Colored Sentence Examples
Tables were covered with white linen table cloths and adorned with violet colored napkins inside light gray napkin holders.
His turquoise eyes stood out against his caramel- colored Oriental features.
As the group approached the area, climbers could be seen, bright colored flies tacked on a wall of ice.
Take off the rose colored glasses—'my sins will continue'—or better yet, wait until you decipher a few more pages and she gives it to you in black and white, chapter and verse and supplies the sinful details.
Yes, I've never colored my hair.
Samantha stood at 5'10 with caramel colored skin and curly jet-black hair that fell to the middle of her back.
A soft moan sounding nothing like her reached his ears, and then slowly, out from under the cover, emerged a huge wolf with bronze colored fur.
The kid had been cleaned and its copper colored fur was still damp.
She placed a bouquet of brightly colored flowers on the table.
Josh vaulted the fence and raced up the hill, only to stop in surprise as Alex emerged from the trees riding a horse colored enough like Ed to be his twin.
AdvertisementMe and Johnny here, my colored buddy, are going to do us some business.
She was dressed in a pair of light colored slacks, a pale blue blouse and was barefoot.
Dean asked her about the motor home but she could give little information except to say it was boxy looking and blue...or white...or light colored.
Alex colored and looked embarrassed.
The day was sunny and warm, so a lilac colored sundress was her choice.
AdvertisementShe had an oversized lollipop in her hand and her two front teeth had been colored out.
The cream colored siding looked iridescent in the moonlight.
His neck colored and he frowned.
She reached up and plucked a reddish colored grape from the cluster and wiped it on her shirt.
The West Virginia Colored Orphans' Home near Huntington is not under state control, but has received appropriations from the legislature.
AdvertisementThe finest glass is made in Tuscany and Venetia; Venetian glass is often colored and of artistic form.
Brilliantly colored spots and patches follow the action of acid fumes on the vegetation near towns and factories, and such particoloured leaves often present striking resemblance to autumn foliage.
These hairs often occur in tufts, and are so colored and arranged that they were long taken for Fungi and placed in the genus Erineum.
This has a strong attraction for basic aniline dyes, and can usually be distinguished from other parts of the cell which are more easily colored by acid anilines.
Both cuticularized and suberized membranes are insoluble in cuprammonia, and are colored yellow or brown in a soltition of chlor-iodide of zinc. It is probable that the corky or suberized cells do not contain any cellulose (Gilson, Wisselingh); whilst cuticularized cells are only modified in their outer layers, cellulose inner layers being still recognizable.
AdvertisementThere is also (at Oxford) an Orphanage for the Colored (1883), which was established by the " Wake and Shiloh Associations of the Colored Baptist Church," first received state aid in 1891, and is now supported chiefly by the state.
The state constitution prescribes that " white and colored children shall not be taught in the same school, but impartial provision shall be made for both."
Sir Ernest Satow states more definitely that Sakakibara attributes its origin to the year 1695, when portraits of the actor Ichikawa Danjiuro, colored by this process, were sold in the streets of Yedo for five cash apiece.
In the course of the 17th century many other works of the same nature were issued, including some in which the cuts were roughly colored by hand; but the execution of these is not as good as contemporary European work.
It is certain, however, that the mere use of colored inks must soon have suggested the combination of two or more of them, and it is probable that examples of this will be discovered much earlier in date than those known at present.
During this century the first sumptuary edict ordered that the dwellings of all high officials and opulent civilians should have tiled roofs and be colored red, the latter injunction being evidently intended to stop the use of logs carrying their bark.
When the velvet comes to him, it already carries a colored picture permanently fixed by the yzen process, but the wires have not been withdrawn.
From that time forward the Arita factories turned out large quantities of porcelain profusely decorated with blue under the glaze and colored enamels over it.
In point of fact, the production of faience decorated with goid and colored enamels may be said to have commenced at the beginning of the 1 9th century in Satsuma.
To this increase in production and to the more elaborate application of vitrifiable enamels may be attributed the erroneous idea that Satsuma faience decorated with gold and colored enamels had its origin at the close of the 18th century.
Chocolate or dove-colored grounds with delicate diapers in gold and engobe; brown or black faience with white, yellow and pink designs incised or in relief; pottery curiously and deftly marbled by combinations of various colored clays these and many other kinds are to be found, all, however, presenting one common feature, namely, skilful finger-moulding and a slight roughening of the surface as though it had received the impression of coarse linen or crape before baking.
Its only notable production of a ceramic character was the work of Miura Kenya (1830-1843), who followed the methods of the celebrated Haritsu (I 6881704) of KiOto in decorating plain or lacquered wood with mosaics of raku faience having colored glazes.
The plumage of gorgeously-hued birds, the blossoms of flowers (especially the hydrangea), the folds of thick brocade, microscopic diapers and arabesques, are built up with tiny fragments of iridescent shell, in combination with silver-foil, goldlacquer and colored bone, the whole producing a rich and sparkling effect.
Numerous operations of luting, sizing, lacquering, polishing, drying, rubbing down, and so on, are performed by the nurimono-shi, until, after many days treatment, the object emerges with a smooth, lustrelike dark-grey or colored surface, and is ready to pass into the hands of the makie-shi, or decorator.
It is plain that such a method as the latter implies great command of colored pastes, and, indeed, no feature of the manufacture is more conspicuous than the progress made during the period1880-1900in compounding and firing vitrifiable enamels.
A still higher achievement is to apply to the chiselled base designs executed in colored enamels, finally covering the whole with translucid paste.
The superintendent of the Ninth Census, 1870, presented a computation 01 the effects of this causefirst, through direct losses, by wounds or disease, either in actual service of the army or navy, or in a brief term following discharge; secondly, through the retardation of the rate of increase in the colored element, due to the privations, exposures and excesses attendant upon emancipation; thirdly, through the check given to immigration by the existence of war, the fear of conscription, and the apprehension abroad of results prejudicial to the national welfare.
In I850 the foreignborn whites (2,244,602 in number) were about two-thirds of the colored element and one-eighth of the native-white element; in 1870 the foreign-born whites (5,567,229) and the native whites of foreign parentage (5,324,786) each exceeded the colored.
The same sex constituted only 37-5% (34.6 0/c, in 1880) of the wage-earners of the third group; the South also showing here, as is natural in view of its colored class, much the highest and the Wescern division of states much the lowest percentage.
