Collect Sentence Examples
I collect facts that are out there in the public domain.
Decided to collect after all?
With that in mind, she went downstairs to collect her valuables.
He listened without saying a word as I revealed everything, including Julie's effort to collect the million dollars.
Entertained by her pep talk with the flowers, Deidre reached her towering apartment building a short time later and paused to collect the mail.
Carmen wanted to do more than collect animals.
They also collect honey in large quantities.
If things get too hot, call me - collect, you hear?
The smell was so strong there that Rostov held his nose and had to pause and collect his strength before he could go on.
A competent, methodical assassin, she didn't make the mistake of trying to collect from someone not on the list.
AdvertisementWe collect the money, the customer gets to relax, enjoy this gorgeous mountain scenery and eat your fresh blueberry muffins.
Here to collect damages?
Maybe. We haven't been able to collect souls for very long.
Science's progress over the past few hundred years has been determined mainly by the relatively slow speed at which we were able to collect data.
The jobars superintend the execution of the laws, collect fines and administer capital punishment; they are in contact with the buluk-bashi, or resident representative of the tribe at Scutari, who forms the only link between the mountaineers and the Turkish government.
AdvertisementOwing to the proximity of the capital this group is comparatively subject to the Turkish power, and pays a small annual tribute; the chiefs, who assess and collect the tribute, form a kind of administrative council; the confederation has also an official representative council at Scutari, called the Jibal, under the presidency of a Serkarde or Moslem official.
In 1868 the International Bureau of Telegraphic Administrations was constituted at Berne, and a convention was formulated by which a central office was appointed to collect and publish information and generally to promote the interests of international telegraphy.
The success of these ventures prompted him to collect his poems in 1722.
She squealed and bent over to collect more snow.
The next morning Katie arrived early to collect Destiny and the twins.
AdvertisementThe pope had repeatedly used the rich northern benefices to reward members of the Roman curia, and towards the close of the year 1516 he sent the grasping and impolitic Arcimboldi as papal nuncio to Denmark to collect money for St Peter's.
After the restoration of the temple the senate sent ambassadors in 76 to Erythrae to collect the oracles afresh and they brought back about 1000 verses; others were collected in Ilium, Samos, Sicily, Italy and Africa.
It faded away in the great Church, and probably Celsus was describing Montanist circles (though Origen assumed that they were ordinary believers) when he wrote 3 of the many Christians of no repute who at the least provocation, whether within or without their temples, threw themselves about like inspired persons; while others did the same in cities or among armies in order to collect alms, roaming about cities or camps.
They collect and spin the indigenous cotton, which is of good quality, and dye it with indigo or other pigments; they also manufacture very handsome shawls.
The terror of their name had long preceded them, and Bela, in 1235 or 1236, sent the Dominican monk Julian, by way of Constantinople, to Russia, to collect information about them from the "ancient Magyars" settled there, possibly the Volgan Bulgarians.
AdvertisementDivers have been employed to collect amber from the deeper waters.
The Church of England has reverted to early custom in so far as only "Easter Even" is distinguished by a special collect, gospel and epistle.
In imitation of the grandfather the grandson gave a commission to a Saxon, in whom he had confidence, to collect artists and artisans in Germany and bring them to Moscow, but he was prevented from carrying out his scheme by the Livonian Order (1547).
A station of moderate size may collect goods destined for a great variety of places but not in sufficient quantities to compose a full train-load for any of them, and then it becomes impossible to avoid despatching trains which contain wagons intended for many diverse destinations.
When Cassius demanded a tribute of 700 talents from Palestine, Antipater set Herod, Phasael and this Malichus, his enemy, to collect it.
You can also collect seashells of the same value.
The fire broke out alongside, and blew our way, the maid called out 'Fire!' and we rushed to collect our things.
Do you think I would hesitate to collect, if they were not?
Exactly and to collect souls of those who have died by other means.
She wore white and smiled, more like a nursemaid than the woman whose job was to collect souls.
In 1708 Peter sent Alexius to Smolensk to collect provender and recruits, and thence to Moscow to fortify it against Charles XII.
The emperor, Charles the Fat, was roused to collect a large army, with which he surrounded the main body of the Northmen under their leader Godfrey in the camp at Elsloo.
Some of the scavengers, like the burying beetles, inter the bodies of small vertebrates to supply food for themselves and their larvae, or, like the "sacred" beetle of Egypt, collect for the same purpose stores of dung.
In 1866 he received three years' leave of absence to collect fresh materials, and in 1869 succeeded Heinrich Ewald as professor of oriental languages at Gottingen.
It is recorded that when a statue to President Kruger at Pretoria was erected, it was by Mrs. Kruger's wish that the hat was left open at the top, in order that the rain-water might collect there for the birds to drink.
For this purpose he sent the minister Thumi Sambhota, afterwards looked upon as an incarnation of Manju-sri, to India, there to collect the sacred books, and to learn and translate them.
The history of chancel repair is ancient, dating back prior to 1189 and is linked with the old right to collect tithes.
Most often, the blood sample is collected by venipuncture (using a needle to collect blood from a vein in the arm ).
We will collect and store any personal data that you may volunteer whist using our services (e.g. registration or placing an order ).
One effect of the Taiping rebellion was to close the native custom-house at Shanghai; and as Lhe corrupt alternatives proposed by the Chinese were worse than useless, it was arranged by Sir Rutherford Alcock, the British consul, with his French and American colleagues, that they should undertake to collect the duties on goods owned by foreigners entering and leaving the port.
In the former he developed a valuable method for the investigation of aerial waves within pipes, based on the fact that a finely divided powder - lycopodium, for example - when dusted over the interior of a tube in which is established a vibrating column of air, tends to collect in heaps at the nodes, the distance between which can thus be ascertained.
He visited Russia in order to collect documents on the political and economic organization of the Slav nations, and on his return published in the Revue des deux mondes (1882-1889) a series of articles, which appeared shortly afterwards in book form under the title L'Empire des tsars et les Russes (4th ed., revised in 3 vols., 1897-1898).
Pulling gloves and a bag from his pocket, he proceeded to collect the grisly specimen.
If she lost her deal with the human and Darkyn came to collect?
In three days, Darkyn may come on behalf of his mate to collect by any means necessary.
I'll bet it's a collect call for Gladys Turnbull from the planet Draghow!
Wheels of understanding began turning but before he could collect his thoughts, Randy returned to the room.
Taking their origin from a series of lacustrine basins scattered over the plateaus and differing slightly in elevation, the Russian rivers describe immense curves before reaching the sea, and flow with a very gentle gradient, while numerous large tributaries collect their waters from over vast areas.
The heavy sparks are projected from the tubes in straight lines and are caught by the louvres L, L, L, and by them deflected downwards to the bottom of the smoke-box, where they collect in a heap in the space D round a tube which is essentially an ejector.
Moreover, to promote their own convenience, they readily allowed the king to assess as well as to collect the taxes, which consequently tended to become regular and permanent, while Matthias' reform of the treasury, which was now administered by specialists with separate functions, was economically of great benefit to the state.
All you need to do is collect 35 tokens with different dates on from the newspapers from 3rd January to 21st February.
Wasps stealing trillium seeds Another of my annual challenges is to collect the seed from Trillium ovatum before the wasps get them.
I live in Swindon Wilts and Can collect as long as its not too far away. £ 300 cash waiting!
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
The common people found their rights to hunt game or collect dead wood on common land, became criminal offenses.
Collect found objects on the way eg twigs, stones, leaves, and make our own wood nymph out of clay.
