Collector Sentence Examples
It cannot be said that any one form of collector is superior all round.
When a water jet serves as collector, the pressure under which it issues should be practically constant.
You're metalman29—a metal collector.
Other elective officers are the mayor, city treasurer, city sergeant, commonwealth attorney, city collector, city auditor, sheriff and high constable, elected for four years; and clerks of the various courts elected for eight years.
Adana, reserved for the moment, was bestowed on Ibrahim under the style of muhassil, or collector of the crown revenues, a few days later.
In short, Aristotle was at once a student, a reader, a lecturer, a writer and a book collector.
The instrument which has now been exclusively used for revenue purposes for nearly a century is that associated with the name of Bartholomew Sikes, who was correspondent to the Board of Excise from 1774 to 1783, and for some time collector of excise for Hertfordshire.
Under the charter of 1903, as amended in 1907, the municipal government consists of a city council, composed of the mayor, four aldermen, elected at large, and eight ward aldermen, all elected for a term of two years, as are the other elective officers; a city attorney, an assessor, a collector, a treasurer, an auditor and judge of the Corporation Court.
Moreover, whatever the lovers of the fine arts may say, it is nearly certain that the " Bewick Collector " is mistaken in attaching so high a value to these old editions, for owing to the want of skill in printing - indifferent ink being especially assigned as one cause - many of the earlier issues fail to show the most delicate touches of the engraver, which the increased care bestowed upon the edition of 1847 (published under the supervision of John Hancock) has revealed - though it must be admitted that certain blocks have suffered from wear of the press so as to be incapable of any more producing the effect intended.
Nitzsch had of course exhausted all the forms of birds commonly to be obtained, and specimens of the less common forms were too valuable from the curator's or collector's point of view to be subjected to a treatment that might end in their destruction.
AdvertisementAfter mounting are written - usually in the right-hand corner of the sheet, or on a label there affixed - the designation of each species, the date and place of gathering, and the name of the collector.
After brushing away the loose stones and dirt from the root of the tree by means of a handful of twigs, the collector lays down large leaves for the latex to drop upon.
The leading current monthlies include the New York Forum (1886), Arena (1890), Current Literature (1888), and Bookman, the Chicago, Dial (1880), and the Greenwich, Connecticut, Literary Collector.
The quality and varieties of textiles and pottery astonish the collector.
He was the greatest collector of his age, his agents ransacking Europe to fill his museums with rare works of art.
AdvertisementThe fostering care of the science-loving pope extended also to the field of ecclesiastical literature; and the greatest importance attaches to the energy he developed as a collector of manuscripts and books.
From 1898 to 1902 he was in charge of Cuban customs and collector for the port of Havana.
His cause was espoused by Senator Roscoe Conkling, for a time successfully; but on the 11th of July 1878, during a recess of the Senate, the collector was removed, and in January 1879, after another severe struggle, this action received the approval of the Senate.
He went to India in 1829, and served with distinction in various offices, as assistant secretary to the board of revenue, Allahabad, as collector at Azimgarh, as principal of the Victoria College, Benares, and as civil and session judge at Fatehpur.
By this time he was influential in the councils of his party, and President Van Buren appointed him collector of the port of Boston, a position which he filled with success.
AdvertisementAny surplus not needed for the family is sold in its sun-dried state to the collector, who takes it to the hong, where it is fired, blended and packed for exportation.
His great stroke as a collector was to acquire (by bequest, conditional on paying off certain debts) in 1701 the cabinet of William Courten, who had made collecting the business of his life.
The design of any piece of catchwork will vary with local conditions, but generally it may be stated that it consists in putting each conduit save the first to the double use of a feeder or distributor and of a drain or collector.
He had been a great collector of books, many of which he presented to the university of Oxford.
It 's a dust collector tho I might revisit at some point.
AdvertisementThe ideal collector's dream is a toy in mint condition with the original packaging intact!
A beginner may want to browse and purchase cards online whereas a serious collector may need to meet other collectors and traders to find a 'rare' card in trade circles.
Conviction for bribery, perjury or other infamous crime, or failure (in the case of a collector or holder of public moneys) to account for and pay over all moneys due from him are disqualifications; and before entering upon the duties of his office each member of the legislature must take a prescribed oath that he has neither given nor promised anything to influence voters at the election, and that he will not accept, directly or indirectly, "money or other valuable thing from any corporation, company or person" for his vote or influence upon proposed legislation.
