Combinations Sentence Examples
The keyboard has five keys similar to those of a piano, and the letters and figures are obtained by the different combinations which can be formed by the raised and depressed keys.
Some children were simply bad combinations.
Poland, Panin opined, would be especially useful in case of Oriental combinations.
But on the night before the algebra examination, while I was struggling over some very complicated examples, I could not tell the combinations of bracket, brace and radical.
She can make a great many combinations now, and often invents new ones herself.
The peculiarity of organic and sentient bodies is due to the minuteness and shape of their particles, and to their special motions and combinations.
Further, the combinations B X Y and A X Y cannot be derived from each other, but both directly from A B X Y in two different directions.
Each of these schools impresses its pupils, in the case of the birds, with its own stamp, but there are many combinations, since in the course of phyletic development many a group of birds has exchanged one school for another.
His conduct of the Government during the campaign was also severely blamed, as he acted as though the war were merely an affair of internal politics and party combinations.
The alliances, counter-alliances and far-reaching political combinations which spring up at every advance of the greater powers are often perplexing in the absence of records of the states concerned.
AdvertisementThe part played by Egypt proper in the ensuing anti-Assyrian combinations is not clearly known; with a number of petty dynasts fomenting discontent and revolt, there was an absence -of cohesion in that ancient empire previous to the rise of the Ethiopian dynasty.
But about the time when it began to be supplanted by Arabic, two systems of vowel-signs were invented, one for the West Syrians, who borrowed the forms of Greek vowels, and the other more elaborate for the East Syrians, who used combinations of dots.
But they were absorbed by the direction of military and political combinations, and by intrigues for the preservation of their own power; and, even allowing for all this, they failed to evince the civil capacity which might have been anticipated.
In our own time they have inspired both the formation of trade combinations and attempts to break them up, hostility to all forms of state interference and a belief in collectivism.
On this subject many monographs and larger works have been published in recent years, but dealing rather with such questions as trade unionism, co-operation and factory legislation, than the structure and organization of particular industries, or the causes and the results of the formation of the great combinations, peculiarly characteristic of the United States, but not wanting in England, which are amongst the most striking economic phenomena of modern times.
AdvertisementIt came in time to enable him to share in the operations of the French army against the Austrians that led to the battle of Dego, north of Savona (21st of September), a success largely due to his skilful combinations.
The principal elements are found in various combinations, the hydrocarbons of the Pennsylvania oils being mainly paraffins (q.v.), while those of Caucasian petroleum belong for the most part to the naphthenes, isomeric with the olefines (q.v.).
These bands are due to molecular oscillations; Hartley suggests the carbon atoms to be rotating and forming alternately single and double linkages, the formation of three double links giving three bands, and of three single links another three; Baly and Collie, on the other hand, suggest the making and breaking of links between adjacent atoms, pointing out that there are seven combinations of one, two and three pairs of carbon atoms in the benzene molecule.
We have seen (in the articles on Harmony and Music) how harmonic music originated in just this habit of regarding combinations of sound as mere sensations, and how for centuries the habit opposed itself to the intellectual principles of contrapuntal harmony.
Most of the leading breeds have clubs or societies, which have been founded by admirers with a view to furthering the interests of their favourites; and such combinations as the Bulldog Club (incorporated), the London Bulldog Society, the British Bulldog Club, the Fox Terrier Club, the Association of Bloodhound Breeders - under whose management the first man-hunting trials were held, - the Bloodhound Hunt Club, the Collie Club, the Dachshund Club, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier Club, the English Setter Club, the Gamekeepers' Association of the United Kingdom, the International Gun Dog League, the Irish Terrier Club, the Irish Wolfhound Club, the St Bernard Club, the National Terrier Club, the Pomeranian Club, the Spaniel Club, the Scottish Terrier Club and the Toy Bulldog Club have done good work in keeping the claims of the breeds they represent before the dogowning public and encouraging the breeding of dogs to type.
AdvertisementFor about a century and a half before that time, levee building had been undertaken in a more or less spasmodic and tentative way, first by riparian proprietors, then by local combinations of public and private interests, and finally by the state, acting through levee districts, advised by a Board of Engineers.
In the former, however, they were successful, and the destitution they left in their wake almost wrecked Napoleon's subsequent combinations.
In his position at Bautzen he felt himself equal to all his enemy's combinations.
These substances are combinations of one or more albumins with a radical of an essentially different nature, termed by Kossel a " prosthetic group."
Since these combinations have often been as illogical as facile, "eclecticism" has generally acquired a somewhat contemptuous significance.
AdvertisementThe metals used in different combinations included tin, aluminium, arsenic, antimony, bismuth and boron; each of these, when united in certain proportions with manganese, together with a larger quantity of copper (which appears to serve merely as a menstruum), constituted a magnetizable alloy.
A somewhat stronger field will deflect many of the needles beyond the limits of stability, causing them to turn round and form new stable combinations, in which the direction assumed by most of them approximates to that of the field.
When the field is removed, many of the newly formed combinations are but slightly disturbed, and the group may consequently retain a considerable resultant moment.
He imagines certain combinations by which this triple tyranny can be abolished, but his solution seems to require the creation of families without heads, countries without governments and property without rights of possession.
We do not yet know whether such absolute blending is possible or not, or whether all apparent blending is only a more or less minutely subdivided " mosaic " of non-combinable characters of the parents, in fact whether the combinations due to heredity in reproduction are ever analogous to chemical compounds or are always comparable to particulate mixtures.
The new matter taken in to make good this constant loss is either a ready-formed protoplasmic material, supplied by some other living being, or it consists of the elements of protoplasm, united together in simpler combinations, which consequently have to be built up into protoplasm by the agency of the living matter itself.
