Collecting Sentence Examples
At that point, everyone was collecting, or trying to.
She paused, collecting her thoughts.
Today I'm delivering information, not collecting.
Rather than collecting millions of items and lugging them to fight a weak monster, you're only allowed four weapons.
The French had attacked the men collecting wood in the copse.
He found the caterer's boxes and set out collecting all the dishes, glasses and silverware.
Oh, he was interested all right - interested in collecting the money offered to keep an eye on her.
Too nervous, Jessi instinctively knelt on the floor beside the overturned box and began collecting the small treasures.
We will be completely insulated from the collecting and researching of data so that we can focus entirely on turning data into knowledge.
To get the best high score, you needed to complete each level as fast as you could, while collecting as many rings as possible.
AdvertisementBefore the death of Bruce an African Association was formed, in 1788, for collecting information respecting the interior of that continent, with Major Rennell and Sir Joseph Banks as leading members.
Nairne's machine could give either positive or negative electricity, the first named being collected from the prime conductor carrying the collecting points and the second from the prime conductor carrying the cushion.
The studs on the armature plate were charged inductively by being connected for a moment by a neutralizing wire as they passed in front of the field plates, and then gave up their charges partly to renew the field charges and partly to collecting combs connected to discharge balls.
By collecting rune stones and gems, you can add powerful bonuses to weapons and armor.
James Ross Reily (1788-1844) travelled in Holland and Germany, collecting money and books for the seminary.
AdvertisementDuring his long life enormous strides were made by others in collecting the materials of American history, and while in the main he kept pace with them by ruthless revision, yet even the latest edition of his work disregards some minor facts which others knew for the insertion of much which the author alone knew.
He had as a youth a taste for collecting objects of natural history and other curiosities.
His collecting propensities made him useful to John Ray and Robert Boyle.
His great stroke as a collector was to acquire (by bequest, conditional on paying off certain debts) in 1701 the cabinet of William Courten, who had made collecting the business of his life.
His small fees - he once charged $3.50 for collecting an account of nearly $600.00 - his frequent refusals to take cases which he did not think right and his attempts to prevent unnecessary litigation have become proverbial.
AdvertisementDirect taxation was opposed by the governments of the states, which did not desire to see the imperial authorities interfering in those sources of revenue over which they had hitherto had sole control; moreover, the whole organization for collecting direct taxes would have had to be created.
Several princes and other leading personages, foremost among whom was the emperor Maximilian I., had spent a good deal of time and money in collecting the manuscripts of the medieval chroniclers, and these now began to be printed.
The only inhabitants are a few wild tribes who live by hunting and collecting jungle produce.
He is industrious in collecting facts, careful and impartial in stating them; his judgment is sound, his reflections generally acute, his conceptions of the general march and movement of things not unworthy of the great events he has recorded.
It is even true that he may at some time or another have formed the intention of collecting these revelations.
AdvertisementThe procedure in scientific excavation is directed to collecting and interpreting all the information that can he obtained from the excavation as to the history and nature of the site explored, be it town, temple, house, cemetery or individual grave, wasting no evidence that results from it touching the endless problems which scientific archaeology affordswhether in regard to arts and crafts, manners and customs, language, history or beliefs.
Then after collecting reinforcements they made a sudden dash across England and occupied the ruined Roman walls of Chester.
Unfortunately, he adopted the French ideas of excise, and the French methods of imposing and collecting taxes - a system known as the Regie.
At Reims she and her elder sister, Sophia, afterwards known as Sarah, joined a troupe of Italian children who made their living by singing in the cafes, Sarah singing and Elizabeth, then only four years of age, collecting the coppers.
His idea of studying man as one of the animals, and of collecting facts about savage tribes to throw light on the problems of civilization, bring him into contact with the one, and his intimate knowledge of Greek philosophy with the other.
A bed of Zostera near the level of low water is, however, on the British coast a favourite collecting ground for the smaller red and brown epiphytes.
But he had not the force to invade England, or to take the castle, and waited, collecting recruits and money, and encouraged by empty promises from France, till, as he wrote to James (26th of October), " I shall have one decisive stroke for 't, but unless the French land, perhaps none.
Bohmer's historical work was chiefly concerned with collecting and tabulating charters and other imperial documents of the middle ages.
To his legal scholarship and collecting zeal Virginia owed the preservation of a large part of her early statutes.
They returned in November 1852, and Lowell published some recollections of his journey in the magazines, collecting the sketches later in a prose volume, Fireside Travels.
About this time he began his great work, the first of the kind in France, and one for which he had been collecting materials for thirty years - the Histoire ecclesiastique.
At this height, with the thermometer marking 9 degrees below freezing, he remained for a considerable time, making observations not only on magnetism, but also on the temperature and humidity of the air, and collecting several samples of air at different heights.
Jackson was very successful in collecting old claims against various European nations for spoliations inflicted under Napoleon's continental system, especially the French spoliation claims, with reference to which he acted with aggressiveness and firmness.
The Austrian right was increasing the pressure against the positions west of the Vallarsa, and was collecting forces for the first of the long series of attacks against Pasubio, which was only lightly held.
Instead of producing and collecting goods for immediate consumption, local society came more and more into the habit of exchanging corn, cattle, cloth, for money, and of laying money by as a means of getting all sorts of exchangeable goods, when required.
The hard work of collecting, printing, annotating and translating Greek and Latin authors had been accomplished.
The wines are made entirely from white grapes, and the methods of collecting the latter, and of working them up Analyses of Chateau Lafite of Different Vintages.'
In March 1775 he was appointed a delegate from Virginia to the second Continental Congress, where he served on committees for fortifying New York, collecting ammunition, raising money and formulating army rules.
Hence he was furnished with a simple method of collecting electricity from other bodies, and he was enabled to perform those remarkable experiments which are chiefly connected with his name.
His methods were not free from arbitrariness; he would attribute to " the wise " the opinion of a single authority which he regarded as correct; he would ignore conflicting opinions or those of scholars which they themselves had afterwards retracted, and he did not scruple to cite his own decisions.2 The period of the Amora'im, " speakers, interpreters," (about 220-500 A.D.), witnessed the growth of the Gemara, when the now " canonical " Mishnah formed the basis for further amplification and for the collecting of old and new material which bore upon it.
He was frequently at court, and he found Tours an excellent place for collecting information.
Camden spent some time in travelling in various parts of England collecting materials for his Britannia, a work which was first published in 1586.
This would be merely carrying oyster culture a step farther back, and instead of collecting the newly fixed oysters, to obtain the free larvae in numbers and so insure a fall of spat independently of the uncertainty of natural conditions.
Lutf Ali Khan took refuge with the hospitable chief of Tabbas in the heart of Khorasan, where he succeeded in collecting a few followers; but advancing into Fars, he was again defeated, and forced to take refuge at Kandahar.
Collecting an army, Charles marched against the usurper, and on the 15th of June 923, in a stubborn and sanguinary battle near Soissons, Robert was killed, according to one tradition in single combat with his rival.
