Colloid Sentence Examples
In the normal thyroid there is formed and stored up in the spaces this colloid material.
The employment of guncotton as a propellant was possible only after the discovery that it could be gelatinized or made into a colloid by the action of so called solvents, e.g.
The wax-like or amyloid substance has a certain resemblance to the colloid, mucoid and hyaline.
In the mucinoid conditions, usually termed "mucoid " and " colloid " degenerations, we have closely allied substances which, like the normal mucins of the body, belong to the glucoproteids, and have in common similar physical characters.
It is not yet agreed whether colloid solution is the same in kind though different in degree from crystalloid solution or is a phenomenon of an entirely different order.
There is neither any absolute difference nor a constancy in their chemical reactions, and there can be brought about a transition of the " colloid " material into the " mucoid," or conversely.
Some solutions of nitroglycerin (in ether, acetone, &c.) burn quietly, and the same is the case when it is held in solution or suspension in a colloid substance, as gelatinized guncotton, &c.
Methylcellulose, which forms a semi-synthetic hydrophilic colloid, has a similar action.
In a true colloid, the particles range in size from about 0.01 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter.
When a solution of the sample molecule is mixed with a metal colloid the molecules are absorbed onto the surface of the colloids.
AdvertisementThese cells become swollen by this translucent substance and are thrown off into the space where they become fused together, forming colloid masses.
These vesicles are filled with the colloid material (x 90 diam.) J FIG.
If we assume that a certain minimum electric charge must be brought into contact with a group of colloid particles to produce coagulation, twice as many univalent ions must collect to produce the same effect as a number of divalent ions, and three times as many as an effective number of trivalent ions.
This may include a colloid to rapidly expand the circulating volume but what the patient really needs is crystalloids with a high sodium content.
Fresh Start rapidly removes these toxic chemicals and minerals and contains a natural colloid which coats the fish with a protective barrier.