But the actual doctrine taught by Massenbach, who was now a colonel, may be summarized as the doctrine of positions carried to a ludicrous excess; the claims put forward for the general staff, that it was to prepare cut-anddried plans of operations in peace which were to be imposed on the troop leaders in war, were derided by the responsible generals; and the memoirs on proposed plans of campaign to suit certain political combinations were worked out in quite unnecessary detail.
These are the only certain examples of natural combinations of the metal, the minute, though economically valuable, quantity often found in pyrites and other sulphides being probably only present in mechanical suspension.
The native metal crystallizes in the cubic system, the octahedron being the commonest form, but other and complex combinations have been observed.
The cycle of sixty is formed of two subordinate cycles or series of characters, one of ten and the other of twelve, which are joined together so as to afford sixty different combinations.
These separate despotisms owned no common social tie, were founded on no common j us or right, but were connected in a network of conflicting interests and changeful diplomatic combinations.
Pascal treated these numbers in his Traite du triangle arithmetique (1665), using them to develop a theory of combinations and to solve problems in proba-, bility.
Throughout the middle ages such alliances were frequently formed by combinations of towns to protect the roads connecting them, and were occasionally extended to political purposes.
In Catalonia and Valencia the "germanias" were combinations of the peasantry to resist the exactions of the feudal lords.
There seems to be, however, not a unity but a duality in its plan of construction, for the two parts, North and South America, resemble each other not only in outline but, roughly speaking, in geological evolution also; and the resemblances thus discovered are the more remarkable when it is considered how extremely small is the probability that among all the possible combinations of ancient mountain systems, modern mountain systems and plains, two continents out of five should present so many points of correspondence.
Nor should it be forgotten that the internal classification and the combinations of the above subjects are also matters to be treated upon some uniform plan, if the full value of the statistics is to be extracted from the raw material.
Thus may be obtained, either separately or in various combinations, the four notes whose vibrations are in the ratios of the above numbers, and which therefore form the fundamental chord (Cegc 1).
When it became clear that the idea of doctrinal change would find no acceptance at Rome, the Reformers appealed to the divine authority of the civil power against that of the popes; and princes within their several states succeeded, as the result of purely political struggles and combinations, in establishing the form of religion best suited to their convictions or their policy.
After planting the space between the rows of tulips may be planted with such plants as forget-me-nots, wallflowers, silenes, violas, double white arabis, polyanthuses, &c., to obtain beautiful colour combinations in spring.
In its chemical combinations sodium is usually monovalent; its salts are generally soluble in water, the least soluble being the metantimonate.
Our Matthew and our Luke are just combinations, differently constructed, of these two documents, with a certain amount of additional matter which the editors had collected for themselves.
Gertz hoped, however, to conclude peace with at least some of Sweden's numerous enemies before the crash came and then, by means of fresh combinations, to restore Sweden to her rank as a great power.
Simultaneously, Gertz was negotiating with Cardinal Alberoni and with the whigs in England; but all his ingenious combinations collapsed like a house of cards on the sudden death of Charles XII.
As instances of such combinations, some of the (probably herbivorous) Eocene monkeys with arboreal limbs have teeth so difficult to distinguish from those of the herbivorous ground-living Eocene horses with cursorial limbs that at first in France and also in America they were both classed with the hoofed animals.
These consist of combinations of faces, circles, lines, &c., arranged in compartments in so complex a manner that hardly two are found alike.
But under cover of these two main objects, the only two purposes for which such combinations were allowed under the Empire, associations of all kinds grew up. The organization of the gilds was based on that of the municipality.
The scenery of Euboea is perhaps the most beautiful in Greece, owing to the varied combinations of rock, wood and water; for from the uplands the sea is almost always in view, either the wide island-studded expanse of the Aegean, or the succession of lakes formed by the Euboic Sea, together with mountains of exquisite outline, while the valleys and maritime plains are clothed either with fruit trees or with plane trees of magnificent growth.
The Number Of Years In The Intercalary Period Being Four, And The Days Of The Week Being Seven, Their Product Is 4 X 7 = 28; Twenty Eight Years Is Therefore A Period Which Includes All The Possible Combinations Of The Days Of The Week With The Commencement Of The Year.
But he does not agree with Hume that mind is nothing but sensations, ideas, and associations, but with Kant, that there are higher combinations.
Aristotle could not know enough, physically, about Nature to understand its matter, or its motions, or its forces; and consequently he fell into the error of supposing a primary matter with four contrary primary qualities, hot and cold, dry and moist, forming by their combinations four simple bodies, earth, water, air and fire, with natural rectilineal motions to or from the centre of the earth; to which he added a quintessence of ether composing the stars, with a natural circular motion round the earth.
Generally speaking, however, each tribe formed a political unit in itself, and the combinations brought together from time to time in the hands of powerful kings were liable to fall to pieces after the first disaster.
For the statement of the motions of these bodies uniform motion in a circle was employed as a fundamental type, combinations of motions of this type being constructed to fit the observations.
In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. In England, though the merchant has maintained a great part of the trade with shopkeepers, the developing trade with makers of shirts, underclothing, &c., is mainly done by the manufacturers directly, and perhaps the simplification of relations by direct dealing in the cotton trade has now reached a point of fairly stable compromise.
Or the primary hypha y first swell at its apex, and put forth a series of short peg-like branches (sterigmata) from the increased surface thus provided, each of which develops a similar basipetal chain of conidia (Aspergillus), and various combinations of these processes result in the development of numerous varieties of exquisitely branched sporophores of this type (Botrytis, Botryosporium, Verticillium, &c.).
He selected the administration of tobaccos, addressing himself especially to chemical researches under the guidance of Gay-Lussac, and gave striking proof of ability in two papers on the combinations of phosphorus with hydrogen and oxygen, published in Annales de Chimie et de Physique (1835 and 1837).
For common purposes several communes may combine, such combinations being termed in Wbrttemberg Burgermeistereien, in the Rhine province Amtsverbdnde.
They began to form leagues which the greatest princes and combinations of princes could not afford to despise.