A layer of delicate filamentous cytoplasmkinoplasmmay collect around the nucleus, or at its poles, out of which the spindle is formed.
It was the ambition of Ptolemy to describe and represent accurately the surface of the oekumene, for which purpose he took immense trouble to collect all existing determinations of the latitude of places, all estimates of longitude, and to make every possible rectification in the estimates of distances by land or sea.
They are attracted to the flower by its colour or its perfume; they seek, collect or feed on its honey, and while so doing they remove the pollen from the anther and convey it to another flower, there to germinate on the stigma when its tubes travel down the style to the ovary where their contents ultimately fuse with the "oosphere" or immature egg, which becomes in consequence fertilized, and forms a seed which afterwards develops into a new plant (see article Angiosperms).
Though he laid no claim to originality and merely sought to collect and systematize the traditions of antiquity, his influence in the Far East has been unbounded, and he must be pronounced one of the most powerful advocates of peace and humanity that have ever existed.
While bishop of Nancy he met Marshal MacMahon, then governor-general of Algeria, who in 1866 offered him the see of Algiers, just raised to an archbishopric., Lavigerie landed in Africa on the 11th of May 1868, when the great famine was already making itself felt, and he began in November to collect the orphans into villages.
This causes the lead to collect at the coolest part of the hearth, whence it is tapped, &c., as in the English furnace.
Collect, now obsolete, though the unanswered invitation, " Let us pray," still survives.
Where the water does not accumulate very rapidly it is a common practice to allow it to collect in a pit or sump below the working bottom of the shaft, and to draw it off in a water tub or" hoppet "by the main engine, when the latter is not employed in raising coal.
No person shall, without lawful authority, collect, record, publish or communicate, or attempt to elicit, any information with respect to the movement, numbers, description, condition or disposition of any of the forces, ships, or aircraft of His Majesty or any of His Majesty's allies, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct, of any operations by any such forces, ships, or aircraft, or with respect to the supply, description, condition, transport or manufacture, or storage, or place or intended place of manufacture or storage of war material, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the fortification or defence of any place, or any information of such nature as is calculated to be or might be directly or indirectly useful to the enemy, and if any person contravenes the provisions of this regulation, or without lawful authority or excuse has in his possession any document containing any such information as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations...
My employment out of doors now was to collect the dead wood in the forest, bringing it in my hands or on my shoulders, or sometimes trailing a dead pine tree under each arm to my shed.
Berg explained so clearly why he wanted to collect at his house a small but select company, and why this would give him pleasure, and why though he grudged spending money on cards or anything harmful, he was prepared to run into some expense for the sake of good society--that Pierre could not refuse, and promised to come.
We will collect the choices you make - anonymously - and publish them at some stage as a snapshot of opinion from our readers.
Collect your materials and take your time.
Last is the Altai, near the 50th parallel, rising to 10,000 or 12,000 ft., which separates the waters of the great rivers of western Siberia from those that collect into the lakes of northwest Mongolia, Dzungaria and Kalka.
President Jackson responded with a proclamation denying the right of nullification, and asked Congress for authority to collect the revenue in South Carolina by force if necessary.
They are sometimes in the position of landlords, but often they are the assignees of the land revenue, which they are entitled under special grants to collect for themselves instead of for government, paying merely a small sum to Government by way of quit-rent.
To answer this question we must collect the wages assessments sanctioned by the magistrates.
He gives an account (chapter viii.) of the unwearied efforts made by himself and his agents to collect books.
His close relation with the Scotch Church secured important material assistance for the college of which he now became president, and he toured New England to collect contributions.
Leland said that it is easier to collect the leaves of the Sibyl than the titles of the works written by Roger Bacon; and though the labour has been somewhat lightened by the publications of Brewer and Charles, referred to below, it is no easy matter even now to form an accurate idea of his actual productions.
Thus by heating spirits of salt he obtained "marine acid air" (hydrochloric acid gas), and he was able to collect it because he happened to use mercury, instead of water, in his pneumatic trough.
Two broods seem to be common in the course of the season, and towards the end of summer the birds - the young greatly preponderating in number - collect in large flocks and move to the sea-coast, whence a large proportion depart for more southern latitudes.
Thanks to the Austrian precautions it took four days to collect the necessary material to span the main branch of the river, here some 2000 yds.
To meet these forces the emperor could not collect men in all, of whom upwards of 10o,000 were held by Wellington on the Spanish frontier, and more were required to watch the debouches from the Alps.
The plan usually adopted is to collect the latex in rectangular tanks or casks.
They are long and narrow; the sole is plane, but slopes from the fire-bridge towards the flue, so that the metal runs to the latter end to collect in pots placed outside the furnace.
In 1850 Leon Renier was officially instructed to collect all the inscriptions in Algeria which should be found by the military expeditionary columns.
The national government reserves for itself the exclusive right to direct the foreign affairs of the republic, to maintain an army and navy, to impose duties on imports, to regulate foreign commerce, to collect port dues, to issue money and create banks of issue, and to maintain a postal and national telegraph service.
Formerly import duties were payable in currency, but in 1899 it was decided to collect 10% of them in gold to provide the government with specie for its foreign remittances.
The public funds were exhausted; taxes were impossible to collect; and the natives on the borders of the country and in the mountains of the north had thrown off all allegiance to the state.
It was a long and wearing fight, in which the British lost 485 killed and wounded, and what was more serious, Lord Methuen (himself wounded) found that his force had exhausted its forward momentum, and that he would have to collect supplies and reinforcements on the Modder before fighting his next battle.
In 1667 he had made the acquaintance of Anthony a Wood at Oxford, and when Wood began to gather materials for his invaluable Athenae Oxonienses, Aubrey offered to collect information for him.
In 1839 it became the centre of the "Anti-Rent War," which was precipitated by the death of Stephen van Rensselaer (1764-1839), the last of the patroons; the attempt of his heirs to collect overdue rents resulting in disturbances which necessitated the calling out of the militia, spread into several counties where there were large landed estates, and were not entirely settled until 1847.
The miners are all Kachins, and the right to collect the jade duty of 331 is farmed out by government to a lessee, who has hitherto always been a Chinaman.
For the desulphurization of zinc blende where it is not intended to collect and save the sulphur there are many mechanical kilns, generally classified as straight-line, horse-shoe, turret and shaft kilns; all of these may be made to do good work on moderately clean ores which do not melt at the temperature of desulphurization.
The foundation of the feudal relationship proper was the fief, which was usually land, but might be any desirable thing, as an office, a revenue in money or kind, the right to collect a toll, or operate a mill.
The people were to be directly governed by their native chiefs, whose duty was to collect the tribute and exercise magisterial functions.
He discloses as a great secret the use of a concave speculum in front of the aperture, to collect the rays passing through it, when the images will be seen reversed, but by prolonging them beyond the centre they would be seen larger and unreversed.
In the Linnemann column the condensed vapours temporarily collect on platinum gauzes (a) placed at the constrictions of a bulbed tube.
Let us now collect specimens of the evidence for different varieties of cosmogony, ranging from those of the Red Indian tribes to that of the people of Israel.
These are paved with stone blocks or lined with mercury riffles, so that from the greatly reduced velocity of flow, due to the sudden increase of surface, the finer particles of gold may collect.
This work obliged him to trace out, collect, arrange, and digest a great mass of incongruous material scattered on both sides of the Atlantic, a large portion of which was in manuscript, and required much tedious exploration and the employment of trained copyists.
The formal treaty was signed in the same year, and arrangements were made whereby the Chinese imperial customs were able to collect duties on vessels trading with Macao in the same way as they had already arranged for their collection at the British colony of Hong-Kong.
