Colloids Sentence Examples
Solutions of colloids in solvents such as water and alcohol seem to be divisible into two classes.
Pickering showed that the three synthesized colloids of Grimaux in the same way produced coagulation in pigmented animals, but failed to do so in albinoes.
His early work on the movements of gases led him to examine the spontaneous movements of liquids, and as a result of the experiments he divided bodies into two classes - crystalloids, such as common salt, and colloids, of which gum-arabic is a type - the former having high and the latter low diffusibility.
However, they need different chemical reaction conditions to synthesize different colored metal colloids.
Laning in oppositely driven colloids We study the formation of lanes of oppositely driven colloids.
Throughout his time at Surrey he has carried out research on soft matter, with special interest in polymer colloids.
When a solution of the sample molecule is mixed with a metal colloid the molecules are absorbed onto the surface of the colloids.
Animations are used to illustrate the procedures in measuring cation exchange properties of soil colloids, in the Nutrient Cycling chapter of Oz Soils.
So when to use crystalloids and when to use colloids?
These processes may include the sorption of metal and metalloids to colloids in the water column, or ochre deposited on the stream bed.
AdvertisementElectrolytes possess the power of coagulating solutions of colloids such as albumen and arsenious sulphide.
Again the two classes of substances mentioned above were found to be distinguished, and Graham called the slowly diffusible non-crystalline bodies colloids, in contrast to the quickly diffusible crystalloids.
Some of these colloids dissolve in water or other liquids to form solutions called by Graham hydrosols; Graham named the solids formed by the setting or coagulation of these liquids hydrogels.
This is being organized through his NERC Knowledge Transfer Network on natural aquatic colloids.
Hardy, who found that certain colloids did possess electric charges, the sign of which depended on whether the surrounding liquid was slightly acid or slightly alkaline.
AdvertisementThe power of coagulation of colloids shown by electrolytes depends in a curious manner on the chemical valency of the effective ion.