Colostomy Sentence Examples
The first stage relieves the intestinal obstruction by performing a colostomy.
This is called a colostomy or ileostomy, depending on which part of the bowel is used.
The temporary colostomy was reversed on the 5th May 1994.
It may only require a loop colostomy or dividing adhesions, but surgery can have a significant mortality and morbidity.
Following the surgery Mr Y was rushed ICU he had a temporary colostomy for a number of months.
If treatment does not control the symptoms of the disease, up to 30% of patients may undergo colostomy.
It was a defunctioning sigmoid loop colostomy created above a locally advanced rectal carcinoma.
It may be possible to close up the bowel again or you may need a colostomy.
I do understand about your mother not wanting to live with a permanent colostomy.
Patients experiencing problems with their stoma should see their stoma nurse or contact the British colostomy Association.
AdvertisementA loop colostomy in the sigmoid area would usually produce a formed stool allowing the patient to use a closed pouch.
An end sigmoid colostomy may be described by some, as easier to manage, particularly for elderly patients.