Combinations of rays sometimes resemble a luminous fan, or a series of fans, or part of a hollow luminous cylinder.
These unstable combinations were soon after upset by Alcibiades himself, who, having succeeded in displacing Nicias as strategus in 419, allowed Athenian troops to help in attacking Epidaurus.
The comic papyri of the XXth Dynasty have also a very strong sense of character, even through coarse drawing and some childish combinations.
They range from subjects of the homeliest and most mirthful realism to others serious and devout, and from literal or almost literal transcripts of natural form to the most whimsically abstract combinations of linear pattern and tendril .and flourish.
Segregated inheritance may have produced the appropriate combinations which were latent in the capacities of the race, and the exigencies of the environment protected them in the suitable localities.
On the strength of exegetical combinations, and with the assistance of various traditions, it was.
An anti-trust law of 1893 exempted from the definition of trust combinations those formed by producers of agricultural products and live stock, but the Un tied States Supreme Court in 1902 declared the statute unconstitutional as class legislation.
From this point of view the parts of the book are by no means all of equal value; critical analysis shows that often parallel or distinct narratives have been fused together, and that, whilst the older stories gave more prominence to ordinary human motives and combinations, 1 This is confirmed by the circumstance that in Judg.
Nearly all patterns are the developments of the envelopes of geometrical solids of regular or irregular outlines, few of plane faces; when they are made up of combinations of plane faces, or of faces curved in one plane only, there is no difference in dealing with thin sheets or thick plates.
Like Gregory and Hall, he argued that, since the various humours of the human eye were so combined as to produce a perfect image, it should be possible by suitable combinations of lenses of different refracting media to construct a perfect object-glass.
The first nine variables recognized in each constellation are denoted by single letters, after which combinations RR, RS, &c., are used.
Many, however, appear to have returned to what is now South Russia, and may perhaps have taken part in the ethnical combinations which produced the Bulgarians.
The three processes, as different applications of the principle of similarity, consisting of different combinations of premises, cause different degrees of cogency in their several conclusions.
The De Interpretatione opens with a reference to this psychological distinction, implying that names represent conceptions, propositions represent combinations of conceptions.
Sense, then, outer and inner, or sensation and consciousness, is the origin of sensory judgments which are true categorical beliefs in the existence of sensible things; and primary judgments are such true categorical sensory beliefs that things exist, and neither require conception nor are combinations of conceptions.
But the combinations of premises in analogical and inductive inference, although the combination does not involve the conclusion, yet causes us to infer it, and in so similar a way that the science of inference is not complete without investigating all the combinations which characterize different kinds of inference.
Judgment is consciousness of the identity or difference and of the causal relations of the given; naming the actual combinations of the data, but also requiring a priori categories of the understanding, the notions of identity, difference and causality, as principles of thought or laws, to combine the plurality of the given into a unity (Schuppe).
The first contains cases of the occurrence of the quality under investigation, colour, e.g., or heat, in varying combinations.
The second notes its absence in combinations so allied to certain of these that its p resence might fairly have been looked for.
The most important apparent exceptions to Raoult's law in dilute solutions are the cases, (I) in which the molecules of the dissolved substance in solution are associated to form compound molecules, or dissociated to form other combinations with the solvent, in such a way that the actual number of molecules n in the solution differs from that calculated from the molecular weight corresponding to the accepted formula of the dissolved substance; (2) the case in which the molecules of the vapour of the solvent are associated in pairs or otherwise so that the molecular weight m of the vapour is not that corresponding to its accepted formula.
They were of absorbing interest to Paris, to France and to Europe; and upon them the Girondist leader at last, on the 31st of December 1792, broke silence, delivering one of his greatest orations, probably one of the greatest combinations of sound reasoning, sagacity and eloquence which has ever been displayed in the annals of French politics.
But a syllabary where each syllable is made by the combinations of a symbol for a consonant with that for a vowel can furnish no proof of the existence of a syllabary in the strict sense, where each symbol represents a syllable; it is rather evidence against the existence of such writing.
In these pieces, as in almost every production of his, in lieu of melody Liszt offers fragments of melody - touching and beautiful, it may be, or passionate, or tinged with triviality; in lieu of a rational distribution of centres of harmony in accordance with some definite plan, he presents clever combinations of chords and ingenious modulations from point to point; in lieu of musical logic and consistency of design, he is content with rhapsodical improvisation.
Just as a system of forces is in general equivalent to a single force, so a given force can conversely be replaced by combinations of other forces, in various ways.
Shifting in a straight line is regulated either by straight fixed guides, in contact with which the moving piece slides, or by combinations of link-work, called parallel motions, which will be described in the sequel.
Circular shifting is regulated by attaching two or more points of the shifting piece to ends of equal and parallel rotating cranks, or by combinations of wheel-work to be afterwards described.
The first systematic classification of elementary combinations in mechanism was that founded by Monge, and fully developed by Lanz and Btancourt, which has been generally received, and has been adopted in most treatises on applied mechanics.
In the Reiileaux system of analysis of mechanisms the principle of comparative motion is generalized, and mechanisms apparently very diverse in character are shown to be founded on the same sequence of elementary combinations forming a kinematic chain.
The arrangement is, however, modified by taking the mode of connection as the basis of the primary classification, and by removing the subject of connection by reduplication to the section of aggregate combinations.
The comparative motion of the first driver and last follower is obtained by combining the proportions expressing by their terms the velocity ratios and by their signs the directional relations of the several elementary combinations of which the train consists.
Supposing all the wheels to be in outside gearing, then, as each elementary combination reverses the direction of rotation, and as the number of elementary combinations m 1 is one less than the number of axes rn it is evident that if m is odd the direction of rotation is preserved, and if even reversed.
Shouid B/C be greater than 6, the best number of elementary combinations m I will lie between log Blog C nd log Blog C
General Pr-inciples.----Willis designated as aggregate combinations those assemblages of pieces of mechanism in which the motion of one follower is the resultant of component motions impressed on it by more than one driver.
