her interest in the entertainment industry grew, especially her interest in comedy.
Sarah Silverman was only 17 when she first began doing stand up comedy.
While attending NYU, she would go to various clubs and bars on open mic nights in her spare time, eventually dropping out of school to pursue her career in comedy.
Silverman accepted the position, but her stint at the venerable sketch comedy show wouldn't last long.
Sarah Silverman's comedy wasn't the only controversy in her life though.
With an Emmy under his belt and a good amount of success on The Man Show, Kimmel parlayed his talents, struck a production deal with Comedy Central, and named it Jackhole Industries.
After signing his deal with Comedy Central, Kimmel jumped right in and served as executive producer for the show Crank Yankers.
Kimmel, in his self-deprecating nature, took the acerbic comedian's comments in stride (she also said he "had no charisma") and hired her to do a few voices on his Comedy Central show Crank Yankers.
The show, which was a spoof on soap operas but set in a school, is unique in that it lasts only five minutes per episode, and is made up of a series of comedy skits.
Her character, Sonny Monroe, has won a talent competition and made the move from Wisconsin to Hollywood to star in a sketch comedy television show.
Gibson is a prolific actor, who can convincingly handle dramatic scenes, brutal violence, and even romantic comedy.
It wasn't long before he was making international audiences laugh through his stand-up comedy and acting.
Sandler attended New York University and found work at local clubs and campus shows performing stand-up comedy acts.
During one of his comedy acts, comedian and Saturday Night Live cast member Dennis Miller happened to be in the audience.
At a very young age, Reynolds and his friends put together a comedy team to entertain each other, and they called themselves Yellow Snow.
He also dabbled in performance at local comedy clubs, and ended up deciding to pursue a career as a professional actor.
During this same period, Reynolds was active with the famous improv comedy troupe The Groundlings.
The dark comedy scored legions of fans and earned Travolta an Oscar nomination.
In 2005 she and her Drake and Josh co-star Drake Bell played siblings yet again in the Dennis Quaid and Rene Russo film comedy Yours, Mine and Ours.
There is no doubt that Heigl is talented in the romantic comedy genre of film.
In 1987 her career really took off when she played a woman seduced by a devilish Jack Nicholson in the sexy comedy The Witches of Eastwick.
Whispers of her leaving have been swirling ever since Heigl found success as the next romantic comedy "it" girl.
Though she has lead a very busy career with comedy tours, television shows and film appearances, 2009 was a stellar year for her, opening up many doors for her future.
The iCarly cast is a group of mostly young actors who are making names for themselves in this popular teen comedy.
Ricky Gervais is an English actor and comedian best known for his role on the original U.K. version of the television comedy The Office.
The two eventually became partners and have written many comedy specials and series' together, including The Office.
From 1999 to 2001, Ricky appeared on a handful of comedy shows in the U.K. By 2001, however, the idea for The Office was born and he was about to become very famous.
Extras - This is a comedy series in the U.K. starring Ricky Gervais as background artist Andy Millman.
Lowe also had small parts in several comedy movies, including Wayne's World and all of the Austin Powers films.
Roberts delivers comedy as easily as she plays dramatic tear-jerkers.
Competitors audition by showing off any unique talents they might possess, from singing and dancing to juggling and comedy routines.
Fey grew up watching comedy with her family, favoring old movies and classic television shows like The Honeymooners.
Fey went on to study comedy at The Second City in Chicago.
Fey's rise to comedy stardom continued when she found herself in front of the cameras on SNL's regular feature Weekend Update, a spoof of the nightly news.
She played Ferris Bueller's high-kicking younger sister in that comedy vehicle and was able to play a convincingly innocent teen in Dirty Dancing, although she was in her late 20s at the time.
The film was a light-hearted comedy that gained a sort of cult following.
She appeared in a Night Court reunion episode of the comedy show 30 Rock, along with Harry Anderson and Charles Robinson.
This was the fire that lit his passion for comedy and acting, and his mother sent him to a school in California to try and nurture his talent.
He officially changed his name to Gene Wilder, and worked in several off-Broadway theatre productions while furthering his education.Though his dramatic acting was praised, his true calling was comedy.
She spent summers as part of the Philadelphia Freedom Theatre, an African-American comedy troupe.
When The Cosby Show ended its run in 1992, it wasn't long before Alexander was once again part of the cast of a comedy.