In September 1864 he became colonel of the 127th United States Colored Infantry; in 1864-1865 was in command of the prison camp at Elmira, New York, and in March 1865 was breveted brigadier-general of volunteers.
In the Kharga Oasis the upper portion consists of variously colored unfossiliferous clays with intercalated bands of sandstone containing fossil silicified woods (Nicolia Aegyptiaca and A raucarioxylon Aegypticum).
In going abroad the ladies wear above their indoor dress a loose robe of colored silk without sleeves, and nearly open at the sides, and above it a large enveloping piece of black silk, which is brought over the head, and gathered round the person by the arms and hands on each side.
The materials are quartz crystal, basalt, porphyry, syenite, granite, volcanic ash, various metamorphics, serpentine, slate, dolomite marble, alabaster, many colored marbles, saccharine marble, grey and white limestones.
Further, besides thus using glaze on a large scale, differently colored glazes were used, and even fused together.
Another use of colored glass was for cutting in the shapes of hieroglyphs for inlaying in wooden.
The colored frit thus Formed was used as paint in a wet state, and also used to dissolve Ln glass or to fuse over a surface in glazing.
An entirely clear colorless glass was made in the XVIIIth Dynasty, but colored glass was mainly used.
After fusing a panful of colored glass, it was sampled by taking pinches out with tongs; when perfectly combined it was left to cool in the pan, as with modern optical glass.
Another large work was the clearance and rebuilding of much of the city of Tell el Yehudia, the palace hall of which contained the celebrated colored tiles with figures of captives.
Above this is the kamarchin, a tunic of colored calico, cloth, Kashmir or Kermn shawl, silk, satin or velvet (gold embroidered, or otherwise), according to the time of the year and the purse and position of the wearer.
They are of white cotton in summer and colored worsted in winter.
The hair, though generally hidden by the char-kadd, is at times exposed and plaited into innumerable little tails of great length, while a coquettish little skull-cap of embroidery, or shawl, or colored silk is worn.
Enveloped in a huge blue sheet, with a yard of linen as a veil perforated for two inches square with minute holes, the feet thrust into two huge bags of colored stuff, a wife is perfectly unrecognizable, even by her husband, when out of doors.
We complain of the continual system of plunder which we have ever endured from the Kafirs and other colored classes, and particularly by the last invasion of the colony, which has desolated the frontier districts and ruined most of the inhabitants.
In addition to the regular public schools, the state maintains a normal and a model school at Trenton, a normal school at Montclair (opened 1908), the Farnum Preparatory School at Beverly, a Manual Training and Industrial School for Colored Youth at Bordentown, and an agricultural college and experiment station, maintained in connexion with Rutgers College, at New Brunswick.
And the state assists the Home for Aged and Infirm Colored Women (1882), and the Home for Colored Children (1881).
The basis of its endowment was a fund of $6379 contributed in 1866 by the 62nd and 65th regiments U.S. Colored Infantry upon their discharge from the service; it has agricultural, industrial, sub-normal, normal and collegiate departments.
In 1906 it was estimated that there were 938,405 members of different religious denominations; of this total 2 33,443 were Methodists (210,593 of the Northern Church), 1 74,849 were Roman Catholics, 108,188 were Disciples of Christ (and 10,259 members of the Churches of Christ), 92,705 were Baptists (60,203 of the Northern Convention, 13,526 of the National (Colored) Convention, 8132 Primitive Baptists, and 6671 General Baptists), 58,633 were Presbyterians (49,041 of the Northern Church, and 6376 of the Cumberland Church - since united with the Northern), 55,768 were Lutherans (34,028 of the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference, 8310 of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and other states), 52,700 were United Brethren (48,059 of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ; the others of the " Old Constitution ") and 21,624 of the German Evangelical Synod.
As regards the distribution of religious sects, in 1906 there were 458,190 communicants of all denominations, and of this number 121,208 were Methodists (108,097 being Methodist Episcopalians of the Northern Church), 93,195 were Roman Catholics, 46,299 were Baptists (34,975 being members of the Northern Baptist Convention and 10,011 of the National (Colored) Baptist Convention), 40,765 were Presbyterians (33,465 being members of the Northern Church) and 40,356 were Disciples of Christ.
In the 17th century political partisanship colored historical writing, and that, too, remained a potent motive so long as historians were either Whigs or Tories.
The higher institutions of learning established by the state are the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, a land grant college with an agricultural experiment station at Stillwater; the Oklahoma School of Mines at Wilburton; the Colored Agricultural and Normal University at Langston; the Central Normal School at Edmond; the North-western Normal School at Alva; the South-western Normal School at Weatherford, Custer county; the South-eastern Normal School at Durant, Bryan county; the East Central Normal School at Ada; the Northeastern Normal School at Tahlequah, Cherokee county; and the University of Oklahoma at Norman.
To some extent they no doubt were colored.
I wish everyone wore rose colored glasses the way you do.
Señor Medena colored and stepped over to the window, looking out.
Dark skinned women in braids and brightly colored clothes gazed expressionlessly from their work as the horses passed them.
The Grey God's face grew stormy, and anger colored his features.
Take off the rose colored glasses—'my sins will continue'—or better yet, wait until you decipher a few more pages and she gives it to you in black and white, chapter and verse and supplies the sinful details.
By the time they reached the stairs, Elisabeth's face colored beet red and she avoided Sarah and Connor's amused gazes.
The Loopy Links Garden and Loopy Links Zoo support toddlers' love of linking and feature boldly colored and patterned loops with magnetic snap closures.
They also made light murals using an overhead projector, collected objects and colored acetate.
They were then finished in a variety of colored glazes including amber, bottle green, white, gray and cobalt blue.
Exciting the entrance, one comes across an area of huge boulders, covered in a rich layer of multi colored jeweled anemones.
Tess was quite a big bitch, with a very lovely head, quite dark colored, but failed in hind angulation.
He appeared to be wearing a dark colored anorak which had fallen open.
A worked antimacassar lay upon her lap and a basket of colored silks stood upon a stool beside her.
Printed on hot-pressed handmade paper, books were illustrated using colored aquatints.
The fruit splits, revealing a pale pinkish interior which contrasts with the brightly colored aril.
Flexible wire provides the armature for the colored Plasticine that brings Park's creations to life.
An extremely pleasant bitter, straw colored beer with a terrific fresh, hoppy aroma.