Bournonville stood to fight at Miilhausen with such forces as he could collect (29th December 1674) but Turenne's men carried all before them.
Bubbles are quickly disengaged and collect in the / '?
Air is then forced into the inclosed space by means of a compressing engine, until the pressure is sufficient to oppose the flow of water into the excavation, and to drive out any that may collect in the bottom of the shaft through a pipe which is carried through the air-sluice to the surface.
The solubility of the gas in various liquids, as given by different observers, is zoo Volumes of Brine Water Alcohol Paraffin Carbon disulphide Fusel oil Benzene Chloroform Acetic acid Acetone It will be seen from this table that where it is desired to collect and keep acetylene over a liquid, brine, i.e.
Assuming the genuineness of the documents mentioned, we now proceed to collect the scanty information which they afford with regard to Polycarp's career.
The principal right-hand tributaries, besides the Gallo and Zezere, are the Jarama, descending from the tableland of New Castile a little below Aranjuez, the Alberche and the Tietar, which collect their head waters from opposite sides of the Sierra de Gredos, and the Alagon, from the rough and broken country between the Sierras de Gredos and Gata.
These men did not merely collect works, but sought to arrange them, to subject the texts to criticism, and to explain any allusion or reference in them which at a later date might become obscure.
In the larger " towns " the officers elected at this meeting may consist of five, seven or nine selectmen, a clerk, a treasurer, three or more assessors, three or more overseers of the poor, one or more collectors of taxes, one or more auditors, one or more surveyors of highways, a road commissioner, a sewer commissioner, a board of health, one or more constables, two or more field drivers, two or more fence viewers, and a tree warden; but in the smaller " towns " the number of selectmen niay be limited to three, the selectmen may assess the taxes, be overseers of the poor, and act as a board of health, and the treasurer or constable may collect the taxes.
With fresh troops he entered upon a war of plunder, but the forces of his brothers were too strong for him, and taking with him such treasure as he could collect, he abandoned to them his capital.
In some cases the operation of filtration is performed for the sake of removing impurities from the filtrate or liquid filtered, as in the purification of water for drinking purposes; in others the aim is to recover and collect the solid matter, as when the chemist filters off a precipitate from the liquid in which it is suspended.
There is a total want of streams and wells of fresh water, and the inhabitants are dependent on the rain, which they collect and preserve in tanks.
It will be seen that Blucher covered Fleurus, his concentration point, by Zieten's corps, in the hope of being able to collect his army round Fleurus in the time that Zieten would secure for him by a yielding fight.
The schedules are distributed by enumerators acting under district supervisors; but it is found impossible to collect the whole number in a single day, nor does the mobility of the population in the rural tracts make such expedition necessary.
A homestead consisting of a lot of land with one or more buildings, and properly designated as such in the office of the county clerk, but not exceeding $1000 in value, is exempt from forced sale so long as it is owned and occupied as a residence by a householder having a family or by a married woman, except to recover the purchase money, to satisfy a judgment obtained before it was designated as a homestead, or to collect taxes upon it.
But the freedom of trade promoted dangerous relations with the Indians, and an attempt of Kieft to collect a tribute from the Algonquian tribes in the vicinity of Manhattan Island and other indiscretions of this officer provoked Indian hostilities (1641-1645), during which most of the outlying settlements were laid waste.
The Confederation Congress appealed to it in vain for the right to collect duties at its port; and there was determined opposition to the new Federal constitution.
Stephen van Rensselaer, the proprietor of Rensselaerwyck, had suffered the rents, especially those of his poorer tenants, to fall much in arrears, and when after his death (1839) the agents of his heirs attempted to collect them they encountered violent opposition.
Reorganizing his southern defences on a shorter front, so as to regain possession of the reserves that he had so liberally given away to his subordinates, he began to collect large bodies of troops opposite Kuroki, while Stakelberg and Zarubayev, before withdrawing silently into the lines or rather the fortress of Liao-Yang, again repulsed Oku's determined attacks on the south side.
Then he became, or says he became, secretary to a Greek archimandrite who was travelling in Switzerland to collect subscriptions for the rebuilding of the Holy Sepulchre; then he went to Paris, and, with recommendations from the French ambassador at Soleure, saw something of good society; then he returned on foot through Lyons to Savoy, hearing that Madame de Warens was at Chambery.
This held Dramali in check, and gave Kolokotrones time to collect an army.
In 1550 he had been entrusted with the execution of the imperial ban against the city of Magdeburg, and under cover of these operations he was able to collect troops and to concert measures with his allies.
Again, however, he made the mistake of attacking a fortress, which delayed his advance for a month, and gave John Casimir time to collect an army for the relief of the besieged.
A little later Richard Bentley conceived the idea that it would be possible to reconstruct the original text of the New Testament by a comparison of the earliest Greek and Latin sources; he began to collect material for this purpose, and issued a scheme entitled " Proposals for Printing " in 1720, but though he amassed many notes nothing was ever printed.
Lyell marshalled all the observations he could collect in support of this principle, teaching that the present is the key to the past, and arraying all obtainable evidence against the cataclysmic theories of Cuvier.
On the 14th of December Vera Cruz was occupied by Spanish troops under General Prim; the French fleet and troops arrived soon after, with instructions to seize and hold the Gulf ports and collect the customs for the three Powers till a settlement was effected; Great Britain sent ships, and landed only 700 marines.
The catechumens or unbaptized, together with the penitents, remained in church during the Litany, collect, three lections, two psalms and homily.
Similarly the collect with which often the rite began is the prayer ad collectam, i.e.
It was, as far as we know, the first attempt to " collect all the geographical knowledge at the time attainable, and to compose a general treatise on geography.
In Kufa and Basra were gathered representatives of all the Arabian tribes who formed the fighting force of the Islamic Empire, and from these al-Mufaddal was able to collect and record the compositions of the poets who had celebrated the fortunes and exploits of their forefathers.
Many are mere fragments, and even in the longest there are often lacunae; but the compiler evidently set down all that he could collect of a poem from the memory of the rawis, and did not, like Abu Tammam, choose only the best portions.
Finally, having a great number of discourses and treatises, containing all those small blemishes, around him in his library, and determined to collect, consolidate and connect them into a philosophical system, he would naturally be often taking them down from their places to consult and compare one with another, and as naturally enter in them references one to the other, and cross-references between one another.
Old trees are selected, from the bark of which it is observed to ooze in the early summer; holes are bored in the trunk, somewhat inclined upward towards the centre of the stem, in which, between the layers of wood, the turpentine is said to collect in small lacunae; wooden gutters placed in these holes convey the viscous fluid into little wooden pails hung on the end of each gutter; the secretion flows slowly all through the summer months, and a tree in proper condition yields from 6 to 8 Ib a year, and will continue to give an annual supply for thirty or forty years, being, however, rendered quite useless for timber by subjection to this process.
He had the support of a Spanish army under General Cuesta; but his movements were delayed by the neglect of the Spanish government, and Soult was able to collect a large force for the purpose of falling upon the English line of communication.
In 1726, together with Malhar Rao Holkar, the founder of the house of Indore, he was authorized by the peshwa to collect tribute (chauth) in the Malwa districts.
The prayer in the burial service, as in the Communion service, contained distinct intercessions for the departed; and a form of Holy Communion was provided for use at funerals with proper introit, collect, epistle and gospel.
The crusade excited no enthusiasm in Hungary, but Andrew contrived to collect 15,000 men together, whom he led to Venice; whence, not without much haggling and the surrender of all the Hungarian claims upon Zara, about two-thirds of them were conveyed to Acre.