Tusks are found along the whole shore-line between the mouth of the Obi and Bering Strait, and the farther north the more numerous they become, the islands of New Siberia -being one of the favourite collecting localities.
The destructive methods of collecting the bark are steadily diminishing the natural sources of supply, and experiments in cinchona cultivation were undertaken during the last quarter of the 19th century, with fair prospects of success.
Although representing less value in the aggregate, the collecting of cinchona bark is one of the oldest forest industries of Bolivia, which is said still to have large areas of virgin forest to draw upon.
He continued to write so long as the infirmities of age allowed, collecting and publishing his sermons, and toiling to complete the Divine Legation, further fragments of which were published with his posthumous Works.
Baladhuri is said to have spared no trouble in collecting traditions, and to have visited various parts of north Syria and Mesopotamia for this purpose.
In a Chinese Herbal compiled before 1700 both the plant and its inspissated juice are described, together with the mode of collecting it, and in the General History of the Southern Provinces of Yunnan, revised and republished in 1736, opium is noticed as a common product.
The crop is very uncertain owing to droughts; spring frosts and locusts, and, ' in order to avoid a total failure and to allow time for collecting the produce, there are three sowings at intervals from October to March - the crops thus coming to perfection in succession.
His tastes were literary, and the earliest fact which he records of his career is that he assisted Abbot Godfrey (1081-1105) in collecting a library for the use of the community.
Collecting in the central depressions, which have a mean elevation of scarcely more than 500 ft.
After spending a year and a half in England, during which time, besides his book on the Amazon, he published a small volume on the Palm Trees of the Amazon, he started for the Malay Archipelago, exploring, observing and collecting from 1854 to 1862.
Thereafter various persons who had paid the excise tax, or had assisted in collecting it, were tarred and feathered or had their houses or barns burned.
On the death of his uncle he was made chief of Kwara, but in consequence of the arrest of his brother Bilawa by Ras Ali, he raised the standard of revolt against the latter, and, collecting a large force, repeatedly beat the troops that were sent against him by the ras (1841-1847).
Collecting a band of peasants and smugglers, he took the château of Gallais, where he captured a cannon, christened by the Vendeans the "Missionary"; he then took the towns of Chemille, Cholet, Vihiers and Chalonnes (March 1793).
They received in return a plot of ground proportionate to the number of animals they owned, and had also rights of grazing and of collecting fuel in the forests.
The emperor granted him a diploma creating him count of the empire and recognizing his descent from the imperial house of Cantacuzene, §erban meanwhile collecting his forces for an open breach with the Porte.
From London he went his circuit through the country, animating the zeal of his brethren, collecting and distributing alms and making up quarrels.
If we suppose the sun's mass once existed in a state of extreme diffusion, the energy yielded by collecting it into its present compass would not suffice to maintain its present rate of radiation for more than 17,000,000 years in the past; nor if its mean density were ultimately to rise to eight times its present amount, for more than the same period in the future.
As late as the year 1900 Mr Albert Millican, while collecting orchids on the Opon river, a tributary of the Magdalena between Bogota and the Caribbean coast, was attacked by hostile Indians, and one of his companions was killed by a poisoned arrow.
He had early shown an inclination for antiquarian studies, and in 1635, meeting Sir Symon Archer (1581-1662), himself a learned anti quary, who was then employed in collecting materials for a history of Warwickshire, he accompanied him to London.
Her agents are said to have shown great harshness in collecting the feudal dues with which to supply her large household.
Interest was stimulated in the National War Bonds by various devices from time to time, such as the use of " tanks " as collecting boxes, the institution of a " Business Men's " week and a " Feed the Guns " week, and the transformation of Trafalgar Square in Oct.
Collecting Areas Surface Waters.
In practice it is usual in chalk formations to imitate artificially the action of such underground watercourses, by driving from the well small tunnels, or " adits " as they are called, below the water-level, to intercept fissures and water-bearing beds, and thus to extend the collecting area.
Even the beds of sluggish rivers flowing over porous strata generally become so impermeable that excavations made in their neighbourhood, though freely collecting the subsoil water, receive no FIG.
It follows from this that the acid collecting at the bottom of the chambers must never exceed a certain concentration, say 70%, H2S04 having a specific gravity of 1.615, but it is preferable to make it only 66 to 67%, having a specific gravity of 1.57 to 1.58.
Fuming or Nordhausen Oil of Vitriol, a mixture or chemical com pound of H 2 SO 4, with more or less S03, has been made for centuries by exposing pyritic schist to the influence of atmospheric agents, collecting the solution of ferrous and ferric sulphate thus formed, boiling it down into a hard mass ("vitriolstein") and heating this to a low red heat in small earthenware retorts.
Palaeontology, so far as it goes, is a sure guide, but some of the oldest fossiliferous rocks yield remains of distinctly differentiated crinoids, asteroids and echinoids, so that the problem is not solved merely by collecting fossils.
The king kept collecting scutages and tallages, yet barons and towns complained that nothing seemed to be done with the money he collected.
Besides collecting national songs and poems, folk-lore, proverbs, &c., he wrote a grammar of the Servian language (Vienna, 1814) and the first Servian lexicon, with explanations in German and Latin (Vienna, 1818).
The proof supplied by him in 1802 that coupled stars mutually circulate threw open a boundless field of research; and he originated experimental inquiries into the construction of the heavens by systematically collecting and sifting stellar statistics.
On the 1st of January 1801 Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1826) discovered Ceres, at Palermo, while Giuseppe engaged in collecting materials for his star-catalogues.
As abbot he distinguished himself by his activity in building, in administering the finances of his house and in collecting a library.
Collecting an army, Conrad marched into Burgundy in 1033, was chosen and crowned king of Peterlingen, and after driving his rival from the land was again crowned at Geneva in 1034.
When Cardinal Duprat convened his Synod of Paris in 1528 to discuss the new religion, Clichtove was summoned and was entrusted with the task of collecting and summarizing the objections to the Lutheran doctrine.
The old contemporary missionary Sahagun has left one of the earliest detailed accounts of the natures and myths of these gods, but, though Sahagun took great pains in collecting facts, his speculations must be accepted with caution.
A pneumatic trough is simply a basin containing water or some other liquid used for collecting gases.
It sometimes bears hairs, which aid in the application of the pollen to the stigma, and are called collecting hairs, as in Campanula, and also in Aster and other Compositae.
Finding his people slow to come to church, he is said to have stood at the end of a bridge singing songs in the vernacular, thus collecting a crowd to listen to exhortations on sacred subjects.
He retired to his native town, and spent his last years in collecting old engravings.
The condenser is constructed of coils like the refrigerator, the cooling water being contained in a tank; frequently, however, a series of open coils is employed, the cooling water falling over the coils into a collecting tray below, and this form is perhaps the most convenient for ordinary use as it affords great facilities for inspection and painting.
The points that suggest themselves with regard to this flora are, that it includes a fair representation of the existing orders of warm-temperate deciduous trees; that the more primitive types - such as the Amentaceae - do not appear to preponderate to a greater extent than they do in the existing temperate flora; that the assemblage somewhat suggests American affinities; and that when we take into account deficient collecting, local conditions, and the non-preservation of succulent plants, there is no reason for saying that certain other orders must have been absent.