Two classes of aggregate combinations may be distinguished which, though not different in their actual nature, differ in the data which they present to the designer, and in the method of solution to be followed in questions respecting them.
This classification is founded on the kinds of problems arising from the combinations.
Willis adopts another classification founded on the objects of the combinations, which objects he divides into two classes, viz.
These combinations of pieces are known individually as kinematsc pairs of elements, or briefly kinematic pairs.
The waters are tasteless and inodorous, and contain calcium and magnesium bicarbonates, combinations of hydrogen and silicon, and of iodides, bromides and lithium.
And they differ chiefly in this, that the less common combinations of the earlier period were disused altogether in the later.
As the elements (his deities) entered into combinations, there appeared quaint results - heads without necks, arms without shoulders.
In details of execution and harmonic combinations they illustrate the precision, logic, lucidity and cheerful spirit of the national genius.
In classical Latin its use is confined to the cases where, as in English quill, &c., the u is pronounced as w before a following vowel, but in old Latin it is found also in other combinations.
We thus at last attain a definite conclusion with regard to forms, and it appears clear that in Bacon's belief the true function of science was the search for a few fundamental physical qualities, highly abstract and general, the combinations of which give rise to the simple natures and complex phenomena around us.
These woodcuts, like the lithographic or engraved surface, served one definite purpose only, but in typography the types can be distributed and used again in other combinations.
The deities of different local centres may be identified; many such combinations took place in Egypt, and Isis in late days served to her votaries as the unitary principle which appeared in one figure after another of whole pantheons.
To be more exact, our book represents some form of the Hebrew text of the Pentateuch midway between the forms presupposed by the Septuagint and the Syriac; for it agrees more frequently with the Septuagint, or with combinations into which the Septuagint enters, than with 1 In the Ethiopic Version in xxi.
Next to the Septuagint it agrees most often with the Syriac or with combinations into which the Syriac enters.
On the other hand, its independence of the Septuagint is shown in a large number of passages, where it has the support of the Samaritan and Massoretic, or of these with various combinations of the Syriac Vulgate and Onkelos.
Early next year two papers from his pen were published in Beddoes' West Country Contributions - one " On Heat, Light and the Combinations of Light, with a new Theory of Respiration and Observations on the Chemistry of Life," and the other "On the Generation of Phosoxygen (Oxygen gas) and the Causes of the Colours of Organic Beings."
His first communication to the Royal Society, read in June 1801, related to galvanic combinations formed with single metallic plates and fluids, and showed that an electric cell might be constructed with a single metal and two fluids, provided one of the fluids was capable of oxidizing one surface of the metal; previous piles had consisted of two different metals, or of one plate of metal and the other of charcoal, with an interposed fluid.
Toward corporations the policy of New Jersey has always been liberal; there is no limit fixed either to capitalization or to bonded indebtedness; the tax rate, as already indicated, is lower for large than for small corporations; and so many large combinations of capital have been incorporated under the laws of the state that it is sometimes called " ` the home of the trusts."
For the most part this is founded on Dutch models, and testifies in a high degree to the king's progressive aims. Provision was made for the better education of the lower, and the restriction of the political influence of the higher clergy; there were stern prohibitions against wreckers and "the evil and unchristian practice of selling peasants as if they were brute beasts"; the old trade gilds were retained, but the rules of admittance thereto made easier, and trade combinations of the richer burghers, to the detriment of the smaller tradesmen, were sternly forbidden.
Besides these, many other lectures were printed in separate form and in various combinations.
In time, however, it was realized that iron by itself is not fire-proof, but requires to be protected by means of fire-resisting coverings; but as soon as satisfactory forms of these were invented their development progressed hand in hand with that of iron and steel forms and combinations.
They arise from combinations of smaller spots, or from nothing, in a short period, say a day.
It is constructed to show all the possible combinations of a set of logical terms with their negatives, and, further, the way in which these combinations are affected by the addition of attributes or other limiting words, i.e.
In the abacus the combinations are inscribed each on a single slip of wood or similar substance, which is moved by a key; incompatible combinations can thus be mechanically removed at will, in accordance with any given series of premises.
Unequal-armed balances may be divided into (I) balances consisting of a single steelyard; (2) balances formed by combinations of unequal-armed levers and steelyards, such as platform machines, weighbridges, &c.
There are many kinds of weighing machines depending for their action on combinations of levers, and arranged to meet special requirements.
The power which sulphuric acid exhibits for expelling other acids from their combinations, a power occasioned by its comparative involatility and high degree of avidity, forms the basis of a considerable number of commercial processes.
The second consideration is the form of the vessels; these may be open pans or dishes, or closed retorts, or combinations of both.
A pulley carried on a rotating shaft and connected to another pulley on a second shaft by an endless band consisting of a flat belt, rope, chain or similar connector serves for the transmission of power from the one shaft to the other and is known as a driving pulley; while combinations of pulleys or "sheaves," mounted in fixed or movable frames or "blocks," constitute mechanisms used to facilitate the raising of heavy weights.
There are no single symbols for two, three, &c.; but numbers are represented by combinations of symbols for one, five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, &c., the numbers which have single symbols, viz.
As it becomes necessary to use higher but still small numbers, they are formed by combinations of one and two, or perhaps of three with one or two.
Between five and ten, or beyond ten, the names may be due to combinations, e.g.
But it is open to the objection of assuming that a particular analysis of consciousness has reached all the possible elements in humanity and in history, and all their combinations.
History is as likely to reveal to us in the first place true and original elements, and combinations of elements in man, as a study of consciousness.
The landless men formed combinations, disputed with the landlords, and asked and often got twice as much as the old rates, despite of the murmurings of the employer.
