Collins Sentence Examples
Thus it was Bentley versus Collins, Sherlock versus Woolston, Law versus Tindal.
Speaker of the senate, John Collins dying in 1822.
Collins, who had created much excitement by his Discourse of Free-thinking, insisting on the value and necessity of unprejudiced inquiry, published at a later stage of the deistic controversy the famous argument on the evidences of Christianity.
Two striking churches face each other in Collins Street, the Scots church, a Gothic edifice with a lofty spire, and the Independent church, a fine Saracenic building with a massive campanile.
In 1724 Collins published his Discourse of the Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion, with An Apology for Free Debate and Liberty of Writing prefixed.
To these, but with special reference to the work of Chandler, which maintained that a number of prophecies were literally fulfilled in Christ, Collins replied by his Scheme of Literal Prophecy Considered (1727).
In philosophy, Collins takes a foremost place as a defender of Necessitarianism.
During Clarke's lifetime, fearing perhaps to be branded as an enemy of religion and morality, Collins made no reply, but in 1729 he published an answer, entitled Liberty and Necessity.
Chatham's residence was at North End, a picturesque quarter yet preserving characteristics of a rural village; here also Wilkie Collins was born.
The city park system includes Ottawa Park (280 acres), Bay View Park (202 acres), Riverside Park (118 acres), Central Grove Park (loo acres), Collins Park (90 acres), Walbridge Park (67 acres), with a zoological collection, Navarre Park (53 acres), several smaller parks and triangles, and a boulevard, 18 m.
AdvertisementThe materialism of Hobbes, the pantheism of Spinoza, the empiricism of Locke, the determinism of Leibnitz, Collins' necessitarianism, Dodwell's denial of the natural immortality of the soul, rationalistic attacks on Christianity, and the morality of the sensationalists - all these he opposed with a thorough conviction of the truth of the principles which he advocated.
A Collins glass is a tall glass that is usually used to serve a Tom Collins.
Collins's Philosophical Enquiry concerning Human Liberty.
In 1 706 he wrote a refutation of Dr Henry Dodwell's views on the immortality of the soul, and this drew him into controversy with Anthony Collins.
Collins indicates the possible extent to which the Jews may have been indebted to Chaldeans and Egyptians for their theological views, especially as great part of the Old Testament would appear to have been remodelled by Ezra; and, after dwelling on the points in which the prophecies attributed to Daniel differ from all other Old Testament predictions, he states the greater number of the arguments still used to show that the book of Daniel deals with events past and contemporaneous, and is from the pen of awriter of theMaccabean period, a view now generally accepted.
AdvertisementCollins resembles Blount in "attacking specific Christian positions rather than seeking for a foundation on which to build the edifice of Natural Religion."
Collins was a pronounced necessitarian; Morgan regarded the denial of free will as tantamount to atheism.
But as Locke's philosophy became in France sensationalism, and as Locke's pregnant question, reiterated by Collins, how we know that the divine power might not confer thought on matter, led the way to dogmatic materialism, so deism soon gave way to forms of thought more directly and completely subversive of the traditional theology.
More certain, and also more striking, is the fact that the leading statesmen in the American War of Independence were emphatically deists; Benjamin Franklin (who attributes his position to the study of Shaftesbury and Collins), Thomas Paine, Washington and Jefferson, although they all had the greatest admiration for the New Testament story, denied that it was based on any supernatural revelation.
The arguments against the marriage were first marshalled by Monck Mason in his History of St Patrick's, and the conjecture, though plausible, has failed to convince Forster, Stephen, Aitken, Hill, Lane Poole and Churton Collins.
AdvertisementHe wrote a paper Analysis per Equationes Numero Terminorum Infinitas, which he put, probably in June 1669, into the hands of Isaac Barrow (then Lucasian professor of mathematics), at the same time giving him permission to communicate the contents to their common friend John Collins (1624-1683), a mathematician of no mean order.
Barrow did this on the 31st of July 1669, but kept the name of the author a secret, and merely told Collins that he was a friend staying at Cambridge, who had a powerful genius for such matters.
In a subsequent letter on the 10th of August, Barrow expressed his pleasure at hearing the favourable opinion which Collins had formed of the paper, and added, " the name of the author is Newton, a fellow of our college, and a young man, who is only in his second year since he took the degree of master of arts, and who, with an unparalleled genius (eximio quo est acumine), has made very great progress in this branch of mathematics."
See Mabel Collins, The Story of Helena Modjeska (London, 1883), and the (autobiographical) Memories and Impressions (New York, 1910).
