Colleagues Sentence Examples
He resigned with his colleagues on the 14th of February 1871.
His air of cool confidence was more than likely the result of frequent business contacts - one of Denton's colleagues?
But now, night after night, Vergniaud and his colleagues found themselves obliged to change their abode, to avoid assassination, a price being even put upon their heads.
Blaine, whom he succeeded as a leader of the Republican party and whose views of reciprocity he formally adopted in his last public address, McKinley had great personal suavity and dignity, and was thoroughly well liked by his party colleagues.
With his colleagues he left office in June 1846.
On the death of Southampton, Ashley was placed on the commission of the treasury, Clifford and William Coventry being his principal colleagues.
To one of these dinners Pitt was invited, and was subsequently accompanied by some of his colleagues.
This was the first time that Rome had two emperors as colleagues.
On his return to Australia in 1916 he was obliged to reconstruct his Cabinet and to effect a coalition with Mr. Cook, leaving out most of his previous colleagues of the Labour party.
His outlook, usually so clear, was blurred by these considerations, and he lacked the strength to force the suggestions which he made in the autumn of 1853 upon his imperious colleagues.
AdvertisementHere Mr. Churchill showed that he appreciated the situation better than the majority of his colleagues.
His part in the later phases of the Russo-Turkish struggle has never been fully explained, for with equal wisdom and generosity he declined to gratify public curiosity at the cost of some of his colleagues.
Nominated president of the Academical commission for the reform of weights and measures, his services were retained when its "purification" by the Jacobins removed his most distinguished colleagues.
It accepted the status quo as a working basis, but no amount of pressure could wring from it a disavowal of Trumbic and his colleagues.
His intentions were made known only to a privileged few, and these, curiously, were not his colleagues.
AdvertisementThere has been nothing like them in any other country, and they stand at an immeasurable distance above the works of the early Owari school represented by Kaji Tsunekichi and his pupils and colleagues.
In the year 1 747, to the great regret of his colleagues, he resigned his post of assessor of the board of mines that he might devote himself to his higher vocation, requesting only to be allowed to receive as a pension the half of his salary.
The reports which he drew up upon educational questions drew attention to him, and on the 3rd of November 1895 he entered the Bourgeois cabinet as minister of public instruction, resigning with his colleagues on the 21st of April following.
He also persuaded his colleagues to grant some rather scandalous pensions, and Fox's acquiescence in this abuse after his recent agitation against Lord North's waste did him injury.
The later stages of the negotiation were not directed by Fox, but by colleagues who took over his work at the foreign office when his health began to fail in the summer of 1806.
AdvertisementThe enemy sailed north from Samos and in a battle off Embata (between Erythrae and Chios) defeated Chares, who, without the consent of his colleagues, had ventured to engage them in a storm.
He thereupon resigned the superintendency, and returned to St Louis, parting with the governor of the state and his colleagues in the school with regret and mutual esteem..
This was strongly resisted by his colleagues, and led to serious disturbances in the city.
In 1690 he moved a famous amendment to the Corporation Bill, proposing the addition of a clause - the purport of which was misrepresented by Macaulay - for disqualifying for office for seven years municipal functionaries who in defiance of the majority of their colleagues had surrendered their charters to the Crown.
In the Assembly, to which he was returned in 1791 by the department of Seine-et-Marne, he voted generally with the minority, and his views being obviously too moderate for his colleagues he resigned in 1792 and was soon after arrested on suspicion of being a reactionary.
AdvertisementThe bulk of it was, however, ready for service, and Blake's colleagues, Monk and Deane, attacked Tromp on the 2nd of June.
Along with his colleagues Monson and Clavering he reached Calcutta in October 1774, and a long struggle with Warren Hastings, the governor-general, immediately began.
But it was only slowly that the growing sympathy of Huss with Wycliffe unfavourably affected his relations with his colleagues in the priesthood.
As there proved to be a large number in the town councils who did not sympathize with the plans of organization recommended by Calvin and his colleagues, the town preachers were, after a year and a half of unsatisfactory labour, forced to leave Geneva.
Many of his colleagues followed his example and openly made profession of marriage.
His academical colleagues were hostile; and Ernesti, under a show of friendship, secretly hindered his promotion.
He acquiesced in the fall of Robespierre in 1794, but later defended Barere and others among his colleagues, declaring that he himself had constantly signed papers without reading them, as it was physically impossible to do so in the press of business.
He was for some time secretary to the duc de la RochefoucauldLiancourt, the celebrated philanthropist, and afterwards joined the staff of the Journal de Paris, then managed by Suard, and where he had as colleagues Andre Chenier and Antoine Roucher.
He taught quietly at Leiden till 1603, when Jakobus Arminius came to be one of his colleagues in the theological faculty, and began to teach Pelagian doctrines and to create a new party in the university.
After assisting in the prosecution of his former colleagues he received the command of a squadron with which he helped to win the great victory at Cyzicus (410) and to recover the Bosporus.
But the verdict was looked upon with suspicion, and it was known for a fact that one of the jurymen had received a large sum of money for distribution amongst his colleagues.
Personally of great physical and mental vigour, his work was done at high pressure and he had the faculty of inspiring his colleagues or his subordinates with his own enthusiasm for doing things.
Mr Chamberlain, the secretary for the colonies, induced his colleagues to seize the opportunity of making the jubilee a festival of the British empire.
The king met the monk at Denu (probably East or West Dean, near Seaford in Sussex), but Asser did not at once accept the invitation of Alfred, and returned to Wales to consult his colleagues.
This was enough to secure him the suffrages of the Paris electors ten days later, and the Mountain was strengthened by the accession of an ally whose one idea was to use his new power to revenge himself on his former colleagues.
The names of thirty-nine others were included in the final acte d'accusation, accepted by the Convention on the 24th of October, which stated the crimes for which they were to be tried as their perfidious ambition, their hatred of Paris, their "federalism" and, above all, their responsibility for the attempt of their escaped colleagues to provoke civil war.
Maine's power of swiftly assimilating new ideas and appreciating modes of thought and conduct remote from modern Western life came into contact with the facts of Indian society at exactly the right time, and his colleagues and other competent observers expressed the highest opinion of his work.
Despite their promises, Zebrzydowski and his colleagues a few months later were again in arms. In the beginning of 1607 they summoned another rokosz to Jendrzejow, at the very time when the diet was assembling at Warsaw.
Amongst his colleagues were Paul Anton (1661-1730), Joachim Breithaupt (1658-1732) and Joachim Lange (1670-1744), - men like-minded with himself.
His colleagues in the Religious Tract Society united with other earnest evangelical leaders to establish a new society, which should have for its sole object "to encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment."
There he had been informed in confidence of the renewal by the Allies of their treaty binding them to interfere in case of a renewal of revolutionary trouble in France; and it was partly owing to this knowledge that he resigned office in December of the same year, on the refusal of his colleagues to support a reactionary modification of the electoral law.
The directory of the department, of which the duc de la Rochefoucauld was president, was at this time in pronounced opposition to the advanced views that dominated the Legislative Assembly and the Jacobin Club, and Roederer was not altogether in touch with his colleagues.
Dr Craig was John Craig, the third son of Thomas Craig, who was one of the colleagues of Sir Archibald Napier, John Napier's father, in the office of justice-depute.
He embroiled himself with his colleagues and also with the government.
The magistrates were elected annually, and were six in number, forming three pairs of colleagues.
They appear to have been regarded as subordinate colleagues (collegae minores) of the Ilviri juri dicundo, and in some towns at least to have had the right to convene and preside over the comitia in the absence of the latter.
In the bitter conflict between the large state party and the small state party he and his colleagues, Oliver Ellsworth and William Samuel Johnson, acted as peacemakers.
After succeeding with great difficulty in inducing the cabinet to agree to a compromise on the corn laws, Huskisson finally resigned office in May 1829 on account of a difference with his colleagues in regard to the disfranchisement of East Retford.