A strong mellow ruby colored ale, brewed using malt made from Maris Otter barley and the finest English aromatic hops.
They take various forms from colored sticky traps to pheromone lure attractant traps.
The b -sheet adjacent to the nucleotide-binding site is colored magenta; light chains are displayed as b -sheet adjacent to the nucleotide-binding site is colored magenta; light chains are displayed as backbone, in green & red.
They numbered in their hundreds and they made an impressive stage backcloth of white skirts, colored ties and shining bright faces.
He was wearing a blue colored jumper, blue jeans and had a balaclava covering his face.
One was about five feet six inches tall wearing a dark colored balaclava, black and white top and dark bottoms.
The first is a large dark colored square of fabric and the second being a yellow bandanna.
A colored vertical bar appears alongside the window of whoever is speaking, thus giving a visual confirmation of who is the current speaker.
It is made out of locally found materials such as quartz, blue mussel shells, black basalt and worn down colored glass.
This is a very cool retro necklace in lovely chunky amber colored glass beads, dating circa 1980.
He has a sharp hooked beak, colored dark blue.
You have a black colored, and powerful looking beak.
Candles made from natural and colored beeswax Created by the bees, constructed by Miranda, empowered by Cassandra, made magical by you!
For security reasons detainees are required to wear a colored bib for the duration of the visit.
The ZPrinter System uses a binder colored with standard food dyes.
The change strip is a similar design but is colored sky and navy blue.
This was solved by using pairs of colored plastic bobbins instead.
The lid and base are lilac colored and the cube is held closed by a pastel blue bobble with velcro.
This colored silver bola contains a soothing chime and is worn as a pendant.
They are both described as being 6ft tall wearing black colored bomber jackets and red, white and blue scarves over their faces.
Narrow streets twist down to the harbor, lined with white washed, shuttered buildings draped with brightly colored bougainvillea.
The male Regent bower Bird is brightly colored but builds a relatively simple bower with a few leaves which contrast with the forest floor.
Students at the Pioneer Cadet School wore silver colored braid.
The silver colored, satin brocade, pouch is hand made by myself, is fully lined, and measures 15 x 12 cms.
The mantua on display at Kensington Palace is made of white silk brocaded in white and colored silk.
I use oxides, pigments and colored slips on unfired clay, employing various techniques, which include brushwork, sponging and sgraffito.
The white is a blue colored budgerigar with a reduction in the color pigment and works in a similar way to the yellows.
However, the base model Club and GLS added only colored bumpers to match the paintwork and a rev counter.
Burgundy colored gift tube.
Hand woven from soft colored and textured natural straw, they have lovely leather handles and practical cotton calico linings.
Bacterial canker is spread by splashing rain and can cause rough cankers with amber colored gum, sometimes leading to total tree collapse.
The brightly colored front turned out to be a painted canvas.
We recently bought another 12 carats of fancy colored diamonds, but could get no green ones.
The dark colored sample was from an ex-sherry cask which had been filled in 1996.
The center of the soup bowl had large cauliflowers in and different colored tree bark was used to do all the two-foot diameter nuts.
Use brightly colored cellophane behind a cut-out cardboard design painted to look like a stone window frame.
The patterns are traditionally drawn with the fingers using flour, rice grains or colored chalk.
The upper beds of the third limestone are often dark colored, and contain layers of black chert in nodules.
Our organic wedding cakes are made to order, with cream colored icing, decorated with fresh flowers and tiny gold cherubs.
They are cryptically colored, being brown with darker brown chevrons down the back.
K Kaolin group of pale colored clay minerals.
According to the person's indications, colored clothespins are clipped at the designated numbers.
A good looking colored cob of 5 yrs who would be ideal for any member of the family.
Top of the colored cobalt blue the roomof course main lounge was.
However, they need different chemical reaction conditions to synthesize different colored metal colloids.
Three vehicles shiningly colored plus the keys color-coded for each door of the garage.
The dried residue largely comprised of olive colored concretion in which bone was rare to occasional, charcoal occasional and vitrified fuel ash rare.
If you're looking for colored contact lens, or fun animal eye lens, then you'll find a selection here.
The gorge opens out into farmland, normally a mixture of golden cornfields with the bright colored poppies that are in large abundance.
By 1812 only one volume of Willan's Cutaneous Diseases had appeared as the colored engravings were proving prohibitively costly.
Walking we saw a fair number of cream colored coursers which seem to be out all times of the day.
Gemma bought a glass cow for Leanne, and we watched the craftsman at work making elephants from different colored glass rods.
There was also a large picture in a very handsome frame, done in colored crayons.
There is a central medulla, which contains the colored melanin, and a hard external cuticle.
These small brown frogs are related to the brightly colored poison dart frogs.
Fraserburgh, Beach tunnel murals Brightly colored cartoonish mural decoration in a style that many adults seem to regard as appealing to children.
The joy and rejoicing of the colored people when the United States army marched into Richmond defies description.
They look like brightly colored drinks cans; many do not detonate on impact.
Natural Fancy colored diamonds We recently sold the last of a small parcel of natural fancy colored diamonds.
Always wash colored items separately to whites, otherwise, even if the color does not run, the light articles will look dingy.
Now you can create colored doodles, then clear the screen and start again.
A medical scan of a head or a heart might include many millions of these tiny colored dots.
They look good, feel good and have chrome colored fittings including a D-ring.
Printing with colored ink at the Resource Center Our digital duplicators can print in black, red, green, purple or blue ink.
Cream colored earthenware was also made in Leeds possibly as early as this but had become lighter in appearance by 1775.
The first factory to produce cream colored earthenware on a commercial scale.
Dr. Horan is working to develop novel technology to treat colored effluents.
Decorate them with our colored embellishments, ribbon or gems.
These cloisons were then filled with colored enamel which was fired to fuse the enamel to the metal.
The next stage was to fill in the missing colors by hand using a cold epoxy glaze colored with artists ' pigments.
A tiger patterned fish among clusters of brightly colored coral reef or the flowing shapes of seaweed may look more exciting.
They are cream colored and contrast well with the lusty dark brown leather exterior.
Diaper Nation No Fold terry White terry fabric, finished with colored trim.
It has a silver colored fascia with 3 buttons and a small speaker on the left of the display.
The colored locking and sealing adhesives are best suited for bonding metallic fasteners such as screws, nuts and studs.
This is suitable for colored items but test for color fastness on each garment first.