The coast of south Arabia is yearly visited by parties of Somalis, who pay the Arabs for the privilege of collecting frankincense.
Both in Italy and France he was engaged in collecting materials for his great work, which occupied him about twenty-five years, L'Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux, et militaires, et des congregations seculieres, de l'un et de l'autre sexe, qui ont ete etablies jusqu'd present, published in 8 volumes in 1714-1721.
He's not hiding—he's collecting Social Security, isn't he?
Dean had to admit—never out loud—that Fred O'Connor was far ahead in this junk collecting game.
Sasha had an affinity for collecting the worst of the worst -- creatures whose intentions toward humans and immortals alike were as far from the Immortal Code as could be.
For collecting alms by falsely claiming to suffer from epilepsy, Jennings is put into the stocks, which Harman calls " condign punishment.
He and his wife, Kelly, share many interests, among them swimming, hiking, music, collecting antiques, and gardening.
Our performance in collecting former tenant arrears shown in diagram 6 indicates that we are also just above the Welsh average.
By collecting artifacts from the past, the museum gives shape to history.
Client agrees to be responsible for Translator's costs in collecting late payments due from Client, including reasonable attorneys ' fees.
Some collectors like collecting music boxes such as antique music boxes, inlaid music boxes, ballerina music boxes, and carousel music boxes.
Sweat was collecting on his brow and trickling into his black bandanna.
For those collecting details of Mendip caves through publications this is an extremely interesting and good buy.
In 1685 he was appointed one of the Commissioners for collecting the cess of the county (Ibid, VIII., 463 ).
Nobody really knew why they were collecting horse chestnuts.
Her family suggested enrolling on a china restoration course in London to complement her hobby of collecting china.
There then follows the title sequence proper for The Filth, which features Inspector Drury collecting a bribe hidden in a lavatory cistern.
The islanders go out collecting cockles from the wet sand.
Spare a thought and some silver coinage for them next time you see a collecting box or a flag day.
When collecting conkers remember only to take a couple.
The gift can come in to ways, either in the packet its self or by collecting coupons.
A. There are two primary reasons why collecting this data is important.
Ah well, Parcelforce are collecting it tomorrow anyway, so probably best that you do n't defraud your company.
Describes volunteers or employees of a charity collecting cash donations on the street or door to door.
Head office is hoping that branches will play a very active part by distributing cards, setting up petition stalls and collecting signatures door-to-door.
The Festival is free so anyone collecting door-to-door is bogus - say No!
When collecting for the society he flies our flag on a 10 meter flagpole in his garden.
Four of us spent an afternoon collecting flotsam and debris left by visitors, but we made very little impact!
He had been collecting folk dances with their music (he made recordings very often either on tape or on film ).
The entire work of collecting and research in the field of the Macedonian folklore is classified into four periods.
Inspiration comes from his neighbors, teachers, and collecting folk songs in Yugoslavia.
Walk looking for evidence, adaptation, collecting and identification, woodland food chains and decomposers.
The best location for collecting fossils from the London Clay, highly rich in fossils.
Collecting donations for a charity in the street is a very familiar form of charity fundraising.
Preparation for the arrival of your guinea pig Get everything ready in advance of collecting your new guinea pig.
Consider methods of collecting the views of the hidden homeless.
Helge spent the next decade and a half collecting the impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings that Carl found ' awful, mannered and ghastly ' .
Neither will any attempt be made to identify informants collecting rewards at banks, using CCTV systems.
If you have anything juicy to tell us please let us know as we are actively collecting these things with a view to publication.
Granger warns people to be wary of collecting knickknacks for the sake of collecting knickknacks.
Powered by good old fashioned legwork, it follows a set route to school, collecting pupils at designated bus stops.
It is difficult to keep children from collecting wood and tending livestock in the fields and this is where the dangers lie.
The form originating from collecting ducts is highly infrequent and very malignant with the five-year survival in 20% only.
Three guys drove motorbikes round our 35 stores across Scotland collecting pledge slips.
Potassium - Adaptive processes increase potassium secretion in the distal nephron (collecting tubules) and also in the gut.
Thomas Layton and his method of collecting seem obsessive to us today.
Work on voice procedures based on aren't collecting your auto insurance rate canada paycheck.
He modified the design for use in the North Sea and started collecting plankton in the 1930s.
By the way, downloading pornography onto your computer at work is a quick way of collecting your P45.
Everyone should be collecting rainwater in a water butt, fixed to every rainwater downpipe attached to your property.
He led the movement of forest people who make a living collecting wild rubber latex against invading cattle ranchers.
This year, we will completely rescind the agricultural tax throughout the country, a tax that China has been collecting for 2,600 years.
This is to prevent spam robots from collecting the email address.
The new arrivals would start collecting samples which would be taken back to the laboratory for analysis.
He was a bit taken by surprise at the presentation, collecting his prize whilst still scoffing a chocolate bar.
Groups of 20-30 men, and some women, then scoured the town, collecting passes from men they saw.
Inside the boot, all seams were filled with seam sealer to reduce the chance of water collecting.
We were bombed rather a lot, but I enjoyed collecting shrapnel.
But there was a time when you were more likely to make a million dollars collecting rubbish than riding a skateboard.
Minimum Sudoku - A project collecting Sudoku with the smallest number of givens that are still uniquely solvable.
People were busy collecting souvenirs of the old place.
He retired in 1858; and after some traveling, spent the rest of his life collecting botanical specimens from around the world.
The buttons carry light collecting prisms attached to optical fibers in a 10m cable that directly feeds a spectrograph on the dome floor.
This is the reason why electricity pylon number collecting has gained such a reputation for anarchistic or radical subversion.
Even collecting water proved time-consuming, the burn little more than a trickle deep-set between heathery banks.
Garbage trucks began collecting trash early Saturday, trying to clean up the excess of spoiled food that New Yorkers had to throw out.
In his spare time he enjoys collecting useless trivia.
Aldosterone achieves this by its action on the collecting tubules of the kidney.
A wide valley collecting streams from several of the ravines on the north side of the island opens into Cumberland Bay, and is partially enclosed and cultivated.
A considerable economy was effected by a reform in the establishment for collecting the land tax.
The establishment of the Tiro Nacional was enthusiastically received by all classes in Buenos Aires, the men turning out regularly to drill, and the women aiding the movement by collecting subscriptions for the purpose of armament and other necessaries.
Rennell was indefatigable in collecting geographical information; his Bengal atlas appeared in 1781, his famous map of India in 1788 and the memoir in 1792.
He had been for many years collecting materials for a history of Philip II., but he hesitated for some time to attempt a work of such magnitude, occupying himself in the meantime with the slighter labours of a memoir of John Pickering for the Massachusetts Historical Society and the revision of Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature.