The general assembly, to which the case was appealed, suspended Dr Briggs in 1893, being influenced, it would seem, in part, by the manner and tone of his expressions - by what his own colleagues in the Union Theological Seminary called the " dogmatic and irritating " nature of his inaugural address.
He was the "odd man" of the Fourth Party, apparently content to fetch and carry for his colleagues, and was believed to have no definite ambitions of his own.
His championship of the voluntary schools, his adroit parliamentary handling of the problems opened up by the so-called "crisis in the Church" caused by the Protestant movement against ritualistic practices, and his pronouncement in favour of a Roman Catholic university for Ireland - for which he outlined a scheme that met with much adverse criticism both from his colleagues and his party, - were the most important aspects of Mr Balfour's activity during these years.
This manifesto was at first taken, not only as the platform of the government, but also as that from which its resigning free-trade members had dissented; and the country was puzzled by a statement from Lord George Hamilton that Mr Balfour had circulated among his colleagues a second and different document, in fuller agreement with Mr Chamberlain.
The bishop of Rome, Victor, desired his colleagues in the various parts of the Empire to form themselves into councils to inquire into this matter.
During his term of office the Egyptian War occurred, in which Childers acted with creditable energy; and also the Boer War, in which he and his colleagues showed to less advantage.
On the early morning of the 31st of July the prince's coup d'etat against the liberties of Utrecht and of Holland was carried out; the civic guard was disarmed - Grotius and his colleagues saving themselves by a precipitate flight.
The philosopher Thomas Harriot (1560-1621), one of his colleagues, laboured for the conversion of the natives, amongst whom the first baptism is recorded to have taken place on the 13th of August 1587.9 Raleigh himself presented as a parting gift to the Virginian Company the sum of loo " for the propagation of the Christian religion " in that settlement.
When Carey died in 1834 he and his colleagues Marshman and Ward had translated the Bible into seven languages, and the New Testament into 23 more, besides rendering services of the highest kind to literature, science and general progress.
During the trial of the ex-ministers, in December, he was summoned as a witness, and paid a tribute to the character of his former colleagues which, under the circumstances, argued no little courage.
He was at first opposed to the war with Germany, but when satisfied that it had been forced upon France he did not, like some of his colleagues, refuse to vote supplies, but took the patriotic line of supporting the flag.
He advised his colleagues to leave Paris and conduct the government from some provincial city.
His colleagues in the librarianship were Alexander of Aetolia and Lycophron of Chalcis, to whom were allotted the tragic and comic writers respectively, Homer and other epic poets being assigned to Zenodotus.
Lincoln was very popular among his fellow legislators, and in 1838 and in 1840 he received the complimentary vote of his minority colleagues for the speakership of the state House of Representatives.
A little later, yielding to Maximilian and his colleagues in the League, Ferdinand dismissed Wallenstein, whose movements had aroused their resentment, from his service.
He wrote an important letter to The Times upon the subject, and stirred up much martial enthusiasm among his colleagues.
Into the Cameroon country Saker and his colleagues introduced the elements of civilization, and with the help of British men-of-war the oversea slave trade was finally stopped (c. 1875).
The Reform Bill was carried with a clause for minority representation, and in the autumn of 1868 Bright, with two Liberal colleagues, was again returned for Birmingham.
In the election in January 1874 Bright and his colleagues were returned for Birmingham without opposition.
For two sessions he spoke and voted with his colleagues, but after the bombardment of the Alexandria forts he left the ministry and never held office again.
Had the khedive and Riaz been allowed a free hand, Arabi and his colleagues would have found little mercy.
The activity of the British officials naturally produced a certain amount of discontent and resistance on the part of their Egyptian colleagues, and Lord Granville was obliged to declare very plainly that such resistance could not be tolerated.
In like manner the relations between the British officials and their Egyptian colleagues gradually became more cordial, so that it was found possible at last to reform the local administration in the provinces according to the recommendations of Mr (afterwards Sir) Eldon Gorst, who had been appointed adviser to the ministry of the interior.
In 52 9 Justinian closed the school, and Damascius with six of his colleagues sought an asylum, probably in 532, at the court of Chosroes I., king of Persia.
They communed together in a low voice for some time, till the burgomaster, succumbing to the influence of his potations, fumbled his way to his carriage with the assistance of some of his civic colleagues.
Meanwhile, on the 10th of March 1871, he had introduced in the National Assembly at Versailles, on behalf of his Radical colleagues, the bill establishing a Paris municipal council of eighty members; but he was not returned himself at the elections of the 26th of March.
Many of his colleagues bear witness to his generosity and magnanimity, but as a general principle he certainly lacked the wider humanity.
Delivered with his colleagues to the Austrians on the 3rd of April 1793, he was exchanged for the daughter of Louis XVI.
At Halle Hinrichs maintained the standard of Hegelianism amid the opposition or indifference of his colleagues.
But it was soon admitted (and notably by his colleagues on the judicial bench) to have been amply justified.
His colleagues were Warham and Ruthal, but Warham and Fox differed on the question of Henry's marriage, Fox advising the completion of the match with Catherine while Warham expressed doubts as to its canonical validity.
De Morgan was one of his colleagues, but he resigned in 1840 in order to become professor of mathematics in the university of Virginia.
He was convicted (February 1844) after the trials that followed, but they were not good specimens of equal justice, and the sentence of imprisonment for a year and a fine of £2000 was reversed on a writ of error by the House of Lords (September 1844), and he and his colleagues were again free.
The colleagues soon quarrelled; then Randolph fell into the hands of the English and Robert became sole regent, meeting with such success in his efforts to restore the royal authority that the king was able to return to Scotland in 1341.
He picked a quarrel with Sextus, and when his colleagues failed to support him, undertook to attack him alone.
In 1839 he became professor in Kiel University, where, with the exception of one brief interval, when he was expelled with several colleagues because of his German sympathies, he remained till his death.
Besides their judicial functions, the praetors, as colleagues of the consuls, possessed, though in a less degree, all the consular powers, which they regularly exercised in the absence of the consuls; but in the presence of a consul they exercised them only at the special command either of the consul or, more usually, of the senate.
Once Paul's apostolate - a personal one, parallel with the more collective apostolate of " the Twelve " - has proved itself by tokens of Divine approval, Peter and his colleagues frankly recognize the distinction of the two missions, and are anxious only to arrange that the two shall not fall apart by religiously and morally incompatible usages (Acts xv.).
He soon deserted his antiInfallibilist colleagues, and submitted to the decrees in August 1870.
Before this could be accomplished Chatham's mind became impaired, and Townshend, who was the most determined and influential of his colleagues, swayed the ministry as he liked, pledging himself to find a revenue in America with which to meet the deficiency caused by the reduction in the land tax.
His last official act was to carry out his intention by passing through parliament resolutions, which even his colleagues deprecated in the cabinet, for taxing several articles, such as glass, paper and tea, on their importation into America, which he estimated would produce the insignificant sum of L40,000 for the English treasury, and which shrewder observers prophesied would lead to the loss of the American colonies.
The universal tribute of Townshend's colleagues allows him the possession of boundless wit and ready eloquence, set off by perfect melody of intonation, but marred by an unexampled lack of judgment and discretion.
Here, too, was discussed the canonicity of the Song of Songs and of Ecclesiastes, and it is probable that here Aqiba and his colleagues fixed the official text of the canonical books.
The council thereupon acquiesced in its own humiliation by meekly accepting a royal brief changing its official title from Riksrdd (council of state) to Kungligarc d (royal council) - a visible sign that the senators were no longer the king's colleagues but his servants.
He was still secretary when the Canadian rebellion broke out in 1837; his wavering and feeble policy was fiercely attacked in parliament; he became involved in disputes with the earl of Durham, and the movement for his supercession found supporters even among his colleagues in the cabinet.