This could be done with colored tape or chestnut fencing, the latter held on posts fixed just outside the Scheduled Area.
The floor is laid in colored tiles, the hearth made comfortable with a home made rug & highly polished steel fender.
The Headteacher's chair looked suitably festive during the last week of term, complete with colored lights!
Distinctively Besson embraces a certain fetishism of style, developing a film language that is essentially colored, highly stylized, energetic and mysterious.
Holly Hughes - The colored yearling filly who was Holwell's " First born " pony last year.
A simple form of mantle was thrown over their shoulders --- a square piece of white flannel, bordered with colored binding.
This delicious watermelon variety features a very crisp, very sweet and very flavorful bright orange flesh with large cream colored seeds.
The walls are covered by richly colored flowstone and the chamber at the bottom also has some good stalactites.
They do absurd things like remove eyes, do therapy with colored lights, and remove severe pain by touching the forehead.
A Man's Portrait of a Woman London Thomas Nelson 1910 First Edition colored frontispiece.
With the exception of the pastel colored varieties, all half hardy fuchsias flourish better outdoors through the summer.
This is a self colored baby pink full double fuchsia of exceptional quality.
In fact, in comparison, the colored version is a little garish.
We have included four different panel joint alternatives which come with matching or contrasting long lasting colored silicone gasket.
Pieces may be adorned with precious gemstones or oxidized to enhance the contrast of the different colored metals.
Let's consider colors for a moment rather than colored gemstones.
More Examples To follow Diamond Quality Colored Diamonds For other unmounted gemstones, please see our Unmounted Gemstones page.
Using acrylic with Clear gesso Base, you can make your own colored gesso.
Original cream colored cloth, blocked with figure of girl in gilt; top edge gilt; integral silk bookmark.
The small windows are full of thick colored glass of the highest quality.
The hornblende gneiss is dark in color and occurs as pods and bands within the lighter colored gneiss.
These plush toys are brightly colored and give a soft grunt when gentle pressure is applied.
You can use colored metal halides in these floodlights, call or e-mail us for details.
You can see close-up photos of a dark colored hammock and a bright colored hammock below.
He produces a large colored handkerchief which he uses to mop his brow.
Some of the colored wool is used for the embroidered bed hanging.
So I have colored the hexagram numbers to show which of the four that hexagram numbers to show which of the four that hexagram ends up at.
He was wearing a black boiler suit and he had a tan colored leather holster around his waist on the left side.
All the dishes are served in huge brilliantly colored ceramic bowls of varying hues - I just love that sort of thing!
With their colored hair, richly hued clothes and luscious, expressive lips, the women appear irresistibly dazzling.
You can pipe on different colored icing to make pleats in dresses or blazers with a school or club badge on.
All you need to do is get the shape you need, then decorate it using colored marzipan or fondant icing.
We also saw turtles, penguins, crazy colored marine iguanas - jealous yet?
The colored part of the eye is called the iris - what color are your eyes?
There is a wooden landing jetty from which you can watch the brightly colored marine fish in the clear water below.
I spent ages then deciding which little glass nick knack to purchase with the their lines of colored sand.
The timber system is available in clear lacquer, stained or colored finish.
There is a private 28 ft pool with fiber optic colored lighting, extended deck and covered lanai.
Heat a frying pan and, when hot, add the lardons of bacon and fry for about 5 minutes or until colored.
His raised hand is then holding the silver colored letter opener in the shape of his sword.
Signature is a premium quality range of 60 highly lightfast colored pencils.
A colored lithograph by Jacob Connop, entitled " A Bird's Eye View of Belfast " was issued In 1863.
Customers are welcome to visit to see the handsome mahogany colored cattle.
Players hit colored balls through a series of wire hoops on grass lawn with a wooden mallet.
The kit includes five bags of colored sand, a funnel & brush, paper templates, and a base for constructing sand mandalas.
The game comes complete with playing board to arrange various colored handmade clay marbles in.
The colored light is applied to the skin on specific points, similar to the points on the acupuncture meridians.
The colored arrows mark the magnetic microstructure of these magnetite cubes.
May appear milky, like faint lines or streaks, colored or reflective.
Deposits of colored dust on snow covered European mountaintops has been seen on many occasions.
Other new additions to the Table Linen range include stacks of colored napkins with new wide border tablecloths to match.
The Charles II embroidered needlework two door cabinet with finely colored panels of flowers, birds, animals and figures.
You just need brightly colored flowers, with a good mix between cultivated and wild flowers, including nettles and thistles.
Enhance oak's honey colored tones with tactile satin nickel handles.
The women wear dark colored turbans embroidered jackets and skirts made from a large oblong of woven cloth.
A simple press of the colored, flashing buttons or the interactive activity book controls the real characters on-screen.
Glass may be clear and colorless, or may be colored by the addition of metallic oxides.
Today, in the colored water, I will be using halibut pellets on the hook.
Don't use pencil or colored pens to fill in the form.
The Reeves colored pencils can be easily blended to obtain many different color shades.
The majority of her portrait commissions come from America and she specializes in the mediums graphite pencil, colored pencil and oils.
Possibly the most significant of all the objects found with her is the gold pendant with the bead with colored inlay.
Consider using a brightly colored, heavier line, such as those used for wreck penetration.
A square colored pennant is attached to one end.
In 2 nd place Pauline Coburn with hot Mediterranean colored yellow Bidens ' Aurea ', dark blue petunias and red Geraniums.
The hospital took five phials of type A+ blood marked with brightly colored labels.
Sling back style with a lace up front and alternate colored piping around the shoe.
For the winter we have a range of solid color gagras with a complementary colored piping around the hem and waist.
Granite is a lighter colored igneous rock containing relatively large crystals of the minerals plagioclase, quartz and alkali feldspars such as orthoclase.
The Rose- colored Starling, albeit in nondescript juvenile plumage, gave excellent views feeding among the cows.
Painted on sealed 12mm marine ply hung with half inch knotted natural colored rope.
The bag has been fully lined in the brightly colored Marilyn print and has two large inner zip pockets.
There are different colored pom-poms attached to each end of the cord.
Savile Row Company Luxury womens shirts in herringbone, colored, plain poplin or pastel stripes with feminine detailing.
Glenna's dress was a mass of rose colored frills and she had a small posy of the same flowers.
The local stalls sell prickly pears, aubergines in every shape and colored Coca-Cola bottles filled with a yogurt drink.