Also in 1983 Guffey appeared in the comedy Stroker Ace, which starred Burt Reynolds, Loni Anderson, Ned Beatty, and Jim Nabors.
When producers were casting for the ABC comedy Modern Family, they created the role of Gloria specifically around Sophia Vergara.
Modern Family has been extremely popular on ABC, earning an Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series, one for the writing team, and another for Eric Stonestreet (Cameron Tucker).
Although she's been an international model and actress for many years, it took this ABC comedy to propel her stardom and make her a household name.
She also made a comment while promoting a romantic comedy about a woman who gets artificially inseminated, The Switch.
Eventually Jackson showed up in the public eye once again, but it had nothing to do with comedy.
According to USA Today, by 2010 Sheen was the highest paid comedy actor on television earning nearly two million dollars per episode.
Their project has turned into one of the top comedy sites on the Internet, and millions of people visit every day for their daily dose of laughs.
Comedy acts, jugglers, and magicians often appear on lounge stages, and more intricate scheduled shows are performed frequently.
Ballrooms and modern entertainment, including concerts, lectures and comedy shows.
I must say that it seems like a comedy act these days in my home.
The album combined songs that were previously written for Mr. Show along with mixed material and comedy.
The album was hailed as a pleasurable mix between comedy, electric guitars and everything in between.
Palm tree pendants and necklaces have always been popular, but their appeal exploded in 2008 with the release of the romantic comedy Fool's Gold, starring Kate Hudson.
This carried over when comedy troupes brought their work to television, most famously with the Monty Python team, who regularly employed drag to hilarious effect.
Reno 911 is a show on Comedy Central that mocks and "reinacts" a typical police force.
Most shows focus on comedy routines that are appropriate for all ages, while others incorporate music, magic, and even some of the park's animal residents.
He uses an excessive amount of profanity, participates in a lot of physical comedy, displays many explicit gestures, and heavily consumes alcohol on camera.
Dialogue is wooden (and it wasn't even Lucas' fault!) and dead-panned, and the comedy portion of Kenobi and Skywalker's light banter tried too hard.
The name "Monty Python" is synonymous with hilarious British comedy and this Halo video game spoof is no exception.
Many videos on the site aren't helpful and others are recorded for comedy.
Most agree that Valerie Bertinelli is a charming, magnetic and beautiful actress, and back in 1975, the producers of the hit television comedy show, One Day at a Time, were the first to spot that talent.
Since she began her career as a dancer on the 1990's hit comedy sketch show In Living Color, her background emphasizes fitness and health over being super skinny.
It is, in the true sense of the definition, a dark comedy.
I Love Wavs has a large assortment of downloadable music for the holidays, including country, comedy, and pop songs.
A night at a comedy theater can provide a wealth of hilarity and mirth.
Snuggling up on the couch and watching a romantic comedy will only set you back a few dollars.
A comedy club, for example, is a lot more fun on a double date because you can laugh, share the experience and enjoy camaraderie together.
One of the first toes dipped in the water of acceptance was on the Ellen DeGeneres comedy show, which in 1997 had Ellen's character realizing her homosexuality in a famous "coming out" episode.
On the other hand, if she prefers comedy films, a more creative proposal may be suitable.
The five-time Oscar nominated film provides just the right mix of action, adventure, comedy, drama, and incredible special effects to create wide-spanning audience appeal.
This is one man you can finally use those spare comedy tickets on!
Such was the case with Ring Lardner, Jr. who was annoyed and appalled by Robert Altman's cinematic interpretation of his script, a dark comedy about American servicemen during the Korean War.
Hindi audiences demand a lot for their movie dollar, and the movies contain a lot of drama, comedy, and action.
It was a comedy, and the characters in the part I saw was a very ditzy cleopatra (she was bathing in milk at one point), and a very gay ceasar, thats all I remember.
This comedy is rated PG-13 for language and off color humor.
Nothing says summer fun better than a good comedy, and if the trailers are any indication, You, Me & Dupree makes a decent effort at providing nothing more than a good laugh.
El Cinema offers Arabic movies in a variety of genres, including action, drama, and comedy.
Everyone can enjoy a good laugh and one of the best places to get your fix is through the Netflix Comedy section.
Netflix has an excellent selection of comedy movies, but they cover just about every other genre as well including dramatic films, such as Night of the Living Dead and Independence Day.