Ellsworth Huntington threw new light on the Tian-shan plateau and the Alai range by his explorations of 1903; and Sven Hedin, between 1899 and 1902, was collecting material in Turkestan and Tibetan fields, and resumed his journeys in 1905-1908, the result being to revolutionize our knowledge of the region north of the upper Tsanpo (see Tibet).
The scrapings from the tree, which contain fragments of wood, are mixed with the residues of the collecting pots and the refuse of the vessels employed, and are made up into large rounded balls, which form the inferior commercial quality called " negrohead, " and often contain 25 or 35% of impurity.
He also frequently employed his soldiers in collecting the taxes from the estates of those magnates who refused to contribute to the public burdens, in protecting the towns from the depredations of the robber barons, or in convoying the caravans of the merchants.
The ringing of bells, building operations, vibration of machinery, fireworks, bands, a circus, merry-go-rounds, collecting disorderly crowds, dancing, singing, &c., have been held under certain circumstances to constitute nuisances so as to interfere with quiet and comfort, and have been restrained by injunction.
The water supply is partly from the Aldershot Water Company, and partly from springs and reservoirs collecting water from a reserved area of war department property.
This writer (see Origen) conceived the idea of collecting all the existing Greek versions of the Old Testament with a view to recovering the original text of the Septuagint, partly by their aid and partly by means of the current Hebrew text.
There we must figure to ourselves the philosopher, constantly referring to his autograph rolls; entering references and cross-references; correcting, rewriting, collecting and arranging them according to their subjects; showing as well as reading them to his pupils; with little thought of publication, but with his whole soul concentrated on being and truth.
True, he was the most powerful agent in the destruction of the existing order; but, in reality, he merely put the match to a pile of inflammable materials which had been collecting for centuries (see Reformation).
From the year 1820 onwards the growth of the European collections was rapid, and Champollions decipherments (see below, Language, and Writing) of the hieroglyphic inscriptions, dating from 1821, added fresh impetus to the fashion of collecting, in spite of doubts as to their trustworthiness.
Aqiba had an important share in the early development of the Mishnah (Strack, pp. 19, 89); and, in the collecting of material, he was followed notably by the school of Ishmael (about 130-160 A.D.), which has left its mark upon the early halakic Midrashim (see Midrash, § 5, i-3).
He revived nominalism by collecting and uniting isolated opinions upon the meaning of universals into a compact system, and popularized his views by associating them with the logical principles which were in his day commonly taught in the universities, He linked the doctrines of nominalism on to the principles of the logic of Psellus, which had been introduced into the West in the Summulae of Peter of Spain, and made them intelligible to common understandings.
Collecting a band of peasants and smugglers, he took the château of Gallais, where he captured a cannon, christened by the Vendeans the "Missionary"; he then took the towns of Chemille, Cholet, Vihiers and Chalonnes (March 1793).
I think it is likely that the answers to almost all our medical problems could be found in the data we may already be collecting.
Is there anything wrong with you collecting this dividend check for which you did no work at all?
From privates to general they were not expecting a battle and were engaged in peaceful occupations, the cavalry feeding the horses and the infantry collecting wood.
The head of the family, Count Ilya Rostov, continually drove about the city collecting the current rumors from all sides and gave superficial and hasty orders at home about the preparations for their departure.
Kutuzov wrote that the Russians had not retreated a step, that the French losses were much heavier than ours, and that he was writing in haste from the field of battle before collecting full information.
The French, collecting booty, cared only for gold.
He was collecting, as he said, a serious library, and he made it a rule to read through all the books he bought.
And collecting the presents they went first to the nursery and then to the old countess' rooms.
Unfortunately, electricity pylon number collecting is not the only pastime popular during August.
Alan Morley 's observations of queen bumblebees Bombus terrestris collecting pollen in winter demonstrate the point.
Account Fee This fee covers the cost of collecting and passing receivership accounts and from 1 April 2005 is £ 100.
We rise early to witness the unforgettable sight of saffron robed monks collecting alms from local people at dawn.
He was a member of the Arts Club and interested in competitive squash rackets (until 1976), fly fishing and stamp collecting.
Collecting books - I like the way a book is like a storehouse of ideas.
Striated ducts - ducts which carry saliva from the intercalated ducts to a series of main collecting ducts.
Switchboard staff at the Royal Free are collecting old or broken mobiles to raise money for the Friends.
Collecting bonus tokens allows you to unlock the mini-games in the hub, which feel more welcome on a handheld.
Collecting such information can yield important clues for figuring out new ways of diminishing the odors.
We have no fireplace in our home, but own several andirons due to my husband's interest in collecting antiques.
Vintage ad enthusiasts enjoy collecting Curity advertisements that were featured in past magazines and newspapers.
While some commercial options may be within financial reach, putting together your own gift is almost always cheaper, not to mention that you get to give the present your own personal touch while collecting items to put into the basket.
There are, however, a number of other things that you should know regarding coin collecting.
If you are very serious about collecting rare books, check with the universities and colleges in your area to see if any offer courses in rare books.
If you're after rare, pricey first editions that are in excellent condition, you're going to need to do some reading up on collecting rare books (there are books and Web sites on this subject).
Collecting antique toys is rewarding, enriching and also great fun.
Basic collecting themes or options are as varied as there are stars in the universe.
You can find antique toys at specialized online toy collecting Web sites, garage sales, flea markets -- practically anywhere you may care to look!
You can buy antique toys from auction houses, antique toy dealers and other toy collecting community resources on the Web.
If collecting for fun and as a hobby, go for your gut instinct and choose those cards that appeal to you for whatever reason.
If you plan to be a serious collector and are collecting baseball cards for their value, you may want to first learn all about which teams and cards and series are popular and what makes one card more expensive than another.
CardPricer is your portal to the collecting hobby.
This first-person game will get you involved with many missions across the galaxy tracking Jedi, deflecting enemies and collecting profitable bounties.
Collectors and extreme enthusiasts who purchased two may be your best sources, but then again, they are collecting them and/or have purchased them as backups so they may not want to part with them.
If you love collecting decks of cards, don't feel limited to what you can find at the convenience store.
If you are more interested in collecting pins, check out Team Pin.
Whether you're looking for a specific yearbook or simply love collecting high school ephemera, there are lots of shopping options.
Also, many pet owners get tired of collecting their cat off the top of the refrigerator, so a cat tower is a hopeful solution to this problem.
Early detection and treatment will make the process easier and less stressful.Unfortunately, the shape of your cat's ear canal is conducive to collecting debris.
Moreover, although silica is extremely absorbent, some cat owners have reported cases of urine collecting at the bottom of the litter pan and causing excessive odor.
If you decide to negotiate a settlement with a debt collector, make sure they are collecting for the original creditor.
There have been cases of parents collecting child support payments that were due nearly 40 years ago!
In Arizona, the Statute of Limitations sets the limitation date for collecting unpaid child support as the end of the third year following emancipation of the youngest child for whom support was ordered.
If rain water is not collected it drains into the waste water system, whereas by collecting the rain water it can be used at a later time.
Collecting and conserving rain water is sometimes referred to as rain harvesting.
This is one of the most efficient ways of collecting rain water.