He himself escaped to London where he joined the executive of the revolutionary committee of Europe, with Kossuth and Mazzini among his colleagues.
Meanwhile the resolution of Mr Gladstone and his colleagues to keep the Transvaal had been shaken by the Boer declaration of independence.
Campbell-Bannerman, with several of his colleagues in the ministry, held that the annexation of the republics had not been justified, but there was no question now, as there had been in Self" government.
Fischer as premier and Generals Hertzog and de Wet as prominent colleagues.
He even went so far as to side with his colleagues, when serious difficulties arose between the new government and the president of the Cortes, Senor Martos, who was backed by a very imposing commission composed of the most influential conservative members of the last parliament of the Savoyard king, which had suspended its sittings shortly after proclaiming the federal republic. A sharp struggle was carried on for weeks between the executive and this commission, at first presided over by Martos, and, when he resigned, by Salmeron.
Arrested with Robespierre and Saint-Just, his colleagues in the triumvirate of the Terror, and subjected to indescribable sufferings and insults, he was taken to the scaffold on the same cart with Robespierre on the 28th of July 1794 (loth Thermidor).
To this course Bute would not consent, and as his refusal was endorsed by all his colleagues save Temple, Pitt had no choice but to leave a cabinet in which his advice on a vital question had been rejected.
He scarcely ever saw any of his colleagues though they repeatedly and urgently pressed for interviews with him, and even an offer from the king to visit him in person was declined, though in the language of profound and almost abject respect which always marked his communications with the court.
It has been insinuated both by contemporary and by later critics that being disappointed at his loss of popularity, and convinced of the impossibility of co-operating with his colleagues, he exaggerated his malady as a pretext for the inaction that was forced upon him by circumstances.
The fact that he not only did nothing to remove existing difficulties, but remained passive while his colleagues took the fatal step which led directly to separation, is in itself clear proof of his entire incapacity.
During the trial of Louis XVI., being absent with other three colleagues on a mission for the union of Savoy to France, he along with them wrote a letter urging the condemnation of the king, but omitting the words a mort; and he endeavoured to save the life of the king by proposing in the Convention that the penalty of death should be suspended.
The British agent then applied for an adjournment of eight months, ostensibly in order that the two governments might conclude a supplemental convention, it having been meanwhile privately arranged between the arbitrators that an extra-judicial declaration should be obtained from the arbitrators on the subject of the direct claims. On the 19th of June Count Sclopis intimated on behalf of all his colleagues that, without intending to express any opinion upon the interpretation of the treaty, they had arrived at the conclusion that "the indirect claims did not constitute upon the principles of international law applicable to such cases a good foundation for an award or computation of damages between nations."
On the, 13th of September 1905, a meeting of the shareholders of the company was held, and Read "asked them to believe that it was not in the interests of the company, but because he knew that the Lord Jesus Christ had come again and was now dwelling at the Agapemone, that he was thus cast out by his colleagues."
From then on he was one of the most eloquent and frequent debaters among his colleagues, and in 1859, almost without opposition, he was re-elected to the Senate as a member of the Republican party, in the organization of which he had taken an influential part.
In 1826 he was chosen fellow of Oriel and was ordained, among his friends and colleagues being Newman, Pusey and Keble.
On the 30th of August, however, he stated that this had been discovered to be a forgery by Colonel Henry, but he refused to concur with his colleagues in a revision of the Dreyfus prosecution, which was the logical outcome of his own exposure of the forgery.
Yet, notwithstanding this parliamentary triumph, there were not a few of his own colleagues and supporters who condemned the spirit in which the foreign relations of the Crown were carried on; and in that same year the queen addressed a minute to the prime minister in which she recorded her dissatisfaction at the manner in which Lord Palmerston evaded the obligation to submit his measures for the royal sanction as failing in sincerity to the Crown.
These various circumstances, and many more, had given rise to distrust and uneasiness in the cabinet, and these feelings reached their climax when Palmerston, on the occurrence of the coup d'etat by which Louis Napoleon made himself master of France, expressed to the French ambassador in London, without the concurrence of his colleagues, his personal approval of that act.
Notwithstanding the zeal and ability which he had invariably displayed as foreign minister, it had long been felt by his colleagues that his eager and frequent interference in the affairs of foreign countries, his imperious temper, the extreme acerbity of his language abroad, of which there are ample proofs in his published correspondence, and the evasions and artifices he employed to carry his points at home, rendered him a dangerous representative of the foreign interests of the country.
Palmerston remained faithful and loyal to his colleagues in the hour of danger.
These excited so much disturbance, and the author so obstinately refused to confine himself to literature proper, that in 1846 the government put an end to them - a course which was not disapproved by the majority of his colleagues.
It was a further misfortune that when Keppel hoisted his flag one of his subordinate admirals should have been Sir Hugh Palliser (1723-1796), who was a member of the Admiralty Board, a member of parliament, and in Keppel's opinion, which was generally shared, jointly responsible with his colleagues for the bad state of the navy.
Calm was thus restored, but Aurelian and his colleagues were not inclined to hand over their portfolios to Sturdza and his partisans.
His personal difficulties with some of his colleagues, both in regard to the Education Act of 1870 and his Irish administration, must be properly understood if a complete comprehension of his political career is to be obtained.
Owing to some misunderstanding, a vessel, the " Neptune, " was despatched to the Cape before the opinion of the colonists had been received, having on board 289 convicts, among whom were John Mitchell, the Irish rebel, and his colleagues.
As Rhodes's complicity in the raid became known, there naturally arose a strong feeling of resentment and astonishment among his colleagues in the Cape ministry, who had been kept in complete ignorance of his connexion with any such scheme.
On the 11th of June 1899, shortly after the Bloemfontein conference, from which Sir Alfred Milner had just returned, Mr Schreiner asked the high commissioner to inform Mr Chamberlain that he and his colleagues agreed in regarding President Kruger's Bloemfontein proposals as " practical, reasonable and a considerable step in the right direction."
In June, Mr Schreiner, whose recent support of Sir Alfred Milner had incensed many of his Bond followers, resigned in consequence of the refusal of some of his colleagues to support the disfranchisement bill which he was prepared, in accordance with the views of the home government, to introduce for the punishment of Cape rebels.
Accordingly he stated in the House that Unionists would welcome an Irish settlement by general consent, but would not make new friends by betraying old; and in Oct., in answer to Mr. Asquith's overtures at Ladybank, he said that he and his colleagues would consider any proposals with a real desire to find a solution if possible.
He brought seven of his colleagues into the Cabinet with him - Lord Lansdowne, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Austen Chamberlain, D'Ir.
He promoted the Economic Conference in Paris in June 1916, and represented his country on the occasion, with Mr. Hughes, the Australian Premier, and Lord Crewe as his colleagues.
He could count on the assistance of Mr. Lloyd George, but Mr. Asquith and his principal Liberal colleagues refused their cooperation.
Stone had been a Presbyterian minister prominent in the Kentucky revival of 1801, but had been turned against sectarianism and ecclesiastical authority because the synod had condemned Richard McNemar, one of his colleagues in the revival, for preaching (as Stone himself had done) counter to the Westminster Confession, on faith and the work of the Holy Spirit in conversion.
With characteristic courage and independence, next year, when the Revolution had spent its force and Beust executed his coup d'etat, he protested, with many of his colleagues, against this act.
In 1779 he visited Munich as member of the privy council, but after a short stay there differences with his colleagues and with the authorities of Bavaria drove him back to Pempelfort.
Seeing the barons quarrelling among themselves, and Montfort accused of ambition and overweening masterfulness by many of his colleagues, the king took heart.
In this he was, however, only partially successful, owing to the incapacity of his colleagues to realize the unique importance of the operations in Spain.
A large section of the cabinet shared the queens hesitation, and Lord Palmerstonwith the weight of nearly eighty summers upon himwas not strong enough to enforce his will against both his sovereign and his colleagues.