The colored rays of light entered this second prism and a single ray of white light emerged.
The standard binding for an assignment is a colored assignment folder which holds the work together with metal prongs or a spiral binding.
Then there are dark-field stops, and colored filters for optical staining of the transparent protists I like to observe.
The key for the chart is shown on the sidebar with colored rectangles against the plotted fields.
At dinner, I was offered a red wine colored liquid.
The sum of these two coefficients is always one. a+r = 1 Light colored smooth and shiny surfaces tend to have a higher reflectance.
Attached to drone end are various colored ribbons, one for each of the weddings I have played at.
The demand for colored cladding is increasing as the number of colored roofline, window, door and conservatory units grows.
The red and black wire either side of the ceiling rose are colored like this for clarity to show live and neutral.
They feature a rosewood colored frame with three glass panels decorated with flower paintings.
During the yachting season, the view is filled with sleek sailboats, their brightly colored spinnakers catching the wind.
Jigging with white and colored feathers and artificial sand eel for Pollack, mackerel and cod is successful.
Colored stones such as these pink sapphires look very pretty.
After a colored sash is finished, it is possible to take a weapon grading.
The streets are carpeted with intricate patterns of flowers and colored sawdust.
You must use your mystical winged scarab to shoot magical spheres and destroy the approaching colored spheres by making matches of three or more.
To get ready she had to put on her clothes, which included her 6 colored scarf.
Small flocks of herons started to fly into roost soon to be followed by flock after flock of brilliantly colored scarlet Ibis.
Select accessories with care to draw attention from trouble spots, such as funky jewelry and brightly colored scarves.
This traditional design features celtic knot scrollwork on the handle, topped with faux amber, held in a silver colored clasp.
The moldings will be bedded on with Teak colored acrylic frame sealer.
But even more exciting was the poetic sensibility that colored every action.
A beautifully painted, subtly colored picture, thus saved from being overly sentimental.
Look for angular black colored hard slate as these rocks can contain Trilobites from the Silurian shales.
We may see sloths en route and there is always a plethora of amazingly colored birds flying around us.
European oak or treated softwood finished in a dark oak colored spirit based wood stain, click here.
The heart sparklers come in packs of 8 and are approximately 9cm long and 3cm wide with a gold colored finish.
Plato - The best colored stallion I have ever seen.
You apply different colored medicinal chakra muds to specific areas of your bodies whilst you gently inhale steam infused with pure herbs.
Watch out for the fire corals in shallow water these creamy tan or mustard colored corals can give a nasty sting.
These were made at the Lambeth factory, in salt glaze stoneware, seven inches high, colored blue and stone.
The hood stowage cover was, when originally supplied, colored to match the interior of the car.
All the children, dressed in bright clothes, carried colored streamers, sang, danced and greeted the May Queen and her attendants.
No Party Poppers, colored streamers or Silly String is to be taken, thrown or sprayed onto the Equipment.
The most visually striking element within the overall scheme is a series of colored walls.
Select a background color by clicking on the colored swatch.
Linda gives a lot of detail about how to catch swordfish in her book using squid, colored dye and glowing light sticks.
There are also a range of detailed articles colored red, which, having read the brief synopsis, can be purchased on line.
The Project The Chinese supplier factory was required to manufacture a range of porcelain tableware, glazed with a variety of colored glazes.
The first obstacle she came across was some different colored tarmac in the road.
Saari's delicately colored hats, trailing long tendrils, bring fantasy and a touch of fairytale.
We obtained colored marble tesserae and technical advice from the Mosaic Workshop in London.
I am also playing with linocuts to produce textured, patterned clay surfaces which may be decorated with colored slips or oxides before glazing.
Gray or flesh colored tights may be worn with the skirt.
Was a creamy toffee in a blue a white colored wrapper I believe it was made by " Milady " sweets.
General characteristics Barn owls have beautiful plumage with buff colored topsides, flecked with gray and white undersides and face.
Our colored wooden trike is a great first trike for young children.
Fill modern translucent plastic colored vases with yellow tulips.
In Red Square, feast your eyes on the wildly colored turban domed St Basil's Cathedral - an enduring Russian symbol.
The dull black colored adults feed on sap from oak twigs.
Basically they have a lilac colored undercoat, with white tips at the end of each hair.
A plain blue print is known but more often the pattern was printed in green and colored underglaze.
His brightly colored paintings of buildings and landscapes, slightly off kilter, often contain spiritual undertones.
Moths such as the red underwing have brightly colored hindwings, which the moth when disturbed will quickly flash.
Even in its original colored layout many pages are almost unreadable.
This lovely little tomato variety produce a great abundance of deep red colored, smooth, plum shaped tomatoes with a tender skin.
Then apply a dark colored, Matt varnish or even a dark brown paint.
Throughout the brown colored varnish is wrinkled, probably due to wood shrinkage.
Mid 17th-century binding of white vellum over boards; edges partly colored with red and blue stripes.
Select from translucent vellum to reveal the colored stock beneath, or a crisp opaque white for contrast against darker backgrounds.
It is a colored combination of the title page vignette and the illustration of the figure on page 12 of the first edition.
This is a fabulous English vintage Art Deco handbag, made from rich shiny chocolate colored crocodile skin, dating to circa 1932.
It also appeared on a colored vinyl bootleg EP.
Wall mounted light switches should be colored rather than white to help with impaired vision.
If the weather was cool they added a colored waistcoat.
Laundry could make washday less of a chore with brightly colored clothes bins and baskets.
The displayed side shows 8 hand colored woodcuts, including the first known printed depiction of a spectacle wearer.
The other states with a large Presbyterian population were Illinois (115,602; 86,251 of the Northern Church; 17,208 of the Cumberland Church; 9555 of the United Presbyterian Church); New Jersey (79,912; 78,490 of the Northern Church); Tennessee (79,337; 42,464 being Cumberland Presbyterians, more than one-fifth of the total membership; 6640 of the Colored Cumberland Church, more than one-third of its membership; 21, 39 0 of the Southern Church; and 6786 of the Northern Church); Missouri (71,599; 28,637 of the Cumberland Church; 25,991 of the Northern Church; 14,713 of the Southern Church); Texas (62,090; 31,598 of the Cumberland Church; 2 3,934 of the Southern Church; 4118 of the Northern Church; and 2091 of the Colored Cumberland Church); Iowa (60,081; 48,326 of the Northern Church; 8890 of the United Presbyterian Church); and North Carolina (55,837; 41,322 of the Southern and 10,696 of the Northern Church).