The Elector Frederick was a great collector of relics and had stored them in his church.
In a regulation province the district officer is styled a collector, while in a non-regulation province he is called a deputy-commissioner.
Such matters are discussed and decided by the collector at the jamabandi or court held every year for definitely ascertaining the amount of revenue to be paid by each ryot for the current season.
It was he who first entrusted criminal jurisdiction to Europeans, and established the Nizamat Sadr Adalat, or appellate court of criminal judicature, at Calcutta; and it was he who separated the functions of collector and judge.
For ordinary purposes of administration the provinces are divided into nine divisions, each under a commissioner, and into 48 districts, each under a collector or deputy commissioner.
The hypothesis of the collector, the man who keeps a rain-gauge, or the missionary among savages, is to be discounted from as a source of error.
He was appointed collector of internal revenue in May 1871, and in the following October he was elected register of New York City by Republicans and "reform Democrats."
He at once arrested his march; but the pressure of famine in the capital, caused by the cutting off of supplies from Asia and the presence of the large Russian force, compelled Mahmud to yield, and on the 3rd of May a firman ceded Adana to Ibrahim under the pretext of appointing him muhassil, or collector of the revenue.
The supreme authority on the spot is represented by the governor, under whom are the residents of Kudat, Darvel Bay and Keppel, officers who occupy much the same position as that usually known by the title of magistrate and collector.
In 1676 the Lords of Trade and Plantations sent over Edward Randolph to investigate and gather information which would show the justice and expediency of imposing imperial control, and two years later Randolph was appointed Collector and Surveyor of Customs in New England.
Entering the Indian civil service in 1849, he became collector of Etwah, and rendered distinguished service during the Mutiny and later against Firoz Shah.
The use of cultch as collector is a very ancient practice in England, and is still almost universally maintained.
He displayed an early predilection for zoology and ornithology, and in later life became a skilled and enthusiastic collector, particularly of African plants and birds.
His interest in the evolution of the rifle early extended itself to other weapons and instruments in the history of man, and he became a collector of articles illustrating the development of human invention.
After the defeat of the Turkish army at Konia it was granted to Ibrahim Pasha, and though the firman announcing his appointment named him only muhassil, or collector of the crown revenue, it continued to be held by the Egyptians till the treaty of July 1840 restored it to the Porte.
The principal officers are the selectmen (usually three), town clerk, assessors, collector, treasurer, school committee and road commissioner.
This is a governmental unit organized from an unincorporated township having at least 200 inhabitants,' and its principal officers are the moderator, clerk, three assessors, treasurer, collector, constable and school committee.
The mayor holds office for three years, has the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, appoints the heads of departments (public safety, public works, collector of delinquent taxes, assessors, city treasurer, law, charities and correction, and sinking fund commission), and may remove any of the officers he has appointed, by a written order, showing cause, to the select council.
He became collector of the port of Philadelphia in 1803.
At the same time it is rich in animal and plant types of its own, especially the latter, and is considered one of the best fields in South America for the student and collector.
His indefatigable exertions as a traveller, his skill and good fortune as a collector, his brilliance as a teacher and expositor, and his keenness as a controversialist no doubt aid largely in accounting for Spallanzani's exceptional fame among his contemporaries; yet greater qualities were by no means lacking.
He was a collector of books, and, as Crabbe and less conspicuous men discovered, a helpful friend to their writers.
A son of the Church, a protector of bishops, a president of councils, a collector of relics, devoted to Boniface (whom he invited, as papal legate, to reform the clergy of Austrasia), he astutely accepted the new claims of the vicar of St Peter to the headship of the Church, perceiving the value of an alliance with this rising power.
Some tales are mere compounds of different stories put together without any art, but these perhaps are, as Lane conjectures, later additions to the book; yet the collector himself was no great literary artist.
The freemen, now appearing as the ratepayers, elected the "parish officers," as the churchwardens and way-wardens, the assessors, the overseers, and (if required) paid assistantoverseers, a secretary or vestry-clerk, and a collector of rates if the guardians applied for his appointment.
You're metalman29—a metal collector.
Past-Death didn't remember why exactly, but the rule was that Death could not be a responsible collector of souls if it did not appreciate what it was to have a soul.
Integrated sensor suite includes rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, anemometer, and 40 ' (12 m) anemometer cable.
At Sheffield based auctioneers ELR four Bond titles have gone under the hammer for UK record prices, to the same private collector.
The Library contains a huge mahogany double secretaire bookcase and a walnut veneered oak collector's cabinet.