It wits perhaps characteristic of Gladstone, though it was unquestionibly unfortunate, that, in determining on this radical change of policy, he consulted few, if any, of his previous colleagues.
Lord Hartington, and others of his former colleagues, declined to join his administration; Mr Chamberlain, who, in the first instance, accepted office, retired almost at once from the ministry; and Bright, whose eloquence and past services gave him a unique position in the House, threw in his lot in opposition to Home Rule.
Between the dates of these two great books appeared La Voix de Guernesey, a noble and terrible poem on the massacre of Mentana which branded and commemorated for ever the papal and imperial infamy of the colleagues in that crime.
The ministers were no longer to be the members of a great party, acting together in pursuance of a common policy accepted by them all as a united body; they were to become nominees of the court, each holding himself answerable not to his colleagues but to the king, separately, individually and by department.
After the death of Severus (211) at Eboracum (York) in Britain, Caracalla and his brother Geta, who had accompanied their father, returned to Rome as colleagues in the supreme power.
C. Baur, assisted by able colleagues, if hardly less revolutionary, was much more in touch;with theology than Strauss had been.
Hence the famous scheme of Diocletian to divide the burden of government between four colleagues, in order to secure a better administration of civil and of military affairs.
Royer-Collard's colleagues is the sufficient proof that it was well chosen and had more than a personal application.
These colleagues came, it is true, from various quarters.
The prejudice against Disraeli as Jew, the revolt at his theatricalisms, the distrust of him as "mystery man," which up to this time had never died out even among men who were his nearest colleagues, were now more openly indulged.
Lord Palmerston now returned to Downing Street, and while he lived Disraeli and his colleagues had to satisfy themselves with what was meant for useful criticism, though with small hope that it was so for their own service.
But a strong opposing current of feeling, equally passionate, set in against the Turks; war began and lasted long; and as the agitation at home and the conflict abroad went on, certain of Disraeli's colleagues, who were staunch enough at the beginning, gradually weakened.
What countenance it had from his colleagues dropped away.
It should be remembered that what with the known timidity of his colleagues, and what with the strength and violence of the Russian party in England, his achievement at Berlin was like the reclamation of butter from a dog's mouth; as Prince Bismarck understood in acknowledging Disraeli's gifts of statesmanship. It should also be remembered, when his Eastern policy in 1876-1878 is denounced as malign and a failure, that it was never carried out.
It only marked at various stages the thwarting and suppression of his policy by colleagues who were haunted night and day by memories of the Crimean War, and not least, probably, by the fate of the statesmen who suffered for its blunders and their own.
Every variety of philosophical and theological opinion was represented there; most of my colleagues were -ists of one sort or another; and I, the man without a rag of a belief to cover himself with, could not fail to have some of the uneasy feelings which must have beset the historical fox when, after leaving the trap in which his tail remained, he presented himself to his normally elongated companions.
His colleagues generally adhered to the principle that the legislative and executive powers should be totally separate.
In France Narbonne failed to carry the king or his colleagues along with him.
The Jacobins desired the death of Louis, partly because they hated kings and deemed him a traitor, partly because they wished to envenom the Revolution, defy Europe and compromise their more temperate colleagues.
On the 8th the festival of the Supreme Being was solemnized, Robespierre acting as pontiff amid the outward deference and secret jeers of his colleagues.
Rewbell was an able, although unscrupulous, man of action, Barras a dissolute and shameless adventurer, La Revelliere Lepeaux the chief of a new sect, the Theophilanthropists, and therefore a bitter foe to other religions, especially the Catholic. Severe integrity and memorable public services raised Carnot far above his colleagues, but he was not a statesman and was hampered by his past.
Those who seemed to govern were usually the sport of chance, often the victims of their colleagues.
He differed from the majority of his colleagues in his strict attitude towards Sunday observance and in favouring, in the case of adultery, both divorce and the re-marriage of the innocent party.
He and his colleagues refused to administer the sacrament in the Bernese form, i.e.
But he and his colleagues insisted, on the other hand, that for the proper maintenance of discipline, there should be a division of parishes - that excommunications should be permitted, and should be under the power of elders chosen by the council, in v.
In France a tendency has been growing among deputies to use the interpellation as a method of attack on or accusation against individual colleagues.
He soon found another constituency at Oxford, and upon the formation of Lord Aberdeen's coalition ministry became president of the Board of Trade, although debarred by the jealousy of his Whig colleagues from a seat in the cabinet.
In 1854 he carried, almost without opposition, a most important and complicated act consolidating all existing shipping laws, but in 1855 resigned, with his Peelite colleagues, upon the appointment of Mr Roebuck's Sevastopol inquiry committee, declining the offer of the chancellorship. of the Exchequer pressed upon him by Lord Palmerston.
Parnell and 35 of his colleagues were suspended, and the bill became law on the 2nd of March, but not before great and permanent changes were made in parliamentary procedure.
The work was done at Paris until the French government stopped it, when Coverdale and his colleagues returned to England early in 1539 to complete it.
Bonnier and one of his colleagues, Claude Roberjot, were killed.
Henry II., a fanatic, went still further in his edict of Chteaubriant(155f), a code of veritable persecution, and in the coup d@at carried out in the parlement against Antoine du Bourg and his colleagues (1559).
Sagasta and his colleagues therefore devoted their attention chiefly to the material interests of the country.
Pending the dissolution and general election, Sagasta and his colleagues paid most attention to public peace and foreign affairs.
He was obliged to reconstruct the cabinet several times in order to get rid of troublesome colleagues like General Cassola, who wanted to make, himself a sort of military dictator, and Camacho, whose financial reforms and taxation schemes made him unpopular He had more often to reorganize the government in order to find seats in the cabinet for ambitious and impatient, worthies of the Liberal party-not always with success, as Seor Martos, president of the Congress, and the Democrats almost brought about a political crisis in 1889.
Unlike Lord Hartington (afterwards duke of Devonshire) and other Liberals, who declined to join Mr Gladstone in view of the altered attitude he was adopting towards Ireland, Mr Chamberlain entered the cabinet as president of the Local Government Board (with Mr Jesse Collings as parliamentary secretary), but on the 15th of March 1886 he resigned, explaining in the House of Commons (8th April) that, while he had always been in favour of the largest possible extension of local government to Ireland consistently with the integrity of the empire and the supremacy of parliament, and had therefore joined Mr Gladstone when he believed that this was what was intended, he was unable to consider that the scheme communicated by Mr Gladstone to his colleagues maintained those limitations.
He had looked at the empire from the colonial point of view, in a way only possible in a colonial atmosphere; and at home some of his colleagues had gone a long way, behind the scenes, to destroy one of the very factors on which the question of a practical scheme for imperial commercial federation seemed to hinge.
Hicks Beach, they were convinced free-importers on purely economic grounds; and Mr Balfour (q.v.), as premier, managed to hold his colleagues and party together by taking the line that particular opinions on economic subjects should not be made a test of party loyalty.
Amid the wreck of the party - Mr Balfour and several of his colleagues themselves losing their seats - he had the consolation of knowing that the tariff reformers won the only conspicuous successes of the election.
Its influence, however, was weakened by the death of Fox, and in consequence of a minute drawn up by Grenville and some of his colleagues the king demanded from his ministers an assurance that in future they would not urge upon him any measures for the relief of Roman Catholics.
Grenville's attitude in this matter was somewhat aggressive; his colleagues were not unanimous in supporting him, and Sheridan, one of them, said "he had known many men knock their heads against a wall, but he had never before heard of any man who collected the bricks and built the very wall with an intention to knock out his own brains against it."
On the 29th of June 1408 he and seven of his colleagues broke away from Gregory XII., and together with six cardinals of the obedience of Avignon, who had in like manner separated from Benedict XIII., they agreed to aim at the assembling of a general council, setting aside the two rival pontiffs, an expedient which they considered would put an end to the great schism of the Western Church, but which resulted in the election of yet a third pope.