On entering the first purifier, which contains calcium thiocarbonate and other combinations of calcium and sulphur in small quantity, the sulphuretted hydrogen and disulphide vapour have practically no action upon the material, but the carbon dioxide immediately attacks the calcium thiocarbonate, forming calcium carbonate with the production of carbon disulphide vapour, which is carried over with the gas into the second box.
It will be noticed that in the earlier stages the quantity of sulphur impurities is actually increased between the purifiers - in fact, the greater amount of sulphiding procures the ready removal of the carbon disulphide, - but it is the carbon dioxide in the gas that is the disturbing element, inasmuch as it decomposes the combinations of sulphur and calcium; consequently it is a paramount object in this system to prevent this latter impurity finding its way through the first box of the series.
Similarly on land, the post it occupied between northern Greece and the Peloponnese materially influenced its relation to other states, both in respect of its alliances, such as that with Thessaly, towards which it was drawn by mutual hostility to Boeotia, which lay between them; and also in respect of offensive combinations of other powers, as that between Thebes and Sparta, which throughout an important part of Greek history were closely associated in their politics, through mutual dread of their powerful neighbour.
These two instruments or combinations are a necessary part of the outfit of every important observatory.
It does in fact prevail among the satellite-families of our acquaintance, and presumably in stellar combinations as well.
The distinction of moods is according to the quantity or quality of the propositions of the syllogism (universal, particular, affirmative, negative, in all the possible combinations).
Metrodorus, rivalling some recent flights of conjecture, resolved not only the gods but even heroes like Agamemnon, Hector and Achilles " into elemental combinations and physical agencies."
The diagram will serve for any selected couple, such as iron-nickel, and is not restricted to combinations with lead.
Another feature of the period of reconstruction was the formation of numerous trusts or combinations of producing companies designed to take advantage of the high tariff, and to restrict competition, lower expenses an d raise prices.
The Latin combinations ci, fi, p1 at the beginning of words are transformed in two ways iii words of popular origin.
Doublets, &'c. - To remove the errors which the above lenses showed, particularly when very short focal lengths were in question, lens combinations were adopted.
The spherical aberrations, however, can be overcome, or at least so diminished that they are quite harmless, by forming appropriate combinations of lenses.
In addition to these normal salts, others exist, namely bichromates, trichromates, &c., which may be regarded as combinations of one molecular proportion of the normal salt with one or more molecular proportions of chromium trioxide.
Having no further use for his former aristocratic associates, he broke off all connexion with them, and thus felt at liberty to attack the secret combinations for political purposes, the oligarchical clubs to which they mostly belonged.
In some coolers the cooling surfaces consist of direct-expansion pipes placed in clusters of convenient form; in others brine pipes are used; in others there is a shower of cold brine, and in some cases combinations of cold pipes and brine showers.
The explanation that he offers is that the Diatessaron of Tatian was widely used and corrupted all extant texts, so that the Old Syriac, the Old Latin, the quotations of Irenaeus, Clement, Tertullian and others may be regarded as various combinations of the Tatianic text and I-H-K.
Inorganic bodies, such as metals, may enter into albuminous combinations which may greatly modify their effects, and organic substances may be split up into simpler compounds by oxidation or reduction, or may be rendered more complex by synthesis.
Arsenic and antimony do not form combinations with albumen, but they both greatly depress the central nervous system and circulation; and, if their action be long continued in large doses, they cause fatty degeneration of the viscera and disappearance of glycogen from the liver.
At his death the state of Brandenburg-Prussia was a power to be reckoned with in all European combinations.
General logic has also to deal with the union of representations, though its unity is analytic merely, not synthetic. But the same intellectual function which serves to give unity in the analytic judgments of formal logic serves to give unity to the synthetic combinations of real perception.
And there is no originality in it; only endless permutations and combinations of doctrines already known and accepted.
The ownership of industrial establishments is largely in the hands of individuals, firms, and comparatively small corporations, rather than of large combinations, the average capital per establishment in 1905 being about $32,000.
Mechanical stirrers constitute a second division of mechanical furnaces, in which the labour of rabbling or stirring the charges is performed by combinations of levers and wheel-work taking motion from a rotating shaft, and more or less perfectly imitating the action of hand labour.
Children can lace soft beads and plastic spacers in a multitude of combinations.
A wide variety of word combinations are found in a bilingual dictionary.
Clusters Areas are grouped into a three-level hierarchy of clusters, within which areas share similar combinations of characteristics.
Petit allegro had quirky jump combinations and the grand allegro was simple.
Investment opportunity We model various combinations of funds to determine the best blend that will generate consistent alpha in the MultiManager Portfolios.
By now the eight machine gun armament had been superseded by combinations of machine gun and cannon or cannon alone.
Roofstyle is a system of molded components, which can be used in varying combinations to produce highly decorative feature bargeboards.
Her color palette mixes muted natural tones with juicy, sometimes brash accents and she succeeds in making tricky shade combinations work together.
Combinations containing cisplatin, cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin were studied in the 1980s and showed improved median progression-free survival.
Some systems offer little flexibility, forcing you to adopt color combinations, font sizes or layouts that hinder accessibility.
Whether or not even greater uniformity and desirable combinations of traits can be achieved more readily in F1 hybrid cultivars remains an open question.
It is all about flavor, and vinaigrettes provide the perfect backdrop for endless flavor combinations.
To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the wanted genotypes or gene combinations.
Most of them were new to us, and for most of them we sang harmony in various combinations.
Lunch at this time of year (sometimes dinner) is often homemade soup, alll sorts of different combinations of veggies.
An earlier version of act excluded various N/O and O/O combinations, but this was causing genuine hydrogen bonds to be missed.
You used to have to do PE in these combinations at school with navy knickers.
Chalet style booths with cheery green Leatherette, massive hanging menus offering dozens of sandwich combinations and constantly busy staff.
Course combinations You can also combine linguistics with a range of other subjects including German, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
There are a number of different songwriting combinations including lyricist Pete Brown.