He was a prolific film, theater and television actor and an avid collector.
The capital costs of plank or panel type of solar collector can be offset against the cost of traditional roof covering.
This CD - Live Style - is a must for any discerning blues collector, Blues - Italian Style - Family Style.
I ask him whether he's an obsessive collector.
In addition, the garbage collector must be able to move an object referred to by the native code.
The University will put your debt into the hands of a debt collector.
Remember the tax collector in the parable - " God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Always a problem but much more seriously in recent years the most serious enemy of the genuine autograph collector has emerged; the forger!
There is usually an element of both these types in the electricity pylon number collector.
It was sold from Frank Cooper's shop at 83, The High in distinctive earthenware crocks that have now become collector's items.
Turn your covers into cash, or cash equivalents, by selling to Airmail Collector.
This photo shows the dust extractor hose plugged into the collector on the lathe.
The objects are then copied into it using a copying garbage collector.
The collector installs handlers to take care of these.
Also on sale are wooden rocking horses, collector teddy bears and a wide range of designer knitwear.
Using the Garbage Collector as leak detector The garbage collector may be used as a leak detector.
Filmed at the warehouse of singer Chris Farlowe, an enthusiastic collector of military paraphernalia.
The solar absorber is placed symmetrically at mid level in the solar collector and is abundantly perforated to allow upward air currents.
To find the dc collector current, measure the dc voltage across the emitter resistor and use ohm's law.
Just check out how much sizzle is in each super collector's box!
He chases ground spiders in the Amazon with a collector who keeps 2,000 pet tarantulas.
This is a sweet little thimble perfect for a sewing collector and it can still be used.
In most cases the environment of a collector is not absolutely invariable.
Many genera and families are separated by purely artificial characters, mere shelfand-bottle groupings devised for the convenience of the museum curator and the collector.
As a great part of the charm of the book lies in the unconscious record of the collector's own character, the establishment of Holkot's authorship would materially alter its value.
Under a charter of 1899, as amended afterwards, the city government, which has almost entirely superseded the town government, is in the hands of a mayor, who holds office for two years and appoints most of the administrative officers, except a board of aldermen (of whom each has a two-year term, six are chosen from the city at large and the others one each from each ward, the even-numbered wards electing their representatives one year and the odd-numbered the next), a city clerk, controller, sheriff, treasurer and tax collector, all chosen by popular vote, and an assistant clerk, appointed by the board of aldermen.
A new charter adopted in 1914 reduced the elective officers to mayor, comptroller, president and board of aldermen, collector, treasurer, recorder of deeds, sheriff and coroner, with terms of four years.
The new artisan makers of the okimono struck out a line for themselves, one influenced more by the naturalistic and popular schools than by the classical art, and the quails of Kamejo, the tortoises of Seimin, the dragons of Tun and TOryu, and in recent years the falcons and the peacocks of Suzuki Chokichi, are the joy of the European collector.
Just check out how much sizzle is in each super collector 's box !
Dolls-She may be too small to play with them, but collector dolls make wonderful keepsake gifts for newborn baby girls.
Collector toys- Collector cars, baseballs, card, etc. make great gifts that will often increase in value over time.
Coin Resource offers an extensive array of links to coin pricing and value guide websites, a coin encyclopedia, coin articles and an entire section devoted to the beginning collector.
You will most likely encounter this situation when looking to buy from another rare book collector.
As a fun collector's item and a great hobby, or as a serious collectors' domain, baseball cards have something for everyone!
If you plan to be a serious collector and are collecting baseball cards for their value, you may want to first learn all about which teams and cards and series are popular and what makes one card more expensive than another.
Once consigned to the dustbins of history, the turntable found new life as the instrument of choice for DJs and as an essential component for any collector of LPs.
A seasoned sports collector, for instance, will know which dealers are best to frequent and which are best to avoid.
Sonic Recollections carries a wide selection of used vinyl records for the serious collector and the purely nostalgic.
If you are a collector and are considering buying antique Hamadan rugs, you will need to research the items carefully.
You can even get collector's style decks in tins.
When buying gold coins, you should know that the value is determined by the date, preservation, rarity and collector appeal.
Auction sites are fun, especially if you need that last collector's piece or are looking for a rare coin or stamp or just need some new electronics or computer parts.
Send a letter by certified mail telling the debt collector to cease phone contact both at home and the workplace.