A delegate from New York, he supported Madison in inducing the Convention to exceed its delegated powers and summon the Federal Convention of 1787 at Philadelphia (himself drafting the call); he secured a place on the New York delegation; and, when his anti-Federal colleagues withdrew from the Convention, he signed the Constitution for his state.
So long as his colleagues were present his own vote was useless, and he absented himself for some time from the debates after making one remarkable speech (June 18th, 1787).
He stayed behind to liaise with colleagues at the British Library.
Working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
Those attending a conference abroad tend to be the envy of their colleagues so complaints about such trials and tribulations elicit little sympathy.
A refusal to cover for absent colleagues Staff should refuse to cover for absent colleagues Staff should refuse to cover for absent or sick colleagues.
We celebrate achievements; we share in the success of our colleagues.
He is also best remembered by his older colleagues for his squeaky shoes and performing angiography dressed in a string vest and braces!
Our friendly colleagues on the academic journal antiquity recently launched an Antiquity prize for the best article published during the year.
Did any of her colleagues mind that she was a woman in a male bastion?
Himself better to designing bobsled stay awake during blair's colleagues are.
Hazel is still boggled by all the flowers, cards, book tokens etc from bereft colleagues... .
She and her colleagues have extensively studied sage and other botanicals in the treatment of Alzheimer's.
The old hands among my colleagues warned me never to arrest a burglar on the way in.
Jargon Busting | 95 KB The RealityHouse quick guide to Internet jargon -- understand the buzzwords and impress your colleagues.
Colleagues (and particularly clinical nurse specialists and link nurses) were found to be more useful and accessible.
They invite colleagues interested in presenting a paper to the panel to submit a 3-400 word abstract by 5th May.
Early success will give you confidence and results to help you persuade more resistant colleagues.
I asked academic colleagues in maritime law what they thought were obstacles in the way of uniformity.
The best referees will be your former tutors, department heads or senior colleagues.
All new starters follow a rigorous induction program and are partnered with experienced colleagues, to focus on training and development.
Such an announcement will greatly relieve his parliamentary colleagues.
The judgment also advised that retained firefighters should be entitled to enjoy the same benefits as their wholetime colleagues.
Surrounded by high caliber colleagues, the company offers an environment where mentoring is second nature and almost constant.
The intermediate care therapy team in conjunction with nursing colleagues will lead this service.
Describe what you see around you work colleagues, desktops, team work schedule boards.
Ask your Chinese colleagues or the hotel concierge which is the best place to visit.
During the 1980s, his work with a number of colleagues led to a greatly increased understanding of the acoustic correlates of phonation quality.
Thereafter, learning comes through working closely day-to-day with experienced colleagues, supported by regular briefings and training sessions.
Ansar and his colleagues not only recognize this dedication, but also share our enthusiasm for the Seven.
This I have failed to do, and thus I remain dependent on more expert colleagues.
This guidance takes account of your responses as well as the views of our colleagues in the Diocesan Board of Finance and neighboring dioceses.
Much to the shock and, in some cases, outright disgust of friends and colleagues I opted for Blackpool.
Em your colleagues sound dreadful, you have my sympathy!
But Mr Powell, the secretary of state, was once again enlisted to smooth the feathers ruffled by his hawkish colleagues.
This will enable exhibitors and delegates to conduct virtual meetings with clients and colleagues back at the office.
Last night Robert Ellis demonstrated why he is one of our colleagues to have been awarded a prestigious national teaching fellowship.
I never got to see Hardee's legendary genitalia in the flesh, but the same no longer applies to his colleagues.
Treat a loved one on a special occasion, or have a get-together with family, friends or colleagues.
Excuse me... Some of these remarks may be felt by colleagues to be almost heretical, and possibly damaging to The Cause.
Ross MacGibbon's style is not histrionic; he does not raise the temperature among his colleagues in the way that directors sometimes can.
The charity also helps the voluntary hospices to provide training for colleagues outside the movement working in the hospice's local area.
Echoing his fierce esthetic independence, he did not conform to the image or lifestyle of his avant-garde colleagues.
Tommy Sheridan's evident discomfort at the early high jinx of his new colleagues was revealing.
It is running with colleagues from 8 LEAs in partnership with schools from those leagues from 8 LEAs in partnership with schools from those LEAs.
ReaCTor can be linked to other SEOS environments world-wide through remote linkups, enabling colleagues to work alongside each other regardless of geographical location.
But the chief magistrate and his colleagues were not deterred from doing their duty.
If they are colleagues from the same country there is a risk that the environment will be largely monolingual and not English-speaking.
Earlier in the day I spotted one of my colleagues, who lives nearby, out jogging!
Her many friends and colleagues were shocked and saddened by the news.
Member for Ashford and his colleagues to back off from their previous position, as it is clearly nonsensical.
A lot of my colleagues would agree that they're pretty obsessed.
The agent in charge of the investigation called a nearby pizza parlor with delivery service to order a quick dinner for his colleagues.
One of your colleagues has found a large plunger and is approaching the toilets with an expression of grim determination.
It was taken up by the newly formed provisionals, followed by the SDLP's John Hume and his colleagues.
He often regales his colleagues with many anecdotes from an action-packed life of decadence, glamor and sophistication.
You and your colleagues must take care to protect the secrecy of your password for WebLearn.
Some of his colleagues are serving sentences for possessing reading material deemed seditious.
In the interests of winning, his colleagues show remarkable self-restraint.
I still remember my colleagues ' laughter as the first snowflakes fell and I asked if we'd be sent home!
Alex Cunningham and colleagues took delivery of a Shimadzu UV 2501 dual beam spectrophotometer in November 2004.
Meanwhile in Britain New Labor government spin doctor apologizes for cynical email advising colleagues to exploit the aftermath of the Twin Towers catastrophe.
Stoicism shown by our US colleagues.
Moreover, Whiten and colleagues found no evidence that habits vary more between, than within, the three existing chimpanzee subspecies of chimpanzee.
Joining the team as a new graduate, you will get expert guidance from team leaders and colleagues, quickly becoming an expert yourself.
Things happened that first exposed the treachery of one of these two colleagues.
However we clearly cannot significantly undercut those colleagues who are in specialty practices.
To find out, Alan Brown (Southern Methodist University, USA) and colleagues surveyed 218 first-year psychology undergraduates.
Harry's story, like many of his war time colleagues, has remained untold.
Many of his former colleagues in the Tory Party and the Tory press have heaped vitriol on him.
Why not speak to your colleagues and submit a collective grievance and try to get the water cooler put back.
According to my colleagues I was pure white, very wide-eyed.
A separate study carried out by super-slow advocate Wayne Westcott and colleagues, however, provided evidence to support the use of super-slow workouts.
He develops a unique computer program, gets paid zillions, and develops a romantic interest with one of his work colleagues.
One effect of the Taiping rebellion was to close the native custom-house at Shanghai; and as Lhe corrupt alternatives proposed by the Chinese were worse than useless, it was arranged by Sir Rutherford Alcock, the British consul, with his French and American colleagues, that they should undertake to collect the duties on goods owned by foreigners entering and leaving the port.
Sometimes in conjunction only with Vansittart, sometimes absolutely alone, he protested unceasingly against the policy and practices of his colleagues.
During the civil war he fought on the side of Otho against Vitellius, and obtained a considerable success against Aulus Caecina Alienus (one of the Vitellian generals) near Cremona, but did not follow it up. When Caecina had been joined by Fabius Valens, Paulinus advised his colleagues not to risk a decisive battle, but his advice was disregarded, and Otho (q.v.) was utterly defeated at Bedriacum.
In that article it is mentioned that a Scotsman in 1594 in a letter to Tycho Brahe held out some hope of logarithms; it is likely that the person referred to is John Craig, son of Thomas Craig, who has been mentioned as one of the colleagues of John Napier's father as justice-depute.