After a brief visit to France, where his collection of ancient coins attracted some attention, Galland returned to the Levant in 1676; and in 1679 he undertook a third voyage, being commissioned by the French East India Company to collect for the cabinet of Colbert; on the expiration of this commission he was instructed by the government to continue his researches, and had the title of "antiquary to the king" conferred upon him.
They collect all taxes, are responsible for the levy of troops, the courier service, corvees, &c., and exercise judicial functions, corresponding directly with Lhasa.
If we assume that a certain minimum electric charge must be brought into contact with a group of colloid particles to produce coagulation, twice as many univalent ions must collect to produce the same effect as a number of divalent ions, and three times as many as an effective number of trivalent ions.
During the fighting and carnage that followed Alexius hid in the palace, and finally, with one of his daughters, Irene, and such treasures as he could collect, got into a boat and escaped to Develton in Thrace, leaving his wife, his other daughters and his Empire to the victors.
Early autumn planting enables wounded parts of roots to be healed over, and to form fibrils, which will be ready in spring, when it is most required, to collect food for the plant.
An uneven subsoil, especially if retentive, is most undesirable, as water is apt to collect in the hollows, and thus affect the upper soil.
A metal chain resting on the globe served to collect the charge.
All private and religious institutions have to be inscribed before they can collect public funds.
Again, the accuracy of the statement that the fleshy Agaricini, Polyporei, Pezizae, &c., are relatively rarer in the tropics may depend on the fact that they are more difficult to collect and remit for identification than the abundantly recorded woody and coriaceous forms of these regions.
The functions of mycelial strands, rhizomorphs and sclerotia are not only to collect and store materials, but also to extend the fungus, and in many cases similar strands act as organs of attack.
Many weary hours are spent in setting baits, traps and wires, and, frequently, when the hunter retraces his steps to collect the quarry it is only to find it gone, devoured by some large animal that has visited his traps before him.
As a royal possession it appears to have enjoyed various privileges in the 12th century, among them the right of choosing a bailiff to collect the toll and render it to the king, and to elect six burgesses and send them to the view of frankpledge twice a year.
The basbab or calabash tree, known in the eastern Sudan as the tebeldi and locally Homr, is fairly common and being naturally hollow the trees collect water, which the natives regularly tap. Another common source of water supply is a small kind of water melon which grows wild and is also cultivated.
The work excited a good deal of surprise as well as attention; and with characteristic thoroughness and love of truth the author went abroad to collect materials for the verification and more exhaustive treatment of his views.
As Malachi speaks in Deuteronomic phrase of the "whole tithe," the payment to the Levites (now subordinate ministers of the Temple) was perhaps still only triennial; and if even this was difficult to collect, we may be sure that the minor sacrificial tithe had very nearly disappeared.
Now, intentional adulteration is practically non-existent, chiefly because of the fact that in the places of production the price obtainable is so low that any possible adulterant would be too costly to collect.
On each visit to Rome it was his delight to collect relics for his native land; and to his favourite basilica at Ripon he gave a bookcase wrought in gold and precious stones, besides a splendid copy of the Gospels.
During the progress of this revolt Germany was so divided and her king was so poor that it was impossible to collect an army of sufficient strength to crush the malcontents.
Consequently, in 1499, Maximilian sent such troops as he could collect against them, but his forces were beaten, and by the peace of Basel he was forced to concede all the demands made by the Swiss, who became virtually independent of the Empire.
Here they give rise to a number of small rivers, which collect in the rift and form the Benue, the great eastern affluent of the Niger.
The former he imitates in the maxims (-yv14at) he throws in and the speeches which he puts into the mouth of the chief actors; the latter in his frequent geographical digressions, in the personal anecdotes, in the tendency to collect and attach some credence to marvellous tales.
Then, to raise funds for the cause, he returned to America; his fervid appeals enabled him to collect about $60,000, which he spent on provisions and clothing, and he established a relief depot near Aegina, where he started works for the refugees, the existing quay, or American Mole, being built in this way.
Before the arrival of these troops Harfln had met his death at the hands of an assassin, or else in an affray, and his uncle Shaibgn, who was placed on the throne, found himself without the means to collect an army fit to grapple with the invaders.
He then proceeded to evacuate Syria, and marched with all the forces he could collect to Upper Egypt, occupying Assiut in April 1772.
Moslem A uthorities.Arabic literature being cosmopolitan, and Arabic authors accustomed to travel from place to place to collect traditions and obtain oral instruction from contemporary authorities, or else to enjoy the patronage of Maecenates, the literary history of Egypt cannot be dissociated from that of the other Moslem countries in which Arabic was the chief literary vehicle.
Advantage had been taken of this opportunity by Murgd Bey and Ibrghim Bey to collect their forces and attempt a joint attack on.
The first attempt to collect the ballads was made in 1591 by Anders Sorensen Vedel (1542-1616), who published ioo of them.
It was therefore clearly necessary with regard to both the older and the newer law to take some steps to collect into one or more bodies or masses so much of the law as was to be regarded as binding, reducing it within a reasonable compass, and purging away the contradictions or inconsistencies which it contained.
He actually sent an envoy to collect information in the East; but his plans were cut short by death.
Soon after the completion of the Cromwell he had thought of Frederick for his next hero, and had in 1845 contemplated a visit to Germany to collect materials.
To the same effect, the synod of Chalon-sur-Saone (813) reprobated the superstition which was wedded to the pilgrimage (c. 13); and it would be easy to collect similar judgments, delivered in every centre of medievalism.
When he began to collect taxes he was met with refusal and insult at Ascalon and at Scythopolis, but he executed the chief men of each city and sent their goods to the king.
In the same year he proceeded to study in Paris, and was commissioned by the duc de Luynes to collect material from the Greek and Latin writers for his work on the weapons of the ancients.
These rivers collect the drainage of the northern slopes of the Himalayas, and convey it, by long and tortuous although opposite routes, into India.
In Bombay and Madras almost all the irrigation systems, except in the deltas of the chief rivers, are dependent on reservoirs or " tanks," which collect the rainfall of the adjacent hills.
Zamindars, or government farmers, whose office always tended to become hereditary, were recognized as having a right of some sort to collect the revenue from the actual cultivators.
The dictator now had time to collect ammunition, and the Neapolitan government having given Lanza full powers to treat with him, 15,000 Bourbon troops embarked for Naples on the 7th of June, leaving the revolutionists masters of the situation.
The women, who do all the work, `collect wax and honey, which are their principal staples in trade.
Ibn Ash`ath fled to Basra, where he managed to collect fresh troops; but having been again beaten in a furious battle that took place at Maskin near the Dojail, he took refuge at Ahwaz, from which he was soon driven by the troops of Hajjaj under `Omara b.
Sayyar to collect a rich present of horses, falcons, musical instruments, golden and silver vessels and to offer it to the caliph in person, but before the present was ready the news came that Walid had been murdered.
Without German assistance it was obviously impossible to collect sufficient forces for this double attack.
Specimen Days and Collect, also prose, appeared in 1882.
The less important districts are administered by district magistrates, who also collect the taxes.
At the head of such light troops as he could collect, he marched in haste along the Watling Street, leaving orders for the legions to follow.
The belief that he had not really died, but would return again to confound his foes, was long prevalent, not only in the remoter provinces, but even in Rome itself; and more than one pretender was able to collect a following by assuming the name of the last of the race of Augustus.
The next step was to collect MSS., to hunt out, copy and preserve the precious relics of the past.