This is not to say that you should allow a collector to harass you, and this situation can unfortunately arise if a collector is too exuberant with his or her job.
You certainly do not have to allow yourself to be harassed, and it is important that you know your rights as a consumer so that you do not endure bad behavior from a collector.
Finally, try not to get upset with the collector who is merely doing a job.
A collector is paid to remind you of payments due and to try and help you find a way to pay them back.
Be sure you know your rights and what to do if you think a debt collector has broken the law.
The first contact from the collector can be by phone; however, they must follow-up that call with a written "Validation Notice" within five days.
The collector cannot threaten to take legal action unless they legally can, and are planning to, take the action.
Verbal abuse - The collector cannot use obscene or profane language.
The collector cannot produce lists of consumers who owe debts.
When sending written notifications to the consumer, the envelope cannot identify the sender as a debt collector.
Contact at work - They cannot call consumers at work if the collector has been told that the consumer cannot take calls at work.
The Act provides the consumer with the ability to tailor the type of calls they received from a debt collector.
Totally stop all communication from the collector.
The consumer just needs to send a letter to the collector detailing the consumer's communication preferences.
This will give the consumer the information they will need to prove that they sent the letter and that the letter was delivered to the collector.
You can also sue a collector in a state or federal court during the year following the violation of the Act.
The debt which is owed does not go away just because you sue the collector - even if you win your suit.
When a group of people sue a collector, this is a class action lawsuit.
In class action lawsuits, the amount of damages can reach up to $500,000 or 1 percent of the collector's net worth, whichever is lower.
If you decide to negotiate a settlement with a debt collector, make sure they are collecting for the original creditor.
The collector is going to do everything in his or her power to pursue payment.
Payments may stop or reduce if the collector remarries, finds employment, receives a raise, or receives money some other way or the payer has a change in financial situation.
Placemats are fun and functional, and for the sentimental mom will become a collector's item.
Keep in mind that you cannot expect to recover the amount that you originally spent unless you are selling antique collector's items.
The solar collector as we know it today, more or less, was developed in 1908.
The earth works as a solar collector, and a ground source heat pump taps into that energy to heat and cool your home.
Adirondack furniture makers are some of the country's most talented artisans and hand-crafted pieces are prized as collector's items.
Are you a collector of animal heads that you or your spouse has had mounted?
Accessories in a Bohemian home are those of a well-traveled collector who appreciates the little details.
Retro items that are in very good shape can become quite expensive, as they are considered collector's items.
This is the color palette for the antique collector, for those that love the aged, weathered look of treasures from an ancient past.
See what Rachel has done in what she calls her labor of love, to transform vintage furniture and decor into new treasures for the passionate cottage chic collector.
If you buy an assortment of small wall mirrors, you can opt to hang them all on a single wall to give a collector's air.
Not only does it look stunning on a vanity, it also makes a beautiful gift for an avid perfume collector.
Cute cosmetic cases, makeup brush bags and small accessories can make life so much easier for the avid makeup collector.
The limited edition ring is sure to be a collector's favorite - it's packaged inside a gold metallic pouch.
If you wish to be ironic, you can tell guests that you bought it as a collector's piece in view of global climate change.
Keep in mind that many types of Tom and Jerry memorabilia are now collector's items.
She also appeared in the 1999 television movie The Soul Collector, earning her a Best Performance Young Artist Award.
He is an avid car collector and is said to have one of the largest Porsche collections in the world.
Like fellow comedian Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld is an avid car collector.
According to the Autograph Collector's 14th annual survey, Maguire has the fourth worst autograph in Hollywood.
The following websites predominately consist of autograph collector websites in which you will have to pay a subscription fee for access to contact information.
She's also ventured into acting, and currently has a best-selling line of ceramic collector dolls that she has designed herself.
Because of this, they quickly become collector's items.
There's no reason not to get the collector bug fired up early.
Are you an art collector, or do you appreciate good art?
Tiffany Collector--The Tiffany Collector occasionally offers Tiffany moonstone jewelry from estate sales.
The fantasy jewelry collector will enjoy the smiling nude fairy and moon versions.
This makes long swirl earrings an exciting choice for the vintage jewelry collector as each style and design is a small snapshot of fashion history.
This exclusivity makes these pieces potential collector items.
A replica championship ring is a great collector's piece for sports fans.
Like many other items, ballerina jewelry boxes have a large collector market.
If you're a collector, then you may be interested in vintage designs, many of which feature ring rolls.
Visit online collector forums for leads about specific jewelry boxes and to learn inside information on fair market value.