In MahJong Suite 2006, you play traditional mah-jongg-type games with classical mah-jongg tile sets and millions of possible combinations.
It contains more than 350 monographs describing the functions, indications, combinations and applications of commonly used materia medica.
Continued research with other agents and combinations of these agents is under way to determine their usefulness in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.
They provide a very powerful, but also rather obtuse, set of tools for finding particular words or combinations of characters in strings.
Instead of sticking to a purely orchestral sound, however, innovative combinations of sounds flicker between songs like scenes in a film.
Ask them to repeat their tune several times (melodic ostinato ). Experiment with different combinations.
You used to have to do pe in these combinations at school with navy knickers.
The 03R/W has 32 note polyphony, 128 ROM and 100 RAM programs and 100 combinations.
Wide variety of combinations, from solo performers to string quartet.
Repeat once, then rephrase what you said - some combinations of lip movements can be difficult to read.
We are now often dealing with very unusual gene combinations not seen in the wild - for herbicide resistance for instance.
They consisted of 5 parachutes packed into one bag and were attached to recoilless rifles; anti-tank guns and even motorcycle combinations.
Different combinations of a & b subunits make a large variety of integrins with different binding specificity.
A highlight will be pens of cows and calves showing as many combinations as possible of potential breeds / crosses for replacement suckler heifers.
Their view was that "matter is not indefinitely divisible, but that all substances are formed of indivisible particles or atoms which are eternal and unchangeable, that the atoms are separated from one another by void, and that these atoms, by their combinations, form the matter we are conscious of."
It admits of the loveliest combinations of timbre, and it can alternate them in considerable variety.
The real world thus arising consists only of diverse combinations of atoms, having the properties of magnitude, figure, weight and hardness, all other qualities being relative only to the sentient organism.
It is possible, however, that the segregation of characters in the gametes may depend upon something far more subtle and elusive than the chromosomes or even of possible combinations of units within the chromosomes, but so far as we can see at present these are the only structures in the cell with which it can be satisfactorily associated.
Attention must also be paid to the artificial restrictions of political geography, to the legislative restrictions bearing on labour and trade as imposed in different countries, and, above all, to the incessant fluctuations of the economic conditions of supply and demandand the combinations of capitalists or workers which affect the market.4 The term " applied geography " has been employed to designate commercial geography, the fact being that every aspect of scientific geography may be applied to practical purposes, including the purposes of trade.
In times past, biblical exegesis, religious ideals, and ecclesiastical organization, the purely political aims of statesmen, chance combinations of party politics and the intrigues of diplomatists, class prejudice, social conventions, apparently sudden changes of economic policy, capricious changes of fashion - all these causes and many others have exerted a direct and immediate influence on the economic life of the community.
It is obvious that we have derived three combinations of carbon with hydrogen, characterized by containing a single, double, and triple linkage; and from each of these, by the substitution of a methyl group for a hydrogen atom, compounds of the same nature result.
If it is evaporated slowly, anhydrous stannous oxide crystallizes out in forms which are combinations of the cube and dodecahedron.
These atoms are themselves infinite in number but limited in their varieties, and by their ceaseless movement and combinations during infinite time and through infinite space the whole process of creation is maintained.
Hardness and Chemical Stability.-These properties contribute to the durability of lenses, and are specially desirable in the outer members of lens combinations which are likely to be subjected to frequent handling or are exposed to the weather.
The political history of the parts of Saxony left by the capitulation of Wittenberg to the Ernestine line, which occupy the region now generally styled Thuringia (Thuringen), is mainly a recital of partitions, reunions, redivisions and fresh combinations of territory among the various sons of the successive dukes.
According to him, inner decisive will, rising to active apperception, proceeds to what he calls " apperceptive combinations " (A pperceptionverbindungen); first to simple combinations of relating and comparing, and then to complex combinations of synthesis and analysis in imagination and understanding; in consequence of which synthesis issues in an aggregate idea (Gesammtvorstellung), and then at last analysis, by dividing an aggregate idea into subject and predicate, forms a judgment (see further Logic).
The combinations act, ect, oct, uct gave aeth, aith, oeth, wyth, respectively; as in doeth, " wise," from Lat.
Those I send you I value in quires at 6 shillings, to take my money as they are sold, or at 5sh' for ready, or else at some short time; for I am satisfied there is no dealing in books without interesting the booksellers; and I am contented to let them go halves with me, rather than have your excellent work smothered by their combinations.
The foundation for a cosmology having thus been laid in dualism, the poem went on to describe the generation of " earth and sun, and moon and air that is common to all, and the milky way, and furthest Olympus, and the glowing stars "; but the scanty fragments which have survived suffice only to show that Parmenides regarded the universe as a series of concentric rings or spheres composed of the two primary elements and of combinations of them, the whole system being directed by an unnamed goddess established at its centre.
As might be expected where men were allowed to smuggle and forbidden to work, redress was sought in illegal combinations and secret societies.
Useful light is shed on this distinction by Lotze, who contrasts (Logic, § 273) postulates (" absolutely necessary assumptions without which the content of the observation with which we are dealing would contradict the laws of our thought") with hypotheses, which he defines as conjectures, which seek "to fill up the postulate thus abstractly stated by specifying the concrete causes, forces or processes, out of which the given phenomenon really arose in this particular case, while in other cases maybe the same postulate is to be satisfied by utterly different though equivalent combinations of forces or active elements."
Various combinations follow, including a substantial quintet piece from each night.
In magical combinations, the lute and harp-playing by Robert Phillips and William Taylor produce the most ravishing, resonant sound.
Certain combinations of minerals, herbs and vitamins bind with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme to stop it converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.
The module can be varied to produce a large number of related rhombic polyhedra and polyhedral combinations.
All pairs of domain combinations at the superfamily level are listed here.
Syncretism results from filters which block certain feature combinations at the level of syntax; in its place an adjusted feature bundle is formed.