Until the following March, Washington's work was to bring about some semblance of military organization and discipline, to collect ammunition and military stores, to correspond with Congress and the colonial authorities, to guide military operations in widely separate parts of the country, to create a military system for a people entirely unaccustomed to such a thing and impatient and suspicious under it, and to bend the course of events steadily towards driving the British out of Boston.
In many of these bolsons are ephemeral lakes, in which the waters collect during the rainy season and stand for several months.
It was originally formed to collect information regarding the spiritual wants of the country, and to apply to the government to build the churches found to be necessary.
Relegere meant to gather together, collect, hence to go over a subject again in thought, from re and legere, to collect together, hence to read, collect at a glance.
The title of Exarch was also formerly given in the Eastern Church to a general or superior over several monasteries, and to certain ecclesiastics deputed by the patriarch of Constantinople to collect the tribute payable by the Church to the Turkish government.
In some places where the ground is suitable cultch is spread over the foreshores also to collect spat.
It was easy enough to collect a great army and achieve a great victory; it was absolutely impossible to hold the army together for any longer period, or to conduct a regular campaign.
Amalgamation is based on the property of quicksilver to extract the silver from finely-pulverized ore and collect it in the form of an amalgam.
Nordenskiold in 1786 to collect documents about Swedenborg and to publish his writings.
After the war Leibnitz began a new epoch, both by his philosophy with its law of continuity in phenomena, and by his systematic attempt to collect sources through an association (1670).
The Lyakhva and Aragva, tributaries of the Kura, carry off the waters of the main range south of Kasbek, and other tributaries, such as the Yora and the Alazan, collect the surplus drainage of the main Caucasus range farther east.
The Indians collect the grain for food.
On every festive occasion, as a saint's day, birth, marriage, &c., it is customary for a rich man to collect his friends and neighbours, and kill a cow and one or two sheep. The principal parts of the cow are eaten raw while yet warm and quivering, the remainder being cut into small pieces and cooked with the favourite sauce of butter and red pepper paste.
In it the Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Deus in Adjutorium, &c., are followed by five psalms and five antiphons, after which come the "little chapter," the hymn and the verse, which vary according to the season, the Magnificat and its antiphon, and the appropriate collect.
On the third Sunday in Advent 1329, and afterwards in public consistory, John had preached that the souls of those who have died in a state of grace go into Abraham's bosom, sub altari Dei, and do not enjoy the beatific vision (visio facie ad faciem) of the Lord until after the Last Judgment and the Resurrection; and he had even instructed a Minorite friar, Gauthier of Dijon, to collect the passages in the Fathers which were in favour of this doctrine.
In 1905 Dr. Hyde set out on a tour through America to collect money for the League, and returned after seven months with £Ii,000.
Dr. Hyde was the first to collect the Love Songs of Connacht, which he published in 1894, and which he translated into verse and also into the sort of English prose afterwards adopted by Lady Gregory and by Synge.
He was also the first to collect Irish folk-lore in the original; and his many volumes, some in Irish and some with English or French translations, will always be of value to the folklorist.
In each parish two consuls, assisted by a local council, decide matters relating to roads, police, taxes, the division of pastures, the right to collect wood, &c. Such matters, as well as the general internal administration of the territory, are finally regulated by a Council General of 24 members (4 to each parish), elected since 1866 by the suffrages of all heads of families, but previously confined to an aristocracy composed of the richest and oldest families, whose supremacy had been preserved by the principle of primogeniture.
The aboriginal inhabitants collect a kind of tea called t`ien ch`a, or celestial tea, which looks like the leaves of a wild camellia, and has an earthy taste when infused.
Though the collections of canon law were to receive no more additions, the source of the laws was not dried up; decisions of councils and popes continued to appear; but there was no attempt made to collect them.
These rivers collect countless tributary streams, some of them of considerable size, and drain the entire plain of the Deccan as they pass eastward towards the Bay of Bengal.
The jungle tribes collect gum from several varieties of trees, and in Sind the Forest Department derives a small revenue from lac. The palms of the presidency consist of cocoa-nut, date, palmyra and areca catechu.
He was a master of the chief foreign languages, and began at an early age to collect a magnificent historical library, with the object, never in fact realized, of writing a great History of Liberty.
The problem remains to sort out the older from the later, to distinguish between the earlier form of the faith and its subsequent developments, and to collect the numerous data for the general, social, industrial, religious and political history of India.
When the spring came round it was known that William had begun to collect a great fleet and army.
This act provoked a certain amount of indignation in England, and in the spring of 1213 the king was able to collect a large army on Barham Down to resist the threatened French invasion.
The demand was absurd and exorbitant and was refused, though the French government offered him the hand of their kings daughter Catherine with a dowry of 800,000 crowns and the districts of Quercy and Prigordsufficiently handsome terms. When he began to collect a fleet and an army, they added to the offer the Limousin and other regions; but Henry was determined to pick his quarrel, and declared war in an impudent and hypocritical manifesto, in which he declared that he was driven into strife against his will.
The earl and his son-in-law Clarence were hunted out of the realm before they could collect their partisans, and fled to France; Edward seemed for the first time to be master in his own realm.
The tributaries of the Tocantins, called the Maranhao and Parana-tinga, collect an immense volume of water from the highlands which surround them, especially on the south and south-east.
It may come to the surface in springs, upon the artesian principle, or it may collect and remain in mountain hollows.
In 1172 he was appointed to collect tithe in Wales, and showed such vigour that he was made archdeacon.
The large boats, dredging from March to October, collect from 650 to 850 lb of coral, and the small, working throughout the year, collect from 390 to Soo lb.
It is nearly always seen paired, though the pairs collect in prodigious flocks; and, when these are broken up, its shrill but musical cry of "tu-lup," "tu-lup," somewhat pettishly repeated, helps to draw attention to it.
In May or April he lets his reindeer loose, to wander as they please; but immediately after midsummer, when the mosquitoes become troublesome, he goes to collect them.
On some islands the men collect their hair into small bunches, and carefully bind each bunch round with fine vegetable fibre from the roots up to within about two inches from the end.
But Philip's whole thoughts and energies were already directed to the preparation of an Invincible Armada for the conquest of England, and Parma was ordered to collect an enormous flotilla of transports and to keep his army concentrated and trained for the projected invasion of the island realm of Queen Elizabeth.
These were at once accepted; he was requested to sit on the Naval Retiring Board - a board then specially constituted for clearing the navy of unfit or disloyal officers - and a few months later was appointed to the command of the "Western Gulf Blockading Squadron," with the rank of flag-officer, and ordered to proceed forthwith, in the "Hartford," to the Gulf of Mexico, to collect such vessels as could be spared from the blockade, to proceed up the Mississippi, to reduce the defences which guarded the approaches to New Orleans, and to take and hold the city.
While his opponents had thus suddenly become warlike, Demosthenes had become pacific. He saw that Athens must have time to collect strength.
The country was thickly covered with branches before the end of the year, and in December Parnell went to America to collect money.
The steady diminution of his crew by sickness, and the worn-out state of his remaining consorts, compelled him at last to collect all the survivors in the "Centurion."
A scholar and a man of considerable erudition, he showed a strong preference for historical studies; and about the time when he was preferred to the deanery he began to collect materials for the history of his own times.
Every commune or municipality has its own elected ayuntamiento, which has complete control over municipal administration, with power to levy and collect taxes.
The Spanish subjects were allowed to collect themselves the taxes and tribute due to Rome, and, though the mineral wealth doubtless fell into the hands of Roman capitalists, the natives were free from the tithes and tithe system which caused such misery and revolt in the Roman province of Sicily.