The Colored Cumberland Church had a membership of 18,066.
Lignified tissues are colored yellow by aniline sulphate or aniline chloride, violet with phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid, and characteristic reactions are also given by mixtures containing phenol, indol, skatol, thailin, sulphate, &c. (see Zimmermanns Microtechnique).
Those who retain native costume wear a very full pair of silk trousers, bright colored stockings (usually pink), and a close-fitting vest with hanging sleeves and kirts, open down the front and at the sides, and long enough to turn up and fasten into the girdle, which is generally a cashmere shawl; a cloth jacket, richly embroidered with gold, and having short sleeves, is commonly worn over the vest.
Around it were arranged, like the five points of a star, the other five brilliant balls; one being rose colored, one violet, one yellow, one blue and one orange.
Swiftly they drew near to the flaming colored suns, and passed close beside them.
They saw a landscape with mountains and plains, lakes and rivers, very like those upon the earth's surface; but all the scene was splendidly colored by the variegated lights from the six suns.
The rainbow tints from the colored suns fell upon the glass city softly and gave to the buildings many delicate, shifting hues which were very pretty to see.
His clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays.
Those colored suns are exactly in the same place they were when we came, and if there is no sunset there can be no night.
Half way up the steep was a yawning cave, black as night beyond the point where the rainbow rays of the colored suns reached into it.
The other is made of artificial flowers, shaped and colored by a skillful artist.
Once it chanced that I stood in the very abutment of a rainbow's arch, which filled the lower stratum of the atmosphere, tinging the grass and leaves around, and dazzling me as if I looked through colored crystal.
Here, by the very corner of my field, still nearer to town, Zilpha, a colored woman, had her little house, where she spun linen for the townsfolk, making the Walden Woods ring with her shrill singing, for she had a loud and notable voice.
One has suggested, that if such a "leach-hole" should be found, its connection with the meadow, if any existed, might be proved by conveying some colored powder or sawdust to the mouth of the hole, and then putting a strainer over the spring in the meadow, which would catch some of the particles carried through by the current.
He muttered something and colored.
Purine bases are colored red, and pyrimidine bases are colored blue.
Raster images reflect the pattern of colored pixels on the computer screen.
It's a rectangle filled with colored squares upon which perch some strange animals.
Rarer colored surnames include Red, a variant form of the surname Reed or Reid, someone who lived in a reedy area.
In a warm room, actively respiring tissues of the cut face will become colored within 10 to 20 minutes.
Color They are solid colored dogs, the color being russet gold.
The brightly colored sally lightfoot crabs are in stark contrast against the black rock.
Colored lights decorate many town centers and shops, along with shiny santa claus decorations, and artificial snow painted on shop windows.
Scarlet Pimpernel, beautiful colored scarlet with a purple eye in pairs that close in the afternoon.
When thin clouds scud across a bright moon it is often surrounded by a bright disk and faint colored rings, a lunar corona.
Roller shutter doors can be perforated, colored, galvanized.
Add the caustic soda and continue to simmer until the mixture becomes honey colored.
Use colored paper to make snowflake decorations â like you used to as a child.
He is an excellant stud and is throwing 93% color on sorrel mares and 100% color on colored mares.
On your southward journey peer out over the frosty waters of mighty glaciers, which give way to majestic fjords colored with wild flowers.
Their work incorporates fifty different abstracted tags and marks, housed within repeat speech bubbles and screen printed onto pastel colored tiles.
There is also a well-designed display split into three colored segments that represent your weapons.
For printed media this can be overcome by producing two separate colored images that can be viewed with a stereoscopic viewer.
The exterior stonework of the church used to be colored yellow " ochre ".
They come out even better between other brightly colored plants like Delphinium, ornamental onions, iris stork 's bill or violet sage.
He was wearing a gray colored top with a red stripe on the sleeve.
These include barium sulfate and strontium sulfate which produce colored effects when ignited.
The use of colored inks to achieve an image is known as a subtractive process.
Burning molten sulfur in either air or pure oxygen leads to a reaction, which produces a pale blue colored flame.
We know this from the three widely spaced colored supernumerary bows.
Specialty linens 2 tablecloth rental for weddings colored chair covers Welcome to the spectacular world of specialty linens.
The stylish GSX comes with a tailgate spoiler and body colored door mirrors and door handles.
An attractive multi colored tartan pattern picnic rug which protects you from damp grass or sand.
Saari 's delicately colored hats, trailing long tendrils, bring fantasy and a touch of fairytale.
Cloud cover continued here until about 1930 GMT when breaks began to appear revealing orange, and green colored diffuse aurora through thinning cloud.
Outdoor uses such as timber cladding of buildings, fencing, etc. Yellow cedar A pale yellow colored softwood with a fine even texture.
Route numbers and headings may be reversed out of a boldly colored panel so long as a strong tonal contrast is provided.
How does colored light and light intensity affect the rate of transpiration in plants?
In Red Square, feast your eyes on the wildly colored turban domed St Basil 's Cathedral - an enduring Russian symbol.
It looked really beautiful when the colored paper was falling and twirling down to the floor.
She is looking for ripe, red cherries, in among the unripe olive green colored fruit.
Use the upturned lids from coffee jars - especially the gold colored ones.
He dons a leather neck cord, it has been decorated with alternating colored beads and vampire fangs.
Then apply a dark colored, matt varnish or even a dark brown paint.
Beaver 's record for weaving a basket out of colored paper still remains unbroken.
On the whitewashed wall of the cave were stuck some children 's drawings done in colored crayons.
General Physical Description The Wirehaired Vizsla a medium sized, solid colored, active dog with a harsh, wiry coat.
Newborns love objects colored in red, black, and white, so look for toys that are designed with these colors.
Newborns love objects that are colored in red, black, and white, and books are no exception.
For a variation on colored cake with white frosting, try keeping the cake white and coloring the frosting instead.
Try pastel hearts, polka dots, or colored sprinkles for a fun look.
Look for pastel colored bottles for an added touch.
Personalized Baby Blanket-Choose a pink or pastel colored blanket and special order it with baby's name embroidered across one corner.
With brightly colored pieces and engaging classical music, these easily fasten to a crib or bassinet and can set a bright and happy tone to any room.