There's something for those who favor the classics, those who embrace trends (yes, really) and those who adore collector's items.
The carrying case is often a reusable collector piece.
The collector's edition came in a purple frame with lenses from the Fade series in Clear/Violet.
A Collector's Edition was also released around the same time, though this was more of a direct port of the original game.
Whether you play them or not is preferential; as a collector, just having them is good enough.
While the cost of the new game is higher-considerably higher for collector's items-knowing you have a pristine version of the game is a good feeling.
For most games, unless they are extreme collector's items, you should expect to pay an average of $30 to $50.
The winner gets the Gate Card and the collector of three Gate Cards wins the brawl.
Buy the game if you're a hardcore FPS-player and you need to have one with you at all times or if you are a game collector and want to own the game because it is the first in the genre for the PSP.
This is particularly true on older systems, like the Super Nintendo or even collector's games on the Sega Dreamcast.
Once a piece of evidence is identified, gather it by taking a picture with your digital camera, scanner, or use your sample collector to transport it with you.
The is now a collector's item since Hasbro stopped making games many, many years ago (I believe the life-span of the system was just over a year).
At the end of each level, your Magic Mastery level increases and you unlock collector cards that will add to your skills.
Find collector cards to improve your skills.
The storyline alone deserves the laughs because Travis Touchdown suddenly has the urge to become the best assassin... after realizing he is running out of money to buy action figures and collector cards.
Also, the consoles or handheld systems had some special edition artwork and color and quickly became a collector's item.
I had to get mine off of Ebay, but I got them at a reasonable price, even though they are collector's items.
Features Battle Arena Mode where you can challenge fights under special conditions and Coin Collector Mode where each hit will make your opponent drop coins that you have to snag.
The first scenario begins on the planet Mygeeto, where you must find a powerful energy source from the Separatist (CIS) manufacturing plant and destroy its Energy collector.
Owners of this Collector's Edition also get access to a few unique in-game units, maps and features..
The Collector's Edition will retail for approximately $59.95.
Special graphic treatment for "create a hero" units that show the Collector's Edition status when playing online.
Used video game consoles are also the only way to go if you're looking for a collector's item that is no longer being produced.
Rochioli wines, for all the right reasons, perennially lands on a wine collector's wish list.
For the serious collector, having a wine cellar or closet may be your best bet as far as cost of storage per bottle.
One collector who collects porcelain dolls may focus primarily on the manufacturers that produced dolls during the 1800s, while another chooses modern porcelain dolls by certain artists with certain themes or other details.
A Barbie doll or Liddle Kiddle collector will concentre on dolls made by the manufacturer, Mattel.
Whether you are a collector of vintage cars or someone that simply appreciates the history and beauty of these magnificent machines, you know the importance of preserving these vintage automobiles.
Best of all, cookie jars cover a wide range of prices so that even the collector with a tiny budget can find something she loves at a price she can afford.
Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting out, you will no doubt enjoy browsing the following online stores.
Internet Collector's Bazaar is a great place to find a variety of jars for sale by other collectors.
Since many cookie jars are popular because they remind collectors of their childhoods the savvy collector will consider contemporary jars that will be memorable for the current generation.
Great places to find information include your local library's collectible price guides, the Internet, and local collector's clubs.
Collector's clubs are a unique way to learn about your favorite hobby and to make new friends with similar interests.
Cookie Jar Collector and Cookie Jar Net are two of the primary clubs on the Internet, however there may be some clubs in your area.
One way to make sure that you are buying the real McCoy is to carefully study collector price guides and collecting guides.
The Indian Head cookie jar has been reproduced, but the savvy collector will check measurements carefully.
Whether you are collecting the McCoy Indian cookie jar or a Fitz & Floyd Santa sleigh, you will find those with similar interests in a collector's club.
Learn more about the hobby by joining a sports collectors club and by reading anything you can find on the subject of sports memorabilia, such as collector price guides.
Collector clubs also offer fellow members an opportunity to buy and sell within the group.
The My First Baby collection is a group of sweet-faced vinyl dolls for the young collector.
Online collector clubs are great places for collectors and sellers to meet, trade, and learn about the baseball card hobby.
The organization's Collector's Corner has a wealth of free information and assistance for those interested in book collecting.
Therefore cards of all conditions can have a value when matched with the right collector.
The hunt, the purchase, and the lasting enjoyment from owning these pieces excite the collector.