Consequently, the two archbishops and their colleagues declared that the articles in the charter which provided for this inquiry, and for a remedy against abuses of the forest laws by the king, must not be interpreted in too harsh a spirit.
Moreover, all Mr. Henderson's Labour colleagues in the Government opposed his views; and on Mr. Lloyd George expressing the surprise of the rest of the War Cabinet at his action and their dissent from his policy he resigned and was succeeded by Mr. George Barnes.
Some of them were already manifest when one of its author's colleagues, Schlegel (who had been employed to write the text for Susemihl's plates, originally intended to illustrate Temminck's work), brought out his bilingual Revue critique des oiseaux d'Europe (8vo, 1844), a very remarkable volume, since it correlated and consolidated the labours of French and German, to say nothing of Russian, ornithologists.
In Dec. 1917 Mr. Wickham Steed succeeded in bringing together Trumbic and his colleagues first with General Mola and Signori Emanuel and Chiesi (of the Corriere and Secolo), and then with the Italian Irredentist Socialist leaders.
So long as he held aloof from Ledru-Rollin and the more radical of his colleagues, the disunion resulting weakened the government; as soon as he effected an approximation to them the middle classes fell off from him.
Lord Russell, backed by Gladstone, persuaded his colleagues to consent to a moderate Reform Bill, and the task of piloting this measure through the House of Commons fell to Gladstone.
Fox increased its unpopularity both in the House and in the country by consenting against the wish of most of his colleagues to ask for the grant of a sum of £10o,000 a year to the prince of Wales.
The first break came in the spring of 1804 when Burr, who had incurred the enmity of his Republican colleagues in 1800 by seeking Federalist votes in the electoral college at Jefferson's expense, became an independent candidate for governor against Morgan Lewis.
The early disasters of the unlucky war of1675-1679were rightly attributed to the carelessness, extravagance, procrastination and general incompetence of De la Gardie and his high aristocratic colleagues.
He refused, indeed, Talleyrand's offer of a place in his ministry, pleading his long absence from France and ignorance of its conditions; but after Talleyrand's retirement he consented to follow him as prime minister, though - as he himself said - he did not know the face of one of his colleagues.
To colleagues and subordinates alike, he was considerate and tolerant; he was unassuming, trustworthy in the smallest detail, accurate and comprehensive in thought, energetic and conscientious in action.
Persuading the king to forgo £120,000 of his civil list, and his colleagues in the cabinet to relinquish part of their ministerial stipends, he effected savings amounting to £2,400,000, proposed new taxation to the extent of £1,600,000, and induced landowners to pay one year's instalment of the land tax in advance.
In all these transactions, whilst full justice must be done to the force and patriotic vigour which Lord Palmerston brought to bear on the questions he took in hand, it was but too apparent that he imported into them an amount of passion, of personal animosity, and imperious language which rendered him in the eyes of the queen and of his colleagues a dangerous minister.
A commission of the chambers drew up an indictment against Catargiu and his late colleagues, accusing them of violating the constitution and the public liberties, squandering the state revenues, and other abuse of power.
But Warwick was one of those ministers who love to do everything for themselves, and chafe at masters and colleagues who presume to check or to criticise their actions.
He took for colleagues some of the strongest and most popular statesmen of the Liberal party, virtually representing the three important groups of men of the Revolution united under his leadershipveteran Liberals like Camacho and Venancio Gonzalez; Moderates like Alonzo Martinez, Gamazo and Marshal Jovellar; and Democrats like Moret, Montero Rios and Admiral Beranger.
She rattled on; how nice it was to meet her daughter 's colleagues.
It 's peppered with endless real-life anecdotes about the author 's own work experiences and those of his friends, family and colleagues.
Instant messaging allows you to communicate in real-time with friends, family and colleagues directly from your computer.
Some of their colleagues think this reeks of hypocrisy.
It would be regrettable to see teaching becoming makeshift and spread by colleagues trying to improvise as philosophers or science historians.
Collaborative working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
Mr Turner was pleased to meet up with many of his former colleagues to reminisce about the past.
Two years ago a contract in a job was not renewed when I told my employer and colleagues that I was HIV positive.
Rose - who had made several outstanding saves - came up to join her colleagues ringed round the Australian circle.
Sitting in the nearest bar with my former colleagues we used to scream with laughter at the antics !
Which is why WDM, with campaigning colleagues across Europe, is shining the spotlight on the business lobbyists.
I still remember my colleagues ' laughter as the first snowflakes fell and I asked if we 'd be sent home !
The evening is opened by a man on a BMX somersaulting through the air over the top of one of his colleagues.
Therefore I did not get it when work colleagues started putting staplers in green jelly.
Careful hunting in the limestone revealed examples of the algal laminations and small domed stromatolites discovered by Margaret Wood and colleagues in the 70s.
The tic ' s eMedia Center Manager, Steve Smith chaired the table with colleagues Bez Shivani, Dave Taylor and Ha Vu.
To his new colleagues he could offer nothing but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
For them, it was plainly the Chancellor who spent the campaign trampling all over colleagues ' territory.
Did I not let my colleagues down by refusing to commit treason against the Nigerian people !
The unlikely adventurers kicked off their fundraising efforts with an ' RBS bush tucker trial ' in front of an audience of 100 colleagues.
It would be used to help their colleagues or themselves if they were unlucky enough to suffer from TB.
Harry 's story, like many of his war time colleagues, has remained untold.
I did not answer very quickly, so some colleagues gave me withering glances.
You could see it like two work colleagues denying they were having a relationship and dating.
The woman's presumptuous questioning made her new colleagues suspicious of her motives.
You obtain feedback that triggers a discussion among you and your colleagues and discover an opportunity that you never knew existed.
Be aware, too, that you or your colleagues may feel threatened by managers and senior leaders who possess more experience or a higher specialized skill level than you do.
He, along with many of his colleagues, firmly believes that time spent guiding a baby through the usage of a computer is very beneficial.
In addition to getting recommendations from friends, family and colleagues regarding a good roofer, you can also utilize sites like Yelp and Angie's List.
Once you learn how to do this, friends and colleagues alike will be clamoring for tips on how to select the best fresh fruits for their home spreads.
Given the current state of the technology, the best use of the resulting photos is to post them on a Web site or to send them to friends, family or colleagues via email.
Prepaid Visa gift cards also make ideal gifts for friends, family members and colleagues.
You can also ask colleagues, relatives and friends, or others you'd trust for recommendations.
During World War I, he was in charge of over 400 patients at the hospital and was well respected by his colleagues.
Have professors, colleagues or friends look your resume over to make sure everything makes sense and is accurate.
If you're having troubling settling on a class or provider, ask your colleagues for suggestions.
The rest of the world will just have to see where they and their colleagues take the genre from here.
If you have no references, pick up the phone and start talking to former managers, and colleagues.
It's important to people to get along with their colleagues and supervisors.
Ask your colleagues, in a very discreet and non threatening way, to stop.
He had been one of my male colleagues in the junior-high-school Herpetology Club; I was the only female member.
Asking friends, family members, and colleagues where they spent their honeymoons may bring some wonderful destinations to minds and give you specific things to consider.
We were colleagues for years as well as friends, so I knew a business relationship would be perfect!
She also runs The Beauty Department, where she and two of her colleagues offer up advice.
The sudden death of Heath Ledger left many friends, family members, colleagues and fans heartbroken.
He was loved and greatly respected by his colleagues, friends and family.
In addition, since you are living in cramped quarters you must make a concerted effort to get along with your fellow colleagues.
Ask your colleagues who buy wholesale jewelry for recommended wholesale businesses.
Men who pursue modeling have to go through the same processes as their female colleagues.
Some jobs are flexible enough so that you can get away with wearing a business casual outfit with a tie, while your colleagues come to work in jeans and a T-shirt.
Along with dressing like your supervisors and colleagues, ask yourself, "Is my job in jeopardy?"