The Carlists began to collect in the mountains.
While spending a part of his time writing vaudevilles and comic operas, he began to collect old essays and rare pamphlets by old French historians.
The substitution of a permanent excise for the subsidies granted from time to time by the estates also tended to increase his independence, and the officials or Steuerrdthe, appointed byihim to collect this tax in the towns, gradually absorbed many of the administrative functions of the local authorities.
A county trustee, whose duty it is to collect state and county taxes, and a sheriff are elected by the county for a term of two years; a clerk of the county court and a register are also elected by the county for a term of four years; and the county judge or chairman of the county court, the clerk of the county court, and the county health officer constitute a county board of health.
The earthy matters form a fusible glass or slag melt, and collect at the lowest point of the hearth, whence they are removed by opening a hole pierced through the front wall at the bottom.
Numbers. We collect and collate numbers that impact the economy.
Damian and Jonny collect Naturals for their own purposes, mainly to battle each other.
You will find more blood, wash basins and fresh attire inside. I will collect you on the hour for an audience with the master.
You paid for two deaths. Gabe came to collect, and those two lives … disappeared. They're in my underworld right now, running from me.
Most respondents' views on families tended to collect together into one of two opposed and logically coherent sets of values and opinions.
The courtesy bus will collect you outside the baggage claim area.
It is not feasible to collect on a regular and consistent basis.
You need to help scrat to collect acorns first off to survive the winter.
The aim of the mission is to collect particles from Comet Wild 2 using a material called aerogel.
The photo above shows where you should go to collect the iron pyrite ammonites.
If I find shed antlers can I collect them?
To manage autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia (ARCA) patients in specialist clinics and collect blood samples and clinical data.
You collect spyware as you surf the net just as a ship collects barnacles.
Collect your first batch of crystals within 10 minutes!
Here GeoSwath has the advantage as it is able to collect bathymetry below the keel of a vessel whilst it is alongside.
Iron Man Cheats Collect the four homing beacons in each act to access the secret area to retrieve a piece of his armor.
Collect the treated milk in a small beaker 13.
Do not stop to collect personal belongings, or use the lift.
That means T5 will have to collect its own biometrics from passengers and check it at the gate.
You may not collect the bounty in the system where the Rogue is based out of.
These rights include, among others, the right to graze animals, to cut bracken, to fish or to collect firewood.
Now, the women and children do not have to collect brushwood or coal.
Upside down water filled burettes can be used to collect the oxygen gas.
You can also explore caverns where locals collect swallow nests to make their bird's nest soup.
We routinely collect data to enable evaluation in the future.
Perhaps we could look for the pattern of communications that would be required to collect the data from the distributed computation.
When they arrive back there to collect her cousin, they come across the very concussed and confused man they accidentally picked up earlier.
I reckon all we need to enable me to collect the consignment on your behalf is a simple power of attorney.
We don't want to become a haulage contractor operating in competition with our ferry customers who collect and deliver their own freight.
Its mission is to collect information related to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence.
You can even arrange a courier to collect the unit the same day.
Three years ago I was asked, by a dairy farmer to collect an injured fox cub which had sought shelter in a barn.
A debt of over £ 750 must be undisputed and the creditor must have notified the debtor of its intent to collect the debt.
Unfortunately the fourth missed and Paul scrambled home to collect the engraved decanter.
Children collect and write their own stories, take digital photographs and use desktop publishing to produce the magazine.
We have 5 days of allocated science onboard in which to collect cores of deep sea sediments - made up of beautiful fossil diatoms!
The cows were facing the wall and a large gutter served to collect both cow dung and bedding straw.
When coming down you can collect more rings and chaos emeralds, but beware of the bombs!
Garrison immediately dispatched an emissary to Geneva to collect the tainted goods.
Not all people who are electricity pylon enthusiasts collect numbers.
It is, then, common sense to collect public Land Rent to fund the needs of the public exchequer.
Swallows collect in their thousands to roost in the reed beds and are hunted by the elegant hobby falcon.
Link can also collect Seashells now, which in turn can be traded in for collectible figurines.
Some may help collect firewood or take the stored firewood from the truck.
We may collect your child's first name and e-mail address to respond to your child on a one-time basis.
This enabled us to collect the flint for the floor.
Such dams, supplemented by simple barriers made of dirt, were used to collect floodwaters and promote deep wetting of the ground.
Lets just say I like to collect pink Floyd, good or bad, I really don't care.
As well as having the pearls to collect you might find a treasure chest from a sunken galleon on your travels.
Now there are awesome new girlfriends to collect, plus lots of new gear and accessories to share.
Collect and dispose of all rubbish including disposable glassware, crockery and cutlery in a safe and hygienic manner.
Trees that line the street collect the light rain and then suddenly release large globs of water like ripe fruit.
Free gold gourami 25/05/06 No Gold gourami approx 3 inches long, free to who can collect.
Birds collect greenery and take it to the nest because (it is suggested) it acts as a kind of natural insecticide.
I picked up a few of the cobs which a mechanical harvester had failed to collect.
I come out to collect any sick, injured or orphaned hedgehog anywhere within a reasonable distance from us.
Collect a sample of urine shortly after an attack for urinary methyl histamine, which will be excreted in the following hour.
Maintenance organization HMO entirely by the information you collect.
The ants are usually active between March and October and can be seen climbing trees where they collect honeydew produced by aphids.
Stingray Stingray uses a hydroplane, similar to an airplane's wing but in water, to collect energy from the tide.
Doctors also performed an ileostomy to help relieve pressure in his stomach which involved fitting him with a " bag " to collect waste.
To collect the arkansas home owner insurance with trends showing a little distressed really ill-advised.
All this is so often inculcated by the prophets, that there is no occasion here to collect the passages which everywhere occur.
We will also collect terrestrial invertebrates by hand ashore.
Collect it and you become invincible for 10 seconds allowing you to just run into enemies to kill them.
Build up your personal progressive jackpot for a chance to collect during the exciting bonus round.
Connect NG tube to the pump and collect four samples of gastric juice, each over 15 min into polystyrene cups.
Please collect your headsets from the sweet kiosk further along the foyer and also on your left.
I often collect my grandchildren from school and feel frightened taking them across Westbury Lane, even when the brave lollipop lady is there.
In order to pay for his government he had to collect all sorts of taxes that were of dubious legality.
The electronic logbook supports appraisal by allowing you to collect your CPD data.
You can collect your mail from the student mailroom.
They had to collect and eat fresh manna everyday.
So each day they had to go out from the camp and collect the manna from heaven which God provided.
On February 1st Jim and Alison headed out again this time to collect Harry the baby marmoset.
Cameron's matchbox car Page - A web site for kids who like to collect matchbox cars.
For example, buy milk and fruit juices from your local milkman who will collect empty bottles.
There you can also do a little mackerel fishing and collect fresh mussels.
Your role is to collect myrrh to ensure your town's survival.
They need to be able to pick out the right flowers to collect nectar.
You could collect stories of policy and practice, identify and develop training materials, and distribute the newsletter.
The journey would take me straight through France to Germany on a mission to collect a one-year-old, male Sumatran orangutan called Aris.
Once you've evolved to the maximum you can still collect these blue orbs to power up the bar.
We are currently offering a service to collect wooden pallets, to enable us to reuse or recycle.
He undertook the first serious and sustained attempt to collect the traditional songs of the English peasantry and workers, predominantly in West Devon.
Cardiff council said European regulations meant tea bags or vegetable peelings could not go in bins used to collect " green " waste.