Households who grow a lot of fruit and vegetables will also find collecting and conserving rain water useful.
Even people living in damp areas can benefit from collecting rain water.
Collecting rain water is part of a water conservation and management program that can be put into practice in any green living household.
When the first section is full of compost, start adding the materials you have been collecting to the second area.
The effectiveness of collecting and then using solar power was so impressive, inventors continued to improve upon the technique.
When collecting interesting recycling facts, however, it is important to check the source of the facts and the credibility of the website.
The Greenhouse Effect, also known as global warming, is the result of carbon dioxide collecting in the Earth's atmosphere.
Collecting too many things begin to weight our lives down with so much stuff that we cannot get our from under it.
In your shower, instead of collecting shampoo bottles and body wash on the side rim or on the floor, get a rack that hangs over your shower head to store your in-shower toiletries.
Consumers have reported having problems collecting on their product warranty since JRA declared bankruptcy.
Collecting sample boards that contain paint chips, fabric swatches, and pictures of furniture can help you integrate actual colors, rather than the rough approximations that some design tools offer.
Add in less space to put your things into and suddenly you're wondering whether all those interior decorating tips you've been collecting will still work.
If you prefer to keep your personal and work life a little more separate, try collecting artful postcards for this purpose.
Scour friends' and family members' attics for one-of-a-kind retro pieces that have been collecting dust.
This group also holds regional meets for collectors in selected areas to network and learn more about collecting Aladdin lamps.
If perfume is a once-in-a-while adventure, consider collecting samples or buying miniatures.
We relish collecting the latest seasonal offerings, as well as every new cream, stick, powder, or shimmering item available at the department store counters.
This could be traced to Parker's habit of collecting perfume oils, blending them with drugstore fragrances and formulating her own unique creations.
If you are unfamiliar with the different brands of makeup, visit several different counters, collecting advice and samples on which foundation is best for your skin tone and type.
Many people have dozens of records sitting around collecting dust.
Some of the smaller greeting card companies make their money by collecting email addresses from senders and receivers.
Spyware embeds itself in certain parts of your computer collecting information and sending it to the originators of the cookie.
Part of the game involves collecting items along the way that will help them solve problems they come across.
That you are okay with Ebay collecting and storing the personal information that you provide.
I also did not want these books to be stashed away collecting dust.
Collecting seashells is a popular beach activity, and it can be the perfect subject for a scrapbook layout.
The Mississippi High School Activities Association is also in charge of overseeing suspension of players and coaches from the game, collecting fines for unsportsmanlike conduct and even removal of teams from the association.
Rasmuson started collecting the wrappers the August before prom.
He started collecting the same "Five" brand of gum and made a matching vest.
Usually around age two, children will begin collecting things.
The behavior becomes a problem for adults when they fixate on collecting something that interferes with health, work, school or other important areas of their life.
Collecting trash and many animals can cause health problems for the hoarder, not to mention the emotional and mental implications of living in a constant state of fear of detrimental effects if they don't hold on to whatever they hoard.
Keep in mind that hoarders don't completely recover, but they may be able to scale down their level of collecting to the point that it doesn't negatively affect their life as much as it did before treatment.
Hoarding is the act of collecting things.
Compulsive hoarding is the act of collecting things uncontrollably and lacking the ability to throw anything away.
The anxiety is what motivates people to begin collecting whatever they feel will ease their fears.
One of her hobbies is collecting antique linens.
They are durable and the pockets are extra large, making them perfect for collecting seashells.
Overcrowding may be a sign that a kennel is more interested in collecting boarding fees than in providing adequate care.
Water collecting inside the cold frame creates muddy conditions that set the stage for plant diseases.
With such a storied musical history to draw from, collecting BOC guitar and bass tabs may help improve your skills.
Before collecting Stone Temple Pilots guitar tablature, take a look at the equipment lineup responsible for STP's inimitable sound.
Nevertheless, many fashion jewelry lovers enjoy collecting vintage jewelry from decades past and antique shops are full of attractive costume pieces.
Half the fun of collecting vintage jewelry is hunting it down!
One of the great features of Italian charms is that they are uniform in size and compatible across brands, and this makes collecting charms very straightforward.
Serious Tiffany jewelry collectors with large budgets will enjoy collecting Tiffany moonstone necklace pendants.
Some people enjoyed collecting authentic vintage and Old Pawn Native American pieces long before they became trendy in the 1970s.
Find out about replica championship ring collecting, and get the shopping tips you need to find the ring you want.
Each month, more than 2,000 of these brooms were manufactured in Brazil by "Tres Rios Cultural and Environmental Association" in Rio de Janeiro as part of its environmental education program which involves the selective collecting of waste.
To make your garden more sustainable, consider collecting fallen rainwater to use later in watering the garden.
If you're not content to stick to the basics where lingerie is concerned, you probably love collecting panties and bras in colors that go beyond the traditional.
The white sand beaches provide endless opportunities for walking, collecting seashells and splashing in the surf.
The younger you are when you buy the policy, the lower your premiums will be, since the underwriters need to consider how long you are likely to be paying into the policy before you will be collecting benefits.
One hobby that some retired engineers may pursue is collecting things, whether it be baseball hats, coffee mugs, t-shirts, or gifts with their favorite team logo.
An orthognatic surgeon typically begins by collecting detailed medical information from the patient.
People tend to look for Riddick goggles to buy if they are huge Chronicles of Riddick fans who enjoy collecting movie memorabilia, props, and so on.
There are also some other small differences such as emerald collecting which is no longer accomplished by accessing the special zone.
You roam the environment collecting weapons and, you guessed it, shooting everything in sight.
You engage in such activities as collecting coins to buy a soda, finding the batteries for a teleporter, and chasing down a beam of light.
You still serve the customers by seating them, taking their orders, bringing them food and drink, collecting their money and clearing the tables.
Collecting certain Elebits in stages will unlock different play modes, so that does add some replay value to the game.
Instead, the entire game is based on the idea of collecting stars.
That said, you can achieve your goal (you are given the task of collecting a certain number of stars for each race) even if you're the last vehicle to finish in Excite Truck.
Once you find a strategy for collecting experience, and there are several fun and easy ones, it shouldn't be too hard to max out all of your character's stats.
Seconds Out has you collecting bonuses from around the track while completing the lap in a given time limit.
Other new combo moves and abilities can be purchased by collecting gold found in treasure chests throughout your journey.
As you encounter Gods, they will give Kratos additional weapons; you can also collect magic types and both the weapons and magic can be upgraded by collecting the red orbs throughout the worlds.
You can improve your abilities by collecting the magical red orbs, which are collected by killing enemies, opening chests and breaking certain objects.
In between these crazy clicking sessions where you're chasing down your flock, collecting eggs, and performing other tasks, you must make your way to the marketplace to do your business.
Sell your animals or their eggs to start collecting gold coins.
At first, you'll only be collecting small things so this won't come into play much; but as you start to roll over bigger things (I.e. cats) your ball will become lopsided and you'll have to adjust your steering accordingly.