It's a valuable ability to say goodbye and thank you to colleagues and bosses, who have, for a large part, been your family-from-family for so many years.
Giving good retirement dinner speeches is integral to letting work colleagues know how grateful a person is for their efforts.
Work colleagues often become close friends, confidants, and much more.
Walk-in wine cellars are a great way to show off your collection to friends and colleagues.
Great for rugged job sites, this technology in Sprint PCS phones helps workers stay connected with their colleagues.
This way, you can stay focused on the road while being able to maintain a conversation with business colleagues, friends and loved ones.
Stay in touch with colleagues and associates without racking up text messaging fees.
The Straight Talk application also allows you to make conference calls and talk to groups of colleagues or friends at a time.
On the downside, a new SIM card and a new provider also means that you have a new phone number that you'll have to distribute to your colleagues and co-workers.
Berry Brazelton and his colleagues developed the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS), commonly known as "the Brazelton."
Many report that once they have children their professional aspirations are not taken as seriously by colleagues or superiors.
Many part-timers carry workloads disproportionate to the number of hours they put in, sometimes being required to be available by telephone to clients or colleagues during their hours at home.
For Rothbart and her colleagues, the infant's ability to focus its attention is the basis of its later ability to regulate its reactions to people and events.
In the 1990s, in Galen's Prophecy, Jerome Kagan and his colleagues studied two types of children whom they defined as inhibited and uninhibited (or exuberant) respectively.
Inhibited-A type of child defined by Jerome Kagan and his colleagues as having a low level of responsiveness to strangers, a reluctance to initiate activities, and requiring a long time to relax in new situations.
Friends, colleagues, or networking websites can be great resources.
For example, if pumping your breast milk is important to you, find a way to make it happen by coordinating with your employer and your colleagues.
Not only will you look conspicuously out of place, but your colleagues may gossip about your choice of dress.
Another great way to decipher what is business causal appropriate is to take your dress cues from a supervisor, not your colleagues.
Slip into a pair of peep-toe pumps or T-strap heels and you're all set for a day at the office or an after-hours get together with colleagues and friends.
They treat each other as valued colleagues.
Popcorn is a popular snack, so people are often interested in purchasing it to stock their own pantries as well as to use for special occasion gifts for friends, family, and colleagues.
The holiday season is the perfect time to reach out to clients and colleagues with a smart and thoughtful corporate Christmas gift.
Many employees and colleagues work year-round just to make your job easier.
The holiday season is the perfect time to reach out to clients and colleagues with a thoughtful and sincere business Christmas card.
People who consider themselves sexually adventurous may worry about offending friends, family or colleagues if they are open about their interests in their everyday lives.
Posting an ad on any online dating site means that you might be recognized by acquaintances or colleagues.
Your friends and colleagues already have a good sense of you, they might know your kids, and they'll have an idea what you're looking for.
The first time she next to me, and then the next time she was talking to some colleagues but immediately jumped into my space next to me and continued her conversation.
Is she interested in a professional relationship between two colleagues who work together?
Your colleagues at your current job may ask if you honestly think you have the skills necessary to be a successful freelance writer.
While people who work in a traditional office environment have a group of colleagues to socialize with, writers usually work from home.
Past clients who have been pleased with your work may invite you to work with them on an ongoing basis or recommend your services to their colleagues in need of a ghostwriter.
You can sport the latest in European chic and be the envy of your friends and colleagues when they wonder where you found such a fabulous bag.
You'd make a good entrepreneur because you follow your instincts and often shock your conservative colleagues by your sudden actions and improvised plans.
There are certain influences that could have you arguing with colleagues, so be aware and avoid all conflict.
His colleagues didn't notice how drunk he was, as one by one they left the restaurant.
He also goes back to the online dating world, then embarks on an affair with one of his colleagues.
The UK's General Medical Council, which provides British medical licenses and safeguards medical ethics, is investigating the inaccurate data charges against Wakefield and a number of his colleagues who were involved in the study.
Eric Schopler and his colleagues established the program in the early 1970s.
Business reports generally follow the same format, and provide concise information to colleagues, associates, clients and others.
My collaboration with colleagues and the projects I've worked on have been a great experience.
Let SightSpped turn your PC or Mac into an easy-to-use video phone to communicate with business colleagues around the world.
The memo is used to send information to colleagues, workers in other departments, and management personnel.
Follow these suggestions and your business memo will be an effective way of communicating with your colleagues.
By making them mini-sized, you can save money on your giveaways.No matter what form of business card you decide to use, you want a card that your customers and colleagues will hold onto for future contact.
Managers and colleagues often receive requests for letters of recommendation, but it's tedious to write custom letters each and every time you receive a request.
Your former co-workers may be friends, as well as work colleagues, and you will want to maintain those relationships.
Professionals can turn to colleagues to review their resumes and offer advice on creating a better resume.
You may want to start by asking friends and colleagues who have the type of job that you want to allow you to look at their resumes.
When you take the time to send thank you letters, you are taking an important step in establishing and building relationships with suppliers, colleagues, supervisors, and customers.
Resume reference samples can provide you with examples to share with colleagues, teachers and coworkers you may ask to provide you with a character reference.
I worked with Mary Smith at Acme Printing for six years, acting as her supervisor early in her career, then as colleagues after her promotion to manager.
After you've obtained your visa, be sure to prepare for your trip by learning business etiquette and what business attire to wear for your meeting with your Chinese colleagues.
Hundreds of business letters help managers, business owners and company representatives effectively communicate their ideas to customers, colleagues and shareholders.
Some templates offer a good foundation for your letter, but the text does not help you effectively communicate with customers and colleagues.
If you plan to distribute your business cards primarily among current customers or business colleagues, the use of your photo isn't the best use of space on your business card.
Writing a goodbye letter for your coworkers is a great way to end your time with your colleagues, and give them an avenue to keep in touch with you!
They follow a set pattern and format that makes it easier for you to write them and for your staff and colleagues to glean pertinent information from them.
It is best to take the time to first research the needs of the team, and then compare both the sources found online and the reviews of your colleagues and other cheer coaches.
Dr. Michael Boshmann and his colleagues at Berlin's Franz-Volhard Clinical Research Center actually tracked energy expenditures of 14 participants.
Go visit your colleagues instead of sending them emails all the time.
Encounters at the supermarket, even chats among colleagues turn into fun moments of repartee.
If your friends or colleagues are chocoholics, send them the basket of their dreams filled with gourmet chocolates.
The cameras occasionally take a break from following Seagal and his colleagues to show different sides of the action hero.
As well as being a 7th Dan Black Belt in Aikido, he is well-versed in firearms and SWAT methods and will teach his knowledge to colleagues and rookie cops.
As a Vulcan, Mr. Spock has a few abilities that his human colleagues lack.
This loss of privacy is balanced by benefits such as easy collaboration with colleagues within an industry, and access to large social networks of like-minded individuals who offer advice and knowledge.
Social networking can be one of the best ways to find new employers, find old colleagues, flesh out ideas and to just make business contacts.
Over 30 million corporate professionals use of LinkedIn to make contact for career endeavors, to swap ideas and to reconnect with executives and colleagues in their own specific work industry.
There are fewer "I wonder whatever happened to…" conversations, as people from all generations are able to catch up with old friends and colleagues on platforms that were never available before.
You and your colleagues can choose the scrubs that best suit your practice and your preference.
Ask colleagues and your social network what designers they recommend.
Immediately after the accession of the Emperor Francis Joseph all the concessions of March had been revoked and Kossuth with his colleagues outlawed.
During the first weeks of the queen's sorrow after the battle, Gavin, with one or two colleagues of the council, acted as personal adviser, and it may be taken for granted that he supported the pretensions of the young earl.
His Zwinglian view of the Eucharist disturbed his relations with his Catholic colleagues.
