Collocations Sentence Examples
Introduction to unfamiliar collocations follows upon this, and, only so, is it possible finally to gather scattered examples into a conspectus as instances of one idea or law.
Perhaps the standard might usefully make explicit reference to careful choice of vocabulary and to English usage, including conventional collocations.
You will need to be able to identify common collocations, that is words that go together.
How representative or typical such collocations are of actual language in use can now be tested against corpus evidence.
They practice using the collocations by telling a partner whether the sentences are true or false for them.
Students are given incomplete collocations and semi-fixed expressions that appeared in the texts and try to complete them from memory.
Open the collocation function by clicking on the collocation function by clicking on the Collocations icon or by choosing [Collocation] from the [Query] menu.
He rejects the attempt to explain human personality as " generated by the material molecular aggregate of its own unaided latent power," and affirms that the " universe where the human spirit is more at home than it is among these temporary collocations of matter" is " a universe capable of infinite development, of noble contemplation, and of lofty joy, long after this planet - nay the whole solar system - shall have fulfilled its present spire of destiny, and retired cold and lifeless upon its endless way " (pp. 199-200).
Translation units forming robust, unambiguous collocations (e.g. impart knowledge; trestle scaffold) will be listed without additional information.