In his letters and otherwise we have pleasant pictures of its inmates and domestic life and the occasional visits of his friends, among others Lord Peterborough, Lord Shaftesbury of the Characteristics, Sir Isaac Newton, William Molyneux and Anthony Collins.
AdvertisementLetters from Locke to Thoynard, Limborch, Le Clerc, Guenellon, Molyneux, Collins, Sir Isaac Newton, the first and the third Lord Shaftesbury, Lords Peterborough and Pembroke, Clarke of Chipley and others are preserved, many of them unpublished, most of them in the keeping of Lord Lovelace at Horseley Towers, and of Mr Sanford at Nynehead in Somerset, or in the British Museum.
During the same year Colonel Collins, who had failed in an attempt to colonize the shores of Port Phillip, transferred his soldiers, convicts and officials to the neighbourhood of Hobart, and was appointed commandant of the infant settlement.
Sam Collins came well recommend and might be worth the wait.
Still things were not going well for Mr in 1917 Collins arranged a public subscription for William on his 70th birthday.
Keepsake gifts include chinaware, the exquisite heirloom collection of christening gowns and romper suits by Collins and Hall and Terramundi money pots.
Thus stoked Collins go to http successful without the wilbon maybe.
Collins aikman Private Villas exclude the activity.
Rate a many internet access but no way Collins haven't had a. Communication gear and and insurance parent world that refuses.
Book Custom Kid... picture book book for children activity book custom kid science book for kid harper Collins childrens books goes.
The other debutant was in the u/17 boys, Elijah Collins.
Colie claims that Collins was the least political of the early English deists.
Yet their decapitation strategy only succeeded in removing one Tory minister (Tim Collins) and there was no widespread desertion from Labor.
In addition Collins Cobuild trailed the 4th edition of their own Advanced Learners English Dictionary, due to be published in September.
What can you say to a Philistine who's into Phil Collins and Dire Straits and other such frivolity?
Ms Collins has cloned eucalyptus homologues of genes that control flower induction in Arabidopsis.
The wholly imaginary landscapes of the essayist and painter Cecil Collins had attained their conviction in the 1930s through sheer invention.
A year later, Francis Collins accepted an invitation to step into the breach.
Joan Collins last herbert stein wrote w not having.
The Collins solo project, plaintive and bouncy in equal measure, hit the pop mainstream like a train.
They mold a constantly morphing collage of fast cut looks, colors and ambiences, and have great fun doing it, says Collins.
It was Crusaders that suffered most from the disruption in the flow of play, seeing only Collins on target for the home side.
Photograph by kind permission of Winston Collins There are 19 pages on Care of the Poor.
Collins's process is one of almost perverse fixation.
Posted by Robert Collins Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Good call about the chip shops Joseph.
It's tantamount, really, to imagining Bill Clinton as celibate, William Hague as hip or Jackie Collins as a Bronte sister.
For better or for worse, his shows catapulted Heather Locklear and Joan Collins to global stardom as well.
Collins Stewart is the largest independent stockbroker in the UK.
They relied mainly on long lobs forward from Bobby Collins, but were constantly stymied by deep lying Southampton defense.
Dr. Collins later married and took her husband's surname of Robinson.
Dr. Collins said, 'We are certainly seeing smaller triggerfish, down to about 15cm across.
In the kitchen, the Velocity girls howled along to Phil Collins as they shredded chicken and chopped veg.
Mill's various readings, numbering about thirty thousand, were attacked by Daniel Whitby (1638-1726) in his Examen as destroying the validity of the text; Antony Collins also argued in the same sense though with a different object.
It failed entirely in that year but in 1867 Lawrenceville, Peebles, Collins, Liberty, Pitt and Oakland, all lying between the two rivers, were annexed to Pittsburg; in 1872 there was a further annexation of a district embracing 27 sq.
I had already bought the shanty of James Collins, an Irishman who worked on the Fitchburg Railroad, for boards.
James Collins' shanty was considered an uncommonly fine one.
It 's tantamount, really, to imagining Bill Clinton as celibate, William Hague as hip or Jackie Collins as a Bronte sister.
Dr. Collins later married and took her husband 's surname of Robinson.
Just hop along to Miss Collins ' study and there she 'd be, waiting for the latest telling off.
Bobby Collins broke his thigh bone in the opening match in Turin.
The Share Placing is fully underwritten by Collins Stewart.
The cost of the edifice was chiefly raised by the unwearied exertions of the late Rev. John Joseph Collins.
The Underland Chronicles series by Suzanne Collins begins with Gregor the Overlander, an adventure book about a boy who wanders through an inner-city underground world.
Add the bourbon, stir well and strain into a Collins glass.
Serve it in a fancy cocktail glass or a simple Collins glass.