The Netflix comedy section stays well stocked, so whether you're just looking for a pick-me-up on a Wednesday or a hilarious Saturday evening well spent, they'll have a movie for you.
Netflix comedy and other movies are available through your choice of five monthly plans.
Luckily for you, Netflix has a RSS feed that lets you jump in on the top 25 comedy movies.
Ironically, this Netflix comedy flick is about a couple that is breaking up and there is an "escalating battle of the exes" wherein they fight over custody of their upscale Chicago condo.
The Monty Python comedy troupe takes their obscure British references and goes mainstream in order to tickle your funnybone.
Starz Comedy made its debut in 2005 and features all funny films, all of the time.
This comedy stars Alexandra Wentworth as psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Goode whose practice focuses on dealing with celebrities.
Another Original comedy series, Party Down is based on six aspiring actors and actresses trying to break into show business while working for tips at a catering company.
Viewers can search through available movies by genre such as Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Hindi dubbed, Horror, Thriller or Romance.
Use the site to search for movie scripts by name or by genre (such as sports, suspense, action, comedy and more).
The site is organized by genre (from Comedy, to Action to Horror to Suspense) and is affordable.
Holiday Affair - A romantic holiday comedy starring Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh.
Nighy starred as Bill Mack, the has-been pop star in the romantic comedy Love Actually.
Bartha also had a supporting role in the Matthew McConaughey/ Sarah Jessica Parker romantic comedy Failure to Launch.
Videos put out by known comedy venues are often among the funniest out there.
The film is a high school comedy for the shopping obsessed who just love the sun.
The Informant!, a 2009 comedy, received several nominations for Matt Damon's performance in the film.
In this black and white comedy, Charlie Chaplin is entirely silent -- like all the works he is best known for!
In this 1948 film, the classic comedy duo meet the famed monster and a cast of other frightful characters.
To some men, any romantic comedy is a chick flick.
Whatever your exact definition of romantic comedy or chick flicks, there is no debating that the chick flick genre is growing increasingly popular each year.
They're the classics movie fans don't mind seeing again and again, whether they're in the mood for comedy, drama, or something entirely different.
Crying Ladies (2003)-A comedy about three professional mourners searching for more lucrative money opportunities in Manila's Chinatown.
If you love to laugh and potentially sing along to some wonderful songs, then it is quite likely that you'll love musical comedy films.
Musical comedy movies are one part musical mixed with another part comedy.
Think of your favorite comedy film and imagine how much fun it would be if there were a few choreographed singing scenes.
If you live near a college or university, there are many plays, concerts, and comedy performances to enjoy for an average of $7-$10 apiece.
Offering radio stations for every taste including classical, top 40, R&B, rap, comedy, and even some specific stations dedicated to a single band or artist, owning a satellite radio has many advantages.
Desperate Housewives (2004-2012) - This show mixed comedy with drama in an irresistible combination as it followed the complicated lives of the housewives of Wisteria Lane.
In 2007, he starred in the Disney film Enchanted and in 2008, he played the lead role in the romantic comedy Made of Honor.
Not very often are comedy and suspense so successfully merged.
He starred in Echo Beach, another soap opera that ran on ITV in England, and he most recently starred in We Need to Talk about Kieran, a romantic comedy.
Prior to the series ending she appeared in the Disney Vin Diesel comedy The Pacifier.
In April 2009 the actress nabbed a guest-starring role on the award-winning CBS' comedy How I Met Your Mother.
The show has been really fast-paced screwball comedy with Colleen (Zenk Pinter), Trent (Dawson), Terri (Columbino).
She worked on the children's TV show Wonders in Letterland, and also appeared in British musicals and comedy series.
The series, dubbed a romantic comedy, is a whimsical ''Freaky Friday'' where both mind and intelligence are merged into the body of breakout performer Brooke Elliot.
The Lifetime Entertainment romantic comedy features music prominently in many episodes, including performances by the stars of the show.
Drop Dead Diva episodes began airing in July 2010 when the romantic comedy returned for its sophomore season.
The series unique mix of comedy, drama and music made for a heady combination.
It was the series Birds of a Feather that made her career, and won her an award as Best TV Comedy Newcomer.
She also picked up an award for Most Popular Comedy Performer at the National Television Awards for her role on Office Gossip.
Often recognized for her stunning beauty, Bush's acting has resulted in several Teen Choice Awards including comedy and breakout actress awards for her roles in Tucker Must Die and The Hitcher.