In April 1892 Alem and his chief colleagues were arrested and sent into exile.
At the head of the financial organization of France, and exercising a general jurisdiction, is the minister of finance, who co-ordinates in one general budget the separate budgets prepared by his colleagues and assigns to each ministerial department the sums necessary for its expenses.
In May he refused to take the oath of supremacy, acquiring like his colleagues consistency with old age.
Outside the all-important domain of finance, the attention of Minghetti and his colleagues was principally absorbed by strife between church and state, army reform and railway redemption.
The attitude of several of his colleagues was more equivocal, but though they coquetted with French financiers in the hope of obtaining the support of the Paris Bourse for Italian securities, the precipitate renewal of the alliance destroyed all probability of a close understanding with France.
At the same time he mitigated the Francophil tendencies of some of his colleagues, accompanied King Humbert and Queen Margherita on their visit to Homburg in September 1897, and, by loyal observance of the spirit of the triple alliance, retained for Italy the confidence of her allies without forfeiting the goodwill of France.
On his return to Liegnitz he helped to spread the principles of the Reformation in the principality and in Silesia, while warning his colleagues against the abuse of the doctrine of justification by faith.
It is clear, however that he did not share the "passion" of his colleagues for "peace with honour," clear also that he wholly misread the intentions of the European powers in the event of war.
This confidence made him less disposed than many of his colleagues to make the best of the renunciation of the candidature made, on behalf of his son, by the prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.
The bishops, particularly St Irenaeus of Lyons, declared themselves in favour of the usage of Rome, but refused to associate themselves with the excommunication pronounced by Victor against their Asiatic colleagues.
The strong and masterful character of these and other colleagues made the task of the prime minister one of unusual difficulty, a fact which was recognized by contemporaries.
On the last point, however, the case was carried to the Supreme Court of the United States, and there Webster, presenting principally arguments of his colleagues at the state trial and making a powerful appeal to the emotions of the court, won the case for the college and for himself the front rank at the American bar.
Like Jean Hardouin he got to believe that a great deal of what is called classical literature was compiled by anonymous authors at a much later date, and he used frequently to startle his colleagues, the Gustavian academicians, by his audacious paradoxes.
Most of his colleagues refused to take the oath of obedience to the Constituent Assembly, after the attempted escape of Louis XVI.
Carnot, the ablest administrator, but not the strongest man, soon joined Barthelemy in opposing their Jacobinical colleagues - Barras, Rewbell and Larevelliere - Lepeaux.
Thus while among his own colleagues he seemed merely a hypocritical and arrogant priest, in his relations with his brother humanists, such as Cosimo de Medici, he appeared as the student of classical antiquities and especially of Greek theological authors.
He became (1649) professor of philosophy and theology at Herborn, but subsequently (1651), in consequence of the jealousy of his colleagues, accepted an invitation to a similar post at Duisburg,, where he died on the 31st of January 1665.
In 1862 he again was appointed minister, but with others of his colleagues he resigned when the king refused his assent to a measure for extending the franchise.
His great difficulty lay in managing his colleagues, who were, especially Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams, able men of strong wills and jarring tempers.
He was the only Russian statesman of the day with sufficient foresight to grasp the fact that the Baltic seaboard, or even a part of it, was worth more to Muscovy than ten times the same amount of territory in Lithuania, and, despite ignorant jealousy of his colleagues, succeeded (Dec. 1658) in concluding a three-years' truce whereby the Muscovites were left in possession of all their conquests in Livonia.
Servilius Caepio 1 declared that the treasury could not stand the strain, and Saturninus's own colleagues interposed their veto.
Marius, finding himself overshadowed by his colleagues and compromised by their excesses, thought seriously of breaking with them, and Saturninus and Glaucia saw that their only hope 1 According to some, the son of the Caepio mentioned above.
For a few months in 1830 he held office as minister of justice, but, finding himself out of harmony with his colleagues, he resigned before the close of the year and resumed his place in the opposition.
On the 14th Dr Wekerle, at the ministerial conference assembled at Vienna for the purpose of discussing the estimates to be laid before the delegations, announced that the dissensions among his colleagues made the continuance of the Coalition government impossible.
He had become its leader as a conciliator of the various sections, and it was as a conciliator, ready to sympathize with the strong views of all sections of his following, that he kept the party together, while his colleagues went their own ways in their own departments.
For much of all this the prime minister's colleagues were primarily responsible; but he himself had given a lead to the anti-militarist section by prominently advocating international disarmament, and the marked rebuff to the British proposals at the Hague conference of 1907 exposed alike the futility of this Radical ideal and the general inadequacy of the prime minister's policy of pacificism.
The aldermen are not mentioned as the colleagues of the mayor until the very end of the 13th century, except in the case of Fitz-Ailwin's Assize of 1189, and this, of course, related specially to the duties of aldermen as heads of the wards of the city.
Two of the number are nominated by their colleagues as burgomasters, who preside in succession for a year at a time and hold office four years, one retiring every two years.
In 1837, on the 18th of November, along with six of his colleagues he signed a formal protest against the action of King Ernst August (duke of Cumberland) in abolishing the liberal constitution of 1833, which had been granted to the Hanoverians by his predecessor William IV.
Gladstone once said of himself and his Peelite colleagues, during the period of political isolation, that they were like roving icebergs on which men could not land with safety, but with which ships might come into perilous collision.
But he and his colleagues were now, in Disraelitish phrase, " exhausted volcanoes."
Several of his former colleagues declined to join him, on the ground of their absolute hostility to the policy of Home Rule; others joined on the express understanding that they were only pledged to consider the policy, and did not fetter their further liberty of action.
But when Mr. Asquith's Ministry fell he retired from office along with that minister's principal colleagues.
Finding, however, that his colleagues in the administration favoured a much more leisurely rate of progress than he himself advocated, he once more retired into private life (1876) and renewed his liberal propagandism.
The chief attack came, however, from Baur (1845) and his colleagues of the Tubingen school.
We are told that the universal example of his colleagues, rather than any desire for female society, impelled him to matrimony; his choice being a lady of the Conti family, who, by his request, joined him at Berlin.
Nothing now remained but for the king to request Dr Wekerle to remain " for the present " in office with his colleagues, thus postponing the settlement of the crisis (July 4).
The Cuvaj Dictatorship. - The triumphant vindication of Mr. Supilo and his colleagues of the Serbo-Croat coalition gave a fresh incentive to the idea of unity throughout the southern Slav provinces of Austria-Hungary.
A week later Trumbic and his colleagues were welcomed on the Balkan front by the Voivode Misic with an impassioned speech in favour of unity.
On their return to South Africa the Boer generals and their colleagues aided to some extent in the work of.resettlement, but the seats offered to the Boers on the executive council were declined.
His inexperience in the routine work of government, the utterly unpractical nature of his colleagues, and the turbulence of the Parisian mob, proved fatal to his chances.
On the same day Lord John Russell, without announcing his intention to his colleagues, resigned his office as president of the council sooner than attempt the defence of the government.
In the meantime, killing dealers he used to consider colleagues or allies weighed heavily on his emotions at a time when he needed to think clearly.
He soon began to attract attention by the memoires which he read before his colleagues - papers which formed the first draft of his comprehensive work on ideology.
After the insurrection of the 10th of August, Roland was recalled to power, one of his colleagues being Danton.
Montono dissenting both from the conclusion of his colleagues and from the reasons on which it was based.
When the Union was established General Botha became prime minister, two of his colleagues, Messrs Smuts and Hull, also joining the Union ministry.
Lord Palmerston soon saw that further resistance was useless; his Peelite colleagues stuck to their text, and, within three weeks after resuming office, Gladstone, Sir James Graham and Mr Sidney Herbert resigned.
On the 2nd of December Disraeli, who had succeeded Lord Derby as premier in the preceding February, announced that he and his colleagues, recognizing their defeat, had resigned without waiting for a formal vote of the new parliament.