Collecting all of the Spell Arts will help in obtaining Goofy's Dream Shield from Merlin.
Most feature a team of two characters traversing various terrains, slicing or shooting up baddies and collecting Lego-type goodies as they follow the main plot arcs of the movies.
Collecting the Mini Kit pieces will earn you Lego replicas notable Star Wars vehicles, which are then displayed in the parking lot of the game's home base, Dexter's Diner.
That said, MAME is utterly useless without any titles, just as having a GameCube but no games leaves you with pretty purple square collecting dust... or in the case of MAME, a bunch of 1s and 0s hogging up precious hard drive space.
Mario games typically involve running around defeating smaller enemies and collecting stars and coins, eventually meeting level bosses before the finale of the game, which is usually spent defeating Bowser.
The Wii is a great party system and one that is still geared towards children, but there's nothing wrong with having a solid single player action game with lots of blood, killing, and coconut collecting.
For single player mode, Sonic needed to travel through many levels while evading enemies and obstacles, scampering through 360 loops, and collecting rings to score points.
Shadow does not know where he came from, and in this game, he tries to discover his origins while saving the world by collecting 7 Chaos Emeralds.
The first character to finish the level won, whilst the aim in bonus levels was collecting the largest amount of rings.
Sonic's goal for this game was to charge around collecting 'flickies' (small birds) as well as the usual ring gathering and Robotnik smashing at the end of each Zone.
Typical of platform games, you control Sonic through a series of levels defeating low-level enemies while collecting some sort of item; in the Sonic games video games, you collect rings.
In later Sonic games, collecting all the emeralds turned Sonic into a Super Sonic, giving Sonic the ability to jump in mid-air.
The bulk of Sonic's games are best known for their thrilling sense of speed and adventure, but also ring and emerald collecting as well as explosive boss battles.
Some new modes include Soul Arena, which toss you into some mini-games like collecting more coins than you're opponent and beating down a 50 foot statue without dying.
That means gathering all 7 in each stage, finding the 15 castle secret stars and collecting over 100 coins in each stage.
Great Spin Attack - Visit the dojo in Castor Wilds after collecting seven Tiger Scrolls.
Also worth mentioning is the huge sub-quest of collecting and fusing Kinstones.
Completing missions will have you running all over Sim City collecting items, talking to other Urbz, performing tasks and playing minigames.
This is one of those titles that you just have to play to understand its appeal, so if you have a Nintendo 64 around collecting dust, hit up eBay or your local flea market and try to get your hands on a copy of Blast Corps.
We're collecting a huge list of video game blogs here at LoveToKnow.
The CRA is a good place to start for Canadians, for example, regarding income tax issues, collecting GST, and registering your business name.
These tunes bring back fond memories of goomba stomping, power-up collecting, high scores and more.
What this means is that even when you are not playing, the villagers are busy working away at collecting food and building new structures.
Or maybe they've vastly improved their skills and are getting bored with collecting the same old crops.
At this point it is a good idea to start collecting wine recipes for your next attempt and learn new techniques to make your next vintage a more complex one.
They make truly stunning gifts and they are a decorative piece to use again instead of just collecting dust in a cupboard.
Collecting vintage dolls is a great way to keep those childhood memories alive.
For all collectors of vintage dolls, the most important aspect of doll collecting is quality.
Stick with collecting a few types of dolls at first, especially those that are special to you personally.
As with any hobby, it is important to educate yourself about what you are collecting.
Collecting vintage dolls can turn into a full-time hobby.
One way to make sure that you are buying the real McCoy is to carefully study collector price guides and collecting guides.
Whether you are collecting the McCoy Indian cookie jar or a Fitz & Floyd Santa sleigh, you will find those with similar interests in a collector's club.
Collecting McCoy Indian Head cookie jars, as well as other types of cookie jars, can be a fascinating and enjoyable hobby.
Luckily, if you are new to collecting sports memorabilia, you will have no problem finding great items from the Minnesota Vikings.
Half the fun of collecting Minnesota Vikings memorabilia is the chance to own something that was signed by your favorite player.
While the hobby of collecting Minnesota Vikings memorabilia and other sports items is a popular one, there are many unscrupulous people out there selling fakes and copies.
Collecting Minnesota Vikings memorabilia is a great way to start collecting sports items.
Finally, if you really want to throw yourself wholeheartedly into collecting sports memorabilia, join a club locally or online.
Many collectors began collecting dolls at a very young age.
Collecting baseball cards can be a lifelong passion and seasoned collectors know that price guides are an invaluable resource.
If you do a lot of your collecting online, using Internet price guides makes shopping easier.
There are several ways for collectors to either begin or continue a baseball card collecting hobby either on the Internet or by collecting cards in local venues.
Vintage baseball card collectors may have cards worth hundreds of dollars, whereas those collecting new cards may pay considerably less.
Collecting baseball cards is a fun and inexpensive hobby for most individuals.
For many people, collecting antique books is a labor of love that stems from a combined appreciation of literature and historic memorabilia.
When you are interested in collecting a particular item, it is a good idea to get to know the proprietor of your local antique mall or shop.
The organization's Collector's Corner has a wealth of free information and assistance for those interested in book collecting.
Mass production of decorative artwork became very common during the Art Deco period, which is fortunate for those interested in collecting pieces from this period today.
Understanding baseball card values is an important part of collecting for any enthusiast.
It is clear that collecting these cards is a hobby with wide reaching appeal.
Collecting early vintage clothing became a trend in the 1990s that continues today.
How do you turn that joy into an understanding of collecting vintage clothing?
Learning how to store them properly early in your collecting hobby will help give your garments greater value.
The fun of collecting the clothing is the joy they bring.
Collecting unique teapots is a satisfying hobby.
Whatever your personal reasons, collecting pet items is an enjoyable hobby that will bring you years of pleasure as you see your special treasures beautifully displayed in your home.
Collecting unique cookie cutters from earlier years is a hobby that is affordable and fun.
Collecting unique cookie cutters is a fun hobby that the entire family can enjoy.
When collecting and buying trends change, prices also change based on supply and demand.
Using a price guide is an important part of collecting antiques.
A copy of the classification system is provided by Tool Timer in the article A Beginners Guide to Collecting Antique Tools.
Whether you are new to the world of tool collecting, a seasoned collector or simply thinking about starting a new hobby, antique Stanley woodworking tools are available, affordable, and useful.
Collecting antique saws can be an interesting and rewarding hobby.
Other collectors may enjoy collecting vintage saws and other antique tools because it reminds them of their father, uncle, or grandfather.
Collecting them, as well as using them, allows you to experience life the way that it used to be.
For many collectors the hobby of antique tool collecting begins when they see a tool they remember from their childhood at a garage sale or flea market.
Collecting antique tools is a hobby that can be enjoyed by the whole family as you search garage sales, thrift stores and flea markets looking for the perfect tool to add to your collection.
As more people find the joy of antique tool collecting, the value of these utilitarian objects slowly continues to rise.
Whether you are a new woodworking tool collector or have been collecting for years, antique Stanley planes are fun to find, great to look at and useful to own.