In mint condition, a Littlest Kitten doll is priced at approximately $225 at online collector doll sites.
For example, one collector may only collect owl jewelry or pins that hold solid perfume, while another may limit their collection to rings with a flower motif.
This definition makes it hard to label a teapot as unique in every opinion, and so it is largely the opinion of the collector that makes any teapot truly unique.
A casual pet item collector may only want one or two figurines to display in their curio cabinet or a sweatshirt to wear with their pet's picture displayed.
A more serious collector may search endlessly to find items to add to their ever growing pet collection.
This gives the collector the advantage of having up to the minute values of antiques and collectibles.
There are hundreds of images which are large enough to allow even the novice collector to see important details.
One of the most important resources for a collector of antique tools is a current antique tool price guide.
Whether you are new to the world of tool collecting, a seasoned collector or simply thinking about starting a new hobby, antique Stanley woodworking tools are available, affordable, and useful.
A good Disston saw might have sold for three dollars or so in the 1930s; but today, that antique saw could well be worth over one hundred dollars or more to a modern collector.
Antique & Collectible Stanley Tools Guide to Identity & Value by John Walter is considered by many antique professionals to be the Stanley tool collector's Bible.
Complete with a facsimile of a 1909 and 1926 catalog, Early 20th (Twentieth) Century Stanley Tools - A Price Guide by Jack Wood is packed with information for the antique tool collector.
Whether you are a new woodworking tool collector or have been collecting for years, antique Stanley planes are fun to find, great to look at and useful to own.
One of the most important resources for any collector is an updated price guide.
Very desirable antique Singer sewing machines will have some detail that attracts the collector.
The value of your sewing machine to a collector is not the only value.
The International Sewing Machine Collector's Society (ISMCS) has a list of serial numbers and the dates on which they were registered.
If you can't identify the mark on the Internet take a scan of the mark to the library and try to identify it with the help of a good collector's guide.
Collector's Weekly provides numerous informative articles on specific topics of interest to model and toy train collectors.
You can also visit collector's associations such as the International Sewing Machine Collector's Society for more info.
For a serious collector a few hundred dollars can be worth it, but if you just want it for decorative purposes a cheaper version should suit.
Real collector's pieces that are in excellent condition can go for as high as a few hundred dollars, but if you're looking for an average piece you can likely pick one up for just a few dollars.
The best way to get the full value for the piece is to sell it to a collector.
For example, a collector might only collect dolls made from hard plastic, vintage dolls from the 1960s or character dolls based on movie stars.
Many retired Madame Alexander dolls have a special place of honor on the shelves of doll collector's everywhere.
You will always get more money from a private collector than you would from an antique book dealer or bookstore.
However, most of them will be of value to a collector at some point and are worth having if you decide to make book collecting a hobby.
Sometimes if a collector has an incomplete set he will be willing to pay a large amount for the book needed to finish the collection.
The better the condition of the gold the more desirable it will be to the collector.
There is also a message board if you need to find out a particular bit of information that only another collector can provide.
Although this is best done by a professional appraiser the novice antique collector can often ballpark a value with some serious study and a little experience.
This may be difficult to an inexperienced collector.
This duo are a long time collector of quotes, and their website features a dance quote of the day on the front page.
If your mortgage payment falls behind, this effectively makes AHMSI a debt collector, and therefore complaints can be directed to the Federal Trade Commission.
If you are a serious collector, you may get very lucky and find one that is signed.
Whether a follower of the animated series or a long-time Star Wars collector, there's something for every fan in the Clone Wars toy lineup.
Terminator action figures are popular toys but can be considered a collector's item as well.
These collector dolls have limited numbers, which in time makes them worth more money.
A special collector's variation of Cy-Kill was in blue.
The first place to check may be local vintage toy collector stores or antique shops specializing in toys.
Even a seasoned collector might learn a thing or two here, and newbies will really be able to sink their teeth into the wealth of information available here.
Some of these collector packs were voted on by fans to include their favorite common and rare Pokemon heroes and villains.
Marie Osmond dolls have become a beloved collector's item for children and adults all over the world.
Ganz teddy bears are not only a very popular children's toy, but they are also a popular collector's item for those who love plush toys.
This type of teddy bear, along with the more traditional collector's teddy bears and children's teddy bears, are all very popular.
If you're a collector, you may want to purchase the entire Madame Alexander line of Fancy Nancy Dolls.
Joining a collector's club may be a great gift for a child who loves Madame Alexander dolls.