Then leave it in the freezer for a few hours before returning to collect a large frozen phallus!
The next phase is to collect data by scanning volunteers.
Every time you make a purchase, you will collect bonus points.
The little devils collect the grass pollen for their honey, which is supposed to contain a fair dosage of THC.
They can also discover resources and collect them in a personalized portal, a 'personal information environment', matching appropriate resources to the user.
So please tell the postmistress to put it in that way so that we can collect it easily.
There is a menagerie of free range poultry on the farm and anyone wishing to help collect the eggs would be most welcome!
Nor did they collect the pupae and they respected certain times for burning the savannah to minimize destruction of the pupae.
At the end of the course, the usual anonymous questionnaire will be distributed to collect your feedback on the course.
Don't connect waste pipes to drains which collect rainwater from your roof or paths.
Already he must have begun to collect the reminiscences of Jesus.
The ship meant to collect them was unable to make the rendezvous.
Many of our crofts have traditional rights to collect seaweed from the shore.
This will produce fine shavings at first that will collect at the end, this is your tinder.
During this time she/he will spend time helping you identify evidence to collect for your portfolio.
Many charters gave towns the right to collect their own taxes thus removing corrupt sheriffs from doing so.
Please also forward this email to anyone else you know who might collect signatures.
Osman marched against Khotin, but failed to capture it, and his unpopularity with the army was increased by rumours that he designed to collect such troops as were loyal to him, under pretence of going on Ahmed I., 1603-1617.
If you live within traveling distance of the nursery you can collect your snowdrops in pots.
She sat in the mixed zone, where the athletes collect their kit, sobbing with joy.
In some cases it may be necessary to collect specimens of feces for analysis to confirm the presence of a pathogenic organism.
They would have to collect the water they need in buckets or water carriers from a temporary standpipe in the street.
You 're mounted on a motor bike and must crush stashes of drugs and collect crystals.
You will need to stipulate a minimum quantity you will collect from any one office.
Stool antigen tests require the person to collect a stool sample (at least pea-sized).
The supposition that practices would refer all cases to their local VI Center, which would then collect data, is incorrect.
Swarms of jellyfish slowly began to collect in a pool of morning light.
I do n't just want to siphon off the water, but actually have pipes in place to automatically collect.
Saturday 's mission was one of two touch-and-go landings to collect samples of the asteroid 's surface materials.
Collect some bare twigs, put into water in the class to watch them changing.
Most often, the blood sample is collected by venipuncture (using a needle to collect blood from a vein in the arm).
I live in Swindon Wilts and Can collect as long as its not too far away. £ 300 cash Waiting !
By scanning the fingers of welfare recipients, no one can attempt to collect multiple welfare checks using different names.
We will collect and store any personal data that you may volunteer whist using our services (e.g. registration or placing an order).
All over the ground are the windfall apples we did n't get to collect.
Discus wanted Baby discus wanted will collect any where wit...
The Collective is trying word-of-mouth advertising to collect more footage.
Worker bees collect nectar and pollen for the queen and new larvae to eat, and keep the burrow tidy.
Fees. Services typically collect fees from the employing family, while the nanny may be allowed to register for free.
Talk to the exhibitors, collect business cards and get on the waiting list for the next litter.
Do they want to collect certain items for their child?
Once you have zeroed in on the type of material that interests you, it is time to choose the type of a toy you want to collect.
Collect all of your paperwork from the pertinent fiscal year to bring to the tax professional you hire.
Decide which kind of memorabilia you want to collect.
The most important factor is for you to collect the kind of memorabilia that interests you.
Always buy discs with the same region code so you can watch the movies you collect!
File it carefully because it's the only proof of your tenancy and you'll also need it when you move out and try to collect on your deposits.
Retailers, for the most part, collect old batteries and sometimes, if you don't have an old battery to recycle, they will add what's called a "core charge" to your bill.
An efficient dehumidifier will collect several pints of water a day, therefore the collection of the water is an important fact to consider.
Without equipping your child with some way to learn the basics of playing guitar, you may find the guitar does nothing more than collect dust in the corner while your child spends time with other hobbies.
People usually collect specific things that reflect their personality.
If your collection isn't specific, like you only collect swords from certain time periods or from certain people, then you can stick between the above price range.
Some towns and cities collect the bags of grass so if you want to get rid of the grass, then you'll need a mulching kit which includes a chute and tube that empties into a special container that rides on the back of the tractor.
Whether you want to collect old Olympic merchandise or want to show your pride with a new item from the 2012 games, there are many options to choose from.
Whether you want to invest in gold coins or collect them for fun, knowing how to and where to buy gold is beneficial so you won't waste your money on fakes or will purchase something that will actually increase in value over time.
Gold coins are great to purchase as an investment or to hand down to your kids or even to just collect.
If interest rates fall, you may collect much less on a bond than you anticipated.
If you're a watch person and like to collect watches, then the higher ones will do.
Many people collect eight-tracks, reel-to-reel tapes and other formats that time has passed by.
Once you have the vet appointment scheduled and your home prepared, it's time to collect your new kitten.
Collect the tools and materials that you will need.
Once you have found the recipe you're interested in, collect the ingredients and your kitchen supplies and start mixing!
To feed the kittens, use an eyedropper to collect milk and slowly squeeze drops of it directly into the mouths of the kittens.
Narrow your search by considering the type of books you would like to collect for your preschooler.
Technology has helped provide a way for most of these merchants to collect their earnings.
Creditors can still take legal action to collect money that is owed.
Most collectors are simply people who are doing a job, and for this reason you should not allow yourself to take out your frustrations on the person who is calling to collect on a legitimate debt.
The collection agency will either work on behalf of the lender by trying to get the money that is owed to them, or the agency will purchase the debt and try to collect it for themselves.
Collect more money than what you originally owed.
Domestic long distance rates on a prepaid phone card are lower than making a collect phone call.
Prepaid calling cards eliminate the need to make collect calls, they erase the need to pay expensive surcharges for long distance calls made from hotels, and they usually provide the cheapest per-minute rates available.
The link is masked and takes you to the scammer's site where they collect your information for future use.
The company that is owed money either employs collectors internally or they hire an outside agency to collect debts on their behalf.
The creditor can then request that a lien be placed against your paycheck and they can collect a reasonable amount from each paycheck until the debt is paid.
They may also try to collect the amount due them by attaching a lien to your bank accounts.
Third party collection agencies trying to collect on a debt.
Say they collect $2,000 a month from you, yet only pay $1,200 to your creditors.
In addition to discounts on gas purchases, consumers can also collect air miles, get cash back, or get money for college.
In a plaintiff practice, the attorney will collect a certain percentage of the amount given to the plaintiff as his or her legal fees.
Even though the lawyer will be quite particular about which cases they will decide to pursue, they are not guaranteed that they will be able to collect any fees.
Companies that purchase outstanding debts from creditors and then try to collect the debt from the consumer.
Misrepresentation of the facts - The Act prohibits debt collectors from lying or making claims to the consumer or to anyone else in order to collect the debt.
Western Union payments are acceptable if the customer uses the Quick Collect method of payment.
The bottom of the letter is also legally required to contain the line "This is an attempt to collect a debt.
The statute of limitations does not stop collectors from legally pursuing payment, but it does prohibit lawsuits from creditors in an attempt to collect payment.
First of all, collect all of your notices and find out exactly how much you owe.
The law placed restrictions on how lenders could raise interest rates and collect fees from borrowers.
If so, legal action may be used to collect on the debt.
The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act prevents collectors from using threatening or deceptive acts in an attempt to collect a debt.