User interfaces to this database allow searches for proteins containing specific combinations of domains in defined taxa.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections require treatment with combinations of three or four agents for at least six months.
Harley-Davidson will offer eight new paint colors and two-tone combinations for 2006.
Crown rust of oats Five virulence combinations were identified from the 1993 crown rust samples.
When the errors are correlated (as for combinations and wiggle matches), A n is used instead.
The Zippy stroller is available in several stylish color combinations at major retailers across the country.
However, there are lots of wonderful color combinations, such as turquoise/tan, lime green/white, or lilac/yellow that will work with either gender.
If you are having trouble finding the right name, options like Baby Name Gene allow you to search computer generation name combinations based on your last name.
Today, many nurseries feature a variety of color combinations that have become increasingly popular.
Brown and blue, black and red, blue and black, orange and green, yellow and brown, navy and red, and orange and brown are just a few of the combinations that will work great for a gender neutral nursery.
Matching crib sets, with fitted sheets and bumpers, come in several gender-neutral color combinations.
Take a look at the toaster-microwave oven combinations.
Sears sells a great variety of washing machines, as well as washer-dryer combinations.
Combinations of a variety of impurities and structural imperfections create different diamond colors including yellow, pink, blue, red, green, brown, and other hues.
Single word domains are best, though two and even three-word combinations also work provided they're easy to remember.
You can choose sleepwear made from cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, wool and some blends made from combinations of these.
We all know of the pajama suit combinations - these feature a loose fitting shirt type of an upper garment normally with a collar and loose pajama pants that are long or and come with or without pockets.
Some portables offer combinations of radio and flashlights.
Beads can be strung together in any number of combinations to create different objects.
You can choose sleepwear made from cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, and rayon as well as blends made from combinations of these.
Combinations of herbs and spices can expand your culinary palette and make all of your food taste better.
Custom colors are more expensive because the printer must mix primary color combinations of black, blue, magenta and yellow, until he matches the desired color.
With extra large backpacks, organizer backpacks, laptop backpacks, fashion backpacks, and convertible backpack/shoulder bag combinations, the variety and versatility is endless.
During the holidays, most retailers like Target and Walmart stock special food gifts ranging from hot chocolate combinations to coffee bundles to candy specials.
Unless you happen to be color-blind to some degree, when you look at a television screen, you see red, blue and green, or combinations of these basic colors.
The company gives the option to choose different design combinations and sizes.
Today, there are over 80 color combinations of the breed; this gives you plenty from which to choose.
While other ingredient combinations are more susceptible to abuse, this is one that allows you a bit of freedom.
If you are wondering "What kind of drinks can I make with vodka?", get ready to experience an entire range of flavor combinations from sour to sweet.
This way you can try different combinations of furniture to find the best look and fit for each room in your home.
Cowhide and leather combinations add a flavor of the west complete with studs.
The materials they're made from vary depending on the style, but many are available in wood, aluminum, plastic, canvas, and combinations of all of materials.
Craftmatic beds are made with the choice of an optional built-in massage unit that supplies the user with a variety of different massage combinations.
There are many tea combinations out there to help with post-partum recovery and increasing milk in a new mom.
Be willing to try new things and different combinations and companies for best results.
Products are available as single herbs, or in combinations.
They are carefully measured, containing standard proportions of the herbs in predetermined combinations.
Hundreds of Japanese herbs exist, as well as various combinations, which are used to treat a host of illnesses.
A quick visit to any health food or nutrition store will quickly allow you access to hundreds of combinations of herbs for menopause.
Thomasville has a breezy, tropical pattern for everyone due to the characteristic color combinations and varied botanical inspirations.
Glidden - Peruse the paint color combinations at the Glidden paint website to get color ideas for your walls.
Color palettes in a traditional living room include combinations such as burgundy and gold, hunter green and burgundy, and other richly toned hues.
Bathtubs can also be shower combinations, soaking tubs, or tubs for two.
Daring color combinations are appropriate in Bohemian rooms when they are well planned.
Choose the same tone for each color, and they can be used in endless combinations.
Woven together, in various combinations, these products can become baskets, chairs, baby carriages, wheelchairs, rockers, tables, footstools, nightstands, dressers, and headboards.
Color combinations should be complementary and, when choosing different colors for different rooms, make sure the transition between the rooms is easy on the eyes.
The color wheel can be your friend when it comes to choosing the best color combinations.
Plaids are available in hundreds if not thousands of color combinations and styles.
Black cabinetry with white countertops and walls, white cabinets with a black counter and floors, varying combinations used throughout the room - in a black and white kitchen pretty much anything goes.
You may see some surprising kitchen color combinations that you wouldn't have otherwise thought of.
He likes to use unexpected color combinations to give his clients a one-of-a-kind look.
With over 1500 colors to choose from, the Color Visualizer is an excellent way for you to virtually try out a variety of different color palette combinations in any room of your home.
With free beauty products samples, you can experiment with different looks and fun combinations at home without shelling out extra from your wallet.
Temple Balms - Use these fragrant combinations of essential oils and natural butters to lift your spirits or help you get to sleep.
In four different color combinations, like brown, gold & blue, or brown, purple, and silver, there is a combination perfect for every complexion and eye color.
You can buy more than one tube and mix the various base colors and highlighter combinations to create your own unique shades.
With 26 different combinations available, it is easy to create a look all your own.
The color combinations are fancy and rich, plus selected for trendsetting elegance.
Combinations of gray and silver would be lovely too, especially for an evening look.
Cover Girl helps you try different shades and color combinations with their Mini Makeup Mirror.
Choose one in a coordinating shade ( Almay has a whole collection of shadow/liner/mascara combinations for different eye colors), or just go with black, black-brown, or brown to be on the safe side.
The newest addition to the Curve family is Kicks, a modern scent with unexpected scent combinations.
I love the varying shades of brown and purple in this trio, and I was pleased to see Maybelline eye shadow really focuses on color combinations that bring out the beauty in specific eye colors.