This is why scale is so important for those doll houses that will become collector's editions.
Truly vintage styles are considered collector's items and are highly valued.
Since Consumer Search is really a collector of reviews, they also list the original source of any quotes they pull.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation certify the DC14, as the 5/7-gallon dust collector empties without coming into contact with the debris.
The condensation collection is achieved by an attached collector that allows the system to self-evaporate.
An electrostatic collector cell then captures and destroys the particles.
This is especially useful if you are a board game collector and want to have all the original pieces, including instructions, of the game.
Some of these glasses have even become collector's items.
When the products are sold out they are not offered again until the next year, making them somewhat of a collector's item.
With demand for these goods high, there is no reason to let the garbage collector take them.
In fact, many of the miniature villages become collector's items, and people enjoy adding to their village year after year.
Giving an accessory piece to a collector is a great gift idea.
It's the perfect gift for any enthusiastic Barbie collector.
A Christmas stocking stuffer from Madame Alexander is sure to put a smile on any collector's face.
If someone is a true collector, it may be worth seeking out a retired Madame Alexander doll or vintage Madame Alexander doll.
Finally, a great Madame Alexander Christmas stocking stuffer for a collector of any age is membership in the Madame Alexander Doll Club.
A Gene Simmons mask was created as a collector's item, but it can be difficult to find.
In 2000, the diamond was sold to a private collector for about $16 million.
The Fall/Winter 2008-09 collection features a true collector's item.
As a doll collector, keep in mind that dolls lose their value if they are cut out of their original packaging.
There are also special sets that feature more cards or come in collector's tins.
Trading cards typically cost between $4 and $5, although the larger decks can cost $15 and the collector's tins cost upwards of $30 or more.
The tin toy robots of that era are now considered vintage collector's items, selling for $10,000 to $50,000.
If you are a serious toy collector and have stringent regulations regarding the condition of the toys you purchase, you may want to visit collectible shops or regularly attend toy conventions.
Visit The United State's Mint website, and check out the links provided, including "Collector's Club" and "Historian's Corner".
The value of vintage movie posters as collector items, however, didn't really take hold with nostalgia buffs until almost 70 years later.
Whether you're a collector of Disneyana, a High School Musical fan or want to get a piece of film history, getting a Disney channel movie script may be at the top of your priority list.
Original first drafts - These usually become collector's items and are sometimes signed by the cast members, director and screenwriter of the film.
However, there are also times where certain editions of a film -- such as collector's copies or special feature scripts -- go into the vault instead of the full title.
These films are technically excluded from the Disney vault process; however, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 both spent some time in the vault leading up to the release of the collector's editions of the films.
If you're planning to buy basketball shoes for the sake of playing basketball, a collector's item shoe is not ideal, because it will lose its value after wearing.
If you're interested in becoming a serious collector, you should do some research before starting.
If you're a Dulce Rubio fan or shoe collector, there's excitement in the search.
So whether you're a busy executive, an on-the-go mom, a die-hard shoe collector or just someone who likes the latest in shoe technology at affordable prices, Liz Claiborne is sure to have a shoe for you.
Undoubtedly AMC transcripts make excellent souvenirs, and if you are lucky enough to meet one of the show's stars at some sort of event, you can ask them to autograph your transcript and then you'll own a valuable collector's item.
For some, soap opera episodes become collector items, and you can find swaps and sales going on all of the time.
With over twelve tats, she is a tattoo collector.
This idea also works for the teddy collector who favors certain brands of teddies, such as Gund.
Whether you are a dealer or collector or are simply shopping for a nice watch as a gift, we invite you to join us here at LoveToKnow Watches.
If you're a collector, finding a pocket watch will be difficult because most of them are part of a large collection.
Today the Ingersoll wrist watch is a highly sought collector's item, as is the pocket watch that the company produced soon afterwards.
Many of the older watches are available on eBay and other collector's websites.
In addition to watches, the company also produces exotic leather goods and collector's boxes for watches and watch winders.
Vintage Seiko Television Watch offers 1982 digital technology and has become a collector's edition.
Since it was introduced in 1982, the now vintage Seiko Television Watch has become a sought after piece every watch collector dreams of adding to his collection.
New Century Timepieces is a watch collector's dream.
Bulova Flip Top Photo Watch is a unique gift for the watch collector in your life who is looking for something unusual to add to his collection.
A musician, for instance, may find a watch decorated with musical instruments an interesting and amusing gift, or a collector of Elvis memorabilia may find an Elvis watch a great addition to the collection.