In a Collins glass filled with ice, simply add the first three ingredients, stir the drink, and then pour the club soda on top.
Shake and strain the drink into a Collins glass filled with ice.
In order to be authentic, your Mojito should be served in a Collins glass.
Either way, I thought the taller glass was a better presentation and would suggest getting a few Collins glasses while you’re out getting your muddler.
In a Collins glass, first add the sugar.
Teens can read anything, whether it be the dystopian vision of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or the vampire romance of Twilight or the hip realty of Maureen Johnson's Suite Scarlett.
Prym owns several brands of sewing notions and supplies including Dritz, Collins, and Sewing Basket.
We have the women of Dynasty to thank for the look - Joan Collins and Linda Evans made them mainstays on television, and they eventually translated into workplaces in the "real world."
Illustrated by Heather Collins, is a wonderful book filled with over 120 winter-themed outdoor and indoor activities including instructions on how to play a good old fashioned game of crokinole on your own homemade crokinole board!
Listen to The Savvy Traveler's Wesley Weissberg interview former Rockette, Illene Collins.
These spots benefited from mild winter climates (except for Fort Collins and for Kalispell), good job prospects, low living costs (except for Laguna Beach and Scottsdale) and splendid outdoor recreation endowments.
A popular drama called Dynasty (1981-1989) gave rise to the "super bitch" in the form of Alexis Carrington Colby, played deliciously by Joan Collins.
Evening dramas such as Dallas which gave rise to the cliffhanger ('Who Shot J.R.?') and Dynasty which gave rise to the super bitch (Alexis Carrington Colby played deliciously by Joan Collins).
He was paired with Joan Collins and the two shared a remarkable on-screen chemistry.
Created by Dan Curtis, Dark Shadows followed the life and times of the Collins family and the vampire Barnabas Collins.
Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins practiced his art in a parlor in Chinatown, Honolulu.
Kat fans will be delighted to learn that she is currently working on a pictorial timeline of her art, hand-in-hand with Harper Collins publishing.
LoveToKnow Business recently caught up with Lyn Collins, who uses her experience and expertise to help individuals, families, and small business with money management.
Lyn Collins spent 20 plus years working with small businesses as an office manager for Mechanical Contractors.
None other than Edwyn Collins produced the Cribs' second album, a man who most will remember for 1994 smash 'A Girl Like You'.
Also taking part in this year's SXSW interview series are Kris Kristofferson, k.d. lang, Judy Collins, The Pretenders, Bill Bragg, and Sam Moore.
We know you may not be in the mood for Christmas tunes just yet, but it certainly seems worth making an exception for a Bootsy Collins Christmas album.
Snoop Dogg, Phil Collins, Joel Madden, Keli Price and George Lopez have all made guest appearances on the show.
To save time pick up some pre-made drink mixes like a Collins or Mai Tai mix.
If You Have to Cry, Go Outside was published by Harper Collins and features advice specifically for women about choosing careers off the beaten track and finding the confidence to go their own way.
This plot device, the 'stolen eye of the idol', was fresh and new when Wilkie Collins first coined it in his 1868 novel The Moonstone, but which has become rather shopworn with use since then.
The story started as a typical Gothic, with the young governess Victoria Winters arriving at Collinwood, ancestral home of the Collins family, who were the movers and shakers of the town of Collinsport.
It chronicled the exploits of vampire Barnabas Collins, and featured assorted zombies, witches, hapless governesses, acolytes, neophytes and a dark and mysterious estate.
Castiel (Misha Collins) - The angel Castiel lifts Dean from hell at the beginning of the fourth season.
Collins' popularity with the fans made him an ongoing, recurring character throughout the fourth season and a regular cast member in seasons five and six.
He's been up in Fort Collins doing an estate auction.
This is Sam Collins.
Among his numerous critical works are Ecrivains modernes d'Angleterre (3rd series, 1885-1892) and Heures de lecture d'un critique (1891), studies of John Aubrey, Pope, Wilkie Collins and Sir John Mandeville.
He was the original of Mortimer Collins's Canon Tremaine in Sweet and Twenty.
The several accounts by John White, Collins, Phillips, Hunter and others of the colonization of New South Wales at the end of the last century ought not to be overlooked by any Australian ornithologist.
Kim Collins would get a speeding ticket in built-up areas !
It is normally served with ice and a large volume of a nonalcoholic mixer in a tall glass, such as a highball or Collins glass.
Actresses like Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins and Demi Moore all dated and married men who were much younger than they, the former two before the term 'cougar' was ever used.
Ironically, that is not even his voice that viewers hear in the Goldfinger movie; his accent was too thick, so the voice of an English actor, Michael Collins, was used in its place.