The more you use the card, the more that you will continue to collect reward points.
Creditors can pursue each individual partner's business and personal assets to collect on the debt should the debtor fail to repay the debt as agreed.
If you stop making payments, the lender simply uses the deposit to collect on the debt owed.
This means that a parent can collect on back child support long after the qualifying child has left the home.
Child support enforcement agencies are directed to pursue their work to locate non-custodial parents (and collect child support payments owing) in the same vigorous manner, no matter where the children involved happen to reside.
Support payments collected by the agency are forwarded to the custodial parent; the agency does not provide support payments and then attempt to collect the payments from the other parent.
If a written judgment was obtained, the custodial parent has the legal right to collect support until the debt is paid off.
The types of questions asked will correspond to the types of information an attorney will need to collect in order to open a divorce file.
When child support payments are not made as ordered, a number of steps can be taken to collect the amount owed.
Men can and do collect spousal support if their situation warrants it.
Some retailers even offer an alternative way to collect rainwater, such as the Rainsaucer.
Once you install a rain barrel, you'll be amazed how much water you collect for use and how much was being wasted as gutter runoff.
There are many different ways to collect and conserve rain water.
The easiest way to collect rain water is using a rain barrel or rain butt which is placed under a down pipe.
Someone living in a dry and arid area will have a much greater need to collect and preserve rain water than someone living in a lush damp area where there is rain for much of the year.
An example of this is, which is an international service that allows users to post onto their area site details of unwanted goods that other users can come and collect.
Install a rain barrel to collect water for use in the garden.
Here, the sun's rays collect on solar panels, which store this energy source until use.
Fluids collect the earth's heat in the winter which the system transfers into your home.
They are basically large, flat devices that collect solar radiation and convert that energy to electrical energy.
Due to this, the retailers who sell the phones in the first place are required to have a system set up to collect your used cell phone.
There are easy ways to find a recycling program near you that is equipped to collect and recycle your cell phone battery.
Blades attached to wind turbines collect the kinetic energy of wind, causing the blades to turn.
In contrast, non-renewable energy sources, such as coal and oil, will eventually dwindle and become too damaging or expensive to collect and use for energy production.
Renewable energy is more expensive to produce and more difficult to collect than fossil fuels.
Trees collect and store carbon dioxide that is released immediately back into the atmosphere when they are cut down.
Collect waste from the kitchen to compost including vegetable and fruit trimmings, coffee grounds and egg shells.
Contact to receive all the materials you need to promote your program and collect and transport the phones.
Another new technology allows solar cells and panels to collect enough energy to power your home even on cloudy days.
Isolated gain comes from a sunroom specifically designed to have thermal mass to collect radiant heat from the sun.
You can collect the paper and take it to a local recycling center or arrange for pick-up through the waste management department in your area.
Solar energy systems can be either passive or active, depending on how they collect and distribute the solar energy.
As you put the groceries away collect the bags, storing the majority inside one or two bags.
If so, collect these used items and give your local mechanic a call.
Before you begin, you'll need to collect small pinecones - how many will depend on the size of your frame.
We all have a tendency to collect more than we really need.
It robs you of some of your life valuable energy and the more you collect, the harder it is to ever organize it all.
If you collect Depression glass, adding an opaline, jadite, or EAPG (Early American Pressed Glass) rooster or two can be the finishing touch to the room.
When you collect roosters, it is best to display them in groupings.
You can purchase polished seashells and collect your own.
Before you can start building your room divider, you need to collect all of the materials.
Go to paint and hardware stores and collect chips.
If you collect figurines, you can display these within a floral table cascade or place between holly leaves or pine needles.
If you collect bird figurines, repurpose a few cardinals to perch among your evergreen spray or cascade.
Collect a file of images that inspire you and sift through them for common color themes.
If you love to collect Fiesta Ware or any other type of pottery, why not take your color cues from these pieces?
Determine which era best suits your style and begin your search to collect furniture and accessories.
The first thing you want to do is collect shells from the beach.
One thing to remember when making this decision is that fringed rugs will collect more trash and debris than a fringeless rug will.
Make sure that you collect enough to cover the brush's head.
Bonus slots are slot machines and video slots that feature bonus symbols and sometimes also a bonus game (also called bonus screen) where you play a mini-game where you can collect even more credits.
These are short guessing games where you can collect extra bonuses or multiply your win.
Many scammers will create sites that look much like the offical bank site to collect personal information like account numbers and passwords, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft.
Many different websites have online videos, and sites that let you watch TV series online free usually collect videos from all over the web and sort them by program, so you can find and watch your favorite shows.
Online debt collection is an easy way to collect on old bills without having to deal with an in-person debt collection agency.
Avonmere Collections allows you to track your debts online anytime and charges a low fee no matter how high the amount you're seeking to collect.
You can read manga, watch Naruto episodes on Cartoon Network, collect Naruto cards or check out people playing Naruto on YouTube.
In this game, you play as Shrek, and it is your mission to collect as many crowns possible.
Once Shrek is in the air, use the Control/Apple key to make Shrek jump over obstacles and jump higher to collect coins.
In that case, you can just explore the lands and collect items that you can sell and trade in your shop.
As you explore, you can become involved in interactive stories, take on quests and collect trophies.
Fly your dog through mountains, volcanos and islands to collect all of the treats and win the game.
Collect medals and get your puppy to the red flag in each level.
While the site if free to use, if you become a member, you can adopt and collect rare "moshlings."
A megapixel simply means a million pixels, so a camera with ten megapixels has ten million pixels on the sensor to collect image data.
Some people like to collect the jars and later think of things to put in them; others get an idea for a gift jar and then seek the proper container.
Test the pH level of any artifacts you collect on the trip.
Some kits collect coordinated papers, stickers and embellishments and provide with layout ideas to simplify scrapping.
Use the plastic bags to collect your memorabilia and keep it protected.
A graduation open house is another time to collect cards for a special album.
All you need is a computer and a decent color printer in order to collect a book full of scrapbook pages for free.
Collect mementos from every attraction you visit.
Over time, stressors can collect in your mind and body.
Why not collect a bunch of these utterly cute and handmade merit badges to sew on your favorite jacket or pair of jeans?
This inspired me to collect all the scientific studies proving the superiority of a raw food diet.
After you collect enough recipes under your belt, you may even want to start your own to share personal tips, tricks and photos of new wheatberry-inspired dishes.
Collect information on maid of honor speeches from wedding books, Internet sites, and bridal consultants.
Collect the certificates before the shower and attach them to the tree.
Long trains and veils, both of which will blow about in the breeze and possibly collect sand as you move.
Some couples are beginning to collect RSVPs via their wedding websites.
Some animals will collect nesting material before mating season.
Some people will collect animals because they need to feel that they are important to another living body and also want the comfort from them because they fear being alone.
While it may seem harmless for someone to collect things, it can become a problem if it gets out of control.
People with a hoarding problem collect many different things.
Shower doors must be cleaned after each shower to avoid water spots or mineral buildup, and shower door tracks collect water which provides a perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow.
G.B. - Ray calls this the abbreviation for "garbage bowl," a bowl used to collect scraps of fruits, vegetables and other trash created during cooking.
Leno doesn't just collect the cars, he also restores and repairs antique cars.
Fans can collect everything from branded books and DVD's to bedding and party decorations with the familiar logo and characters printed on them.
Several sites collect these humorous tidbits, like "100 Ways to Annoy Your Roommate" and "'Twas the Night Before Finals".
Avoid low lying areas that will collect rain water, and spots next to a fence your pet could use the house to climb over.