This doesn't matter if it is a gift for a collector or for you, however it is worth bearing this in mind to save disappointing someone!
Today pocket watches are more collector's items than anything else, but they are also just fun to discover and read about!
Pocket Watches have been enjoying a second chance at life as collector's items.
From Disneyland to fine jewelers, you can find a wide array of pocket watches to fit the needs of every collector.
Seeing the movement signed with "Robert Roskell" can send shivers of excitement up the spine of any collector, in particular if the piece is of exceptional and working quality.
If you're a collector, then you'll be very pleased with the commemorative display box packaging.
You can still find these complete with display cases on various collector and auction sites.
This can be useful if you are looking for a specific type of watch or you are a collector.
Pocket watches by the Hampden Watch Company can be a great option for a collector or someone who is simply looking for a special watch.
The Renato Watch Company formed when watch collector Ovadia Levy joined forces with designer Daniel Mink in 2005 to create stunning and alluring new watch designs.
There are several different collections of Swatch watches, depending upon what type of collector you are and how much money you want to spend.
You might be wondering why, when the company is fairly young, these watches are collector's items.
The craze that turned a simple plastic watch into highly sought after collector's items occurred for several reasons.
There are rare collector pocket watches that are worth thousands of dollars.
Men's vintage wrist watches have become popular collector's items in recent years.
Today's trophies have surpassed the traditional dust collector.
Buying a Kia Sedona repair manual can be used for actual repairs or just as a collector's item.
Some people use them as collector's items while others offer them for sale on eBayMotors or some other online auction venue.
Choose from many NADA guide publications from classic cars to collector cars to exotic cars.
It is now a collector's item that fetches top dollar at classic car collector auctions.
There are collector's clubs located all over the world, where members can get an exclusive member figurine and receive a one year subscription to a quarterly magazine.
Is she a scrapbooker or a collector of teapots?
For the collector, create a home video detailing each piece and where it was acquired.
Most classic car owners, however, prefer to deal with a company which specializes solely in insuring classic cars, antique car insurance, and collector cars.
Heacock Classic Collector Car Insurance This company specializes in insurance for classic cars in addition to other types of special vehicles.
Another feature of Hagerty is the opportunity to join Hagerty Plus, one of the largest collector car groups in the country.
Perhaps you are a collector and don't want the same things everyone else has.
Old Nylons - Perfect for the vintage nylon collector, this website offers nylons made before World War II.
One thing you might want to do if you are a serious lingerie collector is use a Google Alerts note under "Rampage Lingerie Sale," and then you can monitor private listings and blog posts.
Soundtrack Collector - Soundtrack Collector is certainly not the most aesthetically pleasing or user friendly website out there, but it makes up for it by being destination number one online for soundtrack enthusiasts.
That version was released in 1999 on limited edition colored vinyl and has become a sought after collector's item.
Upon graduation, Stroud found employment in Toronto with Much Music, the Canadian equivalent of MTV, and moonlighted as a garbage collector.
Go to Buffy Collector to find a good variety of Buffy wallpapers.
One collector who bought items at this action, Ted Moustakis, ended up filing a $7 million lawsuit alleging that items sold were Star Trek fakes.
There are merchandising items on the market if you're a collector, too.
If you are a beginning modeler or collector, start with the obvious stores that carry models of any kind.
While you won't find collector type models, you can get your collection started with basics while you learn the craft of modeling.The best place to find models is your local hobby shop.
Not only will you find collector items and general models, they owner or employees may know of people in the area that are selling ships or deal in a certain model you are looking for.
Today Cylon helmets as well as those worn by Viper pilots in the Battlestar Galactica series are popular items in auctions and collector's circles.
You've watched all of the Godzilla movies, the shows and maybe you're even a collector of action figures, but how tall is Godzilla, exactly?
Lord of the Rings weapons are a popular collector's item.
If you're an avid Lord of the Rings collector or fan still in the market for The Lord of the Rings Return of the King memorabilia, you may be surprised at the number of Return of the King movie posters on the market.
The uniform worn by the Army in World War I is now a much sought after collector's item, though you can order fairly accurate replicas online at websites such as Great War Militaria.
Some items have become collector's pieces, especially from the early days of wearing throwback uniforms.
Today, original helmets are collector's items but some manufacturers may still offer them as remakes of vintage pieces.
You may not want to play tackle wearing them, but they can be great collector's pieces.