In the world of soda bottle collecting, the question of how old does a soda bottle have to be for it to be considered an antique is often confusing.
If you love coca cola, old bottles or glass collecting, than the hobby of collecting antique coca cola bottles may be the perfect pastime for you.
Regardless of the reason that you love collecting antique books, knowing the fair market value of these popular antiques will help you make an informed purchasing decision.
Published in April, 2008, Marie Tedford's The Official Price Guide to Collecting Books, 6th Edition provides book values, market trends and future forecasts.
Collecting antique toy trains is a hobby that can be enjoyed by the entire family.
Most collectors agree that the most popular versions for collecting are the Featherweight models, the Turtlebacks (one of the earliest models), the Blackside, the Singer 301 model, and the Midget and toy models.
Collecting retired dolls, plates and other items can be a rewarding hobby, emotionally as well as financially if you are careful about the items that you buy.
Sometimes people new to the world of doll collecting have the misconception that retired dolls must be a certain age or manufactured prior to a certain date.
Collecting postcards is a fun hobby and pricing guides for antique postcards are great resources that can help you buy and sell these interesting collectibles.
If you are interested in collecting postcards, it's very important to educate yourself on how antique postcards are valued and what factors are most important in determining their value.
You can also find helpful information about collecting postcards online.
Part of the appeal of collecting anything is the challenge to find the most unique and uncommon items.
With a little help from the many pricing guides for antique postcards available, anyone can start a fun hobby like collecting antique postcards.
Book collecting values are subjective, just like the value of fine art, antiques or other collectibles.
Resources include books written on the subject of collecting books and online guides.
However, most of them will be of value to a collector at some point and are worth having if you decide to make book collecting a hobby.
A great online resource for book collecting values is a Website called Hyraxia.
This site describes itself as the book collecting portal for first editions and rare books.
Here you can chat with other book collectors in their forums section, join one of their many book collecting communities or even start one of your own and you can also buy and sell books in Hyraxia's Marketplace.
Hyraxia has articles and the latest news on book collecting, as well as a reference library and 600 price guides.
Book collecting can be a fun and rewarding hobby.
The following elements are crucial to research for any antique bottle that you are buying, selling or collecting.
If you're a beginner in the world of collecting antique bottles, there are free online guides that you can visit to help educate yourself in this field.
Perhaps one of the best aspects of collecting antique bottles is that you don't have to turn it into a business.
Collecting antique law books is more popular than you might think.
You can find out more about collecting vintage law books as well as volumes for sale at Old Law Books.
Whether you are finding another boat to add to your collection or buying your first, the joy of collecting these interesting antique toys is addictive.
Whether you are populating a miniature scene for a model railroad or just enjoy them, assembling and collecting antique toy tractor kits can be a relaxing hobby.
Collecting vintage Victorian Valentines is a fun hobby that is also very affordable.
If you're looking for an online guide about antique collecting in general, is hard to beat.
They have also written many successful guides on antique collecting, including Kovels' "Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide," an annual publication which has sold over 4 million copies since the first edition was published.
Compatible with Symbian smartphones, Driving Mania charges you with the task of navigating through an intricate track, collecting goodies without hitting other cars and other obstacles.
You can also often go to your local cell phone dealer and they might be able to actually not only inform you of the recall but take care of either collecting, repairing, or replacing your own cell phone.
Tourniquet-Any device that is used to compress a blood vessel to stop bleeding or as part of collecting a blood sample.
A thorough examination of the scene of death, including recording baby's position, collecting items from the surrounding area, and interviewing family members and/or caregivers, can sometimes point to an external cause of death.
In vesicoureteral reflux, however, urine that has already collected in the bladder is able to flow backwards from the bladder, up the ureter, and back into the collecting system of the kidney.
The ureter and the collecting system appear normal in size and structure.
Either the ureter or the collecting system is abnormal in size or shape.
Fluid can begin collecting throughout the body as early as the start of the second trimester, causing damage to developing tissues and organs.
The forensic medical examination is an invaluable tool for collecting evidence against a perpetrator that may be admissible in court.
The "Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Development and Operation Guide," prepared by the Sexual Assault Resource Service, describes the ideal protocol for collecting evidence from a sexual assault victim.
A collecting plate is placed on the ear to catch melted wax.
The shield should have air holes or vents to prevent saliva from collecting behind it and causing an irritation or rash.
Step right with the right foot, "collecting" it by bringing it towards the left but not touching the floor, then moving it to the right side and placing it on the ground.
The first "quick" side step is done similar to number 4 above, collecting the foot first then moving out to the side.
Begin by collecting as much information as possible from close relatives.
As of October 2009, they are collecting the photos.
Some deliveries may require customer interactions, such as signing delivery receipts or collecting cash for the delivery of merchandise.
Local truck drivers, often called route drivers, may also be responsible for stocking shelves, selling an assortment of goods, taking orders, collecting payments and answering customer questions.
The following table for the number of insurable hours required for collecting unemployment insurance benefits and the number of weeks an unemployed person may receive them is current as of December, 2009.
Job duties common to clinical medical assistant positions include taking medical histories, preparing patients for examinations and collecting specimens for laboratory tests.
The county or other government collecting property taxes place the tax lien.
Examples of these tasks include sending mortgage statements, calculating interest, and collecting payments.
In addition to collecting photos of your pregnant belly, you'll also want to take the time to describe how you prepared for your baby's arrival.
After collecting the urine, place the cap over the absorbent tip.
Fact Plus Pro involves collecting urine in a sample cup.
While you can take inspiration from absolutely anywhere, there are a few places to wander through collecting ideas and tidbits if you need a little help coming up with your entry.
If you are thinking about collecting fashion dolls, then Barbie is likely the better choice at this time.
The vintage toys are not currently in production, but you can find them with the help of toy collecting resources.
The site offers products for sale as well as a forum for visitors to share their stories and collecting goals.
The classic figures are quickly followed by the newer Alien Force series, which promises items for collecting and for play.
If you're unsure where to start collecting WWE action figures, or if you're looking for a particular wrestler to purchase for your son or young friend, Ringside is a good place to get a few ideas.
Girls love collecting this seemingly endless collection of stuffed animals that come with a special tag that allows for online play and fun.
Collecting and re-selling retired or signature Webkinz can be very profitable for some people.
Mattel calls these dolls "an invitation to collecting."
As her family, the Osmonds, traveled all over the world on their many entertainment tours, Marie and her mother indulged their passion for doll collecting.
Collecting a certain type of toy is nothing new.
Instead of just collecting all of the varieties of these pets, children can register them online at
Wells and Winston Churchill, began collecting them.
Collecting pound puppies today is as much fun as it was for kids twenty-five years ago.
For those who enjoy collecting but don’t want to go through the time or expense of trying to collect every character, a themed collection is a nice alternative.
Consequently, children began collecting them in droves, hoping to add a Wallwalker of each color to their collection.
Many of the cheaper models will have a drip moisture collecting tray or bottle for the water condensed from the air, in the same way many dehumidifiers have.