Instead, pick up a few solid colored blankets that compliment your mobile's color schemes, or follow a similar pattern that isn't too distracting from the rest of the room.
Use a clean baby jar and fill it with small shells, buttons or colored rice.
You'll want to start with walls that feature a soft colors and a very light colored rug that will complement the pale blues, greens, yellows, and browns in the Beatrix Potter illustrations.
For example, start with pale blue or yellow sheets and a cream colored blanket, and simply add a Beatrix Potter throw pillow to make the bed fit into the theme.
Small stuffed toys or bright colored rings are great for newborns.
Another option is to buy a comforter that has a colored and/or patterned shell.
Other colored diamonds are even more valuable, like the Hope Diamond.
Keeping the occasion in mind will help you to choose an appropriately colored and decorated basket, with contents that fit the circumstances perfectly.
Tails or no tails, or whether wearing a colored shirt is acceptable or not should be found out before the event in question.
Colored contact lenses are one of the hottest trends in celebrity and fashion-forward style.
While colored lenses have been around for awhile, today they are more comfortable than ever, manufactured from state-of-the-art materials, and available in a wide range of styles and colors.
The contact itself consists of a colored portion and a clear area in the center for the pupil which allows you to see.
Occasionally, if your colored contacts are not fitted properly, the contact can slide around your eye, and the colored portion of the contact obscures your vision.
You can find these colored contacts in shades of blue, violet, green, honey, gray and brown.
What's also great about the new breed of colored contact lenses is the daily disposable colors.
Retailers who sell colored contacts are required by law to verify the prescription before filling your order.
When choosing colored linens, you should select a color that compliments the color of your dinnerware and the décor of your home.
Frame it with a lighter colored wooden frame.
Many metal roofing materials can be shaped and colored to look like other roofing styles, like Spanish tiles.
Transparent Colored - These sheets come in various colors but are transparent so you can still see through them.
Opaque Colored - The sheets come in a variety of opaque colors.
Clear sheets and colored sheets tend to be cheaper than the specialty sheets, with the fluorescent and the mirrored sheets being the most expensive.
Prices can range from $3.99 for a clear or colored sheet to just over $5.00 for a mirrored sheet.
Prices range from around $10.00 for a clear or colored sheet to over $17.00 for a mirrored sheet.
Prices range from about $30.00 for a clear or colored sheet to about $50.00 for a mirrored sheet.
All polarized lenses have some color, as it is possible to polarize light only when the film is colored.
Funkier types could wear colored lenses in unusual shapes.
Check Target or small boutiques for colored lenses, varying shapes, and a wide array of frame prints, metals, and more.
Look for any visible signs of damage like different colored paint, dings or dents, scratches or cracks.
Distinguished by their unique markings, Siamese cats have a light-colored body with colored points on their face, ears, feet and tail.
The flame point Himalayan kitten has cream colored fur with red points and is much rarer than some of the other colorations.
All Himalayans are born with white or cream colored fur.
One of the kittens was a cream colored male with a fine, curly coat.
The color variations range from the familiar silver tabby and its variants to the solid colored American Shorthair kitten to the calico or tortoiseshell variety.
The illustrations are beautiful colored pencil drawings and show a surprising amount of detail given the limited space.
The artwork in the book is in watercolor and colored pencil, which create a soft, warm atmosphere perfectly suited for this timeless story.
However, if mixed with other colored liquors it may look black in the glass (Perfect, of course, for Halloween parties).
Stemmed glasses rimmed with colored granules, fruit dangling on showy picks, layers of liquor competing for center stage; easy mixed drinks don't need these fancy trimmings to be tasty, satisfying and refreshing.
It develops a lovely golden colored patina from use, giving it a special warm inviting look.
A modern and sleek desk may be ivory colored, with the light ivory paint or gloss highlighting the sleek lines of the piece of furniture.
One of the easiest and most obvious ways to get an ivory colored desk is to find a desk that is actually painted ivory.
An eclectic living room might have a solid colored overstuffed sofa with mixed animal print throw pillows and a zebra area rug under an Asian style rosewood coffee table.
The brightly colored and stylish plastic rugs that can be seen gracing the pages of style magazines and websites may look far from the traditional image of a 'green' product.
Install a light colored roof to prevent excessive heat gain.
As part of the berry family, research published on Web MD supports the conclusion that berries, particularly those colored red and purple, contain the highest amount of antioxidants.
Companies process the leaves through steam distillation to extract the golden to clear colored tea tree oil.
This method does tend to cause the plant to lose its green color so if you prefer deeper colored dried basil, you may want to opt for the newspaper method.
Mucous from an allergy is clear whereas mucous produced from a viral infection appears yellowish or greenish colored.
Fabrics are also brightly colored, usually with a small floral or animal pattern.
Upholstered furniture in cottage chic rooms is usually covered in white or very subtly colored fabrics.
Teman, who had been so strong on other tasks, used colored tape on the walls to disastrous effect.
Layer your fabrics with richly colored accents.
Replace dark colored bathroom tile with lighter colors.
White walls - Paint your trim in either a pale blue or sandy colored tan.
Brightly colored baskets can serve as toy and supply bins.
If you have decided on beige colored draperies, buy sheers that are khaki.
The most recognized classic French fabric designs Include the brightly colored paisley, floral and botanical designs found on Indienne cottons and the Toile de Jouy pattern.
Even a simple lace table linen in white or ivory, used by itself or over a solid colored tablecloth, will help you achieve this look.
Forgo the tablecloth and drape the table with butcher's paper or a large sheet of colored paper so they can doodle while the adults blabber.
Two Christmas tree styles that pass in and out of vogue over the years are colored lights and colored trees.
Colored lights tend to have regional followings, and so your feelings on these might depend on where you live.
Colored lights or white lights would also both be acceptable.
Mixed colored candles provide a casual, country look.
The technique of fusing colored glass together with copper or other metal materials has passed in and out of fashion over the years, but it is really quite old.
While decorative towels and patterned linens are a matter of personal taste, a solid, classic colored towel set complements every decor.
While a few bathroom decorating ideas can help resurrect a boring space, even the best decorating tips can't rescue an awkward floor plan or an oddly colored bathtub or sink.
Stay away from Oriental rugs or floor coverings that are brightly colored or geometric in design.
Instead, look for a neutral colored rug available in a natural fiber.
Change your ceiling light for a gleaming chandelier or tone down the lighting with colored bulbs to create reflection.