One of my favorite combinations is Morning Dew all over the entire lid, with a touch of Fresco or Rose in the crease.
Another great reason to invest in a lip gloss and liner set are the different combinations you can employ.
This natural beauty inspired him to develop a good eye for complimentary color combinations, and he took his passion for beautiful things into the makeup industry during his teen years when his family returned to Italy.
Self tanners work with various combinations of the main ingredient known as dihydroxyacetone.
No matter what your eye color, it's best to experiment with different eye color combinations in order to get a feel for those colors that will work best with your eyes.
Blending the colors in different combinations allows for different shades and looks.
With so many shades and finishes to choose from makeup lovers have endless possibilities for creating different looks and color combinations.
Chocolate brown paired with beige, or deep indigo and silver are also good combinations that can create that smoldering look you're after.
You can either wear the scents separately, or mix them together to create many different fragrance combinations.
Combinations of four blocks drop from the top of the screen, and you must rotate and move them into position to create rows.
With so many lenses, f-stops and ISO combinations to choose from, it may take a while to find the magic formula that works for your individual shooting situation.
Though adding mangoes to salsa or sesame oil and cilantro to grilled lamb may not be the traditional fare of Mexico or Japan, these sorts of culinary combinations are the essence of California creativity.
Fine food combinations are endless and new lines evolve on a regular basis.
Indian food has a variety of common ingredients that give rise to a myriad of flavor combinations.
In scrapbooking, sketches are drawings that illustrate potential placement combinations for a layout's photos, title, journaling, and embellishments.
Purchase a large bulletin board to display photos, memorabilia, journaling notes, magazine clippings, quotes, color combinations, and small embellishments you plan to use in future layouts.
Simply rotate the wheel to display color combinations that will best suit your layout using the scrapbook papers of your choice.
Often times, you can find combinations of these herbs sold in your local health store.
People who have clinical anxiety symptoms can experience any number of the symptoms in various combinations.
With everything from shoes to lingerie, you can purchase a variety of teen clothing designer brands or simply preview their looks to create your own combinations.
In fact, the potential combinations are endless, but wearing an eclectic mix of clothing is sure to get you noticed and will keep your style fashionably current.
There are few rules about color combinations, fabrics, and accessories when putting together a punk look for prom night.
Since there are dozens of designs, you can mix and match the tops of the gown with bottom for many combinations.
There are combinations of these types of dresses as well, and every dress varies a little in its style.
Big hair, head-turning styles, and outrageous combinations make this decade a memorable one.
Simple combinations such as toast with peanut butter or oatmeal with walnuts can provide a boost of protein and help keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
While there are innumerable wheatberry salad recipe combinations, below are a few that work well for a weeknight dinner or even for entertaining.
It can chop, liquefy, puree, and juice, so start experimenting with combinations to discover new favorite treats.
If you need help visualizing how various flower combinations might look together, check out the build your own bouquet tool on the Links2Love website.
Bridesmaid wedding jewelry comes in all sorts of diamond enhanced combinations, and keeping it simple with the best of sparkle may be the greatest option for your gals.
There are dozens of vest colors to choose from, and thousands of style combinations from the array of tuxes, vests, and ties they offer.
Prices will vary based on your preferences because there are so many possible combinations.
Color combinations for wedding themes often feature graphics as the main design element.
But to really create a holiday fantasy, consider using other color combinations., where you can compare prices in different transportation combinations, such as airfare plus car, airfare plus car and hotel, and more.
Travelocity, which is similar to Orbitz in the choices of travel combinations available.
While the classic chocolate truffle appeals to many couples, there is a wide range of truffle flavors and rich combinations to tickle any taste buds.
There is wide variation in truffle fillings, from classic creams to outrageous flavor combinations.
When it comes to picking wedding colors, couples have a large selection of shades and combinations to choose from.
A fall wedding color palette offers plenty of stunning color combinations for coordinating with the wedding colors themselves.
You can save money by hiring less experienced decorators, simplifying your design, choosing just a topper instead of an entire cake design, and requesting ingredients and flavor combinations that are on the cheaper end.
Blue and white, or blue and silver, are also lovely color combinations for a winter wedding that won't overwhelm.
As you brainstorm color combinations, color small patches of the 3 colors right next to one another to see how they look.
Modern color combinations are all about the unexpected.
Unique wedding cake variations range from changing the shape of the layers to switching up color combinations or cake toppers.
Vanilla/vanilla is one of the most popular wedding cake flavor combinations, but it's a tad on the boring side.
The cake might look very traditional and elegant on the outside, but you can reveal crazy and unique flavor combinations as soon as you slice it open.
If you are seeking an entire bedding set, there are several combinations in the Dora bedding lineup.
You'll also find combinations of the Sesame street charcters and ibfant versions of the characters in bedding patterns.
Lime green or bright yellow are always popular as are specific color combinations such as pink and brown and blue and brown.
While you don't have any clothing options, this site does not require registration, and the combinations can be fun to play with.
These shirts are often available in traditional color combinations.
Mix it up and let your daughter, niece, cousin, or little sister dress herself and come up with her own exciting combinations.
Bright lime green boy's vest and tie combinations are cute on children, but they are not the easiest to pick up on a whim.
The pink smock can be worn every day of the year with other combinations, and the tights can be worn under pants for added warmth.
Specializing in colorful combinations, We Love Colors is a site for fun tights for girls of all ages.
Holland America claims to have the most extensive cruise-tour combinations for Alaska, with up to 14-day land excursions that boast of taking guests where no other cruise-tour has gone before.
The Spirit of New York also cruises the Hudson River and delivers some of the most unique combinations of dining, dancing, entertainment and spectacular views.
Surprisingly little, except for some of the flavor combinations, and the lowered amounts of sugars included.
In spring some pretty combinations may be effected by arranging the masses in harmonising colors.
The combinations in which they can be placed are numerous.