Storing the hand mixer in the storage bag between uses will prevent the mixer from collecting dust and extend the life of the engine.
He retired at 46 and lived the rest of his life in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, enjoying world travel and collecting exotic orchids.
Upon collecting the appropriate number of clothing and accessory cards, players open the game door to discover the identity of their mystery date.
As players roll the die and advance their playing pieces around the board, they make progress toward collecting the items they will need to get ready to find out who they'll be matched with at the conclusion of the game.
Other life events were also added to the game, including collecting monetary gifts from other players at some occasions such as weddings and birth of children.
Building up your soy candle making supply is a lot like collecting supplies for any other candle making.
Collecting this information may be time consuming, but it is the best way to build a successful soy candle making business.
Others enjoy using, or collecting, dragonfly candle holders because of the rich symbolism attached to these ancient insects that have existed for more than 300 million years.
Finally, visit the IRS online and get a tax ID number, research what you'll be looking at as far as collecting and paying taxes.
Consider enlisting the help of individuals and businesses in your community to help you raise money by collecting items that fundraising companies will pay the school to submit.
Fundraisers and other methods of collecting financial funding can seem very daunting, especially if you've been commissioned to help with the process and have no experience.
This can result in a community garden, petition signature collecting, or even the establishment of a brand new 501(c)(3) if someone feels strongly enough about a need they do not see being met in their surrounding communities.
Contact your local chapter to see if there is a way to get involved, and if you cannot work with animals directly you can consider collecting money to help them with their cause toward giving all pets a second chance.
Similar to Christmas gift collecting, organizing a school supply drive for low-income children is a great end of summer fundraiser.
In addition to collecting books, the organization also requests monetary donations to pay for the shipping of the books.
This involves collecting donations of recycled cards from people, removing the backs, and converting them into new cards that can be sold.
The sooner you get started, the more time you will have to take care of all of the details before it's time to actually start collecting orders.
Another organization collecting building materials is Community Forklift.
The company will provide you with brochures and order forms to make collecting orders a breeze.
The only thing more touching than the popular holiday song featured on the card is the delightful squirrel running around your computer screen collecting jingle bells like they were acorns.
Perhaps those ancient Romans reincarnate as modern Taureans to carry on those pleasures by collecting great works of art, indulging in fine cuisine, and creating homes that are fit for kings in terms of modern luxury.
No matter your child's age, collecting nature and putting it to good use to make beautiful decorations for the home, is fun.
Begin by collecting pine cones from outside, then drill a hole in the top of each pine cone and thread a wire through for a hanger.
There are ways of collecting these dolls without breaking the bank.
In the meantime, they are collecting data.
With the tag line, "Gotta Catch'em All," the abundance of Pokemon toys makes it easy for kids to start collecting.
In fact, many adults share a love of toy trains as well, with some even dedicating entire rooms or basements to the hobby of collecting trains and accessories.
Guidelines for this organization, as well as collecting tips, can be found here.
Coin collecting for kids is an easy hobby that you and your children can enjoy together.
Coin collecting for kids is a simple hobby that parents often overlook because it is so easy and relatively inexpensive to get started.
Without even realizing it, kids can learn so much from collecting and studying coins.
Choose a coin-For example, collecting pennies is a great way to begin, but consider looking for wheat pennies first.
Coin collecting books-Before you delve too deeply into coin collecting for kids, you'll need to purchase a good coin collecting book that gives you the value of the coins you purchase.
Amazon has a nice collection of books including the 2008 Guidebook of U.S. Coins Redbook, the 2007 Handbook of U.S. Coins Bluebook, and the kid-friendly Coin Collecting for Kids.
Coin collecting for kids can begin as just an inexpensive hobby, but as you and your kids learn more about collecting, you may find that building a coin collection will allow you to begin investing in your kids' future.
Get excited with your kids, and foster their enthusiasm by learning about the whole process of coin collecting together!
Many of these sites offer tips for collecting, forums to buy and trade with other collectors, information on the item, including values, and heads up on new items that may be available soon.
Leaf collecting, bird watching and throwing rocks are common outdoor activities that can quickly be turned into a game when a task is added to the mix.
Leaf collecting is even more fun when children have to guess the tree that the leaves have fallen from.
Even if rain isn't in the nearby future, you can begin planning for those rainy days by collecting a variety of rainy day activities for kids and stocking up on the supplies you'll need.
Once you begin collecting those rainy day activities for kids, you might be surprised at what all you can come up with.
Collecting money in order to buy weapons in order to make better explosions may not be the kind of math you want your child learning.
Collecting the online cards is a little addictive, but your kids will come away with a wealth of knowledge.
Among this website's affiliates is Movie Art which provides beginning buyers with advice on what to look for-something that none of the other sites touch on but which is invaluable for those who are unfamiliar with this area of collecting.
If they like the movie well enough to rent it more than once, then they know that it will not be an expensive item sitting on their shelf collecting dust.
And that helps because it would be bad if we were all about collecting string but called ourselves LoveToKnow Movies.
The most famous and thorough research was that of Dr. Ian Stevenson who spent his life collecting cases of children who could consciously remember their past lives.
Therefore, if you're having trouble collecting your rebate, it's best to contact the manufacturer of the product directly using the information you find on their Web site.
The only people who profit from these work at home opportunities are those who are collecting the "subscription fees" from people who pay to join the program in the hope of receiving information about a legitimate work at home opportunity.
Spend an afternoon collecting cans from the side of the road to return for the deposits.
In these cases, consider collecting several samples of useful items and then donating them to a shelter or pantry that helps low-income individuals.
Since then, the label has gone from strength to strength, collecting more celebrity fans and accolades along the way.
Gore-Tex is basically a waterproof breathable membrane that inhibits moisture both from collecting and arriving.
In 2008, the Performing Rights Society, which is the UK association tasked with collecting royalties on behalf of member musicians, conducted a study to identify the most recognized music in Great Britain.
Many who enjoy collecting pocket watches, like to collect those that are rare, and therefore of more value.
Many people make a great amount of money collecting these classic time pieces, and many watch companies as well as various novelty shops make customized and limited edition pocket watches.
These make great gifts and are perfect for someone who is already collecting Italian charms.
Watch collectors and enthusiasts around the world consider Robert Roskell pocket watches the "holy grail" of watch collecting.
Watch collectors often enjoy collecting Mickey Mouse and other Disney character themed watches.
If you're interested in collecting special edition or rare Swatch watches, always research each item carefully before you make a purchase.
Again, the watches in this line are rather pricey, but are perfect for those who enjoy collecting fine timepieces.
What's valuable one day may plummet to the bottom of the list the next, but for people who simply love collecting watches, it's always a worthy investment to purchase new (old) vintage watches like the ones in the following sections.
Collecting men's vintage wrist watches is always fun, but be sure to do your research if you're collecting with an eye towards turning a profit.
If you're interested in collecting timepieces from the original Elgin brand, familiarize yourself with authentic models to make sure you end up with a watch you truly desire.
Collecting the same models that make it into film is a great way to combine your love of exquisite timepieces with your undying devotion to film actors.