Rich colored textures of various patterns including tapestries help create the comfort of a Mediterranean décor.
A solid light colored shower curtain that matches the walls will keep the space open and light.
Made of vinyl, these wall decorations make use of modern patterns to add interest to a solid colored wall.
Use a bright colored paint on the sides of the cabinets or install glass doors in the storage area.
For example, use an unexpected woven sea grass upholstered armchair paired with a tea stained slip-covered sofa accompanied by a white washed pickled wood floor and a multi colored cowhide area rug.
Simply using a softly colored light bulb in a traditional lamp can generate a Bohemian mood.
Cover your kitchen backsplash with a repeating pattern of diamonds in subtly shifting colors to complement a solid colored countertop.
Use a variety of different colored Easter basket grasses and place a yellow patch, a green patch and a pink (or purple) patch spaced along the length of the table like a bird's nest.
Colored Easter eggs can be placed inside the round grass nests.
The beams should be a dark stain to contrast sharply with a white or buff colored ceiling and walls.
A young family might appreciate a brightly colored room that reflects their excitement for life and high energy of activities.
Select a ceramic floor tile with a varying colored glaze.
Use a solid colored tile in a deep color, such as gold with a repeating pattern to waist height in the shower.
Breccia Oniciata, or Sahara Gold on the floor with a richly colored wall paper on the walls will set off the copper sink perfectly.
If you have a couch with pattern that just doesn't go with a Mexican style room, cover it with a solid colored slip cover.
Scatter a few brightly colored mosaic tiles on a coffee table to serve as coasters.
There is a big difference in designs printed on a rug and those woven into the rug by using different colored yarns.
It works with woods of all shades, many granites and stones, and a variety of different colored furniture.
This style creates a see-through effect so when you hang the mirror on your wall, the paint color of your wall becomes part of the overall design of the seashells with glimpses of the colored wall peeking through.
Because color depictions can be misleading when viewing colored items online, it's best to be able to accommodate a different hue when selecting your rug.
There are over 30 modern designs in their brightly colored contemporary style area rugs.
For instance, they feature different traditional Persian style rug patterns in natural, earth tone colors or brightly colored contemporary style area rugs.
Using higher quality wool results in softer and more vividly colored area rugs.
Today, braided rugs are machine made with wide bands of either solid or variegated colored braids that form a thick, durable rug.
Maple is a naturally light colored wood with little grain; it can be stained darker in a number of shades.
The most logical choice is white, but if you really want to showcase your winter tablescape, opt for a solid colored tablecloth.
The countertops - Scented candles, soft stacked guest towels or a decorative apothecary jar filled with brightly colored ornaments (or better yet, little soaps shaped like ornaments) will add some pop and interest.
If you have a floor lamp with multiple lights, you can install colored light bulbs in the extra lights for accent lighting.
This type of print will feature irregular brown shapes against a light colored background.
You can also add pictures of exotic annals in solid colored frames.
You can also dress down an all-white affair with a colored runner.
He decided to apply the same method of joining small pieces of colored glass together to create art in the form of stunningly beautiful lamp shades.
Vine rugs come in a range of styles and colors, from rugs in tropical inspired colors with floral vines ringing the edges to bold colored rugs with floral vines running across the center of the rug.
A small amount of colored pigment is injected under the surface of the skin using a pen-like needle or a traditional tattoo gun.
It's not easy to achieve a natural look with a colored pencil.
To find yours, hold the brush parallel to the outside edge of the colored part of your eye (the iris).
Bonded teeth and those with white or "tooth" colored fillings are also not good candidates for bleaching.
The contour shade should be a deep color, but it does not have to be overly dark or smoke colored.
Colored skins that fall into the light category are mostly yellow and olive shades.
Everything from false colored contacts to glitter and sprays are used to completely transform the face and hair into whatever it is the actor is determined to be portraying.
With its exotic makeup practices and vibrantly colored clothing, it is no wonder that India is a trendsetting skincare and cosmetics hub in Asia.
As for colored contacts, you can experiment with almost any color since your eyes are light in color.
Accessories may include armbands, jelly bracelets, and brightly colored converse sneakers.
One of the first lessons learned in modeling school is to draw attention to your natural beauty, not your brightly colored makeup.
If you prefer to have a more modern Mehndi that will not last beyond your wedding day, the trend today is to use colored glitter gels, crystals and exotic designs that will only last one day.
If you are looking for a simple model that is ideal as a party favor then this brightly colored style is available at
Jordana has a nice selection of colored liners you can get for about $1.50 each.
Grab a bright wig (think Wilma Flintstone-red for an ideal shade) or have some fun with colored spray paints for a wilder look.
Rather than go with a traditional red lipstick, why not opt for a pale flesh colored lipstick that appears cold and stone-like?
For a classic witch, stay away from colored makeup and add years to your age with heavy foundation, powders, even faux darkened wrinkles created with dark eye shadow.
Consider opting for a colored wig and coordinate your makeup palette to match.
Since Shiseido is created in Japan, lightly colored bases and powders are popular.
Rest assured you can always smack a colored or tinted gloss on top of your lip stain to increase the shine factor and add a different layer of color.
Despite the lack of color variety, most women find their naturally ripened lips to be just as sexy as colored lipsticks.
They mixed, pressed and broke down precious copper based minerals, such as malachite, along with carbon and manganese oxides to create colored powders used for face powders or eye colors.
Reach for a softly colored brown or a clear mascara to add the finishing touch, and remember to clear up any stray hairs that may mar the brows.
Although there are many colored lip glosses available on the market, the original formula created by Max Factor in 1932 was colorless and intended to mimic the sexiness of a wet and shiny pout.
Pull off a deeper lip, such as Amaretto, by toning it down with a hint of pink or champagne colored lip gloss.
The fresh-faced appeal of understated eye makeup is one that can easily be pulled off for every day with a flesh colored eye shadow, a brown or other medium neutral liner on the top eye, and two coast of mascara on curled lashes.
When paired with a colored mascara, this smoky look goes to a whole new funky level.
Try on a white shirt, followed by a cream colored shirt.
Although colored eyeliners can help enhance the eyes and draw attention, pairing eyeliner with a gold shadow is a heavy look that's hard to pull off without looking overdone.
With a variety of styles to choose from, certain looks are easier to apply and pull off, while others take practice and the right colored cosmetics to make perfect each and every time.